2012, Issue No.1. Dt.13th January 2012 Time: 12h02mPM
The 108 sacred number series and
3D manifestation
Earth and Moon Information Quantization
Earth and Moon Information Quantization
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota
Lakshmi Narayana
truscience & trutechnology, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam,-530002. Andhra Pradesh. Email: Kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.com,Mobile: 9495717723/9491902867 Originally Dated & Time: 3rd Aug 2011: 12h08m47s
truscience & trutechnology, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam,-530002. Andhra Pradesh. Email: Kotcherlakota_l_n@hotmail.com,Mobile: 9495717723/9491902867 Originally Dated & Time: 3rd Aug 2011: 12h08m47s
Keywords: Number
Theory, Physics, Quantum Information
The 108
number series is represented graphically with the y-axis as the log values of
base 10, has been to be in the x-axis range from 1 to 22 only, since my Acer
laptop windows vista premium sets the infinity limit at n=23 for the 108 sacred
number series. More powerful computers may set this limit to higher than n=22
but I point out that the exponential growth of the log10 base values would
persist even at higher x range values. This is an important finding of this
research. It would be a play to polynomial fit the data of log10 values to a
variety of functions. They are all listed in this article. About 10 different
functions, such as Lorentz fit etc, have been used to fit the graphical curve
obtaining their relevant parameters. The data is given explicitly. A
significant find is the 3D manifestation of this number and a novel 3d
structure akin to a group but distinctly different from it, has been found.
This is the first time that the structure is found to have certain energy
values. Apart from it a conical fit of about 54 areas on the surface area of
the Earth has been obtained using this 3D structure approach. The energy
quantization and the concomitant information from the Earth to the interstellar
space are fascinating. My present method of calculation, of course, uses the
fact that the number 108 has a 3D manifestation. And careful assessment of it
gave me the characteristics of the cone areas involved on the surface of the
Earth and the Moon to arrive at the charge capacities involved in sending the
quantized information as 8936nV and 1007nV respectively. I have found a 3D
structure associated with the number 108 that gives to rise to quantum energy
levels and also valid for some other considerations of the elementary particle
processes involved in the structure of the universe.
& Time: 12/23/2011 4:08:47 PM {An
article prepared for the Indian Science Congress Association Session to be held
at Bhubaneswar in 1st to 7th
January, 2012 by the author copy right held}
It is well
known that the number 108 is regarded as a sacred number by people in
India.[1,2,3] Shri Srinivasa Ramanjun, the famous Mathematician of India,
admired by G H Hardy of Cambridge University, England, has not somehow missed
to analyze it. Otherwise, he would have made great strides in Astronomy and
Astrophysics. The philosophical implications of this have been given in several
modern and ancient texts and also the palm leaves (called Pothis) books. But no
analysis of this number has been made to-date to my knowledge. I thought of
examining this number to ascertain its significance if any to explore using the
modern computational methods.
This number
whose sum total is NINE stands as a very significant number in Indian thought.
They sought to regard the distance between Moon and Earth as about 108 times
the diameter of the Moon. Similarly the distance between Earth and the Sun as
about 108 times the diameter of the Earth. Surprisingly the sought the diameter
of the Sun as about 108 times the diameter of the Earth. They believe that the
Japa Mala (thread used for daily worship with beads) has 108 beads and they are
the 108 steps to reach the divine power. Ayurveda specifies 108 MARMA (keynote)
points in the human body. They have about 108 links and 108 joints of great
significance for treatment of a diseased person. Srichakra Yantra used to as a
foundation for the Goddess Lakshmi Temples has 108 interludes 54 for Male and
the other 54 for a Male representation. 27 signs with 4 padas gives the number
108 stars the 12 houses in Astrology with 9 planets of influence give the number
108. One stands for goodness and 0 for Sunya i.e. emptiness and 8 stands for
the directions in the space. Sanskrit has 54 letters with the powers of Shiva
and Shakthi they give the number divine as 108. There are 108 Puranas of Vyasa,
108 Upanishads, 18 chapters in Bhagvat Gita have 108 verses, and Brahma day of
4320000years is divisible by 4 to give the number 108000.
of Approach & Significant Findings
The 108 number series is represented graphically
with the y-axis as the log values of base 10, has been to be in the x-axis of
range from 1 to 22 only, since the laptop windows vista premium sets the
infinity limit at n=23 for the 108 sacred number series. More powerful
computers may set this limit to higher than n=22, but I point out that the exponential
growth of the log10 base values, would persist even at higher x range values.
This is an important finding of this research.
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22];
y= [0
0.6021 2.0334 4.4417
7.936513742 12.6054212 18.52110747 25.74582744 34.3340
44.33400998 55.78932951
68.73950447 83.22076818 99.26656047
116.9079295 136.1738492 157.0914809
179.6863859 203.9827044 230.0033041 257.7699095 287.3032084];
Polynomial fit
It would be a play to polynomial fit the data of
log10 values to a variety of functions. They are all listed below.
The series number of 108 seems to give on
logarithmic base 10 an exponentially growing curve illustrated above in Fig.1.
To fit it to several known functions such as Polynomial regression fit of
different degree polynomial from 1 to 6 has been made.
1. Polynomial Regression for
Y = A + B1*X + B2*X^2; y= 6.02914
2. Polynomial Regression for:
Y = A + B1*X + B2*X^2 + B3*X^3
Y = 1.35667-1.43849*x + 0.50781*x^2
3. Polynomial Regression for:
Y = A + B1*X + B2*X^2 + B3*X^3 +
Y= 0.49366- 0.81226*x + 0.39151*x^2
+0.01452*x^3 – 1.68369e-04*x^4
4. Polynomial Regression for:
Y = A + B1*X + B2*X^2 + B3*X^3 +
B4*X^4 + B5*X^5
Y= 0.22755- .54743+.31788*x^2+
5. Polynomial Regression for:
Y = A + B1*X + B2*X^2 + B3*X^3 +
B4*X^4 + B5*X^5 + B6*X^6
0.03107*x^3 - 0.00123*x^4+3.1874e-05*x^53.61619e-07*x^6
6. Fit to y= y0+Ae^(x/t): y= 10.91713*exp(x/6.59677)
7. Expdecay3 Fit to:
y= y0 + A1e^ (-x/t1) + A2e^ (-x/t2) + A3e^ (-x/t3):
y= 31.19441*exp(x/9.24146) -18.7356*
exp (-x/2.21241e+85) - 24.79483*exp(x/3.63145e+137)
8. Growth /Sigmoid (Boltzmann) fit
Y= {(A1-A2) /
{1+exp ((x-x0)/dx]} +A2:
Y initial values
y= {(-16.027-574.17)/ [1+exp ((x-21.765)/5.4236] +574.17;
Y final values
Y= {(1.85-34.3) /
[1+exp(x-0.580)/0.190] + 34.3
XatY50(x0) 21.765 0.580
Width (dx) 5.4236 0.190
9. Gauss Fit:
Y=y0 +
A/w*sqrt (π/2) * exp (-2*(x-xc)
Area A= 14931 Center= 34.151
Width=22.656 Offset=-9.8837 Height= 525.83
10. Lorentz fit to: y=y0+ (2A/π)
* w/ [4(x-xc) ^2+w^2]
Area=10624 Center=25.080 Width=17.958 Offset=-52.455 Height=376.63
The Earth and Moon Information Quantization
The data
already reported regarding the structure of the Earth of the present day and
that of the Moon given by in the paper given in Section XIII, Physical
Sciences, Page 3 and Paper No.3 [see ref.4 given below] in the 96th
Indian Science Congress sessions held in Shillong from Jan 3rd to 7th,
2009 have been used now to find the charge capacities of the quantized
information that the earth and the moon transmit to the interstellar space. On
Feb 1st 2006, Hubble Space Telescope images show the Moon's surface
is covered with oxygen-rich soils. On October 1st 2008, the news is
that Astrophysicists found that the moon's surface becomes electrified
during each full moon. The moon passes through the Earth's magneto-tail, a cone
of highly-charged particles, for about 6 days each month. On the side of the
moon facing the sun, ultraviolet particles disrupt the electromagnetic effect,
keeping the voltage at low levels, but on the dark side, the voltage can reach
hundreds or thousands of volts. The surface of the moon can become electrified
from charged particles in the surrounding space environment," says Timothy
Stubbs, Ph.D., a space scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in
Greenbelt, Md.
My approach
is that the deep interior of the Core gives out a charge capacity that is used
for the information quantization by the respective cosmic entities. This is apart
from, what the space and astrophysicist try to find out, of an induced charge
on the surfaces exposed to irradiations, such as ultra violet and gamma rays
etc, from external bodies magneto-tails regions on them.
I have
used a core radius of 2898km for Earth and 789.87km for the Moon. The number
108 leads to certain area of the surface of the Earth and the Moon to be the
basis of sending such quantum of information. The Astronomers of India have
done a splendid job of identifying this typical number to be omnipresent
throughout the Universe creation. Thus it became easy for me to get the areas
on the surface of the Earth and the Moon for estimating the possible charge
capacities involved in sending the packets of information in a quantized
fashion. My present method of calculation of course uses the fact that the
number 108 has a 3D manifestation. And careful assessment of it gave me the
characteristics of the cone areas involved on the surface of the Earth and the
Moon to arrive at the charge capacities involved in sending the quantized
information as 8936nV and 1007nV respectively.
surprising thing is that this information energy is not lost in the temperature
generation of the entities by the core radioactive decays. It is recently
asserted by scientists that the Radioactive decay is the source of Earth’s heat
from the Uranium, Thorium and Potassium inside the core and mantle and it flows
continually from Earth’s interior into space releasing energy in watts of about
44 Trillion watts.
The interior
of the cosmic entities have been found by Indian Astronomers of ancient India
somehow connected with the number 108. This is may not be a mystic number since
my method of calculations shows that it is the basis of an information process
flowing between them in a quantized fashion. My present method of
calculation of course uses the fact that the number 108 has a 3D manifestation.
And careful assessment of it gave me the characteristics of the cone areas
involved on the surface of the Earth and the Moon to arrive at the charge
capacities involved in sending the quantized information as 8936nV and 1007nV
respectively. I have found a 3D structure associated with the number 108 that
gives to rise to quantum energy levels and also valid for some other
considerations of the elementary particle processes involved in the structure
of the universe.
Public Presentation Images and Visitors
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Fig. 0 The Abstract of Paper No. 36 Page 123 of section X Proceedings of Mathematical Sciences |
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Fig.1 Paper No 36 page 123 given on 6th Jan 2012 Physical Sciences 108 series of sacred numbers |
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Fig.2 presents the discussions on 6th Jan 2012 at KIIT University Mathematic Department with Prof & ex-Head B B Mishra and others about my papers at ISC2012 |
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Fig. 3 Shri N V V S Suryanarayana from VITAM Engineering, Visakhapatnam at my 108 presentation 2012 ISC Bhubaneswar. |
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Fig.4 img 9204 Samayita Bhattacharyajee at my 108 sacred number 3D manifestation |
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Fig.5 Delegates at ISC2012 who met me and shared the pleasure of Academic discussions on my BlogSpot |
1. I am
indebted to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras). D.Sc. (London) for
making me aware of the Group theory structural approach, in the study of
molecular force fields and in the Subject of Nuclear Physics spectroscopy
analysis. I have used symmetry group tabulae, based on the partitions of a number,
for the analysis of Fluorine-18, and Oxygen-19 etc nuclei in my Ph.D. thesis.
2. I am
also thankful to Master K. Sai Rangadhama Rao M.Sc(IT) presently at Bangalore,
employed in a private firm, for making me aware of the Information Theory and
Network Analysis on computers and Information Technology during the years
3. I am very thankful to Shri M G Raman Rotarian Past President of Icchapuram and his family, also I am indebted to Mrs & K Sri Rama Murthy and his Son K. Ravi Kumar and their families at Berhampur Odisha State, and as well to Shri JVS Praksha Rao and his family and last not but least to Shri Vaddiparthy family at Visakhapatnam and his wife of a divine power and their family for making my trip to the Icchapuram, Berhampur and Bhubaneswar a memorable event to attend the ISC2012.
1. Indian Epigraphy by
Richard Salomon.
2. Indian Epigraphy
by D.C. Sircar.
3. Ancient Indian
History and Civilization by Sailendra Nath Sen.
4. Kotcherlakota
Lakshmi Narayana truscience&trutechnology, Paper No.3.Page No.3
Section XIII, Physical Sciences, 96th
Session of Indian Science Congress, North Eastern Hill University,
Shillong-793022, 3-7th Jan., 2009 entitled” The Nuclear Explosive
Fission Break-Up of Parent MEL-Planet into formation of Present Day Earth, and
Mars and Moon Entities of the Solar System.”
0. Samayita
Bhattacharyajee visited my public presentation on 108 sacred number 3D
manifestation while she has presented a paper entitled “Snakes and Ladders: The Markov Way” Paper
No.5 Part II 99th Session ISCA.
1. the present article copies have been
collected by the KIIT University, Bhubaneswar students of Engineering College
at the ISC2012 session held during 3rd to 7th January 2012.
2. I have also
given the details of it to some members of staff at the School of Applied
Mathematics. See Fig.3.
3. I had the
pleasure of visiting the Institute of Physics at Bhubaneswar for a short while
on the Saturday, 7th January 2012 and gave the USB transmitted
copies of the articles on to PC given by me at the ISC2012, to some members of
staff of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar.
4. The attended
paper given to the Physical Sciences section X of the Proc. of ISCA session
held on 6th Jan 2012 at ISC2012 Bhubaneswar is entitled as
“The tri- Sulfur
molecular vibrations analysis and the possible new quanta characteristic of
those vibrations. “ by Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi
Narayana, trusciencetrutechnology@BlogSpot.com, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam,-530002. Andhra Pradesh. Email:
5. I have
forwarded by email both my articles to The Director of Institute of Physics,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha on the 7th January 2012 for their appraisal and
reference by the staff.
Some Images
relevant to Life of
Late Prof K R Rao of Andhra University,
Fig.6, Fig.7 and Fig.8 depict the places of significance in the childhood
life of Late Prof K R Rao D.Sc.(Madras)
D.Sc.(London) who excelled as a world teacher He was found to be a researcher
of uncanny abilities and a Champion who provided Leadership Business in Science
& Technology.
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Fig.6 IMG_8128kln Shri Baba Printers Icchapuram |
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Fig.7 Berhampur Kotcherlakota Home |
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