Volume 2015, Issue No.5, May 4 -15; Time: 8AM
Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd. Prof. of Physics at SU, Kolhapur)
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Volony, Maharanipeta.P.O.
Visakhapatnam -53002. AP
A theory that the Most of the lava created in Deccan traps was possibly created by a massive asteroid that struck earth 66 million years ago.
The trustees and devotees at Panchamukhi Pashupatinath temple venerated in Kathmandu blamed the people taking photos inside the temple, since last 25 years especially by Indians. At 12h35m PM on Tuesday 12th May 2015 struck at Kathmandu magnitude 7.3 depth of quake 18.5 km with tremors felt in China, and especially Tibet where one woman was killed. The May 12th quake called an aftershock occurred in the same fault region but some 160 km east of the April 25th quake. The fault is in between two major fault systems in the Himalayas., known as the main boundary thrust and the main central thrust. The two fault systems are 199-120 km apart and run as linear belt all along the Himalayas from Kashmir to Arunachala Pradesh. May 12th quake seems to be an exceptional one that it struck almost close to epicenter of 1934 mega Nepal-Bihar earth quake of magnitude 8. The devastating earthquake rocked Nepal and also shrunk the tallest peak Mount Everest according to analysis of satellite data. A region of 130 km long by 50 km wide lifted upward by as much as 3 feet during the Earthquake
A new advanced Infra Red imaging technique uses no chemical stains, instead scans the sample with Infra Red light to detect the chemical compositions of the CELL. It is reported in by Nikhil Gupta a researcher in NYU Polytechnic University, that a block of metal like, magnesium-alloy syntactic foam, lighter than water, density so low floats on water.
Ana reached southeast coast of US with three days rain and heavy one on Sunday May 10th, 2015. Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD (USA) staying in US reported that she has been confined at home, since last three days and on Sunday 10th May there would be a heavy shower. It arrived earlier instead of as on June 1st, spread over 446 km stretch of Atlantic coast line.
An interplanetary shock wave hit Earth's magnetic field on May 12th. Now, on May 13th, a high-speed stream of solar wind has arrived. The one-two punch is causing G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles. Around 1:00 am MST on May 12th, the sky exploded into a vivid display of auroras.
The PM Modi's visit to China is very illuminating. Prime Minister Narendra Modi clicks a selfie with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at Beijing's historic Temple of Heaven, after they watched a joint performance of yoga and tai chi. China says the border dispute is confined only to 2,000 km mostly in Arunachal Pradesh whereas India asserts that the dispute covered the western side of the border spanning to about 4,000 km, especially the Aksai Chin area annexed by China in the 1962 war. Famous Buddhist teacher Dharmagupta came to Xian from Gujarat in 590 CE & translated 12 Sanskrit works into Chinese. Famous Indian Buddhist monks who translated Sanskrit works into Chinese at Daxingshan temple. Camphor-scented leaves in western ghats, the new species can grow up to 8 meters in the dense wet evergreen forests if Ghats at an altitude of 500 m to 1400 m.
Humans Teleported in the Lab
On May 3rd,2015 from London it is reported that Neuroscientists have created an out of body illusion in people placed inside brain scanner at the Karolinska Institute. They used the illusion to perceptually 'Teleport' the participants to different location in a room.
Washington on 4th May announced that a battery operated plane with 10 Engines that can take off and land like a helicopter and fly efficiently like an air craft. GL-10, successfully transitioned from hover to wing-borne flight during several test flights, said Bill Fredericks, Engineer at NASA.
Chinese ecologists have called off constructing dams, including the one claimed to be the world's biggest in Tibet close to Arunachal Pradesh.
Asteroid made Deccan Traps
Most of the lava created in Deccan traps was possibly created by a massive asteroid that struck earth 66 million years ago. The life forms such as Dinosaurs might have been killed. It was proposed in 1989 that plumes of hot rock called plume heads rose through Earth's mantle about 20-30 million years ago and generated huge lava flows known as flood basalts like Deccan Traps. (Monday 4th, May 2015 Deccan Chronicle)
32000 images combined to prepare one photo of Moon
Polish photographer Bartosz Wojczynski combined 32000 images to map violet and Infrared images of the Moon to blue and red channels.
Visakhapatnam had drizzling rain during entire night on Sunday 10th May 2015. To-day i.e., 16th May evening very thick black cloud covered the sky in the evening around 5h 30m PM but it didn't rain. Last week days the summer heat has troubled all residents at Visakhapatnam.
Many visitors from Nepal and Kashmir-bound tourists have changed travel plans to avoid destinations of higher Himalayas.
The trustees and devotees at Panchamukhi Pashupatinath temple venerated in Kathmandu blamed the people taking photos inside the temple, since last 25 years especially by Indians. PM Narendra Modi promised Rs.50 crore to restore the temple to its past glory that dates back to hundreds of centuries. The present Earthquake was a stunning episode.
Fresh avalanches on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th, forced rescuers in a village buried by landslides in Northern Nepal to move to higher places and a safer ground. Weather conditions also deteriorated with continuing rainfall and fog.
At 12h35m PM on Tuesday 12th May 2015 struck at Kathmandu magnitude 7.3 depth of quake 18.5 km with tremors felt in China, and especially Tibet where one woman was killed. Aftershocks 6 to 9 no of people injured 1,117. The Tuesday quake followed by at least 7 tremors in less than two hours. Nepal records 9 tremors with one measuring 6.8 R in Dhading.
The latest earthquake hit near the town of Namche Bazaar and sent thousands of panicked residents on to the streets of Nepal's capital, Kathmandu.The latest quake struck at 12:35 Nepali time (06:50 GMT) and was centered about 76 km (47 miles) east of Kathmandu, in a rural area close to the Chinese border.
Politicians fled the Nepal parliament chamber as the quake hit. Yogita Limaya in Baluwa, west of Kathmandu, reported that she could see the dut flying off and stones coming down.
Quake damage on Tuesday in Sankhu, 10km East of the capitol.
One tremor that hit 30 minutes later, centered on the district of Ramechhap, east of Kathmandu, had magnitude of 6.3 R.
Total 160 aftershocks have been recorded since April 25 Earthquake.
In Bihar a 7.3 R magnitude quack affected and people in Ranchi came out with six persons reported as killed due to quake.
UP registered 7.1 R quake on Tuesday with tremors in Allahabad.
The earthquake in Nepal triggered a landslide in Dhunche near the country's border with China.
This 7.3 R magnitude quake on Tuesday 12th May 2015 seems to be an exceptional one that it struck almost close to epicenter of 1934 mega Nepal-Bihar earth quake of magnitude 8 but it occurred exactly opposite end of the Gorkha Earthquake but on the same fault.
Tremors felt in Tibet's Jilong and Zhangmu region but felt slightly in the Tibetan Capital of Lasha.
80 years ago prior to Tuesday quake Eastern Nepal had an 8.1 R temblor in 1934. Around 10,700 people were killed in Nepal and neighboring India.
May 12th quake called an aftershock
The land has cracked open in many places, many people don't even have a spot to put their tents,
It showed a sudden spike in magnitude and had some anomalous things.
Dec 2004 9.1 R magnitude earthquake off the coast of Sumatra that caused tsunami there were two aftershocks of 7.2 R. They didn't follow the linear law. On April 11, 2012 the 8.6 R in the Bay of Bengal earthquake had on the same day an aftershock of 8.2 R and was registered in the same fault.
The May 12th quake called an aftershock occurred in the same fault region but some 160 km east of the April 25th quake. The fault is in between two major fault systems in the Himalayas., known as the main boundary thrust and the main central thrust. The two fault systems are 199-120 km apart and run as linear belt all along the Himalayas from Kashmir to Arunachala Pradesh. On May 12th, seven to eight earthquakes rocked the region after the 7.3 R event are aftershocks of the April 25th quake and not of the May 12th event.
Whatever energy left from the April 25th event is being released within the 170-180 km initial fault length.
Aftershocks can continue for three months and in some possibility may extend to six months.
The 7.9 R Nepal earthquake provided an "undesired" testing ground for the performance of the INCOIS network of India that was inaugurated on November 21st, 2013. All seismic and GNSS stations are linked through VSAT while INCOIS and IMD with state-of-art data. The data is arcived at INCOIS and IMD and available through website
On Wednesday 13th May fresh tremors damaged houses in Bhaktapur in the morning and death toll increased to 76.
DATED 12th May 2015 at 12h35m
Maximum felt at Hyderabad,
Visakhapatnam just 5 secs.
Amalapuram 10 seconds: k l university hostel for 5 sec, reported by Haneesh Banisetti Sagar, Padma 302 Tirruamlagiri Hyderabad (Trip to Vijag)
Experienced on 12:35 PM for about few seconds, Earth quake in Klu Aravinda: Guntur 10 sec; Bangalore 2 sec; Vijayawada 10 sec:
US military helicopter lost
US military helicopter lost
Later on Tuesday, 12th May the US military said a Marine Corps helicopter involved in disaster relief efforts had gone missing while working in the vicinity of Charikot, and eight people were on board.
A new advanced Infra Red imaging technique uses no chemical stains, instead scans the sample with Infra Red light to detect the chemical compositions of the CELL. The computer then translates spectral information from the microscope into chemical stain patterns without applying dyes to the CELLS. (Rohit Bhargava Univ. of Illinois, Professor of Bio-engineering)
It is reported in by Nikhil Gupta a researcher in NYU Polytechnic University, that a block of metal like, magnesium-alloy syntactic foam, lighter than water, density so low floats on water. It can withstand intense pressures and appears to be ideal for manufacturing boats. He wrote in Int. Journal of Impact Engg. It can make cars lighter to build, useful in military boats and amphibious transports.
The Pandanus candelabrum a rare palm-like plant from West Africa, that it grows only on rocks, soils of Kimberite pipes usually hidden under the thick African bush, and may harbor diamond a geologist told Science.
Maharashtra Vidarbha region experienced the hottest day on Friday spreading over cities like Nagpur recorded 44.7 deg C, Akola, and Amaravati. At Akola it recorded 44.8 deg C. These temperatures are three degrees above normal of this season.
On goodwill holy water from 'Amar Kund', of Katas Raj Temple in Chakwai district of Punjab delivered on Thursday, 7th May 2015 to L. K Advani who in 2005 visited the temple for restoration work. According to Hindu Mythology the ponds Pushkar and Ketaksha, two were formed by Lord Siva tears at the loss of his wife Satti.
Flash floods in Kargil due to an artificial lake on Phuktal river in Zanskar area, that burst on Thursday at 8h10mAM on 7th May 2015 morning. Six bridges broke down affecting about 2000-3000 inhabitants of the area. On December 31 Phuktal suffered a block by a massive 200 feet high landslide dam, equivalent to a 20-story high building.
The devastating earthquake rocked Nepal and also shrunk the tallest peak Mount Everest according to analysis of satellite data, it shrunk by almost 2.5 cm. A region of 130 km long by 50 km wide lifted upward by as much as 3 feet during the Earthquake said a geophysicist at the University of Leeds in UK.
The temperature of 43.7 deg C led to death of a man in Jaipur city due to the heat wave.
Ana reached southeast coast of US with three days rain and heavy one on Sunday May 10th, 2015. Dr Lalitha Kumari MD (USA) staying in US reported that she has been confined at home, since last three days and on Sunday there would be a heavy shower. It arrived earlier instead of as on June 1st, spread over 446 km stretch of Atlantic coast line.
Large amount of water on Earth Planet, was possibly delivered by asteroids and early comets. On a distant white dwarf star known as SD-SS J1242+5228, which is 530 ly away in URSA major constellation, there exist about 30 to 35 per cent of the water found on Earth oceans, and has been delivered by an asteroid, of size 900 km, to the size of Ceres in Solar system.
BARC-II Campus at Vizag to house Modern reactors
An interplanetary shock wave hit Earth's magnetic field on May 12th. Now, on May 13th, a high-speed stream of solar wind has arrived. The one-two punch is causing G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles. Around 1:00 am MST on May 12th, the sky exploded into a vivid display of auroras
This is part of an ongoing experiment to see if halo-bacteria can survive multiple trips to the edge of space. Astro-biologists are interested because conditions in Earth's stratosphere (temperature, pressure and cosmic radiation) are remarkably similar to the surface of Mars. If halo-bacteria can survive more than 100,000 feet above Earth, they might be able to survive on the Red Planet, too.
May 13th report in Andhra and Telangana states all major dam water levels threaten the two states. Nizamsagar current;y has 13782.ft with just 1 TMC ft storage. Last year it was at 1394 ft with 6.2 TMC ft storage. Singur project water at 1694.34 ft with 6.94 TMC ft storage while last year it was at 1,706.61 ft with 15.42 TMC ft with 15.42 TMC ft storage. Srisailam currently at 891.9 ft with 29.93 TMC ft dead storage last year it was 833.5 with 53.28 TMC storage. Nagarjuna current at 514.5 ft last year it was 517.7 ft. No supply of water to second crop in Right Bank canal (AP) while water released to two crops in restricted areas for Left Bank canal (Telangana). Thungabhadhra water level at 1574.94 ft with just 2.34 TMC ft. In Karnataka and Andhra all major reservoirs reached dead storage levels compared to last year.
The species endemic to the Ghat region of Kerala was named Cinnamomum agasthyamalayanum, after the type locality Agasthamala hills from where it is reported. This is the on;y endemic species that gives out the smell of camphor. The new species can grow up to 8 meters in the dense wet evergreen forests if Ghats at an altitude of 500 m to 1400 m. The leaves and stems of the new species have the smell of camphor possibly due to high content of volatile oil.
PM Narendra Modi's Visit to China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi clicks a selfie with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at Beijing's historic Temple of Heaven, after they watched a joint performance of yoga and tai chi.

Modi appreciates the Chinese leader for warmly receiving him outside Beijing. Prime Minister, along with Chinese President Xi, visits the famous Wild Goose Pagoda, the spiritual structure built to highlight Chinese Buddhist monk Xuan Zang's journey to India in 645 AD through the ancient Silk Road. PM Narendra Modi at the Yoga-Tai chi joint event at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
China says the border dispute
is confined only to 2,000 km mostly in Arunachal Pradesh whereas India
asserts that the dispute covered the western side of the border spanning
to about 4,000 km, especially the Aksai Chin area annexed by China in the
1962 war.
Famous Buddhist teacher Dharmagupta came to Xian from Gujarat in 590 CE, translated 12 Sanskrit works into Chinese. Famous Indian Buddhist monks who translated Sanskrit works into Chinese at
Daxingshan temple.
PM Narendra Modi's Visit to China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi clicks a selfie with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at Beijing's historic Temple of Heaven, after they watched a joint performance of yoga and tai chi.

Modi appreciates the Chinese leader for warmly receiving him outside Beijing. Prime Minister, along with Chinese President Xi, visits the famous Wild Goose Pagoda, the spiritual structure built to highlight Chinese Buddhist monk Xuan Zang's journey to India in 645 AD through the ancient Silk Road. PM Narendra Modi at the Yoga-Tai chi joint event at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
Famous Buddhist teacher Dharmagupta came to Xian from Gujarat in 590 CE, translated 12 Sanskrit works into Chinese. Famous Indian Buddhist monks who translated Sanskrit works into Chinese at
Daxingshan temple.
Cosmic Rays as
Thunderstorm Probes:
April 24, 2015• Physics 8,
Radio waves generated
by cosmic rays provide an unprecedented view of the elusive electric fields in
Viewpoint: New Light Shed on Dark Photons
Douglas Bryman, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T2A3, Canada. November 10, 2014• Physics 7, 115.
A search for a photon-like particle that could be related to dark matter has come up empty, putting new constraints on models that imagine a dark form of electromagnetism.
APS/Alan Stonebraker.
APS/Alan Stonebraker.
Researchers have studied electron-positron (e+e-) collisions for interactions that produce a normal photon γ and a dark photon A′ that interacts with ordinary matter particles. The dark photon can potentially decay..
The dark photon can potentially decay into an e+e- pair (shown here) or a μ+μ- pair (not shown). However, the latest results from the BaBar collaboration offer no sign of dark photons, thus placing new limits on these types of models.
The author is greatly indebted to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, for imbibing in him the aptitude for research in Science and Technology since 1956.
The author is greatly indebted to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, for imbibing in him the aptitude for research in Science and Technology since 1956.
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