Volume 2012, Issue No.2, Dt. 16th February 2012
Time: 9h00mAM
Weather Scenario and Astronomy study at Visakhapatnam during Second Fortnight of February 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Mobile No: IDEA: 9542717723 and BSNL: 9491902867
Key words: Solar Spectra, Moon nights, Earthly Happenings, Airglow
Latvians script their own future
Large side order of Mercury
Film projection over the crest of Digital Wave
National Seminar on Atomic Energy
BRAOU plans to webcast courses
A new course in micro business for rural entrepreneurs
Rare Occurrence of Venus, Jupiter and Moon
Archaeo-Metallurgy in Indus Civilization
Drought declared in South and Eastern England:
Climate Change:
Stolen in Santoshimaatha Temple:
Sea Waves Electric Power generation
Figure 1 presents the weather scenario of February 2012 Sun at 7.00AM and gives pictures of Sun protection from Sunlight.
Figure 2 presents the Sun Spectra at 21st February 2012, with 1. Red View the polymer film. 2. With Polymer film Red View. 3. Green view with the Polymer film. 4. Polymer & Green filter.
Figure 3 presents the trio of Astronomy Objects namely the Moon and the Wonderful Planets in near conjunction. In addition, the Orion Constellation made a beautiful display on this night at Hyderabad Osmania University Campus guest House area. The author has been prompted to stay there to attend the Mathematics seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Figure 4 gives the scintillating view of the nearby planets and the Moon Set along with the hazards of ice accumulation on the 24th February 2012 at around 19h11m and again at 19h13m. The other pictures of the Snow in the Kashmir Valley and the bright Moon shine.
Figure 5 gives the account of Santoshima Temple robbery on the 25th Day of February 2012 and the Mercury touching the 40deg C mark of the onset of summer in India.
Volume 2012, Issue No.2, Dt. 16th February 2012
Time: 9h00mAM
Weather Scenario and Astronomy study at Visakhapatnam during Second Fortnight of February 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Mobile No: IDEA: 9542717723 and BSNL: 9491902867
Key words: Solar Spectra, Moon nights, Earthly Happenings, Airglow
Gitam Institute of Science of Gitam University with public awareness Division of Atomic Energy is holding a seminar on peaceful uses of atomic energy on February 22nd and 23rd of this month. Plastone made out of a mixture of waste plastic and stones by a Madurai College can with stand more pressure and resists water percolation at the laboratory. An industrialist in Coimbatore is making available the Plastone blocks with the machinery designed by Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE). People interested can contact or phone 09585592500. Any organization with video capability can offer the course as a franchise partner. The entire India continent 6000kms sea distance may be used to produce about 100 Giga Watts of energy at just a cost of Rs.1.60 per unit of Electrical Energy. The trio of Astronomy Objects namely the Moon and the Wonderful Planets in near conjunction have been observed and photographed. In addition, the Orion Constellation made a beautiful display on this night at Hyderabad, Osmania University Campus guest House area. The author has been helped to stay there to attend the Mathematics seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics held on 24th and 25th Feb 2012. Contrary weather conditions in India of the summer season have posed several problems to deal with by the several ministries involved.
The Astronomy and Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during the Second Fortnight of February 2012 seems to be an exciting experience. The weather is somewhat clear and very promising for observations in spite of the author’s bad luck with the left eye lag of sight due to the Cataract minor. The phenomenal Red Sun setting is an awesome experience almost a daily feature. The experience of the eve of 17th Friday 2012 of February Sun set was one of a scintillating overlook in spite that the clouds over took it around the 6.10PM.
The Lake Vostoke in Russia is a mystery in the sense that there was ice found underneath the three miles of sedimentation. The sea fare ice is around 40lakhs years old. The Jupiter, Venus satellites of Europa and Ensadlos sites are similar to the possible study of their environment. The recorded low temperature here is about -89deg C. The hundreds of miles of ice cap, gives certain temperature, due to the excessive pressure that it created over the ice water under it.
The UK Minister Jeremy Browne at a workshop in Hyderabad on 15th February 2012 delivering a talk on “Politics and Governance: The UK experience” described India as a major global power, and expressed of hope that their presence in the new and dynamic business centers. United Kingdom offers the brands, the creativity, the finance and technology that Indian Consumers and entrepreneurs want. India has a growing workforce. Prosperity needs to be fairly distributed and enjoyed as widely as possible. Secondly, improve the provision of Government services to the public. Finally, to protect freedom of expression protecting individuals and groups from abuse. He emphasized to address global challenges such as terrorism, proliferation of Nuclear Technology, Cyber Security and Climate Change.
Large Hadron Collider’s beam energy 2012, according to CERN the European organization for Nuclear Research, states that it will run with a beam energy of 4 TeV almost 0.5TeV higher than the last years 2010 and 2011 to deliver maximum possible amount of data.
The first map shows carbon dioxide over the whole sky recorded by the Planck Mission, and uses to identify the cold clouds of Hydrogen where stars are born. Astronomers have announced that a rocky planet named GJ667Cc outside solar system is potentially inhabitable. The Earth has an internal core large enough to contain heavy metals, molten and burning heat engine.
The Hindu paper on Thursday February 16th, 2012 claims that an international team by University of Sydney, which found molecular structures in the human body, which function as shock absorbers, has found the human shock absorber.
The weather at Visakhapatnam was one of cold in the night and warm during the daytime. The recorded temperature is around the 20deg C during nighttime. The morning temperature has touched the figure 32deg C. This is around the date 17th February 2012.
Transplantation of trees in India towns is much neglected. The survivor plants are Red silk cotton (Salmelalia Malabarica) Temple tree (Plumeria) Thesepecia, Gulmohar (Delonix regia) Tebubia, Pride of India (Erythring), Acamia, Indian Cork Tree (Millingtonia) Jaracanda, all species of Ficus, Coconut and other palms. Mahogany and Bamboo clump are ideal found for transplantation. Asoka, Sheesham, Rosewood, Confiers, Cypress, Junipers, Mango, Tamarind, Jamun and Neem are difficult to transplant.
The depth of a recharge well is important and in many places, it is 20 to 30 feet deep. It would be left unpaved and only with some gravel to prevent erosion of silt from falling water. 90% of recharge occurs from the bottom of the well. Each ring of 25mm or above gravel is to be shaped before starting the next ring. The porosity from the Earth would allow the water to move from the Earth into the well. At Jayanagar 5th Block, 40th cross shows at least five different types of recharge wells. A recharge well in every house is a motto for water wisdom. The well is placed in the Northeast corner of the house in Bangalore and should be three feet in diameter and 10feet in depth. Every square meter of roof area requires storing about 20 liters of storage or recharge. Good quality rings of concrete with adequate cement and reinforcement need to be used with well-cured and ringing sound without any visible cracks.
In addition, it is important to spare the axe and relocate the tree. Developers, town planners and builders need to seek expertise and train personal for the job in order to avert loss of green cover of the city like Visakhapatnam.
The ‘Plastone’ blocks, would bring down the cost of construction of their cheap dream houses. Plastone made out of a mixture of waste plastic and stones by a Madurai College can with stand more pressure and resists water percolation at the laboratory. An industrialist in Coimbatore is making available the Plastone blocks with the machinery designed by Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE). They have made Plastone by using granite or ceramic waste and the plastic waste. It has several advantages over cement blocks and has a higher 300 kg transverse strength. Cement block has only 60 to 70kg strength. Plastone has only 1.5cms thickness while cement has about 3cms width. It would cost Rs.32/-per block against of Rs.35/- for a cement block! Each plastone consumes about 300 plastic carry bags and four to six PET bottles.
Cool moves to beat the heat this summer with the mercury already started to sore high. Steps are to be worked out and the Science and Technology would help to foster your homes much cooler this summer. See of a bit of green patches could to complement the orientation and select points of home to usher in coolness. Design aspects are important for green buildings and it is a challenge to create such buildings to protect themselves from the urban scenario due to limitations of resources of water and the glaring morning or evening Sun. (See Fig.1)
Costs of research Journals is going up and the funds made available are coming down. More than 5700 researchers have boycotted the Elsevier’s science journal publisher. However, ePrints@IISc has more than 32000 publications by researchers. India has nearly 53 registered open access repositories. Indian publications have very poor circulation. Princeton, MIT and Harvard have opened their own repositories. Physics AT 250, Sociology 170, Psychology and Law have each 110, Management 90, Education and Business have about 75, Health and Political Science have about 55, Economics has about 49 and Biology has about the Source of I I Sc Bangalore. There are two ways to facilitate open access publication.
Latvians script their own future
Latvia is shooting itself in the foot say Russians. In contrast to Lativia and Estonia Finland is debating a proposal to give its schoolchildren a choice of studying Russian instead of Swedish to make them more competent on job market.
Large side order of Mercury
India’s production of CFL’s and FTL’s involves the use of about eight tonnes of mercury annually. Imported CFL’s bring in another three tons. Lamps in India have more mercury content. India’s large cities consume more than 400m CFL’s and 250 FTL’s more at the risk of Mercury. Mercury is toxic and Mercury content of lamps seeps into water, soil and air poisoning offering significant health risks. Mercury is highly toxic in hazardous waste rules.
Andhra Pradesh has about 1800 screens of which 1600 single theaters. About 1200 now, have digital projection systems- QUBE, UFO, and PXD etc. 2/3rd reduces cost of digital production. Digital copies reduce greatly the cost of piracy. Prints no longer move physically they need to be uploaded from central server.
No mining without consent of tribal people!
State tribal advisory council meeting did not pass resolution paving the way for mining. Especially bauxite reserves in the Visakhapatnam region are affected. Nelco got three of the 10 mining blocks and is planning to set up Alumina refinery along with smelter and co-generation plant near Visakhapatnam. Jindal and Anrak have already acquired lands for their alumina refineries.
National Seminar on Atomic Energy
Gitam Institute of Science of Gitam University with public awareness Division of Atomic Energy is holding a seminar on peaceful uses of atomic energy on February 22nd and 23rd of this month. Scientists from DAE would deliver lectures during the Seminar.
BRAOU plans to webcast courses
This is the only University in India to offer its UGC programmers courses in English, Telugu and Urdu mediums. With two lakh students on its roles, the University is constantly upgrading its curriculum and tailor-made to those students who have missed higher education. They plan to offer lot of niche courses in association with industry and engineering colleges. They have plans to increase the gross Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in the country.
A new course in micro business for rural entrepreneurs
The curriculum has been developed along with Business School Professor Madhu Viswanatha who hails from University of Illinois. People interested can contact or phone 09585592500. Any organization with video capability can offer the course as a franchise partner.
Dr. V. V. Ramachandhra Rao (CEO) Biognosys Technologies told that lack of political footage is dominating the Nobel ideas of the scientists, only projects can motivate scientists, students and the administrators, must support the materialization of innovative technologies into commercial value.
Rare Occurrence of Venus, Jupiter and Moon
On the 25th February 2012 night the Moon, Venus and the Jupiter would come very close to each other in the Western part of the sky. The three celestial bodies would form a triangle on February 25th, 2012. This would be followed by March 3rd, 2012 the Mars rises from the East. The red planet would be in opposition when Sun sets in the West. It will be closest to the Earth in a period of 12 months and also happens to be brightest. Saturn would also be visible.
Archaeo-Metallurgy in Indus Civilization
An article by Kenoyer and Miller, on the use of metals by ancient Harappans Mohenjo-Daro, Lothal, and Rangpur during their mature phase of 2700-1900BC is included in Archaeo-Metallurgy of Indus Civilization. The multi-trephines skulls from Neolithic pit-dwellers of Burzahom in Kashmir Valley, pusses the archaeology of surgery in India into a hooray past.
In Iran and China, oil hits 8-months high. Oil was on the boil from February 14th to February 20th, 2012 rising from 117.93 to 120.20 Brent dollar/bbl. March U.S. Gasoline futures rose slightly above $3 a gallon on Monday, Feb 20th, 2012. Market analysts expect the outage to lift gasoline prices on the US west coast in the coming weeks.
Drought declared in South and Eastern England:
Ms Spellman said that drought is already an issue with South East, Anglia and other parts of UK now officially in drought. It is due to prolonged period of rainfall. Water companies, Businesses and the Government need to act against drought. She appealed to people to save water as experts called for long-term plan but opinion was divided on piping. There is a huge cost involved in piping water from the water rich North to the dry South-West of England due to enormous cost involved. Another dry winter would add to the troubles.
Climate Change:
A recent International Conference on climate change in New Delhi brought out that there are no conclusive studies in India about the prospective impact of climate change on the agriculture including live-stock and fisheries. The climate change is poorly understood in terms of timing, extent and impact. The 12th plan envisages import of foodstuffs and has no strategy that potentially affects the country. The decline in production of pulses, oilseeds, nutritious millets and etc, to understand the Governments comfort level with importing these commodities years on. Indian farmers with their traditional knowledge of respect to the ecosystem, have practiced climate-smart and climate-resilient agriculture catapulting on Cereal production from 50-million tonnes in 1950s to 250 million tonnes in this year 2012 and with a record output in Rice and Wheat. However, 80% of small and marginal farmers depend in the hands of often-exploitative “artiyas” or intermediaries, who double up as moneylenders, seed, and pesticide suppliers. The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance is bringing forth a food security legislation to give wheat and rice to 46% of rural population and 26% of the urban poor. Main problem is the use of huge tracts of wasteland for urban and industrial needs has not taken effect. The tremendous pressure is being mainly and rapidly exploiting productive agricultural land. Accurate information on Weather and rainfall is the lacuna in many states except the Punjab and Haryana. Food security would jeopardize unless there is a security of honest and location-specific research in partnership with small and marginal farmers to asses over a period of time the impact of climate change.
Dairy farmers are being motivated to cultivate Azolla. When used as poultry feed the weight of the broiler chicken would increase and the tests show that the Azolla feeding would improve the quality and production of milk?
Stolen in Santoshimaatha Temple:
About Rs.1 lakh costing Panchaloha and Silver artefacts have been stolen from the temple of Sivalayam in Miyapur on Feb 25th, 2012.
Sea Waves Electric Power generation
Gravitational force can be used to produce the Electric power generation at just a distance of only 30 to 40 meters away from the Sea Shore. Rajaram Bojji has announced this. The method involves 2 meters diameter and 12 meters long, pipelines are to be inserted in the Sea. Below the tube, there would be a turbine. On above it there would be fixed weights and a system of gears to run them. When water waves enter the tubes of the turbine, they would in turn drive the kinetic weights to gain potential energy that is used to produce the Electric Power via the turbines. Five tubes would produce about 100Kw power. The entire India continent 6000kms sea distance may be used to produce about 100 Giga Watts of energy at just a cost of Rs.1.60 per unit of Electrical Energy.
Figure 1 presents the weather scenario of February 2012 Sun at 7.00AM and gives pictures of Sun protection from Sunlight.
Figure 2 presents the Sun Spectra at 21st February 2012, with 1. Red View the polymer film. 2. With Polymer film Red View. 3. Green view with the Polymer film. 4. Polymer & Green filter.
Figure 3 presents the trio of Astronomy Objects namely the Moon and the Wonderful Planets in near conjunction. In addition, the Orion Constellation made a beautiful display on this night at Hyderabad Osmania University Campus guest House area. The author has been prompted to stay there to attend the Mathematics seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Figure 4 gives the scintillating view of the nearby planets and the Moon Set along with the hazards of ice accumulation on the 24th February 2012 at around 19h11m and again at 19h13m. The other pictures of the Snow in the Kashmir Valley and the bright Moon shine.
Figure 5 gives the account of Santoshima Temple robbery on the 25th Day of February 2012 and the Mercury touching the 40deg C mark of the onset of summer in India.
It is unfortunate that 16 army men are killed due to bad weather conditions weather conditions in avalanches of Snow. First, occurred at 4h45m PM at Sonmarg in Ganderbal district in central Kashmir and the other, around 10 PM at Dawar area of Gurez Valley in Bandipure district of North Kashmir.
Fig.1 presents the weather scenario of February 2012 Sun at 7.00AM and gives pictures of Sun protection from Sunlight |
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Fig.2 Spectra of the Sun at 10AM on 21st February 2012 |
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Fig.4 Astronomy Study of Hyderabad Sky |
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Fig 3 of February 2012 Astronomy study |
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Fig.5 on 25th February 2012 theft in Santoshi Ma temple |
It is very interesting to note that the HRD ministry launched virtual laboratories online about 91 of them that contain hundreds of experiments and with 300 department heads, staff and the faculty have been trained to operate these facilities across the country in rural areas. They deal with disciplines of Science and Engineering. The www used to help the NMEICT to educate the undergraduates and the faculty. Over 20 nodal centers in the different geographical locations have been created to champion the cause of Virtual Labs.
I am deeply indebted to Late Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me and inspiring for research investigations and observations. (His life time from 1899 to 1972.) I was born in 1940 on 23rd July.
1. The people went from Ladakh to Tibet prior to AD727 and there was no Buddhism there. A Chinese monk travelled from Leh to Central Asia and saw Buddhism in Ladakh but not in Tibet. Emperor Ashoka brought Hinayana Buddhism to Ladakh through his emissaries. The king of Western Tibet Changthang sent his son to Kashmir to study Buddhism. Early monasteries like Alchi have Kashmir influence. The Central Asian Museum is situated located right in the centre of city Leh town.
2. The Hindu says that the Chinese paper discloses that the Aksai Chin is a closed chapter, a month after border talks. China kept about 5,300 sq km land that Pakistan claimed, but transferred 1,942 sq km of land in Oprang valley and dropped claims of additional 1,554 sq km of land. Prof. M. Taylor Fravel, wrote at MIT extensively on border dispute.
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