Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Astronomy Study and Weather of Visakhaptnam November 2010 PART B

The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 4th Week November 2010 PART B:


Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL


It rained in the night of 22nd November 2010 during the wee hours of 23rd November 2010 with the clouds silently gathered with the Moon rise on the eve of 22nd. The previous study showed the development of the rain clouds with the formation of a haze since the 18th November 2010 following the Full Moon day of 21st November 2010. The moon was near the stars of Zeta of Pisces, passed through Aries and it rained when it was located near the Eta of Taurus. Moon near Aldebaran (Rohini) and Lambda of Orion (Mrigasira) has not rained but the sky remained cloudy with the Moon predominant Air-Glows. The ancient findings of eons have changed by considerable astronomical positions and a further analysis is a dire need. What is noteworthy is that the Moon has crossed the Orion Hunter on the 24th November 2010 night and 25th Nov 2010 morning it is away from the Hunter Betelgeuse (ARDHRA?) star! Moreover the Moon had the splendid background shine of the Milky Way that can be easily noticed even with naked eye. Elsewhere the presence of cloud masses were found not obstructive to observe clearly the background Milky Way (Akasha Ganga) shine of fine structure and somewhat uniformly distributed around it for a considerable distance. The Arudhra identification in present day Astronomy Data is ambiguous in the Indian Ancient calendar. The early morning images captured, by the present author, of the Moon is breath taking in view of their splendid display of the terrestrial shadows with mountain cliffs.

Please refer PART A for the earlier images Fig Nos.1 to 17

Fig Nos: 18 to 31

Fig 18 IMG_0656kln Jupiter on the Beach

Fig 19 IMG_0660kln Moon Denebola Regulus

Fig 20 IMG_0661kln Moon near stars Capella Auriga distant

Fig 21 IMG_0663kln Moon near Star

Fig 22 IMG_0668kln Moon in Leo

Fig 23 IMG_0674kln Moon near stars

Fig 24 IMG_0681kln Moon with several visible stars

Fig 25 IMG_0685kln hunter Orion ON THE south EAST rising

Fig 26 IMG_0691kln North East Stars Capella Auriga Castor Pollux

Fig 27 IMG_0699kln The Moon Air Glow extraordinary at 4h21m30th Nov2010

Fig 28 IMG_0708kln Moon with terrestrial shadow amazing with three cliffs05h18m30Nov

Fig 29 IMG_0719kln Moon in a different Capture at5h27m30Nov2010

Fig 30 moonspectrum25112010at22h09mprofile

Fig 31 moonspectrum2511201022h09mprofile


The Indian Calendar has identified several stars of prominence and brightness eons ago and especially they said that the Head of the Hunter was a three straight line stars, called Invaka. The two bright stars identified by them as Jeystha and Ardhura seem to be very correct but the Arudhra identification in present day Astronomy Data is ambiguous. The early morning images of the Moon are breath taking in view of their splendid display of the terrestrial shadows with mountain cliffs.

I am indebted to late Prof.K.Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career.

The Astronomy Study and Weather of Last Week November 2010 at Visakhapatnam PART A

The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 4th Week November 2010 : PART A
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL


It rained in the night of 22nd November 2010 during the wee hours of 23rd November 2010 with the clouds silently gathered with the Moon rise on the eve of 22nd. The previous study showed the development of the rain clouds with the formation of a haze since the 18th November 2010 following the Full Moon day of 21st November 2010. The moon was near the stars of Zeta of Pisces, passed through Aries and it rained when it was located near the Eta of Taurus. Moon near Aldebaran (Rohini) and Lambda of Orion (Mrigasira) has not rained but the sky remained cloudy with the Moon predominant Air-Glows. The ancient findings of eons have changed by considerable astronomical positions and a further analysis is a dire need. What is noteworthy is that the Moon has crossed the Orion Hunter on the 24th November 2010 night and 25th Nov 2010 morning it is away from the Hunter Betelgeuse (ARDHRA?) star! Moreover the Moon had the splendid background shine of the Milky Way that can be easily noticed even with naked eye. Elsewhere the presence of cloud masses were found not obstructive to observe clearly the background Milky Way (Akasha Ganga) shine of fine structure and somewhat uniformly distributed around it for a considerable distance. The Arudhra identification in present day Astronomy Data is ambiguous in the Indian Ancient calendar. The early morning images captured, by the present author, of the Moon is breath taking in view of their splendid display of the terrestrial shadows with mountain cliffs.


Phenomenal weather changes have been thought as early as 1st January 2009 by AMS and AGU who have analyzed as arising due to the Global warming. It’s reported their findings as “Research Meteorologists found that the temperature changes brought on by global warming are significant enough to cause an increase in the occurrence of severe storms. Severe storms are those that cause flooding, have damaging winds, hail and could cause tornados”. 3D Sun observations reported by Space weather dot com asserts that “the Earth-facing side of the sun is quiet; strong solar flares and CMEs are unlikely this weekend. The far side of the sun, on the other hand, is dotted with active regions”. Also it says that the “old-fashioned Full Moon according to modern folklore, a Blue Moon is the second full Moon in a calendar month. The Moon is full on Nov. 21st. Usually there are only three full Moons in a season, but this fall there will be four. The full Moon of Nov. 21st is the third of those four. According to old editions of the Maine Farmer’s Almanac, that makes it a Blue Moon. Confused?” Further it has recorded that “Earth is exiting a thicket of debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle, source of the annual Leonid meteor shower. According to international counts, the shower crested on Nov. 17th and 18th with a peak rate of 20 meteors per hour. Compared to, say, the Leonid storms of a decade ago; it was not an impressive display. A bigger display is coming: In early December, Earth will enter a cloud of debris from extinct comet Phaethon, setting off the annual Gemini meteor shower. On peak night, Dec. 14th, forecasters expect as many as 100 meteors per hour, five times greater than the waning Leonids”. Earth is inside a solar wind stream flowing from the indicated, by Space Weather dot com, coronal hole of 17 Nov 10. All of the Sun Spots 1127, 1126 and 1124, on the Earth-facing side of the sun were quiet. They have not produced strong flares.

Our Observations:

It rained in the night of 22nd November 2010 during the wee hours of 23rd November 2010 with the clouds silently gathered with the Moon rise on the eve of 22nd. The previous study showed the development of the rain clouds with the formation of a haze since the 18th November 2010 following the Full Moon day of 21st November 2010. The moon was near the stars of Zeta of Pisces, passed through Aries and it rained when it was located near the Eta of Taurus. Moon near Aldebaran (Rohini) and Lambda of Orion (Mrigasira) has not rained but the sky remained cloudy with the Moon predominant Air-Glows. The ancient findings of eons have changed by considerable astronomical positions and a further analysis is a dire need.
The debris of the comets etc could not have created the weather conditions of haze at Visakhapatnam in the equatorial region of the earth following the 21st November 2010 Full Moon. On 21st evening while image capture of the Jupiter I have observed a very bright meteor fall with only a half moon’s diameter away from the Jupiter. It looked as if it travelled straight down the east side of the Jupiter.
The 24th November 2010 sky was very cloudy with rapid movement of the dense cloud masses. The 25th and 24th however had bright sunshine. The wee hours of the 25th the moon had its full bloom of lunar-shine but only occasionally with the pass-by cloud masses. Image capture in spite of the good lunar shine was possible. The idea of the author was to capture the event of the Moon near a bright star termed Ardhra in Indian Calendar. (Viz. the Betelgeuse or the Alpha of Orion-the Hunter). What is noteworthy is that the Moon has crossed the Orion Hunter on the 24th November 2010 night and 25th Nov 2010 morning it is away from the Hunter Betelgeuse (ARDHURA?) star! Moreover the Moon had the splendid background shine of the Milky Way that can be easily noticed even with naked eye. Elsewhere the presence of cloud masses were found not obstructive to observe clearly the background Milky Way (Akasha Ganga) shine of fine structure and somewhat uniformly distributed around it for a considerable distance. The scenario of the sky on the evening of 25th and the morning of 26th Nov 2010 has changed with the haze gradually replaced by massive black clouds. The Procyon seems to be the ARDHRA, the identification being skeptical since the Indian Calendar requires ARDHURA and the JEYSTHA of Scorpio the two immediate far away SUNs that would influence the life on the Earth. The idea that there may be other Suns to influence the Earth in spite it belongs to our Solar system seems to be very fascinating. And on the 27th November 2010 the Indian Calendar identifies both the Pushyami and Ashlesha as those of Cancer 4 stars and (Epsilon) Hydra four stars with just 8 stars while the Punarvasu(Pollux) as the ninth star. The identifications are to be with caution since the calendar dates to eons ago. The weather on the 26th was of Good Sunshine. 27th weather is cloudy and dull. But in the evening the sky has lost its cover of the dense fog and Jupiter was visible by 7hPM with its neighbor stars clearly.
The Hindu Newspaper reported that a significant drop in night temperatures in all the regions of Andhra Pradesh state of India occurred due to cold winds from the Himalayan region. Adilabad recorded 16deg C lowest in state. There was excessive rain fall due to NE monsoon. While 25% deficit rain recorded in Mahabubnagar and in the Coastal Andhra 54%, Telangana 44%, and Rayalseema 37% excess rain has been recorded.
The concept of chilly weather as responsible for the heavy dense fog on the night of 27th November 2010 at Visakhapatnam could not be just associated with the cold winds from the Himalaya region. The satellite image of the 27th Nov 2010 of weather shows that the clouds have engulfed the Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, and the Kerala coasts. But November 28th evening offered a nice bright view of Jupiter with splendid show of its near stars. The beach on-going Navy Festival light has affected the East Image capture and only the bright stars have been noted for our record.

IMAGES of 4th Week November 2010:
[Fig Nos 1 to 17 only in PART A]

Fig 1 IMG_0538kln Moon near stars probably

Fig 2 IMG_0543kln Moon near stars

Fig 3 IMG_0548kln Moon and a bright star single

Fig 4 IMG_0551klnjupiter near stars probably

Fig 5 IMG_0560kln Amazing Image of Moon with very stars

Fig 6 IMG_0566kln Moon South Stars

Fig 7 IMG_0571kln Moon near stars

Fig 8 IMG_0576kln Moon rise and Orion Constellation stars on the east

Fig 9 IMG_0593kln Moon near stars

Fig 10 IMG_0609hunter Orion Rigel & Sirius

Fig 11 IMG_0609hunter Orion Rigel & Sirius

Fig 12 IMG_0628kln Moon and near stars

Fig 13 IMG_0635kln Moon in Gemini and Moving over to cancer

Fig 14 IMG_0636kln Moon with near stars 27Nov2010AM

Fig 15 IMG_0640kln Moon moving to Cancer

Fig 16 IMG_0644kln Moon Dense Fog



The Indian Calendar has identified several stars of prominence and brightness eons ago and especially they said that the Head of the Hunter was a three straight line stars, called Invaka. The two bright stars identified by them as Jeystha and Ardhura seem to be very correct but the Arudhra identification in present day Astronomy Data is ambiguous. The early morning images of the Moon are breath taking in view of their splendid display of the terrestrial shadows with mountain cliffs.


I am indebted to late Prof.K.Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career.


a. Gautama who dates back to 1800BC as per Burma Buddhist records, has a poem to his credit that mentions about the concept of Dhulee and Dhummu minuscule’s associated with Nuclei (Anuvulu) as per a report on page 12 of Medha (Intellectual) issue of Andhra Bhoomi Newspaper dated Monday 29th November 2010.It mentions resources as (Lalitha Vistar Shutra) “The Universal History of Numbers” by Georges Efra and “Here is Looking at Euclid” by Alex Bolois. What is interesting is that the poem recited on the Numbers of Measure to the microscopic and super microscope distances has used the Ancient Classical Telugu Letters. The Telugu language thus has the first evidence of its use about 1800BC! for mathematics exercises. Siddhartha (Gautama) and Arjuna have competed with each other on the methods of number multiplications. Also the Finger midst is about 4cms divided by seven times with 10 digit gives 0.04E-07 meters, the size of a carbon atom. The Article in Andhra Bhoomi at the end mentions role of Quarks (by James Joyce) in Chemistry!

b. The Archeologists discovered cave paintings and shell made tools, in the areas of formations of “labyrinth by lime stone “of ancient migrant people of Asia to Australian Continent 40,000years ago for the Lengguru area of New Guinea Island in Indonesia Papua region.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Astronomy Study and Weather of Visakhapatnam 2nd & 3rd week of November 2010 PART B

The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 2nd and 3rd Week November 2010 : PART B
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL


The space event of the Solar flare of 12th Nov 2010 by the sunspot 1123 has not affected the equatorial belt of the terrestrial atmosphere. The 2nd & 3rd Week of Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam has changed considerably with practically no continuous downpour of rain. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather.

IMAGES of Figs 16 to 32 only: (For previous Figs 1 to 15 Please refer PART A )

Fig 16 of Nov 2010 IMG_0383kln Jupiter Moon of 18th Nov 2010 Kshira Dwadashi

Fig 17 of Nov 2010 IMG_0392kln Jupiter Moon with a south side star

Fig 18 of Nov 2010 IMG_0395kln Moon Jupiter Star triangle RIGHT ANGLED

Fig 19 of Nov 2010 IMG_0407kln Moon Jupiter near stars

Fig 20 of Nov 2010 IMG_0414kln Textured Sky and the Role of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta

Fig 21 of Nov 2010 IMG_0417 IMG_0418 IMG_0420 IMG_0421kln textured sand and Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta

Fig 22 of Nov 2010 IMG_0419kln An extraordinary Image of Moon reflecting Jupiter Red Spot Colour

Fig 23 of Nov 20101 IMG_0426kln Moon in Aries and Jupiter

Fig 24 of Nov 2010 IMG_0426kln Moon in Aries at Beta Jupiter in Aquarius

Fig 25 of Nov 2010 IMG_0432kln Moon approaching Hunter Orion Aldebartan distant Capella

FIG 26 of Nov 2010 IMG_0444kln Moon in Haze

Fig 27 of Nov 2010 IMG_0448kln Jupiter Moon with a Single Bright star west

Fig 28 of Nov 2010 IMG_0462kln Moon and stars

Fig 29 of Nov 2010 IMG_0466kln Hunter on Full Moon Day

Fig 30 of Nov 2010 IMG_0488kln 21st nov 2010 Full Moon

Fig 31 of Nov 2010 IMG_0495kln Moon approaching the Hunter of Orion

Fig 32 of Nov 2010 IMG_0507kln Moon Rise faint


I am indebted to late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) for initiating me for research in Science and Technology.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Astronomy Study of the Sky and Weather at Visakhapatnam 2nd & 3rd week November 2010 : PART A

The Astronomy Study and The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during 2nd and 3rd Week November 2010 : PART A
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL

The space event of the Solar flare of 12th Nov 2010 by the sunspot 1123 has not affected the equatorial belt of the terrestrial atmosphere. The 2nd & 3rd Week of Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam has changed considerably with practically no continuous downpour of rain. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather.


The weather at Visakhapatnam after the lashing rains of the first week of November has been one of Sun Shine and as well of warmth.

Volcano and Weather

The Wednesday 10th Nov 2010 the Indonesia Mount Meripi has again released the Hot Ashes and the lava flow that disturbed many airplane flights and made the US President visit shortened. On 10th November 2010 at 9h04 to9h05m the striated clouds have occurred, possibly due to earthquake of Indonesia, at a height of 2 to 5 Kms height due the gravity waves generated in the atmosphere. The ashes and the hot clouds have set in a mixed weather at Visakhapatnam due to the Active South East monsoon. Patchy clouds of various kinds could easily be seen and spotted in the sky with naked eye. The Sunshine brilliance on the 12th Morning has increased considerably. The sky has not offered a clear view for the Digital image captures during the days of 9th Nov to 11th Nov 2010.The 12th November 2010 from 2h42mPM to 4h02mPM it rained heavily and some thunder and lightning has occurred at the start. But the Sunshine continued later. Night was pretty cloudy though it did not rain. The 13th Morning was bright and has good brilliance. A low-pressure that developed has not produced any storm or cyclone formation till the date 15th Nov 2010 morning. The two days it rained by a couple of Cms, with thunder and lightning, in Bhimavaram, Tanuku, Thadepalligudem etc coastal regions except at Visakhapatnam.


Reports “EARTH-DIRECTED ERUPTION: Active sunspot 1123 erupted during the early hours of Nov. 12th, producing a C4-class solar flare and apparently hurling a filament of material in the general direction of Earth. 0000 - 0330 UT …..Coronagraph images from NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site and heading off in a direction just south of the sun-Earth line. The cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field sometime on Nov. 14th or 15th, sparking auroras. Earlier this year when Jupiter's great South Equatorial Belt (SEB) vanished. It might not look like much, but this is how a revival of the SEB begins--a small disturbance in the upper atmosphere heralds a much larger profusion of spots and swirls bursting forth around the whole circumference of the giant planet. Amid the confusion, Jupiter's vast brown stripe emerges. This plume is so energetic that we can confidently expect it to develop into the SEB Revival. It is the single brightest spot on Jupiter in wavebands ranging from infrared to ultraviolet.”

Tuesday November 16th, 2010:

The weather changed on Tuesday 16th Nov 2010 at 10.30AM with chilly breeze due to the Storm formation in South Andaman region about 700kms away that rapidly moved towards the Chennai region. Images of 15th and 16th captured of the stars in the sky were very dull due to the cloudy weather. The weather has changed since Monday 15th evening when clouds have covered the sky and the stars visibility fell down considerably. A low-pressure trough formed on Sunday at 700kms from South Andaman has become a depression and moved fast towards the Chennai region and therefore the weather at Visakhapatnam became cloudy. The cyclone crossed the land on Tuesday night and has weakened. It brought havoc in Nellore and Kadapa districts. A lightning that struck in Guntur killed three people who took shelter under a tree. The Visakhapatnam was cloudy on Wednesday morning. The evening around 3h51mPM the sky has cleared.

A set of 32 Images of November 2010:

Fig 1 of Nov 2010 Moon and near stars with Jupiter

Fig 2 of Nov 2010 the 11th

Fig 3 of Nov 2010 IMG_0233kln Star of the east and the stars of the NE

Fig 4 of Nov 2010 Moon Triangle with Altair and Vega on 11th IMG_0243kln

Fig 5 Of Nov 2010 IMG_0245kln Famous traingle of the NW Deneb W Vegha SW Altair

Fig 6 of Nov 2010 IMG_0265kln Moon and Jupiter with South Star

Fig 7 of Nov 2010 IMG_0269kln Jupiter and Moon Duo

Fig 8 of Nov 2010 IMG_0275kln Jupiter Moon Eastward stars

Fig 9 of Nov 2010 IMG_0286KLN Moon Shadow of Earth

Fig 10 of Nov 2010 IMG_0318kln Moon

Fig 11 of Nov 2010 IMG_0328kln Moon Jupiter and West North Stars at 22h29m

Fig 12 of Nov 2010 IMG_0334kln North Stars at 22h 32m 14th Nov 2010 Sathabhisham

Fig 13 of Nov 2010 IMG_0336kln Moon

Fig 14 of Nov 2010 IMG_0344kln Jupiter Moon near Shiva Temple of Kalimatha RKBeach

Fig 15 of Nov 2010 IMG_0378kln Moon rise at evening 4h45m The Waves of Ocean coupled to Clouds


I am indebted to late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London) for initiating me for research in Science and Technology.

Indian FESTIVAL SEASON and MONTH of November:
On 16th Nov 2010 a festival of a Scorpio entry (vrishichika sankramanamu in Telugu) celebration took place but with Nine Nakshtras of Moon existence near the Zodiac sign of Pisces. In the month of Karthika nov 7th to 6th December 2010 when people in India celebrate the Siva Puja Mondays. The winter has gradual set in beginning the lapse of Deepavali New Moon Day. The Karthika Month of Indian Calendar Moon based, every day is a festival day of significance for every house hold family and as well for house wives. It’s not clear why this month has been chosen as a specific month of several varieties of festivals and worship (pujas) in India. The interesting Four months of the Indian Calendar and its episode of an event in the sky is that the (August 20th, 2010) Ashada Ekadashi (Varalakshmi Festival day) to Karthika Ekadashi (17th Nov 2010) was a period of deep yoga by the God Lakshmi Narayana. And on the day of Kshira Dwadasi (18th November 2010) he married the born Lakshmi from great swirling of the oceans. For Indians there are many Gods.