Volume 2011, Issue No.5, 5/30/11: Time 5/30/11
Weather Scenario of month of May 2011 at Visakhapatnam and an Astronomy Study
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, Shivaji University} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9542717723 / 9491902867
Rentachintala in Andhra Pradesh recorded the maximum temperature of 45.59degC and the South coast districts of Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore reeled under intense summer heat for four days around 6th May 2011. Its’ not just that the rocky stony land areas attains these high temperatures but the phenomenal weather has been surprisingly one of a subdued feature. Especially Visakhapatnam has not crossed the 36degC mark and had enjoyed a very moderate summer. The month big astronomy event is the appearance of almost four planets Viz., Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, on the East in the early morning, which lasted almost a month. Mercury and Venus were found to be near the planet Jupiter. The Moon brightness seems to be enhanced on May 30th, 2011 due to these four planets. In turn the Moon has enchanted the massive cluster clouds by the rays, it generated by its wrinkled hilly slopes, producing a grayish deep blue hue. The video edited individual capture images shows the Plasma Ball creations by the forked lightning in the atmosphere. This is probably constitutes the first time record of such Plasma Ball creations in the terrestrial atmosphere in Visakhapatnam.
Keywords: Astronomy, May 2011 Weather, Visakhapatnam, Buddha Full Moon, Plasma Balls, Microwaves, soft X-Rays, The Four Planets, Fork and spark lightning, Grayish Cluster Cloud Mass, Vaishaki Pournima,
The observation of the changing weather of month of May 2011, is very fascinating, from an academic point of view, since the summer heat and the Japan Tsunami persistent affects have been found to be of considerable concern. Notably the weather at Visakhapatnam was moderately cool. But on the 6th May itself the cumulonimbus clouds have gathered and the weather became somewhat cool but the afternoon intense summer heat persisted. Remarkable gray sky dominated the evening weather with very massive cloud formations. The clouds haven’t yielded much rain.
The thunder, lightning and hailstones that characterized the cumulonimbus cloud formations caused extensive damage to the crops of Mango etc. Low depression that developed at Chattisghad, on Thursday 19th May 2011, moved to south Tamil Nadu and has weakened on Saturday travelling across Madhya Pradesh, via Telangana. From Friday morning to the Saturday night it rained heavily in coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalseema and Telengana received only slight showers. At Veeraghattam the rain was about 10cm the highest. Airport in Visakhapatnam received 8cms rain. Ranastala and Palkonda had 5cm rain. Palasa, Kakinada, Mandas and Icchapuram received 3cms. Crops in west Godavari district were damaged extensively. Sompeta, Tekkali, Pathpatnam had just 2cms rain fall. Again on 20th May 2011 Visakhapatnam had 3 hours heavy downpour of about 6cms rain fall. It’s interesting that the Iceland Greenstones Volcano erupted and sent hot fumes to a height of 2okms on Saturday May 20th, 2011. The movement of the low depression across land is very surprising. Uttar Pradesh had thunder showers but the entire North India reeled under extreme humid and hot weather.
An important observation by the present author is that the cumulonimbus clouds that engulfed vast areas of several cities in Andhra Pradesh have not rained to the full extent of their capacity holding of moist water vapor. The reason being that the Far Infra Red radiations, from the cities and the scattered pockets of the Industrial activity have pushed up the falling rain back into the clouds. Only at some valley and vegetative areas the cumulonimbus clouds have brought in a heavy rain due to cloud bursts. This caused the crop damage.
In the morning of 28th May 2011it rained nearly for about 45 minutes and the thunder and lightning have dominated the rain shower. The very frequent lightning was an indication of an intense circulation in the clouds and has been surmised as due to the interaction of the land winds and the cumulonimbus cloud mass turbulent movement. The most significant finding made by the present author is that the Moon responds very favorably to the Red intensity features directly from the Sun as well enhanced by the proximity affects of four planets Viz., Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the Saturn. Accordingly the spectral profile shows the Red color dominance on the 29th May 2011 morning at 4h46mAM.
On the 30th May 2011 morning the Moon indeed was of considerable brilliance due to the combined effect of the solar irradiance on it by the Sun and as well the four planets. It could be seen through considerably thick and dense dark clouds that originated from the west and moved towards the East blocking the Moon view in the wee hours of 30th may 2011.
The Fig 7 given below has an important finding that the Moon wrinkled slopes of the hilly regions cause the production of Soft X-Rays and also reflects the Microwaves that were enhanced by the combined effect of all the four planets shinning the solar irradiance on the Moon. In turn the Moon has enchanted the massive cluster clouds by these rays producing a grayish deep blue hue. The clouds below the Moon near to the horizon are particularly reflective of this phenomenon. The upper clouds exhibited a different color hue. With the Sun rise times nearing the clouds has acquired other color hues. The zenith clouds due to the solar irradiance have a strikingly grayish color hue.

Fig 1 May 2011 Moon in clouds 15th at 8h09mPM
This Figure shows how the bright Moon has been covered by the passing dark and water moisture laden clouds from the South to the North. Red intensity profiles have been found to be less intense compared to the Blue and the Green. That means the clouds have absorbed the intense far infra red radiations.

Fig 2 May 2011 Moon in clouds 23rd at 02h26mAM
The 16th and the 17th evening Moon was very enchanting even kids of 5years old found it very pleasant. The Moon was found to be in Visakha, a constellation, (Nakshtra) and has been celebrated as the Maha Vaisakhi day. It is also known as the Day of Buddha.

Fig 3 May 2011 Moon in clouds 15th and 10th Gray sky
The phenomenal gray sky has been identified by the present author as one which does really has lots of rich physics beneath its appearance.

Fig 4 May 2011 Moon in clouds 16th 20h58mPM
The author is lucky to have captured the pink color dominated lightning at his residence in Visakhapatnam. The left bottom image from the movie shows the occurrence of an upward rainbow from the heavy ice seeded cumulonimbus clouds on the 16th May 2011 evening around 20h58mPM. Right bottom excel spreadsheet graph shows that except in 2004 the Monsoon arrival in Kerala coast was after the 25th May of each year plotted. This year rains are expected in Andhra Pradesh around 8th June 2011. The scissoring heat waves were expected to last from 25th May 2011 to about fifteen days time.

Fig 5 the 28th May 2011 Morning thunder lightning spectra video pictures.
Very interesting intensity profiles of the color spectrum of the lightning have been successfully captured by the present author in the morning of 28th May 2011. It rained nearly for about 45 minutes and the thunder and lightning have dominated the rain shower. The very frequent lightning was an indication of an intense circulation in the clouds and has been surmised as due to the interaction of the land winds and the cumulonimbus cloud mass turbulent movement. Again spectra indicated very low Red color intensity profiles.

Fig 6 Moon affected by the Four Planets on 29th May 2011
The most significant finding made by the present author is that the Moon responds very favorably to the Red intensity features directly from the Sun as well enhanced by the proximity affects of four planets Viz., Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the Saturn. Accordingly the spectral profile shows the Red color dominance.

Fig 7 of May 2011 Weather
This figure has an important finding that the Moon wrinkled slopes of the hilly regions cause the production of Soft X-Rays and also reflects the Microwaves that were enhanced by the combined effect of all the four planets shinning the solar irradiance on the Moon. In turn the Moon has enchanted the massive cluster clouds by these rays producing a grayish deep blue hue. The clouds below the Moon near to the horizon are particularly reflective of this phenomenon. The upper clouds exhibited a different color hue. With the Sun rise times nearing the clouds has acquired other color hues. The zenith clouds due to the solar irradiance have a strikingly grayish color hue. This figure also shows the intensity profile of the visible color spectrum produced by the partially grayish cloud cluster covered Sun in the morning of 30th May 2011.

Fig 8 of 29th May 2011 at 7h38mPM mvi3934kln images direct and video edit captured
First four images are the direct capture by Canon IXUS 130 camera of 14.2MP of the lightning that occurred on the 29th May 2011 evening from the clouds that moved from the West towards the East of Visakhapatnam. The lightning very reputedly occurred from4.30Pm to about late night to the wee hours of the 30th May 2011.The particular cloud cluster mass has produced lightning forks and multi-branched lightning sparks that lasted almost milliseconds of observation time. The video edited individual capture images shows the Plasma Ball creations by the forked lightning in the atmosphere. This is probably constitutes the first time record of such Plasma Ball creations in the terrestrial atmosphere in Visakhapatnam.
Red intensity profiles have been found to be less intense compared to the Blue and the Green. That means the clouds have absorbed the intense far infra red radiations. The very frequent lightning on 28th May 2011 morning was an indication of an intense circulation in the clouds and has been surmised as due to the interaction of the land winds and the cumulonimbus cloud mass turbulent movement. Again spectra indicated very low Red color intensity profiles. An important observation by the present author is that the cumulonimbus clouds that engulfed vast areas of several cities in Andhra Pradesh have not rained to the full extent of their capacity holding of moist water vapor. The reason being that the Far Infra Red radiations from the cities and the scattered pockets of the Industrial activity have pushed up, the falling rain back into the clouds. Only at some valley and vegetative areas the cumulonimbus clouds have brought in a heavy rain due to cloud bursts. This caused the crop damage. The most significant finding made by the present author is that the Moon responds very favorably to the Red intensity features directly from the Sun as well enhanced by the proximity affects of four planets Viz., Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the Saturn. Accordingly the spectral profile shows the Red color dominance on the 29th May 2011 morning at 4h46mAM. The particular cloud cluster mass on 29th May 2011 evening has produced lightning forks and multi-branched lightning sparks that lasted almost milliseconds of observation time. The video edited individual capture images shows the Plasma Ball creations by the forked lightning in the atmosphere. This is probably constitutes the first time record of such Plasma Ball creations in the terrestrial atmosphere in Visakhapatnam. On the 30th May 2011 the Moon has enchanted the massive cluster clouds by the aforesaid rays producing a grayish deep blue hue. The clouds below the Moon near to the horizon are particularly reflective of this phenomenon. The upper clouds exhibited a different color hue. With the Sun rise times nearing the clouds has acquired other color hues. The zenith clouds due to the solar irradiance have a strikingly grayish color hue.
I am indebted to Late Professor K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of JVD College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam for his stimulation, encouragement and constant help in my research endeavor.
1. Articles published by Dr K V N Rao Ph.D (Ill), Bedford(Mass),USA on Plasma Physics
2. Articles published by late Mr Kotcherlakota Ramakrishna Rao, former CE, APSEB, on Artificial Lightning and Thunder research carried out by him in IISc, Bangalore during 1950s.
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