Volume 2010, Issue No.7, dt.29th July 2010
Pseudo Ferroelectric Polymeric Films Preparation, the Transmission Characteristics and their Utility as the Optical Switches
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof of Physics, SU}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002 Mobile: 9491902867 BSNL. Email ID: kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.com
Pseudo Ferroelectric Films:
The author has previously obtained a patent of generating these films and the materials. The present paper deals with the possible use of them as the Optical Switches. The white light consisting of the several VIGBYOR frequencies may be used to transmit via exclusively the green light the information on the path of an internet or the intranet using this polymeric film.
I. a). Application complete specification ,Patent Application No.186/Bom/83/1068 dt 10/6/1985 reply from Patent Office Branch to Dr. K.L.Narayana, Reader in Physics, Sivaji University, Kolhapur -416004 MS, India.: examiner of Pat & designs,K.S.Kardam.Form 1:dt.4th June 1983 submitted on 14th April 1983 by KLN.
b). Registered A/D to Dr. K.L.Narayana, M.Inst.P. (Lond.) Reader in Physics, Sivaji University, Kolhapur -416004 MS, India. Letter No. 186/Bom/1983/1002, dt 31.5.1984 by M.S.Karadam: Examiner of patents and drugs, sending Comp. Specification, on patent application by Dr. K. L. Narayana.VS:21/7/83. Replied by him on 30th April 1985.
II a).Patent Application No.224/Bom/89/1693 dt. 30/7/1991 by Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, the reply from Patent Office Branch to Dr. K.L.Narayana, Professor, General Physics Laboratories, Sivaji University, Kolhapur-416004 MS, India.: Examiner Ruchi Tiwari Bombay-13 First objection report issued on date 3-7-1990 with period expiry date as 3-10-1991 of GOI, POB, Todi Estates, 3rd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel (west), Bombay 400013.
b). Form 1, Form 3A, and Form 4 duly filled submitted by Dr. K.L.Narayana, Professor, General Physics Laboratories, Sivaji University, Kolhapur -416004 MS, India on 23rd July 1989 , Letter No. SU/PHY KLN-23 to controller of Patents GOI, POB,Todi Estates,3rd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel (west), Bombay 400013 informing the possession of an invention for
c). Letter no. 378/B/91/4592 dt 15.1.1992 from GOI, POB,Todi Estates,3rd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel (west), Bombay 400013 to Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, Professor of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004 acknowledge receipt application numbered 378/B/91 dt. 23.12.1991 by examiner of patents drugs, Bhattacharya.
d). Registered A/D to Dr. K.L.Narayana, Professor, General Physics Laboratories, Sivaji University, Kolhapur -416004 MS, India. Letter No. 224/Bom/ 89/1345dt 3.7.1990 by Dr. Ruchi Tiwari : Examiner of patents and drugs, sending Form 4 and Comp. Specification, on patent application by Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.