Volume 2014, Issue No.12, December 1-16,
2014, Time: 11h58m A.M.
at Visakhapatnam during
fortnight of December 2014
And triumph of Indigenous Nuclear Submarines.
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota
Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU,
Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Cell no: 9491902867.
Physical Entities of Ghost Fields are suggested in the year 2009, by the present
author, for cosmic gravitational superconductivity, relevant of present
thoughts on the role of Majorana Fermions etc. As the first indigenous nuclear submarine Arihant is
getting ready for sea voyage, 4th
December, work has begun inside a closely guarded naval dockyard in
Visakhapatnam for the assembly, of another nuclear reactor to propel the second
N-powered submarine. Mayer Burger
Swiss tech giant expects to tap opportunities on the India for solar market.
Situated 50km away
from the world-famous monuments of Hampi, the megalithic monuments that were built about
3000 years ago and cave
paintings atop the Hirebenkal Hills in Gangavati taluk of Koppal District
enthrall one and all. The hot days of Visakhapatnam were on 29th
and 30th November, when it rained with floods of more than a decade
hell in France on Oct 30th. Fighting, the Arabs monopoly of trade
and conquest of Constantinople by Arabs, Europeans with, no alternative, but set
forth to direct link of trade, with India by financing sea voyage during the
year 1498. Navy Day
celebrations were in full swing on December 4th, 2014 at
Visakhapatnam. Nobel Prizes are
being sold by some recipients. Archaeologists are mapping a 2,500-year-old
Greek settlement, similar to the India Dwaraka city submerged in the Arabian
Sea. As California finally experienced on the Dec
5, the arrival of a rain-bearing Pineapple Express this week, two climate
scientists have shown that the drought of 2012-2014 has been the worst in 1,200
years. Fe-forsterite, with a =
10.327 (7) Å, b = 6.034 (7) Å and c
= 4.771 (5) Å was discovered on the
surface of Mars. Following the Earth Tremor between 1h45mPM to
1h50mPM, at Srikakulam district, the weather in Andhra Pradesh and in India has
suddenly changed.
The oldest
computer called Antikythera Mechanism constructed in 205BC, the mechanism about
8” across was discovered in the wreckage of a Greek Ship that sank between
85-65BC. It has bronze gears, display dials, predicts lunar and Sun eclipses,
as well lunar, planetary and Sun positions [Glob Trot news dated December 1].
PM Modi on November 30th,
told DGPs and IGPs to use ‘SMART’ policing to change the face of the force, and
use of intelligent networks makes the weapons needed to be less.
Mayer Burger Swiss tech giant expects
to tap opportunities on the India solar market. It is a Photovoltaic technology
supplier and intends the Indian market produce own PV modules.
Science, 26 Sept., 2014, brings out an
article from University of Michigan in USA, suggesting that water found in
Oceans, in meteorites and frozen in lunar craters older than the birth of Solar
System. {Comment! Why Indian Saints and
Seers regard water as a means of invoking the Universe in their prayers?}
33-year old Japanese male
body was found near Lake Tilicho in Manang district, about 150km northeast of
Kathmandu. Police retrieved a passport from the personal possessions and
identified the person as a 33-year old Japanese male, Devendra Lamichhane,
chief government administrator of the district, said. The trekker was reported
missing since October 14 when he left Tilicho Base Camp Hotel, the only hotel
in the area, for the scenic high-altitude lake. Authorities had conducted
aerial search around the lake, but to no avail. The body was half-buried in
snow and searchers were unable to pull it out. The blizzards and avalanches,
caused by Cyclone Hudhud in neighboring India, caused 43 confirmed deaths until
October 20 when search operations, the largest in Nepal's history, were called
off. The worst trekking disaster in Nepal killed individuals from Canada,
India, Israel, Japan, Poland and Slovakia as well as Nepalese guides. A
Japanese male and female were among the fatalities. The disaster struck during
Nepal's trekking season when tens of thousands of tourists trek a route
circling Mt Annapurna.
Hottest Month in Australia
November was the hottest
month and ended the hottest spring on record for Australia, meteorologists say. The soaring temperatures
could make 2014 Australia's hottest year on record. A 13-day stretch of
above-40C weather ended on 25 November in Long reach in north-west Queensland.
It was some of the hottest weather in living memory for the Queensland town.
Some of the hottest temperatures in November were recorded at Roxby Downs in
South Australia with 46.1C, and in Richmond in NSW with 45.3C. According to the
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the global average
temperature over land and ocean from January to October was the hottest since
records began in 1880.
As Indian Army troops posted at high-altitudes prepare to battle freezing
cold this winter, the government has decided to freeze its spending on fuel
that keeps them warm. The Army has over a 1,000 forward posts in Jammu and
Kashmir and 60 per cent of them get cut off from the rest of India when it
snows. Four mountain divisions based at Leh, Kargil, Kupwara and Tenga will be
worst affected by this decision as most of their forward posts are over 15,000
metres above the sea level. Though PM Narendra Modi inaugurated two hydro-power
projects in Leh and Kargil this August, it will take time before these become
fully operational. “We hardly get on an average 8-10 hours of power supply to
light our generators. But let me remind you that these power lines have only
reached to the base camps. Most of the forward posts are still powerless and
dependent on fuel to operate,” said an officer posted in the valley.
5G at 1Gbps Radio Spectrum
5G will be a dramatic overhaul and “harmonization of the radio
spectrum," says the UK's multimillion-pound government-funded 5G
Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey. When Samsung announced
in 2013 it was testing 5G at 1Gbps, journalists excitedly reported that it would
mean an HD film could be downloaded in a second. A speed of 800Gbps would
equate to downloading 33 HD films in a single second.
Crick. F, sold posthumously last year the Nobel medal for
$2.27million to a China Biotech Company Chief Executive
and now Watson J.D., intends sell his prize by auction on Thursday Dec., 4th,
proceeds would go to educational institutes, and who has become prominent by
his remarks on IQ of black people, though
he apologized later.
funerary monuments
In Hirebenkal, the 400-odd funerary
monuments are located on a rocky range of seven hillocks. Therefore, these
hills are locally known as elu guddagalu (seven hills). They belong to the
transition period between Neolithic and the Iron Age. The megaliths, oriented east-west, cover an area of
nearly 3km. They are clustered into three groups, each separated by about 200m.
Together they cover a distance of nearly a kilometer. Situated
50km away from the world-famous monuments of Hampi, the megalithic monuments
and cave paintings atop the Hirebenkal Hills in Gangavati taluk of Koppal
District enthrall one and all. Many scholars are now heading to these
little portals that hold the key to secrets of the life of our ancestors. The collection comprises of hundreds of
large stone monuments that were built about 3000 years ago. Scholars
believe these granite structures are burial monuments that may also have served
many ritual purposes. The site is strewn with small-sized rock shelters built
during the Iron Age. Such a sepulchral monuments built in stone, are called
megalithic monument.
Fig.1 The view of sky at Nebraska imrsL9LSRAAL.
C. C.
Doyle publishes in his second, a Westland book of 308 pages on Mahabharata,
revealing that Alexander had a secret reason to the INDUS nation, and was in
search of an ancient secret concealed in the Mahabharata, that would make him a God! [Wednesday Deccan Chronicle, Dec., 3,
1500 people were evacuated of the
worst flooding in Southern France for more than a decade, on mid-Sunday Oct. 30
from homes along the banks of river Agly in Pyrenees – Orientale region. The
GAST-16 launch on board Ariane5 VA221, of India’s latest communication
satellite, from Kourou in French Guiana, keeping the CNSE/CSG safety
regulations, deferred on Friday morning due to inclement weather posted on
Facebook page.
Rama Nataka Kala Niketan students
about 20 presented Deepa Tarangi each carrying light candles in one hand and
with graceful movements on the inverted well painted earthen pots, posturing multiple karanas standing on one
leg and never missing the jatis of an accompanying song ‘Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya’. They presented at Keyes High School
As early as 2000BCE India trade and
migration net works extended from Middle East, covering Indonesia, to East
Africa extended across Indian Ocean to Western Pacific, North Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and West
coast of Australia. India’s unique peninsular character thrived on Oceans and
dates back to 3rd Millennium BCE. Ganesh statue and Pallavi script, prior to Sanskrit, inscription
in Indonesia [see picture Fig.2] is a
valid proof of Indian civilization peaceful uplift of the forest dwellers. Lead coin of Satavahana Dynasty in 2nd
Century CE is, a valid proof of its maritime voyages and trade [see picture
Fig.2a Lead coin Satavahana Dynasty in 2nd Century CE]. In 8th
century CE statue of Ganesh was at Cham, Vietnam [see Fig.2b Ganesh idol at
Cham, Vietnam]. Rig Veda credits Supreme
God Varuna, with knowledge of Ocean routes used by ships, describes naval
expeditions using hundred-oared ships. Ancient dock yard sites identified
at Poompuhar, Arikamedu [see excavations Fig.2c Wheeler excavations at
Arikamedu in 1945], Dharanikota, Chilka and Mahabalipuram. From 2nd
BCE and between 5th and 14th century CE dynasty that
ruled had trade with above mentioned nations. Cultural influences between
China, Vietnam, Myanmar etc countries thrived from India, specifically the
religions Buddhism and Hinduism. These countries borrowed Indian art, Indian
ships brought Astronomy, a calendar, medicine and sugar manufacture etc.,
trades. Chinese historian Si Maqian 100
BCE gave probably the first credible record of history. During Tang (618-907CE),
Song (960-1279CE) and Yuan (1279-1368CE) dynasties recorded intense trade
relations with India. Sanskrit used in Buddhism and Hinduism, is still used by
ancient Chinese priests, some migrated to Japan, and still the Siddha
script is written to this day. Fighting the Arabs monopoly of trade, conquest
of Constantinople by Arabs, Europeans with, no alternative, set forth to direct
link with India by sea voyage and on May 22nd,
1498 Vasco de Gamma set foot in Kerala. Dutch, Portuguese and French people
have invaded India as smugglers and carried away precious health of India by
stealing, larceny and hood honking the native open people of India who
considered the visiting guests as divine people. English who got the control of
the entire country ransacked of its entire wealth by deceitful, undiplomatic
rule and pilfering.
Physicist from England fears that the full fledged development of AI would end
human race! Elon Musk a technology entrepreneur, with his company spaceX
that ferries cargo to ISS, cautioned on development of AI. Counterview asserts
that the great human endeavor is about exploring unchartered territory with
hope and unbounded happiness.
Princeton University scientists show a
STM atomic structure of iron on a lead surface. It reveals the possible quantum
probability of existence of a Majorana Fermion which is its own antiparticle. In 2013 Ali Yazdani and Andrei
Bernevig suggested that it could occur in materials that combine Magnetism and Superconductivity.
Ultrapure Lead crystal with thin ridges on its surface, when deposited with
pure iron into one of these ridges creates a wire about three atoms thick. When
the system cooled to minus 2720C, the microscope was able to detect
an electrically neutral signal possibly the neutral Majorana particle [Science 2 October 2014]. Some scientists suggested that the Majorana
Fermions make up the mysterious ‘Dark Matter’. Unlike Majorana Fermions, a new
concept enunciated, by the present author
[], of ‘Bilinear Physical Entities of Ghost Fields’, published at his,
an abstract for ready surmise, see
reference No.1 given below.
chemical and pesticide factories were again free to expand, and to snap at
China’s share of the global chemical export market. The air had an acrid-sweet
smell, and reddish-brown effluent was gushing from a treatment plant down the
road at a rate of 55 million gallons a day into the Daman Ganga River, ‘Clean
India is fine — we also like clean India’ But give us jobs.
Skiers in Sweden's are where there
is plenty of snow this year. Photo: TT
Fig.2a Skiers in Sweden's plenty of snow this year
Compare it with Late Prof K R Rao’s picture of Swedish
Winter Sport in the year 1930.
Fig.2b IMG_0072
Prof K R Rao in 1930 Sweden's winter sports
Yazdani Laboratory Princeton University
up an elusive particle!
Canadian air pushed
south. Through Monday morning, from Idaho to the Dakotas, the early
December 1st, cold blast chilled temperatures to more than 40
degrees below average. Around 10 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 29, the temperature
spread in Wyoming was over 50 degrees, from zero in northwest Wyoming to 52 in
the southeast.
Delhi, Dec 1, 2014, DHNS: First indigenous nuclear submarine ready for
sea. As the first indigenous nuclear
submarine Arihant is getting ready for sea voyage, work has begun inside a
closely guarded naval dockyard in Visakhapatnam for the assembly, of another
nuclear reactor to propel the second N-powered submarine. The
assembling of the second reactor began a few months ago at Visakhapatnam and
materials are being collected to make the third one, sources familiar with the
project told Deccan Herald. India plans to make three N-powered submarines with
second strike capability in a secret project. The pressure vessel for the
second nuclear submarine is being manufactured by the Heavy Engineering Corporation
Ltd, Ranchi. There is, however, no official word on the second
December 1,
2014: Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University scientists have found that under
certain conditions, it’s possible for us
to see otherwise invisible infrared light. Powerful
lasers that emit pulses of infrared light, the researchers found that when
laser light pulses rapidly, light-sensing cells in the retina sometimes get a
double hit of infrared energy. When that happens, the eye is able to detect
light that falls outside the visible spectrum. But packing a lot of photons in
a short pulse of the rapidly pulsing laser light makes it possible for two
photons to be absorbed at one time by a single photo-pigment, and the combined energy of the two light
particles is enough to activate the pigment and allow the eye to see what
normally is invisible.
World’s fastest 2D camera captures
events at the rate of up to 100 billion frames per second. Compressed
ultra-fast photography [CPU] with single laser shot records 1. Laser pulse
reflection, 2. Refraction, 3.
Faster-than-light propagation called the non-information and 4. Photon racing
in two media.
Tina Hesman Saey, at 2:30pm on December 2,
2014 wrote in the Magazine issue: Vol. 186, No.12, Dec., 13, 2014 that
Archaeologists are mapping a 2,500-year-old Greek settlement that man may never
see. A group of scientists have located, what is believed, to be either the
seaport of the half-legendary city of Sybaris, or Sybaris itself. The ruins are
covered by earth and lie 15 feet below the level of water in the ground.
However, the exploring instrument, a rubidium
magnetometer, clearly defines their shape, size and location, enabling the
archaeologists to map the ruins without physically having seen them. These are
similar to the Dwaraka City submerged in the Arabian Sea needs to be examined
those days of world events.
The hot days of
Visakhapatnam on 29th and 30th November followed by the December 1st,
2014 of mild moving clouds in the midday, is observed as a sequel to the
Southern France flooded city, Portel-des-Corbieres by the River La Berre on
Sunday, 30th November 2014.
weather on the 2nd Dec around 12h27mPM was very mild with the winter
cold but with a blazing sun of full bright sun shine. It is said in Andhra that the winter sun is not good for the body
exposure to sun light. The reasons are not known specifically.
3rd the Sun was more intense in the noon around 2PM but the real
chilly winter season of Visakhapatnam prevailed it was possible to move around
in the noon. The city has no winds blowing nor has any air circulation. The
city was hectic since 2nd with Navy Day celebrations of Dec., 4th.
Weather on the 4th Dec., is very chilly and mild with full Sun
Moon light of the 14th day of the Full Moon was seen the evening on
Dec., 5th in full bloom at Maharanipeta, in Visakhapatnam around 7h30mPM. The
weather has become chilly but the Sun was glowing bright throughout the day.
December 6th weather
at Visakhapatnam was very dry, cold and Sunny.
A bright fireball lit up the Northeast sky on Wednesday 3rd
Dec night as it streaked over southern Canada and upstate New York. The
fireball occurred at around 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The American Meteor
Society estimates that the fireball began over Ontario County in northwest
New York and traveled west-northwest over Canada before terminating southwest
of Toronto. The American Meteor Society said “a common trait of bolide
meteors.” A bolide is a particularly bright meteor that explodes in a flash
near the end of its path.
DECEMBER 4 at 9hrs PM
is moving into our far western suburbs. So far it’s only been light
showers, though models suggest the rain could become heavier in the
evening hours over D.C., so grab the umbrella on the way out the door.
Friday December 5th, is expected to be similarly dismal and grey.
on Friday, 5th December the
4.5-hour mission appeared to go off flawlessly at eastern Florida on aboard a
Delta IV Heavy rocket, settled into an initial orbit about 17 minutes after
liftoff, ascent, entry and
things like fairing separations, Launch Abort System jettison, the parachutes
plus the navigation and guidance, all those thing are tested. Orion orbited the
Earth twice and Orion hit the water in the Pacific Ocean at 11:29 a.m. As it
sent back stunning images broadcast on NASA’s website, shot up to an altitude
of about 3,600 miles above the Earth. That was farther than any spacecraft
designed for humans had gone since the Apollo 17 moon mission in 1972. Sometime
in the 2020s, NASA plans to capture an asteroid with a robotic space
craft, then drag it to the moon’s orbit where it would connect with the Orion.
Astronauts would then be able to take samples from the asteroid.
December 5, 2014, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
As California finally experiences the arrival of a rain-bearing
Pineapple Express this week, two climate scientists have shown that the drought
of 2012-2014 has been the worst in 1,200 years.
December 5, 2014, University of Toronto Faculty of Applied
Science & Engineering
Scientists have just
invented a new way to spray solar cells onto flexible surfaces using miniscule
light-sensitive materials known as colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) -- a major
step toward making spray-on solar cells easy and cheap to manufacture. Solar-sensitive CQDs printed onto a flexible film could be used
to coat all kinds of weirdly shaped surfaces, from patio furniture to an
airplane's wing. A surface the size of your car's roof wrapped with CQD-coated
film would produce enough energy to power three 100-Watt light bulbs -- or 24
compact fluorescents. He calls his system
sprayLD, a play on the manufacturing process called ALD, short for atomic layer
deposition, in which materials are laid down on a surface one atom-thickness at
a time.
University of
Michigan: Dec 5th
at the University of Michigan have discovered or confirmed several properties
of the compound samarium hexaboride that raise hopes for finding the silicon of
the quantum era promises to open a new path to quantum computers and other
next-generation electronics.
The resins found in the study were from three different plant families:
and eastern Africa.
Philippines (AP)
Super Typhoon Hagupit
slammed into, island of Samar and the central
Philippines' east coast late Saturday December 6th, knocking out power and
toppling trees in a region where 650,000 people have fled to safety, still
haunted by the massive death and destruction wrought by a monster storm last
year. Packing maximum sustained winds of 175 kilometers (109 miles) per hour
and gusts of 210kph (130 mph), Hagupit made landfall in Dolores, a coastal town
facing the Pacific in Eastern Samar province, according to the Philippines'
weather agency. Typhoon Hagupit (known locally as Ruby) has made two landfalls in the
Philippines and continues to lash the central and northern portions of the
country with potentially life-threatening winds, storm surge and flash floods.
It made a second landfall Sunday morning over the city of Cataingan on the
island of Masbate; the typhoon's center passed within 20 km (12 miles) of
Masbate City at 2 p.m. local time Sunday Dec., 7th. A 78-mph peak sustained
wind was clocked at Guiuan, at the southern tip of Eastern Samar Saturday Dec.,
6th night. Bands of heavy rain lashed Samar and Leyte, including
Tacloban City Saturday night. As Hagupit grinds west-northwest across the
Philippines, the danger will gradually transition from one of wind damage and
storm surge to one of heavy rainfall. Hagupit will be moving along very slowly
over an area with rugged terrain. As a result, rainfall totals could be
extraordinarily high, locally exceeding 2 feet, leading to landslides, debris
flows, and life-threatening flash floods. The top reported total so far has
been in Catbalogan, which is located on the eastern island of Samar. Catbalogan
has reported 429.6 mm (16.91 inches) of rain since 8 a.m. local time Friday (7
p.m. EST Thursday in the U.S.). The Philippine weather bureau said Hagupit
had weakened after making three landfalls, but was still packing winds of
65mph, with gusts of up to 83mph. It was on course to hit Batangas province,
around 55 miles south of Manila, on Monday evening, and would later cross
Manila Bay about 30 miles west of the city. in Eastern Samar, the area where
Hagupit first made landfall, said almost 100 per cent of ricelands in the town
were submerged by floodwaters. Residents took refuse in a cave in Sulangan
village, town of Giuan in Eastern Province. 16 were
killed in the city of Borongan, on the eastern edge of Samar Island, near where
the typhoon made landfall Saturday evening.
Fig.3 refuse in a cave in Sulangan village,
of Giuan in Eastern Province.
weather is cold of the winter season on the December 7th with full
sun shine throughout the day.
The European launcher blasted off at 2.10 AM (IST) and
hurled the GSAT-16, designed to augment the national space capacity to boost
communication services, into space in a flawless flight. GSAT-16 was launched
into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). India's latest communication
satellite GSAT-16 was successfully launched onboard Ariane 5 rocket from the
space port of Kourou in French Guiana in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Will
boost public & private TV and radio services, large-scale Internet &
tele operations. An elated PM Narendra
Modi congratulated ISRO scientists profusely. GSAT-16 with a lift-off mass of 3,181 kg, GSAT-16 carries a total
of 48 communication transponders, the largest by a communication satellite
developed by the ISRO so far. GSAT-16 will be finally positioned at 55 deg East
longitude in the Geostationary orbit and co-located with GSAT-8, IRNSS-1A and
IRNSS-1B satellites.
on: Dec 7 2014 2:58PM: Quake hits Indonesia
JAKARTA: An undersea quake measuring 6.0 on the Richter magnitude scale jolted Indonesia's Maluku Islands, media reported on Sunday. The quake rocked the islands at 05.05 a.m. Jakarta time. The epicenter was located 165 km north-west of Maluku province at a depth of 133 km under the seabed, Xinhua reported citing the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency.
Gulab Jamun
December 8, 2014:DOE/Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
accelerators take a completely different approach. In the case of this
experiment, a pulse of laser light is injected into a short and thin straw-like
tube that contains plasma. The laser creates a channel through the plasma as
well as waves that trap free electrons and accelerate them to high energies. A
9 cm-long capillary discharge waveguide used in BELLA experiments to generate
multi-GeV electron beams.
The plasma plume has been made more prominent
with the use of HDR photography.
December 8, 2014:International Union of
Complex mineralogy on the Red Planet: First
X-ray diffraction measurements on Mars
CheMin is actually a miniaturized X-ray diffraction/X-ray
fluorescence (XRD/XRF) instrument. The Gale crater is of such great interest
because of the 5.5 km high mountain of layered materials in the middle.
Fe-forsterite, were a = 10.327 (7) Å, b = 6.034 (7) Å and c =
4.771 (5) Å (Bish et al., 2013). These refined
values were used with published information on the olivine minerals to estimate
the chemical composition, ∼62%
forsterite (i.e. Mg1.24Fe0.76SiO4).[ see
reference 2]
Fig.5a : A two-dimensional X-ray diffraction pattern
of the beryl:quartz standard measured on Mars.
Fig.5b X-ray diffraction pattern.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, December 8, 2014
The finding, described in the journal Nature Communications,
refers Unusual electronic state found in new class of unconventional
superconductors to establishes an unexpected connection between
this new group of titanium-oxypnictide superconductors and the more familiar
cuprates and iron-pnictides, providing scientists with a whole new family of
materials from which they can gain deeper insights into the mysteries of
high-temperature superconductivity.
9, 2014 the day started with lots of fog and subdued Sun. The lost three days,
I am able to utilize, clearing the debris of the HUDHUD havoc of fallen trees
and branches in the front yard of our house Narasimha Ashram. Today morning some debris on the terrace of our house
I could clear.
Srinagar on Dec 9, 2014 (IANS)
Rajpora, Pulwama and
Pampore constituencies also saw voters turning up in good numbers as the
bright, but weak winter sun started throwing some warmth in the valley.
State, they point out, has 68 per cent of its farmland without irrigation,
frequent droughts, a large share of its electricity being generated by hydro
projects and some regions facing severe and perennial water shortage. They
point out that in terms of areas prone to drought, Karnataka is next only to
Rajasthan. 54 per cent of the State’s geographical area is drought prone, which
is about 88 of 176 talukas and 18 of 30 districts.
Petroglyphs park in Leh
Petroglyphs park in Leh
An independent researcher, Meenakshi
started her work on rock in the Satpura ranges in Pachmarhi under a national
fellowship of University Grants Commission (UGC) in 1987. During the course of
her work, she discovered and explored 25 painted rock shelters in Pachmarhi
between 1986 and 2012. She also spurred protection of 10 rock art sites in
Satpura National Park, Pachmarhi, with the collaboration of the Madhya Pradesh
forest department. The expert was also instrumental in setting up of a
petroglyphs park at Karu near Leh in 2002. Meenakshi Dubey-Pathak, a Bhopal-based independent rock art
expert, has been conferred with the prestigious ‘Chevalier des Arts et Lettres’
by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
are important because they provide much of the biologically effective radiation
dose at altitudes of interest to aviation and space tourism. Low-energy
neutrons also cause single-event upsets in aircraft avionics, especially
devices that contain Boron 10. Adding a neutron sensor to the Buoy allows the
students to monitor this important form of radiation at altitudes ranging from
ground level to 120,000 feet. This was just a test flight to evaluate one
possible neutron counter. GPS data indicate that the payload successfully
reached the stratosphere and parachuted back to Earth, landing in a remote
corner of Death Valley National Park. Soon, a recovery team will collect the payload
and the data it contains.
Fig.6 GPS data indicate that the payload successfully reached the stratosphere and parachuted back to Earth.
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014
hot spot is called the shower's radiant. It is the point in the sky from which
disintegrating meteoroids emerge. The Geminids get their name from the location
of the radiant--that is, the constellation Gemini. Note the position of the
Moon. It is passing by Gemini today. As a result, lunar glare is hiding many
meteors from human eyes. The Canadian radar, on the other hand, is unaffected
by moonlight, so it is able to detect Geminid activity despite the glare.
Visibility will improve in the nights ahead as the Moon wanes and Earth moves
deeper into the Geminid debris stream. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on
Dec. 13-14 with as many as 120 meteors per hour. Wherever you live, the best
time to look is during the hours between midnight and dawn on Saturday and
Moon is passing by Gemini today Dec 10,
2014 as a
result, lunar glare is hiding many meteors from human eyes.
Canadian radar is unaffected by moonlight.
December 10 the weather in Visakhapatnam was one of
cloudy day with no rain and winter fog
made visibility just 40% of the sun. Afternoon was pretty cold.
10 December 2014 Last updated at 12:25 GMT
Video shows huge waves crashing on the coast at Birsay,
in the Orkney Islands, as a "weather bomb" hits Scotland. Severe
storms have been battering parts of north and west coast causing disruption to
power supplies, bridge crossings, ferry and rail services. RNLI crew member Norman Brass told
BBC Scotland the waves were as bad as any he had seen in 16 years with the
RNLI. He added: "We would be looking at 25 to 30metre waves at its worst.
Luckily we were going with the swell, the tide and the winds so that helped us
A very big ‘Laddu’, a very special brown Prasadam was given to me
by Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD (U.S.A) who had been to Tirupati Shri Venkateswara Temple.
on 11 Dec 2014 at 7h30mPM Tirupati Special Prasadam of a
big Laddu brought by Dr. Lalitha for Dr.KLN
On Thursday, December 11 , 2014 there was a mild tremor
experience in man heat they areas of Mandals of Srikakulam district between
1h45mPM to 1h50mPM causing panic among
villagers. They came out of residents experiencing the tremors in Soolabommali
and saranmkota, for about 10seconds. Officials reported that no damage has
occurred. On the same day Kadapa
received a good shower.
on 11th Dec 2014 the scattered clouds in the evening an
indication of the onset of gravity waves following the
Earth Tremor in Srikakulam Photo2688.
at 16h56mPM the Sun set with bizarre clouds.
Following the Earth Tremor at Srikakulam district the weather in Andhra
Pradesh and in India has suddenly changed. In Shimla after a long spell of
heat it suddenly became cold on the 12 Dec, with snow fall and many western,
central and northern states received rains.
Friday December 12, 2014
Shimla sees first snow fell at
Manalli, Narkanda, Kalpa and Sangla and at Delhi it was recorded 5.10C
on Friday December 12, 2014 while mid and lower hill areas experienced
rainfall. On Saturday also rains lashed in Delhi and many western, central and
northern states.
Shimla received its first snowfall and Delhi
became very cold Photo2719.
There were mudslides and damaged houses in Ventura
County, California due to the Friday hurricane impact.
On Friday the U. S. Pacific coast experienced a most
ferocious storm that brought hurricane to Southern California.
On December 12, 2014 it was reported that L V Prasad
Eye Institute in Hyderabad in collaboration with US scientists at University of
Pittsburgh developed damaged cornea may be treated with stem cells, obtained
with corneal scattering, then used therapeutically, in the same person’s
eyes that restore vision in about four
weeks of treatment.
Banjarncgara district in central
Java province in Indonesia the
torrential rain caused a land slide killing 18 people downhill on to a village
and swept away about 105 houses on Saturday with 90 others missing.
Fig.11 Indonesia Land Slide on Saturday
13 December 2014 Photo2718.
Fig.12 On 13 December 2014 the Sun set
see the full ring around Sun on the eve at 17h03m PM Photo2716.
The morning Sunshine subdued due
to chilly weather persisted throughout the day on the 14 Dec 2014. But Sun was relatively hot during the midday
around 1PM in spite the weather was cloudy and Sun light was considerably
New Delhi, 14 December
"Tasma Aro Gamam Oh Yessya chhaye jinwath, Aapo Jan-yatha Cha Na."
"Tasma Aro Gamam Oh Yessya chhaye jinwath, Aapo Jan-yatha Cha Na."
(May we, oh Waters, quickly come to
you for food, shelter and procreant strength which you are always pleased to
bestow upon us"). Similar quotes and couplets from Vedic scriptures could
soon become part of school syllabus in the country.
15, 2014
Full Sun Shine of winter but extremely
mild and no warmth of the Sun at all at Visakhapatnam. A day after rains pulled down the mercury, Delhiites woke up to a
chilly morning today with skies remaining overcast. The city received 13.3 mm
rainfall in the last 24 hours as recorded by Safdarjung observatory. There was
a difference of just two degrees yesterday in the minimum and maximum
temperatures which were at 14.2 degrees Celsius and 16 degrees Celsius
respectively. Around 11.2 mm rainfall was recorded on Lodhi road, 17.3 mm rains
in Palam, 21.8 mm in Ridge area and 27.6 mm in Ayanagar, Moderate to heavy
snowfall continued in Himachal Pradesh for the second day Sunday, hampering the
movement of traffic on most of the roads, especially in upper Shimla and Manali
area. The government advised people not to venture to the higher reaches over
the next 12 hours. The entire Kinnaur district and towns in Shimla district
such as Narkanda, Jubbal, Kotkhai, Kumarsain, Kharapathar, Rohru and Chopal
have been cut off from the rest of the state, a government official told IANS.
tribal painting exhibition
A seven-day tribal painting exhibition
'Aadi-Chitra' would be held at Lalit Kala Akademi in Chennai from December 15.
Paintings from 40 tribal artists belonging to Gond, Bhil, Rathwa, Saura
and Warli tribes of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha and Maharashtra
respectively would be displayed in the exhibition.
HUDHUD terrace menace
HUDHUD terrace menace
HUDHUD debris of Mango tree branches,
and the source of spreading white ants, that fell on the terrace of NARASIMHA
ASHRAM, our residence, has been cleared
since lost one week.[ reference 3 listed below]. The debris on top of the house
terrace has developed the white ants menace and a set of important books of Dr.
Suhasini Kotcherlakota USA were lost on the 5th Dec 2014.

HUDHUD debris from terrace has been
cleared on the 16 December 2014
on to sea on the 15 December 2014.
I am grateful to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc.
(Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his unbound interest in my research and it was his
encouragement that sustained me. The residential accommodation of Prof. K. R.
Rao, the NARASIMHA ASHRAM, underwent the menace of HUDHUD, in Oct-Dec., 2014.
Vol.2009, No.7, Wednesday, 15 July 2009: 11:25:45 PM.
the nature and possible existence of Collapsing Gravitational Superconducting
Currents of a Cosmic Entity and the generation of Bilinear Physical Entities of
Ghost Fields* by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
9491902867, Email
coupled Einstein-Dirac-like equations, have a richness of variety of solutions,
by use of the detailed Energy Momentum
Tensor quantities of free magnetic strengths, bare mass-less electrostatic
ghost charges and the mass-less ghost neutrino, subject to pressure and other
field contributions. In this paper, I have investigated the Taub space-time
universes, with two different versions, of its exponent metric parameters, that
admit a conformal Group of Motions. The Einstein-Dirac-like Field Equations and
as well the Dirac-like field Equations have been solved and their relation with
a full set of killing vector fields has been established. A new find is the set
of non-vanishing partial derivative currents. Also the set of current densities
of the bilinear physical entities have been obtained. In principle, these allow
the observation of the bilinear physical entities. This opens a new vista of
observability, as well of other types of bilinear physical entities of ghost fields.
The associations of the ghosts allow the three symmetric (Χ± , Χ0)
and one pseudo-symmetric ζ0 state that constitute the 4 component
Spinor Dirac-like wave field. Further it is found that Χ0 and ζ0
could generate mixed bilinear physical entities, with a mixing angle designated
as θcsc where csc stands for collapsing superconducting currents. The General Theory of Relativity approach has been designed, to a fresh
understanding of the infinite electrical conductivity, in terms of possible
existence of collapsing gravitational superconducting currents. A significant
finding is the generation of bilinear physical entities, near the defined
‘Current Surface’. A pairing mechanism, of the two ghost electrostatic charges,
via the ghost neutrino interactions, has been formulated with a Lagrangean that
is endowed with universal coupling constants. The theory is characterized by
the possible ground states of 16-band gaps resulting from the pair combinations
of a Dirac-like 4-component Spinor function. Introduction of colour and flavour characterization adds to the
enchanting variety of collapsing superconducting current densities. Of interest, is the characteristic wave
patterns, produced by a string and membrane solutions of the
Einstein-Dirac-like field equations, that exist projected in a 3D phase space
over ‘Current Cones’.**.,Vol.2009,
No.11, Dated: 17th November 2009.
Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana.
2. First X-ray
diffraction measurements on Mars, Complex mineralogy on the Red Planet, David Bish, David Blake, David Vaniman, Philippe Sarrazin, Thomas Bristow, Cherie Achilles, Przemyslaw Dera, Steve Chipera, Joy Crisp, R. T. Downs, Jack Farmer, Marc Gailhanou, Doug Ming, John Michael Morookian, Richard Morris, Shaunna Morrison, Elizabeth Rampe, Allan Treiman and Albert Yen;
IUCrJ: Volume 1, Part 6, November 2014, Pages 514-522: ISSN:
2052-2525. doi:10.1107/S2052252514021150.
3. The cyclone hit has been
presented by the present author in a different publication along with details of the
VONGFONG typhoon published on Oct. 30, 2014.,
Volume 2014, Issue No.11, November 23, 2014, Time: 2h00m P.M. THE Residential PLACE OF
ASHRAM, 17-11-10 Official COLONY,
MAHARANIPETA P. O. 530002, by
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana Ph.D.(Andhra).,
Volume 2014, Issue No.10, October 16, 2014. THE HUDHUD SUPERSTORM CYCLONE AND THE WIND OF 225Km
Super Typhoon Vongfong OF
JAPAN, by Professor
Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, {Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU, Kolhapur},
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O,
Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell no: 9491902867.
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