Friday, September 9, 2011

TRUWIZ 112 in Memory of Late Prof. K R angadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(Lond)
Vol. 2011, Issue No. 9: Dated: 9th September 2011,

In memory of
Late Professor Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras).D.Sc. (London).
(9th September 1899 - 20th June 1972)


Q1. NDM-I is a metallo-beta-lactamase-1 bacteria of epidemic proportions immune to antibiotic treatment and popularly termed

a. Superbug       b. Hyperbug      c. Suprembug      d. Bigbug

Q2. Pilots’ now can communicate with multiple groups and ground crew resulting in fewer delays and shorter flight schedules by information given

a. Verbally     b. electronically      c. digitally    d. Flash messages.

Q3. Carbon release now is more than that during the 55.1Myrs ago of the Paleocene era by almost a. 10% b. 100 times c.10 times d. 100%

Q4. June 7th,2011 Solar splash from the complex sunspot numbers 1226-1227 almost half the size of Sun has given CME moving at a speed of about

a. 1400Km/s     b.400Km/s              c.1000Kms.        d. 900Km/s.

Q5. Jupiter that approached edging towards the Mars gained mass by robbing off from the regions of Mars formation near a distance of

a. 1.5AU        b.2.5AU            c.6 AU      d. 10AU.

Q6. Evaporation from land is only able to modify the frequency of rainfall in not in quantity, but it is the moisture content that gave positive input to the rainfall from

a. Lakes      b. River Beds       c. Soil      d. Mountain reservoirs.

Q7.Nuclear Tests are now being detected by using

a. Mobiles           b. Cell phones            c.GPS            d. Radioastronomy.

Q8.R.Tao found that magnets prevented heart attacks by 20-30% when the field strength is about

a. 1.9T            b. 1.3T          c. 2T           d.4T

Q9. To argument water deficit in about 10 provinces in China due to sinking water in Yangtze river, it has built almost a dam on Brahmaputra or (Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet) and plans another

a.50              b.40                c.20           d.27

Q10. The eruvaka Full Moon day in the month of Jhestha of Telugu calendar is the day of festival for farmers who decorate the bullocks to plough the fields with the divine chanting of Vedic slokas (rhymes) similar to the America festival

a. Christmas              b. Maypove             c. Ester              d. Good Friday

Q11. The first claimed living laser converts blue emissions inside the cell to

a. Red        b. Green       c. Violet       d. Orange

Q12. Lunar eclipse of Full Moon on the 15th June 2011 has longest dark shadow immersion by the Earth for about nearly minutes

a. 100      b. 40      c. 60    d. 150

Q13. President Obama of USA said that India students in India are cranking on future jobs that requires expertise in Mathematics, Science and on

a. Technical skills.     b. Poly-techniques     c. Business     d. Technology

Q14. Disassembling the beta-amyloidal fibrils whose accumulation in Brian cells kills neurons may be achieved by the extract that inhibits the formation of toxic beta-amyloidal [polypeptide oligomer from the bark of a tree

a. Cinnamon              b. Pine               c. Rosewood                d. Eucalyptus

Q15.While the world bank gives low-interest loan of Rs7000/-crores to National Ganga River Basin Project for cleaning the river a Sadhu died due to fasting from February 15th to his last breath on Monday June 13th, 2011 to save Ganga river from Pollution,he went into coma on May 2nd, and 34-yr old ascetic Swamy is

a. Lakshmi              b. Uma Sekhar         c.. Ram             d. Nigamanand

Q16.How long the eruption of volcano chain Puyehue-Cordon Caulle with a plume of ash to six miles (10kms) and three mile wide would continue has been guessed to last

a. Two months              b. one month          c. Few weeks            d. an year

Q17. The miracle of Modern medicine is to manipulate from a Gene the production of

a. Protein       b. NAD           c. DNA              d. New Gene

Q18. What’s that found that one can stop alter the way you want, allow it to translate

a. Protein             b Gene            c. RNA         d. Codon

Q19. After travelling 295 km underneath Japan, quanta interacted with giant Super-K detector and were recorded by its light detectors and are thought to be

a. Neutrino      b. Proton          c. Neutron        d. Kaon

Q20. The self-powered nano-devices that can transmit data to over long distances wirelessly and allows development of wearable personal electronics etc. get energy

a. From environment b. from a tiny cell c. from a biocell d. from a camera

Q21. Dr KVNRao plasma waves are produced by rider signals that are

a. Locked-in amplification      b. Laser powered   c. Amplitude modified     d. none

Q22. Harine Ravichandran, the only Indian student among 15 global finalists at the Google Science Fair 2011 hit upon the idea of multi-level inverters to compensate voltage slags that would work with a capacitor using the locally available renewable energy sources and aimed at developing

a. Artificial brain    b. Artificial Mind       c. Rural Brain     d. Rural Innovation

Q23. The pulse of a blood vessel, a gentle breeze, the motion of a person walking, vibration, sonic wave, solar, chemical or thermal sources energy can be used by a nano-generator electronics of a capacitor, a sensor, and a radio transmitter similar to blue tooth head sets to transmit signals that can be detected by an ordinary radio at 30feet distance actually uses the generated

a. Magnetism            b. Laser light            c. electricity            d. cosmic rays

Q24. The river Nilahue in Chile due to the volcano eruption of the chain Puyehue-Cordon Caulle has caused a strange phenomenon of steam production by rise in temperature of the order of

a. 20-30degs       b.40-50degs             c.50-60degs           d.. 6-45degs.

Q25. Steel can be made stronger by 7% in less than 10 seconds and would be more shock-absorbing than most common titanium alloys by a process

a. of Chemical treatment    b. of repeated heating       c. of making it an alloy     d. of flash

Q26. Great snipes (Galmago mollies) fly from central Sweden, according to Klassen of Lund University who used a Geo-local positioning device tied to them, in about just 2 or 3 days non-stop crossing Baltic Sea, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, via Libyan coast, Sahara desert, on their way to central Africa for the winter, at a speed of

a. 400km/h        b.100m/h         c.1000km/h       d.200km/h

Q27.Sulphur dioxide spewed volcano chain of Chile Puyenhue-Cordon- Caulle complex on 4th June 2011 sending ash and gas to 10km height is located in

a. Australia      b. Japan      c. Andes      d, Andaman

Q28. Visakhapatnam GVMC decide to LED light the road from Hamumathaaka to Kommadi a distance of 7km at a cost a few crores of rupees since the florescent lights create mercury pollution and the sodium lamps create pollution of

a. Gold          b. Lead            c. Silver            d. Sodium

Q29. Vancouver, BC, Seattle, Portland, Ore, face a hazard of dangerous earthquake but not actually South California due to the movement every year of about 30to40mm of the T. Juan de Fuca Plate underneath eastward to North America lies in the zone

a. Mexico             b. Cube            c. Central America           d. cascade subduction

Q30. Tectonic plate’s convergence is gauged by using

a. Radiometry        b. Chandra Telescope           c. Satellites        d.GPS

Q31. Low frequency sound waves and MRI used earlier for nonmalignant liver tumors is now being tried to detect breast cancer and the technique is dubbed as MR

a. Elastography          b. Seismography           c. Spectrography         d. luminography

Q32. A molecule of interest in breast cancer detection is

a. CA125               b. BA 125           c. DA125           d. RA125

Q33. Tissue stiffness in breast cancer allows the light passed through the skin by a scanner gets reflected back to the scanner and the rays used in the device are

a. X-rays             b. Gamma rays            c. Near Infra Red             d. Ultra-Violet

Q34. Malaysia a 12-Mega-bio-diversity country with 15000 flower species, 1,85,000animal species accounting for the 9% and 16% of total world figures, employs about 20% of the plant species for the use of therapeutic and

a. Cosmetics            b. Lotions           c. detergents    d. Medicinal


Q35. Hawking and other scientists are theorizing about ET life existence since 1996 when Martian rocks were found to contain evidence of

a. Fossils                 b. bio-species            c. humans       d. creatures

Q36. Paenibacillus Vortex is smart 100 times by microbial- standards among the 502 different bacterial genomes are known, some of the may be cultivated in Petri dish, has

a. Genetic skills    b. Special skill     c. Social skill    d. behavioral skill

Q37. R A Muller who counters the Nobel Laureate Al Gore’s “an inconvenient truth” posited that ice age triggered by space debris encountered by cyclical changes of the earth’s orbit in its

a. Motion     b. Spin       c. Tilt     d. location

Q38. To rectify the errors in the existing measurements of the Global warming a new project has begun and is termed

a. MOST         b. GHOST       c. ROST     d. BEST

Q39. For a 2D crystal that moves from a solid-hexatic phase to liquid phase causes all atoms to move at once and in synchronization by an intelligence known as

a. Group      b. Mud       c. Monkey      d. Swarm

Q40. IPv4 has about 4.3 billion addresses for a 32-bit IP protocol and on June 8th, 2011 Google, Comcast have smoothly changed over to IPv6 that has about a protocol of bits

a.256      b.128     c.64         d.1024

Q41. Migratory birds or the Schrodinger’s birds the little crafty birds that migrate from Scandinavia to the equatorial Africa and return in spring travelling a distance of 13,000kms do so by the sense of a magnetic field inclination angle to the earth’s surface,

and sense the field with their

a. Ears      b. Nose       c. Tail feathers      d. eyes.

Q42. The state of a type of molecule in the Bird’s eye has two electrons that form an n entangled pair with spin as

a. One       b. half          c. Zero            d. variable

Q43. Quantum Effects observed in a giant molecule, including the Octopus Shaped one with about atoms numbering

a. 400             b. 450             c. 430          d.200

Q44. Polyps that form corals with their exoskeletons cast millions of sperm and eggs into sea, simultaneously in quick frenzies a few consecutive nights a year, that drift collide float and form as larvae and they do so shortly after Sun set on evenings closely following a

a. Half Moon           b Moonless night             c. Full Moon           d. Quarter Moon

Q45. Inflatphysics (suggested by the present author years ago at this BlogSpot) has taken a new turn with the Billion Prices Project ( with software indexes that track prices of 5million goods and spits out inflation rates in real time from Websites of about

a. 100 countries          b. 50countries          c. Five continents              d.70countries

Q46. Singapore silkworms are weaving cocoons of brilliant colors as per Institute of Materials’ research, by domesticated Bombyx mori) silkworms by feeding with natural diet of mulberry powder mixed with

a. Water dyes          b. Radiations              c. fluorescent molecules             d. color genes

Q47. A background X-ray source has been identified, by the brightness dips of the absorption at a distinctive wavelength by warm-hot inter galactic medium (WHIM) in sculptor wall (interstices of a giant filament of galaxies) in essence the WHIM’s shadow by the Chandra X-ray telescope and is found to be the source

a. H2345             b. H2356-309              c.H400-236             d.H23-309

Q48. Apart from the visual system there seem to exist a non-visual photoreceptor system in humans and mammals that functions as a hidden organ, useful for clinical therapy of increased awareness, relief from jet lag, alleviate seasonal affective disorder, and depressive suicide tendencies, and is perhaps more sensitive to

a. Red light              b. Blue light           c. Violet light            d. Pink light

Q49. Hamilton in 1835 recognized pair of real numbers (a, b) and later after eight years on October 16th 1843 he wrote the fourth number necessity on Brougham Bridge, to describe three dimensional operations (a, b, c, d) and Graves gave on December 26th, the 8D numbers non-associative octaves which, Hamilton has not reported to Irish Royal Society (later published and known as Arthur Cayley Octonions). Thus we have a standard collection of one, two, four or eight number systems. Super symmetry recognizes the mirror symmetry of matter particle and a corresponding force, to describe the universe that remains invariant under their exchange and vice versa. Spinors describe the matter particles and the vectors describe the force the wave motions respectively. A string traces a two dimensional surface and so with Octonions it would result as a (three, four, or six) 10D space-time or with a membrane world that traces a volume it would result as a (also possible four, five, or seven) 11D space-time. Here apart from string theories the M stands for a theory of

a. Membranes             b. Methods       c. Matter              d. Modern Physics

Q50. A film in the T-shirt, like the one everyone uses in the keyboard, absorbs pressure from sound waves and converts into an electrical charge which may be transferred from a battery in it into a lead that fits most mobiles to be charged. The louder the music played the quicker the mobile charges. The device within the garment works on using noise-responsive technology and the film is

a. Ferroelectric             b. pseudo-ferroelectric             c. smart              d. piezo-electric

Q51. TES New Energy Osaka started selling a gadget at $299 (24150yen) by heating pot of water, the Hatsuden-Nabe cook pot turns heat from the boiling water into electricity that feeds via a USB port into smart phones, music players and GPS devices, by

a. Super-dynamo              b. Plasma-waves               c. fusion             d. thermo-electricity

Q52. Visakhapatnam strategic cold storage capacity increased from 10 lac tons to 13.3 lac tons with the outlay expenditure increased by 54% amounting to Rs.671.88 crores to about Rs.1038crores and this along with the other storage facility in Mangalore, Padoor helps a back up of 53.8lac tons crude and would just meet the demand of 13-14days consumption in India, which imports 75% of its requirements. The Visakhapatnam cold storage hole of length 3.3 kms with height of 10stories building is expected to be finished in about

a. a Year               b. End of this year             c. 2 years             d. in one month.

Q53. gives teachers engineering section gives video lessons each in about duration of

a. 1 hr          b.2hrs                  c. 1/2hr             d.20 minutes

Q54. gives C, C++ and Oracle lessons with examples and also gives tips useful for

a. Examinations             b. Interviews        c. Responses            d. Discussions.

Q55. Glacier valley experiment in Arctic aims to gauge the influx of glacier melt water into the arctic system. In Antarctica the station Maitri is to be rebuilding reducing its power dependence of fossil fuel by 65%. In the station the Aditya and Bhaskara generators use about 240k liters of a total fuel use of 500k liters annually. The alternate green energy source is

a. Chemical energy                b. Hydroelectricity            c. Wind power       d. Geo-power.

Q56. The negative emotions are of two kinds with low and high intensity profiles and people in the later case tend to neutralize while in the former case they tend to

a. Turn away                b. neglect             c. forget                   d. think it over

Q57.Untrained pigeons can recognize individual people and not fooled by change of clothes, probably by the humans

a. eyes               b. looks                   c. faces                      d. body style

Q58. The Arctic region is warming up with temperature resulting in decrease of summer snow fall over the last 20 years and the decrease is about

a. 20%                b.36%                   c. 40%                  d. 60%

Q59.Public perception needs to have a drastic change in accepting higher doses of radiation exposures that would lead to a profound effect on decommissioning nuclear facilities, construction of nuclear power facilities, among others since a recent finding was that the radiation normally present in the background may be essential to create the due stress necessary for a growth of cells including those of humans at a rate that is

a. Normal                      b. unusual        c. mutational       d. rapid

Q60. A new nebula view of star formation brought into focus a murky region of star formation at considerable depths, by the NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope that used

a. Infra Red vision         b. Ultra Violet light            c. Blue vision         d. Sound vision

Q61. OGPL in Tamil Nadu has generated by renewable energy sources with aggregate capacity of 182.5MW including 155MW from wind and 32.5MW on bio-mass. Distributed power system at western part of Tamil Nadu uses a 110kV connectivity with low transmission & distribution losses has recently synchronized its 10MW bio-mass power plant in Pollachi into the TN grid at Angalakurichi in Coimbatore district with a special design of the boiler which predominantly uses

a. Bananas    b. Sugar cane waste    c. Weeds      d. Coconut fronds.

Q62. Sanskrit name Madhuparnika a herb, finds a special place in Royal Medicine of Vietnam, can be grown in home gardens as an ornamental plant, has multiple uses and has a double action of acting on the ovaries of women and

a. Prostate gland of men       b. on joint pains.    c. wounds       d. general tonic

Q63. Zespri Kiwi fruit has second highest amount of potassium after the banana, keeps blood pressure low, has magnesium, and is a richest form of Chlorophyll content and useful for obtaining

a. Vitamins             b. minerals              c. salts             d. antioxidants.

Q64.Minuguru purugu grows to about 3mm length and stays stuck to rocks, tree leaves, and inside tunnels. They secrete a sticky liquid i.e. let loose like hanging invisible several threads. After then they emit a kind of light and mini flying insects get attracted by the light and get stuck entangled in the threads. The purugulu patiently wrap them with more threads and take them to a place where they can leisurely eat them. They light they emit is of color

a. Red                 b. blue                  c. green              d. White

Q65. D Harper quit prematurely as an empire following Indian Captain Mr Dhoni complaint says that technology cannot be relied on effectively in deciding the ball contact with a glove producing a sound and go through to the wicket keeper hands. He said 25 frames per second is not reliable and suggests that more fast cameras may even show the depression on the glove produced by the ball. He said the camera with more recording of frames in a second are desirable and suggests a number of frames as

a. 1200                 b. 1500              c. 1800                  d. 2000

Q66. Uranium intake of a daily dose crossing the limit in the tap water of Krishna River has been found due to the uranium mining at Nagarjunasagar. The tap water for drinking purposes was found to vary from 0.14 to 9.50 microgram content of Uranium. The WHO’s 15 micro gram per liter of water is, for a person weighing

a. 50Kg         b. 60Kg                 c. 65Kg                    d. 63Kg.

Q67. Gulf oil plume at 70mg/l has benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes and the oil spill in June 2010 has now extended over an area of dead zone about

a. 300sq.miles               b. 3300sq.miles               c. 4000sq.miles               d. 4500sq.miles

Q68. Radioactive decay is the source of Earth’s heat from the Uranium, Thorium and Potassium inside the core and mantle and it flows continually from Earth’s interior into space releasing energy in watts of about

a. 40 million              b. 44 trillion              c.10 million                   d. 20 trillion

Q69. Research on embryonic tadpole revealed that bio-electric signals necessary for facial formation and in the formation of

a. Head                 b. Tail                     c. essential Organs                d. Eyes.

Q70. Puri Jaganath Ratha Yatra in India, for the chariot (car) ride festival of the Gods, before it begins, the King uses a broomstick, to sweep the pathway which is made up of

a. Gold                 b. Copper                    c. Panchloha                      d. Silver

Q71. Government of India of the state of Kerala has banned in the year 1960, at the now global surprise wealthy God Ananth Padmanabha Temple in Travancore, the use of an oil for lighting the lamps, which is from

a. Ground nuts         b. Jingly seeds              c. Coconut                d. Sun flower.

Q72. Angkor Buddhist temple in Cambodia was renovated by French architects since it offered a puzzle of pagoda construction of fitting the rocks in

a. 3 dimensions         b. 4 dimensions  c. vertical height    d. horizontal layout

Q73. In ancient Greece the Olympia was destroyed by repeated occurrences of

a. Earth Quakes     b. Tsunamis              c. Volcanoes                    d. Invaders

Q74. Curbs on satellite imaging (GeoEye-1 to 0.41m resolution) of the earth’s surface has been relaxed, to get now by India space exploration, to a resolution of meters up to

a. 3                b. 4                  c. 1                  d. 0.5

Q75. Sambhuvanipalem reservoir and Daband village in Visakhapatnam and other occupied lands in defiance of conservation of the forest, sanctuary and wildlife protection, by private and film shooting parties it appears also have fenced an area for raring foreign birds like

a. emu           b. kangaroo              c. peacocks                  d. turkey

Q76. APTDC come up with a project of constructing relax centers of toilets, drinking water facility and shelters for visitors of the ravines formed of aeons age, red-hill sand dunes (erramatti dibbalu) that have been flattened already from a height of 40 meters to 15 meters by shifting of the red soil, and a forum of sustainable development has protested under VMR 2021 and AP HSMA 1960, citing violation of

a. BRZ                   b. DRZ                  c. VUDA               d.CRZ

Q77. Scientists will be able to measure points on Earth much more accurately following analysis of data which confirms the movement, in relation to the centre of the Galaxy of our system

a. Lunar                   b. Solar                c. Planetary                 d. Asteroids

Q78. With around five million observations from 555 distant radio sources over more than 30 years, a highly accurate result has been achieved to know the drift of

a. Secular aberration              b. centripetal force             c. Coriolis force   d. Red aberration

Q79. Dr Smith is travelling on the RSV Aurora Australis to the Mertz Glacier region where she will undertake her research as part of an Australian Antarctic Division marine science survey. This survey will study a previously inaccessible area of the seafloor which was exposed after a 78 kilometer long floating section of a Glacier broke off in early 2010 i.e.

a. Mercendbenz    b. Toyota                 c. Mertz                 d. Indigo

Q80. You tell the computer what is the amount of product that the organism should make and the computer tells you the DNA sequence that will give you that amount of product which is actually a

a. Micro-organism                b. Neuron                c. Polymer         d. Protein

Q81. National Institutes of Health continues to approve new human embryonic stem cells (hESC) lines for federal funding. Last month, the agency approved 37 new hESC lines, more than any other month this year. There are now a total of 128 lines currently approved for federal funding, up from just 20 approved lines prior to President Barack Obama’s 2009 executive order to loosen stem cell regulations, with 37 more pending review. They are useful in

a. Drugs   b. prescription drugs                 c. genetic medicine                        d. treatment.

Q82. Our device detects the spin state of a single electron in a single phosphorus atom implanted in a block of silicon. The spin state of the electron controls the flow of electrons in a nearby circuit," said Dr Morello, the lead author of the paper, Single-shot readout of an electron

a. Spin                  b. Magnetism             c. orientation              d. current

Q83. Santander and his colleagues collected data between 2007 and 2009 when Ice Cube had just 59 strings and they mapped the relative intensity of cosmic rays coming from all directions in the southern sky. They found that the distribution of arrival directions of cosmic rays is highly anisotropic, suggesting that some regions of the galaxy are producing more cosmic rays than others. Santander says that he believes the cosmic-ray hotspots may be related to nearby pulsars away from Earth between 150 and

a. 300 parsecs          b. 400 parsecs             c. 200 parsecs.           d. 500parsecs

Q84. The two-seater ICON A5 Aircraft with wings from cockpit, can be folded or opened in 5 minutes on water or land, seeking in India to set up supply line for spare parts and other essential components and is useful essentially as an item for

a. Military               b. Civil flights              c. Domestic use               d. Sports sector

Q85. In 1960 i.e. fifty years ago the news in Deccan chronicle on 23rd July, elaborates the offer of Rs.10000 to Rs 100 by GSI, Nagpur, for information leading to the location of deposits of tin, copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, cobalt, arsenic, elemental sulphur, asbestos (chryotle) borax, and cooking coal carried Rs.500 while for gold, silver, platinum, diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald etc the reward offered was

a. Rs1000       b. Rs 600             c. Rs 700                d. Rs. 900

Q86. A new quick to check viral infection from bacterial infection suggested by scientists at Gurion University of Negey is the use of a luminescent chemical substance previously used for crime scenes to locate traces of blood that glow white cells and differences in the glow indicative of the type of infection has been known as

a. Glycerol                   b. Minearoil                  c. Petro alcohol                d. Lumionl

Q87. Many state governments in India have not levied any taxes on handloom production of Khadi cloth of all verities, embroidery Sarees, blankets, towels, silk, door curtains, rugs etc., but Andhra Pradesh (through APCO) has recently imposed taxes on in the name of VAT since experts are not able to distinguish between handmade and machine (maramaggalu) made khadhi on verities exempting just

a. Three            b. Two                c. Four                        d. Five

Q88. PCPIR over an area of 259sq km occupying about 48800 acres of farmers, forest areas, 100 villages, etc., that overlapped with master plan of VUDA, that might consume lot of drinking water without the completion of Pollavaram project, selected on a global tender the associates named

a. Li                  b. Leo               c. kamma         d. Brahmi

Q89. For Ptolemaic Greeks Berenice, for Romans Aila and sea that borders on one side Saudi Arabia, Jordan and on the other Egypt, Israel now know as Gulf Aqaba with zaded souls, ring of high desert mountains and appears as an oasis, with miles of azure water, world of kaleidoscopic patterns, with crystal clear water waves, has lot of underwater treasures, myriad array brightly coloured fish and corals numbering about

a. 150                b. 140                 c. 200               d.500

Q90. The pigs may grow human organs soon from induced pluripotent stem cells the technique affords a complementation for novel approach is known as

a. Plastocyst               b. Blastocyst                   c. Masocyst                d. Mucocyst

Q91. High frequency waves of more energy travelling in space at 300000km/sec when they impact any object would give rise to a pressure. The solar rays produce on the earth a pressure of 4.6 micropascals while the enormously large atmospheric pressure is about 101.3 kilopascals. The photon driven propulsion is possible though the Russian attempt to release a 100kg weight, rocket of this kind failed. It used Helium Zyro gas with about 8 rotating wings. The other designs, either square form or in the form of circle, a simple kite-like with supporting spinal wheels for prevention of its folding much details are not available. The Japan has succeeded sending in May 2010, one photon propeller space ship to Venus. The rocket from zero acceleration gains near earth acceleration of 5x10^4m/sec, achieves 100mph in about a day, in 100 days gains to 10kilomph and in about 2.74 years gets an acceleration of 1 lakh mph and is capable of reaching Pluto in about

a. 3 years.           b. 4 yrs                   c. 10yrs                   d. 5yrs.

Q92. Thanks to Dutch company that offered a charter submarine, for diving 100 meters below surface and C-quester-3 three persons submersible while C-explorer-2 two persons submersible with transparent pressure hull giving chance for the occupants in an air-conditioned space powered by Li-ion batteries lasting 6hrs view of degrees

a. 240                   b. 270                  c. 180                  d. 360

Q93. Pundit Nehru released the first batch of 800 watches made in Hindustan Machine tools factory in Bangalore 5500 of Ladies and 300 of Gents on 27th July 1961. There was at that time a batch of 52 engineers undergoing training in

a. France b. Switzerland c. Germany d. Japan

Q94. Pundit Nehru commissioning the second plant of Hindustan Machine tools at Jallahalli in Bangalore said that a well known firm in Europe built the plant on a firm foundation and complimented the Oerlikons belonging to

a. England                   b. France           c. Portuguese                d. Switzerland.

Q95.Wander planets numbering about 10 not bound any star nearby at a distance of 1.5 billion km, have been found by Takahiro Sumi of Osaka University Japan and his colleagues using 1.8 m telescope at Mount John University, observatory, New Zealand as a part of observations in Astrophysics, that brighten or magnify a background star for days or even more duration with a back ground star by studying about 50 million stars with Microlensing observations, in the centre of the galaxy, of

a. Centaur X                    b. Andromeda             c. Milky Way             d. Wall of Galaxies

Q96. Water molecules presence in the Moon soil, as much water as the upper Earth mantle of holds, along with volatile elements like fluorine, chlorine and sulphur of lunar magma nearly identical to concentrations in solidified magma from primitive mid-ocean ridges on [Refer MEL-planet of the aeons ago.KLN; Paper No.3.Page No.3 Section XIII, Physical Sciences, 96th Session of Indian Science Congress, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong-793022, 3-7th Jan., 2009]

a. Jupiter             b. Mars             c. Earth              d. MEL-planet

Q97. The discovery of calculus by Indian Mathematicians, Astronomers and Astrophysicists like Bhaskaracharya, Aryabhatta, Varahamihira and Boudhayana and many more was made using the formulae of

a. Geometry            b. Algebra             c. Number theory              d. Trigonometry.

Q98. The corn and sugarcane used to make bio-fuels impart a unique chemical signature that is related to the way these plants photosynthesize their nutrients. The team Brian Giebel, graduate student working with Drs. Daniel Riemer and Peter Swart suggests that ethanol's unique chemical signature can be used during aircraft sampling campaigns to identify and track plumes as they drift away from urban areas. The results of their efforts, titled "New Insights to the Use of Ethanol in Automotive Fuels: A Stable Isotopic Tracer for Fossil- and Bio-Fuel Combustion Inputs to the Atmosphere" appears in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. The signature is the ratio of

a. 2C:11C             b.12C:14C                  c.13C:12C                   d. 10C:14C

Q99. Jura Borissova, lead author of a study says that the majority of stars with more than half of the mass of our Sun form in groups, called open clusters. These clusters are the building blocks of galaxies and vital for the formation and evolution of galaxies such as our own. However, stellar clusters form in very dusty regions that diffuse and absorb most of the visible light that the young stars emit, making them invisible to most sky surveys, but not to the 4.1-m infrared VISTA telescope. Since antiquity only 2500 open clusters have been found in the Milky Way, but astronomers estimate there might be as many as 30000 still hiding behind the dust and gas. While bright and large open clusters are easily spotted, this is the first time that so many faint and small clusters have been found at once. They found that most of the clusters are very small. Compared to typical open clusters, these are very faint and compact objects, the dust in front of these clusters makes them appear 10 000 to 100 million times fainter in visible light. And these open clusters have about stars numbering only

a. 100 to 200              b. 10 to 20              c. 30 to 50             d. 60 to 80

Q100. Yellapragada Subbarao (1895-1948) an Ayurveda expert, an oriental cum modern medical authority, and who had been to USA, worked at Harvard and the Lederlay company, a Niyogi Brahmin of Andhra region, an inventor of “Hetrazane” for elephantuos, the virus “nucleayo tideon” also “Aeromycine” (and in spite the trouble by Pesca) who has been honored by naming the “myces splendens” after his name, he Dr.Y.Subba Rao, during the year 1947 of independence of India, rejected the citizenship offer of the nation

a. Britain                    b. Sweden              c. America             d. Russia

Q101. SSC Pacific an 80 foot high stream antenna is of Ocean salt water pumped to create a VHF antenna that uses the magnetic induction properties of Sodium Chloride. With a relatively small foot print it can transmit and receive frequencies in the range

a. 2 to 400 MHz           b. 400MHz to 800MHz       c. 900MHz to 2GHz.          d. 34 to 50KHz

Q102. NASA funded study using advanced mass spectroscopy found molecules kit in meteorites essential building blocks of life on Earth (that reminds me of my mother, Mrs. Peramma’s, an old proverbial saying in India, that brighter a meteorite falls on the Earth the greater a Genius would be born on the Earth) in the organic rich carbonaceous chondrites and one ureillite, a very rare meteorite with different chemical composition to contain 3 nucleobases which are rare in terrestrial biology: purine and 6,8- diaminopurine, and another diaminopurine with the numbers

a. 4, 5                b. 2, 6                 c. 7, 8         d. 1, 3

Q103. Prediction of Volcano eruption has been made feasible by the observations of the Lava flow on April 6th with the disappearance of all the sensor equipment placed there under the sea ground, near the Axal Seamount 250miles out to sea in the Western Oregon state, which erupted in 1998 and now said to erupt in the year

a. 2014                  b. 2030                        c. 2012                      d. 2040

Q104. A molecular switch placed in an enzyme of blue-green algae build up energy reserve that allow them to survive in darkness and with the removal of the switch use can be made of the excess energy for the production of

a. Oxygen                b. Carbon               c. Nitrogen                d. Hydrogen

Q105. Fossilized tree resin of an amber found in Peru, dating from Miocene epoch, i.e., 23 Million years ago, revealed the trapped ancient insects, beetles, bark lice, spiders and

a. date palms               b. Coconuts             c. Lotus seeds             d. Sunflower seeds.

Q106. Dark patches of the Earth facing Moon are due to Lava flows thought to be Maria (seas). Crust of Moon is much thicker on the far side. Facing Earth side Moon has rocks consisting of rare-earth elements and phosphorous which type of rocks the other side lacks. A new theory is that a crash on the Moon on its far side has pushed out its magma on to the near side of Moon. Thus the composition of it is explained. The massive objects that hit the Earth and plausibly the Moon happened years ago of age

a. 2.5 Million                b. 4.5 billion              c. 3billion               d. 1 Million

Q107. Range fuels plant like Soperton Ga, use each day wood chips and waste from Georgia- Vast pulp of paper Industry to generate 2,74,000 gallons of ethanol and the raw material used weighs about tons

a. 1000              b. 2000                c. 3000                d. 4000

Q108. Einstein pondered ” How is that mathematics a product of human thought that it is independent of experience, fits so excellently the objects of Physical

a. Truth       b. Reality       c. Consciousness     d. Divinity

Q109. The present author feels that one 108 number sacred to Indians has more than just one dimensional view and so states its relation with quantum information exchange among the celestial objects of all kinds resulting from the thought of a human Brian and its observation power. The paper is submitted to

a. ISCA.    b. INSA                     c. Current Science                   d. IJP

Q110. Electronic skin an ultra thin device with an embedded antenna, power card, LED, strain gauge, detects brain waves, heat activity, vital body signals and monitors

a. ECG                        b. PCG                 c. NMR              d. ESR.

Q111. The results of Urzhumov's analysis were published online in the journal Physical Review Letters. The research was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grant through the U.S. Army Research Office. Urzhumov works in the laboratory of David R. Smith, William Bevan Professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke. While the cloak postulated by Urzhumov differs from other cloaks designed to make objects seem invisible to light and sound, it follows the same basic principles, the use of a human-made material that can alter the forces of nature in new ways these are

a. Vertical        b. Horizontal                c. Impulsive               d. Normal

Q112.The present author has enunciated a new principle of Gravitational Phenomenon in a paper submitted on 8th September 2011to the 99th Indian Science Congress, Physical Sciences Section, to be held at Bhubaneswar, Odisa, during 3-7th 2012, held by KIIT & NISER, which states that

“All the universal objects are subject to gravitational currents in terms of geometric units of both the signs subject to the response frequencies realizable under gravitational impulses acting on them”. This principle asserts that the gravitational currents of such conceivable objects in the universe has units

a. cm.              b. Hz                      c. Dimensionless               d. Amperes.

Ans: Q1.a; Q2.c; Q3.c; Q4.a; Q5.a;Q6.c; Q7.c; Q8.b; Q9.d; Q10.b;
Q11. b; Q12.a; Q13.d; Q14.a; Q15.d; Q16. b; Q17.a; Q18.d; Q19.a;
Q20.a; Q21.a; Q22. a; Q23. c; Q24. d; Q25.d: Q26.b; Q27.c; Q28.b; Q29.d; Q30.d; Q31.a; Q32.a; Q33. c; Q34.d; Q35. a; Q36.c; Q37.d; Q38.d; Q39. d; Q40.b; Q41.d; Q42.c; Q43.c;Q44.c; Q45.d;Q46.c; Q47.b; Q48.b; Q49.a; Q50.d; Q51.d; Q52.b; Q53.a; Q54. b; Q55. c; Q56.a; Q57.c; Q58. c; Q59. a; Q60.a; Q61.d; Q62.a; Q63.d; Q64.b; Q65.c; Q66.b; Q67.b;Q68.b; Q69.a; Q70. d; Q71.c; Q72. b; Q73.b; Q74. c; Q75. a; Q76. d; Q77.b; Q78.a; Q79.c; Q80.d; Q81.b; Q82.a; Q83. a; Q84.d; Q85. a; Q86.d; Q87. b;Q88.b;Q89.b;Q90.b; Q91.d; Q92.d;Q93.d; Q94.d; Q95.c; Q96. c; Q97.d; Q98.c; Q99.b; Q100. C; Q101.a; Q102.b; Q103.a; Q104.d; Q105.d; Q106. b; Q107. a; Q108.b;
Q109.a; Q110.a; Q111.d; Q.112.c
Designed and Produced by Prof Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd. Prof of Physics, Shivaji University,Kolhapur}17-11-10,Narasimha Ashram, Official
Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O.,Viskhapatnam-530002,Mobile:9491902867& 9594717723


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