Monday, March 30, 2009


Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd.Prof of Physics,Shivaji Univ)
Narasimha Ashram, 17-11-10, Official Colony,Maharanipeta.P.O
dated 30th March 2009. time 2:34PM
key words: Astrophysics,Mathematical Physics,Cosmolgy,Magholes,Wormholes,General Relativity,Redshifts,Throat,Bridge,lateral travel across Universes.

A class of exact solutions of Einstein’s equations for the lateral dependent metric tensor of the form

ds2 = e dx42– c-2(edr2 +r22)

has been obtained for the cosmic entity filled with a magnetic fluid. In this article, specific attention is drawn to the set of possible wormhole solutions, with and without involving the cosmological constant( for ± values) and the mass of the cosmic entity. The new Red shift expression is given. As well possible new radial coordinates have been obtained to describe the metric in terms of space-time quadrant structure. A new mass function defined and it’s role to assert the Maghole formations is presented.The physical significance of the several findings, has been elaborated by extensive graphical illustrations. Co-existence of Magholes with Wormhole revolutionizes the concept of traversal across universes via novel lateral space-time quadrant structure surfaces.


The worm hole gas was defined by Hawking S.W. and Page D.N. [1] by a path integral formalism, overall possible asymptotic Euclidean 4-geometry and consideration of matter fields. They assumed that the Energy-Momentum tensor to vanish at infinity and with the excited states of the worm holes surmised to have their sources at infinity Wormholes are thought to produce shifts in effective masses of elementary particles and their interaction constants.[2] Wormholes can make the cosmological constant to be zero S.Coleman [3]. The effects of wormhole instantons have been reported by A. Hosoya and W.Ogura, [4] in the Einstein-Yang-Mills system and they asserted that wormhole instantons might be found both in the sub-planck physics and as well at all stages in lower energy physics. J. Ellis, E.Floreatos D.V.Nanopoulos[5] state that the Quantum gravitational effects might be significant at energies far below the Planck mass mPL=1019GeV. Particularly they state that the large volume correction to the gravitational action due to spin-0 bosons and spin-1/2 fermions leads to the up and down quark mass ratio as 44/130.
S.Coleman[6] and S.B.Giddings & A.Strominger [6] gave a wormhole calculus suitable for a digression on quantum topological effects S.W.Hawking, D.N.Page, C.N.Pope[7] and G.V.Lavrelashvili, V.Rubakov and P.G. Tinyakov, [7] have conjectured that the wormholes calculations to modify the elementary particle masses and hence might lead to breakdown of quantum coherence.
A. Einstein, N.Rosen [8], C.Misner, and J.A.Wheeler [8], have given the topology of a bridge that exists between two asymptotically flat spaces. The bridge, similar to a throat, has a narrow region, the circumference of this region at time t=0(Schwarzschild) is given by 2*π*rsch = 2*π*(2*G*M/c2) =4* π*m (m in units of cm). r would be a time like coordinate to an observer at this region of the throat, with r acquiring the lowest value. For him moving along the geodesic the throat shrinks to pinch-off effect at r=0. In the case of Reissner-Nordstrom solution, the stress of the electric field would keep off the throat from the pinch-off effect. Hence due to the flux of electric field the throat would never achieve the singularity at r=0. Actually, the radius of the throat pulsates between maximum and minimum values possible and for an observer sitting at the throat, in his proper time τ, accounts for the effect of the pinch effect at the throat. It is interesting to note that in the limit that the q2-->m2 the Maxwell pressure through the wormhole just balances the gravitational forces. [9]
The special case of q2=m2 for Reissner-Nordstrom solution to describe the exterior field of a static spherical charge dust cloud has been presented by Carter [10] adopting a Kerr solution. According to Carter[10] in Type-I ( r>r+) , in Type-II ( r+ > r> r- ) or Type-III( r- > r> 0) where r+ = m ±√(m2-q2) both the Null forms of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric are incomplete, when q2=m2. J. C. Graves and D. R. Brill [11] used two co-ordinate patches, in the neighbourhood of r+ and r- respectively to describe Reissner-Nordstrom metric, with the two patches superimposed and glued together along the boundary rc .They give the new radial coordinate as
r*=r+ (r+2 * ln(r- r+)- r-2 * ln(r-r-))/ (r+-r-)--------------------------------------(1 )
Radius r of throat of the Reissner-Nordstrom wormhole as a function of proper time τ, results in the curves r Vs τ as various cycloids. Their period is 2*π*M is independent of charge q. If charge q=0 then the cycloid reaches the singularity r=0 at its cusp.
The quantum wormhole states i.e. solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation has been researched by L.Garay [12]. P.V.Moriz questions a possible quantum wormhole in N=1 super gravity? [13]P.C.Vaidhya in a paper published on a Big Bang condition [14] gave a theory that smoothly links both the two simple initial solutions of Einstein Equations Viz. the one given by K. Schwarzschild, [15] and the other by Oppenheimer and H.Snyde [15].

T.R.Choudhari and T.Padmanabhan [16] gave tortoise coordinate modified as
r*= ∫ dr (1-2*m/r- H2*r2)-1 with U=t-r* ,V= t+r* ----------------------------(2)
and r*=∫ dr/f ( r ) where ds2*= f( r ) dt2–f( r ) -1 – r22 .-------------------(3)

Wesson I.M.T. and M. Israelit [17] have discussed creation of fundamental particles. The cosmological constant space dependence is related to the energy density of electron [18] and as well it influences the effective gravitational mass of astrophysical system [19].
An important feature of the wormhole description is its shape and is determined by the radial metric coefficient dependence on the radial coordinate r. The embedded surface z=z(r) shaping the wormhole spatial geometry is a solution of the equation for the rate of change of vertical distance with r. The solutions for the embedded surface are given by the function z(r), and actual realization of the wormhole is by the surface of revolution of the curve given by z(r), about the z-axis. [20].Graves and Brill [11] stated that the curve needs to be rotated in the θ and φ in case of Reissner-Nordstrom solution in the R-r plane.


In my previous publications, I have discussed [21], on the nature of Universe filled with magneto fluid and the layered structure and break up of a parent planet {termed the MEL planet into three parts, Viz., Mars, Earth and Lunar entities}. Therefore, I have aimed, in this paper, at an understanding of the intricacy of the lateral dependence of metric tensor and the nature of a collapsing magnetic fluid filled cosmic object. In relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic approach, Yodzis [22] used kinematical parameter and obtained conditions for gravitational collapse of magneto fluids. I elaborate and present new findings of this collapse with regard to novel hole[Maghole might be refered as klnholes] formations.
According to General Theory of Relativity, the metric-tensor, dealt with in this paper describes the motion of a self-gravitating lateral dependent distribution of material. It therefore has only φ as a cyclic co-ordinate. Many aspects of the cosmic entities that posses this metric have been examined in this article. The section thus outlines first, the metric given by Cahill and McVittie [28]
ds2=[(r4H/r)2dx 42–(r2/(c2 u2)du 2]sinθ - (r/c)22 ---------------------( 4)
2 = dθ2 + sin2θ dφ2 ------------------------------------------------------(5)
with u as a function of r alone and r u adopted as the derivative of r with regard to u( refer [28]) and where
H-2= (1 - 2M/rb – (r u /r)2 b) /[ ( rb / c)2(1+ 2M/rb )]----------------------( 6)
The Mass function is defined by me as
(1-2*M/rb) (1+ rb2 / (Hc)2)= (r u /r) 2 b------------------------------------(7 )

The significant result of the computation is that the factor F in the expression
h1= F/r 2e –α-γ cosec θ-------------------------------------------------------(8)

has the value
F= H r4 / √ (κμ) cosec θ ------------------------------------------------------(9)
refer my previous publication [21] for the definitions of κ and μ.
Meaning there by that the parameter H of the theory represents possibly the magnetic monopole strength of the cosmic entity. This result is a consequence of the Gauge conditions
r 41 = r1 r4 /r and r11= 2*r12/r -----------------------------------------------(10)
moreover, with the price that γ1=0.


A new class of exact solutions obtained for the above metric will be detailed in my forthcoming publication. In this section, I would present the new Redshift formula obtained using the defined mass function. Recent experimental findings on Redshifts necessitates a re-examination of plausible new formula to account for possible novel universes existence [25] and cycles of creation of universes and their destruction[26]. I retain the metric tensor given in Eq.4 & Eq.5

The derived Riemann-Tensor components, Connection 1-forms, the Einstein Tensor matrix elements etc. are all listed[23]. The typical affain connection form turns out to be,
ωtφ= (r4* e– γ/r + cotθ θ4 e – γφ------------------------------------------------(11)
where ωφ is the Cartan’s orthonormal basis function for the metric given by Eqs.4 & 5. Here r4 and θ4 are the derivatives of r and θ with respect to time respectively.
Large redshifts from cosmic entities could arise from relativistic velocities, from strong gravitational fields and, now I state that due to the magnetic filled physical systems. Redshifts of order of 7 etc. are known[24]. In the present article, proper time intervals dτ at the surface of a magnetic fluid entity are related to coordinate time intervals dt by
c*dτ= r4 H Sin1/2θ(c*dt)----------------------------------------------------------(12)
where H-2=(c/rb)2[(2*M/rb -1) +( ru/r)2b]----------------------------------------(13)
with θb=90 0 chosen and, the subscript b implies evaluation at the boundary[see foot note *] of a magnetic fluid cosmic entity. The u function is same as that used by Cahill and McVittie[28].
In terms of wavelengths the Redshift is given by
λ/λ0 = Δτ/Δτ = ( r/ r4H) sin -1/2θ ------------------------------------------------(14)
And so new Zs formula for the Red-shift obtained is as follows:
Zs=(r/rb)*(c/r4)[(2*M/rb -1) +(ru/r)2]b(1/2)-1-----------------------------(15)
and is about 6.746 for r 4 =1 ,r u=1,c=1, rb =0.5 and M=3.

Fig.1: The graph depicting the variation of Redshift Zs with the distance r. M=3;rb=0.5;c=1;r4=1;


S. Chandhrasekhar in his book on the Mathematical Theory of Black holes [27] has nicely given the methodology of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of a metric tensor. Using that treatment, I have obtained expression for the Potential Energy for the metric given in Eq.4 & Eq.5.
pt= E,------------------------------------------------------------------------(16)
pθ= r2 dθ/dτ,----------------------------------------------------------------(17 )
pφ= r2 sin2θ dφ/dτ, and pr= -d(lagrangian)/d ŕ ------------------------------(18 )
(E2- V2(r )) = e(2γ-2α)/ c2 = (dr/dτ) 22------------------------------------(19)
The effective potential relativistic equation for the radial part of motion is given by
V2(r)= (r42/r2)*[(c/r)2 *(1+L2)- (μ2-1)]/ [(c/rb)2*(2*M/ rb2-1 + (ru /r)b 2]->(20)
with θ = 900.
The shapes of the potential function are illustrated, below for different values of the variable parameters, listed in the graphs.

Fig.2 The Potential function with the parameter values rub=2;M=3;μ=2;L=14;rb=3;c=1;r4=2

Fig.3 The Potential function with the parameter values
rub=2; μ=2;c=1;r4=2;M=2;L=10;

Fig.4:The Potential function with the parameter values μ=2;c=1;L=0;r4=3;rb=2;rub=2;M=2;

The proper time τ that augments the Schwarzschild coordinate by the infinitesimal amount Δr is given by
τ= ∫ dr(uc/u 1)/[E2r4/ r42 + ((μ2-1)] 1/2----------------------------------------(21)
The radius at which the particle has zero velocity, Rap gives i.e. apastron position, is as follows:
Rap2=r42*H2(1- μ2)-------------------------------------------------------------(22)
Using this expression, we get, for the proper time τ
τ= (Hc r4u/ (u1E) )* 1/Rap* (sec -1(r/Rap))--------------------------------------(23)
The energy exhibits an average behaviour while the proper time τ it has a pulsating character. This is a curious formula unlike the cycloid motion. It is found to depend on the ratio H to E and as well on the quantity μ used here which the later is same as that defined by S.Chandhrasekhar. The time of fall by the cosmic entity fluid filled mass, slows down with decrease in r, especially when μ=0.


Similar to the method of introducing the tortoise co-ordinate wheeler[27] and Regge[27], and Regge and wheeler[27], we may find an equation for the new coordinate as
r*= ∫ dr*= ∫ dr (c/ r4)2)*(2*M/r -1 + u ru/r]---------------------------------(24)
But of more interest is the situation when a new mass function is adopted Viz.,
(2*M/rb- 1)(1+ rb2/a2)=-(ru/r) 2 b-------------------------------------------(26)
where a=Hc and b prescribes the boundary when u=1.
What about the case when mass=0? Then
a2+r2b = ((ruu/r)2 b
r4b- rub2+ r b2=0------------------------------------------------------------(27)
and it yields an equation
a2=( ruu/r)2b- r2b -----------------------------------------------------------(28)
The expression is similar to the one given by S.Chandhrasekhar for a charged space-time metric involving the r3 term and solved by him in terms of JacobiElliptic functional form.

Fig.5:The novel parabolas of the expression given Eq.27
The graph of the identity Eq.28, shows that with rb, a over a rang -5 to 5,gives parabolas for rub=6.This behaviour holds even when M=0.Yet times M is used for the mass, especially when boundary (u=1) specifications are involved. Field function thus is given by
a2=( ruu/r)2b- r2b
This implies possible existence of Magholes realizable by rotation of the parabolas about the field axis.
A new radial coordinate r* arise if we use
r*= -2*m * log r+m (r/a)2+constant.-------------------------------------(30)
If m=0 then r*=0 hence constant. The significance of this new radial coordinate is that it is proportional to the mass and depends on the ratio (r/a)2 involving the field expression of the magnetic fluid of the cosmic entity.
In my formulation relaxation of the condition Λ=p/(8*π) results in several wormhole solutions, depending on the presence of tidal forces,with no tidal forces and finally without the presence of cosmological constant. I have used Λ= p/(4*π) for an aesthetic beauty of the formalism.
The expression for vertical lift is given by
Z=∫ [3a2*r42 *r12 – a2* r42 + r4–Λ*r2 *a2* r42)/( a2* r42 – r4+ r2*a2* r42*Λ]1/2dr-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(31)
The graphs of the lift i.e. shapes of the wormholes are presented below:

For the case of a tidal force γ 1= r1/(2*r)

and in the absence of it,
Z=∫[a2*r42 *r12 – a2* r42 + r4–Λ*r2 *a2* r42)/( a2* r42 – r4+ r2*a2* r42*Λ]1/2dr-----------------------------------------------------------------(32)
a=2;r1=2; r4=2;

And in the absence of Λ and r1=1, I have obtained a simple wormhole expression
Z= ∫ [r4 /( a2* r42 – r4]1/2 dr------------------------------------------------(33)

Rotation about the vertical axis would result in the explicit appearance of the throat or the bridge connecting the flat universes.


To summarize I have found a classical set of Wormhole solutions that might exist superimposed on Magholes. The possible role of both the negative and positive cosmological constant Λ in determining the shapes of Magholes and Wormhole has been outlined. Results are easily extended to a discussion on the magholes that exist even in the absence of vanishing mass of the cosmic entity.The curves that chartacterize the Magholes and the Wormholes have been presented for ease of visualization of the physics behind the collapsing Cosmic entity. The present article, has a fruitful contribution to extend the Wormhole calculus for other aspects of quantum gravity and fundamental particle physics, especially in the presence of Magholes. The redshift expression with and without the mass and cosmological constant considerations, for cosmic boundaey radiations has been explicitly given.

The author is deeply indebted to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras). D.Sc.(London) for his inspiring guidance, constant encouragement, for providing me financial support for my higher education and for providing an extremely congenial and fruitful environment at his laboratories in India and scattered world over.
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The "cosmod" transformation proposed by the present author (KLN) in 1976-1977 relates the graviton mass with the rest mass energy of a Spin 2 elementary particle ( f-meson) and I have also classified it as an element under unitary transformations of a nonet.As a result I conjectured the existence of a second kind of gravitational force and possible existence of strange quark stars etc. The conjecture was widely reported in national news papers of 1977.
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L.Flamm Physik Z., Vol.17. p.448,1916
21. (a)

Saturday, January 3, 2009 A CLASS OF EXACT SOLUTIONS FOR THE FLUID UNIVERSE FILLED WITH MAGNETOFLIUD –LIKE FIELDS trusciencetrutechnology Vol.No.2009,Issue No.1,Dt.7th January, 2009 by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(b)Tuesday, March 3, 2009The Nuclear Explosive Fission Break-up of Parent MEL-Planet into formation of present day Earth, Mars and Moon entities of the Solar system :

Ind Sci.Cong. Physical Sciences Section, Paper No.3 Ind Sci.Cong. Physical Sciences Section , 3rd-7th Jan 2009.
22 P.Yodzis ,Phy.Rev Vol.D3, p.2941,1971
23 refer forth coming article on this space-time to be published at this blogspot.
24. A.I.Lilley,M.S.Robewrts, EEEpstein, Dieter N.H. Astron.J Vol.67,p.270-271,2008
25 L. Klebanov,L Susskind, T.Banks-SLAC preprint SLAC-PUB-4705,1988
26 "Scientific American" Number of Articles on Cosmology published during July 08-Feb.2009
27 "The Mathematical Theory of Black Hole" by S. Chandhrasekhar,
Clarendon Press,Oxford, 1983.
J.A.Wheeler "Geons", Phy.Rev Vol.97,p.51-536,1955
T.Regge, "General Relativity without coordinates"
Nuovo Cimento Vol.19,p.558-571,1961
T.Regge and J.A.Wheeler, Phy.Rev. Vol.108,p.1063-1069,1957
28 M.E.Cahill and G.C.McVittie J.Math.Phy.Vol.11, No.4, p.1382, April 1970
*Shocks at boundary discussed by Von Neumann in J.Appl.Phys. Vol.21, p.232 ,1950 and Collapse kills its own Schwarzschild radius i.e. Rsch= 2*m(μ)G/c 2 > R(μ)
@ Formulation of wormhole instanton is given by A.Hosoya and W.Ogura [4] with a classical action as
Scl=-3/(126a2*Λ) + 3*pi/(4*α) ln (4*sqrt(e)/r0H) +O(H) where H= 8/3*pi*G* Λ and α0= f2/(4*pi) with f as fine structure constant, a=(r^2+ r02)1/2) with r0 as the wormhole radius., and Λ the cosmological constant.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Study Meeting on LINAC establishments at Visakhapatnam

trusciencetrutechnology Vol.2009 No.2 Dated 1st Feb 2009 11.30AM
THE STUDY MEETING on LINAC establishments at Visakhapatnam .
Prof. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana and Prof.R.V.S. Sita Ram
The new technology of LINACas a sealed off ultrahigh Vacuum High power device is coming at a fast rate. What you can do about it? There are several channels, to which you can talk. The idea is to create LOCAL neutron source facility and isotopes availability. How to posses the maximum equipment? Here is a capability to promote, of course, with the objective of which accelerator to be used and for what end use? Man power training in high technology and develop suitable formulations for isotopes utility.
Prof. R.V.Sita Ram,Professor in T.I.F.R at time of Transfer to SAMEER as its first, founding Director SAMEER, Powai, Mumbai has outlined the on the 29th January 2009 between 5.00PM to 6.45 PM, the strategy to establish the LINAC. The study meeting was held at the residence of Late Gorthi Venkata Rao (former Professor of History, AU, Visakhapatnam) in the first lane of Official Colony, Maharanipeta, attended by Prof E.V.Gangadharam, Dr.D.V.N.Sarma, Dr. Gorthi Padmavathi and Prof. K. Lakshmi Narayana. The meeting was initiated by the persistent effort of Shri Dr. Sudha Shankar Bhide of SAMEER who has developed advanced technology for Sealed off compact high energy, high power LINAC tubes and systems. Actually the research on accelerators was an outcome of Dr. Homi. J. Bhaba’s concern of development of clean radiation sources for High Energy studies and radioactive prospecting in India . Shri Sita Ram studied at Narasannapeta in Vizag and did his Intermediate course study in a college in Parlkamidi Town bordering Orissa state. He complete his B.Sc. M.Sc. degree courses in Banaras Hindu University , and joined the TIFR in 1947 after having been interviewed by Dr Homi J Bhaba. Prof R V. S. Sita Ram He worked and drew the preliminary designs of accelerator designs in Mumbai and worked in the environment of T.I.F.R Mumbai in its successive locations at Peddar Road ,Old Yatch Club, and present T.I.F.R Building .

During 1947-1960 Prof. R.V. S. Sita Ram worked on the properties of cosmic rays, particle detectors, high speed electronics, Radio Astronomy and other various programmes of T.I.F.R. In 1960, T.I.F.R used an accelerator for a long time obtaining Electronics and Gamma Rays of energy 3.5 MeV. Acceleration was achieved in the field of Microwaves.
But H.J.Bhaba was more concerned of development of country and to apply the scientific knowledge. The first step was to have Geological Prospecting and portable GM counters were designed and developed. Mostly U and Th sources underground were detected at several places in India . Shri Sita Ram has provided the electronic circuits for such equipment. The idea was to quantify the actual Radioactivity mines.
Prof. R.V. S. Sita Ram had opportunity to work in UK accelerator Laboratories,during 1950-1952 when their Theory and Technology was just being discovered and applied.
When Prof. R.V. S. Sita Ram took over the Directorship of SAMEER he concentrated on electron linear Accelerators that use of high power Microwaves while Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons use relatively lower radiofrequencies. SAMEER developed LINACS for specific applications for cancer therapy in hospitals and for Non-Destructive testing Radiography for Space Applications and Industry. They can also be used to produce Isotopes and Neutron beams.
Some of the Radar Applications contributed by SAMEER are MST Radar at Tirupati, Radiotheodolites used at several Meteorological stations,Tracking Radars used in ISRO, weather Doppler radars now in experimental stage.

Man power training in proposed high technology areas of Isotopes and neutron beams, helps developing countries to catch up with developed countries like China, Japan, Europe,USA and Russia

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Nuclear Explosive Fission Break-up of Parent MEL-Planet into formation of present day Earth, Mars and Moon entities of the Solar system

From: Lakshmi Narayana Kotcherlakota (
Sent: 06 September 2008 16:01PM
Accepted on 10th November 2009 by the SECTION OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES
The Nuclear explosive Fission break-up of parent MEL-Planet into formation of present day Earth, Mars and Moon entities of the Solar system.By
Kotcherlakota Lakshmi narayana
Tru-Science & Tru-Technology Organization,
17-11-10,Official Colony,Maharanipeta.P.O.Viskahapatnam
Email ID:
Key words: Nuclear Fission, Core Model, Earth, Moon, Mars, MEL-Planet, Moment of Inertia, debris of explosion, primary and secondary processes.
The Earth, Mars and Moon were thought and modeled to have existed as a single planet at about 1.26AU from the Sun. The known facts and physical data of Earth, Mars and Moon have been neatly incorporated in the parent MEL-Planet to get its Moment of Inertia, Surface Tension and Nuclear Fission Explosion event parameters. The primary and secondary processes of Fission were envisaged to arrive at sequential formation of firstly the Mars planet and secondly the Moon planet from a single parent planet termed the MEL-Planet. Simple considerations of deformation theory of the MEL-core was found to suffice the explanation of the orbital parameters of present day Earth, mars and Moon entities of the Solar system.
Email ID:
The ancient scriptures of India have given hymns describing the formation of the planet Mars (ANGARAKA) from a parent Earth-like planet. It would be an interesting exercise and a model development to account for the formation of Mars as a daughter planet of a parent planet, which I term as the MEL-Planet. The essential features of Earth, Mars and Moon are necessarily to be endowed as well in the description of MEL-Planet. The aim of the present article is to project an account of the quantitative results obtained from my model considerations and simulation studies.
The recent and the past Moon Voyager space vehicles and man-made flights(the exact number unknown)have all concluded in general that Moon is constituted by a Solar or extra-Solar genesis. The main reason behind such an argument is that the composition of soil, rocks, grains and the lunar dust of the Moon interior and surface do not bear a relationship with Terrestrial or other Solar planetary material. The model envisaged here in this paper holds a contrary view.
The EML-Planet was existing eons ago constituted by the material that now exists in the Earth, Mars and Lunar entities except for the fact that over millions of years(if not billions) of ageing certain morphological and physical manifestations have changed them drastically, quite radically and beyond even an easy and ready comprehension.
The core of the EML-Planet, existing at that time presumably at a distance of 1.26AU was not that much different from the material of present day Earth, Mars and Moon core materials. The present day Mars and Moon core sizes are so small that fit into neatly as a package of the core of the MEL-Planet. This is a significant aspect of my model of MEL-Planet core composition.
The neat fit of the same core material of course, need to be understood only in terms of the medium properties of the MEL-Planet core that was existing at 1.26AU some eons ago. The exact date when the MEL-Planet disappeared giving rise to the daughter planets viz. Earth) at 1AU), Mars (1.52AU) and Moon (a few km away from earth) is not mentioned in the available scriptures in India. It may not be that much difficult to ascertain it from the present-day technological measurements. The process of the break-up of the MEL-Planet is also not elaborated in the scriptures available in India. It is my firm conviction that MEL-Planet existed at 1.26AU with Bodes’ law validity as a questionable.
The core-mass Matrix is given below. It leads to the possible eigenvalues in which it the core can manifest itself.
Table No.1 The Mass-Core Matrix
4.308057 -3.84772 -0.41308 -0.04725
-3.84772 -3.43657 -0.36894 -0.0422
-0.41308 -0.36894 -0.19707 -0.00453
-0.04725 -0.0422 -0.00453 -0.00052
This matrix gives the levels in which the possible break up of the MEL-Planet could take place. The Nuclear Explosive Fission break up of the MEL-Planet led to the formation of the Earth, Mars and Moon daughter planets is what my model asserts.
Obviously the mass of MEL-Planet should satisfy the equation
Mmel = (4/3) *π*R 3 mel * ρ mel ………………………..eq.1
where ρ mel is the density, R mel is the core radius and the general equation of pressure is given by
-p0 (r) *4 *π*R 2mel +(3/20)* G * M2 mel / R 2mel =0. ……..eq.2

where p0 (r) is the pressure. It is well known that the core of the Earth is about 2898km. By the same arguments I have used the core sizes of Mars as about 1533.83km and that of Moon about 789.87km. I have derived a value of R mel = 6716.246km which is not much different from the mean Earth’s radius of about 6376.65km.

The core-mass Matrix is given below. It leads to the
possible eigenvalues in which it the core can manifest itself.

Table No.2 The Moment of Inertia and the Rotational Energies
Planet/ Satellite Moment of Inertia Rotational Energy
Units of Kg.m2 Joules
MEL-Planet 1.934E+37 5.11E+28
Earth Planet 1,55E+37 4.14E+28
Mars Planet 4.6823E+35 1.18E+27
Moon Satellite 1.42036E34 4.31E+22

The Earth body has been divided into Six zones A, b, C, D, E, F, G with respective distances mentioned as about 33km, 413km, 984km for A, B and (C,D) and E at about 2898 km and the remaining distance of the radius of Earth, for the F and G zones.
The core size adopted in the present article of course, refer to the core sizes that were existing inside the EML-Planet at about 1.26AU distance from the Sun. The values adopted by me for the core-sizes are physically plausible magnitudes, since they (should) reflect finally the formation of Earth, mars and Moon entities. The sizes do differ in view of the eons age of evolution of from the date of their formation, through which evolution they have evolved to the present day core-mantle structures.
We need to know the surface energy (larger than surface tension)
That holds the planet MEL in a stable condition. The model envisaged here readily offers the surface tension value of 5.4987E+53 N/m. The core has a characteristic oscillation period of about 1.65E-17sec. For the formation of the Mars, Moon and Earth system in the break-up process of the MEL, I have obtained the Energy magnitudes of ejection of Mars, Moon and Earth from the MEL-Planet as about 1.93E+32 J, 3.84E+28J and 2.65E33J respectively.
(a)Primary Explosion:
This is a break through finding of the author’s model. These energies essentially give the total Nuclear Fission Explosion energy of the system.
The magnitude of the explosive energy corresponds to the trapped Hydrogen gas of the MEL-Planet as about 4.5E+18Kg. Thus the MEL model gives an insight into the Physics of the core material of the MEL-Planet. There are several papers that think of a solid crystalline Hydrogen core of the Earth Planet and some others contend it is only consists of the Nickel Iron in Liquid /solid form. The primary might not have anyway exhausted the entire hydrogen content of the MEL-Planet and so solace is for the scientists who argue about the presence of the crystalline Hydrogen inside the core of present day Earth.
The Nuclear (thermo) explosion fission led to the fission fragmentary components of the MEL-Planet and they eventually formed the cores of the Earth, mars and Lunar entities ,in a sequence of primary and secondary explosive processes.
(b) THE MATERIAL OF MOON (secondary explosive process):
At first Mars was created and then the secondary explosion led to the creation of Moon using the remnants of the primary process of thermonuclear explosion of MEL-Planet.
This is another significant finding of the present model that the material of the Moon differs essentially from the material of the Earth or the mars, due to the fact, that Moon is constituted by the debris of the primary Nuclear Fission explosion of the MEL-Planet core years ago.
1.MEL-Planet existed at a distance of 1.26 AU from the Sun.
2.MEL-Planet broke up into fission fragments of present day Earth, Mars and Moon
3.The material of moon was the debris of primary nuclear fission process break-up of the MEL-Planet.
4.The less energetic secondary explosion has thrown off the Moon material from the Earth’s core, immediately after the primary explosion.
5.The energy levels of the MEL-Planet core provide an interesting insight into the gravitational and temperature profiles of the planetary systems during the early stages of their formation and as well before the break-up into fission fragments.
6.The known facts and physical data of Earth, Mars and Moon neatly fit into the MEL-Planet constitution and structure.
7.The nuclear Fission Explosion break-up of the core of MEL-Planet leads to the present orbital parameters of the Earth, Moon and Mars entities effectively and with reasonable accuracy.
8.The core oscillations frequency of MEL-Planet was found to be of the order of 1.65E-17sec, which is a physically reasonable value.
The author wishes to record his deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his constant encouragement and guidance in my research work. He is also grateful to IAEA, SAE and UNESCO for grant of an International Fellowship to him during the year 1964-1965 which made it possible for me to visit various European and Scandinavian research laboratories.
1.The Atomic Nucleus by RD Evans McGraw-Hill Co.NY, p.387 (1955).
2. W.J.Christensen Jr. Gen Rel Grav Vol.39, p.105-110, (2007)
3. an article by Neven Bilic et al p.46-52. on Thermonuclear Instability
*Ancient Sanskrit scriptures of India mentioning some hymns of creation of Angaraka (Mars) planet from Earth. Bhakti monthly magazine June/July/Aug 2008.

I. On the origin of Moon-Earth system:
Doc for dt3rd March 2009 copyright held
Alfven and Arrhenius have stated that Moon could not have been generated in the environment of the earth by a normal accretion process as claimed by some authors. They proposed that Moon was also a captured satellite with several aspects of tides evolution and capture orbit not understood completely. Of course, they point out that Earth-Moon system with a satellite-to-planet ratio of 1:80 is different from normal systems the general approach proposed by them is the transfer of angular momentum from the central body to prograde secondary bodies. This can take place by hydro magnetic processes occurring in the plasma environment of the central body. A simple formula of gravitation potential κΦ has specific values where Φ =Mc/R orb with R orb is orbital radius of secondary body and κ the gravitational constant. Mars has satellites Deimos at 34.2 and Phobos at 13.5 earth radii. Their analysis stresses that Luna planet accreted in a jet stream near Earth’s orbit. The jet streams of formation of Moon and that of Earth cannot be asserted whether Luna jet stream was located inside or outside Earth’s jet stream.
Chemical compositions of the two jet streams are different. Moon accreted with cool interior while Earth formed due to a hot core. Original lunar orbit intersected Earth’s orbit and due to frequent Earth-Moon encounters resulted eventually to its capture by Earth.
H. Alfven ICARUS vol.8, No.3, p.215-226, 1964
H. Alfven and G. Arrhenius the Moon vol.5 p.210-230(all rights reserved)
Tides make the Moon’s distance increase, means that when extrapolated backward Moon was closer to Earth. Darwin was suggested by H. Alfven to have calculated the variations of Moon’s Orbit and half century later Gerstenkorn solved its orbit elements. During 1950-60. See ref L H Alfven, Origin of Moon, Science Vol.148. p.3669, 1965.

II. Chadrayaan mission meant to explore Lunar surface by simultaneous photo geological and chemical mapping to identify different geological parameters. The great Impact hypothesis is what the Editorial of Dream2047 vol.11, No.2, p.21, 2008 of India feels the currently accepted hypothesis on the Orgin of Moon. It proposes that a body of the size of Mars slammed into Earth shortly after formation of Iron core interior. The impact took place with the blasting off a big chunk of Earth into space that ejecta began orbiting Earth. The ejecta coalesced into Moon. It seems that Impact Hypothesis explains missing Iron of the Moon, similarity of rocks of Earth and the Moon and the tilts of Moon and Earth orbits respectively.

III. Note on Mars:
The Vedic hymn on Mars is as follows:
“ Angaraka Mahiputra Bhagvan! Bhaktavatsala
Namaste Mamashesha Runamashu Vimochaya”

Pedda Bala Shiksha of Hindu schools has this sloka to be learnt by school children. Once upon a time the Mars was a fiery Planet. Also mentioned by Devarakonda Sheshagiri Rao in Kumudam Bhakti Special, page 43, July 2008

A new Model by J.J.A. Getino and A. Escapa from Universities of Valladolid and Aliconta explains movements of Moon according to ScienceDaily News dt. Dec 20, 2008. They have new formulas to study rotation of Moon, based on its structure of a solid external layer and a fluid internal core. Their model proposes among other things the study of multi-layer theories to study rotation and movements of the Moon based on the small changes that take place within the Earth’s rotational axis. Kopeikic et al., Adv. Space Res., Vol.42, No.8, p.1378, 2008. They claim that Laser ranging would allow Earth-Moon distances to be determined to the accuracy of millimeter.