D.Sc.(Madras). D.Sc.(London)
K Rangadhama Rao was a very generous and amicable student as his biography details reveal. It’s surprising that at the young age of 15 to 20 years he has sought not only his higher education but as well to create a centre of excellence in research. Obviously Prof KRRao worked as a demonstrator and set up many apparatus and equired imported precission instruments with the object of first class level of research at Vizianagaram. After obtaining his MA from Tirichinopoly in 1922, his first attempt for full fledged effort was at Maharaja College, Vizianagaram which, since it was the only external institution recognized for Madras University, research degree courses.
He joined with The Head of the Physics Department which, perhaps was only a great luck for A.L.Narayana, whose D.Sc.(Madras) was completed within a record time of just few years, with publications made in colloboration with Prof KRRao and his group of friends. The HOD, ALNarayana is well known for his methods of handling people and luckily Prof KRRao could complete his ambition of research programma at this recgnosized centre and to secure his D.Sc.(Madras). In his acknowledgments he always expressed deep indebtedness to the HOD for his continued interest and help. The others like G Subrahmanian, D Gunnaiya etc for example Vasanta Rao Venkata Rao, were unable to get their research degrees and worst case was that of D. Gunnaiya, who has also lost his job at Maharaja College, Vizianagaram by the grace of the HOD.
But Prof KRRao continued his indebtedness to Prof ALNarayana, also helped to guide ALNarayana's eldest son A. Sundar Rao, who became later a Director of Leather Institute in Madras, and as well the others associated with him.

But Prof KRRao continued his indebtedness to Prof ALNarayana, also helped to guide ALNarayana's eldest son A. Sundar Rao, who became later a Director of Leather Institute in Madras, and as well the others associated with him.

Dr A. L. Narayana's thesis was submitted at first before
Prof KRRao submitted his D.Sc.Thesis for the Madras University since then he Prof KRRa0 continued his untiring effort of Research in the Modern Physics and created a knowledge force of ardent students under his patronage, magnanimous and generous guidance, help and support for the academic excellence in the diverse fields of Science & Technology.
172 1925 Natur.115..534N 1.000 4/1925 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Rao, K. Rangadhama
On the Resonance Radiation from Thallium Vapour
174 1924 Natur.114..645N 1.000 11/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Row, K. Rangadhama
The Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption Spectra of Bismuth Vapour at High Temperatures
175 1924 Natur.114..194N 1.000 08/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Prof Dr K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras). D.Sc.(London).
1924 Natur.114..194N 0.776 08/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Title: Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Authors: Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Affiliation: Research Laboratories, H.H. The Maharajah's College, Vizianagaram.
Publication: Nature, Volume 114, Issue 2858, pp. 194 (1924). (Nature Homepage)
Publication Date: 08/1924 Origin: NATURE Abstract Copyright: (c) 1924: Nature DOI:
10.1038/114194a0 Bibliographic Code: 1924Natur.114..194N
RE: Is this the first publication of nannagaru in 1924
From: Lakshminarayana kotcherlakota (kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.com)
Sent: 10 January 2009 19:56PM
Kotcherlakota Rao (kvnrao1@verizon.net)
Dear Simham,
You are marvellous. Splendid to get the first publication of Nanagaru. Presume I shall locate the full paper in due course of time.Happy Pongal.Convey my wishes to one and all to whom we are mutually known and gracious.
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 15:35:06 -0500From: kvnrao1@verizon.netSubject:
Is this the first publication of nannagaru in 1924To: kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.comSign onSAO/NASA ADS General Science Abstract Service
· Title:Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Authors: Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Affiliation: Research Laboratories, H.H. The Maharajah's College, Vizianagaram.
Publication: Nature, Volume 114, Issue 2858, pp. 194 (1924). (Nature Homepage)
Publication Date: 08/1924
Origin: NATURE Abstract Copyright: (c) 1924: Nature DOI: 10.1038/114194a0
Bibliographic Code: 1924Natur.114..194N
IN the course of our experiments on the absorption of light by vapours of different metals, we have recently photographed the absorption spectra of lead, bismuth, antimony, thallium, and magnesium with the following results:

Prof KRRao submitted his D.Sc.Thesis for the Madras University since then he Prof KRRa0 continued his untiring effort of Research in the Modern Physics and created a knowledge force of ardent students under his patronage, magnanimous and generous guidance, help and support for the academic excellence in the diverse fields of Science & Technology.
172 1925 Natur.115..534N 1.000 4/1925 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Rao, K. Rangadhama
On the Resonance Radiation from Thallium Vapour
174 1924 Natur.114..645N 1.000 11/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Row, K. Rangadhama
The Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption Spectra of Bismuth Vapour at High Temperatures
175 1924 Natur.114..194N 1.000 08/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Prof Dr K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras). D.Sc.(London).
1924 Natur.114..194N 0.776 08/1924 A E
Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Title: Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Authors: Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Affiliation: Research Laboratories, H.H. The Maharajah's College, Vizianagaram.
Publication: Nature, Volume 114, Issue 2858, pp. 194 (1924). (Nature Homepage)
Publication Date: 08/1924 Origin: NATURE Abstract Copyright: (c) 1924: Nature DOI:
10.1038/114194a0 Bibliographic Code: 1924Natur.114..194N
RE: Is this the first publication of nannagaru in 1924
From: Lakshminarayana kotcherlakota (kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.com)
Sent: 10 January 2009 19:56PM
Kotcherlakota Rao (kvnrao1@verizon.net)
Dear Simham,
You are marvellous. Splendid to get the first publication of Nanagaru. Presume I shall locate the full paper in due course of time.Happy Pongal.Convey my wishes to one and all to whom we are mutually known and gracious.
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 15:35:06 -0500From: kvnrao1@verizon.netSubject:
Is this the first publication of nannagaru in 1924To: kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.comSign onSAO/NASA ADS General Science Abstract Service
· Title:Absorption Spectra of Some Metallic Vapours
Authors: Narayan, A. L.; Subrahmaniam, G.; Gunnaiya, D.; Rangadhamarao, K.
Affiliation: Research Laboratories, H.H. The Maharajah's College, Vizianagaram.
Publication: Nature, Volume 114, Issue 2858, pp. 194 (1924). (Nature Homepage)
Publication Date: 08/1924
Origin: NATURE Abstract Copyright: (c) 1924: Nature DOI: 10.1038/114194a0
Bibliographic Code: 1924Natur.114..194N
IN the course of our experiments on the absorption of light by vapours of different metals, we have recently photographed the absorption spectra of lead, bismuth, antimony, thallium, and magnesium with the following results:

It is surprising to note that on the 2nd January 1925 he enunciated a quantum theory explanation of his spectral observations made on the Molecular(diatomic), Polyatomic and the Atomic lines that the Rotational structure features etc depend on the physical entities like the Moment of Inertia changes, changes of the molecular configurations, radiated energy due to oscillations associated with electrons, rotations of the molecule about the centre of gravity, banded spectra a criterion for the presence of molecular processes and radiating systems are the molecules and on types of energies radiated due to the oscillations of nuclei. Especially, he specifically stated that the internal energy decreases associated with bands.
The hand written notes of Prof KRRao dated the year 1921 and the year 1922 are available and gives fine details of Modern Physics, Optics, Electromagnetic Theories, Spectra observations, experimental techniques details, procedures and many other features fundamental to carry out a research endeavour. Attempts are being made to digitize his other noted at the collegiate level.
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