The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 2nd and 3rd Week November 2010 : PART A
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
The space event of the Solar flare of 12th Nov 2010 by the sunspot 1123 has not affected the equatorial belt of the terrestrial atmosphere. The 2nd & 3rd Week of Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam has changed considerably with practically no continuous downpour of rain. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather.
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
The space event of the Solar flare of 12th Nov 2010 by the sunspot 1123 has not affected the equatorial belt of the terrestrial atmosphere. The 2nd & 3rd Week of Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam has changed considerably with practically no continuous downpour of rain. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather.
The weather at Visakhapatnam after the lashing rains of the first week of November has been one of Sun Shine and as well of warmth.
Volcano and Weather
The Wednesday 10th Nov 2010 the Indonesia Mount Meripi has again released the Hot Ashes and the lava flow that disturbed many airplane flights and made the US President visit shortened. On 10th November 2010 at 9h04 to9h05m the striated clouds have occurred, possibly due to earthquake of Indonesia, at a height of 2 to 5 Kms height due the gravity waves generated in the atmosphere. The ashes and the hot clouds have set in a mixed weather at Visakhapatnam due to the Active South East monsoon. Patchy clouds of various kinds could easily be seen and spotted in the sky with naked eye. The Sunshine brilliance on the 12th Morning has increased considerably. The sky has not offered a clear view for the Digital image captures during the days of 9th Nov to 11th Nov 2010.The 12th November 2010 from 2h42mPM to 4h02mPM it rained heavily and some thunder and lightning has occurred at the start. But the Sunshine continued later. Night was pretty cloudy though it did not rain. The 13th Morning was bright and has good brilliance. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The two days it rained by a couple of Cms, with thunder and lightning, in Bhimavaram, Tanuku, Thadepalligudem etc coastal regions except at Visakhapatnam.
Volcano and Weather
The Wednesday 10th Nov 2010 the Indonesia Mount Meripi has again released the Hot Ashes and the lava flow that disturbed many airplane flights and made the US President visit shortened. On 10th November 2010 at 9h04 to9h05m the striated clouds have occurred, possibly due to earthquake of Indonesia, at a height of 2 to 5 Kms height due the gravity waves generated in the atmosphere. The ashes and the hot clouds have set in a mixed weather at Visakhapatnam due to the Active South East monsoon. Patchy clouds of various kinds could easily be seen and spotted in the sky with naked eye. The Sunshine brilliance on the 12th Morning has increased considerably. The sky has not offered a clear view for the Digital image captures during the days of 9th Nov to 11th Nov 2010.The 12th November 2010 from 2h42mPM to 4h02mPM it rained heavily and some thunder and lightning has occurred at the start. But the Sunshine continued later. Night was pretty cloudy though it did not rain. The 13th Morning was bright and has good brilliance. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The two days it rained by a couple of Cms, with thunder and lightning, in Bhimavaram, Tanuku, Thadepalligudem etc coastal regions except at Visakhapatnam.
Reports “EARTH-DIRECTED ERUPTION: Active sunspot 1123 erupted during the early hours of Nov. 12th, producing a C4-class solar flare and apparently hurling a filament of material in the general direction of Earth. 0000 - 0330 UT …..Coronagraph images from NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site and heading off in a direction just south of the sun-Earth line. The cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field sometime on Nov. 14th or 15th, sparking auroras. Earlier this year when Jupiter's great South Equatorial Belt (SEB) vanished. It might not look like much, but this is how a revival of the SEB begins--a small disturbance in the upper atmosphere heralds a much larger profusion of spots and swirls bursting forth around the whole circumference of the giant planet. Amid the confusion, Jupiter's vast brown stripe emerges. This plume is so energetic that we can confidently expect it to develop into the SEB Revival. It is the single brightest spot on Jupiter in wavebands ranging from infrared to ultraviolet.”
Tuesday November 16th, 2010:
The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather. The weather has changed since Monday 15th evening when clouds have covered the sky and the stars visibility fell down considerably. A low-pressure trough formed on Sunday at 700kms from South Andaman has become a depression and moved fast towards the Chennai region and therefore the weather at Visakhapatnam became cloudy. The cyclone crossed the land on Tuesday night and has weakened. It brought havoc in Nellore and Kadapa districts. A lightning that struck in Guntur killed three people who took shelter under a tree. The Visakhapatnam was cloudy on Wednesday morning. The evening around 3h51mPM the sky has cleared.
A set of 32 Images of November 2010:

Fig 1 of Nov 2010 Moon and near stars with Jupiter
Fig 2 of Nov 2010 the 11th
Fig 3 of Nov 2010 IMG_0233kln Star of the east and the stars of the NE
Fig 4 of Nov 2010 Moon Triangle with Altair and Vega on 11th IMG_0243kln
Fig 5 Of Nov 2010 IMG_0245kln Famous traingle of the NW Deneb W Vegha SW Altair
Fig 6 of Nov 2010 IMG_0265kln Moon and Jupiter with South Star
Fig 7 of Nov 2010 IMG_0269kln Jupiter and Moon Duo
Fig 8 of Nov 2010 IMG_0275kln Jupiter Moon Eastward stars
Fig 10 of Nov 2010 IMG_0318kln Moon
Fig 11 of Nov 2010 IMG_0328kln Moon Jupiter and West North Stars at 22h29m
Fig 13 of Nov 2010 IMG_0336kln Moon
Fig 14 of Nov 2010 IMG_0344kln Jupiter Moon near Shiva Temple of Kalimatha RKBeach
Fig 15 of Nov 2010 IMG_0378kln Moon rise at evening 4h45m The Waves of Ocean coupled to Clouds
I am indebted to late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) for initiating me for research in Science and Technology.
Indian FESTIVAL SEASON and MONTH of November:
On 16th Nov 2010 a festival of a Scorpio entry (vrishichika sankramanamu in Telugu) celebration took place but with Nine Nakshtras of Moon existence near the Zodiac sign of Pisces. In the month of Karthika nov 7th to 6th December 2010 when people in India celebrate the Siva Puja Mondays. The winter has gradual set in beginning the lapse of Deepavali New Moon Day. The Karthika Month of Indian Calendar Moon based, every day is a festival day of significance for every house hold family and as well for house wives. It’s not clear why this month has been chosen as a specific month of several varieties of festivals and worship (pujas) in India. The interesting Four months of the Indian Calendar and its episode of an event in the sky is that the (August 20th, 2010) Ashada Ekadashi (Varalakshmi Festival day) to Karthika Ekadashi (17th Nov 2010) was a period of deep yoga by the God Lakshmi Narayana. And on the day of Kshira Dwadasi (18th November 2010) he married the born Lakshmi from great swirling of the oceans. For Indians there are many Gods.
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