Dated:2nd June 2008 Time : 2.14PM
The Lagrangian Dynamics of Mini Whirling Funnel of Sand & Dust and Moist Particulate event on 1st May 2008 at Narasinga Bay of Visakhapatnam.
by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
Dated: 2nd June 2008 Time: 2.14PM.
Keywords: Narasimha Sand Dunes, Narasinga Bay of Visakhapatnam Beach, Whirlling funnels moist parcels, dry air packets, Buoyancy Factor, Reactive Forces, and Self-Adjusting Atmosphere.
The 1st May 2008 mini whirling funnel of Sand & Dust and as well moist particulate fine matter has been analyzed. The model, the parameters and the governing equations of both the stages of the mini event have been explicitly presented. The significant physical entities such as the buoyancy factor and the reactive force of Atmosphere have been obtained. The latter supports the idea of Self Adjusting Atmosphere conditions at the Narasinga Bay. A Lagrangian has been used to derive the Equations of Motion.
The history of creation of Narasimha Sand Dunes of Visakhapatnam has been outlined obtaining the value of 0.00225 cubic Km as the rate of deposition each year.
The Mega whirling funnels of Sand & Dust no longer originate in the Narasinga Bay since the ancient shore line of 16-50kms expanse has shrunk to mere few yards at Visakhapatnam. But Mega whirling moist air currents exist in a conducive atmosphere and buoyancy conditions.Also symptoms and natural disasters of month of May 2008 are reviewed.
The Narasimha Range of Sand Dunes in Visakhapatnam:
The Narasimha range of Sand Dunes in Visakhapatnam exists starting from the Mrs AVNCollege grounds to Ramakrishna Mission Women’ wing Building. These sand dunes exist now underneath Maharanipeta Official Colony lanes, Bhavanagar & Rajendhra Prasad Wards of KGH, and extend lying beneath the complex structures of old Buddhavarapu Gardens. They lay stretched beneath the Pandhimetta hill house constructs, below the Century club, Grand Bay Hotel and Dolphins Apt buildings. The Hawa Mahal, Siripuram complex structures have been built on these sand dunes. The sand dunes also exist beneath the “Concrete Jungles” of Beach Road and the Panduranga Temple multistoried buildings. The sand dunes also existed in front of the now disappeared old Kotcherlakota Fort (in the vicinity of present Kota Veedhi and Burujupeta, Venketeswara and Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temples). These sand dunes in Modern times (1930-1960) were known as the Minerva talkies, Soldier Peta and Chachadipeta areas. The small road (some portions widened) connecting the backwaters of the sea, the Upputeru, via Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temple and Venketesawara Temple to the outer harbor area is the only icon of ancient city of Visakhapatnam and its old Kotcherlakota Fort.
The Narasinga Bay:
The Narasimha range of Hillocks and the Dolphin’s Nose Hill has provided a Natural Bay at coastal battery of Visakhapatnam. Once upon a time possibly during the time of Buddhist travelers to the city of Vaisakhi (Vaisakeswara) temple,i.e. during the 5th and 6th century AD the beach of Narasinga Bay was almost 30 to 50kms deep into the sea far away from the present shore line.
Evolution of Narasimha Sand Dunes:
Over the centuries, the winds were blowing the dry air bare vast expanse of the Narasinga Bay coastal beach of Visakhaptnam.These winds piled up Sand & Dust dunes on the slopes of the present Mrs. AVN College, KGH, Collectors’ Office and the Harbor Park hillocks.
The whirling funnels of Sand & Dust occurred in hot days mostly due to strong convection. The Visakahapatnam city over the centuries experienced different vagaries of Weather and especially drought hot and dry seasons.
The whirling funnels are of two types the Mega whirling spirals which were the ones that caused in the past centuries (between 600AD to 1100AD) the creation of Narasimha Sand Dunes. They are distinct from the logarithmic or Eckman spiral patterns. The whirling funnels of Visakhapatnam, transported Sand & Dust to heights of 1 mile(1.6093kms).These have virtually created the enormous mass of Sand & Dust that covered the entire area of Mrs.AVN College upto the Palm beach of Visakahapatnam. These days the whirling spirals reached the gradient levels of cyclostrophic altitudes. In this case, the centrifugal forces have come into play.
It is estimated that Narasimha Sand & Dust dunes were of an enormous mass of volume 2.25 cubic kms. The rate of deposition in about 1000years was roughly 0.00225 cubic kms. The whirling winds at speeds of 10 to 30miles (16-48km) an hour have veered to 900 minimum regularly and periodically. The magnitude of Mega events happened is just comparable to the figures of Sand Dunes of Sand Bowl in Grasslands (wheat fields) of USA.
Symptoms and Natural Disasters:
An important observation was made by the present author in the month of second week of may 2008.It is noticed that the Narasimha range of Sand Dunes underneath the official colony building structures has shrunk slipped by about 2mm down the hills towards the sea side of coastal battery.
Month of May 2008 has witnessed land slips in Tibet (blocking the trade routes to India) and Jammu & Kashmir (May 1st 2008) Kishtoon region.
The severe Myanmar[3] super cyclone generated a 12 feet tidal surge that has washed out Irrawathy river delta early Saturday on 3rd May 2008. Colombia in USA also had an earthquake of magnitude 5.2R. Earthquake was felt twice in Madugula[2]once morning at 3.00AM and again around 4.50PM. (A Roof fell down, utensils rolled over and a wall collapsed.).On the Thursday 29th May 2008, Narasipatnam, Kotauratla, Chodavaram, Ravikamatam, Rolugunta, Butchaiapeta, Yellamanchilli, Paderu, Chintapalli, and Anakapalli experienced the tremors of the 3.7R earthquake at 4.50-4.55PM for about 3 seconds. The epicenter was 50kms South-West-South of Visakahapatnam. Also in Assam Dharronga (Panangi) felt earthquake of magnitude 4.2R.
The sea at Visakahapatnam was found agitated till the late evening of 29th may 2008.
Clouds in 3rd/4th week of SW monsoon have played a hide and seek game to rain, except for the heavy rains at Srikakulum and Vijayanagaram districts. It rained a shower on the night of 30th May 2008 at midnight for about a half-hour only. The 1st and 2nd June 2008 were found to be again hot. Same was the situation in Uttarpradesh.
1st May 2008 Mini whirling funnel of Sand, Dust and moist air:
The second type of whirling funnel that lifts Sand & Dust does occur whenever a temperature gradient of about 14 to 19 deg.C exists. Visakahapatnam usually has a peak temperature of 38 to 39 deg C. But this May on 17th, 2008 it reached about 43 deg C. On 1st may 2008 it was at 40 deg C and the Narasinga Bay Sea temperature was only 26 deg C. This was just bare minimum temperature gradient to generate a mini size whirling funnel of Sand Dust and moist air.
The observed whirling wind at the Narasinga Bay was found to veer in an anticlockwise fashion. It was found to sheer off abruptly at a height of about just 54 meters.
Two high school twin sisters Pratyusha and Praseeda of 8th STD, observed the spiral rise and deposit large quantities of Sand and Dust at the Narasinga Bay. Many people at the bay beach ran out for shelter to escape the enormous Sand and Dust wind. It affected the visibility and many people suffered the striking particulate Sand and Dust into their eyes. It all lasted hardly 45 minutes time during 4.45PM to 5.55PM on 1st may 2008.
The Model, the Parameters and the Equation of Motion:
It is generally thought that the entrainment of moist sir into the whirling funnel inhibits their growth less than the dry air, but our findings are contrary. We found that whirling funnels have two superimposed layers of Sand & Dust on one hand and the moist particulate fine matter on the other.
The latter currents also carry micro-nutrient elements from the Narasinga Bay and deposit on the upper reaches of the mountain cliffs of Visakhapatnam. It may be remarked here that this was the reason why during 1940 years of an accountable era, thick jungles and forests were formed on these cliffs and the neighboring regions of Visakhapatnam. (Accounting for its biodiversity) .Late Dr Marthanda Sastry of AU commented the ancient was nothing short of a comparison with the Brighton of England in its natural grandeur.
The mini whirling funnel winds thus are endowed with four essential parameters. Firstly the temperature gradient of about 14 to 19 deg C. The other parameter is the dry air conditions of right humidity. Thirdly the wind horizontal and the vertical shear components with their genesis in the Narasinga Bay. Finally the moist due to extensive dredging and other outer harbor activities in the Narasinga Bay.
Our model took into account the fact that on 1st May 2008 event, the dry air conditions and temperature gradient were responsible for the rise of Sand & Dust to altitude of about 27 meters on the sea shore. The moist air consisting of micro-nutrients, and fine particulate matter, made the sustained whirling spiral to reach the altitude of about 54 meters.
a).Buoyancy factors that differ for the Sand & Dust stage and moist stage have been obtained and are a very significant feature of our model formulation.
b).The model also found the reactive force acceleration parameters that characterize the two stages separately.
These forces suppress the rise of Sand & Dust packets and as well the moist air parcels, in a self adjusting atmosphere equilibrium situation[1].
c). The constant “a” describes the radial divergence and the constant “b” gives the pitch of the spiral.
d). The Fig.1. (See the accompanying image uploaded) gives the obtained values of these constants for the 1st may 2008 whirling funnel and also the Lagrangian Equations of Motion for the two characteristic stages of the spiral.
* Only three parameters suggested by Shri M.R.R.Kumar, of POD, NIO, Goa for the reason why Cyclone spared India? See comments on Hindu paper S& T pages of 29th May 2008.
1. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
truscience.westgodavari.org on SSA index.
2. Report on Earthquakes in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Jyothi Daily news paper, Dated 30th May 2008
3. ‘9th July double system of circular cloud formations from Myanmar do they signify that the finite number of klnon directed momentum vortex rain clouds do they form a closed set?” Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, tru_science.westgodavari.org vol.2006.No.7, 23rd July 2006 on “Monsoon…..Exotic Structures”.
The 1st May 2008 mini whirling funnel of Sand & Dust and as well moist particulate fine matter has been analyzed. The model, the parameters and the governing equations of both the stages of the mini event have been explicitly presented. The significant physical entities such as the buoyancy factor and the reactive force of Atmosphere have been obtained. The latter supports the idea of Self Adjusting Atmosphere conditions at the Narasinga Bay. A Lagrangian has been used to derive the Equations of Motion.
The history of creation of Narasimha Sand Dunes of Visakhapatnam has been outlined obtaining the value of 0.00225 cubic Km as the rate of deposition each year.
The Mega whirling funnels of Sand & Dust no longer originate in the Narasinga Bay since the ancient shore line of 16-50kms expanse has shrunk to mere few yards at Visakhapatnam. But Mega whirling moist air currents exist in a conducive atmosphere and buoyancy conditions.Also symptoms and natural disasters of month of May 2008 are reviewed.
The Narasimha Range of Sand Dunes in Visakhapatnam:
The Narasimha range of Sand Dunes in Visakhapatnam exists starting from the Mrs AVNCollege grounds to Ramakrishna Mission Women’ wing Building. These sand dunes exist now underneath Maharanipeta Official Colony lanes, Bhavanagar & Rajendhra Prasad Wards of KGH, and extend lying beneath the complex structures of old Buddhavarapu Gardens. They lay stretched beneath the Pandhimetta hill house constructs, below the Century club, Grand Bay Hotel and Dolphins Apt buildings. The Hawa Mahal, Siripuram complex structures have been built on these sand dunes. The sand dunes also exist beneath the “Concrete Jungles” of Beach Road and the Panduranga Temple multistoried buildings. The sand dunes also existed in front of the now disappeared old Kotcherlakota Fort (in the vicinity of present Kota Veedhi and Burujupeta, Venketeswara and Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temples). These sand dunes in Modern times (1930-1960) were known as the Minerva talkies, Soldier Peta and Chachadipeta areas. The small road (some portions widened) connecting the backwaters of the sea, the Upputeru, via Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temple and Venketesawara Temple to the outer harbor area is the only icon of ancient city of Visakhapatnam and its old Kotcherlakota Fort.
The Narasinga Bay:
The Narasimha range of Hillocks and the Dolphin’s Nose Hill has provided a Natural Bay at coastal battery of Visakhapatnam. Once upon a time possibly during the time of Buddhist travelers to the city of Vaisakhi (Vaisakeswara) temple,i.e. during the 5th and 6th century AD the beach of Narasinga Bay was almost 30 to 50kms deep into the sea far away from the present shore line.
Evolution of Narasimha Sand Dunes:
Over the centuries, the winds were blowing the dry air bare vast expanse of the Narasinga Bay coastal beach of Visakhaptnam.These winds piled up Sand & Dust dunes on the slopes of the present Mrs. AVN College, KGH, Collectors’ Office and the Harbor Park hillocks.
The whirling funnels of Sand & Dust occurred in hot days mostly due to strong convection. The Visakahapatnam city over the centuries experienced different vagaries of Weather and especially drought hot and dry seasons.
The whirling funnels are of two types the Mega whirling spirals which were the ones that caused in the past centuries (between 600AD to 1100AD) the creation of Narasimha Sand Dunes. They are distinct from the logarithmic or Eckman spiral patterns. The whirling funnels of Visakhapatnam, transported Sand & Dust to heights of 1 mile(1.6093kms).These have virtually created the enormous mass of Sand & Dust that covered the entire area of Mrs.AVN College upto the Palm beach of Visakahapatnam. These days the whirling spirals reached the gradient levels of cyclostrophic altitudes. In this case, the centrifugal forces have come into play.
It is estimated that Narasimha Sand & Dust dunes were of an enormous mass of volume 2.25 cubic kms. The rate of deposition in about 1000years was roughly 0.00225 cubic kms. The whirling winds at speeds of 10 to 30miles (16-48km) an hour have veered to 900 minimum regularly and periodically. The magnitude of Mega events happened is just comparable to the figures of Sand Dunes of Sand Bowl in Grasslands (wheat fields) of USA.
Symptoms and Natural Disasters:
An important observation was made by the present author in the month of second week of may 2008.It is noticed that the Narasimha range of Sand Dunes underneath the official colony building structures has shrunk slipped by about 2mm down the hills towards the sea side of coastal battery.
Month of May 2008 has witnessed land slips in Tibet (blocking the trade routes to India) and Jammu & Kashmir (May 1st 2008) Kishtoon region.
The severe Myanmar[3] super cyclone generated a 12 feet tidal surge that has washed out Irrawathy river delta early Saturday on 3rd May 2008. Colombia in USA also had an earthquake of magnitude 5.2R. Earthquake was felt twice in Madugula[2]once morning at 3.00AM and again around 4.50PM. (A Roof fell down, utensils rolled over and a wall collapsed.).On the Thursday 29th May 2008, Narasipatnam, Kotauratla, Chodavaram, Ravikamatam, Rolugunta, Butchaiapeta, Yellamanchilli, Paderu, Chintapalli, and Anakapalli experienced the tremors of the 3.7R earthquake at 4.50-4.55PM for about 3 seconds. The epicenter was 50kms South-West-South of Visakahapatnam. Also in Assam Dharronga (Panangi) felt earthquake of magnitude 4.2R.
The sea at Visakahapatnam was found agitated till the late evening of 29th may 2008.
Clouds in 3rd/4th week of SW monsoon have played a hide and seek game to rain, except for the heavy rains at Srikakulum and Vijayanagaram districts. It rained a shower on the night of 30th May 2008 at midnight for about a half-hour only. The 1st and 2nd June 2008 were found to be again hot. Same was the situation in Uttarpradesh.
1st May 2008 Mini whirling funnel of Sand, Dust and moist air:
The second type of whirling funnel that lifts Sand & Dust does occur whenever a temperature gradient of about 14 to 19 deg.C exists. Visakahapatnam usually has a peak temperature of 38 to 39 deg C. But this May on 17th, 2008 it reached about 43 deg C. On 1st may 2008 it was at 40 deg C and the Narasinga Bay Sea temperature was only 26 deg C. This was just bare minimum temperature gradient to generate a mini size whirling funnel of Sand Dust and moist air.
The observed whirling wind at the Narasinga Bay was found to veer in an anticlockwise fashion. It was found to sheer off abruptly at a height of about just 54 meters.
Two high school twin sisters Pratyusha and Praseeda of 8th STD, observed the spiral rise and deposit large quantities of Sand and Dust at the Narasinga Bay. Many people at the bay beach ran out for shelter to escape the enormous Sand and Dust wind. It affected the visibility and many people suffered the striking particulate Sand and Dust into their eyes. It all lasted hardly 45 minutes time during 4.45PM to 5.55PM on 1st may 2008.
The Model, the Parameters and the Equation of Motion:
It is generally thought that the entrainment of moist sir into the whirling funnel inhibits their growth less than the dry air, but our findings are contrary. We found that whirling funnels have two superimposed layers of Sand & Dust on one hand and the moist particulate fine matter on the other.
The latter currents also carry micro-nutrient elements from the Narasinga Bay and deposit on the upper reaches of the mountain cliffs of Visakhapatnam. It may be remarked here that this was the reason why during 1940 years of an accountable era, thick jungles and forests were formed on these cliffs and the neighboring regions of Visakhapatnam. (Accounting for its biodiversity) .Late Dr Marthanda Sastry of AU commented the ancient was nothing short of a comparison with the Brighton of England in its natural grandeur.
The mini whirling funnel winds thus are endowed with four essential parameters. Firstly the temperature gradient of about 14 to 19 deg C. The other parameter is the dry air conditions of right humidity. Thirdly the wind horizontal and the vertical shear components with their genesis in the Narasinga Bay. Finally the moist due to extensive dredging and other outer harbor activities in the Narasinga Bay.
Our model took into account the fact that on 1st May 2008 event, the dry air conditions and temperature gradient were responsible for the rise of Sand & Dust to altitude of about 27 meters on the sea shore. The moist air consisting of micro-nutrients, and fine particulate matter, made the sustained whirling spiral to reach the altitude of about 54 meters.
a).Buoyancy factors that differ for the Sand & Dust stage and moist stage have been obtained and are a very significant feature of our model formulation.
b).The model also found the reactive force acceleration parameters that characterize the two stages separately.
These forces suppress the rise of Sand & Dust packets and as well the moist air parcels, in a self adjusting atmosphere equilibrium situation[1].
c). The constant “a” describes the radial divergence and the constant “b” gives the pitch of the spiral.
d). The Fig.1. (See the accompanying image uploaded) gives the obtained values of these constants for the 1st may 2008 whirling funnel and also the Lagrangian Equations of Motion for the two characteristic stages of the spiral.
* Only three parameters suggested by Shri M.R.R.Kumar, of POD, NIO, Goa for the reason why Cyclone spared India? See comments on Hindu paper S& T pages of 29th May 2008.
1. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
truscience.westgodavari.org on SSA index.
2. Report on Earthquakes in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Jyothi Daily news paper, Dated 30th May 2008
3. ‘9th July double system of circular cloud formations from Myanmar do they signify that the finite number of klnon directed momentum vortex rain clouds do they form a closed set?” Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, tru_science.westgodavari.org vol.2006.No.7, 23rd July 2006 on “Monsoon…..Exotic Structures”.
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