Volume 2011, Issue No.9, Dt.4th Sept.2011: Time: 4h52mPM
First Fortnight of September 2011 Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile No: 9542717723 and 9491902867
Key words: Solar Spectra, Moon Brightness, Yellow predominance of the solar irradiation.
Volume 2011, Issue No.9, Dt.4th Sept.2011: Time: 4h52mPM
First Fortnight of September 2011 Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile No: 9542717723 and 9491902867
Key words: Solar Spectra, Moon Brightness, Yellow predominance of the solar irradiation.
The Visakhapatnam city had a memorable cloudy weather throughout the 1st fortnight of September 2011. The rains were very congenial for the plants growth and flowering with bright colors. Practically every flowering plant has flowered except the fruit yielding trees like the Mango etc. But the Coconut tree flowered. The clouds have compounded to the ultraviolet and other energetic rays of the Sun and as well the reflected Moon shine within the clouds. The brightness of both the Moon and the Sun enhanced due to the interaction with the Solar winds and radiations is very evident from the contrasting bright images captured along with the record of the visible spectrum. . The yellow dominance of the Sun spectrum has considerably reduced and only the yellow filters project it with some intensity. The Red, Orange, Sky Blue and the Green filters do not show the yellow predominance.
A. The Sun:
B. Tambora volcano:
C. Typhoon Talas in Japan:
D. Tropical Storm Lee:
Bands of heavy rains and strong wind gusts knocked out Louisiana and Mississippi affecting bay towns Jean Lafitte, with a sluggish movement, stalled several hours off shore, and marched northward late Saturday 3rd September 2011 afternoon.

Fig.1 First Fortnight of Sept.2011 kln

Fig 2 First Fortnight of September 2011 weather scenario Visakhapatnam

Fig 3 First Fortnight of September 2011 weather scenario Visakhapatnam
The clouds have compounded to the ultraviolet and other energetic rays of the Sun and as well the reflected Moon shine within the clouds. The brightness of both the Moon and the Sun enhanced due to the interaction with the Solar winds and radiations is very evident from the contrasting bright images captured along with the record of the visible spectrum. . The yellow dominance of the Sun spectrum has considerably reduced and only the yellow filters project it with some intensity. The Red, Orange, Sky Blue and the Green filters do not show the yellow predominance.
I am indebted to Late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of JVD College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Waltair, and Visakhapatnam for his stimulation, encouragement and constant help in my research endeavor.
A. The Sun:
The sun is peppered with sunspot groups, but flare activity remains low. Credit: SDO/HMISolar wind; speed: 277.5 km/sec; density: 1.4 protons/cm3X-ray Solar Flares 6-hr max: B9 0825 UT Sep02; 24-hr: B9 0825 UT Sep02 Sunspot number: 119 The solar disk is peppered with sunspot groups, at least eight of them. None of them, however, is producing strong flares. Solar activity remains generally low. Coronal Holes: 02 Sep 11; the published its version of deep sky aurora observations, as follows on the 1st September 2011 night by a Norwegian. "Last night I was watching Comet Garradd when faint auroras appeared over most of the sky," reports Fredrik Broms of Kvaløya, Norway. "They didn't look very impressive visually, but a few seconds exposure revealed a stunning sight."This is a fine example of "deep-sky auroras," a display nearly (or completely) invisible to the human eye, but easy pickings for a modern digital camera i.e. what his Nikon saw. Deep-sky auroras appear most often at high latitudes when geomagnetic activity is nominally low. All it takes is a point and cli-(count to three)-ck to record the wonders above the deep sky auroras. The auroras did not hinder its visibility. And for the record, notes Broms, Comet Gerradd is now visible through 10x42 binoculars as it closes in on the Coathanger asterism. Comet Garradd would be at peak magnitude 6, on the threshold of naked-eye visibility, in February 2012.
B. Tambora volcano:
Tambora volcano in Indonesia has been raised to level 2 alert (out of maximum 4) after an increase in volcanic earthquakes. In April 2011 there were 37 shallow volcanic earthquakes recorded, 167 in May, 277 in June, 363 in July, and 141 from 1-29 August. Continuous tremor was recorded on 29 and 30 August. Tourists and locals are advised to avoid the summit area of Tambora volcano. In 1815 Tambora had one of the largest eruptions on earth in the past 1000 years and ejected 100-150 cubic km of lava. The possibility of a huge plate-boundary earthquake amplified by simultaneous moves in two or more focal areas beneath Tokyo has been increasing since the Great East Japan Earthquake, according to the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Institute. Also, the preliminary observed number of magnitude-3 or larger plate-boundary quakes between March 11 and Aug. 20 rose about fourfold in an area 60 to 70 kilometers below northern Tokyo Bay. The institute said that since the March 11 disaster, pressure on the tectonic plates beneath the city has changed and two or more focal areas may move simultaneously, resulting in a massive quake. The tectonic makeup of Tokyo and surrounding areas is complicated, with two ocean plates subducting below a land plate on which the Japanese archipelago is located. Visakhapatnam experienced heavy rains on the night of 31st August 2011 and the following three days.
The storm moved northward across the Sea of Japan, past the country Japan affecting the western and central Japan and caused havoc displacing several people. It crossed the southern Japanese Island of Shikoku and central part of Honshu overnight on September 4th, 2011.
Bands of heavy rains and strong wind gusts knocked out Louisiana and Mississippi affecting bay towns Jean Lafitte, with a sluggish movement, stalled several hours off shore, and marched northward late Saturday 3rd September 2011 afternoon.
E. Heavy Inflow to Andhra Pradesh Reservoirs of Water:
Due to heavy rains Krishna river, Srikakulum district rivers, the Godavari river all most all the streams and Canals, minor irrigation reservoirs, Nagarjuna Sagar Lake and various Ayucuts have been flooded with heavy inflows. 10 gates of Srisailam Dam are opened on Sunday 4th September 2011 with the water of about 55000cusecs, released to Krishna River. Water level rose to 884.40ft at the Dam. All the 40 gates of Jurala at Mahabubanagar are lifted with water level at 317.90mts against total of 318mts.
Beginning the 31st August 2011 night there was heavy bands of rain in Visakhapatnam till the 3rd September 2011. The 4th and 5th September 2011 the city was completely cloudy with practically no Sun shine.
The Visakhapatnam city had a memorable cloudy weather throughout the 1st fortnight of September 2011. The rains were very congenial for the plants growth and flowering with bright colors. Practically every flowering plant has flowered except the fruit yielding trees like the Mango etc. But the Coconut tree flowered. The Sapota fruit tree has not flowered. It appears all the flowers are of exceptional use for the worship of various Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Fig.1 First Fortnight of Sept.2011 kln
The tectonic plates below the Japan main cities are moving creating minor tremors, with the danger of a possible major earthquake as their Institute researchers are afraid. The Comet Garradd would be at peak magnitude 6, on the threshold of naked-eye visibility, in February 2012. The water levels in different important lakes of the Andhra Pradesh state are given in this figure. The inflows were heavy due to the excessive rains in Karnataka and Maharashtra States added to the heavy rains in the catchment areas of the state.

Fig 2 First Fortnight of September 2011 weather scenario Visakhapatnam
The Moon was very enchanting with its splendor of Jewel like ring colors with reflections like a diamond in the sky. The passing by clouds have given various chances to obtain its spectra within the clouds. This Figure clearly establishes the fact that the clouds have compounded to the ultraviolet and other energetic rays of the Sun and as well the reflected Moon shine within the clouds. The brightness of both the Moon and the Sun enhanced due to the interaction with the Solar winds and radiations is very evident from the contrasting bright images captured along with the record of the visible spectrum. The eye is quite sensitive in some persons to the ultra violet radiations but not possibly of cancerous damage. It might enhance the pigmentation near the eye. The flowers are of different colors during this month from different plants.

Fig 3 First Fortnight of September 2011 weather scenario Visakhapatnam
The jet flower was in full bloom during the second week of September and showed its typical green blob in the centre and the striped petals of the Red fibers with white stems of the petals. The profile shows but considerable green intensity with lower blue inside the blob, and is a very significant finding for the understanding of photosynthetic energy storage characteristics of this flower. The red stripes attract the pollination insects but the green blob stores the energy for the seed growth which eventually flows down most probably. The yellow dominance of the Sun spectrum has considerably reduced and only the yellow filters project it with some intensity. The Red, Orange, Sky Blue and the Green filters do not show the yellow predominance.
The clouds have compounded to the ultraviolet and other energetic rays of the Sun and as well the reflected Moon shine within the clouds. The brightness of both the Moon and the Sun enhanced due to the interaction with the Solar winds and radiations is very evident from the contrasting bright images captured along with the record of the visible spectrum. . The yellow dominance of the Sun spectrum has considerably reduced and only the yellow filters project it with some intensity. The Red, Orange, Sky Blue and the Green filters do not show the yellow predominance.
I am indebted to Late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of JVD College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Waltair, and Visakhapatnam for his stimulation, encouragement and constant help in my research endeavor.
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