Volume 2013, Issue No.12, December 16, 2013, Time:9h16mP.M.
Ind. Sci. Cong. held at Amity University, Noida, 3 - 7 January, 2007}
Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
A.G. L. College, Post Graduate
Department of Physics, Sankarmattam Road, Visakhapatnam,
Key words: strange
matter, supersymmetry, smon particles, aesthetic beauty.
A model involving the symmetry-supersymmetry interaction has been
suggested to explain the properties of strange matter of compact stellar
structures. The nine supersymmetry particles (smons) are endowed with the
hypercharge and isospin assignments. These are
G, ˉNc , iS,
-iR, A, D, T, 0c, ˉ0c.
The imaginary
particles are included for the aesthetic beauty of the model considerations.
The strangeness conserving and strangeness-changing expressions have been
obtained. The typical amplitudes
n| S Ξ) a*ν ae= (κ- S|
κ0 θc)
a* ν
ae = a*μ ac (
θ| κ’
ˉNc )
aμ a*e (κ- θ|
+ Nc) = (κ- θ | κ0 R) a* ν ae
with the equality relations and the ax’s are
typical coefficients. For the symmetry we took the Octet mesons that play a
role in the Strange or Neutron stars. A, D, T particles constitute the diagonal
elements of the Nonet, obey SO (3) structure. An important feature of our
symmetry-supersymmetry model is that the gluon type X, Y, Z quanta carry the
charge as per the QCD requirements, but as well they posses mass. The
meson-smon vertex terms and their diagrams are much more complex. The only
reason of the mass acquisition by the colored gluons is the compactness of the
Strange Matter. The processes that we envisaged in our theory are
Meson + smon à Meson
+ smon.
The predicted amplitude relations would help
experimental analysis of the Quark Gluon Fireball experiments of CERN, FERMI
LAB, RHIC etc., on the properties of New Matter. {Especially the author would like to express his
gratitude to the scientists and the staff at the FERMI LABS during his visit
when TEVATRON was being built. The author also wants to record the help and
keen support by Late Dr. Rama Leela, M. B. B. S, D.G.O of Hollywood, Florida,
U. S. A for my visit to FERMI LABS and she took the trouble of driving me in
her car to and from the FERMI LABS for my sake. She was so much thrilled of my
visit to the FERMI LABS an unforgettable experience for me personally. I bought
some slides at the FERMI LABS and also made discussions with some staff there.}
Ind. Sci. Cong. held at Amity University,
Noida, 3 - 7 January, 2007}
Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
A.G. L. College, Post Graduate
Department of Physics, Sankarmattam Road, Visakhapatnam,
Key words: strange
matter, supersymmetry, smon particles, aesthetic beauty.
Renewed interest by using the Chandra
Satellite [1] and the Hubble Telescope [2] on X-Ray and Gamma Ray emitting
stellar objects, the existence of Strange Types of stars is being thought for
possible existence of a new form of material. It is said to raise some
questions about the stability of matter in the Universe. The concept of
Witten[3] of a Strange star is that it can exist in self-bound state more
compact than normal neutron star and to consist of plasma of almost equal
population of u, d and s quarks of SU(3) of Gellman and a small admixture of
electrons. He found that the plot of mass of s quark and the bag model constant
B (57.5MeV / fm) has indicated a possibility of stability of strange matter to
form a star-like body. The other authors are listed in reference [3] given
Investigations by several researchers using
the Chandra Satellite of the survey of Universe found several places for
sources of X-Rays which source from hot active regions. Such regions are
identifiable as the Neutron Stars or much more energetic remnants of exhausted
stars which may be more massive than the Sun. It is well known to
Astrophysicists that when such stars exhaust the hydrogen fuel within the
object, they explode into bright supernova, forming central part that become
extremely dense into a star of Neutrons. The environment around them is
probably enveloped by a thin atmosphere rich in Iron is about four trillion
pounds. The Neutrinos are formed by combination of the protons and electrons under
extreme pressures. These weighty objects emit X-Rays that can easily be picked
by instruments aboard space labs. The orbiting X-Ray telescope, Chandra
recently discovered an X-Ray flare being emitted by a Brown Dwarf (special case
M9). This poses an additional problem for the advocates of the Stellar Fusion
Model. A star this cool should not be capable of X-Ray flare production.
Combining through the data from the explosion of a Neutron Satr,
astrophysicists have found X-Ray oscillations that could provide the first
direct clues to the inner workings of these mysterious Stellar objects.
view at bottom points out important feature in the image, such as the ring’s
inner and outer edges. “ Physics World” October 2000 issue on Physics Web posts
that “The confinement of quarks inside a small volume, such as inside a Neutron
or Proton costs energy because the light up and down quarks would prefer to
occupy a much greater volume. This makes the mass of a proton, for instance,
about 50-200 times heavier than the total mass of three quarks inside it. ( A
Proton has a mass of 1.67E-27Kg = 0.938 GeV/c^2, where as the mass of two
isolated up quarks and a down quark would only be 0.005-0.02 GeV/c^2). Theories
have conjectured that quarks are permanently confined in Nucleons by complex
quantum fluctuations of the vacuum. In a space-time region where this virtual
vacuum structure has been “dissolved” Nucleons and nuclear matter as we know it
will cease to exist. Under these conditions the quark-gluon plasma, the state
of matter that existed in the early Universe, will be formed.
The present
author [4] has discovered the possibility of existence of Strange Stars and as
well by hyper-charge stars based on COSMOD Transformation scaling of Gravity.
K. L. Narayana [4, 5] utilized the
experimental values and symmetry considerations of Spin-2 particles
classification. In that work, a second type of gravitational influence that can
extend to beyond the range of Newton’s concept of Gravity has been spelled out
rather cursorily by consideration of Spin-2 particles,
f0, fo1, A0±2,
K*±, K0*, ¯K0*
(with energies between
1200MeV to 1600MeV). [Refer Fig. A1 and Fig. A2]
Also in the late sixties the possibility of
Hyperon Nuclei and their properties were studied by the present author [5].
Super Quark processes and X-Ray intensity variations specifically mentioned in
the year 1986 by K. L. Narayana [5].
studies, initiated in the early 1980s by Johann Rafelski, as per a report by
Physics World October 2000[Ref. *], led to the prediction that the number of
Strange Particles in the collisions would be significantly enhanced as a result
of the formation of quark-gluon plasma. ( This
happens because the Strange Quarks and antiquarks that are produced by pair of
gluons fusing into quark-antiquark pairs in the plasma would lead to the
formation of relatively large numbers of composite particles containing one or
more Strange Quarks during the subsequent “hadronization”, process. The Relativistic
Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) uses the cutting-edge technologies to study the
quark-gluon plasma in detail at higher energies. At RHIC, gold nuclei with an
energy equivalent to 100 times their rest mass (i.e. about 100GeV per nucleon)
are made to collide head on. ALICE will take data at energies about 30 times
higher than those at RHIC (i.e. about 3500GeV per nucleon). In laboratory
experiments, the chemical composition of the plasma varies during its lifetime
as new types of “flavors” of quark are cooked up inside. Up and Down quarks are
easily produced as quark-antiquark pairs in the hot fireball because they have
small masses. In the current CERN experiments the extra quark flavor is
Strangeness. The quarks and the anti-quarks produced in the deconfined fireball
find their way into a multitude of different particles- with different quark
contents- that emerge as the fireball breakups up. However antimatter
production is not a characteristic signature of quark deconfinement since it
can be explained by other physical mechanisms. Thousands of particles are
created in high-energy nuclear collisions. So the photon background from the
decay of neutral pions (bound states of up and down quarks) is large. Observations have shown that these and other
“indirect” photons are so numerous that they make it very difficult to extract
the direct photon signal, which is only a small fraction of all the photons
The hot plasma can appear as an electron-positron pair, or as a
heavier muon–antimuon pair. Some of the dilepton pairs seen in the experiment
come from the decay of charmonium. These charmonium particles (also called
J/psi, chi and psi prime) have many properties that are familiar with from the
study of positronium, the bound state of electron and positron. The charm quark
is about ten times heavier than the Strange Quark. Charm quark-antiquark pairs
can only be formed during the very early stages of the collision as the nuclei
begin to penetrate each other. However, they may not have the chance to form
charmonium if they are produced within quark-gluon plasma because the gluons
present in the plasma will interact with the charm quarks in a way that hinders
their binding. Indeed, the experiments predicting the Charmonium at the SPS
(the NA38 and NA50 experiments) have observed a suppression of the J/psi signal
compared with what would be expected if each incident nucleon interacted with
the target nucleus on its own. Suppression of the J/psi signal is therefore
interpreted as a striking signature for quark deconfinement. Strange particles
are naturally radioactive and decay by weak interactions that occur on a
timescale that is extremely long compared with the nuclear-collision times.
This makes it relatively easy to detect Strange Particles through the tracks
left by their decay products. The temperature of the fireball, and the speed of
the fire ball explosion, at the time when the inertia of compressed matter has
overcome by internal pressures that are in excess of 10E+30 bars is astounding.
(From the source at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory posted 12 April, 2006)
“It may be noted as amazing as it
seem, it has been known for 50years that very special species of subatomic
particles can make spontaneous transitions between matter and antimatter. In
this exciting new result the CDF physicists measured the rate of matter-antimatter
transitions for Bs (pronounced “B sub s”) meson, which consists of heavy bottom
quark bound by the strong nuclear interaction to a strange anti-quark, a
staggering rate that challenges the imagination 3 trillion times per second
measured to a precision of 2%. Run II luminosity of Tevatron a tribute to the
skill of the Fermi lab family”.
One popular and well motivated theory
is supersymmetry, in which each known particle has its own “super” partner
particle. Fermi lab theoretical physicist Marcela Carena noted that general
versions of Supersymmetry predict even faster transition rate than was actually
measured. So, some of those theories can be ruled out based upon this result.
“At the Tevatron”, Carena said, “important information on the nature of
supersymmetric models will be obtained from the combination of precise
measurements of Bs matter-antimatter transitions and the search for the rare
decay of Bs mesons into muon pairs. It is even possible that an indirect
indication for supersymmetry would show up in these measurements before the
Large Hadrons Collider turns on.” (CERN- WA97 and NA57 experiments
and Johann Rafelski: Department of Physics University of Arizona, Tucson.
A/85721, US, (
enunciate the symmetry principle that there exists an interaction of the
symmetry with supersymmetry behavior of the Strange Matter. This is unlike the
usual supersymmetry based model approach given by CERN group or the Fermi
Laboratory theories and by other theorists of particle physics and
relativity. Obviously strangeness
conserving and strangeness non-conserving would find any resemblance with weak
axial vector baryon current. A detailed discussion of the presented
symmetry-supersymmetry principle may not be an analogy with eight-fold philosophy of Gellman or Sakata models, but is
subtle in the sense that we use the meson and smon (are the symmetry-supersymmetry
particles) to study processes such as
Meson+ smonà
Meson + smon
In view of the similarity of the SU(3)
octet model of meson states of Strangeness and Hypercharge given by F3
and F8 matrices of Unitary symmetry and the concomitant
supersymmetric particles Viz.,
Fig.1 The Nine Supersymmetry Particles
We get amplitude relations for
experimental guidance and are explicitly given below:
n| S Ξ) a*ν ae = (κ- S| κ0 θc)
a* ν
ae = a*μ ac ( θ| κ’ ˉNc )……..(1)
aμ a*e (κ- θ|
+ Nc) = (κ- θ | κ0 R) a* ν ae……………………(2)
= a2e = a2ν =1/2 and
a2χ =
a2ψ =1/4.
may adopt a*e
aχ = a*e
= β/√2
and a*e
aψ = a*e
with = √3/2 and β= ½ .……………………(3)
Mass of =139.6MeV and Mass of 0 = 135.0MeV. Mass of κ- = 493.7 MeV =mass of κ+ Mass
of κ0 =
-κ0 =
497.7MeV. Mass of
= 548.8MeV.
Ordinarily the exotic atom (p κ-) can exist with a binding energy in
ground state of about 8618.0eV with 84fm Bohr radius and (p-)
exotic atom has a binding energy of 3231.0eV in the ground state but a Bohr
radius of about 222fm. The idea is similar to the concept of a negative
hydrogen atom formed by a neutron and an electron suggested by S. Chandhra
Sekhar [6] in the year 1944. Shuryak and
Zahed [7] found that the highest
Temperature T at which light quark states are
coulomb bound is somehow lower than that of charmonium. Tqq =1.45*Tc
= 250MeV where Tc is a transition phase temperature. While the s-wave gg
gluonium states remain bound till at higher temperatures Tgg= 4Tc. As an
example they have shown the binding energy of two gluons. (In absolute units it
would reach about 100MeV, a smaller MeV than for quarks.) In Physics World
issue dated July 2006 Jim Russ describes exotic meson challenges of the Y
(3940) an important find because its decay into a J/ψ and a ω is clear statement
that it cannot be a simple (c -c) charm system. A Strange Star equation
has been given by Zdunik. [8].
equilibrium asserts the formation of a strange star as per the formula for
pressure given by
dP/dr =
-p Gm/r^2 – ρ.
dv/dt ……………………(4)
where dv/dt = ∂v/∂t / ∂v/∂r and m is independent of t.
So dP/dm – Gm/ (4 π r4)
– (dv/dt) / (4 π r2)
since dr/dm =1/(4π r2 ρ).
Here G is ubiquitous value of gravitation G=6.67E-08 cm3/ gm.
Mass of neutron mN = 1.67647E-24gm (1.008665amu= 939.5731MeV)
and we get particle density no = 3.4E+39 mN/ cm3
=5.7E+15gm/cm 3.
The quantity (mN c2) is unit of energy density of
a neutron.
The radius Ro of a neutron star is
Ro= 2(√2)( ћ c /G mN 2 ) 1/2 (ћ / mN c) =13.66km.
And its mass is Mo=2(√2) (hc/GmN)3/2
mN .
That is Mo = 5.013*2.187157*1.676E-24 = 1.838391E+34gm = 9.2M0
where M0 is the mass of Sun.
The dimensionless quantity
G mN2
/(hc) = 5.93451E-39
is similar to e2/ (hc) = 1/137.
of Sun is M0= 1.97E+33gm.
Mass of star neutron Mo =
1.84E+34gm=9.33 M0
Compton wavelength of neutron is
ћ/( mNc) =2.1E-14cm. And (ћc)/ G mN 2 = 1.69E+38.
So |(ћc)/
G mN 2
|½ = 1.3E+19.
Therefore |(ћc)/ G mN 2 | 3/2 =
2.19E+57 and hence
Ro= 2(√2)( ћ c /G mN 2 ) 1/2 (ћ / mN c) =
5.0*1.3E+19*2.1E-14cm= 13.66618.737m = 13.666 km.……(5)
Broglie wavelength √(h2 / (2*KB
*m*T))=4.90E-14cm where Boltzmann
constant is KB= 1.3804E-14erg/ 0K and T=1.0E+100K. Robertson and
Darryl [8] found that the spectral state switch and other spectral properties
of both neutron star (NS) and Galactic Black Hole Candidate (GBHC) in low mass
X-Ray binary systems could be explained by a magnetic propeller effect that
requires an intrinsically magnetic central compact object. In later work they
showed that intrinsically magnetic GBHC could be easily accommodated by general
relativity in terms of magnetosphere eternally collapsing objects (MECO) with
lifetimes greater than a Hubble time and examined some of their spectral
properties. They claim that x-ray binaries can also be described since the
entities contain a central object with an intrinsic magnetic moment.
outlined above we have adopted an interaction of the symmetry-supersymmetry
particles as responsible for the sustenance STRANGE MATTER in the Universe. The
possible states of matter are derivable easily from the transformation property
of an Octet of Mesons and with a fundamental Nonet supersymmetry system of
particles (called smons). The
classification of these Nine “smons” on the basis of hypercharge and isospin
was found intuitively to be the best optimum approach to study the various
amplitudes functions that would arise either with axial vector or other types
of fundamental particle interaction processes. These amplitudes listed in
equations (1) and (2) given above and similar ones would provide the guidance
for experimental analysis.
The A,
D, T smons have hypercharge 2,0,-2 respectively and are realizable with the
supersymmetry operators of parastatistics given by 3x3 matrix operators
ζ’ = √2
( {0,1,0} : {0,0,1}: {0,0,0} )
and ζ = √2 ( {0,0,0} : {1,0,0}: {0,1,0} ) ……………….(6)
The entity |
ζ’. ζ | = ( {2,0,0}: {0,0,O} : {0,0, -2} )
proportional to Spin-1 representation of SO(3) group.
Use of operators
(p + i* ω1) and (p - i* ω2), ……………………(7)
with p momentum and ω1 and ω2
mass-frequencies ensures the equality of masses for the smons A and T
respectively while DS smon is expected to be massless. An important feature of our symmetry-supersymmetry model is that the
gluon type X, Y, Z quanta carry the
charges as per the QCD requirements, but as well they posses mass[9]. We note
according to QCD analogy,
X μ =
1/√2 ( G1μ + i* G2μ) :
Y μ = 1/√2 (
G4μ + i* G5μ) :
Z μ = 1/√2 (
G6μ + i* G7μ) : …….……(8)
In addition we have Aμ = G3μ
and Bμ = G8μ.
Then our Lagrangian would be
Fig.2 The Lagrangian with Gluons X, Y, Z, the
isotopic Charge
and Color Hyper Charge
We retained two kinds of charges a color isotopic charge (λ3/2)
and a color hypercharge (λ8/2). The Gluons X, Y, Z also carry these
charges. An octet meson can change its color by absorbing or emitting one of
these gluons but only under a symmetry-supersymmetry interaction.
Meson+ smonà
Meson + smon ……………………(9)
Thus the meson-smon vertex terms and their diagrams
are much more complex. The only reason of the mass acquisition by these gluons
is the compactness of Strange Matter. This is unlike the usual assumption that
mass shells for quarks and gluons do not exist in the QCD theory. Two types of
vector currents the so-called Fvμ and Dvμ
in terms of anti-symmetric and symmetric combinations of trace less (symmetry) and supersymmetry
tensors of Octet and Nonet respectively meson entities and the supersymmetry
entities would lead to both the Strangeness-changing and Strangeness-conserving
current amplitudes.
Fig.3A IMG_2572
Fig.3B IMG_2572
Fig.4B IMG_2573
My model differs from Weinberg-Salam gauge theory
of Higgs, Wess-Zumino.
The Weinberg-Salam model gives, m2w = ½ g2 ρo 2 and mH= 2* λ ½ ρ0 and mz/mW = 1/cos(θw)
where θw is Weinberg angle, where W±μ Z μ , and H are the Wess, Zumino
and Higgs fields respectively.
non-diagonal mass terms play a role with θ1, θ2, θ3 angles of KM-matrix giving rise
to massive intermediate gauge fields much more general than Weinberg and Salam.
Hence, it is not just that Higgs Boson is responsible for the “mass–scalar”
that makes the elementary particles to acquire mass. Nature is more subtle in
its symmetry-supersymmetry interaction of the NEW MATTER.
[Ref. 4d]
A special version of the Lagrangian yields
for super quark processes see [11].
Q=[0 0; p+i*ω(x) 0]= p+i*ω(x) * Jp ;
Q†= [0 p - i*ω(x) ; 0 0 ]= p - i*ω(x) * Jp† ; ……………………(10)
Here p= -i∂x and ω(x) is an arbitrary
super potential.
Supersymmetry obeys algebra Q Q† + Q†
Q = 2*H and Q2 = Q†2
= 0; [Q, H]=0.
With the Hamiltonian as
H= ½ *[ p2
+ ω2 + ω1 0; 0
p2 + ω2 -
i.e. H= ½ (p2
+ ω2 ) +1/2 * ω1
*[ Jp†, Jp] . ……………………(11)
Define hermitian charges as
Q1= (Q† + Q) and Q2=
(Q† - Q)/ √2 i
and { Qi , Qk} =2*δik H ……………………(12)
Define parafermions
, † with
commutation relations
† = 2; 3 =0; 2 † + † 2 = 2 ;……………………(13)
Where † = √2 [ 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 0]
and =√2 [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 0 1 0]
[ † , ] = [ 2 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 -2] ……………………(14)
is proportional to J3 component of SO(3)
Adopt Q†3 = Q3 = 0
where now Q =[ 0 0 0; p+i*ω1 0 0; 0 p- i*ω2
0] ;
Q† =[ 0; p- i*ω1 0;
0 0 p- i*ω2 ; 0 0 0] ……………………(15)
where ω1 and ω2 are super-potentials
Q† Q - Q Q† = [Q†
, Q].
we have
+ ω12 0 0; 0 p2 + ω22
0; 0 0 0] – [ 0 0 0; 0 p2 + ω
12 0 ; 0 0 p2 + ω 22]=
[p2 + ω 12 0 0
; 0 (ω22
- ω 12 ) 0; 0
0 - (p2 + ω22)]. ……………………(16)
If ω2 =0 then this yields
(p2 + ω 12 ) * [1
0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 -1].
We may calculate
Q2 Q† ; Q Q† Q etc.,
and we
Q2 Q† + Q Q† Q + Q† Q2 =
4* Q*H Q†2 Q +
Q† Q Q†
+ Q Q†2 = 4* Q† *H……………………(17)
With [ H, Q]= [ H, Q†] =0;
Provided (ω22
- ω 12 ) ‘ + ((ω2 + ω 1 )’’
= 0.
and ω2
+ ω1 ≠ 0
4*H= 2 p2+ ω 12 + ω22 + [ (3 ω’1 +
ω’ 2 ) 0 0;
0 ω’2 -
ω ’1 0; 0 0 (-
ω’1 - 3 ω’ 2 ) ].
We may write this as
Q= 1/(2 √2) *[ (p+i*ω1) * †
2 + (p+i*ω2) * 2
† ] ………(18)
H= ½ [p2+ ½ *(ω 12 + ω22) + 3/2 * (ω’1
ω’ 2) + ω’ 2 †
- ω’1 * † ]
Hamiltonian is diagonal
J3 and N= J3 +1
We have
Q 3 = Q 1 *H ; Q 3 2 = Q2
*H ;
Q 1 2 Q 2 + Q 1 Q 2 Q
1 + Q 2 Q 21
= Q2 *H;
Q 2 2 Q 1 + Q 2 Q 1 Q
2 + Q 1 Q 22
= Q1 *H; ……(19)
Then we get one relation of ordinary super-symmetry algebra
({Qi , Qj }–2 δ ij H) Qk+({Qj , Qk }–2δjkH) Qi + ({Qk , Qi}–2δki
H) Qj =0
for i, j, k, indices.
The New theory is intuitively suggested to explain
the salient features of the structure of the STRANGE MATTER of the compact
entities that were recently discovered in the observations by Chandra Satellite
and Hubble Telescope and specifically involves the symmetry-supersymmetry
interaction terms and acquisition of mass by color Gluon.
What is the relation
between the STRANGE MATTER and the anti-photon [Ref.10] is under progress.
{Graviton and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance has been presented by the author in
Papers listed below as A and B.}
article is dedicated to the 106th Birth memory of Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc.
(Madras). D. Sc. (London). Especially the author would like to express his
gratitude to the scientists and the staff at the FERMI LABS during his visit when
TEVATRON was being built. The author also wants to record the help and keen
support by Late Dr. Rama Leela, M. B. B. S, D.G.O of Hollywood, Florida, U. S.
A for making it possible of my visit to FERMI LABS and she took the trouble of driving me in her car
to and from the FERMI LABS for my sake. She was so much thrilled of my visit to
the FERMI LABS an unforgettable experience for me personally. I bought some
slides at the FERMI LABS and also made discussions with staff there.
Fig.6 IMG_ 2575
Fig.7 IMG_ 2576
Fig.8 IMG_2577
Fig.9 IMG_2578
Fig.10 IMG_2579
- Tuesday, December 10, 2013; “Some Experimental
Investigations on Nuclear
Quadrupole Resonance and Graviton”: KLN:, Volume 2013 Issue No.4, Dt. 16 April, 2013 Time:19h20m.P.M.
- Monday, December 9, 2013; “Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
and Graviton” : New Mathematics: KLN :, Volume 2013, Issue No.10, Dt.10 October, 2013 Time
: 09h56m A.M.
*Physics World, October 2000, Manuele Quereigh,
Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezone di Padova 135131, Padov, Italy.
and the Experimental Physics Division, CERN,1211
Geneva 23, Switzerland.
- S.I. Robertson, I. J. Darryl, “On the origin
of the Universal Radio-X-Ray Luminosity Correlations in Black Hole
Candidates”, arXiv:astrophysics-ph 0403445 V1 18 Feb 2004 & Mon. Not.
R. Astron.Soc. Printed e June 2005 and Harvard Archives.
- Christoph Schaab, “ From Quark Matter to
Strange Machos”, Astro-ph 9609067 Mon. 9th Sept 1996,I. Weber,
Ch, Schaab, M.K. Weigel, N.K. Glendenning .Presented by F. Weber at the
Vulcano Workshop 1996 Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle
Physics May 27 – June 1, Vulcano, Italy . to be published by the Societa
Italiana di Fisica. Report no. LBNL-39305.
- I. Witten, Phy. Rev Vol.D30, 272, 1984. S.
Banerjee, S. K. Ghosh, S. Raha, J.Phy.G. Nucl. Part. Phys. 26.1.1; G.I.
Burgio, M. Baldo, P.K. Sahu, A. B. Santra, H. J.Schultz, Phy. Lett.
Vol.B526, p.19, 2002;M.K.Mak, F. Harko, Int. J. Mod.Phys Vol. D3, 149,
2004; T. Harko, K.S. Cheng, Astron. Astrophys. Vol.385,047 , 2002 N.K.
Glendenning, J. Schaffner-Bielich, Phys. Rev. Vol. C58, p.1298, 1998.
- a. K. L. Narayana
,”On the violation of an inherent symmetry Principle of Spin- 2 particles”,
Il Nuovo Cimento. Seriell, 33A, p.641, 1976and “On the Unification of Gravity
and Quantum Physics”, J. Shivaji University, (Science),Vol.17,p.13-21,1977
b. and Invited talk presented at
GRG 8th National Symposium at Bhavanagar, 1978.
and references contained in it.
c. Also “A physical Model for two particle baryon resonance systems and
a postulation of medium and low interactions”, Indian Journal of Physics,
Vol.50, p.993-1002, 1976.
d. See my December 2013,
for publications on New Graviton Theories.
The most detailed visible-light image ever taken of a narrow dusty ring
around the nearby star Fomalhaut (H I 216956) and this image offers the
strongest evidence yet that an unruly and unseen planet may be gravitationally
tugging on the ring. Part of the ring to the left was outside the telescope’s
view. Hubble unequivocally shows that the centre of the ring is a whopping
1.4Billion miles (15 astronomical units) away from the star. This is a distance
equal to nearly halfway across our solar system. The geometrically striking
ring, tilted obliquely toward Earth, would not have such a great offset if it
were simply being influenced by Fomalhaut’s gravity alone.
- K. L. Narayana, Nucl. & Solid State Phys.
Symposium, Vol.93N, BARC, India,1969.
- Chandrasekhar S, Astrophysics Journal, Vol.
100., p.176, 1944, ibid Vol.102, p.223, 1945, ibid Vol.104, p.430, 1946 and
“Sir” CVR reference Patna Science Congress address, Jan 2, 1948!
7. I. V. Shuryak and I. Zahed,
arXiv:hep-ph/0307267 V3 12 Aug 2003.
8. S. L. Robertson and I. J. Darryl,
arXiv.astro-ph 0402445 vl18, 18 Feb 2004
and Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc: 3 June 2005
also see the equation of a Strange
given by J. L. Zdunik A&A, Vol.359, p.311, 2000.
9. M.
Kobayashi, K. Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys., Vol.49, p.652, 1975
Volume 2013 Issue No.12, Monday, Dt.2
2013, Time: 4h234m PM.” A
Professor, Shivaji University,Kolhapur-416004,[Technical Session II PAPER
Dt. September 2, 1884, “A symposium on Variational Methods in Continuum
Organized by Department of Mathematics, Regional Engineering College,
Warangal -506004
A.P. India.Key Words:
Anti-photon, Instanton charges, SU(8) symmetry, Nijenhuis Tensor,
Tetrad legs.
11. K. L. Narayana, “Super-quark processes, mean lives of Stellar
phenomenon etc, Proc. Eddington
Centenary Symposium
Vol.3, Gravitational Radiation & Relativity,
p.208-314, World Scientific 1986;
and ibid p.315-325, 1986.
Some other on Gravity Publications by me:
List Prepared.
150. K. L. Narayana,”Gravy Quarks supergravity
formulation and Cosmic string
generation of Particles”, Global Conf.
on Mathematical Physics (Cent.
Celebrations of Niels Bohr and H.
Weyl) Einstein Foundation International
Oct 25, University of Nagpur,
(Page.62), 1987.
148. K. L. Narayana, “A possible Cosmological High
Energy Universe”, High Energy
Physics and Astrophysics Int. Conf:
University of Kashmir, Srinagar,
Dated 9th September 1987.
147. K. L. Narayana, “Physical Process of Gravitons
and Gravy Quarks in the Interior
of Supergravity Cosmic stellar
structures”, 72nd Sess. Of Ind. Sci. Cong. Lucknow,
January 5th, 1985
Proc.of Sir Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium, Vol.3
Nagpur, 23 February, 1984.
K. L. Narayana, “Dominance of B10 or C12 nuclear
production during
Gravitational Collapse in the Stellar
Interior?”, Proceedings of Sir
Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium,
Vol.3, Nagpur, 23rd February 1984.
143. K. L. Narayana, “Gravitational
Instability generated by stochastic process and
New Plasma Waves.” Mathematics section,
73rd Ind. Sci. Cong. Delhi University,
January 5-7th, 1986.
137. K. L. Narayana,”Physical process of Gravitons
and Gravy Quark in the interior
Supergravity Cosmic Stellar structures”, 72nd Session of Ind.
Sci. Cong.
January 5th, 1985 and
Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium,
Vol.3, Nagpur, 23rd February 1984.
126. K. L.Narayana,” on Spinorial and
Materialistic optical Cosmod tensor Invariants
and Cosmod Gravity”, 73rd Sess. Ind.
Sci. Cong. Delhi January 6th, Physics
Section, 1986 and 72nd sess. Of Ind.
Sci.Cong. Lucknow, Mathematics section,
January 6th, 1985.
L. Narayana,”On Super-Gravity Theories and Meta Physical Models of Hindu
Vaisheshika Philosophy”, AHPS, 5th
January, 70th Session of Proc. of Ind. Sci.
Sri Venkatewswara University, Tirupati, 1983.
115. K. L. Narayana,”Magnetic
Monopoles their constituents, GUT and Cosmological
Types of Magnetic Monopoles”, 11th
December, Symp/ on Theoretical Studies,
Shivaji Univewrsity, Kolhapur-416004,
117. K. L. Narayana,”On
Gravitational Invariant Particle Wave Equations in a
Generalized Lyra space, GR-10, Conf.
Institute di Fisica, “G.Galilei”,Padova, Italy.
118. K. L. Narayana, “Gravitational Gauge
potentials with twenty-spin-coefficients
and an extended electro-weak theory”,
GR-10, Conf. Institute di Fisica
“G.Galilei”, Padov, Italy.
119. K. L. Narayana, “Quadrupolar
Binding of Gravitational free Quarks”,
GR-10, Conf. Institute di Fisica
“G.Galilei” Padov, Italy.
112. K. L. Narayana,”Stability of Radial Modes and
Magnetic Monopoles (Gauge
Quantal ) solutions of Relativistic
Plasma Stars”, Gorakhpur, 3-8th November,
Paper No. Proc. of Indian Astronomical Society,
111. K. L. Narayana,”On complex angular momenta of
Magnetic Plasma Stars and
Gravitational Dyons”, 1st
December, Paper No.14,: MATSCIENCE, Conf. on
General Relativity and Special
Relativity and its Ramifications, 21st December
Mysore, CFTRI, 1982.
110. K. L. Narayana,”On certain new conserved
quantities Governing the behavior of
Magneto-fluids in General Relativity”,
Paper No. 12: MATSCIENCE, Conf. on
General Relativity and Special
Relativity and its Ramifications, 21st December
Mysore, CFTRI, 1982.
109. K. L. Narayana,”Magnetic Monopoles, Isorotation and Stream lines of
Flow of RMHD in Magnetic Plasma Stars”,
70th Proc. of Ind. Sci. Cong.
Mathematics Section, (Late Paper),
Shri Venkateswara University, 5th
103. K. L. Narayana,”On
Spin-Gravity in a new Renormalization Theory of Electro-
Weak interactions and Gravy-Changing
(neutral) Currents existence”, 7th Jan,
Paper No.147, the 69th
Sess. of Ind. Sci. Cong. Mathematics Section,
Manasagangotri, (Indian Express
7-1-1982), 1982.
100. K.
L. Narayana,”On certain New Conserved Quantities governing the behavior of
Magneto-fluids in General Relativity”, Paper
No.12 : MATSCIENCE: Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, Madras, “Conference on Special and General
Relativity and
Applications”, 15th to 21st
February 1982.
94. K. L. Narayana,”On the
violation of the metric reversal invariance symmetry
and Existance of a new n-Meson”,
Symposium on Theoret5ical Studies: Theoretical
Physics Group, Shivaji University,
Kolhapur-416004, 12th July 1981.
89. K. L. Narayana,” Graviton and
Anti-Graviton annihilation and creation of
Fermi-Quark and f-meson pair multiplets”,
Mathematics Section, Paper No.114,
68th Ind. Sci. Cong. Session,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 3-8th January,
88. K. L. Narayana, “Space
Science analysis of the 19th November 1977 Indian
Penninsular Double Cyclone and their
gravitational interaction and a model of
a helical cyclonic metric structure”,
Physics Section, Paper No.89, the 68th Ind. Sci.
Cong. Session, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, 3-8th January 1981.
79. K. L. Narayana,”Behrrung Gauge
approach and an Unified Model of Gravitation,
Electromagnetism and Strong
interactions”, 67th Ind. Sci. Cong. Session,
Mathematics Section, Jadhavapur
University, Calcutta, February 6th
Paper No.
78.K. L. Narayana,”Charmed spin 5/2 graviton within a super-gravity
67th Ind. Sci. Cong. Sess,
Physics Section, Jadhvapur University, Calcutta,
Paper No.5, February 2nd,
76. Dr. K. L. Narayana,”On other
Gravity Possibilities of Gravitation”, Vol.1, p.641,
Einstein Centenary Symposium, Nagpur
University, Nagpur, Duhita Publishers,
Einstein Foundation, Nagpur, Eds. K.
Kondo and T. M. Karade.
held on Feb.20th, 1980.
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
(Retd. Prof. of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004),
(Residential Address)
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,Maharanipeta. P.O.,
-530002, A.P. India.