Volume 2010 Issue No.11 Dt 9th November 2010 Time: 9h21mAM
Mono Ammonium Phosphate Spiky & Giant Gem Crystals
Putrev Jaganadha Prayascha,
s/o P Venkata Ramana Murthy M.Com M.B.A., Flat F1, 16-5-10, Surabhi Apartments, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O., Visakhapatnam-530002.
I have suceceeded in growing the spiky and Giant Gem crystals of Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) by using the Discovery Kit of crystals of inventive discovery kids lab. The effort took nearly 40to 50 days and my persistent and patient effort gave me the chance to by possesor of these crystals which I have exhibited to my colleagues in the School. Some wanted the tiny crystals for their souvenier and others wanted to imitate me and asked for the literature. The thick paper like MAP spiky crystals was one of a great surprise and several of them about 1x1 inches size shown the richness of the contents of tiny crystals embbeded within the growth. The tiny crystals are opf random order in arrangement but quite esily recognisable and seen when the 1x1 inch thick formation was kept infront of the light. The transmission charateristics of three different colors namely RED, BLUE and GREEN lights of the LED elements of a LAPTOP and the DVD players, have been examined. The digital Images have given a chance to know their apparent physical characteristics. Undoubtedly the transmission characteristics are extremely useful to develop optical logic devices but is a technolgy by itself and requires more inventive methods.
The elaborate procedures given in the inventive discovery kids lab have been scruplously followed. Two types of growth have been chosen in view of my experience with tiny seed crystals. The first one is the Creation One: Spiky Crystals and the other is Creation Three: Giant Crystal Gem. The first attempts reported earlier by me are presented in trusciencetrutechnology@blogspot.com Tuesday 7th September 2010 Issue No.8, Dt 22nd August 2010 and gave about 7 figures. The last Fig 7 of this post claims the possible discovery of the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta and their role in the explanation of Stokes and Anti-Stokes Shifts. The chemical formula of AMP is (NH4)3PO4.
My Procedure and Experiments:
Creation One: Spiky Crystals:
A measure of 50cc of MAP mixed with 250cc of bioled water (Courtesy of my mother Mrs Alivelu Mangamma, Supt.of KGH, Admn,Visakhapatnam). Essentially I have used a supersaturated solution. The growing bowl was kept undisturbed for several days using the tiny seeds generated earlier. The important finding by me is that the environment influences the growth very much. The humid months of September ,October in Visakhapatnam gave optimum conditions of environment in spite the bowl is kept aloof and undisturbed over days. On 2nd November 2010 Prof K. Lakshmi Narayana examined and congratulated me on the successful growth of the thick transperant paper like 1x1 spiky crystals and complimented the effort and patience that I have exhibited. He noted my excitement and joy of the sucesses of my science crystals growth project. Mono ammonium phosphate crystallizes in the form of quadratic prisms The Fig2 gives all the images obtained of these spiky crystals and their color light transmission properties.
Creation Three: Giant Crystal Gem:
A disposal glass cup has been used since it provided a sufficient length to hang the seed crystal of MAP into the supersaturated solution. The Fig. 1 gives the image of the disposable glass cup and the crystal growth arrangement adopted. The seed was suspended using a green nylon thread with the other end wound tied to a pencil. The pencil was kept horizontal on the upper rim of the galss cup so as to keep the seed hanging suspended very close to the bottom but not touching it at all. This is the technique I have found out and mentioned in my previous post, that helps to grow giant crystals. The Giant crystal has an inbuilt Crystal Tree growth activity and holding the crystal is very delicate since the Crystal Branches would loose off with some hitting disturbance. The RED light gave it a view of cloudy dispersion within the crystal itself totally with very little red light transmitted to the other sdide. The Blue gave a look of the sky cloudy crystal. The Green light gave it an apperance of transmission to side ways.
Prof KRRao in his notes (See References cited below) on 29th March 1922 noted that “at each encounter with a molecule there are charges –e and +e on the surface of the molecules. Any such pair of charges, being at only a small distance apart, may be regarded as forming a small dublet”. Calculation of intensity formula that arises from the doublets have been given by Prof KRRao in his notes of a dielectric into concentric spherical shells. It seems to be a log r + a constant where r is the radius of a shell. Quadratic prisma of the AMP does indeed produces polarized light beams and it is noteworthy that the Green absorbance, (studied by Prof KRRao in his Madras DSc thesis) surprisingly shows marked polarization of the transmitted Green light by the Giant AMP Crystal Gem. This is a very interesting finding.
These are presented in the form of four Fig.1,2,3,4 and 5 given below.

Fig 1 of Prayscha Big crystal and thread embedded crystal on 2nd Nov 2010
Fig 2 of Prayscha Big crystal and thread embedded crystals on 2nd Nov 2010
Fig 3 Prayascha Spiky Crystals Wafers Growth of MAP color transmission
Fig 4 Prayascha Big Giant Gem Crystal of MAP and it’s Optical Logic
Fig 5 of Prayscha and KLN of Big crystal Spectrums in October 2010
I am thankful and deeply indebted to Dr K .Lalitha Kumari MD(Biochemistry,AU) MD (Pathology,USA) for gifting me with the innovative discovery kids lab materail. I am also thankful to my parents Mr & Mrs P.V Ramanamurthy, Accounts Officer APSEB, for their support to my innovation. I am greatful to Prof Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana for his generous, kind encouragment and help with the digital images.
1.Prof KRRao's Handwritten Notes on Modern Physics Volume I.pdf
Pages 1-176 : published on 8th Nov 2010 at 2h46mPM on line
2.Prof KRRao's Handwritten Notes on Modern Physics Volume II.pdf
Pages 1-140:published on 8th November 2010 at 12h42mPM on line
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Franco Belgiorno et al. ScienceDaily Nov. 8, 2010 combined a tunable laser beam with a bulk glass target, which allowed them to limit the Hawking radiation to certain wavelengths of infrared light and to capture the apparent Hawking radiation with an infrared sensitive digital camera.A paper describing the possible production of a laser induced analogue of Hawking radiation appears in the current issue of Physical Review Letters, and is the subject of a Viewpoint article by John Dudley (CNRS, France) and Dmitry Skryabin (University of Bath, UK) in this week's edition of Physics. Hawking radiation emitted from a black hole would be so weak that many scientists believe it to be nearly impossible to detect.Scientists have turned to lasers before in attempts to create Hawking radiation, but have had difficulty isolating Hawking radiation from other forms of light emitted during experiments
the current issue of Physical Review Letters, and is the article by John Dudley (CNRS, France) and Dmitry Skryabin (University of Bath, UK) ScienceDaily Nov. 8, 2010
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