Volume 2013, Issue No.5, May 17 2013, Time: 9h05m A. M.
Astronomy, Devices Splendid, Innovations,
Big Moon and Devibhumi Mishap of 2013
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU, Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002
Mobile No: 9491902867 and 9594717723
This report carries with it the news of several events of human concern especially the devasting Flood and land slide in the vicinity of Kedarnadh Temple the Prime place of worship established by Adi Sankaracharya nearly centuries ago. The development of a miniature robo by Japaneese is worth mentioning and is to be followed by a German Venture in this direction.Liquid cement changed to liquid metal by using a new principle by America, Japan, Finland and German scientists. The changed cement works like a semiconductor. Metallic-Glass preparation this happens to be a new path way the Scientists have asserted. Thin film resistors developed with this material can be used in LCDs. At Muthalapalem in AP the sea has encroached on Monday 27 May 2013 about 70 meters inside land it is the first time this happened and due to the force of the waves the Sea water entered the Upputeru.Sweden Prince married on Saturday June 8, 2013 (B’day of my brother Late K. Amarnath B.E,M.Tech) with 600 guests and visited on horse bogie the King Gusataf and Queen Silviyaalu for the marriage reception. After my nangaru visit to Sweden Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) in 1930 and myself in 1964-1965 at University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, this agreement of Academic collaboration with Andhra University of research is most thrilling.
a). Innovation
Liquid cement changed to liquid metal by using a new principle by America, Japan, Finland and German scientists. The changed cement works like a semiconductor. Metallic-Glass preparation this happens to be a new path way the Scientists have asserted. Thin film resistors developed with this material can be used in LCDs.
15 New Quasars
Tokyo scientists declared that they have discovered extremely dark galaxies about fifteen with the help of ALMA telescope (ATKAM large millimeter/sub-millimeter YARE). Their place of existence being referred by Kyoto University researchers declared as FUBARO/XMM-NEWTON DEEP SURVEY FIELD. Ten times more than a Millimeter darkness these Quasars density has been discovered. (Report on Monday 3 June 2013.)
Galaxies do not appear to have enough mass to account for their observed rotation. There might exist non-visible mass, proposed a Swiss scientist in 1933. Three different types of dark matter possibly exist and possible existence of candidate particles with each. WIMPS slam into nucleus of a silicon or germanium release energy and a detectable vibration in the crystal. Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) located in Soudan Underground Laboratory, Minnesota, 700 meters below the surface, reported on 13 April 2013 detection of three exotic dark matter particles hidden in the recordings by the Silicon detectors. They hint existence of WIMPs with a possible mass of 8.6BeV, with 5-sigma error, which is nine times more massive than a proton. Ge detectors are sensitive to higher masses while Si detectors sensitive to lower masses.
Super massive black holes called blazers. Gamma ray and EBL photons produces aberrations in gamma ray flux coming from blazers, strength and location of these aberrations are then measures to receive clues about presence and sources of the EBC. Extra-galatic-Background-flux also includes energy in Visible, Radio, UV etc. How much gamma-ray blazars actually emit is not final. Data from x-ray satellites and the Fermi Space Telescope, which detect photons of a lower energy, not distorted by EBL Blazers emit continuously 30 GeV radiations which EBL blocks effectively. EBL is inferior from galaxies.
The 9416 feet deep land mass continent 1.4 times the area of America discovered below the South Pole Antarctica exists covered by a 4.6% more ice cap. The ice cap is about 90% to 70% more than the ice on Earth. About 165 big lakes, with Vostoka extending over 225 km length and 48km wide with a depth of 3000feet, exist. Big mountain cliffs and extraordinary valleys exist here. Five crores age ago the weather is of normal but now stores about 25lakhs cubic km ice is preserved there.
Ukkunagar of Visakhapatnam
Agro-Forest in Ukkunagar developed five acres of land for about 5000 samplings of trees. About 50 varities of Ayurvedic samplings planted in orderly fashion of a human body. For the head Brahmin to treat the Mind, Erragurivinda to prevent fall of hairs on head, and Machi patri for ear problems were planted. For the heart Arjun, White Maddhi trees, Sugandhapala for cleaning the blood, Thanikaya for treating the disease of Ubbasam and Vakudu for breathing and inhaling of good air were planted. For stomach treatments Dumparashtram(gas trouble), Simiruba for ulcer treatment, Chitramala for moolashanka protection, Maredu for thick liquid motions, Gacchakaya and Satvaari for Nerve strength were planted. Ranapal for kurupulu (), Nallathummethu for pains, Devakanchana for thirod gland, Podapatri for excess Sugar problem, Billaganeru for Rachakurupu, Vavila and Badidha for keelanoppulu and Nalleru for strength of bones have been planted. To walk without wearing slippers path ways created in the Ayurvedic garden. Air for breathing special effort made. The Garden area has two three degrees less temperature compared to the city temperatures.
Prof.Harmonder Dhuva from India employed in Notingham University, Britain, discovered a new layer exists in Carnia stroma and desiments membrane layers with 15microns thick but is considerably strong. It can withstand 1.5 to 2 bars pressure. The Layer is known as “Dhuva layer”.
Southern America heavy cyclone with six dead and 100 injured in Texas state around 8PM night Ranchobrojas and Upadivijan areas. The town Grassberry in North Texas 40km distance lays the centre of the cyclone and worst affected the town Cloobers experienced 130km speed winds. Another centre recognized in Hood county and the town Milsap is affected by it.
The sudden rain in Visakhapatnam, Srikakulum and Vijayanagaram in the late evening of 18 May 2013 has brought down the sweltering heat.
Sunday 8A.M May 26, 2013 to Monday 8A.M. rains of different parts in AP has relieved the summer heat to a great extent. Mahababunagar Zillah two people died due to thunder lightning. In Tirupati lightning bolts occurred on Tuesday 28 May 2013 near Gali Gopurum raising flames. The flames were brought under control during the night time of Tuesday.
The thunderbolts have killed six people(two ladies,one boy) nearly five from Guntur(Bapatla Mandalam) and one in Medak on Sunday 2 June 2013. Due to thunderbolts that fell in Seshchalam Hills the computers systems and other technical equipment got spoiled at Tirupati.
The Visakhapatnam city it rained heavily from 11.30A.M to about 12.10P.M on 5 May 2013 continuously. This is the first rain of the City of the Monsoon. Since then the Visakhapatnam experiencing strong Sun heat till today i.e. 10 June 2013.
Heavy rains in Germany and China etc European cities of considerable intensity occurred on 9 June 2013.
Dehradun in Utterkhanda in spate of floods due to the raise of Ganga river following the “kundapatha” rains with 37 killed and 160 houses destroyed. News June 18, 2013. Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister caught in floods. Dehradun Kasta village four people in a house died due to fall of hill. Badrinad and Govindghat 10,000 people marooned in floods.Gangariya 6000 people are caught by floods.Kinar village in Himachala Pradesh lost contact and in Singla loya 7000 people are caught in heavy floods. 10mpeople died in this state.
Godavari river received water from upper reaches and cotton barrage(8.3feet water level) gates released to allow the 2,24003 cusecs water into sea.
Tornado in Oklahoma
The severe multi Tornado system divested Oklahoma State and cities Iowa and Kansas on Monday 20 May 2013. Preliminary report says 24 people died and the power of it was almost 600 Nuclear Bombs and lasted about 45 minutes. Many houses reduced to complete distortion and few cars and houses were flown up in the sky. Moore area totally destructed with winds of speed at 320km/hr. About 233 people were injured. Lando Hite described that the horses and other material was flown into sky and luckily she survived keeping herself secure in the horse stable corner.
In 1983 in Bangladesh the huge Tornado killed 1300 people. Southern tornados rotate opposite to the northern tornados.
Land air moves up when it becomes hot and the neighboring air mass cold moves to the lower levels and the joining of these two gales creates the tornados. America every year about 1200 tornados occur. Big tornados move as much 483km speed while the lower ones about 160km travel hundreds of miles.
At Muthalapalem in AP the sea has encroached on Monday 27 May 2013 about 70 meters inside land it is the first time this happened and due to the force of the waves the Sea water entered the Upputeru.
I am happy about the Sweden and AU agreement of collaboration with Blinkiz Univ. of Technology, VC Prof Anderse and Lik Copeing University Dean Annalina, (photo attached) presence at AU, Waltair on Saturday May 18, 2013. According to this in the fields of Telecommunications, Software, Nanotechnology, Biomedical and Industrial Technology extensive research technical help would be received. After my nangaru visit to Sweden Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) in 1930 and myself in 1964-1965 at University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, this agreement of academic collaboration with Andhra University of research is most thrilling.
“Cell” on June 6, 2013 brought out an article by Dr. J. Frisen Prof. of Stem Cell Research, Karolinska Institute, of Sweden, discovered that about 700 neurons added to each of the two hippocampuses, on a daily basis. The rate of neuron production (called neurogenesis) decreases only modestly with age. When a cell divides it would build C-14 into its DNA (a measure of C-14 content in neurons, the electrochemical messenger cells in the brain) with concentration corresponding to that in the atmosphere at that time.
Swedish Prince Married Chrostopher O Neil
Sweden Prince married on Saturday June 8, 2013 (B’day of my brother Late K. Amarnath BEM.Tech) with 600 guests and visited on horse bogie the King Gusataf and Queen Silviyaalu for the marriage reception.
Fig.1 Swedish Professors

Temperature data in April-June 2013 at Visakhapatnam
Arctic sea snow melting and the Recedding Mount Everest Peak.
Sea entered in Muthalapalem deep inside on 27 May 2013
Fig.5a and Fig.5b
Lightnining Thunder at Tirupati on Tuesday 28 May 2013
GERMAN’s Visit To Simhachalam Gosala
Splendour Rainbow
Stopped Telegram Service in India. Peoples failure to use telegram services in India due to mobile onslought.
Circle Around Sun
On June 6th 2013 a circular formation appeared around Sun in the afternoon.
Buddhist Meditation Centers in Tibet
The collection of deep meditation and concentration houses of Buddhists in Tibet of their land
Extracting Gold Green Way
Zhichang Liu mixed sugar named alpha-cyclodextrin derived from corn starch, with dissolved gold salt, that surprisingly resulted in Gold separation. Cheap biological material from starch, useful to extract Gold from consumer electronics, is a cheap and inexpensive method.
Silver antibiotic
London report 21 June 2013 that the silver acts as a antibiotic in small doses added in medicines increases the power from 10 to 1000 times more. Gram-positive bacteria infection treatment used vanominus antibiotic, initially added silver, it acts on gram-negative infections as well. Silver loaded bacteria cell, acts destructively on DNA and enzymes, and the normal cells do not get affected by the added small amount of silver. The findings are from Harvard University. It is interesting to note that Nobel metals use in Indian Ayurvedic Medicines was an outstanding discovery of the ancient times the records of them destroyed, stolen and distorted by several foreign agents.
Glacial Retreat on Everest
The world’s tallest Mount Everest peak is shedding its frozen cloak of snow and ice due to warming and has declining snowfall from 1990.
Digital Storage
Graphene sheet grown on a base made on Ru (ruthenium), shaped with evaporated organic molecules, tetra-cyano-p-quinodi-methane (TCNQ) on Graphene in a condensed manner helps to give better digital storage system. Graphene acts as a separating layer between Ru and TCNQ molecules, and prevents the bonding. The top layer spins get aligned with the lower layer spins allowing charge transfer between them resulting in Anti-ferromagnetic coupling. The grapheme-Ru allows random electrons to be aligned to have the same spin creates a magnetic field very useful systems for digital information.
Arctic Snow 1979 to 2007
The snow has melted away for nearly about 50% and water has raised sea level considerably. The search for oil exploration is still continuing in this area. Last year on September 17, 2012 nearly 3.41 sq. meters snow has melted away a drastic change. Comparatively this is about the half of what existed in 1971. By 2040 this would become a snow devoid sea. Russia found 10billion oil in 2007. Greens land has about 8 oil reserves in this area. America improving Alaska as an oil base. Norway agreed with state oil of America and India and Chianti got membership in Arctic council due to the country Norway.
Everest Conquered
Tasi and Nancimalik India journalists along with a Pakistan girl Mirza Ali conquered Everest on the Sunday, May 19 2013 at 7h30m A.M. and reached the 8848 feet peak point.
Swiss scientists claim that they found hormone auxin as the substance that drives the phototropism.
Plants revival
After in little ice-age for 400-600 years during 1550 to 1850 suggested a regrowth. Retreating glaciers offer this possibility.
In Tirupati (Tirunagar) used water that in-flows into the Karakambadi Road Vinayak Sagar helps even in summer to grow the third crop of Rice.
First Film Production in Visakhapatnam
To be released on 7 June 2013 the first film entirely in Visakhapatnam by a educational employee a teacher Principal of Vishnu college, with editing, dubbing, rerecording and color greeting completed. U certificate obtained. The film has 116 minutes length. First heroin is from west Bengal the other Alekya from Prahladpuram, Simhachalam resident.
In Andhra state 787.25MW solar power joined the grid. In Anatapuram 19MW generated solar power. Unit cost is Rs.6.49.
Dronamraju Srinivas local MLA got sanctioned Rs.50/-lakhs for the up built of old and ancient library of Visakhapatnam built in 1917 that houses ancient Hindu Treatises and Puranic volumes. 1929 it is presumed Mahatma Gandhi visited it for making people aware of Khadhar. 40% works completed to date.
In Maharashtra Ratnagiri Fort known as “Suvarna Durga” in Haarnya, about one and half km distance extends about 8 acres of land, was built in seventeenth century (see the attached photo). Another fort is Kanaka Durga fort possibly interconnected by underground tunnel connectivity. Maharaja Shivaji occupied these in 1660. Earlier Ship building and other activities of military continued here and there are several “phirangi” , (canon ) fire arms around the hill. British copied this and built their similar fort in “Seven Droog” visited by several on lookers.
Extreme Ultraviolet lithography(EUVL) with Sulfonium monomer polymers used to build IC CHIP by Professor Kennath Gonjalwega in IIT-Mandi.
4699 lakes in Himalayan range at height of 3000 meters photographed by ISRO and prepared an atlas of these. Bigger lakes than Tosnlamon at height of 5330 meters exist in Himalayas.
Grijan Youth effort
Kothapalli boy Vathalla Abbi and other Girijan boys made a dare devil trip to the water falls in thick forest falling from a height of 500 feet. They constructed a path way at personal cost of Rs.5000/- rupees. When informed to the concerned minister he sent a team of people who were totally spell bound by the view of waterfalls. Videos and Photographs are available with them.
Big Moon and Devibhumi Mishap of 2013
At evening around 5 PM on June 23, 2013 the Moon appeared very big named as Super Moon and is found located at 3,56,992km from a distant point of 4,05,696kms. It is 14% big and 30% more brilliant in Moon shine. The waves of the Sea really got perturbed. Next one in August nest year occurs.
Fig.10a and Fig.10b
It is not clear whether the massive rain and disturbances of the Kedarnadh is sequel of this celestial event. The hot spring got suddenly energetic at Unnathpthakund released water as a jet at 7h30mPM on 16 June 2013. The excessive sudden flow washed away several villages below it and within 15 minutes several people got washed out.
Throughout the year it releases hot water due to possible Sandal (Gandhakam) heated water and piligrims have a bath before proceeding by walk about 14kms to Kedarnadh about 11000feet above sea level, in Rudraprayaga district. Yamuna, Bhagiradhi, Madankini and Alakananda rivers flow and at Devaprayaga the Alkanandha and Bhagiradhi rivers join to create the Ganga flow river. Uttarakhanda is known in India as Devibhumi. It also houses the sacred places like Ninetal, Champa and Mussori. The State extent is 53sq.km while the present flood hit area is about 38sq.km. Chardham yatra is regarded as very special and sacred by Indians.
For 400 years the Kedarnadh Temple was in deep Snow cover in Himani river. The stones used to construct it have yellow marks formed due to the roughening of the construction by snow, mud and stones. From 1300 to 1900 Year several places on the Earth were covered by deep snow falls. Kedarnath surrounding area was under deep snow and the Lichno Metric Dating technique determined the age os the stones used in the construction of the temple.
Hot springs about three exist at Narayana kund named as tapthkund, surajkund and naradakund. Alkananda and Rushiganga meeting point this tapthkund exists. Yamuns math mandhir has a hot spring. About 8kms on foot one has to walk to reach yamunothri temple. There the hot spring facility exists. The people can boil rice, potatoes and dal in this hot spring in about 10 minutes time. Kedarnadh way has Gourikund where Parvati Math temple exists and the hot spring there is a great attraction. Siva, Ganesh and Parvati episode has occurred here. This hot spring releases water fumes at a temperature of 55 degrees C. Morning 4 feet spring increases by 8A.M to a certain height here. This Gourikund has exploded in recent floods of the Kedarnadh. From utterkasi travel to Gangotri on the way one finds the Garamkund hot spring where Vyas Maharshi son Parasuram did Tapasya. Due to his power only this hot spring was created here, say the puranas of India. People advised not to stay in hot springs for more than five minutes.
Rotating Stupa
The idol, Neb-Sen, in Manchester Egypt Museum of about 4000 years old is rotating. It is 10inches height and exists in Manchester sinc 80 years. It rotates only in day time. Probably due to the vibrations of the visitors movement with their it moves rotated. Series of photographs ascertained the rotation.
Speaking Robo
Fig.12 gives details.
Visible Effects of Gravity Waves in Visakhapatnam
The Gravity waves have been found morning of Thursday 27 June 2013 around 9 A. M. followed by a preceded sand storm mild at the Beach Road Visakhapatnam on the Wednesday 26 June 2013. This is perhaps a first record of the twin happenings of Gravity Waves and Sand storm at viskhapatnam. The RK Beach sea shore beach road is covered by sand waves that are troubling the passers by on this important link road. Their eyes are getting effected by the sand storms. Mostly happens in the Kursur submarine centre at the sea beach.
Fig. 13a and 13b
Shri Venketeswara Stupa 300 years old
In E.Godavari the Karapa Shri Venugopala swamy temple has about 300 years old Shri Venketeswara statue made out of MARAKATH SILA stone. It was found under a Ravi Tree and an official ordered the new placement of it in the temple.
Fig.14 Three Hundred years Old Shri Venkateswara Statue
The Wednesday Tamil Nadu Thuthikudi village Munnagi Ponvelappan donated 51 Talapatra “grandhalu “ to Sri Venkatewswara University, Old treatises research centre dating back to 400 years ago. They deal with Jyothishya, Vastu, Music, Vaidhya (Medicine), and Mantra Sashtras and bringing them printed would help to newer details of India about ancient knowledge.
DNA of a horse dating back to 7lakh years
The genes order examined for a horse dating back to 7lakh years with another of 43000years old horse, and present six horses etc scientists from London declared.
Hot Springs of Devibhumi in India
Kannadigas are the main pujaries at the Kedarnadh Temple appointed by Sri Adi Sankaracharyulu of Hindu faith regeneration as per his dictum the Verrashiva Lingayats would perform the main pujas at this sacred temple of Hindus. They have descendency to about 324th generation to observe the "Nitya Kainkaryalu" with main priest reciting the Mantras both in Sanskrit Language and as well in Kannada. Dhavangiri Zillaha Bhanuvalli village Vegashi Lingacharyulu this year acting as the main Pujari. He survived the onset of floods and the disaster of falling boulders by confining himself in Garba Gudi for nearly six hours and is a witness of the tremendous amount of life loss near and around the temple. He does puja for five years in rotation another five would replace him each for five years each pujari. The main priest is Sri Bhima Lingeswara Sivacharyulu and wants all the dead bodies removed from the vicinity of the Temple when the due "Samprokshana and Shudhi Karyakramamulu" that started on Saturday i.e. June 29, 2013.
The onset of minipower genration units have indiscriminately divulged in reorienting the river flows in this sensitive area and the electric engineers over enthusiasm has also been pointed as a contributory factor for the onset of the Land slide of tremendous power. The Himalayana range power generation need to be studied at an academic level and suggest suitable steps of avoiding these great mishaps. The diminshing snow stretches of the Mount Everest and the Himalaya ranges is a great event of this year and Scienitists and Technologists have to gearup their strength to assess the amount of disasters that would happen without any visible warning.
The occurrence of a 3.5R scale Earth Quake has not been widely reported in the newspapers except for a TV News coverage.
I am deeply indebted to Late Prof K. R. Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) for his continued interest and supporte to me of my research interests.
Note: The Date stamp on the photos responsible for thrit bizzare orientation.
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