Volume 2014, Issue No.11, Second Fortnight November, 2014.
Time: 8AM
IN 16th to 30th NOVEMBER, 2014 AT VISAKHAPATNAM AND Newer physical
Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU,
Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P.
O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Cell no: 09491902867.
Finding of Newer physical
techniques in literature on Optical Phonons, Freezing the human Eggs, Solar
cell theory, Meta Materials and Magnetic Resonance Techniques recent are
listed. 4th century BC
minister Kautilya credited with rising Maurya Dynasty in India, which expelled
Alexander from North India, and unified
the subcontinent for the first time under a single rule. India reached its
high territorial mark in the third century BC, when its revered Emperor ruled a
territory comprising the entire today’s India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and parts
of Afghanistan and Iran. .”How can you be an Indian without knowing Sanskrit”,
many a pracharyas assert. School’s
under KVs formula for transition to Sanskrit covers class VI, class VII and
class VIII syllabi issued on Tuesday Nov 19, would be a graded effort. CBSE affiliated schools would have compulsory
Sanskrit teaching till class 12 but Supreme Court of India, verdict allows to
introduce Sanskrit only the next year. A house in HSR Layout has become the first and smallest
solar power-generating station in the country after the Bangalore. Electricity Supply Company (Bescom) signed a
power purchase agreement (PPA) with the house owner on Monday. According
to the agreement, the household will supply power at a cost of Rs 9.56 per unit
as fixed by the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission. Japan and China earthquakes, with huge
human losses on the Sunday 23 November 2014 created panic but the three nuclear
installations in Japan are intact with 80,000 people in China were made
Putting off the street light opposite our house main gate, on the 25 Nov 2014, NARASIMHA ASHRAM, till to-date 30th November, with intention of major unlawful activities
seems, to have become a nasty business.
World order
century BC minister Kautilya credited with rising Maurya Dynasty in India,
which expelled Alexander from North India, and unified the subcontinent for the first time under a single rule.
India reached its high territorial mark in the third century BC, when its
revered Emperor Ashoka ruled a territory comprising the entire today’s India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan and Iran.
Sanskrit dwelled in the years 3072BCE,
2872BCE and 2848BCE when recitations of Bhagavatham, and discourses on Krishna
Leela took place when saints and devotees participated. Kalidas maintained
chaste Sanskrit. His plays Shoodrak and Bhavbhooti retained the elites spoke in
chaste Sanskrit. Bhim Rao Ambedkar in August-September 1949, mooted in the
Constituent Assembly, presented a memorandum and an amendment to substitute
Sanskrit as the official language which was backed by several prominent people
including Rajendra Prasad. Nehru described it as the greatest treasure that
India possesses a magnificent inheritance influencing the life of our people,
and prospers basic genius of India. Uma Bharati suggested Sanskrit can replace
English as the country’s link language. 11th century poet Sriharsha,
described that several kings in the swayamvar, in Satyayuga era, of Damyanthi
(who married King Nala), conversed in Sanskrit. Adi Sankara (788-820CE) who
travelled length and breadth of India used Sanskrit in his discourses
everywhere. Article
343 of the constitution has no mention of Sanskrit as a National language of
India. Sanskrit literature is the
treasure trove of learning.
Court of India, verdict to introduce Sanskrit only next year in Schools.
A monk performed a feat of recalling 500 items and the
note keepers and the audience have confirmed his achievement. He performed the
feat in Vallabhai Patel stadium in Mumbai on Sunday 23rd Nov. A capacity
crowd of 6000 people watched the event of the monk. The school children are
encouraged to use meditation to enhance their brain power. The power of mind is
stated to be very immense, once you get rid of distractions.
Depending on where the heaviest
bands set up, this means some locations south of Buffalo could be looking at
week-long totals of seven to nine feet. The
largest snow event on record in Buffalo was 81.6 inches in 2001, about
seven feet, which accumulated over the course of five days.
While snowfall records are not kept for locations other than Buffalo
itself, seven feet is still a good indicator of a historic snow event in the
region. Massive mounds of snow are piling up in western New York. More
than four feet of snow fell in parts of Buffalo on Tuesday, November 25, while
a second storm is expected Thursday. Temperatures dropped below freezing from
coast to coast. (AP)
wish to join my other colleagues and congratulate President Dilma Rousseff on
her re-election as the President of Brazil, Modi said in his opening remarks at
the BRICS LEADERS’ MEET here on the sidelines of the G20 Summit.
PM's wife
Jashodaben files RTI
about security other facilities she is entitled, to Mehsana
[Nov 24, 2014, PTI]. She also expressed unhappiness about the current
security set-up, where her guards travel in government vehicles like car, while
despite being a PM's wife, she has to travel in public transport.
Earliest ice on record appears on Great Lakes
CBC News: Nov 24, 2014 at
12:41 PM ET
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the ice formation on Lake Superior at this time of year is the
earliest ever recorded on any of the Great Lakes since records started being
kept more than 40 years ago.
had broken the street lights
26 November 2014 Last
updated at 06:56 : ATM machine stolen
And finally, thieves in Delhi managed to take away an ATM
machine after failing to steal the cash, reports say. They also took the CCTV
cameras installed inside the Union Bank of India. The
police also said that thieves had broken the street lights before uprooting the
cash dispenser,
the NDTV website reports.
What surprised most is that breaking
of the street lights opposite our house main gate, on the 25 Nov 2014,
NARASIMHA ASHRAM in 17-11-10, Official Colony, Maharanipeta P. O, Visakhapatnam
for stealing, the card shed galvanized sheet covers of each 5’x11’ size that were
stolen, in spite that there was a night watchman next door, seems to be a habit
of the thieves routine pattern of making easy money. People puts as, the
drunkards who make paltry money, from the stolen property. Of course, the thefts are also designed to develop a
fear complex among the residents, to continue their habit of making easy money,
for whatever the designed avocations of dreadful supporters of these inhuman
‘Tree of life’ sequence places turtles in the group
‘Achelosauria’ with dinosaurs, crocodiles and birds.
say they detected what might be complex carbon compounds on the surface of the
comet the craft landed on two weeks ago. The detection of carbon supports a
view that comets may have brought key chemicals to Earth to kick-start life. A very large signal implies presence of
what are basically organic (carbon) compounds. There is a rich
signal there. It is not simple. It is not like there are two compounds, there
are clearly a lot of things, there are a lot of peaks. Sometimes a complicated
compound can give a lot of peaks. The "peaks" refer to the graph
produced by the Ptolemy instrument of the different molecules it detected. The
result is in line with initial observations made by a similar German-led
instrument on Philae.
Comet Philae Lander data reveals, significantly
presence, of organic compounds.
Optic phonons, or
crystal vibrations that can be excited with infrared light, can also be used to
confine light to dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of light, while
maintaining record-high efficiencies. These surface phonon polaritons are
analogous to electron oscillations in metals or doped-semiconductors, called
plasmons, but offer the benefit of low losses and operation in the infrared to
terahertz spectral regions.
freeze the HUMAN eggs
technology giants have offered $20,000 to both full-time and part time
employees to freeze their egg, in liquid nitrogen in cryogenic jars, and $480
annually to store them in order to enable these women to FOCUS on their careers
and delay child bearing. Big question is what are the rights of an unborn
child? Young companionship of parents denied of healthy parents to these frozen
egg children, this angle seems to have been totally neglected. Unless clear
legislated policy is enacted frozen egg children seems to be a exploitative
message [News Dt. Nov. 22, 2014].
The holes move inside
the tungsten Diselenide layer, the electrons, on the other hand, migrate into
the Molybednium disulphide. The material could be used for glass fronts,
letting most of the light in, but still creating electricity. As it only
consists of a few atomic layers, it is extremely light weight (300 square
meters weigh only one gram), and very flexible.
Meta-materials are artificial composites of various materials
designed to exhibit optical properties not anticipated in nature. One such
property is hyperbolicity, whereby a material exhibits both metallic- and
dielectric-like optical responses simultaneously along different crystal axes.
These hyperbolic metamaterials are the basis for many potential applications
such as 'hyper-lenses,' used for imaging of nano-scale objects not observable
using conventional optics.
York, Nov 29. The titanium carbide clay, can be
ea easily molded like cookie dough, which belongs to a class of materials known
as MXenes, could serve as battery material for next generation cars, mobile
devices and even power grid super-capacitors. The clay, which already exhibits
conductivity on par with that of metals, can be turned into a film - usable in
an electrode - simply by rolling or pressing it. "Both the physical
properties of the clay, consisting of two-dimensional titanium carbide
particles, as well as its performance characteristics, seem to make it an
exceptionally viable candidate for use in energy storage devices like batteries
and super-capacitors,
London Nov.26: 'Super Wi-Fi' network that reached your smart-phone
via TV frequencies, facilitates to down load songs and transfer movies. The
low-range TV frequencies are highly suited for penetrating obstacles such as
New York
Nov.24: Research led by an
Indian-origin engineer has led to a polarising filter that allows in more
light, leading the way for mobile device displays that last much longer on a
single battery charge and cameras that can shoot in dim light.
Scientists find
invisible space shield protecting the Earth.
November 26, 2014: University of Zurich
genetic material DNA can survive a flight through space and re-entry into
Earth's atmosphere, and still pass on genetic information. Scientists obtained
these astonishing results during an experiment on the TEXUS-49 research rocket
Philae’s data to earth twice per day opened on Friday Nov.14 at 2130GMT closed
at 0036GMT shifted itself slightly rotated larger solar panel to absorb more
sun light. A drill sample would shed
light on origins of Solar system 4.6billion years ago, and may be even life on
Earth. No data as yet whether a sample obtained by the drill. The Lander’s planned mission ended after about 64 hours
when its batteries ran out, but not before it delivered a full set of results
that are now being analyzed by scientists across Europe.
A techie from Bengaluru and an
animator have plans to develop a Kannada folk song story, of a conflict between
cow and a tiger that narrates, Punyakoti a
man-animal conflict in the growing world of humanity, in Sanskrit language because of its “SCIENTIFIC” algorithm. It would
be ready by 2016! News of 18th
Nov 2014.
The wreck of the naval Torpedo
Recovery vessel (TRV: A-72) has been located sunk at a depth of 370meters by
video-graphy (remotely operated vessel ROV) of MV Olympic Canyon of a private
Reliance Company, on Tuesday November 18th , a job that Indian Navy
miserably failed to fulfill in spite, of its extensive surveys spending lot of
money and expertise.
Sun’s rotating magnet
pulls lightning towards UK Nov 19
sun may be playing a part in the generation of lightning strikes on Earth by
temporarily 'bending' the Earth's magnetic field and allowing a shower of
energetic particles to enter the upper atmosphere.
Fig.B Suns rotating magnet pulls lightning towards
UK Nov 19 2014.
West-CHEM school of Chemistry, University of Glasgow team
and 12 other Scientists published details about engineered molecular flash
memory using nano-scale polyoxomethalate
clusters. It retains the data written on it, even when power supply is
discontinued. For this reason it is termed as non-volatile memory. A published
letter in ‘Nature Today’ dated November 20, describes the molecule doped with
selenium derivative [(Se (IV) 03) 2] 2-, a new
type of oxidation state (5+) observed. Observed at the device level
can be used as a memory. In Digital cameras, USBs and other places it can be
used to retain data.
The Dutch research
team tried an entirely different approach to creating cozy LEDs. The scientists
had noticed that when they embedded LEDs in coated textiles or transparent
materials, the color of the emitted light would sometimes change.
Visakhapatnam Avenue
lights on the beach road and national high ways have already been deployed with
embedded LEDs nearly a week ago Saturday 15th November.
Heavy snow storms on
Wednesday stranded motorists, with eight people dead, in Northeastern United
States. Buffalo city received 5 feet (1.5 m) of snow. A snow storm in Buffalo
Erie country area, with all 50 states in USA experienced sub-freezing
temperatures on Tuesday. Snow has been accumulating
since Tuesday morning, and the lake effect is expected punish the area again. CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. — A ferocious
storm continued to slam into the Buffalo area on Thursday, adding more than a
foot of snow to a region that has barely begun to dig itself out from the
mountain of snow that fell in the last 48 hours. Some people were stranded in their cars for as
long as two days. In Lancaster, N.Y., where 10 more inches of snow fell
overnight, adding to the 60 inches on the ground on Wednesday, the streets
looked like a stage set for a dystopian movie, where snow has claimed dominion
over mankind. The snow fell so fast that it quickly packed into a solid mass,
making plowing impossible. The only option was to use heavy machinery to pick
up snow and haul it away, a slow, grinding effort. Announced on Wednesday that
they would pay people $10 an hour to help clear an estimated 2, 20, 000 tons of
snow from around the stadium so the team would be ready to play on Sunday. The
border between Lancaster and Depew, one of the hardest hit areas, and has not
had heat for three days. Thursday Nov.20, it piled up 2.4m snow on the ground
in New York city of Buffalo. They looked out a window and saw the snow falling anew,
the Buffalo sky turning iron gray again. Ten inches of snow had fallen
overnight, adding to the 60 inches on the ground on Wednesday. In Lancaster,
Orchard Park and Cheektowaga, three of the area’s hardest-hit towns, cornices
of ice and snow blanketing house roofs dipped down like frozen custard
toppings, merging with snow-banks that towered eight feet from the ground.
22 November 2014 updated at 05:30
The state remains paralyzed by
"historic" levels of snowfall. The city of Buffalo was estimated to
have received as much snow in three days as it normally gets in a year.
Floods fear as snowfall in north-eastern US subsides. More than 30 roof collapses in the area were
reported overnight. Officials in New York State are worried buildings may
collapse when the rain arrives, because it initially will add to the weight of
snow lying on roofs.
German ambassador on Wednesday reached
RSS for retention of German language as a third language in INDIA. The agreement signed in 2011 lapsed for
teaching German in KVs and government has not agreed to retain it. KVs formula
for transition to Sanskrit covers class VI, class VII and class VIII syllabi
issued on Tuesday Nov 19, would be a graded effort. CBSE- affiliated schools would have compulsory
Sanskrit teaching till class 12.”How can you be an Indian without knowing
Sanskrit”, many a pracharyas assert. Some schools had been to courts for
preventing the introduction of Sanskrit, almost just prior to the examinations
in Schools [News on 21st Nov 2014].
ON 20 NOV.

generates about eight units of solar
I am grateful to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his unbound interest in my research and it was his encouragement that sustained me through the years of my Science & Technology academic effort.
It is very cloudy and chilly day, but
with no rain and might be a sequel to the sudden heavy snow in USA. New York
reports temperatures to remain below normal from Midwest to east coast until
the week end. A total of three to four feet(0.9 to 1.2meters) of snow in
western New York and as much as six feet (1.8meters) elsewhere. The snow fell
at the rate of five inches i.e.13cm an hour and some areas in USA recorded
24-hour snow fall to 78inches, i.e. 193cms. New York 10 counties declared
emergency. In the south of USA a record chill from Arctic-born cold that swept
rocky mountain held at 2am on Tuesday women’s basket ball team. Firefighters
used snowmobiles to deliver blankets and other supplies to stranded motorists
in New York State.

Deep freeze in USA on Wednesday 19 Nov.
early winter! Buffalo-snow-pictures-slide-IB1A-jumbo,
Deep freeze snow in Hamburg NY
Wednesday 20 Nov 2014.
Deep freeze snow 21SNOW:
house wife’S
feet: solar power at Rs.9.56
The residence of Lalitha Shankaranarayana now generates
about eight units of solar power per day and can export up to five units per
day to the grid, on a sunny day. A home turns power-generating station in
Bengaluru. Bengaluru, Nov 18, 2014, DHNS: A house in HSR Layout has become the first
and smallest solar power-generating station in the country after the Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company (Bescom) signed a power
purchase agreement (PPA) with the house owner on Monday. According to the agreement, the household will supply
power at a cost of Rs 9.56 per unit as fixed by the Karnataka Electricity
Regulatory Commission. Bescom has agreed to procure power from the house for 25
years. The agreement can be terminated at the will of the seller.
The residence of Lalitha Shankaranarayana
generates about eight units of solar
On 16th and 17th
Nov 2014 at Visakhapatnam were Sunny days throughout.
Recorded minimum temperatures of 140
C at Ramagundam, 160 C at Nizamabad, Hakimpeta and Medak
districts, 170 C at Hyderabad and Kalingapatnam, Nandigama recorded
190 C on Thursday November 20th. Weather would remain,
with no low pressure systems till November 27th. Weather on 21st and 22nd
seems to be pretty mild with the Sun not at full blaze due to the polluted
winter sky of Visakhapatnam city and as well in Muralinagar the place of
stay of Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD (USA). But
the heat of the Sun was felt on both days due to the partially covered sky.
Totally a cloudy day, 23rd Nov 2014 with no Sun light at all in
The magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck
yesterday near Nagano city, Hakuba town in Nagano prefecture on Sunday 23
November 2014, shortly after 10 pm (1300 GMT) at a depth of 10 kilometers (6
miles), the Japan Meteorological Agency said. Extensive damage in the
mountainous area of central Japan occurred. The US Geological Survey measured
the quake's magnitude at 6.2. Since the quake occurred inland. 37 homes
collapsed. Nuclear reactors three of them are safe in the affected areas.
Fig.5 the 23rd Nov 2014 Japan earthquake.
5 killed and 80,000 affected as tremor
strikes with epicenter at Tagong township, China on Sunday 23 November 2014, of
magnitude 6.3R in Sichuan province and victims treated in hospital in Kangding
County on Sunday.
Visakhapatnam on Sunday 23 November
was totally cloudy with no rain might be a sequel to the Japan Earthquake
and China Tremors.
24 Nov. 2014 it was very hot with full Sun shine in Visakhapatnam but
pleasantly, there was wind blowing that kept the city cool.
It would affect South Tamil Nadu due
to the influence of an upper air circulation over south Andaman Sea and at
1.5km above mean sea level. This may not affect AP weather bureau announced.
Minimum temperatures have fallen down. The author noticed the weather in
Visakhapatnam was cloudy, at around 12h30mPM on Wednesday 26th Nov
with passing of stray clouds. Adjoining Equatorial region of Indian Ocean is
under influence of this low pressure. Adilabad recorded 100C.
off the street lights opposite our house main gate, on the 25 Nov 2014, NARASIMHA ASHRAM, with intention of major unlawful activities
seems, to have become a nasty business.
It has been noticed that the HUDHUD
has churned up the coastal Indian Ocean resulting in bringing up the nutrients
elements of the bottom of the sea to the surface. The sighting of bottle neck
dolphins points to rise in fish populace. The plankton, mackerel and sardines,
other diverse group of organism which form crucial source of food for all
varieties of fish have been brought up. The bottle neck dolphins, feed on the
yellow fin tuna fish, surprisingly, not far from Visakhapatnam coast. On an
average Lawson’s bay, Bheemili and Pudimadaka beaches fetch about 70,000tonnes
of fish. News dated 26th Nov 2014.
Dolphin at Vizag feeding the small fish brought up from Ocean bed.
Nov 2014 USA
Nor’easter that is expected to dump several inches of snow from Washington
D.C., to Boston, news at 12h28m, is dampening holiday travel for many travelers
Fig.7 about 12+
inches in Snowshoe, WV and still coming down!
27th Nov 2014 happens to be a very chilly day, and with very mild, Sun with atmosphere covered by clouds mild and
Fig.8a House Narasimha Ashram front yard
with the empty space of stolen shed galvanized sheets Photo2638.
Fig.8b the famous ‘sepanga flowering’ yellow fragrant tree
from Tirupati planted by Dr. Ramaleela years ago
bent due to the HUDHUD hit at our home Photo2640.
Fig.8c The recovered only one galvanized sheet
of the car shed with others stolen on 26 Nov 2014
at 22hrs night from the compound Photo26411.
Fig.9 The rainy clouds of separated wave forms
Developed in Visakhapatnam, after the USA unseasonal snow and
melting generation of water flow Photo2642.
The 28th November in Visakhapatnam was very cloudy,
except for a few hours of the Sun light from 10AM to 2PM. Overcast sky is not
threatening to rain. The 29th November was pretty hot day of the
winter season, during the total day there was full Sun light blazing and no wind, but
comfortable. The 30th November began with a hot sun from morning 8AM
a bit unusual in view that past few days it was cloudy and cool weather.
Fig.10a Beach Visakhapatnam
at 5h41mPM on 30th Nov 2014.
Fig.10b Beach Visakhapatnam
at 5h41mPM on 30th Nov 2015.
Fig.10a and Fig.10b depict the Visakhapatnam Beach shore around 5h41m PM and the beach has receded notably from the shore, today being the purva bhadra [Navami the 9th day of the full moon on 6th December] up to 3h46mAM of 1st December 2014.
I am grateful to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his unbound interest in my research and it was his encouragement that sustained me through the years of my Science & Technology academic effort.
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