Monday, March 17, 2014

Relativistic Irregular and Regular Doublet Laws Extract from D.Sc. Madras Thesis (yrs.1922-1924) by Prof. K. R Rao, D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London)

Vol. 2014, Issue No.3, Dated: 17th March 2014 : Time 13h50m P.M.

Relativistic Irregular and Regular Doublet Laws
Extract from D.Sc. Madras Thesis (yrs.1922-1924)
By Prof. K. R Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London)
Page 74
    The Primary Series :- The first Principal, Sharp and
Diffuse series fall in the extreme ultraviolet and
attempts are here made to fix these, if possible, only by
extrapolation and then seek for confirmation by correlating
the members of the spectra of related elements i.e. InII etc.
The method led to the suggestion of the probable, chief triplet
of the Sharp Series. But in spite of such confirmation, it
may be stated that this cannot be considered as final
and requires experimental confirmation.

          The usual Rydberg relation and formula applied to
the above mentioned two triplets lead to the position λ 1020
as the approximate position of the triplet  1 3 p 0,1 2 – 1 3 s 1 with
separation 1 3 p 1 – 1 3 p 2  =  3150. A more correct idea of the
separation is perhaps obtained from the relation that
in the similar spectra of elements of the same vertical group
of the periodic table, Δν (1 3 p 1 – 1 3 p 2  ) a value of about 4500.

          The only available values of λ wave length of spark
lines of Tin in the required region are those of Lang 54 A
very careful search is made for a possible p triplet among
these lines of λ below 1400 A. U. having in view the
relative outer and magnitudes of the intensities and the
probable ratio of the intervals between the lines in the
triplet. This search revealed the following----
λ  (vac)                 Int               ν                 Δν
                     1251.3                   (60)         79917
                     1189.7                   (40)          84055
                     1158.2                   (60)          86431                      
Page 75
          Evidence for the possibility of this to be regarded  as
the member 13p – 13 s of Sn III is now sought by searching
for the corresponding triplets in the spectrum of In II with
the aid of the Relativistic Irregular and Regular Doublet
Laws and also in the spectrum of Ga II, --- the spectra of
which are found to resemble very closely the corresponding
Spectra of Indium.

          The method, as shown below, is that adopted by
Millikan & Bowen 55 in the identification of lines of CIII.
Formula on p gives -----
ν’/R={(n22 – n12)Z2 – 2(n22 σ 1  - n12σ2 )Z + n22 σ12 - n21 σ22}/( n21 n22)

In the case under consideration, the line 13p – 13s1,
or “Bohr notation ( 53p – 63 s1) is due to an electron jump
between two orbits of different total quantum numbers i.e.
n2   is different from  n1.

                             Hence transposing—
ν’-  R (Z2) (n22 – n12) / (n21 n22)   = c Z + D
ν’  -  R (Z- A)2 (n22 – n12) / (n21 n22)   = c’ Z + D’

The whole expression on the left side varies linearly
with the atomic number Z for any particular set of
values of n 2 ,  n1σ1  , σ2 .

Here n 2- 6 & n1 =5

∴    R  (n22 – n12) / (n21 n22)   =    R   (62 – 52) / (62 52)=1340.5
                                                R being 109,737. 

Page 76
The first column in the table below gives the value
of  n of Cd I and the above value tentatively supposed
to be that of Sn III

                             Putting A= 47
                   For Cd I ==è n’ =  n -1340.5 x 12
                                                = 19656.8-1340.5
                                                = 18316.3.
                   For Sn III =è n’ =  79917 -1340.5 x 32
                                                 = 67852
Hence the table  è

n’ = n -

Cd  I

Interpolation gives a value for In II of  n’ equal to
 About 43300 or  n = 48662.
Regular Doublet law =è
           Dn =  53p1 - 53p2  =    .0234 (Z-s) 4


   D n
4 Ö D n /0.0234

Cd  I

          Interpolation gives about 31 for the screening
constant ‘s’ for In II. This leads to    D n = .0234(49-31) 4
                                                                      = 2457

Page 77 
The following triplet in the spectrum of Indium
is found to be exactly in agreement with prediction.
The respective values, adopting this triplet, are shown in
the above tables enclosed in brackets. It is seen that the
Relativistic Laws are exactly satisfied.

          For purpose of comparison the values of wave-
lengths and intensities of different observers are
given below.


l  I . A .

l vac   Int
Eder & Valenta
l(Rao)  Int

l vac   Int

n  (vac)

   D n

2079.28  (7)
1977.44  (5)
2079.6 (5)
1977.8 (6)
1936.5 (4)
2078.8  (8)
1976.8  (7)
1935.9  (5)
   2481   1058

The wave-numbers are calculated from the recent
measures of carroll. The exact coincidence of observed
and calculated values of the triplet perhaps lends good
support to the correctness of the identification.

          Further support is given by the discovery of the
corresponding triplet, shown below, in the spark
Spectrum of Gallium, which is very prominently
seen in the beautiful spectrograms accompanying
Carroll’s paper and agrees excellently with that of
In II as regards position, frequency interval etc.— 

Page 78
The triplet 13p2, 1 ,0 – 13s1 of Ga II è

 l (vac)        Int
 l (vac)        Int
    n  (vac)
          D n
1845.0         (8)
1813.8         (9)
1799.1         (6)
1845.28      (9)
1813.91      (9)
1799.31      (7)


There is a Displacement of the member towards the
region of shorter wave-lengths as we pass from In II to
Ga II. Values of Dn  / Z 2 for elements of the same chemical
Group are =è
2 3 p 1-  2 3 p 2
Dn  / Z 2
   Al II
   Ga II
   In  II

For comparison a similar table for the group of
spectra Al III etc. is also added                        

Dn  / Z 2
   Al III
   Ga III
   In  III

Term Values:- Term values characteristic of the
spectrum of Sn III cannot be determined as the
series has not yet been completely determined and

Page 79
The first member of the diffuse series which is expected
to occur in the ultra-violet below  l 1000 A.U is not


I have recently published a booklet in December 2013, on "Anti-Photon" giving the possibility of collapse of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, giving way to a possibility of Anti-Photons being released from the Earth’s interior and, spurting up to interact with the Earth’s bound atmosphere contents.

Prof K R Rao has foreseen the possibility of

 Relativistic Irregular and Regular Doublet Laws.

Collection of Literary Articles by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

Volume 2014 Issue No.3 Dt. March 17, 2014 Time: 7h12mP.M.

Collection of Literary Articles by 
 Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
My Fair Lady

  1.         Doubt thou the Einstein’s relativity
               as a mathematical juigglary,
               But for the dynamism as the
               source of Contraction.

  2.       Doubt thou the Particle-wave duality,
as a matter of interpretations
But for the splendor of the
colors before the eyes.

  3.       Doubt thou the experiments gigantic,
as a worthless hopeful reality,
But for the utility of these for
     the enjoyment of day to day life.

4.       Doubt thou the theoretical tracts,
         as a perversity of human brain,
                But for the basic laws of expanding ,
               Universe wakes you up the morning.

5.   But never doubt thou the Beauty,
               Symmetry of the Narayana’s panaroma,
neither that I love,  I love,
I love and I love Physics.
Thus sings Narayana for the admirers of Physics.


Aquatic Spark Optical Spectra

Absorption lines reveal the horoscope of electron
Underwater is best suited, like the origin of life
Spark length of 4 to 5 cm at one-cm distance
Window of observation of the spark on electrodes
Primary be an induction coil of direct current
Gauging current of amperes direct at sixty volts
Secondary connected to the spark gap studied
Metals of Aluminium sub-group absorption spectra
Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao years of decade 1920
Resonance fluorescence of Thallium at 61,62
Indium at 51,52 and Gallium at 41,42,as well Al
At 31,32 sets of three sum electrons,”it is the
Transition of this single electron that gives rise
To the Arc optical spectra of these elements of life”.
         (Based on D.Sc.Thesis of KRRao Madras 1925)

The Space Spectrum Azimuths

1.Goes in records of Royal Society London, that using
2.the special steel tube with quartz Windows Young
3.K Rangadhama Rao found the asymmetrical
4.Absorption of Tl l2400 to Tl l2000, and
5.In l6000 to In l2000, lengths of waves
6. The lines absorbed at high temperatures
7.On the short wave side a channeled Space spectrum
8.Consisting of asymmetrical bands degraded towards
9.The red, tube heated in a charcoal furnace, metal enclosed
10.In vacuum and photographed at different temperatures
11.With a higher frequency spark between electrodes
12.Under water as the source of light for continuos background
13.Contrasted trivalent nature of In and Al
14.With monovalent nature of Tl to distinguish the azimuths.
(Based on D.Sc.Thesis of KRRao Madras 1925)


Nuclear Charge AgI-SnIV & Silver-like and Copper-like

(KRRao at Research Years 1919-1925)
1.Astounding a Scientist Research on Nuclear Charge
2.Differences in Nuclear Charge show greater & More
3.Interesting regularities than elements belonging to
4.The same chemical group of Periodic Table, Principal
5.Features of the Sn IV series system Doublets of Sharp
6.And Diffuse series found converging a common limit 7.Characterised by 16-fold R, ‘s’ and ‘p’ terms
8.Diminish regularly for Sodium-like atoms, AgI to SnIV
9.Or Cu I to Ga III the ‘d’ term diminishes, unlike the ‘s’
10.And ‘p’ terms, The Spectrum displaces to shorter,
11.Wave-lengths resulting, increase constant of Series
12.From 4R to 16R, Optical Doublets First & Second
13.Separation with the Square of Net Charge, Disturbed
14.Electron exhibits in Silver-like & Copper-like.
(Based on D.Sc.Thesis of KRRao Madras 1925)


Blown compressed air in steel tube & simple coke fire
Modeled the furnace for high temperature 15-16000C
Young, RangadhamaRao avoided magnetic effects,
Got the orange yellow fluorescent radiation of Bismuth
Used Hilger glass CD to record juxtaposed channeled
Absorption &fluorescence spectra, 20 fluorescent bands Didn’t exhibit polarisation by Nicol, UV absorption,
Contrasted some of these bands showed fine structure,
Discovered charismatic Rangadhama Rao thus the TRIPLE QUANTIFICATION of the Electronic, Nuclear
And Molecular motions, the large moment of inertia of
Bismuth leads to a small frequency interval between successive members of the line series in the bands, crowding together at the head, oscillations of nuclei and rotations of molecules about its centre of gravity, get associated with electrons, critical potentials of these elements correspond to band spectra and the fluorescent
Bands found shaded to less refrangible side, indicate decrease of moment of inertia of Molecule, With change in molecular configuration that decreases internal energys
(Based on D.Sc.Thesis of KRRao Madras 1925)

On Spectra with Typical Frequencies;
(Page 39KRRao D.Sc Thesis 1925 & his researches 1920-25)

Combination frequencies will be observed, Thought Smekal, While normal systems contains typical frequencies,
Perturbation leads to sum and differences with the typical,
Not peculiar since observed that
Greater amount of, Energy is emitted in the transitions,
With the resulting, Appearance of multiplets, 
Than can be supplied by a series, Electron alone!!!, 
The additional energy supplied by, simultaneous transitions
By a second valence electron, integrated
Emitted as a single monochromatic radiation,
Generalized by any number of valence electrons, accounts
For both, Long and small periods of spectra, existence of this, Peculiar and important types of multiplets characteristic,
Feature of almost all the spectral structures analysed.

13th April 2006:

Science Temper:

Where the brain rules the humorous
With the conviction and contemplation,
Where the bondage is boundless,
When the cultural heritage has not lost its grip,
My fellow Indians be vibrant with,
The Spirit of Science within you.

Song of the View of Life:
As a molded citizen of India,
Sparked by the knowing, knower and knowledge,
I aim to arose the divine thread of Nation,
Effortless I guide for a supreme Nation,
The Hi-Tech & Hyper science to serve my people,
Village, Urban elite alike to be a Globitizen,
A flame speck of the billion Indians,
I shall reflect myself in each one of you,
Restrengthened by their thoughts & deed,
I shall enlighten the View of Indian life,
The most powerful to brighten the world,
Across Nations, within Nations and by Nations,
I shall teach the Gita of Modern Society,
That’s makes supreme Nation India as a Diamond.

Paradise of the Soul:
(Radiant energy for the world)

There’s a light in you,
That helps to find all the,
Wealth, power and beauty of Nature,
Mistaken not these are a part of verily the nature,
The very nature a paradise of self,
Chosen Indian you are the one endowed,
Radiant away the energy of light,
To lit up the whole world,
For a blissful life of enlightenment Wave.

Forget not that Thou Are an Indian

Thy the Nectar drop of the Heavenly Heavens, O Thou Lord of Gauri
O Thou Mother of Universe & knowledge, O Thou Mother of Strength,
The Lord of Thou, Omnipresent Ideal is the great Ascetic of Ascetics,
Thy Humanity Social order of your reflex of Infinite Universal Motherhood,
In Flesh and Blood generations do Believe Thou are the Swadesha Mantra,
Thy Swadesha Courage, Pride, Victory, and Achievement Thou Are,
The Soil of India Thou are, Freedom of Thought and Deed of Excellence,
Thy Country Womanhood of Pativrata, Commitment of Thy Family,
Culture Abode of Brotherhood, Thou Manliness of The Shankara,
All in One, Ignorant Indian, Destitute Indian, Brahmin Indian
Pariah Indian and the like, Thou Art Worship the Sacred India of Light,
Thy wisdom the Cradle of Places of Spirituality in Totality of Universe,
Marriage, Life, Sansar and Renunciation the Foursome of Thy Glory,
Good of India, Beacon Call to the Living Alter Nations of the Universe,
Sense Pleasure of Thou Personal Consciousness, to Thy Good,
Thou Brave one Proclaim by Nerve and Genes, Thou are an Indian,
Wise Instrument of Creativity, Order of living, Thou within itself Thou,
Yoga Discipline of Thy work of Brighter Bharat, Thou The Measure of Universe,
Forget not that Thou Art an Indian.
Prof. Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, 
Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, 
Maharanipet.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002 
Mobile 9491902867/9542717723
(A tribute to Swami Vivekananda of Swadesha Mantra)
Dated: 24th January 2012. Time: 10.00AM

Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.
(Pen Name kolana)

NE’RAJANA’s Younger Sister


In Telugu literature once upon a time the character NE’RAJANA was very popular. She has been depicted as an extraordinary woman of unusual feminine brain to have a successful social life. She doesn’t care much for her family or the dependents but only seeks to retain her authority and social dictum. She might have one or more faithful followers who work as a bandwagon to propagate rumors to disengage nice family lives or even to eliminate certain cherished and established cultural values of life. In this virtual play let one such character meets a sudden death, leaving a vacuum of society life for the younger sister, who however fails to become a NE’RAJANA.

Virtual Characters:

                                                                 Younger sister: Dhara

Rayud: Husband of NE’RAJANA

Govinda Rao: Rayud’s admirer
Rukmini: Ruk (daughter of Nerajana)
Annapurna: Purna (a bandwagon member)
Neja: NE’RAJANA “Ta”, NE’RAJANA “Ta”, Bloody fellows let their heads be broken. Every dud fellow says this! I am a big elder lady, so I give advises to mend their ways and life in a better way. What’s wrong am crossing 35 years and am a beautiful lady. Why they should criticize me, to make my life as a bazaar thing. How bullish these people are?
Purna: What are these morning hymns you are resounding the entire village street! It’s not yet early morning and on whom is this anger of hatred and curse?
Neja: The irresponsible group of idiots, what’s for them? No morning or twilight.
Purna: What’s the matter! Actually what happened?
Neja: That fellow Govind met my husband. He is asking Rayud whether he can go and stay with his cousin sister in Hydbad. He is asking whether our tradition would allow this fellow to eat food or be a guest of honor for the night at her place. He has no manners. Cultural brute. They don’t have courtesy or sense of values of cultural tradition. After all he belongs to a community group of the Chairman. Why can’t he ask for permission to stay at the Chairman’s sister’s place and they are the same community feathers.
Purna: So why you are worried!
Neja: My sister Dhara is there at Hydbad. Let him go there. We get more money that the scoundrel can give for his lodging and boarding. Why trouble my Rayud’s people?
Purna: That’s it! How is Dhara? How many children she has?
Neja: You are nice. There are no good people like you with affection and love these day’s.
Purna I am always with you! Don’t agonize Neja.
Neja: It is I who arranged her flat in Hydbad next to our company MD. The MD is so nice to my Dhara; he took her help to run the house when his wife is away for delivery. MD you know is a rich fellow and he took care of my brother-in-law’s promotion. It’s that made our lives happy, otherwise poor Dhara would have been a skeleton with the rearing of her children.
Purna Thank You let me go. It’s enough I heard from you to day. I have plenty of work to do. (She leaves)
Rayud: Purna would propagate the entire about you and Dhara story do you know it?

After a few Days

 Rayud: Oh! You have come to see me. Very nice of you to have remembered me! What’s up on the sleeves now?
 Govind: Just to spend a few minutes with you as a respite!
Rayud: (loudly) Ruk please bring a cup of coffee to your uncle Govind!
 Ruk: (entering)  Here it is Uncle Govind.
Govind: Oh! You are so charming, nice and sweet. Coffee tastes very fine. Rayud, when are you getting your dear daughter RUK married? I think she is of the mature age!
Rayud: It all depends on her mother!
Neja: Govind, Where is your wife? I came to know that you have sent her to Mumbai!
Govind: How do you know that? I thought even Lord Siva’s third eye wouldn’t know about it?
Neja: I get to know after all this is my town. Which country in Africa she is selling the precious stones? How is your RATNALU (pearls) business?
Govind: My god you know too much! Africa is only a passageway to foreign trade of our Diamonds. Your necklace is very ornamental!
Neja: I was privileged and the Jamindhar of our town gave it to me as token of gratitude! He got his son settled for marriage with an affluent businessman’s only daughter. So I got this in return.
Govind: God bless you. (Self: Is it for making or breaking the marriage!)
Neja: When are planning to go Hydbad
Govind: I shall stay with Dhara!
Neja: You better do it. She is doing now real-estate business. Take her to your farmhouse. She likes to visit gardens.
Rayud: Is there no end to your talk?
Neja: His eyes are bad! I wish my Ruk wouldn’t get bad effects of his envious eyes!
Govind: Forgive me. I wish good luck to your Ruk.


Neja: Why did you call my Ruk to serve that idiot! He is good-for-nothing. His wife sells the diamonds etc. He always pries into others affairs. He will tell bad things about my Ruk.
Rayud: Yes. I do agree with you. Next time I won’t commit this mistake.
Neja: Govind hates our community. He is now styling himself as Govinda Rao.He boasts as a pious and orthodox fellow. But he always tries to deceive by submissive behavior, politeness and with a sweet tongue. Behind us he abuses that India didn’t progress due to our community! He made lots of black money. He learnt how to make artificial Gems and Pearls and sells them as real ones. Education makes these people more dishonest and corruptible. They don’t hesitate to sell our country for a price!
Rayud: Don’t worry next time I will tell him to give you a studded necklace with Pearls and Diamonds.


Dhara: Your farm is splendid. Every species of tropical & Himalayan exotics are blooming here. How could you achieve it without biotechnology effort?
Govind: my technology is organic manure. It is judicious choice and seasonal mixture compost that does the trick of bloom growth. Only my mother and brother have the know-how. More important to the farm is their vast knowledge of the land and the experienced practice.
Purna: Thank you so much for brining us here.
Govind: It is our paradise!
Purna: I am sympathetic of your mother and brother who appear to be daily labor.
Govind: Somebody need to toil!
Purna: They look like innocent villagers and till you told me I didn’t realize they are your mother and brother.
Govind: They love the farm without them my farm idea wouldn’t have bloomed!
Dhara: It is a great fortune and has its value and price of profit, who ever be responsible for the blooming!
Govind: Very few people have a sense of appreciation. What do you think Purna?
Purna: I hail from a poor village of hard tillers. May be I think that you need to invest more, being rich enough, to provide public health & sanitation facilities to your village. More important and immediate is to give your mother good farm gloves, weather cloths and the farming boots.
Govind: I wish I would do it. But where is the time. I have my business interests. I don’t like to move the bush; else every villager would fall on me as a parasite! They don’t like to work in comfort!
Purna: The entire village belongs to your community, there are no others allowed here to stay! You are rich. Why not like Gandhi give away 1/6th of your profits.
Govind: But who is to execute it! Time will take care of it. I certainly thought over the matter myself several occasions. But alas there is nothing I can do the MAGIC TRICK of change in humans. They are consistent asses.
Dhara: This fruit is combination of Rama and Sita “Phal” and has an unforgettable taste.
Govind: Its price abroad is 15 Dollars!
Dhara: You are a wonderful developer. I wish people like you would improve our land of fortune for global enterprise.

 Govind: Vasectomy is a minor operation for males and is a very safe operation to prevent birth of children. This is how she convinced the Rayud to go in for the measure. Neja has an acute eye of desires and enjoyment. She got a variety of friends and foes! “Rama” and “ Rama” I shouldn’t talk! Otherwise that evil would spoil my life. Evry big fellow of the town is at her behest call and command. They are ready to do her request. Neja is a society lady. She can do and undo corporate bodies by a twinkle of her eye, as she knows the key figures.
 Purna: Why are you against her? After all you are one of those big figures with her to do any bad thing at her command. Tell me how many good things you have done! Except that you bought houses, plots and owns good business contacts. Tell me what is the use of a fellow like you dear Govind Rao to our society? Your name should have been Visha (poisonous) Rao!
Govind It’s due to me and my effort our country earns good foreign exchange. Our goods are being sold like hot cakes and hamburgers!
Purna: Yes, Yes.Tell me what are your props in foreign lands? Are they not palatial constructs?
Govind: Every Dic & Harry says the same thing because “grapes are sour to certain foxes”
Purna: It’s ok, that you are lucky to get with it due to the loopholes of the constitution. People like don’t get listed since you enjoy riding on a double platform to play the game of life.
Govind: Then why is it your brother getting married to Neja’s daughter Ruk? Don’t you know that she got an albino patch a hazy one on her neck at the backside? It is a dangerous spot for your life as a sister, that’s what the astrology says?
Purna: I don’t know about this. Neja never told me about it!
Govind: Now you know the true nature of Neja!


Govind: How come Ruk agreed for this boy?
Dhara: He is a nice fellow! May be as an adult he is mischievous and arrogant.
Govind: Do you know that he is only 10th class with a Diploma of health training? And he has of course owns a 2.5 million corporate health center? Compared to him no ayurvedic doctor of ancient knowledge stands successful?
Dhara I know that allopathic is now a fortune profession. That boy can also mould his practice to suit the ayurvedic medicines.
Govind: You people don’t have any principles!
Dhara: Of all the public and the people you are the one to comment on it.
Govind: Married life and happiness are important but not the wealth and success.
Dhara: Glad you becoming more sensible these days.
Govind: I want to ask you a big quiz. If a 250 ml water to sell 500ml milk for sale, how much water I have to add for 1 liter of Milk?
Dhara: If the water is a good and clean water of Municipal Tap then you have to add one and half liters of water!
Govind: Excellent you are best suited for business. Will you be my partner?
Dhara: Let Neja also join us!
Govind: No, she would take away all my business and I should retire with a white cap on my head?
Dhara: Neja is skillful. She toppled the corporate chairman by a simple word.
Govind: I know she is capable.
Dhara: She told purna the past romance of the chairman with a lady.
Govind: So, his wife didn’t vote for him. Is that right?
Dhara: you are shroud!
Govind: Do you know that Neja’s past life when you were a kid? She got into an affair with a close relative but it was in bvain. Your family so they shifted away from that place and poor Rayud loves her because she keeps him happy and comfortable. He a nice fellow who doesn’t care for the past! He is a gentle futuristic fellow.
Dhara: I know my sister. You are a scoundrel. Don’t tell me lies.


 Rayud: Dhara, your name is best suited to you, your parents have christened you aptly.
Dhara: Why do you think so?
Rayud: Dhara means Price! You calculate every move in terms of money. Yes, you are good at accumulating wealth and controlling the dollar flow!
Dhara: I can also cut jokes on you dear Mr.Bil (brother-in-law).
Rayud: Don’t you be angry. The reverse of your name is Radha, the ever enchanting and everfragrent love and romance of Lord Krishna. May that God bless you dear Sily (Younger sister-in-law)
Dhara: What’s the matter?
Rayud: Govind told me that you found out that Ruk has an albino hazy patch on the backside of her neck! And threatened purna that it’s an astrological sign of death to her!
Dhara: Bloody fellow! Kesava, Madhava and Narayana. Believe me it’s that fellow scoundrel, he told me this entire bullshit story.
Rayud: Anyway, it’s good. My Neja took her to a doctor and in Medical check up they found no evidence of it at all! She got also the DNA checked.
Dhara: you have decided the marriage?
Rayud: Of course, It’s to be held in the Vasant (spring) Rutuvu (season)
Dhara: Splendid, that’s really a god news and I am extremely happy about it.
Rayud: don’t spread the news. We will give invitations!

(After four years of life)

Purna: It’s no life without Neja!
Govind: Yes, indeed we lost a wonderful lady.
Rayud:It’s her time for death. No one can escape the end!
Dhara: I feel still she is with me and in my blood and me.
Govind: Yes, Yes, But you can’t be like her!
Rayud:” No body can fill her place.
Purna: Why don’t you marry Dhara after all she is your wife’s sister?
Rayud: Dhara can’t be a match her even to Neja’s “foot nail”. I love Neja and our love is eternal.
Govind: Good thing, that she could see her daughter married and also deliver the babyboy. God has blessed her with a full life.
Dhara & Purna: People like you Govind Rao after all have a good tongue!


Friday, June 04, 2004               1:50:49 PM
