Saturday, March 31, 2012

A new approach to Elementary Particle Physics and Super Symmetry of Quantum Mechanics
Volume 2012, Issue No.3, Dt. March 31st, 2012
Time: 16h47m PM

A New Quantum approach for Elementary Particle Spectroscopy & Super- Symmetry


Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU, Kolhapur} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta P. O, Visakhapatnam -530002. Mobile No: 9542717723 & 9491902867


A new version of the Quantum Energy levels of a Hamiltonian formalism to describe new types of Elementary Particles and the Super Symmetry envisaged.

Color Maps given to illustrate the formalism developed. Klnex formalism now given by the present author that is characterized by two fundamental Masses bet1 and bet2. These two masses have been contrasted, with a set of two masses like the Proton, Rao quanta or just the Proton and Positron etc. The momentum component alpr and the bet1 & bet2 masses seem to be intricately involved. Is it the Rao quanta play a definite role in Elementary Particle Physics? The four sets of energy value diagrams presented herewith.


It is necessary to develop new approaches for the Quantum Mechanics and any attempt to safe guard the possible set of several Elementary Particles that arise in the description of the finer aspects of the Particle spectroscopy or the Universe at large. I am happy that a newer formalism of the Super-symmetry and quantum Mechanics is envisaged herewith. Hamiltonian approach seems to be the easiest method of analysis. Color map is given below in a design then 0 and 1 would have different colors. See the references sited below about Super Symmetry [1 and 2]
Main approach

I define the set of matrices f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 and f6 that allows one to formulate a Hamiltonian formalism to describe new types of elementary particles and their spectroscopy. I define the set of matrices f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 and f6 that allows one to formulate a Hamiltonian formalism to describe new types of Elementary Particles and their Spectroscopy.

f1=[0 1 0 0 0 0;1 2 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0]; tr1=2;

f2=[0 0 2 3 0 0;0 0 3 0 0 0;2 3 0 0 0 0;3 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0]; tr2=0;

f3=[0 0 0 0 4 5;0 0 0 0 5 4;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;4 5 0 0 0 0;5 4 0 0 0 0]; tr3=0;

f4=[0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 1 0 0;0 0 1 2 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0]; tr4=2;

f5=[0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 2 3;0 0 0 0 3 2;0 0 2 3 0 0;0 0 3 2 0 0]; tr5=0;

f6=[0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 1;0 0 0 0 1 0]; tr6=0;

Below is the presentation of a matrix that consists of about 6x6=36 elements with a zero value for the ground state of a quantum system with different specifications.

Color map is given below in a design then 0 and 1 would have different colors.

Klnex formalism now given by the present author leads then to a Hamiltonian

H=alpx*f6+alpy*f5+alpz*f3+alpr*f2+ bet1*f1+bet2*f4

that is characterized by two fundamental masses bet1 and bet2 which (may be in the style of COSMOD TRANSFORMATION earlier defined, introduced and proposed by the present author Prof K. L. Narayana (Nuvo Cimento ) may be identified with a set of two particles like the Proton, Rao quanta or just the proton and positron etc.

Here f1, f2, f3,f4, f5 and f6 play the role of certain set of matrices of which, f1 and f4 have trace 2 and others are traceless.


alpx, alpy, alpz and alpr

are similar but a distinctly different set of may be the momentum components of a particle of dual nature with masses bet1 and bet2. 
Thus the newly invented klnex formalism holds good and is valid within its own frame work. The f1 product with f2 matrix is just the transpose of the product f2 with f1. Similarly, f1 with f3 gives the transpose of f3 with f1. While the product of f1 with f4 leads to a null matrix. Similarly, f1 product with both f5 and f6 leads to null matrix. The product f2*f3 is transpose of f3*f2. The product f2*f4 is a null matrix. The product f2*f5 is transpose of f5*f2. The product f2*f6 gives the null matrix just like the product f3*f4. The product f3*f5 is transpose of f5*f3. The product f3*f6 is transpose of f6*f3.The product f4*f5 is transpose of f5*f4. The product f4*f6 is a null matrix.

f1*f2= [0 0 3 0 0 0; 0 0 8 3 0 0;

            0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

            0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];

f1*f3= [0 0 0 0 5 4; 0 0 0 0 14 13;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];


f2*f3= [0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

             0 0 0 0 23 2; 0 0 0 0 12 15;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];


f2*f5=[ 0 0 0 0 13 12; 0 0 0 0 6 9;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];


f3*f5= [0 0 23 22 0 0; 0 0 22 23 0 0;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];

f3*f6= [0 0 0 0 5 4; 0 0 0 0 4 5;

             0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;

              0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0];

The choice

alpx=0; alpy=0; alpz=0;

projects H as

Hproj =

[0, bet1, 2*alpr, 3*alpr, 0, 0;

bet1, 2*bet1, 3*alpr, 0, 0, 0;

2*alpr, 3*alpr, 0, bet2, 0, 0;

3*alpr, 0, bet2, 2*bet2, 0, 0;

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Which, is isomorphic with

{1 , -I, I, –I}

or {E, C4, C4^2, C4^3 }

and the later components constitute a group of symmetry of a square.
The momentum component alpr and the bet1 & bet2 masses seem to be intricately involved. Is it the Rao quanta play a definite role in Elementary Particle Physics?
To realize the role played by the alpr component adopt

                             alpr=1; bet1=1; bet2=1;

then we get simplified. Other values of the bet1 and the bet2 masses may be chosen to realize other types of alpr component magnitudes. Few novel choices are also permitted. For the illustration a matrix is displayed with the values alpr=1;bet1=1;bet2=1.

These elements may also be represented in a matrix form given below.

The figure also gives the details of the Hproj values in (X,Y)-plot.

Hproj has the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors as given below:

v =[ -0.6533 0.5000 0 0 -0.2706 0.5000;

        -0.2706 -0.5000 0 0 0.6533 0.5000;

          0.6533 0.5000 0 0 0.2706 0.5000;

          0.2706 -0.5000 0 0 -0.6533 0.5000;

          0 0 1.0000 0 0 0;

          0 0 0 1.0000 0 0];

And the diagonal energy values

d =[ -2.8284 0 0 0 0 0; 0 -2.0000 0 0 0 0;

         0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0;

         0 0 0 0 2.8284 0; 0 0 0 0 0 6.0];


Fig.1 WFs of energy value -2.8284

Fig.2 wave functioms of energy value -2.0

Fig.3 WFs of the energy value 6.0

Fig.4 WFs of the energy value 2.8284
Note all the four excited energy levels. Two are positive and two are negative. The duality behavior holds good. The forbidden gaps are quite different in these two cases. But, the existence of two more eigenvectors corresponding to the zero energy levels, project the 3rd and the 4th potentials respectively in a six dimensional klnex formalism space.


• New Quantum Mechanics is more general than that envisaged by a Super Symmetry Model of Quantum Mechanics. A book is available in I I Sc, Bangalore library, on Super Symmetry and Quantum Mechanics dated 2012.

• Because of the restrictions of conventional Super-symmetry model on the couplings, two Higgs doublets are required, in order to give masses to all the charged fermions and the spontaneous breaking gives Goldstone Bosons.

• Dated 26th October 2011 propriety right held


1. K.L.Narayana et al., 21 Giugno, Il Nuvo Cimento, Serie 11, Vol.33A, p.641-640 1976 { claim news 26th Feb and 24th Feb 1977 Times of India, 26th Feb 1977 Indian Express, Patriot and Indian Express (Vijayawada)} The scientist envisaged that the new gravitational force is endowed with hypercharge and strangeness. It may be mediated by particles less massive than the Graviton.

2. Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics by A. Gangopadhyaya et al, World Scientific 2010 (031122) IISc Ref No.530.12dc22 also see the book by M. Drees, Rohini M. Godbole and Probhior Roy entitled ”Theory and phenomenology of S-particles 4D N=1 Super Symmetry in HEP” 183964; 539.725. These are very interesting books on the new approaches in Quantum Mechanics.


I am indebted to Late Professor K. R Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his inspiring guidance and helping me to formulate new thoughts in the subjects of human endeavor.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Astronomy, Mathematics and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam in Second Fortnight of March 2012
Volume 2012, Issue No.3, Dt.20th March 2012
 Time: 9h42m AM
Astronomy, Mathematics and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during 
Second Fortnight of March 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU, Kolhapur}
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta P. O, Visakhapatnam -530002.
Mobile No: 9542717723 and 9491902867
Key words: Aero Gels, Sun scenario, Telugu New Year, Recent Earth Quakes, New Fund policy

The Sun scenario captured on 21 March 2012 morning at my residence, to obtain a glimpse of comparative study. Picture of the Morning Sun obtained to examine the Einstein’s theory. Coffee seeds are growing in Visakhapatnam agency area. Bone marrow cells from and near the heart region of Late Dr. K. Venkata Rao M.B.B.S.,D.C.H, were abstracted and were used to treat him by an Eluru Doctor. The Doctor, in a Medical Journal has published the results, to his credit. These bone marrow extract are used to treat him during the years 1966-1972 or perhaps earlier. The sequence of Sun spectra obtained on the 22 and 23 March 2012 are a reminder of the TELUGU New Year named as NANDANA. It is 26 year of the 60 cycle of the Solar system. The recent earthquakes in Australia in a desert and the Mexico that killed 800 people are very saddening.

The stem cell research is under tremendous progress in England. It is already saving lives. A person’s baby blood is a potential source of the cord blood that contains the stem cells of various applications. They are magic and miraculous cells. They are the blue print for all the cells in the human body. If one’s bone marrow is not working properly, they can be a real lifeline. Bone marrow cells from and near the heart region of Late Dr. K. Venkata Rao M.B.B.S.D.C.H, were abstracted and were used to treat him by an Eluru Doctor. The Doctor, in a Medical Journal has published the results, to his credit. These bone marrow extract are used to treat him during the years 1966-1972 or perhaps earlier. The idea of stem cells and the bone marrow cells seems to have become a standard of today’s medical research. The blood donated from healthy babies’ umbilical cords is in tremendous focus today for treatment of several chronic diseases.

The poverty line in India has dwindled from 37.2% in 2004-2005 to 29.8% in 2009-10. Poverty ratio in Himchala Pradesh, MP, Maharashtra, Orissa, Sikkim, TN, Karnataka and Uttarakhand declined by 10% or more. While, in Assam, Delhi, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland poverty increased in 2009-10. In Andhra Pradesh, the monthly per capita in 2009-10 was 693.8 in Rural to about 926.4 in urban areas.  Anita’s courage after her marriage to Shivram Narre in May last, insisted at her in-law’s place village Ratanpur where out of 157 houses 100 have now toilets. Every disabled irrespective of age is eligible for pension amount of Rs.500/- per month said the Minister. About 100 institutions run by NGO’s for about 13lakh identified physically challenged people in Andhra Pradesh state.  In what way the illgegal bauxite mining in the agency areas of Visakhapatnam would affect the rain and harvest season in India.

About 500 MW, Electrical power required by the Visakhapatnam Industries and the Union Minister was asked to consider the release of it immediately from Central Electricity Authority. Hope Island in Kakinada declared as a reserve forest with an extent of about 300 hectares’ and recent records show it increased by about 200 hectares. Scientists assert that its shape is changing due to the dredging operations. The fisherman families are staying on the island and since it is a permanent forest, no constructions allowed in it. Casuarinas plantations are in progress on the island.

March 21st 2012 is an important day due to Einstein’s theory of Relativity and Gravitation. Pictures obtained during the day in the morning and reported.  Telugu New Year day 23 March 2012 Friday has been widely celebrated and many photographs are given.

The Solar radius measured precisely by University of Hawaii Institute, using Michelson Doppler Image (MDD) aboard NASA’s SOHO. Radius measured as 696,342 Kms (i. e. about 432,687miles.) with the uncertain error as about 65 Kms. IT tools discovered ancient civilization of thousand of sites in Syria by satellites imagery. Earlier, streets and houses in Egypt were found using imageries. Cause of Male baldness found as due to lack of a protein prostaglandin and its derivative that inhibit growth of hair. Everyday chemicals found linked to occurrence of obesity and diabetes in human beings. IGCAR develops sensors to inspect defects in Materials that produce magnetic resonance, which leads to leakage of magnetic flux.
Earth Quake in Mexico and Australia
A strong 7.4R scale Earth Quake ravaged southern Mexico on Tuesday 20 March 2012 damaging about 800 houses in Guerrero and another 60 collapsed, near the epicenter, which found deadly than 1985 quake. The Ometepec is about 25Kms from the epicenter. It had hit hardest border areas of southern Oaxaca and Guerrero.
An earthquake in Australia occurred on Friday 23 March 2012 night for about 30seconds at the 6.1R scale, luckily occurred in a forest and the Director of Earthquake scientist, a seismologist said, on Saturday 24 March 2012 that it occurred in Ernabilla there was no loss of life or money. This Earthquake of this intensity, is one that occurred after about 15 years
Direct Message to India
The Hindu newspaper of 22 March 2012 reported that India should match Japan to avoid sanctions on Iran Oils.
TERI lighting solar lamps:
Vikas signs MOU with TERI to promote Solar Energy. A Billion lives, in villages promoted, by lighting solar lamps in Visakhapatnam hilly areas, which do not have access to thermal power in Agency areas.
India makes tubes for Nuclear Plants:
Nuclear Fuel Complex has successfully manufactured critical tubes UNS NO8800U for steam generators of nuclear power units. Each steam generator needs about 2500 tubes. Eight steam generators for Kakrapara (3 and 4 units) and Rajasthan (7 and 8 units) under construction.
Temple Face Lift:
Madam Jayalaitha Chief Minister of TN State has undertaken 1006 temples for renovation and conservation. An identical number of temples renovated and consecrated in 2011-12. The conduct of spiritual and moral classes on all Saturdays for children held to imbibe high moral and ethical values.

The figure 1 presents the planets nearness and their separation over a time-period of about 2 days and roughly two hours time. The proximity of the planets was very nice to observe. This figure also presents the Sun spectra obtained with different filters to gauge the Sun. The figure 2 gives the spectra of the Sun obtained on 21 March 2012 for a comparative study of the Einstein’s features of The Theory of General Relativity. The figure obtained during the morning time 9h 01m. The yellow splash of light noticed easily in the figures obtained with the green filter. The figure 3 presents the similar figures obtained around the time of about One O’ Clock for a comparative study. The striking Yellow color was captured visibly in the pictures obtained using a green filter. However, the yellow dominant color easily be spotted in the remaining figures as well. The rings around the Sun image easily spotted in the Red glow of the figures. The yellow splash of light noticed easily in the figures obtained with the green filter. Figure 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 give the Sun spectra of the Telugu New Year Day. The Sun spectra reveal dramatic changes in their spectral colors and prompt the lack of rains in the Visakhapatnam region in the summer season. A remarkable feature of these spectra is that the Sky observations are quite clear during the day time but during the nights the clouds have a very rapid movement from the East to the West side. The night astronomy observations are very limited due to the occurrence of the clouds. Fig.11 presents the local news of Sun Rays falling on the God’s feet at around 5h45m or son in the Temple of Appana in Visakhapatnam. It is surprising that the Sun Temple at Srikakulam District did not get the credit of this Year’s Sun Rays falling on the Sun God there. The two planetary systems close by observed and photographed. The earthquake in Mexico and Australia have frightened the people on the 3rd weekend of March 2012. Figures 12 give details unusual fog on Godavari River, Missing Gold and Silver coins, Visakhapatnam tourism festival and the Yellow and Red rings around the setting Sun have captured the attention of the author. Figure 13 presents the Tamil-Brahmi script on Jain monks resting place in India near Madurai at a place called Samanamalai. Figures 14 to 17 present the sky scenario at Visakhapatnam.
Strength of Aero-Gels or Solid Smoke
The author has supported and sustained research on Aero-Gels now termed as Solid Smoke during his Headship of late opportunity at Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004. The several 1” inch-diameter glass tubes about 1000 purchased to initiate the research on Aero-Gels. The aero-gel developed through France was given to USA to collect solid particulate matter of the Sky and thus of the Universe. The idea was to promote the particulate research of the Universe and as well of the Dust. They have remarkable properties and flexible. They can be used for cleaning oil spills, to create new sensors, to identify children’s toys, identify military boats, and super-buoyant beach floats. They do not require petroleum to produce the newer variety of materials. Cellulose is moving beyond the paper and textiles to help promote Solid Smoke. Nano-fibrils research initiated by me way back years ago is showing the India Wisdom. It is buoyant and lightest solid substance on the Earth and mimics the water strider with thin feet. Pictures of the Aero-Gel developed wayback on my promotion and initiation at Shivaji University, Kolhapur would be nice to see.


Fig.1 March 2012 Planets nearby the clock tower of KGH Vizag fortnight data

Fig.2 March 21 2012 Green filter, Red filter and an X-ray filter

Fig.3 Spectra of the Sun on 21 March 2012 afternoon

Fig.4 Sun spectra on 23 March 2012 the New Year Telugu

Fig.5 Sun Spectra on 22 March 2012 the New Year Telugu EVE

Fig.6 Sun on the Telugu New Year’s Eve of 2012

Fig.7 Sun spectra on the eve of 21 March 2012 Telugu New Year

Fig.8 Sun spectra on the morning of 22 March 2012 Amavasya Day

Fig.9 Sun Spectra of 22 March 2012 afternoon at 1PM Telugu New Year

Fig.10 Sun spectra at Beach Visakhapatnam at 23rd March 2012 Telugu New Year

Fig.11 Astronomically significant two planets close on eve of 25 March 2012 photographed. 

Fig.12 The foggy weather on Godavari River and the Sun images 

Fig.13 Tamil- Brahmi Script claimed and other pictures of AP 

Fig.14 The scenario of Sky and The treatment of Patients in Vizag 

Fig.15 The Sky scenarios and the man who went down to the Sea 

Fig.16 Moon and Planets scenario

Fig.17 The morning Planets show

The record of the Sun spectra on the eve and the beginning of the TELUGU NEW YEAR in March 2012 is a very exciting thing since the weather permitted good records. The TIFR decision to give a prize for the ABEL AWARD to a Hungarian scientist is very interesting. The record of Sun Set and Moonrise on the Godavari River is excellent. Aero-Gel research which was initiated by the author at Shivaji University, Kolhapur years ago has promising outlook. The Water Molecule was analyzed by the author recently at the Ind.Sci.Cong. held in Jan 2012 at Bhubaneswar, India. It is very sad to know the Dollar Problem in India.

A. 2012 Abel Prize for a Mathematician
The committee held at TIFR in February selected for the award. A Hungarian Endre Szemeredi got the Abel award for fundamental contributions, to Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Incidence Geometry. His work was a game changer in many areas of mathematics. His area of work covers contributions made to additive number theory and ergodic theory. The discrete mathematics covers areas of graphs, sequences, permutations and geometric configurations. This forms foundations of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Theory. In 1976, he got International fame by solving the Erdos-Turan conjecture. A key step used in the Szemeredi Regularity Lemma found applications in classification of large graphs. His contributions are Szemeredi-Trotter Theorem, the Ajtai-Komlos- Szemeredi semi-random method, The Erdos-Szemeredi sum-product theorem, the Balog-Szemeredi-Gowrs Lemma, and in computer science Ajtai-Komlos- Szemererdi hashing scheme and the Paul-Pippenger-Szemeredi-Trotter theorem. Abel who died at the age of 26 years (1802-1829) often compared with Srinivas Ramanujan a great Mathematician of India who pioneered Divisional Integral Calculus.

B. The Water molecule, its configurations especially in Petroleum products.
Extensive investigations are available in literature on water molecule and its Molecular bonding techniques. The author, has his own view of the water molecule and has amicably presented these in a series of papers at the Ind. Sci. Congress Symposia.

I am deeply indebted to Late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me and inspiring for research investigations and observations. His life was from 1899 to 1972. I was born on 23 July 1940 around 6h01m evening time.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Astronomy, Earth Quake and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam in First Fortnight of March 2012
Volume 2012, Issue No.3, Dt.7th March 2012
Time: 15h59m PM

Astronomy Study and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during First Fortnight of March 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU, Kolhapur}
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta P. O, Visakhapatnam -530002.
Mobile No: 9542717723 and 9491902867
Key words: Blazing Sun Heat, Moon Shine, Cloudy Weather at Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam, Astronomy, Mysterious Solar irradiation, Earth Tremor in New Delhi.


The Andhra people in the beginning of March 2012 and almost the end week of February 2012 have felt the Sun Blazing. In USA, a horizontal spin produced by higher altitude winds blew faster at lower altitudes and the updraft shifts the spinning vertically forming a tornado. These tornados form super cells and thunder storms that grow to more than 40,000 feet in Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. There was a Solar Flare and CME emission on the Thursday when it was hot in Visakhapatnam but gradually it cooled and the Saturday has been a day of full Sand covered sky. The major solar activity has not produced vital results but the weather in Visakhapatnam region has suddenly changed from very hot on Thursday 6th March 2012 to a mild one during the following days until the Sunday 11th March 2012. The phenomenal weather scenario had a dramatic change from considerable mist in the night to one of cloudy scenario.

President Barack Obama offered FEMA assistance:
A devastating thundershower tornado hit several states in USA affecting maximum about five states Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. No buildings were left untouched in West Liberty and the bus parked near a school has tossed several hundred meters into the side of a restaurant. The pressure on your body, your eyes pop up, trees snap and God has put here for a reason.

South India:

Dry weather persisted in Andhra Pradesh, in spite that the sky found to be cloudy and permitted no Astrophysics studies. Bangalore city and nearby suburbs are found to be very patchy with good sun light and no rains. The Sunshine as shown in picture frame 4 below is very promising red but contrasting colors of different shades. The Andhra Pradesh has been one of a full of appealing mist and fog as the pictures recorded demonstrate clearly. While travelling in the South from Bangalore to Visakhapatnam on the 4th and 5th March 2012 the images have been obtained.

My AU photo published by THE HINDU:

THE HINDU has published my photo of the group in 1956-1959 batches Mathematical Physics on 5 March 2012 along with Professor S. Meenakshisundaram.

The avalanche in Kashmir 16 defense personnel died

Five junior officers along with 16 Army personnel killed in two massive avalanches that struck military posts on Wednesday along the line of control in central and North Kashmir. Three soldiers are still missing. First one occurred at 4.45pm while the second occurred around in Dawar area of Gurez Valley in Bandipur district with three reported missing. Photo shows a Kashmir woman taking her children to a safer place of the avalanche in Sonmarg.

On line Labs for Science and Engineering:

The HRDM on Thursday launched Virtual Labs i.e. a collection of 91 labs containing hundred of experiments in nine disciplines of Science and Engineering. They use the WWW a standard computer and an internet connection that facility allows students to practice and learn expts in S & T. About 300 hundred staff is trained representing about 152 departments to operate the 20 nodal centers.

Indian NGO selected for US award:

Washington: an Indian NGO has been selected, for US innovative Award for “Empowerment of Women and Girls” for organizing and training water-pickers and eliminating child labor from recycling.

Coke and Pepsi to cut down on Carcinogen

The world’s two popular beverages Coco-Cola and Pepsi quietly agreed to cut the chemical of carcinogenic or reduce their level considerably. Michael Johnson CSIP said that FDA has nothing to in the past year to protect millions of consumers consuming the dangerously contaminated soft drinks and possibly other products with ammoniated caramel colorings.


The Hindu Newspaper carried a photo of 1959 batch of M.Sc. Mathematical Physics Andhra University, of the year 1956-1959 with Professor S. Meenakshisundaram as the Head of the Department of Mathematical Physics. The photo published in The Hindu carries a photo of the author in 1956-1959. Fig.9 carries the photo and citation in The Hindu newspaper.

The Solar Storm

“The latest storm started with a flare on Tuesday, but it arrived Thursday morning at mild levels – at the bottom of the government's 1-5 scale of severity. It strengthened to a level 3 for several hours early Friday as the storm neared its end. Scientists say that is because the magnetic part of the storm flipped direction. Sky watchers reported to NOAA shimmering colorful auroras in Michigan, Wisconsin and Seattle areas that do not normally see the Northern Lights Rutledge said. Other space weather enthusiasts reported auroras in Alaska, Minnesota, and North Dakota and in the southern hemisphere in Australia and New Zealand. By Friday 9th March 2012 morning the storm was essentially over, forecasters said but they had a new flare from the same sunspot region to watch. Preliminary forecasts show it to be slightly weaker than the one that just hit, arriving somewhere around 1 a.m. EST Sunday. By late Friday morning the storm was essentially over, forecasters said. However, they had a new flare from the same sunspot region to watch. Preliminary forecasts show it to be slightly weaker than the one that just hit, arriving somewhere around 1 a.m. EST Sunday. The current coronal mass ejection (CME) - travelling at some 1,300km per second - began arriving at Earth on Thursday morning, after the release of two particularly strong solar flares earlier in the week. Activity near the Sun's surface rises and falls through an 11-year cycle that is due to peak in 2013 or 2014. The solar storms that mark the arrival of CMEs can disrupt the field enough to have an effect on the Earth's surface - causing current spikes in power grids or disrupting navigation devices.

Tuesday an X5.4-class outburst has evolved strong, enough to trigger a radio black out. The resulting geomagnetic storm affected the electrical grids, communication links, satellite navigation systems and airline schedules over the next few days. The outburst at 7:24 p.m. ET is followed about an hour later by an X1.3-class blast. Solar flares are rated on a letter-plus-number scale, with X being the most powerful category. Usually the numbers run from 1 to 9, but X-class flares can run higher. The solar blasts threw off waves of electrically charged particles known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. Those waves are now speeding outward, and space-weather forecasters expect them to touch off strong geomagnetic storms when they interact with Earth's magnetic field late Wednesday and early Thursday.

Update for 4:40 p.m. ET March 7

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center reports that the coronal mass ejections sent out on Tuesday 6th March 2012 are projected to affect Earth and Mars as well as several interplanetary spacecraft, including NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the Messenger probe at Mercury and the sun-watching STEREO-B satellite. The NASA advisory also notes that the X5.4-class flare was the strongest solar outburst since an X6.9 blast on August 2011

Update for 5 p.m. ET March 7

A lot of commenter’s are talking about the Carrington Event 0f 1859, a solar storm that was so strong it frazzled telegraph wires. That was associated with what was surely an off-the-scale solar flare, much more powerful than the X28 referenced at the beginning of this item — so I have rephrased that reference accordingly.”

Free Education in Germany, Sweden, Austria and Norway:

The India students are aiming at free educational centers in the said countries. German universities are autonomous. In research and teaching, they excel. Research projects are available plenty in Germany. In September, they introduce the students for research. From February 15th to May 31st applications are accepted. Master programmes are taught in English. For obtaining, the Visa an amount of 7800 European money deposit should, be shown as a DD. UK, Australia and Canada some universities are charging about Rs 7-10lakhs of rupees. EU countries have about 20lakhs people requirement for employee opportunity. Shcengien Visa helps to travel in 14 European countries and enquire employment. Admission is easy in Common, Wealth countries but Visa to get is difficult. In EU, admission is difficult but to obtain Visa is easy. Embassy does not bother about the wealth of the student. Excepting Germany, not all other EU countries have record of rejected Visa facility. Paid Internship is the credit of only German country. 90 days, extra work facility is available in Germany. After complete the work they can search for a job in about a year’s time.


In Fig.1 below is described the details of USA Typhoon with exemplary details of the Vortex and the slow and rapid motions of the cyclone weather. The storm has devasted a school building and an infant girl recovered from the debris. A figure presents the coins of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana of 2 and ½ rupees issued by East India Company in 1762. The hot summer heat has already felt in Visakhapatnam. The Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore had its Science free Day on third march 2012 and the author is able to gather a few pictures. Typical is the System of Vortex-Tube. The Earthquake regions of the Himalaya Mountains have been explicitly marked in the photo shown in this figure. The search of Black Holes seems to be an intriguing episode of several foreign scientists and researchers in USA. A correlated history of Earth is given. Figure 2 presents the scenario of the moving landscape and the buildings shot from the train while travelling from Bangalore city back to Visakhapatnam in Prashanti express train from 2.00pm of fourth march to 1.20pm of 5th March 2012 by the author. The noticeable in these pictures are the various dimensions of the speed of the retrieving landscape nearby and the moving along with the train speed of the distant land. This is the second time the author is giving the details of the Einstein’s Theory of the moving relative distances with the experiment of a moving train. The Figure 3 of the presentation gives the theory of convergence of the India tectonic Plate to stop moving in about 20million years time. The Iran opens up space mission site to media. No cold air for heart patients is a surprising since they will not able to cope up with the Oxygen takes up by the body as a Doctor feels from Washington.

The Figure 4 gives detailed pictures of the morning rising Sun in a very misty atmosphere and the author is surprised to note that the mist persisted throughout the day during the travel from Bangalore to Visakhapatnam in the train travel by Prashanti express. The most surprising thing is the intense water clouds entirely covered with dust storms preventing them to rain. From where this dust arises seems to be a big problem of analysis. It exists only in Andhra Pradesh area but not in Bangalore. This is somewhat surprising to the author since he is worried about the suicides committed by several village farmers in Andhra Pradesh state. This figure also carries a photo of the advertisement put up by the students of Bangalore I I Sc Institute to visit the Chemists Day Out on the inaugural day of the I I Sc. The figure 5 shows the published photos in Newspaper of the crisis that grips water shortage in Anantapur District and the charms of foreign students in Visakhapatnam. This figure also carries a photo of the executives of NMDC found busy with the finding of a fund underground in the foothills of Naubath Pahad in Vidyaranya School. They presume it is Solid Structure or a tunnel at the site. The figure 6 gives three more pictures shot of the foggy weather conditions in the breadth of Andhra Pradesh and a photo of diffused light from the Sun around 11.00AM. The author’s M.Sc. Mathematical Physics picture is also given.

The figure 7 gives some salient features of the display of open day of IISc Bangalore on 3rd March 2012 and the connectivity diagram.

Figure Eight represents the Moon light glow in the Visakhapatnam Sea and the analyses of the Sun pictures explicitly are given.

Figure 9 presents the author’s photo in the Department of Mathematical Physics opposite the Physics Department of Andhra University Colleges published in March 5, 2012 of The Hindu newspaper. The figures below depict the inauguration of a new Biophysics building by learned Professor C N Rao and his wife. Interestingly the figure gives a photo of the profile of Sun Spectra obtained with an Infra Red filter.

Figure 10 presents the Sea at Visakhapatnam the scenario on 12th and 16th March 2012. Figure 11 gives the details of data for the days of 15th, 16th and 17th march 2012. The Fig12 gives the data for Moon captured and the file photos of immersion of Ashes of late Prof K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc. (London) and as well of his wife late Mrs. K. Peramma. The Fig.13 is a splendid account of the Sun, and the Einstein Effect of the distant land. Note the Red hue of the setting Sun in the evening sky a remarkable picture obtained by the author. The blue Sun view is from the window of the mini Bus of Gayatri Engg. College and has a remarkable kink of the Sun.

The Solar storm of the 6th to 11th March 2012 has caused a tremendous change in weather conditions at Visakhapatnam. The city has become warmer during the daytime and during the nights, the city blazed with big clouds.


Fig_1 March 2nd Friday 2012 USA


Fig 2  of March 2012 Bangalore Scenario


Fig.3 of March 2012 general

Fig. 4 Pictures of Sun Rise March 2012 First Fortnight

Fig. 5 Opposing views of India March 2012 First Fortnight

Fig. 6 pictures of Humid atmosphere 2012 March First Fortnight and a photo shows on extreme left the author Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana

Fig. 7 picture of I I Sc 2012 March First Fortnight

Fig.8 pictures of the Sun Spectra and Moon

Fig.9 the Photo of M.Sc. Mathematical Physics 1959 batch in The Hindu newspaper

Fig.10 Sea Scenario of Vizag during 12th to 16th February 2012

Fig.11 the 2012 March 15th, 16th and 17th scenario of west sky and Beach Vizag

Fig.12 the ashes of Prof K R Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) and Mrs. K. Peramma have been immersed in Godavari. The site view.

Fig.13 Sun and other pictures of fascination and 18th & 19 March 2012


I am deeply indebted to Late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me and inspiring for research investigations and observations. (His life time from 1899 to 1972.) I was born in 1940 on 23rd July.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Astronomy and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam in Second Fortnight of February 2012
Volume 2012, Issue No.2, Dt. 16th February 2012
 Time: 9h00mAM

Weather Scenario and Astronomy study at Visakhapatnam during Second Fortnight of February 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Mobile No: IDEA: 9542717723 and BSNL: 9491902867
Key words: Solar Spectra, Moon nights, Earthly Happenings, Airglow


Gitam Institute of Science of Gitam University with public awareness Division of Atomic Energy is holding a seminar on peaceful uses of atomic energy on February 22nd and 23rd of this month. Plastone made out of a mixture of waste plastic and stones by a Madurai College can with stand more pressure and resists water percolation at the laboratory. An industrialist in Coimbatore is making available the Plastone blocks with the machinery designed by Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE). People interested can contact or phone 09585592500. Any organization with video capability can offer the course as a franchise partner. The entire India continent 6000kms sea distance may be used to produce about 100 Giga Watts of energy at just a cost of Rs.1.60 per unit of Electrical Energy. The trio of Astronomy Objects namely the Moon and the Wonderful Planets in near conjunction have been observed and photographed. In addition, the Orion Constellation made a beautiful display on this night at Hyderabad, Osmania University Campus guest House area. The author has been helped to stay there to attend the Mathematics seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics held on 24th and 25th Feb 2012. Contrary weather conditions in India of the summer season have posed several problems to deal with by the several ministries involved.


The Astronomy and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during the Second Fortnight of February 2012 seems to be an exciting experience. The weather is somewhat clear and very promising for observations in spite of the author’s bad luck with the left eye lag of sight due to the Cataract minor. The phenomenal Red Sun setting is an awesome experience almost a daily feature. The experience of the eve of 17th Friday 2012 of February Sun set was one of a scintillating overlook in spite that the clouds over took it around the 6.10PM.

The Lake Vostoke in Russia is a mystery in the sense that there was ice found underneath the three miles of sedimentation. The sea fare ice is around 40lakhs years old. The Jupiter, Venus satellites of Europa and Ensadlos sites are similar to the possible study of their environment. The recorded low temperature here is about -89deg C. The hundreds of miles of ice cap, gives certain temperature, due to the excessive pressure that it created over the ice water under it.

The UK Minister Jeremy Browne at a workshop in Hyderabad on 15th February 2012 delivering a talk on “Politics and Governance: The UK experience” described India as a major global power, and expressed of hope that their presence in the new and dynamic business centers. United Kingdom offers the brands, the creativity, the finance and technology that Indian Consumers and entrepreneurs want. India has a growing workforce. Prosperity needs to be fairly distributed and enjoyed as widely as possible. Secondly, improve the provision of Government services to the public. Finally, to protect freedom of expression protecting individuals and groups from abuse. He emphasized to address global challenges such as terrorism, proliferation of Nuclear Technology, Cyber Security and Climate Change.

Large Hadron Collider’s beam energy 2012, according to CERN the European organization for Nuclear Research, states that it will run with a beam energy of 4 TeV almost 0.5TeV higher than the last years 2010 and 2011 to deliver maximum possible amount of data.

The first map shows carbon dioxide over the whole sky recorded by the Planck Mission, and uses to identify the cold clouds of Hydrogen where stars are born. Astronomers have announced that a rocky planet named GJ667Cc outside solar system is potentially inhabitable. The Earth has an internal core large enough to contain heavy metals, molten and burning heat engine.

The Hindu paper on Thursday February 16th, 2012 claims that an international team by University of Sydney, which found molecular structures in the human body, which function as shock absorbers, has found the human shock absorber.


The weather at Visakhapatnam was one of cold in the night and warm during the daytime. The recorded temperature is around the 20deg C during nighttime. The morning temperature has touched the figure 32deg C. This is around the date 17th February 2012.


Transplantation of trees in India towns is much neglected. The survivor plants are Red silk cotton (Salmelalia Malabarica) Temple tree (Plumeria) Thesepecia, Gulmohar (Delonix regia) Tebubia, Pride of India (Erythring), Acamia, Indian Cork Tree (Millingtonia) Jaracanda, all species of Ficus, Coconut and other palms. Mahogany and Bamboo clump are ideal found for transplantation. Asoka, Sheesham, Rosewood, Confiers, Cypress, Junipers, Mango, Tamarind, Jamun and Neem are difficult to transplant.

The depth of a recharge well is important and in many places, it is 20 to 30 feet deep. It would be left unpaved and only with some gravel to prevent erosion of silt from falling water. 90% of recharge occurs from the bottom of the well. Each ring of 25mm or above gravel is to be shaped before starting the next ring. The porosity from the Earth would allow the water to move from the Earth into the well. At Jayanagar 5th Block, 40th cross shows at least five different types of recharge wells. A recharge well in every house is a motto for water wisdom. The well is placed in the Northeast corner of the house in Bangalore and should be three feet in diameter and 10feet in depth. Every square meter of roof area requires storing about 20 liters of storage or recharge. Good quality rings of concrete with adequate cement and reinforcement need to be used with well-cured and ringing sound without any visible cracks.

In addition, it is important to spare the axe and relocate the tree. Developers, town planners and builders need to seek expertise and train personal for the job in order to avert loss of green cover of the city like Visakhapatnam.


The ‘Plastone’ blocks, would bring down the cost of construction of their cheap dream houses. Plastone made out of a mixture of waste plastic and stones by a Madurai College can with stand more pressure and resists water percolation at the laboratory. An industrialist in Coimbatore is making available the Plastone blocks with the machinery designed by Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE). They have made Plastone by using granite or ceramic waste and the plastic waste. It has several advantages over cement blocks and has a higher 300 kg transverse strength. Cement block has only 60 to 70kg strength. Plastone has only 1.5cms thickness while cement has about 3cms width. It would cost Rs.32/-per block against of Rs.35/- for a cement block! Each plastone consumes about 300 plastic carry bags and four to six PET bottles.


Cool moves to beat the heat this summer with the mercury already started to sore high. Steps are to be worked out and the Science and Technology would help to foster your homes much cooler this summer. See of a bit of green patches could to complement the orientation and select points of home to usher in coolness. Design aspects are important for green buildings and it is a challenge to create such buildings to protect themselves from the urban scenario due to limitations of resources of water and the glaring morning or evening Sun. (See Fig.1)


Costs of research Journals is going up and the funds made available are coming down. More than 5700 researchers have boycotted the Elsevier’s science journal publisher. However, ePrints@IISc has more than 32000 publications by researchers. India has nearly 53 registered open access repositories. Indian publications have very poor circulation. Princeton, MIT and Harvard have opened their own repositories. Physics AT 250, Sociology 170, Psychology and Law have each 110, Management 90, Education and Business have about 75, Health and Political Science have about 55, Economics has about 49 and Biology has about the Source of I I Sc Bangalore. There are two ways to facilitate open access publication.

Latvians script their own future

Latvia is shooting itself in the foot say Russians. In contrast to Lativia and Estonia Finland is debating a proposal to give its schoolchildren a choice of studying Russian instead of Swedish to make them more competent on job market.

Large side order of Mercury

India’s production of CFL’s and FTL’s involves the use of about eight tonnes of mercury annually. Imported CFL’s bring in another three tons. Lamps in India have more mercury content. India’s large cities consume more than 400m CFL’s and 250 FTL’s more at the risk of Mercury. Mercury is toxic and Mercury content of lamps seeps into water, soil and air poisoning offering significant health risks. Mercury is highly toxic in hazardous waste rules.

Film projection over the crest of Digital Wave

Andhra Pradesh has about 1800 screens of which 1600 single theaters. About 1200 now, have digital projection systems- QUBE, UFO, and PXD etc. 2/3rd reduces cost of digital production. Digital copies reduce greatly the cost of piracy. Prints no longer move physically they need to be uploaded from central server.

No mining without consent of tribal people!

State tribal advisory council meeting did not pass resolution paving the way for mining. Especially bauxite reserves in the Visakhapatnam region are affected. Nelco got three of the 10 mining blocks and is planning to set up Alumina refinery along with smelter and co-generation plant near Visakhapatnam. Jindal and Anrak have already acquired lands for their alumina refineries.

National Seminar on Atomic Energy

Gitam Institute of Science of Gitam University with public awareness Division of Atomic Energy is holding a seminar on peaceful uses of atomic energy on February 22nd and 23rd of this month. Scientists from DAE would deliver lectures during the Seminar.

BRAOU plans to webcast courses

This is the only University in India to offer its UGC programmers courses in English, Telugu and Urdu mediums. With two lakh students on its roles, the University is constantly upgrading its curriculum and tailor-made to those students who have missed higher education. They plan to offer lot of niche courses in association with industry and engineering colleges. They have plans to increase the gross Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in the country.

A new course in micro business for rural entrepreneurs

The curriculum has been developed along with Business School Professor Madhu Viswanatha who hails from University of Illinois. People interested can contact or phone 09585592500. Any organization with video capability can offer the course as a franchise partner.


Dr. V. V. Ramachandhra Rao (CEO) Biognosys Technologies told that lack of political footage is dominating the Nobel ideas of the scientists, only projects can motivate scientists, students and the administrators, must support the materialization of innovative technologies into commercial value.

Rare Occurrence of Venus, Jupiter and Moon

On the 25th February 2012 night the Moon, Venus and the Jupiter would come very close to each other in the Western part of the sky. The three celestial bodies would form a triangle on February 25th, 2012. This would be followed by March 3rd, 2012 the Mars rises from the East. The red planet would be in opposition when Sun sets in the West. It will be closest to the Earth in a period of 12 months and also happens to be brightest. Saturn would also be visible.

Archaeo-Metallurgy in Indus Civilization

An article by Kenoyer and Miller, on the use of metals by ancient Harappans Mohenjo-Daro, Lothal, and Rangpur during their mature phase of 2700-1900BC is included in Archaeo-Metallurgy of Indus Civilization. The multi-trephines skulls from Neolithic pit-dwellers of Burzahom in Kashmir Valley, pusses the archaeology of surgery in India into a hooray past.


In Iran and China, oil hits 8-months high. Oil was on the boil from February 14th to February 20th, 2012 rising from 117.93 to 120.20 Brent dollar/bbl. March U.S. Gasoline futures rose slightly above $3 a gallon on Monday, Feb 20th, 2012. Market analysts expect the outage to lift gasoline prices on the US west coast in the coming weeks.

Drought declared in South and Eastern England:

Ms Spellman said that drought is already an issue with South East, Anglia and other parts of UK now officially in drought. It is due to prolonged period of rainfall. Water companies, Businesses and the Government need to act against drought. She appealed to people to save water as experts called for long-term plan but opinion was divided on piping. There is a huge cost involved in piping water from the water rich North to the dry South-West of England due to enormous cost involved. Another dry winter would add to the troubles.

Climate Change:

A recent International Conference on climate change in New Delhi brought out that there are no conclusive studies in India about the prospective impact of climate change on the agriculture including live-stock and fisheries. The climate change is poorly understood in terms of timing, extent and impact. The 12th plan envisages import of foodstuffs and has no strategy that potentially affects the country. The decline in production of pulses, oilseeds, nutritious millets and etc, to understand the Governments comfort level with importing these commodities years on. Indian farmers with their traditional knowledge of respect to the ecosystem, have practiced climate-smart and climate-resilient agriculture catapulting on Cereal production from 50-million tonnes in 1950s to 250 million tonnes in this year 2012 and with a record output in Rice and Wheat. However, 80% of small and marginal farmers depend in the hands of often-exploitative “artiyas” or intermediaries, who double up as moneylenders, seed, and pesticide suppliers. The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance is bringing forth a food security legislation to give wheat and rice to 46% of rural population and 26% of the urban poor. Main problem is the use of huge tracts of wasteland for urban and industrial needs has not taken effect. The tremendous pressure is being mainly and rapidly exploiting productive agricultural land. Accurate information on Weather and rainfall is the lacuna in many states except the Punjab and Haryana.  Food security would jeopardize unless there is a security of honest and location-specific research in partnership with small and marginal farmers to asses over a period of time the impact of climate change.


Dairy farmers are being motivated to cultivate Azolla. When used as poultry feed the weight of the broiler chicken would increase and the tests show that the Azolla feeding would improve the quality and production of milk?

Stolen in Santoshimaatha Temple:

About Rs.1 lakh costing Panchaloha and Silver artefacts have been stolen from the temple of Sivalayam in Miyapur on Feb 25th, 2012.

Sea Waves Electric Power generation

Gravitational force can be used to produce the Electric power generation at just a distance of only 30 to 40 meters away from the Sea Shore. Rajaram Bojji has announced this. The method involves 2 meters diameter and 12 meters long, pipelines are to be inserted in the Sea. Below the tube, there would be a turbine. On above it there would be fixed weights and a system of gears to run them. When water waves enter the tubes of the turbine, they would in turn drive the kinetic weights to gain potential energy that is used to produce the Electric Power via the turbines. Five tubes would produce about 100Kw power. The entire India continent 6000kms sea distance may be used to produce about 100 Giga Watts of energy at just a cost of Rs.1.60 per unit of Electrical Energy.


Figure 1 presents the weather scenario of February 2012 Sun at 7.00AM and gives pictures of Sun protection from Sunlight.

Figure 2 presents the Sun Spectra at 21st February 2012, with 1. Red View the polymer film. 2. With Polymer film Red View. 3. Green view with the Polymer film. 4. Polymer & Green filter.

Figure 3 presents the trio of Astronomy Objects namely the Moon and the Wonderful Planets in near conjunction. In addition, the Orion Constellation made a beautiful display on this night at Hyderabad Osmania University Campus guest House area. The author has been prompted to stay there to attend the Mathematics seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Figure 4 gives the scintillating view of the nearby planets and the Moon Set along with the hazards of ice accumulation on the 24th February 2012 at around 19h11m and again at 19h13m. The other pictures of the Snow in the Kashmir Valley and the bright Moon shine.

Figure 5 gives the account of Santoshima Temple robbery on the 25th Day of February 2012 and the Mercury touching the 40deg C mark of the onset of summer in India.


It is unfortunate that 16 army men are killed due to bad weather conditions weather conditions in avalanches of Snow. First, occurred at 4h45m PM at Sonmarg in Ganderbal district in central Kashmir and the other, around 10 PM at Dawar area of Gurez Valley in Bandipure district of North Kashmir.


Fig.1 presents the weather scenario of February 2012 Sun at 7.00AM and gives pictures of Sun protection from Sunlight

Fig.2 Spectra of the Sun at 10AM on 21st February 2012

Fig.4 Astronomy Study of Hyderabad Sky

Fig 3  of February 2012  Astronomy study

Fig.5 on 25th February 2012 theft in Santoshi Ma temple


It is very interesting to note that the HRD ministry launched virtual laboratories online about 91 of them that contain hundreds of experiments and with 300 department heads, staff and the faculty have been trained to operate these facilities across the country in rural areas. They deal with disciplines of Science and Engineering. The www used to help the NMEICT to educate the undergraduates and the faculty. Over 20 nodal centers in the different geographical locations have been created to champion the cause of Virtual Labs.


I am deeply indebted to Late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me and inspiring for research investigations and observations. (His life time from 1899 to 1972.) I was born in 1940 on 23rd July.
1. The people went from Ladakh to Tibet prior to AD727 and there was no Buddhism there. A Chinese monk travelled from Leh to Central Asia and saw Buddhism in Ladakh but not in Tibet. Emperor Ashoka brought Hinayana Buddhism to Ladakh through his emissaries. The king of Western Tibet Changthang sent his son to Kashmir to study Buddhism. Early monasteries like Alchi have Kashmir influence. The Central Asian Museum is situated located right in the centre of city Leh town.

2. The Hindu says that the Chinese paper discloses that the Aksai Chin is a closed chapter, a month after border talks. China kept about 5,300 sq km land that Pakistan claimed, but transferred 1,942 sq km of land in Oprang valley and dropped claims of additional 1,554 sq km of land. Prof. M. Taylor Fravel, wrote at MIT extensively on border dispute.