Volume 2011, Issue No.6, Dt. 17th June, 2011 Time:19h19m
First fortnight June 2011 weather scenario at Visakhapatnam
-A Brief account
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9542717723/9491902867
The solar flare with CME has produced a wide variety of effects on both the terrestrial and the biosphere environments. On 8th June 2011 the Sun setting exhibited brilliant Yellow Airglow that was image captured by the author at 18h07mPM.On 7th June 2011 at around 7h53mPM the gravity waves were detected and recorded. Double jet Lilly on the 2nd June 2011 gave a pleasant surprise of Bio-bloom of flowering. The cloud clusters inspite of the moisture content in the sky haven’t brought any heavy rain in Visakhapatnam solely due to the fact of the careless and unscientific method of development works and complex constructions that have been engineered and executed without the Greenery maintained. On 8th June 2011 the Sun setting exhibited brilliant Yellow Airglow that was image captured by the author at 18h07mPM.On 7th June 2011 at around 7h53mPM the gravity waves were detected and recorded. The use of certain filters has enabled the author to locate the airglow rings around the Full Moon on the 15th June 2011 around 23hPM and their spectral intensity profiles are given. Transition regions of the Green, Yellow, Orange and the Red dispersions of the 1st order spectrum of 15th June 2011 showed certain spectral term absorption peaks. The set of six intensity profiles of the Air-Glow rings around the Moon has been analyzed with a view to ascertain the crossing over behavior of the different spectral features.
Keywords: Volcano, Earthquakes, Air-Glow, Grayish deep Blue sky, Gene mutations, as rhyo-dacitic (fragments of pumice), andesitic (fragments of scoria) particles, Failure of rain in Visakhapatnam, Total lunar eclipse
Unhindered Grayish Deep Blue sky has been the weather scenario in Visakhapatnam in spite of the Warmth of the Sun since 1st June 2011.The sudden growth of the typical plants and flowers, though seasonal, has surprised by some peculiarities of their growth and abundance. For about three days of a lull in the cloudy weather. The Monsoon clouds have given a different glimpse during the 6th to 9th June 2011. Only on the 12th evening 2011 the rains have splashed at the Beach coast of Visakhapatnam though the monsoon brought rains in coastal Andhra Pradesh in other districts crossing at some places the average rain fall.
Volume 2011, Issue No.6, Dt. 17th June, 2011 Time:19h19m
First fortnight June 2011 weather scenario at Visakhapatnam
-A Brief account
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9542717723/9491902867
The solar flare with CME has produced a wide variety of effects on both the terrestrial and the biosphere environments. On 8th June 2011 the Sun setting exhibited brilliant Yellow Airglow that was image captured by the author at 18h07mPM.On 7th June 2011 at around 7h53mPM the gravity waves were detected and recorded. Double jet Lilly on the 2nd June 2011 gave a pleasant surprise of Bio-bloom of flowering. The cloud clusters inspite of the moisture content in the sky haven’t brought any heavy rain in Visakhapatnam solely due to the fact of the careless and unscientific method of development works and complex constructions that have been engineered and executed without the Greenery maintained. On 8th June 2011 the Sun setting exhibited brilliant Yellow Airglow that was image captured by the author at 18h07mPM.On 7th June 2011 at around 7h53mPM the gravity waves were detected and recorded. The use of certain filters has enabled the author to locate the airglow rings around the Full Moon on the 15th June 2011 around 23hPM and their spectral intensity profiles are given. Transition regions of the Green, Yellow, Orange and the Red dispersions of the 1st order spectrum of 15th June 2011 showed certain spectral term absorption peaks. The set of six intensity profiles of the Air-Glow rings around the Moon has been analyzed with a view to ascertain the crossing over behavior of the different spectral features.
Keywords: Volcano, Earthquakes, Air-Glow, Grayish deep Blue sky, Gene mutations, as rhyo-dacitic (fragments of pumice), andesitic (fragments of scoria) particles, Failure of rain in Visakhapatnam, Total lunar eclipse
Unhindered Grayish Deep Blue sky has been the weather scenario in Visakhapatnam in spite of the Warmth of the Sun since 1st June 2011.The sudden growth of the typical plants and flowers, though seasonal, has surprised by some peculiarities of their growth and abundance. For about three days of a lull in the cloudy weather. The Monsoon clouds have given a different glimpse during the 6th to 9th June 2011. Only on the 12th evening 2011 the rains have splashed at the Beach coast of Visakhapatnam though the monsoon brought rains in coastal Andhra Pradesh in other districts crossing at some places the average rain fall.
What surprised many a people were the sudden guest of swirling and uplifting wind that has tripped the long container vehicles sideways. It lasted for about a half hours at 4.30PM on June 10th 2011 at purushotham check post of Andhra Orissa state border near the city of Itchapuram of Srikakulum district. It is reported that the Monsoon arrival has stalled at Nellore for about 6days from 2nd June 2011 and moved on Tuesday 7th, but only to stop again on the Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th, 2011. On June 9th, 2011 at kuppalopadu of district Bimilli and the village kallivaripallem a lightning stroke struck on a paddy crop heap instantly killing the people who took shelter in it. Topsoil contaminated by the radioactive fallout of the Fukushima, Nuclear Power plant, in Japan is creating a 20% excess radiation damage among the school children. The very low level irradiation has its definite affects reflected in the present authors’ personal opinion at the Visakhapatnam beach coast sky line. The combined complex effects of the sudden solar flash on June 7th, 2011 from the complex sun spots of 1266-1227 that occurred at 1h41AM ET (06h41mUT) has also influenced the weather scenario at Visakhapatnam. Mahaboobnagar district Vanaparthi town witnessed a golden ring round the Sun around 2.00PM afternoon on the Tuesday 14th June 2011.This almost a week after the Solar Sunspot complex 1226-1227 blast of CME. The solar splash at 1h41AM ET (06h41mUT) occupied a size of the half Sun on the 7th June 2011 as per a NASA report.
The Newzeland has experienced two earthquakes of magnitude 5.2R and 6.1R within an hour near the Christchurch region. This has made the movement of Monsoon clouds from the west to east in Visakhapatnam on the 13th June 2011 at around 10.30PM. But the actual Monsoon has not yet arrived in
the coastal districts and Telangana region. The glimpse of the Moon around 20h02mPM gave a chance to capture the Moon shine spectrum. This profile has been presented in the Fig.3. The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck near New Zealand's Kermadec Islands According to the USGS, the quake struck at 21:17:00 UTC on Saturday, which is 9:17 a.m. Sunday morning local time. The earthquake hit Christchurch, on the country’s south island, just before 1 p.m. The epicenter of the quake was 12 miles below the mostly uninhabited islands, which are approximately 620 miles east of New Zealand's capital city of Auckland. Meanwhile, a magnitude 3.6 quake rolled across the San Francisco Bay Area at 7:05 p.m. local time on Saturday. Also on Saturday, scientists from the Icelandic Meteorological Office confirmed that an eruption began in the Grímsvötn volcano at approximately 17:30 UTC. The eruption produced minor seismic activity in the region and on the eruption plume that had risen to an altitude of over 65,000 ft. a short time later. Radio evangelist Harold Camping had predicted that 'Rapture' would begin on Saturday, May 21, 2011 with an earthquake in New Zealand.
It is noteworthy that the low depression that formed on Tuesday 14th June 2011near the Orissa coast has its effects extending from Chattisghad to South Tamil Nadu. Due to this from Monday morning to Tuesday morning it rained in Beemilli and Itchapuram 5 cm. Kalingapatnam, Kakinada, Parvathipuram, Ranastalam, Amalapurm, Palasa, Tekkali, Chodavaram, Pathapatnam it rained 4cms. While Visakhapatnam, Saloor, Tuni, Pattipadu, Chipurpalli, Mandasa, Adilabad received 3cms rain.Anakapalli, Araku, Yellamanchalli, Paderu, Bobbilli, Therlam, Peddapuram, Polavaram, Sompeta, Veeraghattam, it rained 2cms.
Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano Erruption:
Melbourne Australia report that Chile Puyehue volcano eruption of Ash and Debris has engulfed the southern Australia sky with gray colored clouds and the local strong winds have total disrupted Air traffic. Via the Pacific Ocean the Ash clouds have covered the skies of New Zealand and Australia.
The steam hangs above the Nilahue River in Chile as a strange phenomenon with by a huge surge in temperature ranging from 6degs to 45degs has been caused by hot ash and rocks being spewed from the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano. Earlier on Thursday 9thJune 2011, the cloud dipped as low as 10,000 feet (3,048 metres) temporarily forcing the closure of South Island airports, including New Zealand's second largest city, Christchurch and tourist destination Queenstown. The cloud, which has travelled some 10,000 kms (6,000 miles) across the Atlantic and Indian oceans, however the situation within Australia was more positive. Air New Zealand and other carriers avoided the fine ash particles, which pose a danger to aircraft engines and bodies, by flying below 20,000 feet or around the cloud. The ash started out as rhyo-dacitic (fragments of pumice) but may be including more andesitic (fragments of scoria) particles recently. The time ash reaches us just the extremely fine flour-sized grains of volcanic glass are left. Whether these grains are from pumice or scoria doesn't make a lot of difference to jet engines. This is an excellent opportunity to look at the impacts from local volcanic ash to agriculture, infrastructure and people's homes and work. Eruptions from Ruapehu, Tongariro and perhaps Taranaki could give us mm to cm of ash to deal with, much like the San Carlos de Bariloche area in Argentina is coping with right now.
IMAGES and and the Method of Analysis:
Fig 1 June 2011 weather at Visakhapatnam
The solar flare with CME has produced a wide variety of effects on both the terrestrial and the biosphere environments. On 8th June 2011 the Sun setting exhibited brilliant Yellow Airglow that was image captured by the authorat 18h07mPM.On 7th June 2011 at around 7h53mPM the gravity waves were detected and recorded. Double jet Lilly on the 2nd June 2011 gave a pleasant surprise of Bio-bloom of flowering.
Fig 2 June 2011 weather effects at Visakhapatnam
The Grayish-deep blue sky panoramic view on the 12th June 2011 at 18h07mPM was perhaps mingled with ash from a distant volcano of extremely fine particulate matter that are in the authors conjecture extremely sensitive to the Ultra-Violet and the Microwave initiated X irradiance. The gene mutations have definitely occurred due to the Solar flare phenomenon of strange happening at very specific localities and with intense effects of unknown character.
Fig 3 June 2011 weather effects at Visakhapatnam
The cloud clusters mingled with a variety of debris of the upper atmosphere on the Earth does indeed have shown its richness of gray matter of the sky on the 13th June 2011 at around 22h20mPM. I repeat that these cloud clusters inspite of the moisture content in the sky haven’t brought any heavy rain in Visakhapatnam solely due to the fact of the careless and unscientific method of development works and complex constructions that have been engineered and executed without the Greenery maintained.
Fig 4 June 2011 weather effects at Visakhapatnam
This figure records the author’s findings regarding the spectral intensity distribution and the absorption characteristics of the environmental atmosphere at Visakhapatnam.

Fig 5 June 2011 weather effects at Visakhapatnam
Transition regions of the Green, Yellow, Orange and the Red dispersions of the 1st order spectrum of 15th June 2011 showed certain spectral term absorption peaks.
Fig. 6 Full Moon eclipse spectra intensity profiles 15th June 2011 by KLN
Movie making helps the record of sequence of the Sun irradiance dispersion features in the atmosphere upper layers especially in view of the volcano eruptions and the radio-active dust of Japan and the CMEs of the complex solar splash events.
Fig.7 Full Moon eclipse 15th June 2011 analysis KLN
This figure has brought out clearly the absorption peak features of the atmosphere in the transition regions of deep blue-green and as well the green-yellow-orange-red regions of the color intensity profiles. The use of certain filters has enabled the author to locate the airglow rings around the Full Moon on the 15th June 2011 around 23hPM and their spectral intensity profiles are given.
Fig.8 Eclipse Full Moon Earth’s shadow effects diffraction rings captured KLN 15th June 2011
The sequence of colored filters images captured by the author in the moments prior to the total eclipse of the Moon and the diffraction air-glow rings have been obtained with clarity.
Fig.9 Eclipse Full Moon 15th June 2011 images captured KLN
The sequence of Blue, Sky Blue, Green Orange, deep yellow filters images captured by the author in the moments prior to the total eclipse of the Moon and the diffraction air-glow rings that have been obtained with clarity. Direct Moon images in the clouds have not given the crystalline structure due to the fact that the debris in the atmosphere has certainly diffused the characteristics of the clouds.
Fig 10 Full Moon eclipse spectra intensity profiles KLN
Intensity profiles of the Full Moon prior to the total eclipse have been one of a fascination and have given rich dividend on the nature of the particulate matter of the sky.
Fig.11 Eclipse 15th June 2011 Full Moon spectra KLN
The total eclipse observed at Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam and reported in the eenadu newspaper has been one of the enchanting experiences well documented by the photographers. The sparkling lightning of the volcano eruptions ash clouds, and the mud-like thick ash material collected by a person are very painful in view of the disaster due to the eruption.
Fig 12 Diffraction rings around Full Moon 15th June 2011 analysis profiles peaks KLN
The set of six intensity profiles of the Air-Glow rings around the Moon has been analyzed with a view to ascertain the crossing over behavior of the different spectral features.
Fig.13 Deep Yellow filter Full Moon Eclipse Plasma Sphere 15th June 2011 at 23h03mPM
The deep yellow filter intensity profile of the Moon would be of a great interest due to the similar Yellow spectral feature of the Sun spectrum obtained on the very day of the total lunar eclipse of 15th June 2011.
These are explicitly stated and elaborated in the image analysis and intensity profiles of spectral features listed in the Figs.1-13 given above. The images were obtained by the author using his personal IXUS130 Canon digital Camera.
I am indebted to late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career.
1. Local newspapers eenadu, Deccan Chronicle
2. Google search on Eruption Volcano, earthquakes etc.
3. BBC and NBSS news etc agencies data.
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