Volume 2015, Issue No.1, January 10th, 2015, Time: 07h08mAM.
Astounding Visakhapatnam Sea Erosion
during 31st Dec to Jan 3rd and
Mexico Papkutpetal Volcano
on Tuesday 30th Dec.
Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
[Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU,
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O,
Cell no: 09491902867.
A quantum leap in imaging
technology scientists created a digital image less than one photon per pixel. Mexico Papkutpetal Volcano on Tuesday 30th
Dec. 2014, released 2.5km smoke and dust. At Visakhapatnam the sea surge
was so sudden on the New Years day 2015, with ferocious waves close to foot
path adjacent to museum, with soft soil beneath foot path eroded and soon there
was a deep cut, for four days, till 3rd Jan 2015 it continued. Lamba
Singha in Andhra Pradesh, recorded 00C
on Sunday 11th January, 2015 a second time of this season of Winter
in AP. A cow yielded a
record 62 kg of milk on Sunday January 11 at the ongoing national livestock
championship in Punjab.
Nandigama Mandal in Srikakulam district
several villages experienced on early morning, Earth Tremors around 2h55mAM of
Monday January 12th. Visakhapatnam city had very
cloudy weather on January 13, 2015 possibly sequel to the Earthquake
disturbance in Srikakulam district. An unusual growth of
10.5feet Brinzal tree has stunned the Nellore city in Navalakula Thota Krishna
Murthy with over crop of Brinzal each weighing about 400gms on the 12th
In Blantyre of Malawi flooding began last month and heavy rain
continued, especially in the north and central parts of the country. Seven
girls scaled Mount Everest of India, Kosciuszko in Australia, Elbrus in Europe,
Kilimanjro in Africa, Aconcagua in South America, Denali or McKinley in North
America and Vinson in Antarctica. Nimdoma Sherpa peaked all the hills with
needle-like snow piercing on their faces. A unique map of enigmatic
molecules in our galaxy, a diffuse interstellar bands in the Milky Way
recorded. From 31 December 2014 to 15th January 2015 the world
over disturbances, at Visakhapatnam, North and J&K, Flooding
in Malawi etc events in the world from England to Philippines over India, seem
to have deep terrestrial disturbances. In the entire period Visakhapatnam coast
seems to have the solid unaccounted disturbances.
celebrated 16 times since space station passed over a part of earth witnessing
mid-night sixteen times. NASA rover begins approach to dwarf planet Ceres
launched in 2007, scheduled to enter Ceres orbit in March 2015 and is currently
640,000kms from Ceres approaching it at 725km per hour.
Dhyan Chand Legendry Athlete
Hockey player Dhyan Chand helped
India to win three Olympic Gold Medals in 1928, 1932 and 1936 should be honored
with Bharat Ratna!
Fig.A Hockey Wizard of
India Three Olympic Medals.
Kashmir Jan 1st, 2015
Fig.1 A
tourist enjoys a sledge ride in Gulbarga Jammu & Kashmir
on Thursday Jan 1st, 2015. Photo3059.
Fig.1a Mexico
Papkutpetal Volcano on Tuesday 30th Dec. 2014,
released 2.5km smoke and
dust. Photo3049.
Mexico Papkutpetal Volcano on Tuesday 30th
Dec. 2014, released 2.5km smoke and dust.
At Visakhapatnam, the sea
surge was so sudden on the New Years day 2015, with ferocious waves close to
foot path adjacent to museum, with soft soil beneath foot path eroded and soon
there was a deep cut. Similar happened in March 2013. The Sea waters looked
muddy and rough, and the waves were
cruel and continuously battered the side walls.
News reveals that though rough waves noticed in the four days and calmed on
Saturday 3rd January, Oceanography experts predict the situation may
return in April-May. Fisher folk pointed out that Mangammaripeta, Yarada,
Rushikonda, and Pudimandaka located 60km from Visakhapatnam are also facing the
brunt of changed coastal front dynamics.
Fig.1b Near Kursura the Sea
caved on to the Road
In Visakhapatnam on
Wednesday 31st December 2014 Photo3051.
Fig.1c Gone with the waves
the boundary wall
of Beach Road in
years old underground city found in Turkey, actually a multilevel city in Derinkuyu,
enough house thousands of people and their live stock. It has tunnel passages
of seven kilometers and happens to be the world’s largest discovered located in
central Turkey.
Ozone affecting materials (ODS)
the hydro-fluorocarbons (HCFC) have in
recent times reduced remarkably low, declared ‘Scientific Assessment of Ozone
Depletion 2014’. About 2.2million metric tons have been removed due to Montreal
Protocol, but still about 6.4lakh metric tons need to be removed.
In Chandayan, of Baraut tehsil of Baghpat district, in Uttar Pradesh
revealed burial site 150metres, away at a depth of 130cm, from residential
area, and excavations brought to light about 21 pots (containing cereals, milk,
butter and honey used in funeral ceremony), including deep bowls, dishes,
flasks and lids with knobs and cylindrical agate beads. These along with a
broken copper crown embedded with carnelian and faience beads. Orientation of
burial ground was from north-west to south-east. The site could have existed
before 4000 years ago.
Fig.2 Broken copper crown with carnelian and
faience beads
at Chandayan village in UP.
A quantum leap in imaging
technology scientists created a digital image less than one photon per pixel.
Conventional technique uses 1,00,000 photons per pixel. An image of a wasp wing
using just 50,000 particles of light none of which ever interacted directly
with the wing itself was achieved. One photon illuminates the wasp wing while
the other photon goes to the camera sensor! feels a graduate student at
University of Glasgow. Photons are entangled and share quantum information on a
quantum level, so image formed on the camera sensor by photons which have never
seen the object for themselves!.
towns in India utilizing the underground water by several wells developed a
threat of salt water incursion underneath. NGRI thought of studying 950km
extent coastal areas in several villages where deep wells were struck in many
villages. Extensive usage of water for irrigation and other purposes this water
extracted from the deep sunk wells gave way to the underground sea water
rushing to fill the vacancies man made under the ground. Environmental
protection is the only method of stopping this undue development.
The Nepalese seven girls Chuna
Shresta, Nimdoma Sherpa, Pema Dikki Sherpa,
Maya Gurung, Asha Singh, and Shailee Basnet at Tribhuwan International
Airport Kathmandu on Friday January 9th,
2015 became the first all women group in the world to climb the peaks in seven
continents. The first four girls climbed all the seven peaks. They scaled Mount
Everest of India, Kosciuszko in Australia, Elbrus in Europe, Kilimanjro in
Africa, Aconcagua in South America, Denali or McKinley in North America and
Vinson in Antarctica. Nimdoma Sherpa peaked all the hills with needle-like snow
piercing on their faces. Mount Vinson in Antarctica on December 23rd
last year they scaled an achievement of unique feat.
Fig.2a Top
of world seven sisters of Nepal scaled seven peaks
Nimdoma Sherpa peaked all peaks Photo3062.
Diffuse interstellar bands in the Milky Way
T W Lan, G Zasowski,
B.Meacutenard: Johns
Hopkins University: NASA
Fig.3. A unique map of enigmatic molecules
in our galaxy
9, 2015
Astronomers have created
a unique map of enigmatic molecules in our galaxy that are responsible for
puzzling features in the light from stars. These puzzling features
in the light from stars, which astronomers call "Diffuse Interstellar
Bands" (DIBs), have been a mystery ever since they were discovered by
astronomer Mary Lea Heger of Lick Observatory in 1922. While analyzing the
light from stars, she found unexpected lines that were created by something
existing in the interstellar space between the stars and Earth. Further
research showed that these mysterious lines were due to a variety of molecules.
But exactly which of many thousands of possible molecules are responsible for
these features has remained a mystery for almost a century. This new map, based
on SDSS data that reveals the location of these enigmatic molecules, was
compiled from two parallel studies. Zasowski, a postdoctoral fellow, led one
team that focused on the densest parts of our galaxy, using infrared
observations that can cut through the dust clouds and reach previously obscured
stars. Johns Hopkins graduate student Ting-Wen Lan led the other study, which
used visible light to detect the mysterious molecules located above the plane
of the galaxy, where their signatures are very weak and harder to measure
Optically addressable nuclear spins in a solid with a
six-hour coherence time.
Manjin Zhong, Morgan P.
Hedges, Rose L.
Ahlefeldt, John G.
Bartholomew, Sarah E. Beavan,
Sven M.
Wittig, Jevon J.
Longdell & Matthew J.
Sellars, Nature 517, 177–180;
(08 January 2015:Received 25 July 2014 Accepted 28
October 2014 Published online 07 January 2015)
A proposal to overcome this range limitation is the quantum repeater
protocol, which involves the distribution of entangled pairs of optical modes
among many quantum memories stationed along the transmission channel. To be
effective, the memories must store the quantum information encoded on the
optical modes for times that are long compared to the direct optical
transmission time of the channel. Here we measure a decoherence rate of
8 × 10−5 per second over 100 milliseconds, which
is the time required for light transmission on a global scale. The measurements
were performed on a ground-state hyperfine transition of europium ion dopants
in Yttrium Ortho-Silicate (151Eu3+:Y2SiO5)
using optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. The observed
decoherence rate is at least an order of magnitude lower than that of any other
system suitable for an optical quantum memory. Furthermore, by employing
dynamic decoupling, a coherence time of 370 ± 60 minutes was
achieved at 2K. It has been almost universally assumed that light is the
best long-distance carrier for quantum information. However, the coherence time
observed here is long enough that nuclear spins travelling at 9 km per hour in a
crystal would have a lower decoherence with
distance than light in an optical fiber. This enables some very early
approaches to entanglement distribution to be revisited, in particular those in
which the spins are transported rather than the light.
Cow sets record with 62-kg milk
A cow yielded a record 62 kg of milk
on Sunday at the ongoing national livestock championship in Punjab. The high milk yield
officially set a new national livestock record. The previous record was 58.8 kg
of milk. The cow is of the Holstein Friesians (HF) breed. They are high-yield
dairy animals, often called Friesians in Europe and Holsteins in North America.
Cow yielded a record 62 kg of milk on
It was cold, windy on Saturday 10th
morning here. There was dense
fog in the morning with the visibility dropping to 500metres at 8.30 am The day
will be partly cloudy," an India Meteorological Department official said.
The day's minimum temperature settled one notch below the season's average at
6.8 degrees Celsius. Humidity at 8.30 am was recorded 91 per cent. Friday's
maximum temperature was recorded four notches below the season's average at
16.3 degrees Celsius, while the minimum was 6.8 degrees Celsius, a notch below
the season's average.
Fig.4a Dense fog in Shimla on Saturday 10th Photo3055.
in AP
Recorded 00C on Sunday
11th January, 2015 a second time of this season of Winter in AP,
Chintapalli recorded 3 0C both a repeat occurrence of December 21st, 2014.
[News of Jan 12th,
2015]. For another four days cool winds blowing over the state would continue
resulting in lowering of night temperatures. Mornings from 2 to 6 0C
lower temperatures recorded in several cities of Telangana and AP.
Fig.5a River link Map of AP state.Photo3047.
River link Map of East India.Photo3048.
Minister Madam Uma
Bharati announced on January 12th that cultivation waters of rivers
wouldn’t be disturbed for interconnecting the rivers in India. Some states are
agitated and she elaborated that only the waters that are left to join the Sea
would be utilized for this purpose of diversion to other regions.
new plants
SNM College Maliankara
research team reported a discovery of three flowering new plant species from
Poonyakutty-Edamalayar region a biodiversity of Western Ghats. The shrub named Thottea
adichilthottiana fron a tribal colony and the other two (grass family) are Arundinella
pradeepiana and Garotia variyamensis. Report on Monday Jan., 12th
Nandigama Mandal in Srikakulam
district several villages experienced on early morning of Monday January 12th,
earth tremors around 2h55m AM. Nandigama, Pratapviswanadhapuram,
Peddatamarapalli, Gollavur, Devalabhadhra, Kavittiagraharam, Kottha Agraharam,
and Pedda Naidu Peta and other villages experienced the tremors. Visakhapatnam
city had very cloudy weather on January 13, 2015 possibly sequel to the
Earthquake disturbance in Srikakulam district.
Fig.6a taken on 4th Jan at
7h32mPM at Food Court in
Mumbai University ISC meet
Fig.6b The Moon splendor of
Spectra at 7h33m PM
on 4th Jan 2015 at ISC food court Photo2949.
An unusual growth of 10.5feet Brinzal
tree has stunned the Nellore city in Navalakula Thota Krishna Murthy with over
crop of Brinzal each weighing about 400gms gave a tremendous surprise and wish
to have recorded it in Guineas world record. [News Dt. Jan 13 eenadu Paper].
Fig.7 Brinzal tree 10.5feet in Krishna Murthy
thota at Nellore city
weighing 400gm each bumper crop Photo3065.
North shivers despite rise in temperature
Delhi /Srinagar /Jaipur /Shimla/Lucknow: Jan 14, 2015, DHNS:
and snow in some places may have ended dry, cold spell, but north India largely
continued to shiver under cold conditions with minimum temperature in Delhi
recording the lowest in a month and fog affecting visibility early on Tuesday 13th January 2015 morning. The maximum
temperature in Delhi settled two notches below the season’s average at 18.3
degrees Celsius while the minimum was 4 degrees Celsius, four notches below normal,
making it the coldest day of the month so far.
Flooding in
Malawi kills 48, leaves thousands displaced
14, 2015, 01.15AM IST AP

BLANTYRE, Malawi: Flooding began
last month and heavy rain continued, especially in the north and central parts
of the country, according to the Director of Meteorological services and
climate change. Heavy
flooding in Malawi has killed 48 people, and left another 23,000 displaced, the
country's president said on Tuesday 13th January 2015. President
declared 10 out of 28 districts in the country disaster zones.
It is conjectured that cold day
conditions prevail in Andhra and appreciably lower at most places in
Rayalaseema. Lowest minimum temperature recorded on Tuesday January 13th,
at Nandigama as 110C, Kalingapatnam 150C, Visakhapatnam
190C, and Kakinada 170C.
Space Society : ISRO
Headed in Washington DC the society
announced on Monday 12 January that ISRO mission would be awarded for two
significant achievements. An Indian Space craft has gone into orbit around Mars
on the very first try on September 24, 2014. The second achievement to get two
full disk images which have ever been taken in the past that would aid
planetary scientists.
14 Jan 2015
For Wednesday, though, the
effects of the biting cold wave were not felt as much because of overcast
skies. Srinagar recorded a minimum temperature of 2.7 0C while ski
resort Gulmarg and hill resort Pahalgam witnessed minus 3.6 and 0.4 0C respectively. In Leh town of the Ladakh region, the minimum temperature rose
remarkably to minus 3.40C from the previous night’s minus 7.4 0C. The neighboring Kargil town recorded minus 90C, as against minus 100C the previous night. Jammu city
recorded a maximum temperature of 9.80C on Wednesday. To the
south of Jammu and Kashmir, there was fresh snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and
Shimla, which in turn worsened the cold weather conditions Punjab and
Haryana. Chandigarh and other parts of the two states witnessed moderate to
heavy rainfall, leading to the overall temperature of the region falling below
normal. The capital city shivered at a low of 5.8 0C.
Paired up photovoltaic polymers produce
two units of electricity per unit of light on a single molecular polymer chain.
News on 15th January 2015.
Solar cell doubled efficiency Photo3066.
German researchers have built
shoe-sized devices that harvest power from the act of walking. The technology
could be used to power wearable electronic sensors without the need for
batteries. The
devices were characterized under different motion speeds and with two test
subjects on a treadmill. An average power output of up to 0.84mW is achieved
with the swing harvester. With a total device volume including the housing of
21cm3 a power density of 40μW cm−3 results. The
shock harvester generates an average power output of up to 4.13mW. The power
density amounts to 86μW cm−3 for the total device volume of
Rain and hailstorm hit
Agra on Wednesday evening as a result of which the minimum temperature dipped
to 70C causing hardship for the devotees who
thronged the banks of the Yamuna for a holy dip on the occasion of “Makar
Sankranti”. The district administration has ordered closure of schools till
January 18. Over 200 people have lost their lives owing to cold related
incidents this season so far. As many as 14 people died in cold related
incidents in the eastern districts in the last 24 hours. Mount Abu remained coldest with a temperature
of 3.40C followed by Jaisalmer at 70C and Ganganagar at 7.40C. Jaipur recorded a night temperature
of 7.80C. Minimum temperatures dropped again
in Kashmir Valley, but settled above the freezing point in Srinagar for the
third consecutive night following rain and snowfall across two days ago.
Srinagar witnessed minimum temperature of 0.50C, down by over two degrees from the
previous night’s low of 2.70C.
Pahalgam hill resort recorded minimum night temperature of minus 3.60C while the mercury in ski resort of
Gulmarg settled at 7.40C.
Jan 15th Feat
India’s Open water swimmer Bhakti Sharma
conquered World Record swimming 1.4miles in 52minutes across waters of
Antarctic ocean at temperatures of 10C. She already swam five Oceans
of the World.
31 December 2014 to 15th January 2015 the world over disturbances,
at Visakhapatnam, North and J&K, Flooding
in Malawi etc events in the world from England to Philippines over India, seem
to have deep terrestrial disturbances. In the entire period Visakhapatnam coast
seems to have the solid unaccounted disturbances.
I am indebted to Late Professor K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras)
D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, for his interest in my research
and it was his enthusiasm that sustained me to-date.
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