She married at the age of 14 years and moved to her husband’s residence
in 1923. Her marriage was performed in Gode Vari street house with pomp and
prosperity of parent’s blessings in Visakhapatnam for about five days. The
muhurtham of this marriage was astrologically affirmed by Shri Rangam Joggayya
and Kamayya Purohits of Dravidian Brahmin families. Vaddadi Krishnamurthy
built a house at Gude Vari Street (opposite now Ratnam photographers’ studio)
in 1921 or so and trageically enough the house collapsed in a cyclonic storm in
1922. Their house was a centre of Harikaddha Kalakshepam and on Festival
days, for city bazzans. The richness and splendor and grandeur of Vaddadi family
during those times were at its peak when about a quarter of Visakhapatnam city
belonged to them. The reason they shifted to Visakhapatnam was that there was
no security at Choddavaram. It so happened in 1919 or so, that thieves have
decamped with Gold and Silver Ornaments and house-ware during the absence of
Shri Vaddadi Krishnamurthy and Subbhadramma due to a visit to Visakhapatnam. On
that fateful day they were asked to be present at Visakhapatnam due to their
Among the
children Manikkyamma and Chittipilla (Mrs. Peramma) were the luckiest to have a
few ornaments presented to them by their parents. But the gifts also have not
survived Mrs. Peramma lost her Chandraharam Gold necklace and a waist Gold
Bracelet, which she could keep for a long time, but were sold away by the
eldest son following Kotcherlakota Venkatanarasinga Rao’s death. Incident
happened by Kotcherlakota Kondala Rao (a drunkard) son of Kotcherlakota
Lakshmana Rao. Surprisingly, the family differences of opinion and separation
on agreements and promises took place at the demise of elderly joint family
head Post Master and Printer K. V. N. Rao at the Kotcherlkotas old residence
opposite the Mahalakshmi street. Post master K. V. N. Rao was a strict man and
very careful about assets and property. As the head of the joint family he
spared, no pain, to see that everyone had his share of wealth and professional
occupancy. But alas, Kotcherlakota Lakshmana Rao and his son Kotcherlakota
Kondala Rao were of a different character.
Kotcherlakota Surya Rao (brother of
Prof K. R. Rao), Rajeswari and Kamala their daughter stayed in the old
Kotcherlakota house. During Prof. K. R. Rao’s absence at Visakhapatnam,
Ayyagari Venkata Ratnamma gave shelter to Mrs. Peramma Garu and her children in
their house in Goda Vari Street. After return from England, Prof. K. R. Rao was
furious with his wife when she allowed Ayyagari Venkata Ratnamma to keep the
Gold Ornaments of Mrs. Peramma Garu, as a security for a loan from one Gorti
Bangarayya. Prof. K. R. Rao on his return from UK has sent away Mrs. Peramma
Garu to Ayyagari Venkata Ratnamma’s house till she secured the return of Gold
Ornaments with a great difficulty. Ayyagari Venkata Ratnamma was a Bench
Magistrate and was very helpful to many a people to solve pretty problems of
labor class public in Visakhapatnam. She and her husband A. Lakshminarayana had
only three daughters named as Kamala, Shyamala and Vimala. Shyamala died very
early. Vimala a widower on being a post-graduate M.Sc. in Biology was then employed,
as a lecturer in a Women’s College at Madras. Mother and the daughter’s
earnings made them to lead a philanthropic life and were helpful to many a
family members. A. Lakshminarayana was a Deputy Inspector of Schools retired.
In 1936-1942 the children Satyanarayana, Kamala, Venkappa, Kistappa and others
enjoyed a cordial life at Narasimha Ashram. The reason why Satyanarayana with
his family was allowed to stay in Narasimha Ashram was that for a year he has
lost his eye sight. One teacher by name Narayanamurthy of St. Anthony’s High
School was giving private tution to children Kistappa and Venkappa at Narasimha
They made
picnic trips to Sitammadhara, Madhavdhara, Simhachalam, Aavulathota etc, and
were known to have heard about ‘Flying Vampire Snakes’ in those hilly tracks of
Visakhapatnam. At ‘Thierthapu Ralu’ at the beach shore of Visakhapatnam they
used to enjoy ‘SEA BATHS’ on Vanamohatva days every year.
Fig6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f
and 7a 7b
Family of Vaddadi Krishna Murthy and Mrs.
1. Manikyamma (Putrev Apparao,
The children are now grown and have their own family off-springs and most of
them well educated. Notable among them is Putrev Venkata Ramanamurthy and
his young son of hardly 11 years in 2013)
2. Bhujanga Rao (died unmarried
sequential to the death of parents at youthful age of about 25 years).
3. Peramma alias
Chittipilla (Husband Professor Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao)
4. Venugopala Rao (veterinary
doctor died due to TB just before receiving posting orders and had no issues of
children, was brought up by Addidham Subba Rao, and later looked after by
Ayyagari Venkata Rathnamma.)
5. Satyavathi (Died young
at 12 years)
6. Saraswathi (Gudimella Venkata
Rao and has surviving big family))
7. Venkata Rao
(Mantripragada Sanyasamma has children and descendandants. Was
brought up by Addidham Ganapathi Rao
and employed him as a clerk in cement factory.
7 (A). Krishna Rao, married
Karrigopulu Swarna,
7 (B). Nagamanni married
7 (C). Durga Prasad, Managerial Post
at Mirrialgudem in Rassi Cements,
8. Satyanarayana (Apparaju
Meenakshi Sundari, had three daughters, later looked after by
Ayyagari Venkatarathnamma.)
8 (A). Lakshmi Subbbadhra MA BED
(Ramakrishna Hindi Scxhool Teacher, Z.P School at Ettamoga near
Nagayalanksa, Divitaua
8 (B). Venkata Ratnam BA worked as a
UDC sales tax at Vijayawada.
8 (C). Nagavallika Maleswari B.A.
9. Samba Murthy (Aditham
Satyavathi, Employed as UDC in a transport Co. Hyderabad)
10. Simhadramma alias Butchipilla
( Kavalupatti Paparao)
Vaddadi Jagannadha Rao
A. Bapiraju
B. Krishna
Murthy BABL
C. Satyanarayans
D. Narasimha
E. Rama
F. Venkata
of Vaddadi Venkata Rao BABL
following descendants closely known to Prof. K. R. Rao
F1. Sarojini.(She did doctorate under
Prof K. R. Rao was a staff member at Applied Physics Department in Andhra
University, Waltair. Had been to Canada where she has not divulged the methods
of her research work carried in Andhra University in spite of lot of pressure
from her bosses. Married later one Apparao and succumbed to death at KGH,
Visakhapatnam, due to a delivery problem of unprotected sedative injections at
the time of birth of a child with a great cry in the night time.)
F2. Sheshamamba
F3. Parthsarathy.
F4. Rammohan.
F5. Bhaskar.
F6. Divakar
had been to the Arctic expedition and has some photos of that place.
F7. Ramana Rao
Er. Ramana Rao at Tirupati made
remarkable progress to the author’s knowledge.
The children Dr. Bhaskar, Dr. Divakar and Er. Ramana Rao made great strides in
Fig.3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 3h 3i 3j 3k 3l 3m
Unfortunately Mrs. Peramma Garu’s father Vaddadi Krishnamurthy B.A.B.L is
a renowned and wealthy Lawyer of Choddavaram, in the sub-magistrate court, died
of a sudden death in 1925. This sudden happening was due to the loss of his
entire wealth of Gold and Silver utensils in Choddavaram stolen totally when he
visited Visakhapatnam for a vacation and on a judicial matter. He made a good
name and earned a lot of wealth before his death at the age of 55 years. The
shock and death of her husband gave a shock and Mrs. Subhadramma died on the 9th
day of her husband’s demise. Their eldest son became deranged and died in about
six month’s time of his parents.
She was a remarkable lady with always a smile on her face to
give strength to the children and the worried husband. Mrs. Peramma Garu is a
devotee of many Gods and Goddesses and especially the Puja of Vinayaka observed
since he is the God of Learning and Knowledge. She has organized several
outdoor expeditions by the blessed children since her husband busy with the
upheaval in the University education appointments and his research work.
Peramma Garu accompanied her husband, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law to
Tiruchinapalley, in Madras state for her husband’s education of M.A. Physics.
Mother-in-Law Ramayyamma Garu, used to bath in the Cauvery River, by the side
of which they were living obtained a house on rent. The old house at
Kotcherlakota Street opposite Mahalakshmi Temple, survived in Visakhapatnam as
a joint family house till when Mrs. Peramma and the grand parents had been to
Tiruchinapalley, accompanied by the parents and his family. Mrs. Ramayamma
Garu was extremely happy to go over Tiuchinapally with her son’s family and
considered it as a great blessing of the Gods to allow to her bath in Cauvery
River. She used to bath in the River for hours together in spite of her son’s
advise to control herself. She eventually got cerebral brain attack and
succumbed there for her life in the Cauvery River most probably.
After having completed his doctoral
work at Vijayanagaram in 1925 Prof. K. R. Rao went to England for D.Sc.
(London) to join the Imperial College there. She was in constant touch with his
wife by letters to know the joint family affairs and the unfolding problems. It
is unfortunate that at that time his father had a paralytic stroke (eventually
he died) and his wife Mrs. Peramma Garu nursed him that gave lot of eyebrow’s
to other relatives. He performed the sacred 10th day Puja of his father’s death
in England and had plans to migrate to USA that was foiled by a ship captain
who refused to take him on board, since he was a Black.
Ashram in 1932
You can
imagine the group family living from which she Mrs. Peramma Garu had a
separation only in 1932 when a new house of her own built known as Narasimha
Ashram a secluded house in those days of 1930s was a forerunner of house hold
settlements in Visakhapatnam. The 1932 to 1942 a period of ten years of the
built of house and their residing in this house was a great event of
Visakhapatnam. The "Muddha Sapanga Flower” with just five or six petals, that used have a
strong scented flavor lasting for the next day as well, was a great attraction
and Mrs. Peramma Garu used to wear the flower, since its smell has the
remarkable property of a genuine upraise of feminine hood.
Visit 1942-1946
Mrs. Peramma house Narasimha Ashram, Maharanipeta,
Visakhapatnam totally stripped by the British Army, which was in fight with the
Japanese invasion of Visakhapatnam. The entire exquisite furniture made of
sandal and rose wood of Western style of living with spoons and Knifes etc.,
cleared by the then military for purpose of the military fight with the
Japanese fight. The Visakhapatnam harbor was found to be a safe place for
storing the Military Gun Powder etc. The House Narasimha Ashram, Official
Colony, Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam was just built that was in the year 1942,
in spite it took about a decade to complete it beginning 1932, with the
meager amounts gained by the husband, who was a lecturer in Andhra University,
Waltair and mostly financed by herself Mrs. Peramma Rangadhama Rao and meager
amounts of Prof K. R. Rao’s Andhra University, Waltair examination
remunerations. The house decorated with exquisite furniture from English make,
was a great attraction to many a people. The entire furniture of exquisite
rose-wood disappeared and after return from Guntur, it was a herculean task to
set up the house again for habitability of the tender children. The children of
Mrs. Peramma Rangadhama Rao gained education a truth word by Prof K R Rao D.Sc.
(Madras) D.Sc. (London) who believed firmly on Education.
For two or three years he struggled hard to have the
house Narasimha Ashram released from the occupancy of the then Vice-Chancellor
C. R. Reddi after having stayed in Lakshmi Nilayama of 3rd Lane Official Colony.
The house when he got possesion in 1947 (after the demise of Mahatma Gandhi,
news heared on the Radio at Lakshmi Nilayam) K. Lakshminarayana was praised
with flowers and Bogi Pallu Puja in January 1948. In 1949 the entire family
moved over to Principal's Quarters at Andhra University.
4b 4c 4d 4e 4g 4h also 5a 5b
The stay in Narasimha Ashram
This was remarkable
since the many relatives of Mrs. Peramma Garu family downtrodden financially by
their misfortune were helped a lot by Prof. K. R. Rao allowing their stay at
Narasimha Ashram. All the sisters and brothers of Mrs. Peramma Garu enjoyed
their stay at Narasimha Ashram during the years prior to the Great World War,
and they were financially helped to have their education. But many couldn’t get
educated and eventually left the home for their fortune to do petty jobs.
She got an uncanny ability to gear up with the Western Minded
husband and her own household upbringing. Western minded husband had to gear up
with the wife due to his misfortune in the University, and sitting on a chair
he observed the patient mother to take care and welfare of her children. You
may notice this in the picture of the house warming ceremony of foundation
stones laid at Siripuram, Visakhapatnam area for the two young daughters Dr.
Lalitha Kumari and Dr. Vani.
Varaha Narasimha Murthi
“ugraomveeram mahavishnum
jwalantham sarvatomukham
nrusimham bishanam mruthyomruthyarnamaamyaham”
Consisting of 32, Indian Letters
Gayatri Mantra manifested with 32 flows in Simhachalam Temple area of
Visakhapatnam. It is located in 32 kms area. Medicinal Plants flourishing Giri
(hill place) regarded as Sanjeevani (beyond death) mountain. Hill round people
do 32kms walk around the temple and those unable to do it perform 32 times
walks around inside the temple.
Nrusimha (Hiranyakasipa who was killed by him) exhibited 32 forms mentioned as
1.Kundapada narasimhudu, 2.kopa (anger) narasimhudu, 3.Divya, 4.Brhamanda,
5.Samudra, 6.Viswa Rupa, 7.Veera, 8.Kroora (devilish), 9.Bhibasta, 10.Rudra,
11.Dhumra, 12.Vahni, 13.Vagya, 14.Bhidala, 15.Bhima, 16.Patala, 17.Akasha,
18.Vakra, 19.Chakra, 20.Shanka, 21.Satva, 22.Adbutha, 23.Vega (speed)
24.Vidharana, 25.Ghora (inhuman), 26.Siddha, 27.Shanta, 28.Yogananda, 29.
Lakshminrusimha, 30.Bhadra, 31.Raja and 32.Varaha Nrusimha, all these forms
carved on the walls of Simhachalam Temple in Visakhapatnam.
About 32 streams were flowing round the Hill temple some are, Gangadhara,
Chivukudhara, Pulattidhara, Chinnachivukudhara, Devidhara, Jilugujovadhara,
Antladhara, Himamdhara, Seethammadhara, Madhavadhara, and Akashadhara others
not identifiable for reasons of our progress.
Mrs Peramma Garu Puja at Principal's Quarters
Mrs. Peramma Garu an ardent devotee of many
Gods and Goddesses and has maintained the ancient tradition of eating the food
only after performing the prayer (Puja). Only in the campus home of
singular Principal’s Quarters in AU colleges, her husband to stop the
insistence of eating food after the Puja performance since the time of the
educating children are very varied and eventually has prevented her
serving the food to the children, after the daily observation of The Puja
around 10h00m.
Mrs Peramma’s habit of Beetle leaves
written by Nrusimhabhatt in A.C 1350 unprinted book. “Thambula-manjari” written
in A.C. 1681 contains about 223 slokas. Total ingredients are about 21. Every
ingredient has a particular Medicinal value states the Vaidhya shastra.
Thambula dravyalu(materials) are:
Tamalapakulu, 2. Poogiphalam, 3. Sunamm, 4. Pogaku (Tobacco), 5. Khadhirsaram,
6. Kasturi, 7. Lata Kasturi,
Suvarna dhalam, 9. Roushya dhalam, 10. Vathadhaha:,
Kokaolam, 12. Thrunakesaram 13. Jatipatri,
Jathiphalam, 15. Lavangam, 16. Sonti, 17. Ardhakam,
Chandhanam, 19. Narikeliphalam( Cocunut scrap),
Thvakku 21. Karpuram.
All festival events in Telugu house-holds involve the Thambulam
especially in utsavalu (festivals), Devata pujalu (Gods worship), Marriage
ceremonies and mangal karyakramam thambulam plays an essential part. For
marriages Thambulalu are exchanged. House-hold important visitors are gifted
with Thambuluam. For some important people Agrathambulum is offered. Ayurveda
specifies that thambulum as a very important for health. (Vaidyam Venketeswar
Acharyulu write up). South India Tamalpakulu are famous. Several names of it
are 1. Jaganaadhi 2. Bangal 3. Sabi 4. Magahi. 5. Souphiya 6. Kapuri 7. Kaker
8. Vasakaahii and 9. Mahobi. Magdha ancient Beetle leaves “Magahepan” survived
since ancient times. In Kolkata people refer the Bangalapan as Kolkata pan. In
Adharbeda Kadhira is mentioned. “Munchakasathambulya rasana” this is how the
Thambulam is referred in Gopadha Brhamanam. Thambulam ingredient is Pugiphalam
(Vakka), Elakulu, Lavangalu, Kasturi and Kesari are important India (Bharat)
Mrs. K. Peramma Rangadhama Rao has the habit of eating only
the “Vijayanagarma Beetle leaves” specially brought out by only some vendors
whom she patronized. Most of the house-hold workers are quite aware of this
practice and they were not allowed unless fresh leaves are brought from the
vendors located at Collector’s office Road, in Maharanipeta.
Peramma Rangadhama Rao Habits
She was expert in playing solo game of cards to pass time. She was an
expert reader of detective novels and patronized the Perry Mason novels. Her
English language command was excellent though she studied only up to S.S.L.C.
She also developed glass beads and open string tubes decorative jewelry like
designs for the door curtain decorations. Every week the door curtains and
other dress material of the house-upkeep are changed with cycling them for washing
by a dhobi. She was extraordinarily considerate and gave alms to people without
fail. She was an expert Gardner and developed many fruit and flower verities in
the garden. She was an expert cook and did several varieties of food, to
satisfy the male and female children. If one demands the Puri the other
children have other verities of snack preparations. She was exceptionally good
in preparation several kinds of food stuffs and snacks to suit the varied
tastes of the eight children, for example for the younger kids she used to
prepare the “palabillalu”. Her festival preparations were a great event for the
family. She prayed at Narasimha Ashram the deities peculiar like the
“Nacharamma”, and “Polammba” etc. The peculiar figures of the deities she
used to draw on the kitchen wall of the upstairs were of exceptional character.
She was always smiling never showed any sign of fatigue on her face a
remarkable feature in spite that the children were of demanding type. She
always kept the house in a decent fashion with decorative bed sheets, good
window and door curtains. She is very accommodative and had her wits end when
the budget allocation by her husband to run the house was at wits end. Her
argument that the children were growing and they eat more food and so budget
needs to be reviewed.
Person of House builds
She was exceptionally devoted to concern, sacrificed her health and
happiness to grow and watch the built of houses by the contractor for her
children Lalitha, Vani and Leela. Bobji (actually meant for Dr. K. Venkata Rao)
house was built in spite of the expectations and unexpected behavior of refusal
to Nangaru’s expectations. This led to some problems in the house. The houses
at Siripuram area for the two sisters Lalitha and Vani were built by using the
lime and mortar ground in the cyclic wheel of fixed number of rounds by the
bullock cart grinding. This was a herculean task and needed extraordinary
patience only mother could have survived the ordeal. Not to mention the house
built for Kistappa. Kistappa’s stay in the house at Narasimha Ashram during two
years of 1964 to 1966 was of bad taste since it turned out that he was more
interested to possess the entire house Narasimha Ashram, for just himself and
make money by selling it off. (Not to mention details of their separate
livelihood in the two rooms of Mother and the attached kitchen and bath
facility. Leela and Mother Peramma Garu were displaced to the other side of the
house at Narasimha Ashram). Nanagaru was a heart patient and somehow struggled
deep to survive till June 20, 1972, with demise of the mother on 31 December
1971. Mrs. Peramma Garu spent most of the time in the mornings after having
prepared the food at home to go and spend time with the contractors building
the children’s homes during the years 1958-1962.
11a 11b 11c
Her father used to pick her up while on return from
the department work at Andhra University. Especially this was the case when
Nanagaru (father) left the Principal’s Office and was concerned only with the
outstanding development of the department research of his devoted
Fig. 12 12a 12b 12 c
12d 12e 12f
Mrs. K. Peramma Rangadhama Rao with FIVE SONS
1).Er. K. Ramakrishna Rao B.E.(Ele ,Varanasi),
Chief Engineer, APSEB,
2).Dr. K. V. Venkata Rao M.B.B.S., D.C.H,,
Peadiatrician, KGH,
3).Dr. K. V. N. Rao E.T. (IISc)., Ph.D.
Plasma Research Scientist, US
AIR FORCE, Bedford, Mass.
4).Dr. K. Lakshmi Narayana,
Professor of Physics, Shivaji
University, Kolhapur.
5).Er. K. Amarnath, B.E (Civil), M.Tech. (Soil Mech),
Deputy Engineer, PWD & RB, Visakhapatnam.
Mrs. K. Peramma
Rangadhama Rao with THREE DAUGHTERS:
1). Dr. K. Ramaleela, M.B.B.S., D.G.O
( Worked in KGH,
Visakhapatnam, later in USA,
her son Mr.
Krishna Rangadhama Rao in USA).
2). Dr. K. Lalitha Kumari M.B.B.S., M.D.
(Was a Professor of
Biochemistry at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam.
Most successful Medical
Practitioner from USA several cities and Hospitals.)
3). Dr. K.Vijaya Vani Ph.D.(now in USA at Kearney
Out of 14 children only these eight
have survived, others lost due to several mishaps and unpleasant happenings.
Fig 9a 9c 9d 9e
An extract from the Research Article by
Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshminarayana Ph. D
From The Research Article entitled
K. L. Narayana, M. Inst. P. (Lond),
Shivaji University,
“Engulfment of the underlying surface that beholds the
Peram Manifold
by the image
of a curve
χ I
= log Cot
(π/4 -
0< δ< π/2;
χ II
= log Cot (π/2
- δ),
-π/2< δ<0 .="" span="">0>
with ψ = δ,
has been cited to
give rise to topological windings.”
Fig. 12
13a 13b 13d 13e
Ashram House and Simham’s marriage
Fig 14a
14b 14c 14d 14e 14f 14g
15c 15d
16b 16c
MBBS study
17b 17c 17d
Car: Ambassador
Peramma Garu in divine Power
to safegaurd the children
18b 18c 18d 18d 18e
Fig 19
Fig20a 20b 20c 20d
BE with Prof K R Rao and his Mother Mrs. Peramma
22b 22c 22d
Fig 23a 23b
23c 23d 23e
ailing father and sad mother
Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao’s hand written will.
Fig 25a
25b 25c 25d
Palukulu at Narasimha Ashram Sapota tree
Sapota tree was planted by Mrs. Peramma Garu at the time of construction of the
House Narasimha Ashram along with about 12 coconut trees etc.
tree survived to-date.
K. Peramma Garu Demise
Mrs. K. Peramma Garu accompanied her eldest
Medical Doctor Dr. Rama Leela for a posting at Ellamnachilli and stayed there
with concerned visits of the widowed lady of Krishna of Vaddiparthy family. It
was there Mrs. Peramma suffered with Jaundice fever and even after return to
Visakhapatnam she did not recover and died on the 31st December 1971
morning at 10.00A.M at Narasimha Ashram her husband’s master bed room beside
his bed and in his presence. It was a sad thing that father prepared the food
for her to eat when she felt very weak. She never complained of her ailment to
the father since she knows he was a heart patient. Astrologically, Prof K R Rao
was warned by a Chemistry Professor Varanasi Venkateswarulu that if he moves
away from Narasimha Ashram, Visakhapatnam his life would be in danger.
Propriety rights to the last two sons
K. Amarnath B. E. M.Tech and
K Lakshmi Narayana Ph.D (Andhra).
The drawing of the will by
Mrs. Kotcherlakota Peramma Rangadhama Rao Garu and her husband Prof K R Rao
D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) regarding the Narasimha Ashram plan and the
division of propriety rights to the last two sons K. Amarnath B. E. M.Tech and
K Lakshmi Narayana Ph.D (Andhra). Endorsed, as witnesses, by both 1. Prof K
Rangadhama Rao and 2. K. V. Subhadhra garu a close friend of Dr. K. Rama Leela
M.B.B.S. D.G.O as witnesses after the demise of Mrs. K. Peramma garu.
Poetry Dedicated to The memory of
Mrs. Kotcherlakota Peramma Rangdhama
Know thy Galileo admonished by religious dictum,
People who gauged the stars through lens and pinholes,
At the felled Vijaya Empire Towers of men and women India,
Gone with the wind are the selfless saints of knowledge,
Opportunity denied and suppressed of the talented,
Know the ages of rakshashatwa in the age of human
Denial of workplaces, laboratories, and burning off
The ancient know how of Alexandria, Taxasila, Nalanda
Pure soul believes in Jaganadhachakra of race cycles
Creation wheel that turns over the time periods
Men of magnanimity don’t be after their name and fame
people fix the great and the supreme peers
(by (by Kolana)
History that rolls out unchecked likes the
seismic waves
Breaking over the
seas and oceans of the silent
(Original Draft made
on Dt 1/14/2004 Time 5:27 P.M. Premonition of Seismic Waves?)
Simple Events That Turn History
1.With a single vote of
Absence at T L N Sabha
2.Andhra Pradesh
assembly voted the first Chancellor
3.Shri Venkatewsara
University as the Chief Justice,
4. The Finance Minister
from Visakha was absent one,
5. History made that
Governor lost Chancellorship!!
6.Next Governor denied
the panel suggestion, for A.U
7. He rejected three
names for renewal,
8. Incumbent
vice-chancellor’ names resuggested
9. The governor hands
were bound and alas he has to
10.Make for the
compromise, Optimum prevailed over
11.The Dharma, thus
lost Andhra Pradesh a Professor
12.Genuine to be a V.C,
which he didn’t bother, shown
13.The Academic
Excellence & The Administration,
14. Magnanimous and
Magnificent forever in the Hearts.
(By Kolana)
The New Enlightenment:
Dhurvasula cursed
Brahma not to be worshipped,
Vishnu turned into a
Rock - God in Kaliyuga,
Shiva to be of a linga
form of phenomenon,
Oh, three-some Know
thy nature, Of the destroyer,
Of the Sustainer and
Of the Creator of Vedas,
The underlying
Hiranyagarbha asserts the Shiva
Dharma as manifest
form of metamorphosis,
State to state Brahma
rupa and evolves
With Vishnu sustenance
but alas in the grandeur,
Its Shivoatma, Shiva
Dharma, Shivattm, so
Vaishnavites veracious
over Shivates, but
The dance of Vibrant
Shiva is the temperate,
Manifest Cosmos of
myriad Phase Transitions,
The New Enlightenment
of Kolana asserts Nature.
(By Kolana)
Upanishads, Puranas and
Vedas boasted of Manvantharas
Science has set the
limit of life to few Millenniums ago,
Quasars, Stars, and
Galaxies spoke about light years age,
Life and Death of Sun
and Planets gave it a lifetime,
Epics Rama, Bharat,
Buddha & Christ spoke centuries,
BrahmaLipi, Greek and
Sanskrit languages set Civilizations,
Moments of Ajanta,
Ellora, Cambodia, Pagodas set yrs of work
Years of labour over
temples of worship and muslim onslaught
World wars and kalinga
destruction led to peace & prosperity
Olympic games set the
sport records to Drug & steroid limits,
Elections and invasions
gave timetables of independence,
Nuclear bombs brought
the seconds to illuminate the worst,
Traverse microscopic by
light, to know limit of physical length,
Cosmic Infinity and the
Infinitesimal of thy yet is to be realized!!
Moral of the Poem: Traverse of light across microscopic equals
Traverse across the infinite path.
(By Kolana)
Be A Physicist to
emancipate Mother Nature.
It’s a swing from the
common to uncommon sense
Neither you wish to
gain Gold nor reward, pure pleasure,
Know not thy Equilibrium
state since ever evanescent,
Brain washed by
worship of your poor soul by search,
World at large and the
nature are your self-playgrounds,
My dear ever student
there’s more to ward off than learn,
Stretch your intellect
from the pure to the enlightenment,
Thyself and the
humanity involved, discovering the rest,
Pave the rosy path my
Guide, my Guru & my Preacher,
In you and me realize
that there exists the same Jyoti,
Gray Ash of Nobility
and the ash of divine, Oh Physicist,
Conquer Cosmos of
myriad fashions, with concrete soul,
Be yourself to
discover & uncover the beauty of Nature.
(By Kolana)
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