Volume No 2010, Issue No.10, Dt. 28th October 2010 Time:
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd.Prof. of Phys,SU} 17-11-101, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
The scenario of the Astronomy sky at Visakhapatnam has offered a beautiful verification of the events of Sumatra and Indonesia events of Earth Quake, following it the tsunami and especially the impulsive hot eruption of lava, ash and hot air into the atmosphere. On 28th Oct 2010 the Orion constellation was vividly visible along with The Dog Star Sirius. The 29th to 31st October 2010 there was a heavy rain in Visakhapatnam.
Key words: Ash, Hot Air, Heavy Rain, Storm, Astronomy, Panchanga, Hindu Mathematics
The 28th Oct 2010 Morning offered the clear view of the Hunter (Orion constellation) and the relative position of Moon and the Dog Star Sirius.
Hindu Count of Nakshtras:
Mrigasira 3, 4 steps, Arudhra 1,2,3,4 steps and Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 steps constitute the Gemini Constellation. Arudhra has been identified eons ago as a giant Sun with brilliance magnitude like the Jeshta Nakshtra. These are the only two stars nearly that are 40 times more powerful than the Sun. An interesting aspect is that life has an influence by the SUN and astronomers of India have thought of these two giant stars Jeshta and Arudhra as concomitant with the role of Powerful Sun near to the earth. This Zodiac sign lasted till 29th October 2010 up to the night 11h49m. It began on 26th morning at 1h22m, with Hunter i.e. Mrigasira up to night of 27th October 2010 till 1h14m then arudhra(Ardha) up to night of 28th 12h45m ending on 29th at night 11h49m of the Punarvasu. Next the Cancer with 5 prominent stars known as Karkatamu. From 29th Oct 2010 night 11h49m to 31st October 2010 night Aslesha till 9h10mPM. The Indian Panchanga says 9 stars crossed, while Cancer accounts for 5 stars of Aslesha only the remaining are the 4 stars Punarvasu overlapping with the Pushyami each of just two stars.(see the inset figure). Another method is Punarvasu 1 star, Pushyami 4 stars, and Aslesh 4 stars that accounts for the 9 stars!. May be this is accounted possibly, by cancer 5 stars and by the Hydra group of 4 prominent stars of this Constellation lying below the Cancer. The Panchanga mathematics here seems to be very funny.
Ash and Hot Air
On Friday 29th Oct 2010 at night around 8hOOm PM Mount Meripi released in the south east to a distant of 3.5kms hot clouds and was thought “that it might result in ash rain in due course of time”.
Rain and Storm:
The 29th Oct 2010, Friday morning it rained around 4h20m as a drizzle with the rain clouds rapidly developed from about 01h37m. (See Fig 1 of 29th instant). The bright sunshine had a brilliance enhanced in the morning of 30th Oct 2010 but weather is very cool and exceptionally pleasant with low profile winds. But all of a sudden the heavy rains lashed the city throughout the day on Saturday and continued on 31st Sunday October 2010. Throughout Andhra Pradesh the rains created havoc on the three days 28th, 29th and 31st Oct 2010 with standing crop of rice, ground nuts, vegetables, etc submerged in the rain waters.
Andhra Pradesh Nallamalla forest area is under heavy survey by sensitive mineral finding sensors, for natural diamonds availability by multinational companies of Japan and Australia etc., for a promise of digging and later for mining leases. This was the area where the famous Kohinoor diamond was found. The geological formation is of considerable interest in view of the present weather scenario. Thick black clouds gather there with sudden heavy rain and poor visibility.
Images Constituting the Record of Events:
The following Images constitutes a record of events of the last few days of the eventful month of October 2010 from both Astronomy point of view and the sudden changes of weather conditions.

Fig 1 of 28th Oct 2010 Moon Sirius at Morning IMG_0045kln

Fig 1 of 29th Oct 2010 IMG_0080kln Moon in Cancer

Fig 2 of 28th Oct 2010 IMG_0047kln Mrigasira Rohini Orion Hunter Moon Rich sky

Fig 3 of 28th Oct 2010 IMG_0049kln Moon at 03h01m skylit lunarshine

Fig 4 of 28th Oct 2010 IMG_0058kln on the South side Moon

Fig 5 of 28th Oct 2010 IMG_0065kln
I have added the follwing two fgures No.3 of dates 27th and the 25th Oct 2010 since they were missing from the Y'Day report of trusciencetrutechnology@blogspot.com post.
Fig 3 of 27th October 2010 Jupiter and the West stars IMG_0041kln
Fig 3 of 25th Oct 2010 IMG_0016kln Moon at 03h01m skylit lunarshine
Atmospheric Optics of very facinating views is also found to ocuur with the Moon embedded in the clouds of the Ash and hot air released by the Indonesia Volcanic Mountain.See the previous blogspot post by the present author dated 30th Oct 2010.
HALLOWEEN FLARES: After two days of quiet, big sunspot 1117 is once again crackling with solar flares. Magnetic fields around the active region became unstable on Oct. 31st, unleashing a C2-class flare at 0318 UT and a C6-class flare at 0431 UT. With winter fast approaching, now is the time for outstanding halos.
It is a great pleasure for me to remember and express deep sense of gratitude to Late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc. (London) of JVD College of Science & Technology, Waltair who has inspired me for research observations and analysis.
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