Saturday, October 8, 2016

GRAVITON RIPPLES:Dated 04 September 2016:: Time 17:26:18 PM IST: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

   TRU Literary works
No.15: A Science-Facts Episodes: 
By Prof. Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
PRESENT TRU Literary Works:
      ‘GRAVITON RIPPLES’ Dated 04 September 2016: Time 17:26:18 PM IST: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.  17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P.O., Visakhapatnam-530002, AP, India.
              Hindu discoverers, identified the Gravity (Gurutva Akarshana) by observing the fall off a Coconut, from the tree near the beach shore of an Ocean, to postulate the existence of a Shakti (force), termed the centric that holds the world. They haven’t identified mass as a means of the attractive spectacle. Moreover, they asserted the Shakti in terms of time, it takes for the Coconut to fall down from the tree. Of course, Newton thought of a falling apple on the ground. The difference between them is presence of an Ocean! And the time of fall. Gurutva Akarshana Shakti, is what Hindu originators, termed it. 
               “Graviton Ripples” is a subject by itself, devoid of the thoughts of usual Gravitation and its manifestations. Projection of it as an independent entity, though being a part of Gravitation that holds the entire universe is a marvellous departure from the conventional notion of Gravitation and its existence.
              Gravitational Waves, devoid of Einstein thoughts, is a presently an astounding feature in literature, and many experiments are being devised and studied, in recent times to ascertain the happenings in the Galaxy medium. Conversion of the combination of Black Holes, within fraction of a second, to newer stupendous objects and release of mass-energy has been observed by eminent scientists’ world over. Newer findings are being reported in literature.   
                  Gravity disturbances, the present author feels, as the aftershocks following a major Earthquake. Are these in fact Gravity Ripples? Do these ripples traverse the outside universe as well? Microgravity in space, has it any connection, with the happenings in the universe elsewhere? Solid State Earthquakes and the free enterprise of the Gravity Ripples, have anything common in their occurrence? In my opinion “Gravity Ripples” differ from Gravitational Waves.
                   It is bizarre thought to relate topological rangadhama quanta high Tc superconductivity with the gravity disturbances on the earth or earth-like bodies in the universe. The time scales of happenings on the earth or earth-like objects for the topological R-quanta and superconductivity, need to be addressed carefully, since the disturbances do have a slow moving earthly materials.


              My model of Graviton Ripples is surprisingly different from the usual concept of gravitation or its’ waves.  The idea is that the celestial bodies like the Earth do exhibit notorious Gravity disturbances, at the slightest, perturbation of immense nature, being small or huge. Projection of it as an independent entity, though being a part of gravitation that holds the entire universe is a marvellous departure from the conventional notion of Gravity and its existence. The quick succession of Gravity disturbances over the entire individual bodies of the Solar systems, individually or yet times in a connected way, to my mind appears as a subject matter that needs to be analysed, in a systematic and  objective manner. The planetary influences on the Earth, via Gravity disturbances is marvellous. In fact, Earth itself has a Gravity variations, within itself, which cause the occasional, if not minutely evident perturbations of the mas system and its shell structure. Even Einstein Didn’t Think Gravitational Waves Existed.                

                 It prompts one to understand the relation between the Earth mass distribution and its perturbations, gigantic and as well minutest, unobservable. The later hints at dependence of its manifestation on the internal quantum aspects, if not the numbers!


            A connection between the Gravity and Quantum Mechanics, for example, showing that the gravitational force (albeit Gravity) experienced by a particle depended on the particle's internal quantum state would be a great sign of a deeper connection between the two theories. But, gravitation is found to be independent of a quantum state.

          We know that in macroscopic bodies, the rotation of a body (in other words, its angular momentum) modifies the local gravitational field. So, depending on the direction and magnitude of the angular momentum, the local gravitational field will be different. Can we see this classical effect in quantum states, too?

                       However, quantum spin is, confusingly, not related to the rotation of a body. Indeed, if you calculate how fast an electron needs to rotate in order to generate its spin angular momentum, you'll come up with a ridiculous number (especially if you take the idea of the electron being a point particle seriously). Nevertheless, particles like electrons and protons, as well as composite particles like atoms, have intrinsic spin angular momentum. So, an experiment comparing the free fall of particles with the same spin, but oriented in different directions, makes perfect sense.

 Except for one thing: magnetic fields.  

                    The spin of a particle is also coupled to its magnetic moment. That means that if there are any changes in the magnetic field around the atom fountain, the atomic cloud will experience a force due to these variations. Since the researchers want to measure a difference between two spin states that have opposite orientations, this is bad. They will always find that the two spin populations have different fountain trajectories, but the difference will largely be due to variations in the magnetic field, rather than to differences in gravitational forces. 

                      So the story of this research is eliminating stray magnetic fields. Indeed, the researchers spend most of their paper describing how they test for magnetic fields before using additional electromagnets to cancel out stray fields. They even invented a new measurement technique that partially compensates for any remaining variations in the magnetic fields. To a large extent, the researchers were successful.

Gravity does not care about spin!!

       Astronomers have found evidence of a Magnetar, magnetised neutron star - that spins much slower than the slowest of its kind known until now, an extremely dense star. But the mystery of the slow spin remained. One leading scenario is that debris from the exploded star has fallen back onto magnetic field lines around the spinning neutron star, causing it to spin more slowly with time. The Magnetar known, officially as 1E 161348-5055 (1E 1613, for short), at the centre of RCW 103, the bright blue X-ray source in the middle, the remains of a supernova explosion located about 9,000 light years from Earth, rotates once every 24,000 seconds (6.67 hours). 


                 Pluto may no longer be a planet, but it's still a good bet for lightening up. A 150-pound (68 kilogram) person would weigh no more than 10 pounds (4.5 kg) on the dwarf planet. The planet with the most crushing gravity, on the other hand, is Jupiter, where the same person would weigh more than 354 pounds (160.5 kg). The planet humans are most likely to visit, Mars, would also leave explorers feeling light-footed. Mars' gravitational pull is only 38 percent that of Earth's, meaning a 150-pound person would feel like they weigh about 57 pounds (26 kg). Even on Earth, gravity isn't entirely even. Because the globe isn't a perfect sphere, its mass is distributed unevenly. And uneven mass means slightly uneven gravity.

              One mysterious gravitational anomaly is in the Hudson Bay of Canada. This area has lower gravity than other regions and a 2007 study finds that now-melted glaciers are to blame. The ice that once cloaked the area during the last ice age has long since melted, but the Earth hasn't entirely snapped back from the burden. Since gravity over an area is proportional to the mass atop that region and the glacier's imprint pushed aside some of the Earth's mass, gravity is a bit less strong in the ice sheet's imprint. The slight deformation of the crust explains 25 percent to 45 percent of the unusually low gravity, the rest may be explained by a downward drag caused the motion of magma in Earth's mantle (the layer just beneath the crust).

                  When the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites began measuring gravity signals around the world in 2002, scientists knew they would have to separate mass flow beneath the Earth's crust from changes in the mass of the overlying ice sheet. "GRACE” measures mass, period. It cannot tell the difference between mass of ice and rock mass. So, inferring the ice mass change from the total mass change requires a model of all the mass flows within the Earth. Models of this rock flow depend on what researchers can glean about the viscosity of the mantle. The original models assumed a fairly typical mantle viscosity, but Greenland's close encounter with the Iceland hot spot greatly changed the picture. The 7.6% discrepancy in overall ice loss is overshadowed by the fact that it concealed which parts of the ice sheet are most being affected by climate change, researchers opined. The study appears in the Journal Science Advances.

          Salmonella, the bacteria that commonly causes food poisoning, becomes three times more virulent in microgravity. Something about the lack of gravity changed the activity of at least 167 Salmonella genes and 73 of its proteins. Mice fed the gravity-free Salmonella got sick faster after consuming less of the bacteria.
             Even though gravity is pulling inward on space-time, the "fabric" of the cosmos, it keeps expanding outward faster and faster. To account for this, astrophysicists have proposed an invisible agent that counteracts gravity by pushing space-time apart. They call it Dark Energy. In the most widely accepted model of dark energy, it is a "cosmological constant", an inherent property of space itself, which has "negative pressure" driving space apart. As space expands, more space is created, and with it, more dark energy. Based on the observed rate of expansion, scientists know that the sum of all the dark energy must make up more than 70 percent of the total contents of the universe. But no one knows how to look for it.       
Why is there an arrow of time?
                Time moves forward because a property of the universe called "entropy," roughly defined as the level of disorder, only increases, and so there is no way to reverse a rise in entropy after it has occurred. The fact that entropy increases is a matter of logic: There are more disordered arrangements of particles than there are ordered arrangements, and so as things change, they tend to fall into disarray. But the underlying question here is, why was entropy so low in the past? 
Are there parallel universes?
             Astrophysical data suggests space-time might be "flat," rather than curved, and thus that it goes on forever. If so, then the region we can see (which we think of as "the universe") is just one patch in an infinitely large "quilted multiverse." At the same time, the laws of quantum mechanics dictate that there are only a finite number of possible particle configurations within each cosmic patch (10^10^122 distinct possibilities). So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them are forced to repeat, infinitely many times over.  This means there are infinitely many parallel universes, cosmic patches exactly the same as ours (containing someone exactly like you), as well as patches that differ by just one particle's position, patches that differ by two particles' positions, and so on down to patches that are totally different from ours.

 Why is there more matter than antimatter?

                 The question of why there is so much more matter than its oppositely-charged and oppositely-spinning twin, antimatter, is actually a question of why anything exists at all. One assumes the universe would treat matter and antimatter symmetrically, and thus that, at the moment of the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been produced. But if that had happened, there would have been a total annihilation of both: Protons would have cancelled with antiprotons, electrons with anti-electrons (positrons), neutrons with antineutrons, and so on, leaving behind a dull sea of photons in a matter-less expanse. For some reason, there was excess matter that didn't get annihilated, and here we are. For this, there is no accepted explanation.
How do measurements collapse quantum wave-functions?
                 In the strange realm of electrons, photons and the other fundamental particles, quantum mechanics is law. Particles don't behave like tiny balls, but rather like waves that are spread over a large area. Each particle is described by a "wave-function," or probability distribution, which tells what its location, velocity, and other properties are more likely to be, but not what those properties are. The particle actually has a range of values for all the properties, until you experimentally measure one of them, its location, for example, at which point the particle's wave-function "collapses" and it adopts just one location. But how and why does measuring a particle make its wave-function collapse, producing the concrete reality that we perceive to exist? The issue, known as the measurement problem, may seem esoteric, but our understanding of what reality is, or if it exists at all, hinges upon the answer.
Is string theory correct?

           When physicists assume all the elementary particles are actually one-dimensional loops, or "strings," each of which vibrates at a different frequency, physics gets much easier. String theory allows physicists to reconcile the laws governing particles, called quantum mechanics, with the laws governing space-time, called general relativity, and to unify the four fundamental forces of nature into a single framework. But the problem is, string theory can only work in a universe with 10 or 11 dimensions: three large spatial ones, six or seven compacted spatial ones, and a time dimension. The compacted spatial dimensions, as well as the vibrating strings themselves, are about a billionth of a trillionth of the size of an atomic nucleus. There's no conceivable way to detect anything that small, and so there's no known way to experimentally validate or invalidate string theory.

Dark Matter Just Got Murkier

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; September 9, 2016 07:30am ET
        In the very outskirts of the galaxy, stars were orbiting far faster than could be accommodated by the known laws of physics and the observed matter. It looked like Zwicky's dark matter might be showing up in the interiors of galaxies as well. 
          This dark charge would interact with Dark Photon, or the dark twins of ordinary light particles. There is the even more creative hypothesis, which suggests that dark matter isn't a single, neutral, non-interacting particle. 
          Another possible dark-matter particle, the axion, was proposed in 1977 as a way to ensure that the strong nuclear force treated matter and antimatter on equal footing (so as agree with observations). The axion is a very light, but still massive, hypothetical particle.
           It is the heavy mass and non-interacting qualities that make the sterile neutrino an ideal dark-matter candidate.
Prof. Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana Poetry
1. Kln streaks across galaxies present,
     Where the plumes have been filled,
    Splendour views on the sky’s stunt,
    With magnifying stars bubbling diffused.
2. Allows gravitation equation faster amazedness,
    Thoughts fly over celestial spheres,
    My calculations admit the galactic wonders,
    Wouldn’t even know about geometries.
3. Wandering Kln streaks allows missions,
    Faltering the unknown nature of particulars,
    Enormous attraction of exotic erudition,
    Does it silence our inquisitiveness grandeur?
4. Concentration bliss avoids mass & weight,
    Human becomes devoid of his mundane life,
    With no gravity pull living excels ballast might,
    Hindu thought achieves realm of the fate.
Possibly written on 02 August 2016.

           The new measurement of G equal to 6.67191(99) X 10 -11 m^3 / kg sec2, isn't as precise as the best measures, but because it uses single atoms. The finding means that our perception of gravity may be less based on visual cues of gravity's real direction and more rooted in the orientation of the body. The findings may lead to new strategies to help astronauts deal with microgravity in space.

                                   Gravity disturbances, the present author feels, as the aftershocks following a major Earthquake. Are these in fact Gravity Ripples? Do these ripples traverse the outside universe as well? Microgravity in space, has it any connection, with the happenings in the universe elsewhere? Solid State Earthquakes and the free enterprise of the Gravity Ripples, have anything common in their occurrence? In my opinion Gravity Ripples differ from Gravitational Waves.

TOPOLOGICAL RANGADHAMA QUANTA: HIGH Tc SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: Friday, August 16, 2013: Volume 2013, Issue No.8, Time 4h36m PM: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.
                             It is bizarre thought to relate topological rangadhama quanta high Tc superconductivity with the gravity disturbances on the earth or earth-like bodies in the universe. The time scales of happenings on the earth or earth-like objects for the topological R-quanta and superconductivity, need to be addressed carefully, since the disturbances do have a slow moving earthly materials.

                              The time scales of happenings on the earth or earth-like objects for the topological R-quanta and superconductivity, need to be addressed carefully, since the disturbances do have a slow moving earthly materials. Microgravity in space, has it any connection, with the happenings in the universe elsewhere? Solid State Earthquakes and the free enterprise of the Gravity Ripples, have anything common in their occurrence? The axion is a very light, but still massive, hypothetical particle. It is the heavy mass and non-interacting qualities that make the sterile neutrino an ideal dark-matter candidate. This dark charge would interact with Dark Photon, or the dark twins of ordinary light particles. String theory can only work in a universe with 10 or 11 dimensions: three large spatial ones, six or seven compacted spatial ones, and a time dimension. The compacted spatial dimensions, as well as the vibrating strings themselves, are about a billionth of a trillionth of the size of an atomic nucleus. Time moves forward because a property of the universe called "entropy," roughly defined as the level of disorder, only increases, and so there is no way to reverse a rise in entropy after it has occurred. The slight deformation of the crust explains 25 percent to 45 percent of the unusually low gravity, the rest may be explained by a downward drag caused the motion of magma in Earth's mantle (the layer just beneath the crust). My model of Graviton Ripples is surprisingly different from the usual concept of gravitation or its’ waves.
NOTE: K. L. Narayana, “on the unification of Gravity and Quantum Physics”, J. Shivaji University, Vol. 17. (Science), p. 13-21, 1977. This paper gives references to several models of Unitary symmetry, Quantum Gravity, mixing phenomenon of photon and meson like the ρ-meson, Gravity Gauge Theories, analogy of Spin 2 Gravitons with Phonons. Also it suggests the nonet of Spin 2 Resonance mesons of positive parity, f 0, f01, A 0± 2 K*±, K0* and Ķ 0*with masses between 1200 to 1600MeV their possible mixing with Graviton. In other words in resonance situation of high energy graviton gets endowed with mass! A canonical linear procedure, in the style of Dirac formulation of Quantum Mechanics by P. A. M. Dirac, has been detailed for the Spin 2 Graviton description with a metric that has subscripts to describe the polarized state. It also gives a reference to the predicted quanta conformon (the biological energy transfer quantized unit), finite vortex model of dual strings by Hu B (preprint Vol.254A, p. 0177 Jan 1977).
========================================================================MY LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON GRAVITATION AND GRAVITY and related SINCE 1976.
3. K. L. Narayana, et al, “On the violation of an inherent symmetry principle of
   Spin 2 particles”, Nuovo Cimento Serie, 11, Vol.33A, page 641-648, 21 Giugno, 1976.
8. K. L. Narayana, “The Uranium Quadrupole Moment based on a dual  
    core fissionable model”, Current Science Vol.38, p.261, 1969.
9. K. L. Narayana & S. B. Patil, ”A Physical model for two-particle baryon
      resonance systems and a postulation of medium and low interactions”,
      Indian Journal of Physics Vol.50, pages 993-1002, 1976, and
      Ind. Sci. Cong. Waltair, 1976.
*10. K. L. Narayana, “On the unification of Gravitation and the Quantum Theory”,
      Shivaji University, 1979 and
      Invited talk presented at GRG 8th National Symposium at Bhavanagar, 1978.
*17. K. L. Narayana, ”A new field quantization approach to Gravitation and
      Bosonic gravitons of Spin 5/2”, Indian Science Congress, Hyderabad,
      Physics Section,(Late Paper), 1979.
*18. K. L. Narayana, ”Spin 5/2 Graviton-like particles and their relativistic motion in
      a central force field”, 66th Sess. of Ind. Sci. Cong. Physics Section Paper No.    1978.
*19. K. L. Narayana, ”Physical orthonormalization criteria for gravitation
      spinor wave functions, chirality projections and hyper-number √1”,
       66th Sess. of Ind. Sci. Cong. Hyderabad, Mathematics Section Paper No.    1978.
*20. K. L. Narayana, ”Non-compact Group (3,2) spectrum for Graviton of
      Spin 5/2 under Bose-Einstein Statistics and symmetry aspects”, Albert Einstein
     Centenary Symposium, Bose Institute of Physical Sciences, Calcutta, Dec.31st, 1979.
*21. K. L. Narayana, “Perangon Symmetry transformations, space-time structure of
      a biological cell, Exchange Theory of Cellular adhesion and 
      Bio-Quantum Machine”, Albert Einstein Centenary Symposium,
      Bose Institute of Physical Sciences, Calcutta, Dec.31st, March 1-4, 1979.
*23 K. L. Narayana and C. Santhamma, “On Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants
     of Chlorine Isotopes and Dipole Moment of Br79Cl35 molecules”,   
     Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.37, No.5, May 1963.
24. K. L. Narayana, “On Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in TiCl2 and CrCl2   
      Crystals”,   Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.43, No.6, p.2916, 1965.
25. K. L. Narayana and V. Nagarajan, ”On Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances of
      certain covalent compounds”, Shivaji University Journal, Vol., No.1 and 2,
      pages 109-113,  1967.
49. K. L. Narayana and B. P. Sabale, ”On Molecular Quadrupole moments of N2 and
       O2”,  Shivaji University Journal, Vol.6, p.32, 1973.
[A gap of seven years from 1973 to 1980 when K. L. Narayana involved in the production of Ph. D theses of his students at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. A break of the author’s research on Gravity, and Gravitation etc. but he taught the Gravity aspects as a part of his teachings for M.Sc. Physics students at that university. Resumed later in 1980.]

76. Dr. K. L. Narayana, ”On other Gravity Possibilities of Gravitation”, Vol.1, p.641,
      Einstein Centenary Symposium, Nagpur University, Nagpur, Duhita Publishers,
      Einstein Foundation, Nagpur, Eds. K. Kondo and T. M. Karade.
      held on Feb.20th, 1980.
78. K. L. Narayana, ”Charmed spin 5/2 graviton within a super-gravity formulation”,
      67th Ind. Sci. Cong. Sess, Physics Section, Jadhvapur University, Calcutta,
      Paper No.5, February 2nd, 1980.
*79. K. L. Narayana,”Behrrung Gauge approach and a Unified Model of Gravitation,
      Electromagnetism and Strong interactions”, 67th Ind. Sci. Cong. Session,
      Mathematics Section, Jadhavapur University, Calcutta, February 6th
      Paper No.  1980.
88. K. L. Narayana, “Space Science analysis of the 19th November 1977 Indian
      Penninsular Double Cyclone and their gravitational interaction and a model of
      a helical cyclonic metric structure”, Physics Section, Paper No.89, the 68th Ind. Sci.
      Cong. Session, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 3-8th January 1981.
89. K. L. Narayana,” Graviton and Anti-Graviton annihilation and creation of
      Fermi-Quark and f-meson pair multiplets”, Mathematics Section, Paper No.114,
      68th Ind. Sci. Cong. Session, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 3-8th January,
110. K. L. Narayana, Kolhapur, (Shivaji Uiversity) “Spinorial-Optical Collineations and
        a theory of Massive Charged Vector Bosons”; on 3/1/1981 Varanasi, 68th session of
        Indian Science Congress.
94. K. L. Narayana, ”On the violation of the metric reversal invariance symmetry
      and Existance of a new n-Meson”, Symposium on Theoret5ical Studies: Theoretical
      Physics Group, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, 12th July 1981.
100. K. L. Narayana, ”On certain New Conserved Quantities governing the behavior of
      Magneto-fluids in General Relativity”, Paper No.12: MATSCIENCE: Institute of
      Mathematical Sciences, Madras, “Conference on Special and General Relativity and
      Applications”, 15th to 21st February 1982.
103. K. L. Narayana, ”On Spin-Gravity in a new Renormalization Theory of Electro-
        Weak interactions and Gravy-Changing (neutral) Currents existence”, 7th Jan,
         Paper No.147, the 69th Sess. of Ind. Sci. Cong. Mathematics Section,
         Manasagangotri, (Indian Express 7-1-1982), 1982.
104. K. L. Narayana, ”Spinorial Optical Collineations in the General Theory of
        Relativity and on Nilch Tensor and Nilch Scalars”, Paper No.54, the 69th Sess. of
        Ind. Sci. Cong. Mathematics Section, Manasagangotri,  1982.
105. K. L. Narayana, ”An axiomatic Theory of Bio-Cosmos with Bioid Brackets,
        Propogation and Invariant Causal structures”, S. N. Bose Institute of Physical
        Sciences, International Symposium on Lie-Theoretic Foundations of Mechanics
        20th January, 1982, Calcutta.
109. K. L. Narayana, ”Magnetic Monopoles, Isorotation and Stream lines of Geodesic
        Flow of RMHD in Magnetic Plasma Stars”, 70th Proc. of Ind. Sci. Cong.
        Mathematics Section, (Late Paper), Shri  Venkateswara University, 5th January,
110. K. L. Narayana, ”On certain new conserved quantities Governing the behavior of
        Magneto-fluids in General Relativity”, Paper No. 12: MATSCIENCE, Conf. on
        General Relativity and Special Relativity and its Ramifications, 21st December
        Mysore, CFTRI, 1982.
111. K. L. Narayana, ”On complex angular momenta of Magnetic Plasma Stars and
        Gravitational Dyons”, 1st December, Paper No.14,: MATSCIENCE, Conf. on
        General Relativity and Special Relativity and its Ramifications, 21st December
        Mysore, CFTRI, 1982.
*112. K. L. Narayana, ”Stability of Radial Modes and Magnetic Monopoles (Gauge
         Quantal ) solutions of Relativistic Plasma Stars”, Gorakhpur, 3-8th November,    
         Paper No.      Proc. of Indian Astronomical Society, 1982.
*113. K. L. Narayana, ”Fibre Bundles and a Helical Geometric Differential form
         solutions of MHD equations and a Budbudeck Model of Magnetic Monopoles
         with Ghosts”, Paper No.       , 17th October Symp. on Non-Linear Analysis and
         MHD equations, Nanded Science College, Nanded-431602, and
        (S. N. Bose Institute, December 1982),   1982.
114. K. L. Narayana, ”On Super-Gravity Theories and Meta Physical Models of Hindu
        Vaisheshika Philosophy”, AHPS, 5th January, 70th Session of Proc. of Ind. Sci.
        Cong., Sri Venkatewswara University, Tirupati, 1983.
115. K. L. Narayana,”Magnetic Monopoles their constituents, GUT and Cosmological
        Types of Magnetic Monopoles”, 11th December, Symp/ on Theoretical Studies,
        Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, 1982.
*117. K. L. Narayana, ”On Gravitational Invariant Particle Wave Equations in a
       Generalized Lyra space, GR-10, Conf. Institute di Fisica, “G.Galilei”, Padova, Italy.
*118. K. L. Narayana, “Gravitational Gauge potentials with twenty-spin-coefficients
          and an extended electro-weak theory”, GR-10, Conf. Institute di Fisica
          “G.Galilei”, Padov, Italy.
*119. K. L. Narayana, “Quadrupolar Binding of Gravitational free Quarks”,
        GR-10, Conf. Institute di Fisica “G.Galilei” Padov, Italy.
126. K. L.Narayana, ”on Spinorial and Materialistic optical Cosmod tensor Invariants
        and Cosmod Gravity”, 73rd Sess. Ind. Sci. Cong. Delhi January 6th, Physics
        Section, 1986 and 72nd sess. Of Ind. Sci.Cong. Lucknow, Mathematics section,
        January 6th, 1985.
*137. K. L. Narayana, ”Physical process of Gravitons and Gravy Quark in the interior
          of  Supergravity Cosmic Stellar structures”, 72nd Session of Ind. Sci. Cong.
         January 5th, 1985 and
         Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium, Vol.3, Nagpur, 23rd February 1984.
*138. K. L. Narayana, “Gravitational Instability generated by stochastic process and
        New Plasma Waves.” Mathematics section, 73rd Ind. Sci. Cong.
        Delhi University, January 5-7th, 1986.
*139. K. L. Narayana, “Relativistic Plasma Instabilities in terms of Nilch and
        Electromagnetic potential Twistor fields”, 73rd Ind. Sci. Cong.
        Delhi University, Jan 5-7th, 1986.
*140. K. L. Narayana, “Dominance of B10 or C12 nuclear production during
          Gravitational Collapse in the Stellar Interior?”, Proceedings of Sir
          Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium, Vol.3, Nagpur, 23rd February 1984.
143. K. L. Narayana, ”Gravitational Instability generated by Stochastic process and
        New Plasma Waves”, Mathematics Section, 73rd Ind. Sci. Cong. Delhi University,
147. K. L. Narayana, “Physical Process of Gravitons and Gravy Quarks in the Interior
        of Supergravity Cosmic stellar structures”, 72nd Sess. Of Ind. Sci. Cong. Lucknow,
        January 5th, 1985
        and  Proc.of Sir Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium, Vol.3
        Nagpur, 23 February, 1984.
148. K. L. Narayana, “A possible Cosmological High Energy Universe”, High Energy
        Physics and Astrophysics Int. Conf: University of Kashmir, Srinagar,
        Dated 9th September 1987.
149. K. L. Narayana, 74th Sess. Ind. Sci. Cong. Bangalore Mathematics section,
         (presented) 1987:
         (a). “Mathematical Formulation of Stochastic Quark lattice degeneracy and
                  Sum rule selections”, Paper No.65 (Sect.VII)
          (b). “The Origin of New Primaries from “Cygnus X-3” and “Centaur”
                 Astrophysical objects and the Gravy Quark star” Paper No.123,
                  (Sect.III), Page 68.
          (c). “Novel techniques of Potential distributed spinorial (Rangadhama)
                 Optical quanta ratio thermometry”, Paper No.45, (Sect.III), Page.26.
150. K. L. Narayana, ”Gravy Quarks supergravity formulation and Cosmic string
         generation of Particles”, Global Conf. on Mathematical Physics (Cent.
         Celebrations of Niels Bohr and H. Weyl) Einstein Foundation International
         Oct 25, University of Nagpur, (Page.62), 1987.
        A COLD INCOMPRESSIBLE DIPOLE GAS”, Mathematics Section, 75th Session
        of Ind. Sci. Cong. Pune, January, 1988.
*179. Kotcherlakota. L. N. “Waves and Plasma in the Environment of Comets”,
          6th Asia Pacific Physics Conference Aug. Kulalampur, Malaysia.
*181.Kotcherlakota. L. N,”A New Model of Upper Atmosphere for the
       Indian Southern Peninsular Region and a dynamical Peram Factor Mechanism”,
       Paper No.AS01, 36th Congress ISTAM held at Bombay, I.I.T, December 19-22nd,
182. Also Paper No.72, Proc. 79th Ind. Sci. Cong., Part-III, Physics section)
       K. L. Narayana, Silver Jubl. Symp. “On Variational Methods in Continuum
               Mechanics”, Regional Engg. College, Warangal, Mathematics Department,
                September 2nd, 1984.

Since 2000 year August 1:
INTERNET web site:, since my retirement on 31 July 2000, from SU, Kolhapur-416004, India. About 450 papers to date some on Gravity and Gravitation are presented at this site.

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2003 No.9 Dt.23rd September 2003 17.15.P.M.”Land-Sea & Atmospheric Interaction Scenario of Visakhapatnam Coastal Area and the Modern City” by Bhagawatula Rama Jogi, Uma Shankar Jayanthi and Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.
RAMASETHU & RAMAYANA by Dr.D.V.N.Sarma, D.Sc (AU) Univs of Chicago & Calif.USA0891-2705397 cell: 9393398794 Lecture delivered at Forum Meeting held on Sunday, the 4th November, 20074. RAMA SETHU & OCEAN DAM CUM BRIDGE Data from Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga 22, Verses 54 to 73 Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India by Dr. D V N Sarma: Dt. 2nd March 2008.
Shri Tenneti Venkata Rao Diploma (Mining) Diploma (Mech) is responsible, like Mokshgundam Vishveswarayya to design and execute the project of North and South break waters jetties at Visakhapatnam port entrance. It is an extraordinary monumental work by the Andhra Mining expert (Date of Birth: 17-8-1939 Place of Birth: Rajam (Chicakol Dist).Father's Name: Tenneti Appala Narasimham B.A.B.L(Advocate) Permanent Address: 50-57-21/19, C4, Chaitanya Apts. Rajendhra Nagar, Visakhapatnam-530016 Mobile Phone:9394026172 (R)Tel No:0891-2717560.
TRU-SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.6 Dated: Wednesday June 22, 2005 12:25:40 PM “On South-West Monsoon models and the reality situation of weather forecast and prediction” By Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, http:\\\,
“The Ancient Wisdom of Hindus On Archeaological existence of a LOTUS Shaped Enormous Continent on The Earth”: Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana & Ch.Veera Venkata Narasimha Murthy Theosophical Lodge, 16-5-6, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Dated 9/22/2003 7:07 P.M. The following is the information gathered from Pothana authored ancient scriptural epic of Mahabhagavatam. The reference is to 5th Chapter and the second section. Sukhamunieswarudu describing to the Pariksham Maharaju the details of the LOTUS CONTINENT of the terrestrial earth.

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.4 Dt 29th April 2005 4:31:38 PM P.M. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, http:\\; “The Strange Weather Phenomenon: Puzzling the Weather Experts:Is it a Double Strange Event?” by  Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.6 Dt. Wednesday, June 1, 2005: 9:02:07 PM: The 26th December 2004, Earthquake and Tsunami Initiated Indian Continental land mass geographical Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, Email:

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.4 Dt. 5th April 2005 21:36:18 P.M. ”Aftershock Gravity Wave energized AMO conversion to Tropical Cyclone during the period 28th March 05 to 5th April 05 on Indian Ocean”, By Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,  Email Id:

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.4 Dt. 5th April 2005 21:36:18 P.M. ”Aftershock Gravity Wave energized AMO conversion to Tropical Cyclone during the period 28th March 05 to 5th April 05 on Indian Ocean” by Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,  Email Id:

TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005, No.6, Dt. Wednesday, June 1, 2005: 9:02:07 PM:  “The 26th December 2004, Earthquake and Tsunami Initiated Indian Continental land mass geographical shift” by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, Email:

“On the Physics of Stellar Objects and Possible Novae Star”: Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, *AGL Degree & PG College, Visakhapatnam. & (URL) Dated: 9/12/2007 9:46:48 AM  Present Article is prepared for presentation at the Indian Science Congress Session held at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530002 during the 3rd January 2008 to 7th January 2008.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008: “The Riemann Curvature Vein of Gravitational Soliton Sensor & Gravior (Spin-2 Quanta) Quadrupole Excitations”: Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana 23rd July 2008 at 11.30AM: keywords:  Gravior, Gravitational Wave, Gravitational Soliton, Balanced Pounding Bar detector, After-Glow, Coronal region, small signal technique, Cavitons, Quadrupole excitations, Quantum Gravity, Antennas

On the nature and possible existence of Collapsing Gravitational Superconducting Currents of a Cosmic Entity and the generation of Bilinear Physical Entities of Ghost Fields. by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,

Monday, July 27, 2009 “Collapsing Gravitational Superconducting Currents and Generation of Bilinear Physical Entities” by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana dt 23/7/09  Vol.2009, No.7, Wednesday, 15 July 2009: 11:25:45 PM. “On the nature and possible existence of collapsing gravitational superconducting currents of a cosmic entity and the generation of bilinear physical entities of Ghost Fields” by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana., Sunday, May 3, 2009, “ON THE NATURE OF MAGNETO-STRANGE FIELD FLUID FILLED COLLAPSABLE COSMIC ENTITY, KILLING VECTORS AND A SET OF EXACT SOLUTIONS” trusciencetrutechnology Vol.2009, No.5, Dated: 4th May 2009: Time 10:12AM., 21 Saturday, January 3, 2009 “A CLASS OF EXACT SOLUTIONS FOR THE FLUID UNIVERSE FILLED WITH MAGNETOFLIUD –LIKE FIELDS”, trusciencetrutechnology Vol.No.2009, Issue No.1, Dt.7th January, 2009 by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, (Retd. Prof of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004) 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O. Visakhapatnam-530002

Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, Ind. Sci. Cong, Session X Ref. Paper No.33, page 23, 2008 Andhra University.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, “The Nuclear Explosive Fission Break-up of Parent MEL-Planet into formation of present day Earth, Mars and Moon entities of the Solar system”, Paper No.3, Ind. Sci. Cong., Physical Sciences Section, 3rd Jan 2009, Monday, March 30, 2009. Time 2:34PM. "A CLASSICAL SET OF WORMHOLE SOLUTIONS THAT POSSIBLY COEXIST SUERIMPOSED ON MAGHOLES". Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, (Retd.Prof of Physics, Shivaji Univ.) Narasimha Ashram, 17-11-10, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002 dated 30th March 2009., Vol.2009 No.4, Dated 4th April 2009: On the New Gravitational Red shift formulas and a Relativistic lateral Law of Gravitation by Prof.Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 “ON THE NATURE OF MAGNETO-STRANGE FIELD FLUID FILLED COLLAPSABLE COSMIC ENTITY, KILLING VECTORS AND A SET OF EXACT SOLUTIONS”:  Vol.2009, No.5, Dated: 4th May 2009: Time 10:12AM: by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 “A NEW THEORY OF INTERPLAY OF RAO AND ANTI-RAO WITH GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS”:,  Vol.2010, Issue No.3, Dt: 01 March 2010: 10:12:04 AM “A new theory of interplay of Rao and Anti-Rao quanta with the gravitational fields” by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, (Retd. Prof. of Physics, Shivaji University), 17-11-10, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9491902867: Email ID: ABSTRACT: “A new theory of interplay of Rao and Anti Rao quanta with the gravitational fields has been formulated and modelled within the frame work of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.
Monday, July 26, 2010 “Astronomy study of the Third Week July 2010 at Visakhapatnam & Rao and Anti Rao Quanta Phenomenon”: TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005, No.4, Dt 29th April 2005 4:31:38 PM P.M: http:\\;
”The Strange Weather Phenomenon: Puzzling the Weather Experts: Is it a Double Strange Event?” by Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana:  Volume 2010 Issue No.7 dt. 28th July 2010.
Sunday, October 31, 2010:”Astronomy Study of Visakhapatnam Sky from 28th to 31st October 2010”: Volume No 2010, Issue No.10, Dt. 28th October 2010: by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Sunday, December 26, 2010: Plasma Ball Observation on a Christmas night Astronomy Study Dec 21st to Dec 26th 2010 KLN:; The Astronomy Study of Visakhapatnam Sky and The Weather scenario of 21st to 26th December 2010: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

Monday, November 22, 2010: “The Astronomy Study of the Sky and Weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam 2nd & 3rd week November 2010: PART A”: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana. ABSTRACT: The space event of the Solar flare of 12th Nov 2010 by the sunspot 1123 has not affected the equatorial belt of the terrestrial atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010: The Astronomy Study and Weather of Visakhapatnam November 2010 PART B: The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 4th Week November 2010 PART B: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Saturday, January 1, 2011: A Gift of the New Year 2011 for Astronomy: The Simultaneous record of Venus and Moon Visible Spectra & Intensity Profiles Analysis:, Volume No 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 1st January 2011 Time: 16:43:55: by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Monday, January 17, 2011: The Astronomy Study: The Great Yearly Festival of India of Thanks Giving: Sun entry time into Terrestrial Northern Hemi-sphere : Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 10th January, 2011, Time: 6:13:00 PM: The Second Week of January 2011: Astronomy and Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam: by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

Monday, February 28, 2011:
Volume 2011, Issue No.2, Dated: 18th Feb 2011: Time: 5h 05m AM
The Astronomy Study and the Weather scenario during Second Fortnight of February 2011: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.
SUMMARY: The astronomy events of Moon with the background star constellations on specific time and dates have been meticulously observed in India as festival days. This is significant that even a common man in India is able to follow the celestial cycle of apparent movements of the constellations and possible terrestrial events that would be either enchanting or would bring misery. An anti-cyclone and the long persisting upper air trough over the state triggered the unusual rainfall at Visakhapatnam. The significant finding is in respect of the spectra of the Moon that exhibited clearly the difference in the spectral features of the shadowed region of lunar surface by Earth and the unaffected the edge region of the crescent Lunar tip. The broadening and the shift in the spectra are suggested the possible role of the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta scattering by the two distinct regions of the lunar surface. Similar features have been also found from the sea wave foam and the atmosphere near the sea shore of the Visakhapatnam Coastal Beach. The research findings over the last few years on force fields and the Astronomy study of the sky and as well the weather conditions revealed the possibility of a RAONIUM to exist that has a half-life about a few nanoseconds. This opens up a new vista of fundamental studies parallel with the positronium like molecules. The source of extensive beam of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta is still elusive. Otherwise simple experiments can be performed at the laptop level.

Monday, March 21, 2011: Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta Role in the Super Moon & Earth's Gravitational Tidal Force Interactions:; Volume 2011, Issue No.3, Dated: 18th March 2011 Time:7:49:22; The Astronomy Study and the Weather scenario of 5th March to 18th March 2011 at  Visakhapatnam; by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Sunday, July 31, 2011: “Weather Scenario of Second Fortnight of July 2011 in Visakhapatnam and Gravity Waves”: Volume 2011, Issue No.7, Dt. Monday, July 18, 2011 Time: 6:17:52 PM: Second Fortnight of July 2011 Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam: by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011: Aurora Borealis Visakha observed on 27th August 2011 around 5h24m & 5h25m PM: Volume 2011, Issue No.8, Dt. Wednesday, August 31, 2011; Time: 12:30:54 PM  Second Fortnight of August 2011 Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam & Aurora Borealis Visakha: by Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana The two Images captured on 27th August 2011 at 5h24mPM and at 5h25mPM are very significant since they show the airglows and new finding designated as Aurora Borealis Visakha, due to the Solar winds that affected the equatorial region of the Earth in the upper atmosphere levels. Interesting is that these streams of the flow of Aurora Borealis Visakha and like the usual airglows, ornament the silver line clouds but with considerable width and richness of colour hues.

Friday, September 30, 2011:; Volume 2011, Issue No.9, Dt.18th Sept.2011: Time: 2h43mPM: Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana. “Second Fortnight of September 2011 Astronomy & Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam”. Vol.2012, Issue No.10, dt: 30 October 2012: Time 17h16m P.M: A FIVE DIMENSIONAL THEORY OF GENERAL RELATIVITY AND PRODUCTION OF ELECTRON AND POSITRON PAIR”: Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana Volume 2013, Issue No.12, December 16, 2013, Time: 9h16m.P.M. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES: {94th Ind. Sci. Cong. held at Amity University, Noida, 3 - 7 January, 2007}”THE POSSIBLE SYMMETRY-SUPERSYMMETRY INTERACTION CURRENTS & THE PROPERTIES OF STRANGE MATTER OF STELLAR STRUCTURES”: By Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Weather at Visakhapatnam during Second fortnight and Gravity Waves of December 2014, Chilly weather world over  prior to new year and Space Manufacturing of Instruments” by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana. ABSTRACT: The eve of 27th Dec. 2014 gave the Gravity Waves preceding the onset of a big wind and cloudy weather that has blown from 3h30mAM to morning 6h00AM on 28th Dec. 2014. The morning of 28th Dec., subdued weather of big clouds of Gravity Waves scattered from west to East movement. 
Friday, May 9, 2014: The Origin of New Primaries from “Cygnus X-3” and “Centauro” astrophysical objects and the Gravy Quark Star” :, Volume 2014, Issue No.2, February 10, 2014, Time: 11h42.A.M. K. L. Narayana, 74th Sess. Ind. Sci. Cong. Bangalore Mathematics section, Paper No.123, (Sect.III), Page 68-69. (Presented) in 1987 by K. L. Narayana, M. Inst. P. (Lond), Professor of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Monday, February 16, 2015:”GRAVITY WAVES DOMINATED VISAKHAPATNAM SKY AND INDIA NEWS”: Volume 2015, Issue No. 2, February 1-15, Time: 4h56nPM: by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.

Sunday, March 1, 2015:“DARK matter presence in the Centre of Earth”,  Volume 2015, Issue No.2, Dated 28 Feb 2015, Time: 5h10m P.M. Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

Wednesday, January 14, 2015: “Weather at Visakhapatnam during Second fortnight and Gravity Waves of December 2014, Chilly weather world over prior to new year and Space Manufacturing of Instruments”; Volume 2014, Issue No.12, December 16-31, 2014, Time: 11h58m A.M. Volume 2016, Issue No. 1a, Dated: 11 January 2016, Time: 20:30 P.M: Indian Science Congress Association:  Mysure MATHEMATICS Paper : 5 January, 2016 between 3 to 6 PM display. Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, “GALACTIC GRAVITON INTERACTION WITH DARK ENTITYby Prof. Dr. K. L. Narayana Volume 2016, Issue No. 4b, Dated: 17 April 2016, Time: 17:32:42 PM.  “NEW RESEARCH FIND ON KLN-HERTZSPRUNG-RUSSELL DIAGRAM A NEW SPECTRAL ACROSS LINE GREEN GIANTS AND DARK DWARFSby Prof. Dr. K. L. Narayana

Thursday, March 31, 2016: March 2016, From 16 to 31 Fortnight: Dry Spell in South India, and 3C 273 Quasar by Earth-Space telescope, Gravity Waves moved over Himalayas during 29-31 March. Volume 2016, Issue No.3a,  Dated: 16 to 31 March 2016, Time: 11:02:49 AM: “Dry Spell in South India, and 3C 273 Quasar by Earth-Space telescope, Gravity Waves moved over Himalayas during 29-31 March” by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
Wednesday, April 20, 2016: "NEW RESEARCH FIND ON KLN-HERTZSPRUNG-RUSSELL DIAGRAM: A NEW SPECTRAL ACROSS LINE, GREEN GIANTS AND DARK DWARFS”:  Volume 2016, Issue No. 4b, Dated: 17 April 2016, Time: 17:32:42 PM: by Prof. Dr. K. L. Narayana.;  Volume 2016, Issue No. 1a, Dated: 11 January 2016, Time: 20:30 P.M: Indian Science Congress Association  Mysure MATHEMATICS Paper 5 January, 2016 between 3 to 6 PM display. Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, Mobile: 09491902867. GALACTIC GRAVITON INTERACTION WITH DARK ENTITYby Prof. Dr. K. L. Narayana.


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