Dr DVNSarma is preparing an elborate document and this BLOGPOST is a forerunner of it and in due time he shall publish it as a book.
An organization to further the cause of advancement of Science and Technology for the betterment of youngsters and humanity at large.To conduct Research Forum Meetings and Lectures and if possible,in future to conduct, short time course training at an advanced level of enterprise of the said objectives. Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi narayana 17-11-10 Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony Maharanipeta,Visakhapatnam-530002 Andhra Pradesh,India.
Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
Research Forum Meeting held on 2nd March 2008 at Flat No.1A2,Dolphin's Apts,
Next to Taj Residency Hotel, Viskahapatnam
Key words: Diamonds, Puranic era, Black soil, Red soil, Dharward rocks, Cement, Deccan Traps, Hi-Tech, Super Giants, Ancient India, Lightning Rocks, Pidugurallu
The article recommends that the Geologists, Physicists and Geochemists and other types of geo-related scientists to expedite the analysis and collection of valuable material of the Mother India dating back to PURANIC era. This era dates back to 18 crores of years. The material would be last to the greedy excavators and the HI-TECH super giants who have scant respect for the Ancient Land of India andtheir sole concern was to exploit as much possible. Heavy machinery and huge transport systems are being used to shuttle away precious materials of Ancient origin. The younger generation at least should know the nature of the Land and Mother Earth their predecessors have enjoyed. Such were the descriptions of regions in Ancient India, perhaps from the days of Puranic era of a few million years ago. Many a Physicists and Geophysics students would definitely in my opinion after publication of this article embark on the Geomorphologic features of this prime land of interesting study. Few people are aware of the total disappearance of about 21 hills of Erada konda region(vizag), and that material was used to construct the North and South break waters of Visakhapatnam port Harbor to facilitate exports. No scientific and Geological record of it exist*.
Southern peninsular region around the Hyderabad and Secunderabad cities needs to be clubbed with the regions of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat.The recent Bhuj earthquake that produced a spiraling upsurge that completely flattened the excellent region of fine artisans of India,damaged even the Ahmadabad city and in between areas. The black soil at Nandade and Nasik and adjoining regions was useful to cultivate Cotton. Such is the case of black soil in Andhra Pradesh from Bellamkonda region to Lingalagutta. Lava flows of the past created the geomorphologic scenario of these fertile lands. Dhrawad rocks are very famous. The object of present study is to recommend the Geologists, Physicists and Geochemists and other type geo related scientists to expedite the analysis and collection of valuable material of the Mother India dating back to PURANIC era. This era dates back to 18crores years. The material would be last to the greedy excavators and the HI-TECH super giants who have scant respect for the Ancient Land of India and their sole concern is to exploit as much possible. Heavy machinery and huge transport systems are being used to shuttle away precious material of Ancient origin.Political pundits and rulers of the Land have different eyesight and many a times are unscientific since, they have limited knowledge pool and exist surrounded by big industrialists. The best can be done is to associate various scientists and engineers to maintain records of excavations, digital photographs of the regions, sample collection at periodical times, note the disappearing positions of the hilliocks, rocks, quartz and nano-materials, fine sands, and the black, yellow and red soils and their admixtures.
Deccan Traps:
They were created at the end of Cretaceous era formation and beginning of Eocene of intense volcanic activity. Many fissures in Earth's crust outpoured basaltic lava. Volcanic plateaus over 1800 meters in ht more than 1,000,00sq.kms in area were formed.
RED soil:
Granites and gneisses on weathering give rise to red soils. Wide diffusion of iron in them and characterized by high texture, porous, absence of lime,Kankara and free carbonates, but have some soluable salts. Bajra can be grown on these red soils. Poor in iron oxide, phosphoric and nitrogen content.
Black soil:
Titaniferrous magnetite or iron and black constituents of rocks mostly derived from schists and basic gnesses.The later derived soil is found shallow while the former derived soil found in considerable depths. Retentive of moisture compact in texture, tenacious when wet. Unworkable in rain since the ploughsget stuck. Has iron, lime, calcium, magnesiumcarbonates and alumina. Potash content is available.
This is the landscape of Secunderabad and Hyderabad. I was fortunate enough to travel by train between Secunderabad and Guntur by a superfast express train and noticed the following on the 1st March 2008.Undoubtedly the Secunderabad and Hyderabad region was formed due to a fissure upsurge of volcanic activity and the outpour of smoldering boulders and rocks that formed slate like features. The repeated upsurge is responsible for these slates like formations of valuable mineral contents from the Earth's interior Mantle region.Upto Pidugurallu (railway station) region the drip water irrigation is found to be very popular. This farming is known in Telugu language as Bindu Sedhyamu. The land in between is full of Hills and boulders of immense size that got shaped in attractive eye catching forms due to withering away in weather over millions of years.Small stretches of the irrigation able lands are being effectively and intelligently used, by the drip irrigation schemes.
The very name Pidigurallu suggests their origin due to the volcanic eruption. These rocks were those that were far flung into this area of Andhra Pradesh from a fissure disruption of fiery rocks upsurge of Earth's mantle material. The people described them most aptly as fiery rocks of lightning. The area extends over a few kilometrs.The Pidugurallu gives an easy estimate of the power behind the upsurge. No where in the world of civilizations a word of this kind was coined by the Ancienters of the Globe.
Next the Thummalcheruvu, most probably the pre-cambrian or the pre-Puranic lake area, that is now being used to grow rice, cotton and Mirchy. Up to Nadikudi junction region the land is being used for rice, cotton and Mirchy cultivation. But am surprised to note that the Eucalyptus plantations, over these fertile lands probably under government subsidy. But that's dangerous that these would suck away the possible underground water reservoirs. The pattern of crop growth seems to be the same up to the Bellamkonda. Drip irrigationis very popular to the region of Miryalaguda.Telengana names usually have the suffix "guda", like mettaguda.
Several cement factories have sprung up in recent times and the entire surface area is being pulled away for easy slate stones that can be pulverized(NANO-MATERIAL NATURAL) and directly used by manufacturing industries. The entire region up to Lingalagutta is full of unprecedented activity of Mother Earth milky Lands excavations. The excellent fine quartz stones are being arranged in lots of Railway Wagon 22-Ton loads to beshipped to foreign countries. It is pitiable to see the conditions of the manual labor that are being employed here for the Mother Earth excavations.
After the Bellamkonda region begins somewhat a very fine sandy region via Sattanapalli (fine sand) up to Gudipudi and Lingalagutta. Note the change in the local names of these regions. The change is not either pertaining to a reference of Andhra region or the Telanga but to Geomorphologic structures and the soil fertility etc. Such were the descriptions of regionsin Ancient India, perhaps from the days of Puranic era of a few million years ago. Many a Physicists and Geophysics students would definitely in my opinion after publication of this article embark on the Geomorphologic features of this prime land of?(Uncertain Materials***) interesting study. Construction of the Rama Sethu Bridge (known as Adam's Bridge) prevented the errosion of the Sothern peninsular region. Was it a Geological?***Marvel of a man made dam or a Puranic story? Am sure political pundits of either group would scratch their heads. (See the articles by Dr.DVNSarma at this Blog Dashboard) Thanks to The RAMA SETHU the southern pennisular of India exists today, consisting of Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh and the KERALA State.
The black soil known in Telugu as Regada Bhumi and has been adopted in Latin in a very subtle but corrupted form. Of more interest is the Black soil that is immensely present in the region between Bellamkonda and the Lingalagutta city.
This region offers excellent hillocks that would soon disappear due to blasting and lorry transporting away of Kankara and road building material. Crushing machines and labour of probably of very low wages may be found working round the clock.
Siripuram is really a wealthy land of crops but tobacco plantations have been encouraged by British to kill the profits of the other produce. But these days the cotton, rice, mirchy and tobacco are being grown.
Nallapadu the very name suggests the Black soil content of the region.
Landscape in this area of Andhra Pradesh drastically differs from the Hyderabad and Secunderabad regions. Approaching Guntur peoplenote the fine yellow dusty sand and an admixed sand of red soil at Tenali, but pure Red sand hills near Guntur.
This completes a brief description of the stretch of the extent of outpour of the volcanic material ash, rocks and the formations of small hillocksfrom Secunderabad to Guntur.
I thought it would be a strong recommendation to the Geologists, Geophysicists and Geo Information Scientists to become of the rapid transformation of geomorphologic and geotopological changes unleashed by the unconcerned, unplanned and unscientifically launcheddevelopment activity in Andhra Pradesh. The activity is being executed and implemented in an extreme greedy manner both by the Governments and the MNCs and corporate sector Industrialists and companies with a view to make unprecedented profits and immediate gains. The demand was generatednot only by the home consumption of Industrial produce in India but mostly for export orientation of genuine and precious resource materials.The millions of years ago generated material unstudied by the scientific experts in India are being shipped away in Mega-Ton containers for hoarding in far off places from the Indian Coastal line. Special railway line facilities and special transport bridges and means of Transport has been facilitated in Andhra Pradesh in the guise of development. It is pitiable sight to see the workers employed on these excavations of theMother Earth. The output decorates the luxurious apartments and fabulous building constructions of Hotels etc.
**Deccan traps:
The Deccan traps are of 65 million-year-old and extend from Saurashtra to Central India. The 500,000sq.km Deccan traps hold a lot of potential for oil and diamonds. The project investigations indicated large thickness of Mesozoic sediments with all possibility of oil entrapments. The Deccan traps consisted of hard molten rocks with thickness ranging from 800meters to 1.5Km. Life forms were active about 160million years ago and all organic related hydrocarbon deposits come mostly from Mesozoic formations globally and they are easy to drill. But the Deccan traps overlaid on the Mesozoic sedimentation made it difficult till now to prospect the oil.
1.TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol. 2003 No.9 Dt 22nd September 2003 10.48P.M.The Ancient Wisdom of Hindus On Archaeological existence of a LOTUS Shaped Enormous Continent on The Earth. byProfessor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana & Ch.Veera Venkata Narasimha Murthy,Theosophical Lodge, 16-5-6 Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O .Visakhapatnam-530002
2. TRU SCIENCE Issue Vol.2003 No.9 Dt.23rd September 2003 17.15.P.M.Land-Sea & Atmospheric Interaction Scenario of Visakhapatnam Coastal Area and the Modern City.By Bhagawatula Rama Jogi, Uma Shankar Jayanthi and Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
3. RAMASETHU & RAMAYANA by Dr.D.V.N.Sarma, D.Sc (AU) Univs of Chicago & Calif.USA0891-2705397 cell: 9393398794 Lecture delivered at http://trusciencetrutechnology.blogspot.comResearch Forum Meeting held on Sunday, the 4th November, 20074. RAMA SETHU & OCEAN DAM CUM BRIDGE Data fromValmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda, Sarga 22,Verses 54 to 73 Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India by Dr.D V N Sarma http://trusciencetrutechnology.blogspot.comDt. 2nd March 2008
* Shri Tenneti Venkata RaoDiploma(Mining) Diploma (Mech) is responsible, like Mokshgundam Vishveswarayya to design and execute theproject of North and South break waters jetties at Visakhapatnam port entrance. It is an extraordinarymonumental work by the Andhra Mining expert (Date of Birth: 17-8-1939 Place of Birth:Rajam(chicakol Dist).Father's Name:Tenneti Appala Narasimham B.A.B.L(Advocate) Permanent Address: 50-57-21/19,C4,Chaitanya Apts.Rajendhra Nagar, Visakhapatnam-530016Mobile Phone:9394026172 (R)Tel NO:0891-2717560
** taken from TRU-SCIENCE Issue Vol.2005 No.6 Dated: Wednesday June 22, 2005 12:25:40 PM On South-West Monsoon models and the reality situation of weather forecast and predictionBy Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana http:\\tru-science.westgodavari.org\, freekln@yahoo.co.in
*** Sunday, November 4, 2007 FINDING OF THE UNCERTAIN MATERIAL ON THE MOON http://trusciencetrutechnology.blogspot.com PATENT & PROPRIETY RIGHTS RESERVED: