Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Astronomy and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam in First Fortnight of February 2012
Volume 2012, Issue No.2, Dt.15th February 2012 Time: 10h04m PM

Astronomy Study & Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during the First Fortnight of February 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU}17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O, Visakhapatnam-530002.  Mobile No: 9542717723 and 9491902867

Key words: Solar Spectra, Astronomy 

The first fortnight of February 2012 presented a fifteen day period of clear weather.  Only photos of the first and second fortnight of February 2012 could be obtained due to the ill health of the present author for about a week from 8th to 15th February, 2012. The pictures are exceptionally clear and the constellation of Orion could be photographed with relatively good clarity.

Introduction & Results

The appearance of the constellation of Orion is very interesting and quite clear during the first fortnight of February 2012. The observation of the Moon around the evening time of 17h20m and at 17h26mPM gave a clear view. The Moon has been found to be very striking around at 20h28mPM with the star and a planet. Around 20h29mPM on the 1st February 2012 the Moon and the Constellation of Orion was visible within the passing clouds. The Moon forming an exotic object on the 4th February 2012, with the stars of the constellation of Orion is very fascinating at 20h52mPM. At 20h54mPM the Moon is very bright with the three spectacular stars of the Constellation of Orion. At 5th February 2012 at around the 19h59mPM the Moon has a relatively shifted position relative to the stars of the constellation of Orion.

On 8th February 2012 the Moon has shifted away from the Orion constellation and the stars of this constellation have been observed within the clouds around 18h42mPM. At 18h43mPM on the 8th February 2012 the position of the Jupiter relative to a star of the Orion constellation has been observed. The Sirius orientation relative to the bright constellation of the Orion has been recorded at 19h09mPM on the 18th February 2012. On the 15th February 2012 (after a lapse of week days due to my ill health) at 18h36mPM the Constellation of the Orion has been obtained with the other objects around it in a relatively blue sky. Another picture of it taken around 18h39mPM on 15th February 2012 has been presented. At 18h39mPM on 15th February 2012 the constellation of Orion has been presented with the surrounding stars. The image on the West sky has been given in the picture taken at 18h45mPM on the 15th February 2012.
Fig.1 Presents the Moon light evening time at Visakhapatnam on 1st Feb 2012
Fig.2 the four figures of the Moon with the constellation stars of the Orion 

Fig.3 the Moon near the constellation of Orion on the 4th February 2012
Fig. 4 the Moon on 5th February 2012 and the stars of the constellation Orion are given

Fig.5 Pictures of the Constellation Orion

I am indebted to Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao of Andhra University,   Visakhapatnam  for his inspiring interest in the study of Astronomy and Astrophysics and their spectral observations.