Volume 2014, Issue No.7, July 1, 2014: Time: 8h06m.P M.
Unusual Month of July 2014 : Many Peculiarities of Earth Events
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU, Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram,
Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002 cell no: 09491902867.
The Opto-mechanical oscillator uncertainty should reflect the deviations from Uncertainity Principle in the position and momentum relations said Natalie Welchover on October 31, 2013. Modifications in this principle show up in Quantum Gravity theories. Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity seem to converge only in enormously dense quantum-size black holes. Full Moon day passed on 11night and 12 morning After three days a bit unusual from Monday 14 July 2014 sea at Visakhapatnam surged forward covering 27 villages from Peddajalaripeta to Bheemilli with the water surged to the houses. This is the first time to happen in a non-cyclonic period. Sea deposited black soil at RK mission beach in Visakhapatnam. Number of waves and their frequency at the coast has been observed to have increased by almost 50%. Scientists have achieved an electric current of 1,00,000 amperes the highest in the world, Yttrium-based high temperature super-conducting tapes to fabricate a large-scale magnetic conductor. A new theory behind Tsunami earthquakes asserts that an extinct undersea volcanoes’ may be the cause of the severe earthquake and tsunami in Japan report from London. If mitochondrial replacement permitted more than 100 three parent babies could be born in UK each year. IVF method will prevent mothers from passing on serious mitochondrial diseases to their children. (July 23, 2013). Panchloha idols were recovered earlier in Bheemali and Yelamanchaili. Panchloha idols recovered in Visakhapatnam on July 5, 2014. Mr. Maruthi Rao a Telugu Cine actor and TV commentator on Friday July 25 meeting of “Vintage Visakha” acknowledged receipt of my emails of “THE INDUS NATION”. ). Loaded on July 23, 2014 my gift to “The Indus Nation” of my Book 3 entitled “The Dark Revelation”; A manifest Divine Truth authored by me comprising about 60 research publications for “INDEPENDENCE DAY” August 15, 2014. New types of soot particles from wild fires identified as super-aggregates found in emissions of wild fires in India, New Mexico, Northern California and Mexico City.
Spectrum patterns
These changed by the time they reached earth from a Quasar. It may be the speed of light or the electron charge or Planck’s constant.
Deep outer space releases split-second bursts of Radio-waves may be due to evaporating black-holes, merger of neutron stars, or flares of Magnetars stars. The bursts appear from beyond the Milky Way galaxy found by measurement of effect known as Plasma Dispersion [Staff writers, Montreal, Canada (SPX) Jul 14, 2014].
The Opto-mechanical oscillator uncertainty should reflect the deviations from Uncertainty Principle in the position and momentum relation,s said Natalie Welchover on October 31, 2013. Modifications in this principle show up in Quantum Gravity theories. The Uncertainty is immeasurably small just 100million trillionth the width of a Proton. Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity seem to converge only in enormously dense quantum-size black holes.
"This colorful sprite occurred over a large thunderstorm system in northeast New Mexico and was visible to the naked eye," says Edens. "I took the picture using a Nikon D4s and a 50 mm f/2 lens at ISO 25600." Inhabiting the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere alongside noctilucent clouds, meteors, and some auroras, sprites are a true space weather phenomenon. Some researchers believe they are linked to cosmic rays: subatomic particles from deep space striking the top of Earth's atmosphere produce secondary electrons that, in turn, could provide the spark that triggers sprites. Although sprites have been seen for at least a century, most scientists did not believe they existed until after 1989 when sprites were photographed by cameras onboard the space shuttle. Now "sprite chasers" regularly photograph the upward bolts from their homes.
Casimir Energy of a Long Wormhole Throat
The negative Casimir energy does allow the wormhole to collapse extremely slowly, its lifetime growing without bound as the throat-length is increased. We find that the throat closes slowly enough that its central region can be safely traversed by a pulse of light. Luke M. Butcher, 6 May 2014 gave in Phy. Rev D90, 024019,2014, We calculate the Casimir energy-momentum tensor induced in a scalar field by a macroscopic ultrastatic spherically-symmetric long-throated traversable wormhole, and examine whether this exotic matter is sufficient to stabilise the wormhole itself. The Casimir energy-momentum tensor is obtained (within the R×S2 throat) by a mode sum approach, using a sharp energy cut-off and the Abel-Plana formula; Lorentz invariance is then restored by use of a Pauli-Villars regulator.
Quantum Magazine: Arrow of Time
Physicists are unmasking a more fundamental source for the arrow of time: Energy disperses and objects equilibrate, they say, because of the way elementary particles become intertwined when they interact, a strange effect called “quantum entanglement. If the new line of research is correct, then the story of time’s arrow begins with the quantum mechanical idea that, deep down, nature is inherently uncertain. An elementary particle lacks definite physical properties and is defined only by probabilities of being in various states. For example, at a particular moment, a particle might have a 50 percent chance of spinning clockwise and a 50 percent chance of spinning counterclockwise. Quantum uncertainty then gives rise to entanglement, the putative source of the arrow of time. That the particles spin in opposite directions. The system as a whole is in a pure state, but the state of each individual particle is “mixed” with that of its acquaintance. The two could travel light-years apart, and the spin of each would remain correlated with that of the other, a feature Albert Einstein famously described as “spooky action at a distance.” The idea, presented in his 1988 doctoral thesis, fell on deaf ears. When he submitted it to a journal, he was told that there was “no physics in this paper.” Quantum information theory “was profoundly unpopular” at the time, Lloyd said, and questions about time’s arrow “were for crackpots and Nobel laureates who have gone soft in the head.” he remembers one physicist telling him. As Lloyd says that ‘The present can be defined by the process of becoming correlated with our surroundings’.
A new theory behind Tsunami earthquakes asserts that an extinct undersea volcanoes’ may be the cause of the severe earthquake and tsunami in Japan report from London.
Eating Almonds was practiced by Late Prof K. R. Rao AU Waltair, during 1957-1972 of his heart ailment that kept his blood vessels healthy treated by his elder daughter Late Dr. Rama Leela USA, a Medical Practitioner and increased the amount of anti-oxidants in the blood, with reduced BP and improved blood flow.
MIT trio 3D-printed ice cream
As an effort to promote Science and Technology students they bought an upright freezer to put solidoodle inside and allow a full built volume aimed for. Ice solidifeied as soon it came out of the extruder, by spraying liquid nitrogen then with the cryogen line bent around for uniform spray.
` Christofer Scott of UK found a correlation between lightning storms on Earth and streams of High Energy Particles beaming out of Sun. High-wind Solar winds at 3million km/hr and solar wind particles strengthen localized magnetic field, penetrate Earth’s magnetic field, travel atmosphere down to altitudes where thunderbolts form. 40 days after blast of solar wind UK saw an average of 321 lightning strikes. (Dream July 2014, Vol.16,No.10).
A magnetar discovered in 1979, a magnetic star with magnetic fields more than 100 times stronger than those of neutron stars. The Westerlund-1 star cluster 16000 ly away from Southern constellation of Ara, hosts the two dozen magnetars, known in milky way called CXOU J1647-45. They are unusual very exotic form of neutron star. They are soft gamma ray repeaters, emitted due to starquakes due to huge stresses in their crust. Nuclear fusion or rotations do not power, no plausible explanation to-date exists. Astronomers now believe they found partner star of a magnetar star. The rapid rotation and transfer of mass between binary stars is the key in the formation of magnetar (rare neutron stars).
The Astrophysical Journal, the Monash and Warwick scientists significantly improved the precision with which they could measure the orbit of Scorpius X-1, a double star system containing a neutron star that feeds off a nearby companion star. This interaction makes it the strongest source of X-rays in the sky apart from the sun. Dr Duncan Galloway from the Monash Centre for Astrophysics said that the main difficulty in searching for gravitational waves emitted by Scorpius X-1 was the lack of precise knowledge about the neutron star's orbit. Duncan K. Galloway et al.[1].
Scientists have come up with the composition 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter, 5% normal matter. What is dark matter? Baryonic matter could still make up the dark matter if it were all tied up in brown dwarfs or in small, dense chunks of heavy elements. These possibilities are known as massive compact halo objects, or “MACHOS”. But the most common view is that dark matter is not baryonic at all, but that it is made up of other, more exotic particles like AXIONS or WIMPS (weakly interacting massive particles). A new study of gamma-ray light from the center of our galaxy makes the strongest case to date that some of this emission may arise from dark matter, an unknown substance making up most of the material universe. (Fermi Data April 3 2014.)
Explanation for dark energy is that it is a property of space. 1). The first property that Einstein discovered is that it is possible for more space to come into existence. 2) Then one version of Einstein's gravity theory, the version that contains a cosmological constant, makes a second prediction: "empty space" can possess its own energy. Because this energy is a property of space itself, it would not be diluted as space expands. As more space comes into existence, more of this energy-of-space would appear. As a result, this form of energy would cause the Universe to expand faster and faster. Unfortunately, no one understands why the cosmological constant should even be there, much less why it would have exactly the right value to cause the observed acceleration of the Universe. 3) Another explanation for how space acquires energy comes from the quantum theory of matter. In this theory, "empty space" is actually full of temporary ("virtual") particles that continually form and then disappear. But when physicists tried to calculate how much energy this would give empty space, the answer came out wrong - wrong by a lot. The number came out 10120 times too big. It's hard to get an answer that bad. So the mystery continues. 4). Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field, something that fills all of space but something whose effect on the expansion of the Universe is the opposite of that of matter and normal energy. Some theorists have named this "quintessence," after the fifth element of the Greek philosophers. But, if quintessence is the answer, we still don't know what it is like, what it interacts with, or why it exists. So the mystery continues. 5). A last possibility is that Einstein's theory of gravity is not correct. That would not only affect the expansion of the Universe, but it would also affect the way that normal matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies behaved. This fact would provide a way to decide if the solution to the dark energy problem is a new gravity theory or not: we could observe how galaxies come together in clusters. But if it does turn out that a new theory of gravity is needed, what kind of theory would it be? How could it correctly describe the motion of the bodies in the Solar System, as Einstein's theory is known to do, and still give us the different prediction for the Universe that we need? There are candidate theories, but none are compelling. So the mystery continues. The thing that is needed to decide between dark energy possibilities - a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new theory of gravity - is more data, better data. (Fermi Data April 3 2014.)
Scientists estimate that the Milky Way
contains nearly half as much dark matter as its neighboring Galaxy the
Andromeda, though the two are of similar dimension. The extra mass of the
Andromeda Galaxy was due to Dark Matter!
Gluons contribute to Proton Spin
The central value of Gluon contribution is just 40% of the Proton spin ½ budgets. (de Florian et al, Argentina, Phys. Rev Letts.)
Perimeter Institute July 3, 2014
Pencil "lead" is actually made of graphite, which is a soft crystal lattice made of nothing but carbon atoms. When pencils deposit that graphite on paper, the lattice is laid down in thin sheets. By pulling that lattice apart into thinner sheets -- originally using Scotch tape -- researchers discovered that they could make flakes of crystal just one atom thick. As a conductor of electricity, it performs as well as copper. As a conductor of heat, it outperforms all other known materials. It is almost completely transparent, yet so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it. Novel types of FQHE states that could arise in bilayer graphene that is, in two sheets of graphene laid one on top of another, when it is placed in a strong perpendicular magnetic field. The electrical resistance of the graphene demonstrates a kind of staircase of resistance. Each stair step is a different state of matter, defined by the complex quantum tangle of charges, spins, and other properties inside the graphene. The special stair-step states are expected to be Anyons which are the quasiparticles in between fermions and bosons that are non-Abelian.
These are useful to serve as qbits. . A quantum computer of only a hundred qbits can tackle certain problems beyond the reach of even the best non-quantum supercomputer.
Satellite “Ultrasound” has come to detect internal structure, age and different life stages of a star using MOST satellite of Canada and French CoRoT mission.
Diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cardiac defects, epilepsy, or muscle weakness originate from inherited mitochondrial disorders and are incurable. Mitochondrial DNA transmitted by the mother exclusively and possesses their own genetic material. Plans to legalize babies born with three genetic parents in UK are afoot. If mitochondrial replacement permitted more than 100 three parent babies could be born in UK each year. IVF method will prevent mothers from passing on serious mitochondrial diseases to their children. (July 23, 2013)
300 scientists in 35 countries helped identify locations in human genome associated with risk of developing the illness. More than 100 genes that play some kind of role in the development of schizophrenia identified a common psychiatric disorder. (July 23, 2013)
S. Gadadhalaya design engineer demonstrated 2”x4” device that tapes on to a smart phone and grasping on two sides displays your electrocardiogram in 30 seconds time. It can be downloaded, printed and mailed to a cardiologist to examine. Trivedi at Bhavanagar, came out with a headband that strapped on temples detects and records the brain signals, (EEGs), captured with a B3 band sensor blue-toothed to an Android Phone. This counts the number of blinks on your eyes and strengths of blinks your eye does every minute through these signals. Over 30 innovations presented at L. V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, called Srujana. (The Hindu, July 24)
The atmosphere of Titan was described by a model that asserts presence of 83 neutral molecules, 33 ions and 420 different chemical reactions between them. The data mainly obtained by “Cassini Orbiter”.
Scientists have achieved an electric current of 1,00,000 amperes the highest in the world, Yttrium-based high temperature super-conducting tapes to fabricate a large-scale magnetic conductor.
This would allow individual hairs to reflect any color in a specific way. The color depends on the portion of the light spectrum reflected. Flat iron needs to be used to achieve this dramatic effect.
The two days 1 and 2 July 2014 was one of a cloudy weather with no rain or even winds blowing and has been extremely sultry. Even at the beach coast there was no wind in spite it was relatively cool. Hot dry winds from North or North-Westerly direction blow from North India over Andhra Pradesh results in high temperatures in May and June first 10 days.
Heavy rains in Malad in Mumbai fell on Wednesday 2 July, after a dry spell of about a month with recorded rain fall of 104mm between 10am to
Visakhapatnam was cloudy most of the day on 3 July, but no rain at all and also with stand still air. Friday 4 July was very hot and throughout the day it persisted in spite the weather relatively cloudy.
Monsoon has hits parts of North India covering Haryana, Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh and the national capital on Thursday 3 July 2014.
On Saturday July 5, 2014 villagers digging the artificial pond to store water at 35km from Visakhapatnam at Gandhigundam in Anandapuram Mandal unearthed 31 articles including 23 idols of deities, made mostly of Panchloha. Eight other articles such as base of idols (peetam) were also found. Size of idols was 2 to 3 inches height and to about 7 inches height. Weapons on the idols and posture surmised to reveal information regarding their ancestry. They expect some more idols exist hidden below the earth. Panchloha idols were recovered earlier in Bheemali and Yelamanchaili.
Fig.1 Panchloha idols recovered in Visakhapatnam on July 5, 2014
Fig.1a Sun Temple of 1042AD in Modhera Gujarat: Photo1946
July 5, 2014 fewer heat waves in Visakhapatnam but windy cloudy weather persisted. At 2h45m Visakhapatnam became very cloudy with rainy breeze. Cleared within an hour but heavy cloudy weather continued throughout the night by morning it cleared and there was bright sunshine. On July 6, 2014 the bright sun shine persisted throughout the day. It was sufficiently hot in the afternoon.
Fig.2 Rainbow colors at the Sun set time
on Sunday July 06, 2014 Photo1947.
Located at river Pushpavati, 102km from Ahemedabad the temple built in 1026AD in Modhera by King Bhimdev of Solanki Dynasty. The mystic aspect of Sun Temple is the axial alignment with two intricately carved Sabha and Guda Mandapas with a temple tank called Surya Kund, with the Tropic of Cancer passing through the heart of all three structures. Through interplay of Geometrical patterns the pyramid shaped stairs takes one to the water level. On the days of March and September equinoxes, the rays of the Sun glide over Surya Kund pass through the arches of the music hall, pierce the entrance of Guda Mandap and illuminate the sanctum where the idols once stood. Sabha Mandap is an octagonal structure supported by 52 pillars (representing the weeks in a year) with carvings of epics of India. The Garbhagruha is sealed to prevent the curious to fall into the trench; once filled with gold coins upon which sat the gold idol of Arka Deva on his chariot of eight horses. In spite of neglect of worshippers’ the Symbolic power of Sun Temple, undiminished by the ravages of history, is very much like the one at Konark Odisha and the other at Martand, Kashmir. (Sunday July 06, 2014, The Spirit).
July 07, 2014 weather is hot and slight winds gave somewhat a relief from the intense heat wave.
From an unexpected source the solar flare erupted on July 8, 2014 and earth orbiting satellites detected a strong M6-class Solar flare. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme Ultraviolet flash.
Weather of severe hurricanes and tornadoes crippled many a citizen and states affected by four in USA and one in Japan. Tropical Storm Arthur has strengthened into a hurricane taking aim at North Carolina's Outer Banks, a thin ribbon of barrier islands and popular vacation spot, before the Fourth of July holiday. Hurricane Arthur made landfall late Thursday on the southern end of North Carolina's barrier islands, battering the shore with sustained winds of up to 100 mph. The National Hurricane Center in Miami reported that the eye of the storm came ashore at about 11:15 p.m. ET over the Shackleford Banks between Cape Lookout and Beaufort. An automated weather station on Cape Lookout reported sustained winds of 77 mph, with a gust of 101 mph. At 2 a.m. ET, the storm continued to move northeast toward Cape Hatteras, N.C., at 18 mph. The Hurricane Center said that little additional change in strength was expected Thursday night and Friday and that the storm would begin weakening Friday night.
Nearly 500,000 residents have been evacuated from Japan's southern islands as weather forecasters predict a 14-meter storm surge, torrential rains, landslides and flooding. Moving at a speed of around 25 kilometers per hour, Neoguri the name is Korean for "raccoon", has an atmospheric pressure of 935 hectopascals and is generating winds of up to 50 meters per second at its centre with gusts up to 70 meters per second. A super-typhoon is defined as a system packing winds of at least 241.2 kilometers per hour. The most important factor in the creation of these storms is the warming of sea surface temperatures in the Western Pacific. Rise in air temperature will also increase the amount of water vapor in the lower atmosphere, which will add further energy to the system.
Fig.2a Super typhoon Neoguri takes aim at Japan
There are four sunspots facing Earth that pose a threat for geoeffective flares: Big sunspots AR2104, AR2107, AR2108, and AR2109. All have "beta-gamma" magnetic fields that harbor energy an M-class Solar flare during the 4th of July weekend.
Fig.3 Daily Sun: 06 July 2014.
The X6 flare triggered a radiation storm around Earth nicknamed the Bastille Day event. Peak (W/m2) between 1 and 8 Å. X6 intensity is > =10-4. A stream of solar wind flowing from this minor coronal hole should reach Earth on July 9-10. Credit: SDO/AIA.
Fig.4 Coronal Holes: 06 Jul 2014.
Fig.5 Goes X - Ray Flux July 05 to July 07 2014 Boulder USA
July 8, 2014 began at Visakhapatnam started with a severe hot condition and with full sunshine of the scorching Sun. At 1h50m PM in the afternoon the clouds gathered and heavy rain started but cleared by 4PM in the evening.
Fig.6 on 8 July 2014 at 6h13m28s PM Photo1949
On the July 9, the scorching Sun in the morning troubled people but by evening it was cloudy and around 6 to 7 PM the rains slashed surprisingly July 10, 2014 the morning was cloudy and Sun seen through clouds as a just shinning blob. Rain likely to occur over many places in coastal AP during next 24 hours due to Monsoon trough from Chattisgarh to South Tamil Nadu. Isolated heavy showers would occur at many places in coastal AP.
Fig.6a New types of soot super-aggregates
New types of soot particles from wild fires identified as super-aggregates found in emissions of wild fires in India, New Mexico, Northern California and Mexico City.
On July 10 the weather is very cloudy with no rain and slight Sun shine of hardly 10%. The sky is gray in color.
Fig.7 July 10 2014 Sun cloudy since Sunrise very unusual : Photo1955
A staggering 32 days there was no rain in Delhi of the last 39 days (before July 8) at Delhi.
Gravity Waves
On July 11, 2014 the sky overcast with heavy clouds following the continuous rain in the morning from 2AM to 6.30 A.M and showed in the morning Gravity Waves low lying below the main cloudy weather up to 8.AM. Around 8.30A.M., the rain drizzle started and continued as heavy downpour late next day July 12, up to 6A.M with hardly few minutes stop over especially in the evening time around 6 to 7 P.M. The 12 July was a relief from the incessant rain and by afternoon it was extremely light drizzle of rain. By evening around 5h30m P.M. no rain but sky is totally overcast with thick clouds.
2014, June 21 to September 8 around 10 O’clock the transit of Jupiter considered as most auspicious. It will occur only after 12 years lapse. Pushymi Nakshtra 13m20s. Guru Mantra is to be practiced, (from a book, when no Guru is apparent). Homam can also be performed. At 12 0’clock midnight today i.e., 11 July 2014 it will recur only after twelve years time. Full Moon day Guru Pournima Friday, 11 July 2014, it will repeat only after 12 years. Vibrations will be felt on the body. (MSRK Murthy Astrologer, 08500925172, Visakhapatnam). The author tried the midnight concentration and meditation from 11h59m Friday to 00h29m of Saturday. Experienced the time contraction and the blood flow vibrations of the human body, but when out of the concentration surprised to note the time lapse of an half-hour. I thought I did only for a few minutes about 10 or so.

Fig.8 Bridge in India to complete by 2017
Larger than Eiffel Tower in Paris Photo1961
12 July 2014 started with sunshine and continued throughout the day. Dr. Lalitha M.D (USA) arrived at morning on Saturday. Sunday July 13 it was a cloudy day. The 14 July was all a sunny day. In Southern Philippines on Monday July 14, a strong Earth Quake of 6.4R magnitude struck at sea occurred 88km from town Marcelino which was tectonic in origin and had a depth of about 10km.
There were no Sun Spots visible and the Sun was spotless on the 15 July 2014. There were no dark cores on its surface.
On 15 July it was all cloudy weather with no rain except during the night around 10PM. Dr. Lalitha M.D (USA) left by night train on 15 July 16 July rain started in the morning but cleared by afternoon.
Full Moon day passed on 11 night and 12 morning After three days a bit unusual from Monday 14 July 2014 sea at Visakhapatnam surged forward covering 27 villages from Peddajalaripeta to Bheemilli with the water surged to the houses. This is the first time to happen in a non-cyclonic period. Sea deposited black soil at RK mission beach in Visakhapatnam. See Fig.9. Another problem is that the untreated sewage that is being let into the sea due to northwestwardly direction of currents deposited black soil deposited at R K Beach and visitors avoided the area on Tuesday July 15.Sea had surged 50-100 feet on land on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15. Mangamaripeta, Boyveedhi, Vasuvanipalem and Bheemilli were affected by sea surge.

Fig.9 Sea deposit of black soil at RK mission beach
in Visakhapatnam Photo1969
On Wednesday July 16 morning the sea water in Mangamaripeta, AP, crossed the good stretch of beach (that vanished) far off and waves lashed and gnawed the walls of the residential homes. This is the first time that sea has come so close and battered the walls. Many trees were uprooted and washed away to sea.
Fig.9a At Mangamaripeta village of 100 fishermen families
sea surge on Wednesday July 16 morning Photo1968
Another problem is that the untreated sewage that is being let into the sea due to northwestwardly direction of currents deposited black soil deposited at R K Beach and visitors avoided the area on Tuesday July 15. Low pressure system of Bay of Bengal changed direction on Tuesday and found moving toward northern parts of Odisha and adjoining Chhatisgarh.
Katra-Banihall stretch, in Kashmir, tunnels have collapsed making it difficult terrain to build railway line. Alternate route reduced the track distance to 67km. Court cases dealing with flawed alignment and the officers concerned is pending.
July 17, 2014 Nature carries the story of 176 laser pressure applied on a nano-crystalline diamond changes indicate the density functional theory (DFT) predictions of condensed phase of matter.
News Hindu: July 17, 2014 Use of Cannabis THC compound containing psychoactive ingredient could reduce growth in cancer patients. Do the Ayurvedic compounds have cancer preventing agents? A new technology ‘nobel-metal-free nitrogen-rich carbon nano-tubes’ efficiently catalyses the hydrogen evolution reaction by water splitting, activity close to platinum.
Weather at Visakhapatnam on July 17 was dry and Sunny from 11AM.
Bill Clinton Wonder
In an address to school children at a Government Sanskrit College in Sanganer near Jaipur, Rajastan, Bill Clinton wondered how such a huge quantity of food prepared and served in healthy, efficient and sanitary manner to over one lakh children in about 1500 schools, about 15000 infants in 298 anganwadi centers and runs subsidized canteens for socially and economically backward sections as amazing. Finest commitment made by Clinton Foundation in 10 years of its existence. About 1.3 million children in about 10.500 schools in 20 states are provided Mid-Day Akshaya Patra at $30/- per year!
Monsoon Covers Country
The southwest monsoon covered the entire country on Thursday July 17 and the monsoon deficit reduced by 8%. Tawi River in spate in Jammu on Thursday and has triggered flash floods in the region.
Tycoon of Philippines expected to give another push after July 20.
Fig.9b Sea coast of Vizag on 18 July 2014 at 6h44mPM Photo1970
If states agree the finance minister Arun Jaitley said on July 18, inter-linking of rivers during this budget session can yield rich dividends. Minister Uma Bharati said rivers across the country can be linked just in 10 years if the states agree.
Demolition of Dolmens
Srikakulam district one of a few megalithic sites in the world. Dannanapeta Dolmens date back to 1000BC may be last forever with vandalism by locals and conversion of one portion by acacia plantation by a liquor baron.
Fig.10 Dolmens of Dannanapeta
Areas are Amdalavalasa, Dannanapeta (Pandavulu metta), Chittivalasa, Sangamayya konda, Sailada kondalu (Pandavula Panchelu) and in Dannanapeta stone age Guhalu, constructs, olden and ancient iron, rock constructs, and megalithic sites exist. Dannanapeta constructs hold 50 tonnes single rock held by smaller rocks is a specialty. The 36 feet length, 14 feet wide and 3 feet height single stone noted as the largest in the world. Many such single stones of large size got already destructed. During 1 and 2 Christian era Jains used the area.
Fig.11 Malayalam month Karkkidakam of Kerala on Thursday
and elephants at Temple Thrissur Photo1971
Fig.12 Jakarth city Indonesia capital 40% below the
Java sea level most rapid sinking city with 10 million population Photo1973
Uttarakhand floods unprecedented caused large scale devastation and many devotees are stranded in Badrinath and Kedarnath. On Thursday July 17 floods and rains an ashram.
Since last one month forest fires over hundreds of acres have become common in Seshachalam hill of Lord Venkateswara temple. For 12 days the Godavari Pushkarams would be held from July 14. From 7 to 13 August 2014, Sanskrit Week would be observed according to CBSE circular.
For the days from 17 to 20 the cloudy sky of Visakhapatnam offered a chilly weather during the nights and rain drizzle was prominent in the night time with day spared of any rain.
Landslides in Uttarakhand on Saturday July 19 affected 13 districts and many houses of the villages, in the upper reaches of Himalayas in Gsrhwal and Kumaon. About 127 villages were cutoff and Ganga River and its tributaries nearing danger mark. Districts affected badly are Rudrapra ayag, Chamoli, Uttarkashi, Almora, Pithoragarh, Bageshwar, Tehri and Pauri. More down pour reduced the rain deficit to 15% from 41% between July 10-16. Strong monsoon conditions in Uttar Pradesh, Madya Pradesh, Gujarat, Vidarbha, Uttarkhand and Himachal Pradesh have been observed. Triggered by heavy rain fall, news dated July 30, in the Garhwal Himalaya’s fresh landslides blocked 150 key roads. 500 member BRO and PWD joint teams formed to clear the debris in Rudraprayaga, Uttarkasi, Pauri and Tehri districts.
During the last few days Visakhapatnam from July 18, is overcast with cloudy weather and no Sunlight at all. On the July 20, Sunday evening the sea coast is very rough and has been splashing waves on the Maharanipeta down preventing rocks and boulders in the sea.
Fig.13 Sun at Mid day in the mild drizzling cloud Photo1975
The July 21, the morning is cloudy but no rain. Weather is quite cold in the morning reminding one of onset of winter weather. There was Sunlight mild and subdued due to cloudy weather.
Tue 22 Jul 14 from ABC Science July 22, 2014 Source: Vienna University of Technology,
TU Vienna Summary
Vacuum fluctuations may be among the most counter-intuitive phenomena of quantum physics. Theorists have now proposed a way to amplify their force. The researchers believe that their proposed enhancement of the power of vacuum fluctuations can have profound implications for understanding Casimir and Van der Waals forces and it may even be used for applications in quantum information processing and other emerging quantum technologies. "Due to the uncertainty principle, virtual particles can come into existence for a brief period of time," says Igor Mazets from the Vienna University of Technology. "The higher their energy, the faster they will disappear again."
Creating optical cables out of thin air :
Date:July 22, 2014 Source:University of Maryland:
Scientists say they have turned thin air into an 'optical fibre' that can transmit and amplify light signals without the need for any cables. Milchberg's air waveguides consist of a "wall" of low-density air surrounding a core of higher density air. The wall has a lower refractive index than the core -- just like an optical fiber. In the Optica paper, Milchberg, physics graduate students Eric Rosenthal and Nihal Jhajj, and associate research scientist Jared Wahlstrand, broke down the air with a laser to create a spark. An air waveguide conducted light from the spark to a detector about a meter away. The researchers collected a strong enough signal to analyze the chemical composition of the air that produced the spark. The signal was 1.5 times stronger than a signal obtained without the waveguide.
Philippines typhoon killed about 100 people on Thursday. Albay province which bore the brunt of typhoon no one was killed. Now it is reaching China as a Super Typhoon. In 40 years the southern China affected by Rammasun, strongest super cyclone. The Monday July 21, the super-cyclone in China killed 33 people.
Formed in the southern Philippine Sea, as of 8:30 p.m. local time Tuesday July 22, Matmo was moving at a top speed of 137 kilometers per hour, according to the Central Weather Bureau. The typhoon made landfall around 2 p.m. local time Tuesday in the eastern coastal counties of Hualien and Taitong. 1.55L evacuated as typhoon hits China on Thursday in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jinagxi provinces on July 24 and a total of four lakh people affected by Matmo landed in Gaoshan Township in Fuqing. It killed 13 people and trapped thousands with no basic supplies on Wednesday July 23. Hetei China and other towns flooded on Sunday July 27.
Japan sweltering summer heat wave killed 15 people during last week. 8000 were rushed to hospitals on Tuesday July 22. Six people died on Saturday.
Fig.13a Japan Heat Wave killed many people
July 22 was a mild weather at Visakhapatnam. July 23 whole day was a hot Sun but suddenly evening around 6 to 7.30 PM it rained with some slight thunders. Throughout the night it was drizzling.
Emergency landing of a Taiwan ATR 72 Turboprop Plane on the west coast under adverse weather conditions due to a typhoon Matmo, carrying 54 passengers crashed on Penghu Island Wednesday July 23 evening killing at least 47 people.
July 24, Sunny weather right from the morning in Visakhapatnam but later was cloudy by evening it became slightly rain covered. The evening from 6PM weather has become very sultry.
Fig.14. New cyclone on 24 July at 12h14mEDT
July 25 weather is cloudy but it rained around 7PM for an hour.
Mr. Maruthi Rao a Telugu Cine actor and TV commentator on Friday July 25 meeting of “Vintage Visakha” acknowledged receipt of my emails of “THE INDUS NATION”.
Fig.15 Coronal Hole solar wind should reach earth by July 28-29
A stream of solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on July 28-29 Credit SDOAIA
FIG.16 heic1416c1-600x576[1]The matter shown in blue that is separate
from the red areas detected Chandra consists
of what is known as dark matter,
and which can only be detected directly by gravitational lensing
This image shows the galaxy MCS J0416.1–2403, one of six clusters targeted by the Hubble Frontier Fields programme. The blue in this image is a mass map created by using new Hubble observations combined with the magnifying power of a process known as gravitational lensing. In red is the hot gas detected by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory and shows the location of the gas, dust and stars in the cluster. The matter shown in blue that is separate from the red areas detected by Chandra consists of what is known as dark matter, and which can only be detected directly by gravitational lensing.Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, HST Frontier Fields. Acknowledgement: Mathilde Jauzac (Durham University, UK) and Jean-Paul Kneib (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
On July 26 the rain started early by 6 O’ Clock and continued to drizzle till 10AM when it stopped. The cloud covered day continued to the next day July 27 as well and no sun light and very cloudy weather with no rainfall at all.
Godavari waters rising due to overflow from Maharashtra State and Chhattisgarh states. It is 4 feet below danger mark filling up 39-ft height. Expected to reach 43 ft height by Sunday afternoon. The water level rose from 31.8 ft on Thursday, rose to 35 ft on Friday and 38ft on Saturday July 26. Heavy flow from tributaries Pranahita, Indravathi, and Taliperu resulted in cutoff of road links to about 55 villages with Cherukupalli vague and Kongala Vagu overflowing. It flooded Hyderabad- Jagdalpur highway and affected agricultural fields in Bhadrachalam.
The deep and a giant crater in Russia discovered recently a few thousand kilometers away from Moscow. Report on 27 July from Russia.
Fig.17 A giant crater in Russia at the end of the world
But on 28 July morning was very cold and cloudy weather and it rained slightly in the morning till midday. Evening time it was very cloudy and the Ocean has come forward by almost 15feet a phenomenon attributed by people as due to rainy season. It seems it was persisting from July 14. Number of waves and their frequency at the coast has been observed to have increased by almost 50%. Strong surface winds are blowing at a speed of 45 to 50kmh over Bay of Bengal and fishermen were advised to venture into the sea. Narasapur, Machilipatnam, and Kalingapatnam had rainfalls on Sunday July 27 about 43mm, 10mm and 4mm respectively.
July 29 expected heavy rain or cyclonic weather has not resulted at Visakhapatnam except for a very nominal drizzle of just a few seconds in the morning around 10AM. Australia dropped the alert on Tuesday July 29, threat of El Nino as it receded. Depending on which way typhoon moves it can aid or weaken the monsoon for a few days. 2014 El Nino was not a full blown out one. So the atmosphere changes resulting due to El Nino have not taken place but it was not threat free for India.
An exclusive research vessel indigenously built with 220 Crore rupees expense at Visakhapatnam named Sindhu Sadana flagged off on its maiden voyage to Andaman Sea on Sunday.
From Sunday July 27, this festival month began and devotees celebrating with yatras and special pujas..
Several parts of India are facing the problem of diminished ground water supply due to failure of officials to recharge aquifers in deficit areas. Annual per capita availability of water decreased from 6042cubic meters in the year 1947 to almost 1545 cubic meter in 2011.
Fig.18 Tuesday July 29 Visakhapatnam
Sri Venketeswara Puja last day after July 21 Photo1997
People cool off in a water-park during a heat wave in China’s Sichuan province.
A monsoon lightning storm strikes over the Mandalay Bay Resorts and Casino and Luxor hotels.
A new study confirms rising water levels
in upper atmosphere, a key amplifier of Global warming, and warns off a climate
change impact over next decade.
Thursday July 31 the Visakhapatnam has
rains from the morning time and weather has become quite cold. But by 11AM it
cleared and there was Sun Light till the evening.
DSLR QUALITY for Phone Cam
Journal of Optics on June 19 published that in iris electro-chromic, electronically tunable consisting of polymer layers by T. Deutschmann, serves as a smart glass for cameras. It allows varying degrees of aperture to serve as a mechanical iris to bring out greater image quality and flexibility to smart phone photography.
July 23 morning around 1.30AM to 3.30AM I have initiated the “IDEA 3G net setter” (No. 8985323740). Loaded on July 23, 2014 my gift to “The Indus Nation” of my Book 3 entitled “The Dark Revelation”; A manifest Divine Truth authored by me comprising about 60 research publications for “INDEPENDENCE DAY” August 15, 2014.
After three days a bit unusual from Monday 14 July 2014 sea at Visakhapatnam surged forward covering 27 villages from Peddajalaripeta to Bheemilli with the water surged to the houses. This is the first time to happen in a non-cyclonic period. Sea deposited black soil at RK mission beach in Visakhapatnam. Number of waves and their frequency at the coast has been observed to have increased by almost 50%.
The author is greatly indebted to Late Prof K. R. Rao, D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for his continuous zeal in promoting the outstanding research work at Andhra University, Waltair covering the entire Electromagnetism Spectrum from Cosmic Rays to the Radio waves during the years (1932 - 1972) of his unselfish and devoted research in several branches and exceptional devotion in care-taking the youngsters to achieve glory and comfortable positions at several institutions in India and especially abroad.
1. Duncan K. Galloway et al, 2014. “PRECISION EPHEMERIDES FOR GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE SEARCHES. I. Sco X-1”. The Astrophysical Journal, 2014; 781 (1): 14
DOI: 10.1088/0004. 637X/781/1/14.
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