Wednesday, September 10, 2008



Dated:9th September 2008



Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

In Memory of


Birth Day of


Professor K.Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.(London)


Q1).Both optically active and circular dichomic colliodalmicellesproduced under solar radiation are stimulated by

a) proteins b).aminoacids c).fatts d.) pigments

Q2). CuO loaded SnO2 senses H2S by the formation of an intermediatemolecule thatdestroys p-n junction which is

a). SnS b). H20 c).Cu2S d). CuS

Q3). The ancient pigment that cause survival of micro-organisms inhostile (including Chernbylexplosion) is

a).Melanin b).Turmeric c).Nicotine c). Myline

Q4). Diamonds found in the oldest crystals insiderocks on Earth'scrust date back to billion years not that much convincing

a).4.3 b).0.275 c).2.5 d).2.0

Q5). 15% of kupier belt objects are
a).binaries b). triplets c).quadruples d).Non-pairs

Q6)Clouds of French Nuclear tests were observed by the present authorat Kolhapur(SU) reaching the sky in abouta).2hrs b).3hrs c).4hrs d).5hrs.

Q7).In the human evolution new genes were discovered inBrain numbering about

a).4 b).2 c).5 d).6

Q8.) Development of tearless onion should not have volatile compounds of

a). Ammonia b). Benzene c). Sulfur d). Acetone

Q9. The highest dose of radon at a home found in Cornwall is about

a). 23.7Sv/yr b).55.8Sv/yr c).320Sv/yr d). 100 Sv/yr

Q10.). Seeds stored that could last through thousands of years needto be stored at

a). -2degC b). -4degC c).-18degC d).-15degC

Q11). The article entitled Riemann Curvature Vein etc dated 23/7/2008at a blogger used the word vein to imply

a). string b).membrane c).wave d)None of these

Q12). Fractal Aurora/Airglow observed at Visakhapatnam on 1/8/08partial solar eclipse may not be due to

a).AGNrays b).Protons c).Gamma Rays d),a,b,c all

Q13).Silver nanoparticles kills microbes by preventing cellreplication and transport of

a). Protons b). Water c). Pottasium d).Electrons

Q14). New datingtechniques used to find secret of 55yrs old GrandCanyon examined rock samples for the levels of elements

a).Plutonium & Uranium b).Helium & Plutonium c).Americium & Uraniumd).Uranium & Helium

Q15). Liquid crystals grow with a structural compromise with

a). micelle b).liquids c).molecular rearrangement d). Bubbles & voids

Q16).Carbon Nanotubes conducting rubbers can stretch to

a).500 b).550 c).570 d).600 (times)

Q17).Alucubierre drive depends on shrinking space-time in front of aship and exrand a fabric behind the ship i.e
a).Space b).Time c)string d)brane

Q18) Invisible cloak uses materials termed as

a)Nano b). Femto c) ceramic d).meta

Q19). Hubble space –telescope on ending 1,00,000th orbit around earthfound a firestorm of stellar raw material pearsing into a Nebula nearstar cluster

a). NGC2074 b)RD456 c)IJK789 d)ogt342

Q20). Prince Charless warns on crops

a). Organic b).Tropic c)GMO d)Desert

Q21). Functional red blood cells in labs are developed by using

a).ESC b). white cells c).Red cells d) None.

Q22).The new catalyst of extracting hydrogen from ethanol at 350degCby Dr U.Ozkan involves

a).Ce-C0-Ca b).Fe-Ce-C0 c). Fe-Al-S d)Mone

Q23). Catch & tell molecules which emit light signals on reaction withspecific chemicals use materials which are

a).Luminescent b)Flourescent c).Phosporescent d)Color Dyes

Q24).The number of flips required to solve the burnt pancake problem should be a

a)Maximum b).Minimum c). 100 d)One Mega

Q25).96 characters of keyboard included in a digitalsign language is called

a)cybercode b)smartcode c).thumbcode d).netcode

Q26). In winter particles of small diameters penetrate deep into lungsand cause a health hazard of size

a).50mu b).2.5mu c.) 0.5mu d).0.5mu

Q27). Cleveland clinic color sensor for lung cancer detection usescolors that change hue when exposed to breath numbering about

a).100 b)50 c)36 d).256

Q28). Bee venom Melittin and Delta Toxin from bacterium both have 26amino acids, same shape,with amphiphathic helical aggregate form andchannel notiff in membranes but doffer in

a).Negative charge b)positive charge c)lengths d)diameters

Q29). Frog sweats out peptide magainin made up of 23 aminoacids in ascrew-like helical chain can by self-assembling kill a
a).bacteria b).insects c).animals d).humans

Q30). Plant material vellozia cardida acquires the metal

a).zinc b)silver c)diamond d).copper

Q31). The Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (400MW) utilizes Helium coolantat 500degC & 377psi while flows out at 1323psi in a PBMR system withtemperature

a)600degC b). 1700degC c).3500dergC d)900degC

Q32)AntiRao particle and quasiparticles of honeycomb lattice grapheme doffer in

a).mass b).charge c).magnetism d).character

Q33 ).NASA's recent Phoneix discovered that mars soil sample particles are

a).viscous b).entangled c).fuzzy d)sticking

Q34). Vindhyan Basin seismograms indicated that multilayered crust isabout 46km thick but crust at Allahabad is thicker by about

a). 5km b). 10km c).20km d).40km

Q35). Recent attempt in India is to run trains by using

a).ethanol b).Petrol c). Biofuel d). CNG

Q36).Aquilion ONE (CT) uses ultra high resolution

a) X-rays b). Gamma rays c). Co rays d). Proton beams

Q37).Japan sends by 2030 an array of satellites whose transmittersconvert solar energy to beam to earth using

a).gamma rays b).IR-raysc). Microwaves d).x-rays

Q38).Google Earth would detect every 6hrs a dozen potential volcanoesin north pacific that puff

a). Sulphur b) rocks & glass c).aero gelsd). Gases

Q39). USA peanut empty shells total to about million tons

a).0.375 b).0.275 c).0.175 d) 0.075

Q40). The loss of a limb a scar on tissue etc that create a stub canbe healed by regrowth using dust from

a).ducks b).elephants c). Lionsd).pigs

Q41).HAARP's 18072-foot high tower with LF and HF dipoles or rods with180 Al towers at 80 feet apart in a 12x15 grid was recently zapped onto

a).mars b).galaxy c).Jupiter d).moon
Q42). E8 map table of integers with 450000 rows and columns required77hrs of SC time to occupy a disk space of

a). 3GB b). 10GB c). 60 GB d). 120GB

Q43 "Rods from God" of 20 feet length and 30 cm thick are basically

a).space weapons b).missiles c).shooting stars d). Bombs

Q44).Learning a complex skill leads to a noticeable change in brainwhite matter which occurs constituted bya).axons & glia b (neuron cells c) asymmetric water diffusiond).symmetric water diffusion

Q45).1859 solar event of Aug 24-Sept 4th, produced protons of BeV thatshattered oxygen and nitrogen in air to create " a ground level event"of shower of

a). electrons b).mesons c). Hyperons d) neutrons

Q46) When gravity is significant matter clumps reaches an equilibrium state forming

a).black hole b) neutron star c).white dwarf d).nouvae

Q47). There are more ways to arrange a given number of atoms thatreflect the "arrow of time" in a configuration of

a).high entropy b).high entanglement c).low entropy d).low entanglement

Q48). The water embedded in a produce of food or another product isknown as water

a).anomalous b).liquid c).virtual d). Capillary

Q49).Crater field Tycho with depth 4850m and its first central massif1600m high has the most striking

a). X-rays b).Gamma rays c).Neutrinosd).bright rays

Q50). At 65-76km UV radiation clouds on Venus appear brighter than thedense clouds layer beneath and rotation of clouds is only

a). 243 days b).4 days c).10 days d).20 days

Q51) The meteoric body in space entering above 100km becomes molten at2000degC to 300degCand disperses on vaporization over a range of

a).300km b)2km c).40km d).0 km

Q52). A bolide remnant of meteoric body called also meteorite consists of
a).stone & iron b). Gas c) minerals d) ice.

Q53). The brightest parts of Milky Way are in region of constellationScorpius and center is located at

a). Sagittarius b) Cygnus c) Aquillad) Cassiopeia

Q54). The pressure of dark matter in the form of filaments sheets andclusters (like bullet) is confined by pull due to

a).red shift b).blue shift c) magnetism d).gravitation

Q55). Every person has disintegrating radioactive atoms that number to

a).4E+05 b). 4000 c). 40000 d). 40

Q56) Gestation is about lunar monthsa). 266 dasa b) eight c) forty d) 100

Q57).Nerve signals travel at speed as high as

a).300miles/hr b).100miles/hr c) 200miles/hr d). 1000miles/hr

Q58). Part of body that takes Oxygen directly

a).Cornea b).Eye c) Nose d). Skin

Q59). Sometime Earth's magnetic field flips to create

a). volcanoes b). Earthquake c) storm d).cyclone

Q60) E=m*c^2 equation was given first by

a).Fraud b). Bohr c). Einstein d). Hastener

Q61). Einstein brain was weighing only

a).3.1 pounds b).2.7 pounds c).10 pounds d).4 pounds

Q62). Japan's science park to open in December to study and unzip themechanism of any living organism uses accelerated

a). electrons b).neutrinos c).protons d). Photons

Q63). GLAST expected to reveal secret of

a). Black hole b).invisible matter c). Dark energy d) glowing dust

Q64). Cows and cattle that graze or resting tend to align their bodies

a).westward b).eastward c) NS d).EW

Q65).The chemical BDNF of brain is responsible for appetite and

a).tall-ness b) dwarf-ness c) deafness d) obesity

Q66). Steam hybrids from car exhausts would make engine

a) Long life b).power increase b).efficient d). light weight
Q67). Junk raft traveled at 0.8km/hr between Long Beach, California toHawaii a distance of

a). 4200km b).5000km c)6000km d).4300km

Q68). The symmetry pattern of E(8)xE(8) of ordinary and shadow matter is

a).symmetrical b).chaotic c).unsymmetrical 4) unknown

Q69).Grossmann relation axb=-bxa leads to

a).unphysics b).complex numbers c).super numbers d) hyper numbers

Q70). The Principle relating basic world features to our own existenceas observers may be termed as the principle

a) anthropic b)polytropic c)metaphysics d)Advaita

Q71). Asymptotic degree of freedom of quarks means that farther apart they

a). repel b). Attract c). Interfere d). Superimpose

Q72.). The Lotus leaf's effect has ability to stay

a).clean b)cool c).fresh d)shinning

Q73). Biokleen is a sensitizer which isa).volatile b). inorganic c). polymeric d). herbel

Q74 ).Rapidcom an inoculum of bactetia breaks down

a). Polymer b). dust c). cellulose d).flies

Q75) to live longer and think better one should eat

a). cereals b)eggs c). potatoes d)onions

Q76.) Avoid plastic surgery for skin time by eating

a) pumpkin b). eggs c). meat d)chicken

Q77). For absorption of old bone tissue through kidneys consume

a). Vitamine A b). Citric acid c). Vitamin D d). Vitamin E

Q78).Tapioca provides 5241calories as against wheat (2983 and rice2163 as per 1983 cost of

a.).Rs.10 b).Rs.1 c).Rs.2 d).Rs 5

Q79). Plume rise can be calculated as a function of sourcecharacteristics such as exit velocity, meteorological parameters and

a).Buoyancy b).Pressure c).Temperature d). Eddies.

Q80). Turbidity is a measure of total vertically integrated particulate load in
a). ionosphere b). Stratosphere c). Thermosphere d). Atmosphere.

Q81). Angstrom gave an empirical formula between extinctioncoefficient and wavelength Lambda as a=β*λ^ (-α) with α=1.3 but α forIndia is

a).not a constant b). constant c). Varies with β d). Zero

Q82). On August 27th, 2008 Nocturnal clouds were observed by thisauthor at Visakhapatnam at around 6.P.M., which are due to

a). earthquake in NZ b). Cyclone c). Low depression d). A storm

Q83). Calorie required per kg of body weight of an adult male withmoderate physical activity is

a).50 b). 40 c). 100 d.)20

Q84).Net protein utilization ratio from protein derived from an animalsource is 0.8 while for vegetable source it is

a).0.3 b). 0.4 c). 0.5d).0.6

Q85). Virtual or magic mirror of Fraunhofer Tele Comm Ltd H-H Ltdallow you to view image in different dresses/colors within

a).Microsecs b).millisecs c) one second d). One minute

Q86) 6 hrs charging of Lithium ion battery allows the Indica car to run about

a). 8 hrs b).12hrs c). 24hrs d). 2 hrs

Q87). LHC to initiate operation tomorrow, would test how particleacquires mass by being dragged in with a mediator Higgs Boson througha

a).Forward quark field b).Backward space-time c).Tachyon field d).Background field

Q88).VMADS machine provides a gun to emit 95GHz μW i.e. of 3mmwavelength and penetrate at 50 0 C into skin to a depth of

a). 03mmb). 0.5mm c). 0.6 mm d). 1mm

Q89). Thunderbird provided support to RS, Newsgroup and IMAP as a

a). client b). Customer c) transporter d) phishing

Q90). In which Omega-3 fatty acids are available in vegetarian diet

a). ground nuts b). Brazil nuts c). Sunflower seeds d). Flax seeds

Q91). Which Vitamin is not harmful even though its in take is excess
a). Vitamin A b). Vitamin B c). Vitamin C d). Vitamin D

Q92). Efficient exercise to burn fats is

a). anaerobic b).aerobic c).Yoga d). Games

Q93).E Leopold an amateur astronomer used a technique to print hisdrawings known as lithography

a). Photo b). Chemical c) Physical d).Chromo

Q94). String effects on Fermi-Dirac correlation measurements have put asmall source radiifor production of

a). Mesons b). Nucleii c) Baryons d).Hadrons.

Q95).Liquid Helium cooling is required to observe ESR using Co ICerium magnesium nitrate due to rapid relaxation rate of

a).spin-spin interaction b) spin-lattice interaction c).Lattice-orbit interaction d) spin-orbit interaction

Q96.) Stellators are studied because they offer certain prospect of operation by

a).Synchrotron b)AC c)DC d). Cyclotron

Q97).Confined sample of radioactive atoms provides fertile ground for studying

a). Quark Model b) Standard Model c) Atomic Models d). Nuclear Models

Q98). MRFM technique uses RF to irradiate sample and by change of frequency proton polarization can be made to

a).Oscillate b) fluctuate c).vibrate d) rotate.

Q99). MRFM uses to generate 2 or 3D images by moving particles acrosssample so that cantilever vibration can be measured. These particles are

a) Magnetic b). Ferro-magnetic c) Ferroelectric d). Super-conductors. Q100.) Chernobyl No.4 reactor exploded releasing million curies ofradioactivity into atmosphere numbering

a) 200b)300 c)100 d) 400

Q101).Plasticity of nervous system and the extent of its adaptabilityto a different sensory mode which is known as

a) Rearrangement b) redistribution c) reallocation d) redundancy.

Q102 .) Each axon can be as short as a millimeter or as long asa) one foot b) 2m c) One meter d) 5m

Q103.) Action potential is a membrane depolarization that propagates along the axonas a wave

a). Longitudinal b). Transverse c). Stationary d). Travelling

Q104.) Nuclear Astrophysics remains puzzled which nuclei undergo rapidcapture(r-process) of particles

a). Protons b). Neutrons c).Electrons d) mesons

Q105.) CNO process time scale in stellar plasma depends on rate ofreaction N+P--> O+gamma ray, this is limited by Coulomb repulsion between

a) Electrons b) Mesons c). Positive particles d). Neutrons

Q106). Some 75%-95% of a typical engine lubricant is made up of

a). Fatty acid b) Mineral oil c). Palm oil d). Sunflower oil

Q107). Peramma action constant relates to (see the present Blogger posts)

a).Nutrition b).Radio-activity c) Emissions d) Absorption

Q108). Finger print sensor devices has novel cavity structure thatallows detecting mechanicalDeformations related to topography of finger using pixels numbering

a) Mega b) Kilo c) 60000 d) 20000

Q109). Flowing of a Bose-Einstein condensate makes speed of light to change to

a) Greater values b) low velocities c) Tachyon velocity d) zero velocity.


Answers Some:

1d 2d 3a 4a 5a 6d 7b 8c 9 c 10c 11d 12d 13d 15c 21a 22a23b 24 b 25c 26b 27c28 b 29 a 30c 31d 32a 33d 34b 35c 36a 38b 39a 40d 41d 42 c 43a 44a 45d46a 47c 48c 49d 50b 51c 52a 53a 54d 55c 56a 57a 58a 59c 60d 61b 62c63c 64c 65d 66c 67a 68d 69c 70a 71b 72 a 73d 76 a 77c 78b 80a 81c82a 83d 84c 85c 86a 88a 90a 91c 92a 93c 94d 95b 96c 97b 98b 99b 100c 101c 102 c 103d 104b 105 c 106b 107 a 108 c 109c


Some six Questions on Health have been contributed by

shri Gollapudi Ramakrishna ,48-10-34,Srinagar(RTC),

Gollapudi House ,Visakhapatnam.He is a self-centered

person a loner leading a very simple life in a flat with no furniture.
