Volume 2011, Issue No.3, Dated: 18th March 2011 Time:7:49:22 PM
The Astronomy Study and the Weather scenario of 5th March to 18th March 2011 at Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, Shivaji University} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Mobile: 9542717723
The Mahamani Mantapam construction of 100 pillars (the dismantled 1000pillars ancient area of Tirupati Lord Sri Venkateswara Temple) gave an astonishing surprise that spring water has been oozing out within a depth of hardly five feet. It has been observed that the Sun Rays have fallen on the idol at Arasuvalli in Srikakulum India, slightly shifted off the central line, by several inches, towards the right of it. This shows that the Indian Continent might have considerably shifted, since the original positioning of the Idol, must have been one of a direct Sun Rays fall, on the central part itself of the main sculpture of the Sun idol. This supports the theory put forward by the present author that the Indian continent was undergoing a rotational movement. The gray sky has been again is of considerable interest observed on the 7th and 8th of March 2011 around 18h to about 20h PM. This shows that the scattered X-Rays and Ultra Violet along with some mesons and other strange particles originated from the Sun have engulfed the terrestrial atmosphere. The present author conjectures that the Earthquake may be due to the interplay of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta with the gravitational features of the terrestrial structure and the release of enormous energy in the form of an upheaval of the tectonic plates is a possible theory. On 18th March 2011 it has been found near the boulder rocks of the sea coast some colored stone pebbles have been washed ashore. The Plato’s description of vanished Atlantis continent due to a huge tsunami wave has been shown along with his description of the animals that were supposedly existed on that continent. His records of possibly some 9000BC of sacrificial animal rituals by the people on that continent were also given. The present author conjectures that the Lotus continent described in poetic style in the India ancient treatises and books (called Veda and Puranalu etc) has vivid descriptions of the Cosmology and the Constellations(Called Nakshtras) and therefore may be reasoned out that these point out, that the animal descriptions given by Plato in fact relate to the Astrophysical Events and just the animal sacrifices. The 1st Order spectrums of the Moon inside and outside the cloud cluster are given obtained within a gap of just 4 minutes. The cloud has certainly considerable information about the Volcano, tsunami and the radioactive explosive dust of the Japan Earthquake. Though it occurred actually on the 11th March 2011, even after a week’s time the phenomenal affect on the weather at Visakhapatnam were seen and fully recorded by the present author.
Keywords: Astronomy, RAONIUM, Particle Physics, Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, Applied Mathematics, Solar Plasma Spectra.
After the 2nd March 2011Festival Day of Mahasiva Rathri a warming up of the summer season began in India. The first report of heat waves was reported from Araku Valley in Visakhapatnam District. The penguin seagulls group of birds has arrived on the Visakhapatnam sea shore. The Mango fruit that flowered heavily got damaged by 40% due to a rain that lashed several parts of Andhra Pradesh. The Sun Temple on the Wednesday 9th March 2011 has been blessed with the morning Sun Rays directly falling on the Idol of Sun at the Arasuvalli, Srikakulum District Sun God Temple. The rays have given an exhilarating and an astounding view of the entire idol that has glittered with a golden hue of color and scintillated the surrounding gold decoration of the idol. The rays fell on the idol beginning from 6h19mAM to 6h21mAM. The event occurs twice in a year once in March and the other in October.
There was an earthquake in Japan on Wednesday of magnitude 7.2R at Morning 11h45mAM local, with epicenter of depth10kms, in a direction of southeast coast about 159kms away and about 440kms away from Tokyo city.24inches tsunami touched the Opunato coast. Another earthquake of 6.3R followed the main earthquake. Several quakes had hit the same region Sendai in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
The most powerful earthquake 8.9-magnitude quake off its northeastern coast Friday 11th March 2011, triggering a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that has hit Japan( 140 years later, since records began) country's north-east and triggered a devastating tsunami, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo. The quake that struck 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.8. The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo. Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo. The Atomic reactor nuclear power plant, DGC, in Pukushima located 250km from Tokyo exploded on Saturday due to the failure of coolant water. The radioactive dust and smoke has emanated from it and more than 45000 people were evacuated. Other Nuclear power plants in Japan are also in danger.
But the tsunami affect has touched the Hawaii Oahu and Honolulu islands and threatened the west central California(especially dell nort) to Alaska, At Curry Country point and Mack line ( 12th March 2011 Saturday morning at 7h30m the tsunami waves reached and with intense waves at 11h AM) some deaths occurred. Santa Cruz experienced giant waves of the sea resulting in destruction of several boats. Similarly the jerry brown four counties have been alerted. Equador Galapagos, Chile Easter Island, Mexico Baza California and Manzanita, Honduras, etc has received excess water flows in the coastal areas.
The Mahamani Mantapam construction of 100 pillars (the dismantled 1000pillars ancient area) gave an astonishing surprise that spring water has been oozing out within a depth of hardly five feet. The belief of devotees that the temple was built originally on a river bed and there are several streams flowing underneath has been discounted by the modern temple construction, destruction and remodeling builders. The firm belief that there exist hidden and sacredly laid precious stones below the ancient constructs is the main reason of this activity by the modern builders.
Japan is situated along the world's most active earthquake belt, the Pacific Ring of Fire, where rigid plates in the Earth's crust collide along the rim of the Pacific Ocean. An earthquake of 8.9 R magnitudes originated 231 miles (373 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo and 80 miles (130 km) east of Sendai, Honshu in the Pacific Ocean. The earthquake occurred at a depth of about 15.2 miles (24.4 kilometers).In this area, the Pacific Plate, the plate beneath the Pacific Ocean, is moving almost due west and being pushed down into the Earth's interior along a trench off Japan's east coast. On average, the Pacific Plate is moving at 3.5 inches (8.9 centimeters) per year, but this process is not continuous,
Earth is shifting slightly all the time, owing mostly to atmospheric and ocean currents. The 8.9R magnitude earthquake in Japan shortened Earth's day by 1.8 millionths of a second. , Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees relative to the orbital plane at which Earth travels around the sun. This tilt causes our four seasons, and this tilt has not changed. What has changed is the orientation of the solid Earth with respect to our planet's tilt. In other words, the earthquake rearranged Earth's mass, bringing more mass a bit closer to the Earth's rotation axis, causing the Earth to rotate slightly faster and the length of the day to shorten. This change doesn't affect the (degree) of tilt of the axis of Earth in space, or the orbit of the Earth around the sun. These are internal processes -- earthquakes or winds or currents. They can only change how the Earth's mass is balanced. The Earth is a big massive rotating body. Anything that is reasonable to happen is going to cause only a very small change. Earth really is a very stable system. A perfectly natural motion of the Earth and the biggest cause of this motion are changes in the atmospheric winds, and changes in the ocean currents. The winds and the currents carry a lot of energy with them, and that energy can be exchanged with the solid Earth to cause Earth's rotation to change. The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday not only changed the balance of the planet and altered Earth's spin. It also moved the coastline of the island nation of Japan. Global positioning stations closest to the earthquake's epicenter jumped eastward by up to 13 feet. In the meantime, our day has gotten shorter by 1.8 millionths of a second. The Earth's tilt and rotational spin on its axis as it travels around the Sun causes our seasons. The earthquake in Japan moved the axis of rotation by around 16 cm. That might sound like a lot, but its small compared to the size of the Earth. 1 degree change to the tilt of the axis of the Earth would mean moving it by around 110 km. But the quake's interference with our axis doesn't stop there. The Japanese landmass was moved around by as much as 4m. This redistribution of mass on the surface changes our moment of inertia. In order to conserve angular momentum, the changes in inertia are compensated by changes in the rate of rotation of the Earth about the axis. After the earthquake it's quite possible that our days will be 1.8 millionths of a second shorter because of this shifting. A major earthquake has shortened a day. Last year’s 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile shortened the day by 1.26 microseconds. In 2004, the 9.1-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia forced us to lose as much as 6.8 microseconds. Magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday it also was able to shift the planet’s axis by 6 ½ inches, or 17 centimeters – although other estimates suggest approximately 10 inches (25 centimeters), reports the Metro UK. The closer the mass shift during an earthquake is to the equator, the more it will speed up the spinning Earth. One Earth day is about 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds, long. Over the course of a year, its length varies by about one millisecond, or 1,000 microseconds, due to seasonal variations in the planet's mass distribution such as the seasonal shift of the jet stream.
It has been observed that the Sun Rays have fallen on the idol slightly shifted off the central line, by several inches, towards the right of it. This shows that the Indian Continent might have considerably shifted, since the original positioning of the Idol, must have been one of a direct Sun Rays fall, on the central part itself of the main sculpture of the Sun idol. This supports the theory put forward by the present author that the Indian continent was undergoing a rotational movement. This finding has been made by the present author earlier, following a study and analysis of the pattern made of the great Tsunami year 2006 waves on the East Coastal region of southern peninsular India. The golden hue color of the Sun has also been observed in the spectra recorded and analyzed by the author of the 10th March 2011 at the time of the Sun set.
The fact that there is spring water oozing from this area opposite the Lord Venkateswara temple in Tirupati has been found that just at the time when severe and powerful earthquakes have been rocking the Pacific region of the terrestrial topology is very significant. Since distant earthquakes have a whispering origins.
On Wednesday 16 March 2011, the Araku valley experienced heavy weather winds of considerable intensity that resulted in the flying off of several hutment tops. And several coastal Andhra Pradesh towns had rains. In Visakhapatnam on Sunday 13th March 2011 at afternoon there was a cool breeze. And on Monday 14th March 2011 evening around 6.30PM there was a sprinkling of fine rain drops. On Tuesday 15th & 16th March several neighboring villages of Visakhapatnam had rain in the night time. People were afraid that they were acid rains. There was a low pressure depression formation in the upper atmosphere in the north coastal Andhra Pradesh.
The winds very pleasant blowing existed throughout the day on 18th March 2011 and warm summer season has disappeared at Visakhapatnam. The sea is relatively calm and with two to three number of small waves of about 2 feet height slashing the boulder rocks. At some points several pebble color stones were found washed on to the sea shore by the waves.

Fig 1 of Img3008kln sea wave spectrum in sodium lamp excitation
The sea wave with its rips has shown more of the Red and Green colors dispersion in the Foam. But the Moon spectrum indicates more of a Blue color and less of Red dispersion. This is a phenomenal inversion of colors. The Moon air glow has, of course, more of Red dispersion relative to Blue. This means as per my interpretation that the tidal affect is a phenomenon which is quite unique. Since it depends on the total structure of the Moon and the tidal affect of it influences on certain materials of the Terrestrial structure. Here I am positively identifying the certain materials of terrestrial position with the associated Moon structure materials. This type of study is a novel one and opens up new vistas for research investigations and understanding of the physical processes.

Fig 2 of img 2992kln Sea waves spectra
This figure and analysis presents the view point stressed by me in the details of the Fig 1 given above. But now I find that the atmosphere reflects these color dispersion at different layers and the transition regions may be easily identified.

Fig 3 of IMG_2950kln Moon and distant star
The gray sky has been again is of considerable interest observed on the 7th and 8th of March 2011 around 18h to about 20h PM. This shows that the scattered X-Rays and Ultra Violet along with some mesons and other strange particles originated from the Sun have engulfed the terrestrial atmosphere.

Fig 4 of IMG_2964kln Moon zenith stars
The dispersion of the Moon shine in atmosphere is different in its first orders. Note the dark rings around the Moon. Whether it is an indication of the Dark Matter of the Solar system or the scattering of the X-Rays and the Ultra Violet etc radiation from the lunar surface is an open question.
The Mahamani Mantapam construction of 100 pillars (the dismantled 1000pillars ancient area of Tirupati Lord Sri Venkateswara Temple) gave an astonishing surprise that spring water has been oozing out within a depth of hardly five feet. It has been observed that the Sun Rays have fallen on the idol at Arasuvalli in Srikakulum India, slightly shifted off the central line, by several inches, towards the right of it. This shows that the Indian Continent might have considerably shifted, since the original positioning of the Idol, must have been one of a direct Sun Rays fall, on the central part itself of the main sculpture of the Sun idol. This supports the theory put forward by the present author that the Indian continent was undergoing a rotational movement. The gray sky has been again is of considerable interest observed on the 7th and 8th of March 2011 around 18h to about 20h PM. This shows that the scattered X-Rays and Ultra Violet along with some mesons and other strange particles originated from the Sun have engulfed the terrestrial atmosphere. The present author conjectures that the Earthquake may be due to the interplay of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta with the gravitational features of the terrestrial structure and the release of enormous energy in the form of an upheaval of the tectonic plates is a possible theory. On 18th March 2011 it has been found near the boulder rocks of the sea coast some colored stone pebbles have been washed ashore. The Plato’s description of vanished Atlantis continent due to a huge tsunami wave has been shown along with his description of the animals that were supposedly existed on that continent. His records of possibly some 9000BC of sacrificial animal rituals by the people on that continent were also given. The present author conjectures that the Lotus continent described in poetic style in the India ancient treatises and books (called Veda and Puranalu etc) has vivid descriptions of the Cosmology and the Constellations(Called Nakshtras) and therefore may be reasoned out that these point out, that the animal descriptions given by Plato in fact relate to the Astrophysical Events and just the animal sacrifices. The 1st Order spectrums of the Moon inside and outside the cloud cluster are given obtained within a gap of just 4 minutes. The cloud has certainly considerable information about the Volcano, tsunami and the radioactive explosive dust of the Japan Earthquake. Though it occurred actually on the 11th March 2011, even after a week’s time the phenomenal affect on the weather at Visakhapatnam were seen and fully recorded by the present author.
Keywords: Astronomy, RAONIUM, Particle Physics, Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, Applied Mathematics, Solar Plasma Spectra.
After the 2nd March 2011Festival Day of Mahasiva Rathri a warming up of the summer season began in India. The first report of heat waves was reported from Araku Valley in Visakhapatnam District. The penguin seagulls group of birds has arrived on the Visakhapatnam sea shore. The Mango fruit that flowered heavily got damaged by 40% due to a rain that lashed several parts of Andhra Pradesh. The Sun Temple on the Wednesday 9th March 2011 has been blessed with the morning Sun Rays directly falling on the Idol of Sun at the Arasuvalli, Srikakulum District Sun God Temple. The rays have given an exhilarating and an astounding view of the entire idol that has glittered with a golden hue of color and scintillated the surrounding gold decoration of the idol. The rays fell on the idol beginning from 6h19mAM to 6h21mAM. The event occurs twice in a year once in March and the other in October.
There was an earthquake in Japan on Wednesday of magnitude 7.2R at Morning 11h45mAM local, with epicenter of depth10kms, in a direction of southeast coast about 159kms away and about 440kms away from Tokyo city.24inches tsunami touched the Opunato coast. Another earthquake of 6.3R followed the main earthquake. Several quakes had hit the same region Sendai in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
The most powerful earthquake 8.9-magnitude quake off its northeastern coast Friday 11th March 2011, triggering a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that has hit Japan( 140 years later, since records began) country's north-east and triggered a devastating tsunami, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo. The quake that struck 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.8. The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo. Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo. The Atomic reactor nuclear power plant, DGC, in Pukushima located 250km from Tokyo exploded on Saturday due to the failure of coolant water. The radioactive dust and smoke has emanated from it and more than 45000 people were evacuated. Other Nuclear power plants in Japan are also in danger.
But the tsunami affect has touched the Hawaii Oahu and Honolulu islands and threatened the west central California(especially dell nort) to Alaska, At Curry Country point and Mack line ( 12th March 2011 Saturday morning at 7h30m the tsunami waves reached and with intense waves at 11h AM) some deaths occurred. Santa Cruz experienced giant waves of the sea resulting in destruction of several boats. Similarly the jerry brown four counties have been alerted. Equador Galapagos, Chile Easter Island, Mexico Baza California and Manzanita, Honduras, etc has received excess water flows in the coastal areas.
The Mahamani Mantapam construction of 100 pillars (the dismantled 1000pillars ancient area) gave an astonishing surprise that spring water has been oozing out within a depth of hardly five feet. The belief of devotees that the temple was built originally on a river bed and there are several streams flowing underneath has been discounted by the modern temple construction, destruction and remodeling builders. The firm belief that there exist hidden and sacredly laid precious stones below the ancient constructs is the main reason of this activity by the modern builders.
Japan is situated along the world's most active earthquake belt, the Pacific Ring of Fire, where rigid plates in the Earth's crust collide along the rim of the Pacific Ocean. An earthquake of 8.9 R magnitudes originated 231 miles (373 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo and 80 miles (130 km) east of Sendai, Honshu in the Pacific Ocean. The earthquake occurred at a depth of about 15.2 miles (24.4 kilometers).In this area, the Pacific Plate, the plate beneath the Pacific Ocean, is moving almost due west and being pushed down into the Earth's interior along a trench off Japan's east coast. On average, the Pacific Plate is moving at 3.5 inches (8.9 centimeters) per year, but this process is not continuous,
Earth is shifting slightly all the time, owing mostly to atmospheric and ocean currents. The 8.9R magnitude earthquake in Japan shortened Earth's day by 1.8 millionths of a second. , Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees relative to the orbital plane at which Earth travels around the sun. This tilt causes our four seasons, and this tilt has not changed. What has changed is the orientation of the solid Earth with respect to our planet's tilt. In other words, the earthquake rearranged Earth's mass, bringing more mass a bit closer to the Earth's rotation axis, causing the Earth to rotate slightly faster and the length of the day to shorten. This change doesn't affect the (degree) of tilt of the axis of Earth in space, or the orbit of the Earth around the sun. These are internal processes -- earthquakes or winds or currents. They can only change how the Earth's mass is balanced. The Earth is a big massive rotating body. Anything that is reasonable to happen is going to cause only a very small change. Earth really is a very stable system. A perfectly natural motion of the Earth and the biggest cause of this motion are changes in the atmospheric winds, and changes in the ocean currents. The winds and the currents carry a lot of energy with them, and that energy can be exchanged with the solid Earth to cause Earth's rotation to change. The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday not only changed the balance of the planet and altered Earth's spin. It also moved the coastline of the island nation of Japan. Global positioning stations closest to the earthquake's epicenter jumped eastward by up to 13 feet. In the meantime, our day has gotten shorter by 1.8 millionths of a second. The Earth's tilt and rotational spin on its axis as it travels around the Sun causes our seasons. The earthquake in Japan moved the axis of rotation by around 16 cm. That might sound like a lot, but its small compared to the size of the Earth. 1 degree change to the tilt of the axis of the Earth would mean moving it by around 110 km. But the quake's interference with our axis doesn't stop there. The Japanese landmass was moved around by as much as 4m. This redistribution of mass on the surface changes our moment of inertia. In order to conserve angular momentum, the changes in inertia are compensated by changes in the rate of rotation of the Earth about the axis. After the earthquake it's quite possible that our days will be 1.8 millionths of a second shorter because of this shifting. A major earthquake has shortened a day. Last year’s 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile shortened the day by 1.26 microseconds. In 2004, the 9.1-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia forced us to lose as much as 6.8 microseconds. Magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday it also was able to shift the planet’s axis by 6 ½ inches, or 17 centimeters – although other estimates suggest approximately 10 inches (25 centimeters), reports the Metro UK. The closer the mass shift during an earthquake is to the equator, the more it will speed up the spinning Earth. One Earth day is about 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds, long. Over the course of a year, its length varies by about one millisecond, or 1,000 microseconds, due to seasonal variations in the planet's mass distribution such as the seasonal shift of the jet stream.
It has been observed that the Sun Rays have fallen on the idol slightly shifted off the central line, by several inches, towards the right of it. This shows that the Indian Continent might have considerably shifted, since the original positioning of the Idol, must have been one of a direct Sun Rays fall, on the central part itself of the main sculpture of the Sun idol. This supports the theory put forward by the present author that the Indian continent was undergoing a rotational movement. This finding has been made by the present author earlier, following a study and analysis of the pattern made of the great Tsunami year 2006 waves on the East Coastal region of southern peninsular India. The golden hue color of the Sun has also been observed in the spectra recorded and analyzed by the author of the 10th March 2011 at the time of the Sun set.
The fact that there is spring water oozing from this area opposite the Lord Venkateswara temple in Tirupati has been found that just at the time when severe and powerful earthquakes have been rocking the Pacific region of the terrestrial topology is very significant. Since distant earthquakes have a whispering origins.
On Wednesday 16 March 2011, the Araku valley experienced heavy weather winds of considerable intensity that resulted in the flying off of several hutment tops. And several coastal Andhra Pradesh towns had rains. In Visakhapatnam on Sunday 13th March 2011 at afternoon there was a cool breeze. And on Monday 14th March 2011 evening around 6.30PM there was a sprinkling of fine rain drops. On Tuesday 15th & 16th March several neighboring villages of Visakhapatnam had rain in the night time. People were afraid that they were acid rains. There was a low pressure depression formation in the upper atmosphere in the north coastal Andhra Pradesh.
The winds very pleasant blowing existed throughout the day on 18th March 2011 and warm summer season has disappeared at Visakhapatnam. The sea is relatively calm and with two to three number of small waves of about 2 feet height slashing the boulder rocks. At some points several pebble color stones were found washed on to the sea shore by the waves.

Fig 1 of Img3008kln sea wave spectrum in sodium lamp excitation
The sea wave with its rips has shown more of the Red and Green colors dispersion in the Foam. But the Moon spectrum indicates more of a Blue color and less of Red dispersion. This is a phenomenal inversion of colors. The Moon air glow has, of course, more of Red dispersion relative to Blue. This means as per my interpretation that the tidal affect is a phenomenon which is quite unique. Since it depends on the total structure of the Moon and the tidal affect of it influences on certain materials of the Terrestrial structure. Here I am positively identifying the certain materials of terrestrial position with the associated Moon structure materials. This type of study is a novel one and opens up new vistas for research investigations and understanding of the physical processes.

Fig 2 of img 2992kln Sea waves spectra
This figure and analysis presents the view point stressed by me in the details of the Fig 1 given above. But now I find that the atmosphere reflects these color dispersion at different layers and the transition regions may be easily identified.

Fig 3 of IMG_2950kln Moon and distant star
The gray sky has been again is of considerable interest observed on the 7th and 8th of March 2011 around 18h to about 20h PM. This shows that the scattered X-Rays and Ultra Violet along with some mesons and other strange particles originated from the Sun have engulfed the terrestrial atmosphere.

Fig 4 of IMG_2964kln Moon zenith stars
The dispersion of the Moon shine in atmosphere is different in its first orders. Note the dark rings around the Moon. Whether it is an indication of the Dark Matter of the Solar system or the scattering of the X-Rays and the Ultra Violet etc radiation from the lunar surface is an open question.

Fig 5 of IMG_2968kln Moon and Sun Duo 9th March 2011 at 17h53m
This Fig shows the entire color dispersion scenario of the Visakhapatnam west sky at just the Sun set time. Note the relative roles of the Blue and the Red dispersions with the Green playing an intermediate role.

Fig 6 of IMG_2981kln Moon approaching Hunters head
The Sirius and the Belt stars of the Hunter in Orion constellation provide a straight line that the Moon in its apparent path of motion crosses in about 24 hours time. Several triangles of the Figure indicate the relative positions of the stars and the Cosmology Gravitational attraction or the repulsive behavior among the constellations and the Galaxies.

Fig 7 of IMG_2997kln Moon shine and Set Sun Scenario
The brilliant lunar shine is found to compete with the Star brilliance in the Orion constellation. The famous equilateral triangle of the Betelgeuse, Sirius and Procyon can be seen prominently but of more interest is the right angled triangle that lies to the right of the head of the hunter (Mrigasira). The Moon 1st Order spectra and their dispersion feature are given as obtained by me.

Fig 8 of IMG_3000kln moon and hunter (Mrigasira) Orion
The 11th March Moon is relatively half Moon at 20h14mPM the possibility that its proximity to earth could be the cause of releasing the powerful earthquake of Japan near Kesennuma is a theory that needs support. But the present author conjectures that the Earthquake may be due to the interplay of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta with the gravitational features of the terrestrial structure and the release of enormous energy in the form of an upheaval of the tectonic plates is a possible theory. The Betelgeuse star forms another interesting triangle on the Head of the Hunter in Orion constellation.

Fig 9 of IMG_3010kln Moon with Hunter in Orion
The spectra of Moon considerably brilliant shine in the first orders show the features of the 1st order dispersion.

Fig 10 of Sun Spectra about 5h42m PM on 10th March 2011 mvi2973kln 1 1a 2 2a
The golden yellow Sun is a remarkable feature and the contribution of it to the Earthquake triggering on the terrestrial surface morphology is worth a separate investigation and research. The fact that the Earthquake on the 11th March 2011 at Kesennuma in Japan is hardly 6miles in depth and the earlier devastating Katrina Hurricane have a resemblance of the possible occurrence of the events just near the Earth’s surface. Only the depth in the near Earth’s gravitational field seems to play a significant role. The comments and the opinion expressed by me in this article, are my original, and due credit would be accredited by others who ponder over it.

Fig 11 of 9th March 2011at 6h19m to 6h21m AM and 11th March 2011 Tsunami of Kesennuma Japan.
The Golden Hue observed by the devotees who have queued at the Arasuvalli Sun Temple in India seems to have its support in my other images of the color dispersions of the Sun spectra. The powerful Earthquake is indeed wide spread as shown in these figures released by the Government agencies of USA.

Fig 12 of moon spectrum 10th March 2011 7h35mPM
The Red and Green colors dispersion in the spectra of the Sun in the evening of 10th March 2011 with the Blue color low level intensity is a contrast with the Blue and Red dominance of color dispersion on the evening of 10th March 2011 around 7h35mPM is an important finding.

Fig 13 of 6h56mAM12th March2011 mvi3014kln Sun spectrum
The spectrum of the Moon in the clouds however shows the deep Blue dominance that suggests the origin in the Sea waters. The clouds hold the information, regarding the constituents of the earthquake debris, from different and several sources of origin.

Fig 14 of IMG_3019kln the earthquake clouds of Japan reached Visakhapatnam
The image shows the Red intense color of the Setting Sun. With the clouds around the weather scenario has changed in Visakhapatnam. The powerful and the mega scale disturbance in the Japan might have triggered an imbalance of weather conditions in the Coastal Andhra Pradesh.

Fig 15 of IMG_3033kln Sun Set on Sunday 13th March 2011, the gray sky an aftermath of Japan Earthquake, Volcano, tsunami.
The moving black clouds, from west to East are an indication of a low pressure depression formation in the Coastal Andhra Pradesh. But the possibility that these clouds have been laden with the 4Kms upsurge volcano ash, dust and the fine hydrogen radioactive smoke cannot be ruled out. Since, the fountain effect of emission, results in some spread over the layers of the atmosphere.

Fig 16 of IMG_3044kln the gray clouds clusters Sunday at 9h09mPM of 13th March 2011
The gray colored clouds do indeed suggests the possibility of laden radioactive smoke particulates of alkaline or otherwise of chemical characteristics. They appear to be of a distinct character, in view of the dense, small, black and thick clusters.

Fig 17 of IMG_3058kln Sun Brilliance at 17hh03mPM 14March 2011
On 14th March 2011 the dense, small, black and thick clusters of clouds dominated the night sky even though they were passing by at a very extremely slow rate of movement. This is obviously due to the fact they were laden with somewhat heavy dense material.

Fig 18 of IMG_3059kln Setting Sun14March 2011 at 7h42mPM
Mishmash formation and passing by of the said type of dense, small, black and thick clusters of clouds dominated the night sky. The initial gray sky has now become more of bluish tinge of the tsunami salty pacific sea water vapor. The Moon has moved away from the Hunter (Mrigasira) in Orion.

Fig 19 of IMG_3071kln Moon with two near stars
The Moon has been found positioned in a triangle of bright stars. The gray sky with deep blue color is an indication of the intense X-ray and Ultraviolet irradiance from the surface of the Moon

Fig 20 of IMG_3090kln Moon Pollex Castor other stars
The atmosphere at Visakhapatnam shows the same but much more intense layers of the cloud formations of different densities and at different heights. The Moon has an airglow of red and blue colors and green of less intense. Cloud cluster and cloud masses could be distinguished by an analysis of their profiles. The several layers of the atmosphere show the vivid transition affects of the intensity profiles over distance of kms of the atmosphere structure at the horizon.

Fig 21 of 5h43m PM 13March 2011 mvi3026 3028 3030 3040 snapshot images.
The moon surface has dominantly a blue and green intensity profile especially its sea areas while the 1st order spectrum supports the same observation.

Fig 22 of 9h05mPM 13March 2011 on Moon air glow Spectrum.
The phenomenal changes that the airglow of the Moon could be imaged and intensity profile analysis has been made in several cloud crystalline atmosphere surrounding it.

Fig 23 of 9h05mPM 13March 2011 on Spectrum
The fig 23 of the Moon intensity profiles is surmised to understand the definite role being played by the Rao and Anti-Rao quanta with the gravitational fields of the both the moon and the earth. Specific lunar tidal effect on the loose tectonic plate masses that lye underneath the Japan country, have been at the quantum level of gravitational fields, got suddenly involved with the Rao and Anti-Rao quanta.

Fig 24 IMG_3099kln Sun Set Japan Earthquake Tsunami volcano clouds
The moving clouds in the Visakhapatnam sky are found to be very black and possibly consist of the Ash and Dust of the Volcano emissions of the Japan. I believe that the back lash of the tsunami also added to the Visakhapatnam sky certain amount of cold water vapor studded with minute quantities of the radioactive matter of the exploded nuclear reactors. Terrestrial atmosphere is one of red content in lower layers but of equal intensity in red, blue and green color intensities in the upper atmosphere layer.
The spectral profile analysis of the lunar surface shows features of low and higher content of the blue color.

Fig 25 IMG_3103kln Sea coast Scenario of Visakhapatnam Japan Tsunami volcano affects
Gray color dominated sky of Visakhapatnam with deep blue color is a signal of the existing radioactive minute content of the water vapor. The cloud cluster carries with it the radioactive profile.

Fig 26 of IMG_3105kln Sea coast & Moon of Visakhapatnam, Japan Tsunami volcano affects
16th March 2011 exhibited both in the evening and as well on the morning of the 17th March 2011 the passing clouds of textural structures. The gray color of the East is obvious of the Japan weather conditions over on the east coast of Andhra Pradesh.

Fig 27 of IMG_3109kln Moon near stars
Moon bright and the near few stars on the west and the east those were visible even to the naked eye in spite of the gray colored sky.

Fig 28 of IMG_3125kln Moon and just two near stars bright
The sea has already become ferocious in slashing the shore line of Visakhapatnam at 12h17m PM on 17th March 2011. Moon was fast approaching the two bright stars of the East. The Moon image in the granite slab is very blue since the red and green colors have penetrated away to the bottom of the slab.

Fig 29 of IMG_3134kln Moon approaching the two bright stars of the East
17th March at 20h53mPM the Moon was very bright and near stars couldn’t be observed at all. On 18th March 2011 at 01h14mAM, of course, the Moon was found nearing the two bright stars of the east.

Fig 30 of IMG_3146kln Bright Moon spectrum on the Sea
The bright Moon of 18th March gave vivid spectral colors with the dark gray color sky and as well the sea waters were found to be of intense gray hue. Blue and red colors seem to play a see-saw intensity profiles.

Fig 31 of IMG_3159kln Sirius and Hunter in the Moon lit sky 18 March 2011
18th March 2011 evening the gray hue sky gave a dim appearance of the Hunter in Orion constellation. The south low lying star has been found to be very fascinating in spite of the Visakhapatnam harbor light glare on to the sky. The intensity profile of the Moon obtained, for the spectrum captured through a magnet ring, has very fine lines of possible Zeeman split of the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta shifts, of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Fig 32 of IMG_3169kln Fingers aura spectra holding a ring magnet in Moon shine
The magnet ring held by fingers shows even the aura of the finger and the gray color dispersion of the Moon lit sky of Visakhapatnam. A Moon shine lit wave has been analyzed for its intensity profile. The Red color and Green show close proximity of peaks but the Blue peaks are slightly moved downward. This is a proof of the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta shifts of spectral lines in the Raodrops of the Bay Of Bengal Sea waves enhanced by the Moon tidal forces of gravitation.

Fig 33 of 5h56m PM 16 March 2011 Mvi3104kln Sea waves Gray
On 18th March 2011 it has been found near the boulder rocks of the sea coast some colored stone pebbles have been washed ashore. The Plato’s description of vanished Atlantis continent due to a huge tsunami wave has been shown along with his description of the animals that were supposedly existed on that continent. His records of possibly some 9000BC of sacrificial animal rituals by the people on that continent were also given. The present author conjectures that the Lotus continent described in poetic style in the India ancient treatises and books (called Veda and Puranalu etc) has vivid descriptions of the Cosmology and the Constellations(Called Nakshtras) and therefore may be reasoned out that these point out, that the animal descriptions given by Plato in fact relate to the Astrophysical events. There was a mix up of his writings and thoughts regarding the disappeared Atlantis continent.

Fig 34 of 5h52m PM 16 March 2011 mvi3097kln 1
The cloud spectrum intensity profile carries with it the information regarding the Volcano, tsunami and the radioactive explosion material on to the Visakhapatnam sky as a back lash.

Fig 35 of 5h55m PM 16 March 2011 mvi3102kln sea shore
The 16th March 2011 gray sky and the other atmosphere levels are examined by obtaining their intensity profiles. Also the 1st Order spectrums of the Moon inside and outside the cloud cluster are given obtained within a gap of just 4 minutes. The cloud has certainly considerable information about the Volcano, tsunami and the radioactive explosive dust of the Japan Earthquake. Though it occurred actually on the 11th March 2011, even after a week’s time the phenomenal affect on the weather at Visakhapatnam were seen and fully recorded by the present author.

Fig 36 of Moon spectrum through a magnetic ring
The magnet ring spectrum of the Moon has been obtained and their intensity profiles are presented.

Fig 37 of 7h13m PM Moon spectrum 18 March 2011 mvi3150kln
The magnet ring spectrum of the Moon has been obtained and their intensity profiles are presented.

Fig 38 of 7h21mPM Moon Spectrum 18 March 2011mvi3154kln magnet ring 6
The magnet ring spectrum of the Moon has been obtained and their intensity profiles are presented.
I am deeply indebted to Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University Colleges, Waltair, Visakhapatnam for initiating me and inspiring me for research investigations and observations.
The collections of various reports available on the Google Search engine are given below regarding the Japan Mega Disaster.
JAPAN was bracing for the terrifying prospect of a nuclear meltdown
An explosion at a nuclear power station on Saturday destroyed a building housing the reactor, but a radiation leak was decreasing despite fears of a meltdown from damage caused by a powerful earthquake and tsunami. The explosion destroyed the exterior walls of the building where the reactor is placed, but not the actual metal enveloping the reactor. Four whole trains had disappeared on Friday. The explosion was preceded by a puff of white smoke that gathered intensity until it became a huge cloud enveloping the entire facility, located in Fukushima, 30 km. from Iwaki. After the explosion, the walls of the building crumbled, leaving only a skeletal metal frame. The trouble began at the plant's Unit 1 after the massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the tsunami it spawned knocked out power there, depriving it of its cooling system. The concerns about a radiation leak at the nuclear power plant overshadowed the massive tragedy laid out along a 2,100 km stretch of the coastline. Scores of villages, towns and cities were battered by the tsunami, packing 23-foot high waves. It swept inland about 10 km. in some areas, swallowing boats, homes, cars, trees and everything else. An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 jolted Tokyo and wide areas of eastern Japan Sunday evening, the 7:56 p.m. quake that originated some 340 kilometers under the surface of the sea off the Tokaido area, the agency said. No tsunami warning was issued. The quake measured 4 on the Japanese seismic scale of 7 in the center of Tokyo as well as several parts of Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Saitama and Chiba prefectures, according to the agency. Fuel rods at No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuke plant fully exposed. The cooling functions of the reactor had been lost and began injecting seawater into the reactor to cool it down, rising fears that the problem could lead to another explosion at the plant following a blast earlier in the day at its No. 3 reactor. The loss of cooling functions as an emergency to the government and began injecting seawater into the No. 2 reactor to cool it down and prevent the melting of its core due to overheating. Similar measures have been taken at the plant’s No. 1 and No. 3 reactors and explosions occurred at both reactors during the process, blowing away the roofs and walls of the buildings that house the reactors. Also begun work to depressurize the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor by releasing radioactive steam, such a step is necessary to prevent the vessel from sustaining damage and losing its critical containment function. A hydrogen explosion at the nearby No. 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No. 2 reactor. The nuclear agency said the 11:01 a.m. blast may also have caused damage to four fire pumps that were prepared for seawater injection operations. Placed priority on injecting water into the No. 2 reactor, although both the No. 1 and No. 3 reactors still need coolant water injections, to prevent a possible hydrogen explosion at the No. 2 reactor, a study opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen undertaken. Since the magnitude 9.0 quake hit northeastern Japan last Friday, some reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 plant have lost their cooling functions, leading to brief rises in radiation levels. As a result, the cores of the No. 1 and No. 3 reactors have partially melted. Residents within a 20-kilometer radius of the plant to evacuate Saturday in the wake of the initial blast at the plant’s No. 1 reactor. Meanwhile, the U.S. Seventh Fleet said on Monday that it has moved its ships and aircraft away from a quake-stricken Japanese nuclear power plant after discovering low-level radioactive contamination. The fleet said that the radiation was from a plume of smoke and steam released from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was about 160 kilometers offshore when its instruments detected the radiation. But the fleet says the dose of radiation was about the same as one month’s normal exposure to natural background radiation in the environment. JAPAN was bracing for the terrifying prospect of a nuclear meltdown at one of its quake-hit plants last night amid fears up to 160 people could have been exposed to deadly radiation. Authorities last night warned a second explosion was possible at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi plant after Saturday's blast shattered the building surrounding reactor one. The Japanese Government insisted the unfolding nuclear crisis would not put public health at risk but yesterday prepared to hand out iodine tablets to residents living in the shadow of the plants. Government officials in protective clothing were also scanning residents arriving at evacuation centres for radiation exposure after the plant operator confirmed levels around the plant had risen above the safety limit. Operators of the stricken facility were yesterday scrambling to avoid a nuclear nightmare after Friday's massive 9.0 earthquake crippled the 40-year-old plant's cooling system. Japan relies on nuclear power for 30 per cent of its energy needs and Russia last night agreed to send additional liquefied natural gas supplies to ease the power crisis. The frightening incident was shaping as the third most severe nuclear accident in recent history after the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe and the 1979 disaster at Three Mile Island. Radiation has already leaked from the plant, 270km north of Tokyo; authorities warned a meltdown may have already occurred in at least one reactor, with fears for a second. Authorities were preparing for a blast in reactor three, but said he was confident the facility would withstand the impact. The Australian Government has insisted on urgent updates from Japan about the unfolding atomic crisis and offered to send nuclear specialists to the devastated nation.
How much radioactive material is spewed into the atmosphere?
Japan consumes about 8 to 12 percent of the world’s uranium supply, depending on which source you reference. Of course, nearly a dozen of the country’s 55 nuclear plants are not consuming any uranium post-tsunami; instead, engineers are hastily employing methods – from improvised containment to cooling fuel rods with seawater – to prevent any sort of radioactive fallout.
Japanese survivors of Friday's earthquake and tsunami walk under umbrellas through the leveled city of Minamisanriku, in northeastern Japan, Tuesday, March 15, 2011Radiation leaked from the crippled nuclear plant in tsunami-ravaged northeastern Japan after a third reactor was rocked by an explosion Local residents wash their clothes by a river at Otsuchi, northeastern Japan, on Tuesday March 15, 2011, after Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami Tuesday, March 15, and a fourth caught fire in a dramatic escalation of the 4-day-old catastrophe. A radiation detector marks 0.6 microsieverts, exceeding normal day data Tuesday March 15, 2011, near Shibuya train station in Tokyo, four days after a strong earthquake damaged a nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Snow falls over the debris in Sendai, northern Japan Wednesday, March 16, 2011 after Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami. Customers carry boxes of Japanese milk powder away from a store in Hong Kong March 16, 2011. Hundreds of people in the territory, worrying that future Japanese baby products will be contaminated by radiation, have lined up for milk powder. Radioactive materials spewed into the air by Japan's earthquake-crippled nuclear plant may contaminate food and water resources, with children and unborn babies most at risk of possibly developing cancer. It diminished hopes earlier in the day that engineers at the plant, working at tremendous personal risk, might yet succeed in cooling down the most damaged of the reactors, No. 2, by pumping in sea water. According to government statements, most of the 800 workers at the plant had been withdrawn, leaving 50 or so workers in a desperate effort to keep the cores of three stricken reactors cooled with seawater pumped by firefighting equipment, while the same crews battled to put out the fire at the No. 4 reactor, which they claimed to have done just after noon. That fourth reactor had been turned off and was under refurbishment for months before the earthquake and tsunami hit the plant on Friday. But the plant contains spent fuel rods that were removed from the reactor, and experts guessed that the pool containing those rods had run dry, allowing the rods to overheat and catch fire. That is almost as dangerous as the fuel in working reactors melting down, because the spent fuel can also spew radioactivity into the atmosphere. The two critical questions over the next day or so are how much radioactive material is spewed into the atmosphere, and where the winds carry it. Readings reported on Tuesday showed a spike of radioactivity around the plant that made the leakage categorically worse than it had been, with radiation levels measured at one point as high as 400 millisieverts an hour. Even seven minutes of exposure at that level will reach the maximum annual dose that a worker at a U.S. nuclear plant is allowed. And exposure for 75 minutes would likely lead to acute radiation sickness. In Tokyo, 170 miles south of the plant, the metropolitan government said on Tuesday that it had detected radiation levels 20 times above normal over the city. In Ibaraki prefecture, just south of Fukushima prefecture where the plant is located, the amount of radiation reached 100 times the usual levels. Now, they pump in new water, let it boil and then vent it to the atmosphere, releasing some radioactive material. But they are having difficulty even with that, and have sometimes allowed the water levels to drop too low, exposing the fuel to steam and air, with resulting fuel damage.
The U.S. Navy said on Monday it moved several ships away from the stricken Japanese nuclear plant after detecting low-level radiation on 17 helicopter crew members positioned there for relief efforts. Two Japanese CH-47 Chinook helicopters began dropping seawater on unit 3 at 9h48mAM (0048GMT) with loads of 7500liters flew missions of 40minutes each and trying an emergency power line to start the plant’s own cooling system. 180 workers were struggling at the fore front and in first 10minutes carried out four loads of water on to the unit 3 nuclear reactors.
US state of Hawaii
Thousands of people had been ordered to leave coastal areas in the US state of Hawaii ahead of the waves' arrival. Evacuation orders were also issued in some coastal areas of the western US and Canada's British Columbia province. At least five people in California and Oregon were swept out to sea, and some boats were torn from moorings. Waves of over 6ft (2m) struck Crescent City in California, damaging vessels and harbor docks, while Santa Cruz sustained about $2m (£1.25m) in damage, emergency officials said. The tsunami warning has now been downgraded to an advisory in Hawaii but officials urged people still to stay away from beaches. The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center has also downgraded its warning
The first wave of the tsunami passed through Midway Island - a small atoll at the north-western end of the Hawaiian archipelago, about 500 miles (800km) from Hawaii's main islands - at about 1125 GMT, bringing a wave of more than 8ft (2.4m), the local Star Advertiser newspaper reported. But waves were measured at 1.6ft at Nawiliwili on the island of Kauai and 2.3ft on Barbers Point on Oahu, local officials said. Earlier reports suggested waves of up to 6ft might hit Hawaii's main islands.
VOLCANO in south-western Japan
A VOLCANO in south-western Japan has erupted after nearly two weeks of relative silence, sending ash and rocks up to four kilometres into the air. The 1421-metre Shinmoedake volcano in the Kirishima range saw its first major eruption for 52 years in January. there had not been any major activity at the site since March 1.Authorities have maintained a volcano warning at a level of three out of five, restricting access to the entire mountain. Volcano is smoking gun .A VOLCANO began erupting on Japan's southern island of Kyushu, causing the evacuation of hundreds of people, the third disaster to hit Japan since Friday. The Shinmoedake volcano, made famous in the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice, began erupting on Sunday and has since shot ash and rock plumes 2km into the sky.
Nuclear Meltdown
A nuclear meltdown is an informal term for a severe nuclear reactor accident that results in core damage from overheating. The term is not officially defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency or by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. However, it has been defined to mean the accidental melting of the core of a nuclear reactor and is in common usage a reference to the core's either complete or partial collapse. "Core melt accident" and "partial core melt" are the analogous technical terms. A core melt accident occurs when the heat generated by a nuclear reactor exceeds the heat removed by the cooling systems to the point which at least one nuclear fuel plate exceed its melting point, often from a loss-of-coolant accident. A meltdown may also occur as a result of a criticality excursion in which the reactor is operated at a power level or neutron flux density which exceeds the design of the reactor core. As discussed below, a loss of coolant pressure or flow may lead to a core meltdown; alternately, an external fire may endanger the core, leading to a meltdown. Once the fuel plates of a reactor begin to melt, the primary containment has been breached, and the nuclear fuel (such as uranium or plutonium) and fission products (such as cesium-137, krypton-88, or iodine-131) within the fuel plates can leach out into the coolant. A meltdown is considered very serious because of the potential, however remote, that radioactive materials with long half-lives could escape (or be released) into the environment, resulting in radioactive contamination and fallout, and leading to radiation poisoning of people nearby.
US state of Hawaii
Thousands of people had been ordered to leave coastal areas in the US state of Hawaii ahead of the waves' arrival. Evacuation orders were also issued in some coastal areas of the western US and Canada's British Columbia province. At least five people in California and Oregon were swept out to sea, and some boats were torn from moorings. Waves of over 6ft (2m) struck Crescent City in California, damaging vessels and harbor docks, while Santa Cruz sustained about $2m (£1.25m) in damage, emergency officials said. The tsunami warning has now been downgraded to an advisory in Hawaii but officials urged people still to stay away from beaches. The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center has also downgraded its warning
The first wave of the tsunami passed through Midway Island - a small atoll at the north-western end of the Hawaiian archipelago, about 500 miles (800km) from Hawaii's main islands - at about 1125 GMT, bringing a wave of more than 8ft (2.4m), the local Star Advertiser newspaper reported. But waves were measured at 1.6ft at Nawiliwili on the island of Kauai and 2.3ft on Barbers Point on Oahu, local officials said. Earlier reports suggested waves of up to 6ft might hit Hawaii's main islands.
VOLCANO in south-western Japan
A VOLCANO in south-western Japan has erupted after nearly two weeks of relative silence, sending ash and rocks up to four kilometres into the air. The 1421-metre Shinmoedake volcano in the Kirishima range saw its first major eruption for 52 years in January. there had not been any major activity at the site since March 1.Authorities have maintained a volcano warning at a level of three out of five, restricting access to the entire mountain. Volcano is smoking gun .A VOLCANO began erupting on Japan's southern island of Kyushu, causing the evacuation of hundreds of people, the third disaster to hit Japan since Friday. The Shinmoedake volcano, made famous in the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice, began erupting on Sunday and has since shot ash and rock plumes 2km into the sky.
Nuclear Meltdown
A nuclear meltdown is an informal term for a severe nuclear reactor accident that results in core damage from overheating. The term is not officially defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency or by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. However, it has been defined to mean the accidental melting of the core of a nuclear reactor and is in common usage a reference to the core's either complete or partial collapse. "Core melt accident" and "partial core melt" are the analogous technical terms. A core melt accident occurs when the heat generated by a nuclear reactor exceeds the heat removed by the cooling systems to the point which at least one nuclear fuel plate exceed its melting point, often from a loss-of-coolant accident. A meltdown may also occur as a result of a criticality excursion in which the reactor is operated at a power level or neutron flux density which exceeds the design of the reactor core. As discussed below, a loss of coolant pressure or flow may lead to a core meltdown; alternately, an external fire may endanger the core, leading to a meltdown. Once the fuel plates of a reactor begin to melt, the primary containment has been breached, and the nuclear fuel (such as uranium or plutonium) and fission products (such as cesium-137, krypton-88, or iodine-131) within the fuel plates can leach out into the coolant. A meltdown is considered very serious because of the potential, however remote, that radioactive materials with long half-lives could escape (or be released) into the environment, resulting in radioactive contamination and fallout, and leading to radiation poisoning of people nearby.
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