Sunday, January 31, 2010

WEATHER PATTERN AT VISAKHAPATNAM 17th January to 27th January 2010 :BY KLN
Volume 2010, Issue No.1,Dt.27/01/2010 10:02:59
Weather pattern at Visakhapatnam during 17th to 27th January 2010
By Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU) 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O.Viskahaptnam-530002

email Id:

The solar wind stream of energetic protons of energies 10GeV would definitely loosen the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta within these crystalline and chemically bound structured Mars material. The quanta being fermions will cause the electron scattering making it much easier for the electrons and low energy protons to escape at the magnetosphere plasma mirror points. The event of Solar Flare emissions of the 19th January 2010 obviously spurted the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta from both the Lunar and the Martial material. This explains succinctly the appearance of fine particulate matter invisible to the naked eye in the Atmospheres of Earth and the Mars. These quanta get liberated and traverse the Lunar-Earth distance very easily to lodge collided and embedded in the particulate matter of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The X-Ray scattering broadening and the brightness features of the Earth’s terrestrial atmosphere and the ionosphere would have existed bathed with these quanta excited molecular structures. To assess the phenomenon the author has recorded the visible spectrum of the Moon to establish the fact that the blue scattering persists much more enhanced. This prompts to understand in a very vivid manner the finding of the present author that the alternative explanation of the Stokes and anti-Stokes shift of spectral lines (and Smekal spectroscopy observation of shifts) by Rao and Anti-Rao quanta is feasible.The exciting possibility for neutrino physics and astrophysics is the possibility of formation of a muon-like entity by means of the following association: μR-==> R - + antineutrino electron + neutrinorao with obviously the other possibility of association with R + of neutrino positron and the antineutrinorao giving μR + . The X-irradiation of the mineral material of the surface of Moon and The Mars does indeed produces these new variety of fermion entities. The specific charge is very small (could it be fractional?) and masses involved are of the order of neutrino masses!
KEYWORDS: Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta, Alternative Physics, Stokes & Anti-Stokes lnes, Smekal A G, Rangadhama Rao, Foggy weather, X Ray ,UV light ,Extream UV light, excitations, Earth's ionization, Martian Atmosphere, Coronal Hole, Solar Flares,composite minerals, Dosimeters, Force Field vibrations,
The weather pattern during the 17th January 2010 and the 27th January 2010 is of astounding interest in view that the period follows the successive partial lunar eclipse on the 1st and the Solar eclipses of the year 2010 on the 15th instants of this month. Sequel to these celestial phenomenon there existed the Solar Flare and the Coronal Hole disturbances that have reached the Earth’s atmosphere. The object of the present article is to present a cohesive view of the weather pattern as found by the present author in Visakhapatnam.
Mars takes about 687 days to complete one revolution around the Sun and Mars has been found to be at its closest distance from Earth on the 27th January 2010. Most of the Martian surface is windblown dust and sand that "hides" the composite Minerals formed in soils include ferric oxides, carbonates and sulfates (Viking Lander1). Large parts of the Martian surface with a dark red visible colour have been interpreted as duricrust enriched in hydrated minerals and iron oxides. Duricrust is a soil cemented by minerals, and may contain sulphate salts.
The thin atmosphere of Mars has an average surface pressure of only 0.007 bars or about 5 mmHg. This pressure would correspond to that about 30 km above the Earth's surface. The Martian atmosphere is primarily 95% Carbon Dioxide wit amounts of only 3% Nitrogen and 2% Argon.

Space Weather Conditions:

A record of the varied variety of the Solar system disturbances and its phenomenal features are available at a click’s convenience on the global networks. The huge data needs to be analysed and it would definitely costs money and the effort of specialists and the amateurs alike. Due credit goes to all the people involved in the sophisticated system probes, digital instruments designed and appropriately positioned in the interplanetary space and even beyond the Solar system to collect the data of the different physical, chemical and other environmental parameters. Even the daily newspapers and science & technology featured articles in various magazines are totally based on these observations and availability of the data on the internet. The scientific attitude in the analysis of this data seems to be of a prize possession only among the few in the world. The reason being that the interested person (or the persons) needs to have the requisite qualifications, expertise, an uncommon sense and uncanny abilities to measure the data. Dedicated are very few and their effort is of great importance to others. Of course, even the common experiences of the weather need to be analysed since the globe is full of humanity.
The Solar Flares during the mentioned period have greatly influenced the Earth’s atmosphere. Especially in the morning of 27th January 2010 between 3.36AM to almost 10AM the foggy and chilly weather persisted that has affected the health of many a people in Visakhapatnam. Added to it of course was the release of effluents into the atmosphere by the nearby Industrial firms of the city.
Of interest is the fact that the MARS planet has reached its near most position relative to earth on the 27th January 2010. The atmosphere of Earth has been thus charged with both the X-Rays of the upper atmosphere (that have ionized the lower atmospheric levels of the Europe and the Pacific South Asian Countries) and the Solar Flare emissions (of the Sun spot 1039) impact on the planet MARS.

Analysis of the Data and some findings:

The later is a finding of the present author since foggy weather of the Saturday and the successive days at Visakhapatnam was a bit unusual and out of the pace of the after affects of the partial solar eclipse. The after affects of the partial solar eclipse lasted only for about 48hours and then the Solar Flare emissions have influenced the weather pattern. The after affects of partial lunar eclipse occurred over an extended period of time unlike the partial solar eclipse after affects.
Rudolf Slosiar in Bojnice, Slovakia, recorded on SID monitor, a surge in signal strength of the propagation of low-frequency radio signals. An M2-blast recorded by STEREO-B at 1756 GMT on Jan. 20th due to the M2-class solar flare on Jan. 19th, 2010 that immersed Earth’s upper atmosphere in X-rays and caused a wave of ionization.
The image given below shows the fog conditions that persisted in the morning of 23rd ‎January ‎2010 at 07: 08: 18AM due to the Solar Flare ionization. The Visakhapatnam District tropical forest areas and the villages interior with good vegetation around have experienced chillier and fog weather conditions than the sea-side areas during the four days 22nd to 27th January 2010.

The ionization of the Earth caused Radio blackout. During the period of 72 minutes 13:02 UT to 15:04 UT, the ionosphere disturbances in the low frequency range at 20.27kHz and 23:40kHz have been recorded by Rudolf Slosiar on the January 19th, 2010. The Solar wind speed and the proton density scaled by 100 variations are shown against the date in the graph given below.

The protons, positively charged particles, would traverse along the geomagnetic field lines on entry in to the magnetosphere and produce some ionization at the lower level of planetary ionosphere, i.e. around 50km in the case of Earth by directly colliding with the atmospheric particles. These protons of low density of about 10GeV produce substantial increase in the D-layer of about 60-90km at all latitudes.

Closest Approach of Mars to Earth and its brightness on 27th January 2010
Even though the Sun spot activity seems to be a minimum the space weather data obtained from various sources indicates that the sub-relativistic particles with energies between 10MeV to 100MeV produce strong ionization in the D-layer at the Polar caps. In this sense the phenomenon of the closest approach (93330million km) of Mars to the Earth is favorable for scattering of solar stream in full brightness towards the Earth. The scattered particles (of relativistic and as well the sub-relativistic particles) carry with them the fine mars ionosphere particulate energetic features. The ionosphere on the mars extends only 80 to 350km. So the possibility of continuous escape of electrons of with small pitch angles in the mirror points is feasible. Such trapped electrons on the Earth drift towards eastward their number being very large on the west side of South Atlantic. This enhances the South Atlantic Anomaly.
The solar stream protons interact with the charge exchange with the neutral atoms and get converted to low energy protons which are easily removed by interactions at lower levels. The present author’s contention is that the lower Mar’s atmosphere of only 10E-02 to 10E-04 atmospheres offers an excellent opportunity for the low energy protons to collide with the fine dust particulate matter of the planet Mars. Moreover the stream of neutral hydrogen produced in the sudden solar flares can enter both the Mar’s and the Earth’s magnetospheres without any hindrance and produce low energy protons due to collisions inside the respective magnetospheres.
Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta scattering & Possibility of a Novel Binding Force:
The present author has formulated a new theory years ago that the force field vibrations of simple molecules of XY2, XY3 and XY4 etc structures can generate the Quantal Spinorial entities termed the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta [1 to 8]. The studies were made on the simple molecular structures that were embedded in complex crystals and metallic oxides. Now the evidence has been found for the rocks of the Moon i.e. dark colored-almost purple- to be constituted by big metallic grains. The Moon mission space craft has got deposited on it several drops of metallic dust grains embedded with frozen water-like molecules. This supports the thought of a new binding force with the metallic oxides of the water-like small embedded molecular structures by the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta. [12]
Similarly on the surface of the planet Mars space robots have discovered the frozen ice etc. within the red soil and more in abundance slightly below the martial surface. The solar wind stream of energetic protons of energies 10GeV would definitely loosen the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta within these crystalline and chemically bound structured Mars material. The quanta being fermions will cause the electron scattering making it much easier for the electrons and low energy protons to escape at the magnetosphere plasma mirror points. The event of Solar Flare emissions of the 19th January 2010 obviously spurted the Rao and the Anti-Rao quanta from both the Lunar and the Martial material. This explains succinctly the appearance of fine particulate matter invisible to the naked eye in the Atmospheres of Earth and the Mars. These quanta get liberated and traverse the Lunar-Earth distance very easily to lodge collided and embedded in the particulate matter of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The X-Ray scattering broadening and the brightness features of the Earth’s terrestrial atmosphere and the ionosphere would have existed bathed with these quanta excited molecular structures. [9 to 11]
To assess the phenomenon the author has recorded the visible spectrum of the Moon to establish the fact that the blue scattering persists much more enhanced. This prompts to understand in a very vivid manner the finding of the present author that the alternative explanation of the Stokes and anti-Stokes shift of spectral lines (and Smekal spectroscopy observation of shifts) by Rao and Anti-Rao quanta is feasible.
The visible spectrum recorded to ascertain this finding is given below.

Neutrino Spectroscopy with Rao Quanta:
The exciting possibility for neutrino physics and astrophysics is the possibility of formation of a muon-like entity by means of the following association:

μR- ==> R - + antineutrino electron + neutrinorao
with obviously the other possibility of association with
R + of neutrino positron and the antineutrinorao giving μR +.

The X-irradiation, Ultra-violet and extream UV radiations of the mineral material of the surface of Moon and the Mars does indeed produce these new variety of fermion entities. The specific charge is very small (could it be fractional?) and masses involved are of the order of neutrino masses![See Addendum]
A laboratory verification of intense X-ray and prolonged exposure has been investigated in several Molecular, Solid State and Phosphor materials by the present author during the years 1966-1983, when the present author did research at Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004 and helped a few students to obtain their Ph.D. degrees.
Results of analysis of the said researches by me, in the light of the above stated findings on Rao Quanta, would be presented in a subsequent post at this blogger blogspot.
Gravity Waves:
Invariably any celestial event in the near Earth’s environment of planetary system of the Sun would eventually release enough energy by virtue of mass ejection from Coronal Holes or the sudden spurt of Solar Flares for the generation and the occurrence of gravity waves. The observation of these offers a wide variety of patterns of the weather. Several physical, chemical and environmental parameters do contribute effectively for the generation, propagation and destruction of these gravity waves. During their collapse they would release the wave energy into the terrestrial atmosphere causing thermal fluctuations. In turn they would give new weather features.

On the 27th January 2010 the Mars being at the closest approach to the Earth 93,330million km away and the Moon having a considerable brightness, a scenario of celestial event has been naturally fashioned. The gravity waves were observed by the present author at about 22:20:16PM. The wavelength of these is surprisingly found to be only half of what was observed at the time of partial Solar Eclipse around 14:00PM on the 15th January 2010.
Visible spectrum produced by the Gravity Wave in a direction orthogonal to the visible spectrum of the Moon has been successfully recorded by the author at 22:20:16PM on the 27th January 2010. The image is reproduced below:
This image shows that surprisingly on the night of 28th January 2010 at about 21 to 23 hours the weather at Visakhapatnam was full of red color. The gravity waves were not present but the sky became very cloudy and through out 27th and 28th January 2010 the weather was very foggy and considerably chiller. Spectral studies indicated that the red part of the spectrum was more dominant. The trial of a Brahmoastra under water launching wouldn’t have produced these remarkable changes.The 29th January 2010 there was a sudden change of weather and people felt the absence of severe cold of the winter and sun light fell by about 25% in visibility.

The author is indebted to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his initiation, guidance and encouragement for my studies and educational endeavor.
1.K.L.Narayana,” Topological Quantization of Rangadhama Effect and Differential geometric description of peram manifold and Spinorial Polarization of vibrations of atoms (ion) complexes”, International Symposium on Algebraic Topological Structures, S. N. Bose Institute of Physical Sciences, Calcutta ,December 1983.
2. K.L.Narayana, “Development of Pyroelectric detector cell by organic semiconducting coating methods.” INDFIN 83, 3rd Nat.Conf. of electroplating and metal finishing.
3. K.L.Narayana “Spinorial optics of structural vibrations of Ions and the Quasi-particle Quantization of Rangadhama Effect”Paper No. 147 Sec. IV Chem. 70th Proc.Ind.Sci.Congr. Part III Tirupathi, Shri Venketeswara Univ. 6th Jan 1983.
4. K.L.Narayana.”The spin polarization of molecular vibrations and peram manifolds of XY4 type metallic complexes (molecules).” Mysore University, Paper No.74, 69th session of Ind.Science Congress Chem. Sec. page 171, IV/ 6/1/1982.
5. K.L.Narayana,” Renormalization of vibrational Energy by Rangadhama Quanta and Spinorial phase transitions”, Paper No.216, page 102, 71st Session of Ind.Sci.Cong. Association, Ranchi, 1984.
6. K.L.Narayana,”Topological Quanta energy transduction mechanism and organic superconductivity”, 32nd ISTAM, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai, Dec.17th, 1987.
7. K.L.Narayana et al.”Green’s function formalism and molecular force field ellipses for XY4 structures.” Current Science Vol.42, p.535, 1973 and the references cited therein.
8. K.L.Narayana et al.” Molecular force field ellipses of coordinated water in Titanium Complexes”, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., Vol.39, p.19-24, 1977.
9. K.L.Narayana, et al. Papers Nos B7, p.19; No. B8, p.19; No.B9, p.20; No.A20; No. D1, p.51; presented at Symposium on Luminescence and Allied Phenomena, Ind.Inst.Of Tech., Khargpur 1973. X-ray dosimeters using the binary sulphate phosphors has also been given
10. K.L.Narayana et al.” Thermoluminescence of rare-earth activated (Ba: Sr)SO4 and (Ba: Cd) SO4 under X=irradiation”, Paper No. B14, p.119-129National Symposium on Thermoluminiscence and its Applications, Kalpakam Nuclear Research centre, Madras, Feb 1975
11. K.L.Narayana et al.””Optical micrographs and X-ray diffraction study of thin fims of Al-Zr alloys”, 6th Materials Science Symposium on Phase transitions and Phase equilibria”, Paper No.37, Ind.Inst of Sci., Bangalore, October 17th, 1975. Also see Paper No. 38.
12. Andreas W. Momber1 (1)Faculty of Georesources and Materials Technology, RTWH Aachen, Brunsstraße 10, Hamburg, 21073, Germany Published online: 17 November 2009
Abstract The Austrian physicist Adolf G. Smekal (1895–1959) was one of the most creative and active materials scientists of the twentieth century. This paper reports about the contributions of Smekal and co-workers to the physics of fracture, fractography, fracture dynamics, micro-plasticity, and the comminution of brittle materials.
Prof K.Rangadhama Rao has outlined very cursorily about the Rydberg constant but couldn’t be assertive boldly on the value of the Rydberg Constant of Atomic and Ionized species. In the Bohr’s theoretical value for the series constant given by the expression 2π2e2m M (ne)^2 / [ch^3(M+m)].He confirmed that “the mass correction term exists and this factor differs very little from unity and introduces only a very small change in the value of series constant. Therefore for the purpose of calculations of the formulae in this paper, the same value 109737 of the constant has been used throughout.” He also affirmed that “net charge of core with respect to the series ‘electron’ i.e. equal to ‘e’ for neutral atom, ‘2e’ for singly ionized, ‘3e’for doubly-ionized atoms & and so on “. He was more obsessed with the series limit changing from 4R to 16R according to Bohr’s visible and Sommerfeld X-ray formulae. Regarding ‘the corresponding lines’ he stated on page 93 of his D.Sc. (Madras) thesis that “the spectrum is generally displaced towards the region of shorter wavelengths as we pass from Ag I to Sn IV as a result of the increase in the constant of the series from R to 16R” .He states in his thesis on page 50 that “A careful study was made of the Spark Spectra of these elements under different conditions of excitations --- ionization of the elements of Ga, In, Tl (and Sn)”. He gave the observational data based on Quantum Theory and Spin considerations and as well Zeeman effect splitting etc. of spectroscopy and on modern physics thoughts the series lines analysis for also AgI to CdII and CuI to ZnII further from CuI to GaIII. His work on optical spectra doublets is monumental. The research made by him in the years 1920-1925 as a Madras University, Andhra Research Scholar with the Ultra Violet and other conditions of excitations establishes the possibility of a new type of Fermions Quanta, at X-Ray and Extreme Ultra Violet spectral regions and has not been completely spelled out by him in view of the then existing authorities views and peer reviewers of Modern Physics.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

15th January 2010 Partial Solar Eclipse New Findings
Volume No.2010, Issue No.1; Dated: 12th January 2010.

The 15th January 2010, Pre and after affects Annular Solar Eclipse visible in India & An account of observations made by the author.
Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd.Prof of Physics, SU), 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-53002.
Mobile: 9491902867. Email.ID:

The celestial event of the Partial Solar Eclipse occurrence in Visakhapatnam is a breath taking thing. It required a lot of effort in recording and documenting all the pre and the after affects of the Solar Eclipse. An attempt is made to explain the Coronal Hole of the Sun, the Solar Wind and the Geomagnetic storms effects. These have influenced the Earth’s atmosphere on the 12th January 2010 onwards.

Keywords: Annular Eclipse 2010, Visakhapatnam, Coronal Hole, Solar Winds, Geomagnetic Storm, earthquake, Haiti, Japan Snow weather, North India fog, Cloud patterns, X-rays from Sun, D-layer.

It’s vividly evident, the after affects of the Partial Lunar Eclipse that occurred in India, have completely subsided by the date 12th January 2010 morning hours. The fogy and chilly weather has swiftly dwindled away with a remarkable suddenness of the event over just a lapse of few hours (approximately 10hours time). The weather has reeled to humid and slightly warm conditions and people felt the need of using the ceiling fans on the 12th January 2010 during the mid-day.
[The Indian Almanac predicts the Partial Solar Eclipse to occur from 11:38 AM on the (day of Kanuma festival) 15th January 2010, and has middle significant time as 1:39PM, (moksha kala as 3:20PM) and ending time as 3:42PM. This duration of the eclipse is utilized by many preachers for divine initiation for the welfare of people and acquisition of the requisite powers, essentially an invitation to spiritual atonement.]
The website gave details of the eclipse beginning and end times at various cities in Andhra Pradesh. Broadcast relayed on TV channels don’t speak generally about the accurate times of the celestial events. Most of the presentations are very vague and not systematic and orderly. They don’t give sub-titles of the talks during the presentation. They differ from the Indian Almanac predictions by about 10 to 5 minutes asserting the fact that our Scientific predictions are not accurate enough even to the error of one minute level in these days of Nanotechnology. City of Academic Excellence namely Visakhapatnam has lost its ancient glory and has become city of destiny for exploiters.
The occurrence of the coronal hole details given at the website of time machine is remarkable and very scientific. Only in Kerala, South Tamil Nadu and Southern parts of Mizoram the annular eclipse would be visible. The rest of places, only it would be partial. At its peak in Indian Ocean it would prevail for about 11minutes 8 seconds. In Male it would be 45 seconds. Shape shifting Sun Spot 1040 has grown into a behemoth 10 times bigger than the size of Earth. (Old sunspot 1035 is a member of solar cycle 24).Solar wind speed 458.9km/s density 4.0protons/cm^3. The X-ray Solar flares: 6HR max b1 0500 UT Jan13th, 2010, and 24hrs at B1 00454 UT Jan 13th, 2010. Sun spot number is 35. The Radio Sun maximum is around 93sfu. On 12th Jan 2010 the interplanetary magnetic field Btotal= 4.3 nT; Bz= 2.1nT There exist a Coronal Hole on January 13th 2010. Earth is inside a Solar wind stream, flowing from the inside Coronal Hole. (Credit to SOHO Extreme UV telescope.)

Ground observations made by common people in Visakhapatnam, on the 12th January 2010 are very interesting. They felt sweltering warmth and not a chilly fog throughout the day. One house Mrs. P. V. V. S. Sarma commented that while hanging the washed clothes on the open terrace, that she found the Sun Shine (KANTHI) somewhat different and as well bright. Also in the evening of 12th January 2010, for nearly more than an hour during 5.30 to 8.30PM, the TV Microwave transmission got disturbed.
Both these events may be explained on the basis that the Microwave Disturbance of the Solar flares reached the earth ground transmission levels and secondly the combined effect of Coronal Hole and the Sun Solar winds have resulted in the production of Intense X-radiations at the D-layer levels of the Ionosphere. Another possible explanation implies the geomagnetic whistler disturbances that travelled round the Earth.
Weather had a remarkable change. The chilly fog weather (following the occurrence of the partial Solar Eclipse in Visakhapatnam, see my earlier post on this subject matter dated:) has moved away on to the Japanese Islands from India. The Coriolis forces effect is the plausible model consideration made by me to explain the chilly fog weather of both the Northern India and the Japanese Islands with a slow movement of the fog.

The India weather Map implies the shock wave movement of the cloud and fog band across the North-west towards the south-east direction. The band is thick in the central provinces of India as it has bordered the Himalaya Mountain slopes.
The fog weather exposed to the warm Sun and the X-ray scattered radiations of the Sun has resulted into the heavy water laden clouds that gave a nice hailstorm like shower of rain at 3:30AM in the morning of 14th January 2010. (The Day of Sankranthi Festival in India). The slight showers occurred at 6.30AM as well on the same day. The rain drop size varied from 1” to about 0.5 cm on the floor.
The Haiti region of Africa experienced a powerful earthquake of intensity 7.3R with epicentre at a depth of hardly 10km only. It was devastating quake since it struck populated area of about 30 lakh people in a town of total population of about 80lakh persons. It struck at 4:25PM local time in the evening of Tuesday (3:23AM IST Wednesday morning) a phenomenon that repeated since 200years ago.

The spectrum indicates that only Red and the Blue colours are dominant with Solar Radiation passing through the clouds. The former is the direct Solar Heat spectrum and the later is the enhanced water laden atmosphere and heavy clouds. The movement and rapid pattern changes of the clouds are evident from the Fig.c image by Nokia Classic 2700 mobile 2MP camera.

The cloudy sky offered a very congenial atmosphere to observe the celestial without much strain to the naked eye. The eclipse began at 11:38 AM and grown to a 25% coverage of the SUN by about 12:10PM in the noon. From then on up to 12:30PM it became obscure behind the clouds. Luckily the misty cloud cleared somewhat and the bright sun and the partial eclipse became vividly visible. It was a field day for all the Media Mobile TV broadcast Vehicles with all their modern Media equipment have recorded live the event at the Ramakrishna Mission Beach.

Gravity wave disturbances:

The gravity waves had a striated wave lengths extending over several metres and hence the SUN was covered by the dark striated clouds for several minutes, before it could make its appearance between the gaps of these gravity waves. Weather map of 15th January 2010 shows only a snapshot situation of the striated clouds.
The edges of these striated waves at about 14:00PM to almost 14:45PM have been lit with bright shine of the SUN, but haven’t shown the expected streams of the coloured air glows. Possibly the cloud edges could be seen only from below and hence the full panoramic of the air glow streams have been missed for observation from the ground level.

This weather published in a newspaper shows the remarkable two band systems of clouds. This is significant since lunar partial eclipse gave only one band of weather conditions as imaged by satellite observations. The second band is evidently evolved due to partial solar eclipse that engulfed most of India. The striated weather condition over Visakhapatnam is very much clear from the weather map of India. The striation is a result of compressions and expansions of the fog weather. Why it sustained as a band is not yet quite clear.

German astronomy magazine Interstellarum picked a vantage spot over a cliff in Varkala 62km north of Thiruvanathapuram of Kerala as per a newspaper report. The vantage spot advantage to observe the airglows was earlier suggested by the present author for the observation of the solar eclipse. (Refer the posted articles at the present author’s

The observations made by the present author:

The observations made by the author for the entire period of the partial solar eclipse in the Visakhapatnam city has revealed a quite different view of the eclipse occurrence that drastically differs from the published images of the solar eclipse in the several local newspapers.
The author has witnessed the event during 12:10PM to 13:10PM noon at the beach opposite the Kirlampudi Layout. The Thirthapurallu have all become open and visible since the Bay of Bengal Sea was found receded away at that place by at least 50meters deep inside.

That offered a wet even land place for the author, Buddhist Ramayya and his son-in-law to sit and chat with the Buddhist. Different filters about 5 types were used to record the eclipse event. The shadow of the Moon that obstructed the view of the SUN was a like mountain peak with a sharp broadened spherical triangular apex at the top. The base of the spherical triangular projection section was about 1/10th SUN circumference. It began at about 160degrees (in the second quadrant, from the top of the SUN disk) as a small smear of the SUN, by 11:58 it increased in area at the base of the spherical (angular bent) triangle and continued to move slowly towards the third quadrant and growing in height, and ever increasing to the centre of the SUN’ disk. At 12:50 it entered the third quadrant with the apex height only to about 70% to the centre of the disk. The peak has somewhat broadened in its base at the time of 13:12 PM and by 13:20 PM noon and was shifting into the third quadrant of the disk with the height of the triangular vertex almost touching the central point of the disk.

A radiating circular red rings moving away diffracted from the tip of the apex of the Moon’s obstruction of the SUN light was observed. This was found to occur at about 12:50PM and as well at 13:30 hour’s noon. Similar phenomenon was observed later at around 14:20PM noon. But the partial eclipse almost occupied the 75% of the SUN’s disk in area. It crossed the centre of the disk around the time 13:45PM noon. The rapid enlargement of the base of the spherical triangular shape of the image on the SUN’s disk was a very didactic experience. The third quadrant didactic was totally occupied by the base around the time of 14:00 hrs noon. The height then reached the 75% of the radius of the disk around 14:20PM noon. The triangular base somewhat left the third quadrant and moved into the fourth quadrant. At 2:45PM the triangular with a conical type base obstruction of the SUN’s disk was only about 25% of the SUN’s disk area but was found totally located in the fourth quadrant.


The airglow streams on the edges of the clouds were not seen. But bright shine emitted away from the cloud ice edges is very much manifest. This supports the fact that X-rays emitted from the Moon’s rocky surface of its peaks and boulders has engulfed the atmosphere producing secondary charges of various kinds that have brightened the cloud edges.
At about 14:30PM the coloured spectral reflection of the clouds was visible. This finding supports the idea that the ice crystals have scattered the radiation in a dispersive mode. This is vividly different from the airglow observations made by the present author on the earlier solar eclipse occurred during the day break hours of twilight. The scattered bright SUN light has been observed refracted by the leaves of a Coconut tree as well and the gentle wind has added to the fluttering coloured appearance dancing VIBGYOR over the leaves.

An important after affect of the occurrence of the partial solar eclipse at Visakhapatnam was the chilly evening with a pleasant breeze from the sea. It continued on the 16th January 2010 at on the day of Indian festival MUKKANUMA. The blowing wind has intensified in the night at around 22:43PM. The Sunday 17th January 2010 was also chilly but the warmth of the sun could be felt in the mid-day.
The author is indebted late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) for his initiation, inspiration and constant encouragement for my research endeavour and the career.
1. All the daily newspapers available at District Library, Maharanipeta.
2., Vol.2010. Issue No.1, Dated 1st January 2010 PRE AND AFTER AFFECTS OF THE PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE ON THE NEW YEAR DAY OF 2010 by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
3. AFTER EFFECTS OF THE PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE WITNESSED AT VISAKHAPATNAM ON 22nd JULY 2009 Prof.Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana dated 26th Sunday July 2009

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1st January 20101 LUNAR ECLIPSE PRE AND AFTER AFFECTS, Vol.2010. Issue No.1, Dated 1st January 2010
Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana(Retd. Prof of Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
17-11-10 Narasimha Ashram, 17-11-10, Official Colony, Maharnaipeta.P.O,
Visakhapatnam-530002.Mobile 9491902867

The after affect of the eclipse was a "gravity wave disturbance” of water laden heavy clouds. Some of the rapidly moving clouds were so thick that they obliterated the Full Moon light totally. An important observation made by the present author is that the onset of Lunar Eclipse would have necessarily generated very fine matter of dust and molecular cluster material invisible to the naked eye. This phenomenon would act as a precursor of possible cloud formations in the Atmosphere that later gathered up the gravity wave speeds and as well the winds. More significant perhaps is that the different kinds of wavelet formations superimposed and mixed complexly would occur. The coupling of different levels and layers of the atmosphere adds to the beauty of non-linear dynamics of the nature. The gravity waves generated do compress the magnetic fields, that resist the gravitational forces and leakage of ionic species from the crumple relative to the neutrals may be termed as the ambipolar diffusion. In plasma physics the ion-neutral Collision frequencies was known to lead to new affects vividly conjectured and experimentally demonstrated by Dr.K.VN.Rao of Bedford, Massachusetts. Whether the rate of these collisions would decrease or increases with the unit volume of the dynamic atmosphere is worth a new research. On an average the particulate deposition was about 8.1019e-009gm/sec/cm^2, as per Dr. Suhansi’s (Nebraska, USA) measured data at Visakhapatnam during the year 1999-2000. This finding is of paramount significance, and it is evident that pollution levels are enormous in the Coastal region. With a scale height of 18Kms and at heights of 0.5Km to 1 Km, the dark cloud formation thus indeed involves the carbon and carbon monoxide particulate matter. The enormous change of the concentration of carbon during the period of coupling of the different layers of atmosphere sets up very complex oscillations. Gravitational crumple on a smaller or perhaps a micro-level is assisted by ambipolar diffusion and reduction of intensity of opposing magnetic field, eventually in that process makes the degree of ionization to become lesser.
Keywords: Partial Lunar Eclipse 2010, Particulate matter, Carbon, Carbon Mono-oxide, Non-linear dynamics, ion-neutral collision frequencies, Plasma Physics, Dr. Suhasin, Dr.K.V.N.Rao, Pre and after affects.
keywords: Lunar eclipse ,partial eclipse, Dr Suhasini, Dr KVNRao, particulate amtter,PREABLE:
LUNAR ECLIPSE OF JANUARY 2010 between 00.30 hours to 1.30 AM of The Full Moon Day has been observed as a fine spectacle at Visakhapatnam by many a people. The New Year celebration observed by certain complex housing apartment’s dwellers in official colony was with lots of loud-speakers and blasting modern music of the youngsters. Many crackers were burst and it’s regarded as an occasion for merry making. The Relli veedhi people had a shouting spree running on the roads and even on motor bicycles etc in the streets of the Official Colony dead in the night.
The Indian Almanac stated that at 12:22 on 31st December 2009 the Eclipse would have the first touch(sparsha) and said middle(Madhya kala) time as 12:13 ending (Moksha Kala) at 1:24 AM of 1st January 2010. They specifically state that at 1:02 it is Adyantha Punya Kala significance is not quite clear.
The Visakhapatnam experienced severe winter days during the Dec 25th to 27th and on 28th Day time the weather hadn’t been that much chilly. That may be regarded as the pre affect of the forthcoming Eclipse of the Moon by the Earth. Monday was a holiday due to Mohram the sad day of Muslims of the demise of their religious leader. On 29th December 2009, the author observed that a particular plant bloomed with flower bunches of nicely decorated with various colour little flowers, as if it’s a drawing room attraction.
The after affect of the eclipse was a "gravity wave disturbance” of water laden heavy clouds. Some of the rapidly moving clouds were so thick that they obliterated the Full Moon light totally. The rapid motion is evident that within a minute the spectral recordings made, by using a 15000lines/in grating element have changed remarkably. The magnetic changes, initiate the release of night glow and the waves of excitation move at 5 to 10m/s. That clearly shows the coupling of the stratosphere-troposphere strata of atmospheric layers and more essentially the intermixing of lower troposphere layers of the atmosphere that have interacted very actively. The Middle atmosphere researches may elaborate on this finding with the use of their MST Radar data.
The Digital Camera photographs taken using the Nokia Classic 2700 mobile 2 MP captures are profoundly impressive. May be multimedia can be used to enhance these digital shots. The Figure below presents an assortment of the digital capture images of the Full Moon and the night sky of both the 1st January 2010 and the night of 28th December 2009. They would provide a good contrast of the cloudiness of the night sky due to the pre and post affects of the Lunar eclipse.
An important observation made by the present author is that the onset of Lunar Eclipse would have necessarily generated very fine matter of dust and molecular cluster material invisible to the naked eye. This phenomenon would act as a precursor of possible cloud formations in the Atmosphere that later gathered up the gravity wave speeds and as well the winds. More significant perhaps is that the different kinds of wavelet formations superimposed and mixed complexly would occur. Surprisingly, following the LUNAR ECLIPSE though only partially visible in India, it produced more fog, as an after affect especially in the Northern India, causing cancellations of many train travels and Air flights. It took nearly four days for the upper atmosphere dust of the Lunar Eclipse to reach the lower levels of atmosphere and drift towards the poles.

The dark clouds appearance during the time following the partial lunar eclipse of the 1st January 2010 is of paramount significance. Perhaps the chemistry of the Atmosphere has a role to play concomitant with physical affects. This chemistry has its own features to add to the scenario of the pre and after affects of the eclipse. I am humble to assert this finding.
The ratio of carbon monoxide and the carbon in the middle atmosphere is well known. The primary ionization undoubtedly caused by the X-ray i.e. external to the middle atmosphere and is definitely a result of the partial lunar eclipse on-set and after affect. The ion-molecular chemistry does contribute also to the scenario. In the high ionization phase the ratio of carbon to carbon mono-oxide probably due to X-rays and as well UV radiations on the molecular cloud of the atmosphere. Surprisingly we conjecture that the C2H and O2 would achieve certain amount of equilibrium. The carbon mono-oxide level is a direct consequence of global pollution. Climate tries in a natural way to achieve equilibrium. But the external radiations of the pre and after affects of the lunar eclipse do have an influence of unprecedented nature. The phase space of the atomic and molecular species is difficult to assert due to lack of information regarding certain essential parameters of the middle and lower level atmosphere. The chemical reactions that do occur on the invisible miniscule grain surfaces, that allow the formation of molecular diatoms, influence the reactive chain for formation of other molecules. Enormous data is required and even for a physically reasonable understanding lot of mathematical and computing paraphernalia will be an investment, of both the time and costs.

Dark cloud cuts off both the visible and the UV light of the Moon shine. The sudden change of the concentration of carbon during the period of celestial event is a very complex oscillation. The parameters of such a study help to set up the set of non-linear equations to illustrate the involved dynamics of the atmosphere. The coupling of different levels and layers of the atmosphere adds to the beauty of non-linear dynamics of the nature.
The gravity waves generated do compress the magnetic fields, that resist the gravitational forces and leakage of ionic species from the crumple relative to the neutrals may be termed as the ambipolar diffusion. In plasma physics the ion-neutral Collision frequencies was known to lead to new affects vividly conjectured and experimentally demonstrated by Dr.K.VN.Rao of Bedford, Massachusetts. Whether the rate of these collisions would decrease or increases with the unit volume of the dynamic atmosphere is worth a new research. The magnetic field lines would become frozen in the ionized gas. Gravitational crumple on a smaller or perhaps a micro-level is assisted by ambipolar diffusion and reduction of intensity of opposing magnetic field, eventually in that process makes the degree of ionization to become lesser.
It is interesting that the weather at Visakhapatnam has become cloudy during 5th to 10th January 2010. The after affect of the partial lunar eclipse has added up to the pre-affects of the solar eclipse of the 15th January 2010. The Solar eclipse would occur for a considerable duration during the midday of 15th January 2010 from 11:38 AM to 3:42PM. Many a people are speculating on the possible celestial events that would happen with some ill-affects during the two eclipses that have occurred in the same month of JANUARY 2010. Within hardly 15days gap these eclipses have happened to occur.

From this finding of paramount significance it is evident that pollution levels are enormous in the Coastal region. With a scale height of 18Kms and at heights of 1Km, the dark cloud formation thus indeed involves the carbon and carbon monoxide particulate matter. The enormous change of the concentration of carbon during the period of coupling of the different layers of atmosphere sets up very complex oscillations.

Picture from Hindu Dated 5th January 2010 with the sea that receded away by 100 meters giving a second stream of the sea water for the playing children.

6th Jan 2010 Moon spectrum obscured by a palm tree sensitive to Microwaves

6th Jan 2010 Moon spectrum
I am indebted to late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras). D.Sc. (London) for his generous encouragement and research guidance. I am thankful to Dr. K. V.N. Rao of Bedford (Mass), for the generous help and hospitality given to me during my visit during 1989 to USA.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Vol.2009, Issue No. 12, Dated 31st December 2009
9:02:06 PM

Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd.Prof of Physics, SU) 171-11-10 Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002.
Mobile: 9491902867

The orbital motion of a particle on the surface of a cone has been examined to obtain the time dependence behaviour under a renormalization procedure. The Fourier series solution involves only the terms to the third order accuracy. The asymmetry of the time dependent potential allows the even and odd harmonics of the Fourier series solution. The new differential equation of motion has been formulated to involve the cubic and square terms apart from similar inverse square power of time variable. It’s very interesting that the time dependent particle motion constrained to move on the surface of a cone may be realized within certain limits of apsides. The specific choice of the time variable leads to the renormalization situation of the particles motion. The finding of a new angular momentum l' associated with the time dependent motion is of far reaching significance. The factor λ also plays as an additional frequency factor of the particles motion on the surface of a cone.
Keywords: Cone, Particle motion, Renormalization technique, Fourier series, orbital motion, Orbital angular momentum
Two circles on the surface of a cone act as the limiting boundaries of the orbital motion of a particle constrained to move on the surface of the cone. The angle through which the article moves from an outer to an inner turning point has been given earlier by Bradbury [1]. The cylindrical co-ordinates (r, θ, z) solution asserts the existence of an angular momentum, the canonically conjugate momentum l of the angle variable θ and is a characteristic constant of the motion. The effective potential revealed the single minimum at r1= (l^2/ (m^2*g*a) ^1/3 where g is gravitational constant, a is a positive constant. The later specifies the equation of constraint as z=a*r. The energy equation HAS BEEN GIVEN BY Bradbury [1] as
E= T+V= 0.5*m*v^2*(1+a^2) +l^2/ (2*m*r^2) +m*g*a*r
where v is the velocity. The angle variable θ turns out to be a cyclic co-ordinate. The significance of the minimum at r1 implies that the particle moves in a stable orbit circular of radius r1. Fourier series solution has been obtained by finding the effective potential function about its minimum. The other possible solution given by Bradbury is the one that does not involve the time variable. The change of variables adopted as x=1/r gave the equation of motion as (1+a^2)*d^2x/d θ^2 +x – m^2*g*a/ (lx) ^2=0. The x being a periodic function of θ the Fourier solution of the form
x=a0+Σ bn*cos (n*λ* θ) where bn and a0 are the Fourier series coefficients and Σ is the symbol of Fourier series summation over n=1 to 3. Here λ plays the role similar to that of frequency. The minimum for x is
x1= (m^2*g*a/l^2) ^1/3.
When expanded about x1 the result obtained may be identified with the equation
(1+a^2)+ α* x- β*x^2 + γ*x^3=0
with α = 3/ (1+a^2), β= 3/(x1*(1+a^2)), γ= 4/(x1^2*(1+a^2))
and λ^2 = α*(1+ (1/6)*(b1* r1) ^2) respectively.
The two circles of radii r/ r1= 0.5 and r/ r1= 1.5 restricts the motion of the particle between the specified apsides. The angle between the apsides has been reported by Bradbury [1] as λΔ θ= 180 0 and Δ θ=125.5 0. The diagram below is obtained by using MATHLAB 7.0 version software. The values of b1* r1 =0.4 and λ= 1.434 have been used to generate this polar diagram. The orbit would close on itself if proper values of 2*Δ θ=2* π, π, etc and multiples of (2* π) are chosen.

The book by Bradbury also describes the time-dependent constraints, dissipative forces and the classification of constraints. In the present work I have chosen an additional term for the consideration of the affects of time dependence of the constrained orbital motion of the particle on the surface of the cone. The term newly introduced is given by 0.5* r^2*t^2*w^2. This allows to obtain an additional frequency variable w which leads in the Lagrangian formulation to the additional angular momentum constant l’. This is canonically conjugate to the new variable w. The effective potential now becomes
V(r) = (1/ (2*m*r^2)*(l^2+ l’^2/t^2) +m*g*a*r.
The minimum r1= (l^2+ l’^2/t^2)/ m^2*g*a) ^1/3. Here the additional term may be considered as either ± i.e. either as an addition or a subtraction. I have found that the + sign leads to reasonable values. The equation of motion is written using y instead of x, in order to emphasize the new orbital time dependent constrained motion of the particle on the surface of the cone.
The new equation of motion is
(1+a^2) d^2y/d θ^2 +y*(1-W^2)-m^2*g*a/ (l*y) ^2=0
where W^2= (1-l’^2/t^2) that yields new expressions as
α = (3-W^2)/ (1+a^2), β= 3/(x1*(1+a^2)), γ= 4/(x1^2*(1+a^2)) and consequently the expression for λ^2 will be
λ^2= (1/ (1+a^2)*((3-W^2) + b1*(3- 15/2*(1/ (3-W^2)))
y=a0+Σ bn*cos (n*λ* θ) and λ plays a role like the frequency.
Two numerical samples have been worked out with r1=.4 and b1=1.0.
I case: a0=3.8; b2= -3.5625 b3=1.3663 lamd=1.7078
ra=1+a0*r1+b1*r1*cos (lamd*teta)-b2*cos (2*lamd*teta) +b3*cos (3*lamd*teta)
where ra =r1/r. Here x1=1/r1 and x=1/r.

II case: t=3.6741 alpha = 0.8333 beta= 7.3334 gamma=5.1359
a0=4.4003 b2=-3.6667 b3= 1.8062 lamd=2.0685;
ra=1+4.4*r1+1.0*r1*cos (lamd*teta) +3.6667*cos (2*lamd*teta) +1.8062*cos (3*lamd*teta)
This yields the Orbit as Illustrated in the Fig 2.

The complete 3Dimensional orbital motion within the limits of apsides (singular,apse) set by the time variable t and the angle variable θ is given in the Fig.3

It’s very interesting that the time dependent particle motion constrained to move on the surface of a cone may be realized within certain limits of apsides. The specific choice of the time variable leads to the renormalization situation of the particles motion. The finding of a new angular momentum l' associated with the time dependent motion is of far reaching significance. The factor λ also plays as an additional frequency factor of the particles motion on the surface of a cone.
I am indebted to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his guidance, inspiration and constant encouragement throughout my academic endeavour. I am also Indebted to Mrs. K. Peramma Garu. See a photograph of them attached.

1. T.C.Brdbury, book on" Theoretical Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons,Inc. London,p.255 (1968)
Lakshmikshirasasamudhraraajathanayam Sri Rangadhameswari
Ramayamma mother of The Professor has christened her son as RANGADHAMA during a divine event at Visakhapatnam Kotcherlakota house when he was four years old.
Many people are speculating the probable colossal loss of life and natural disasters to occur during the turn of a few years. Also the global warming is threatening, the very existence of human race of its luxurious living on the PLANET EARTH. If it’s true that the PLANET EARTH would have an eventful death of human race, in a super volcano upsurge of water subversion, then many a mineral formations would happen of unprecedented nature. This formation is what is implied partly in the Sanskrit (hymn) sloka of ancient Veda.