Volume 2017, Issue No.2, Dt: 1 to 14 February 2017, Time:02:00:45 AM
1 Feb 2017:Inventions, Discoveries, Hindu findings and vagaries of Nature.
1 Feb 2017:Inventions, Discoveries, Hindu findings and vagaries of Nature.
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
M.Sc. (Math. Phys) M.Sc. (Nucl. Phys) Ph. D. (AU), Int. Edu & Res. (Sweden 1964-65)
DOB:23-07-1940. [Retd. Prof of Physics; Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416004]
Residential Address: 17- 11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
DOB:23-07-1940. [Retd. Prof of Physics; Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416004]
Residential Address: 17- 11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P. Mobile: 09491902867.;
2 February 2017 RADIATION FOG
Visakhapatnam cloudy weather with no rain but night very cool. Fog developed on Visakhapatnam that stayed till 10AM and Andhra Jyothi newspaper reported radiation fog. Radiation fog or ground fog occurs as night-time cooling drops air below the dew point. This is common in low lying areas where more dense cool air will settle or in cities were there is an abundance of condensation nuclei. There are 4 basic types of fog: Steam fog, advection fog, upslope fog, and ground or radiation fog. Radiation fog is formed in a clear sky and adjacent to rapidly cooling land. The land will cool the air above it, causing water vapor to condense into droplets. Radiation fog first forms in valleys, and during the early morning it can even expand several miles out to sea. Rivers and estuaries may also be affected. When the sun rises and the land starts to heat up, radiation fog quickly disperses. In situations where the land takes longer to heat up, for example, when it is overcast, radiation fog may persist. It forms overnight as the air near the ground cools and stabilizes. When this cooling causes the air to reach saturation, fog will form. Fog will first form at or near the surface, thickening as the air continues to cool. The layer of fog will also deepen overnight as the air above the initial fog layer also cools. As this air cools, the fog will extend upward. The most favored areas for fog development are sheltered valleys where there is little to no wind and locations near bodies of water. Wind would disrupt the formation of radiation fog. Radiation fog, persisted till 10 AM, is usually patchy, tends to stay in one place and goes away the next day under the sun’s rays. Thicker instances of radiation fog tend to form in valleys or over calm bodies of water.
3 February 2017:
It is said that the earth's inclination towards the sun is steepest on the Ratha Saptami day. A day of Hindu Festival "Ratha Saptami" worship to Sun God. Observed faithfully by all ladies in India. Ratha Saptami 2017 Saptami Tithi is dedicated to Lord Surya. Shukla Paksha Saptami in Magha month is known as Ratha Saptami or Magha Saptami. It is believed that Lord Surya Dev started enlightening the whole world on Ratha Saptami day which was considered as birth day of God Surya. Hence this day is also known as Surya Jayanti. Another important ritual on the day is taking bath using Erukku leaves. Ratha Saptami normally falls on the second day following the celebrations of Shri Panchami or Vasant Panchami. This day signifies the arrival of summer season and is also indicative of the rising temperatures, mostly across Southern states of India. Ratha Saptami also denotes beginning of the harvesting season and thus for Indian farmers it symbolises a promising beginning of the New Year.
3 February 2017
It started last month with some supermarkets having problems stocking courgettes and spinach, while iceberg lettuce is now being rationed by some chains. Retailers have blamed empty shelves on bad weather in Spain and Italy.
For a municipality that typically only gets about 85 centimetres of snowfall a year, residents of Chilliwack, B.C., are now digging out of the nearly 80 centimetres of snow that has fallen over the past three days. By 8:20 a.m. on Sunday, an incredible 77 centimetres of snow had fallen in Chilliwack since Friday morning with 22 centimetres coming down Saturday night. As of Monday morning, 81.2 centimetres had fallen. The snow storm began Friday with 34.4 centimetres accumulating in 24 hours. Another 42.8 cm fell on Saturday. More snow continued to fall into Sunday afternoon.
5 Feb 2017 last three days
Australian scientists developed ordinary cooking oil into
graphene. Rare 'lava firehose' from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on 1 February 2017 at 08:55 GMT. The researchers found 2 Feb 2017 that the strength of
their 3.5keV signal was consistent with data from
another Nasa X-ray satellite, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array
(NuStar). Radiation Fog on 2 February 2017 in Visakhapatnam
persisted till 10 AM. Shri Panchami or Vasant Panchami, on 3 Feb 2017, this day signifies the arrival of summer season and is
also indicative of the rising temperatures, mostly across Southern states of
India. It is said that the earth's inclination towards the sun is steepest
on the Ratha Saptami day. A day of Hindu Festival "Ratha
Saptami" worship to Sun God. Winds reached between 75 and 80 k/h (45 and 50 mph)
across the UAE, which was also hit by rough seas. A rare 10cm (3.9 inches) of
snow landed in the area of Jebel Jais, the UAE’s highest mountain, Gulf News
reported. Temperatures also plummeted between -2°C (28.4°F) and -3°C (26.6°F)
in the area. The Northern Lights recorded by flying in an
aeroplane on the 4 February 2017 at 10 AM. It
took three days of persuasion, before Kuppamala Kaniyan revealed how he made a
paste from the fresh leaves of N. calycinus, known as local parlance as
"pacha chedi", to arrest bleeding and heal the fresh wounds on his
chest. It happened in 1988. Chaitanya
Karamchedu experimenting with a highly absorbent polymer found how to
convert salt water of the oceans to drinkable sweet water. He won
a $10,000 award from the US Agency for International Global Development at
Intel’s International Science Fair. He also came
second place at MIT’s TechCon Conference where he won more money to continue
his research. Angrites which are the oldest and most pristine of planetary rocks, contain high amounts of Uranium, which allow precise determination of their age. Four angrites that fell on Earth at different places, in different times. They have undergone no additional heating or major compositional changes, since they originally formed. Magnetic orientations not reported in this sample of K. Bandarappalli village on 6 Feb 2016. But the fall was tremendous that it struck down dead the bus driver near the well where he went to drink water. Present Author's Conjecture: The fallen rock may be three to four million years ago from solar nebula or actually pristine sample that formed 4,653 billion years ago. In
South India, Visakhapatnam has witnessed very dense fog with the visibility
being observed at mere 50 meters. The winter winds are blowing from the ocean
at Visakhapatnam. But mornings have become hot from10 AM since 6 Feb
2017 at Visakhapatnam. Sky-met reports it as a local phenomenon. Snow forecasts for major cities by the end of the
day: Boston, 12-18 inches; New York City, 8-12 inches; Philadelphia, 3-5
inches. A blizzard warning has been issued for south-eastern Massachusetts,
south-eastern Connecticut and eastern and central Long Island, New York, but
blizzard conditions should lift for most by 6 p.m. The estimated brightness of
Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková at its closest and brightest was magnitude
+7. That’s well outside the limit for visibility with the unaided eye Feb 7,
2017. On 9 Feb 2017,
Virat Kohli had marched on imperiously into cricketing history by becoming the
first batsman to reel off double tons in four successive series when a list of
names propped up. Kohli was perched on the top, and below him was Don Bradman,
who had piled three in a row. Here's what 60 degrees to snowstorm in 24 hours
looks like. Fifty
million people from Maine down through Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., are
being affected by a winter storm that dumped as much as four inches of snow per
hour. Snow forecasts for major cities by the end of the day: Boston, 12-18
inches; New York City, 8-12 inches; Philadelphia, 3-5 inches. Chintakindi Mallesham
developed "Lakshmi Asu machine", which automated the process of
spreading 10.5 km of silk thread around 41 steel pins for making a Pochampally
saree. The mechanised process, besides increasing productivity (eight sarees a
day!), has reduced drudgery and allowed
variety in style and design. The
cost of one machine is Rs.16,000 and may come down still further on mass
production. Gravity is not consistent at
every spot on Earth. The Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation
Explorer (GOCE) has helped create a gravity map of the planet, which shows how
the gravity field varies. Because of the map’s lumpy 3D shape, it’s referred to
as the “Gravity Potato”. In Australia to have such a large area of temperatures
above 40C and for so long is definitely unusual 10 Feb 2017. In Philippines, the 6.7-magnitude quake
near the city of Surigao on Mindanao Island, roused residents from their sleep late Friday 10 Feb 2017, damaged buildings and cut power to many areas. On 11
Feb 2017, authorities said the
magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck near the coast of Tainan city at around 1:12
a.m. On 12 Feb 2017: the glue is prepared from tamarind seeds and is applied on a piece of hard paper covered with thin strips of cloth on both sides. The canvas is left to dry and then cut in round shapes. A layer of lime mixture is pasted on these circles and painted with a base colour, such as black or white. Then, natural colours are used to draw paintings. The colours are extracted from flowers, seeds, dry leaves and colourful stones. This tangible heritage is never given up. 13 Feb 2017: Thwaites Glacier is sliding into the ocean due to warmer seawater, the 4 interconnected lakes below the glacier drained out in 8 months. Collapse of glacier would cause two feet of global sea level rise. Large hidden lakes beneath one of the planet's fastest-moving glaciers on the edge of West Antarctica are draining out at an unprecedented rate, a new study has found. 14 Feb 2017 Iceland people mesmerized by the stunning views of the Aurora Borealis.
1 February 2017
· The project is located on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula, where a
volcano last erupted 700 years ago. I visited the site in December to see the
huge rig, which stands out against the black lava fields. Inside a drill had
been operating, almost continuously, since 11 August 2016. The aim had been to
reach a depth 5,000m, where the temperatures were expected to reach about 500C.
At this depth, molten rock mixes with water. But with the extreme heat and
pressure, the water becomes "supercritical". This means it is neither
a liquid nor a gas, but it holds far more energy than either. The idea is that
when the steam is brought back to the surface and converted into electricity,
it will create up to 10 times more energy as conventional geothermal wells.
Australian scientists have turned ordinary cooking oil into graphene, in a discovery they say lowers its cost to produce. Graphene, a strong carbon material, is just one atom wide and conducts electricity better than copper. The new method involves heating soybean oil in ambient air until it breaks down into "carbon building units that are essential for the synthesis of graphene". It is then rapidly cooled on nickel foil into a thin rectangle. Now researchers say they can make graphene with soybean oil, potentially making it more commercially viable. Graphene is hoped to have numerous applications including in electronics, biomedical devices and water filtration.
1 February 2017 at 08:55 GMT
Rare 'lava firehose' from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has been active since 1983, but scientists have filmed an unusual phenomenon.
The Sun at 1 Feb 2017 cloudy evening around 17:09PM
Fig.1 Sun blazing at 17:09 on 01-02-2017 though cloudy
2 February 2017
a paper posted to the arXiv preprint server, Cappelluti and colleagues studied the X-rays
arriving at the Chandra observatory from two regions of the Milky Way far from
the galactic centre. Like other galaxies, the Milky Way is thought to be
enveloped in a bubble of dark matter. The researchers found that the strength
of their 3.5 keV signal was consistent with data from another Nasa X-ray satellite, the
Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuStar).
2 February 2017 RADIATION FOG
Visakhapatnam cloudy weather with no rain but night very cool. Fog developed on Visakhapatnam that stayed till 10AM and Andhra Jyothi newspaper reported radiation fog. Radiation fog or ground fog occurs as night-time cooling drops air below the dew point. This is common in low lying areas where more dense cool air will settle or in cities were there is an abundance of condensation nuclei. There are 4 basic types of fog: Steam fog, advection fog, upslope fog, and ground or radiation fog. Radiation fog is formed in a clear sky and adjacent to rapidly cooling land. The land will cool the air above it, causing water vapor to condense into droplets. Radiation fog first forms in valleys, and during the early morning it can even expand several miles out to sea. Rivers and estuaries may also be affected. When the sun rises and the land starts to heat up, radiation fog quickly disperses. In situations where the land takes longer to heat up, for example, when it is overcast, radiation fog may persist. It forms overnight as the air near the ground cools and stabilizes. When this cooling causes the air to reach saturation, fog will form. Fog will first form at or near the surface, thickening as the air continues to cool. The layer of fog will also deepen overnight as the air above the initial fog layer also cools. As this air cools, the fog will extend upward. The most favored areas for fog development are sheltered valleys where there is little to no wind and locations near bodies of water. Wind would disrupt the formation of radiation fog. Radiation fog, persisted till 10 AM, is usually patchy, tends to stay in one place and goes away the next day under the sun’s rays. Thicker instances of radiation fog tend to form in valleys or over calm bodies of water.
3 February 2017:
It is said that the earth's inclination towards the sun is steepest on the Ratha Saptami day. A day of Hindu Festival "Ratha Saptami" worship to Sun God. Observed faithfully by all ladies in India. Ratha Saptami 2017 Saptami Tithi is dedicated to Lord Surya. Shukla Paksha Saptami in Magha month is known as Ratha Saptami or Magha Saptami. It is believed that Lord Surya Dev started enlightening the whole world on Ratha Saptami day which was considered as birth day of God Surya. Hence this day is also known as Surya Jayanti. Another important ritual on the day is taking bath using Erukku leaves. Ratha Saptami normally falls on the second day following the celebrations of Shri Panchami or Vasant Panchami. This day signifies the arrival of summer season and is also indicative of the rising temperatures, mostly across Southern states of India. Ratha Saptami also denotes beginning of the harvesting season and thus for Indian farmers it symbolises a promising beginning of the New Year.
United Arab
Emirates sees rare snowfall 8 hours ago.
3 Feb, 2017 18:05: The United Arab Emirates is
dealing with some weird weather. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its
desert climate and year-round sunshine, but freak weather conditions have
covered part of it in snow. And as if that wasn’t weird enough, heavy winds
also caused a crane to collapse, sparking a fire. One person was injured in the
blaze following the crane collapse on Dubai’s busy Sheikh Zayed Road. Winds
reached between 75 and 80 kph (45 and 50 mph) across the UAE, which was also hit
by rough seas. A rare 10cm (3.9 inches) of snow landed in the area of Jebel
Jais, the UAE’s highest mountain, Gulf News reported. Temperatures also
plummeted between -2°C (28.4°F) and -3°C (26.6°F) in the area
3 February 2017
It started last month with some supermarkets having problems stocking courgettes and spinach, while iceberg lettuce is now being rationed by some chains. Retailers have blamed empty shelves on bad weather in Spain and Italy.
THREE DAYS: 3-7 Feb 2017
For a municipality that typically only gets about 85 centimetres of snowfall a year, residents of Chilliwack, B.C., are now digging out of the nearly 80 centimetres of snow that has fallen over the past three days. By 8:20 a.m. on Sunday, an incredible 77 centimetres of snow had fallen in Chilliwack since Friday morning with 22 centimetres coming down Saturday night. As of Monday morning, 81.2 centimetres had fallen. The snow storm began Friday with 34.4 centimetres accumulating in 24 hours. Another 42.8 cm fell on Saturday. More snow continued to fall into Sunday afternoon.
Fig. France Southern Atlantic Coast Sat Feb 4, Gale force
Gale-force winds battered
France's southwestern Atlantic coast on Saturday, Feb 4, leaving more than quarter of
million homes without power, the national electricity grid. National weather
agency Meteo France said winds reaching speeds of up to 148 k/h (92 m/h) had
battered the coast and warned that in some places they could even reach 160 k/h.
Three western regions were put on red alert as the storm felled trees and
brought down powerlines, cutting off roads although there were no immediate
reports of casualties.The power had been cut to more than 250,000 homes in the
departments of Gironde and Charentes with another 1,000 affected in the
neighbouring region of Landes.
5 Feb 2017 last three days
The death toll from
three days of heavy snow across Afghanistan has risen to 100. Avalanche destroyed scores of homes and
blocked roads in central and north-eastern provinces, a spokesman for the
ministry of natural disasters told AFP. So far, 54 persons have lost their
lives and 52 were injured as a result of avalanches and freezing weather in 22
provinces. About 168 houses were destroyed and 340 cattle killed. Authorities
fear the death toll may rise sharply because rescue crews had yet to reach some
of the worst-hit areas. In the badly hit north-eastern province of Badakhshan,
at least 18 people, including two children, were killed when avalanches hit
their houses overnight. Several dozen
are still trapped, we are trying to rescue them, adding that many roads were
still blocked. Five people were killed by avalanches in the Balkhab district of
Sari Pul province in northern Afghanistan and at least 70 people trapped under
the snow were being rescued. The roads to Balkhab are still blocked and we are
trying to open them. The government declared Sunday, usually a working day in
Afghanistan, to be a public holiday to deter non-essential travel and ensure
schools were closed. Heavy snow in parts of Afghanistan has triggered avalanches, burying entire villages and killing more than 100 people. Most of the deaths occurred in isolated Nuristan province, where at least 50 people were killed when an entire village was buried under snow. At least 54 others were killed following avalanches over the last three days in the north and east of the country.
Neighbouring Pakistan was also hit by severe weather, with at
least 13 people killed in the north-west of the country by avalanches or heavy
rain. An avalanche smashed into eight homes in the village of Shershal in
Chitral district, killing four women, a man and four children. The region has
been hit by heavy snowfall that is 1.2 metres (4ft) deep in some places. In the
Khyber tribal district on the Afghan border in the north-west, three children
were killed and two women injured when the roof of their house collapsed in
heavy rain. Deadly avalanches are common in Afghanistan’s mountainous areas in
winter and rescue efforts are frequently hampered by lack of equipment.
4 February 2017
Fig. 2 The Northern Lights recorded by flying in
an aeroplane on the 4 February 2017 at 10 AM
Feb 04, 2017 18:00 IST
Tamil Nadu,
Andhra, Karnataka droughts: The looming water crisis in South India.
Feb 05, 2017 17:00 IST
Feb 05, 2017 17:00 IST
Fig.3 Neurocalyx calycinus deep inside
Nilambur Forests by Kuppamala Kaniyan a tribal elder.
He revealed how he saved himself from
hideous scars right across his chest. He was terribly mauled by a bear who
fought back the bear to death. It took three days of persuasion, before
Kuppamala Kaniyan revealed how he made a paste from the fresh leaves of N.
calycinus, known as local parlance as "pacha chedi", to arrest
bleeding and heal the fresh wounds on his chest. It happened in 1988. The
presence of high Vitamin E, besides its immuno-enhancing platelet augmentation
and anti-oxidant potential were the art of knowledge of dwindling Cholanaickan
A huge sinkhole opened up along a Queensland,
Australia, beach late Saturday night, forcing dozens of campers to flee. As
many as 140 campers were evacuated from the Inskip Point campsite near
Rainbow Beach. Shortly after the sinkhole began
to open, several vehicles were sucked into the hole, the report also said. The
sinkhole was roughly 300 feet wide, 300 feet long and 10 feet deep.
Feb.5, 2017
Fig.4 Chaitanya Karamchedu experimenting
with a highly absorbent polymer found how to convert
salt water of the oceans to drinkable sweet water.
high school pupil may have just found the answer to converting salt water into
fresh drinking water. And he’s managed to do it all from his classroom. Chaitanya Karamchedu,
a senior at a High School Senior in Portland, decided to address the fact
that 1 in 8 people don’t have access to clean water by using his high school
lab to experiment. But Karamchedu thinks he may have figured it out
by experimenting with a highly absorbent polymer. Scientists are now taking note of Chai’s work and
he’s already won a $10,000 award from the US Agency for International Global
Development at Intel’s International Science Fair. He also came second place at MIT’s TechCon Conference where he won more
money to continue his research.
Valley received a second spell of snowfall and rains since Feb 4, Saturday night, as
power supply was affected at many parts of the region in Jammu and Kashmir. The
overnight snow and rains caused water-logging in several areas of Srinagar and
the city recorded a minimum temperature of -0.7 degrees. The Valley is
likely to experience “light to moderate” rains and snow on Monday as well. The
Srinagar-Jammu national highway remained closed for traffic for the third
consecutive day following landslides in some areas on the route. The famous
ski-resort of Gulmarg in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district shivered at -3.4 degrees and received 11 inches of fresh snowfall in this spell.
dark period: Northern Norway and the
North Pole
winter from mid-November, the Svalbard archipelago, located halfway between
northern Norway and the North Pole, is covered in total darkness. On the
biggest and only inhabited island, Spitsbergen, people don’t see the sun for
four months. During this challenging time, residents wait longingly for March,
when the sun finally rises above the horizon again. There’s a saying that Svalbard has five seasons: spring,
summer, autumn and then two winters, the dark and the light winter. The dark
winter, or polar night, when the sun doesn’t rise at all, is followed by a
period of twilight in February and early March. This second winter is the
favourite for many people on the island. The colours of the sky and landscape
can change by the hour and it feels like the sun could rise above the horizon
at any minute. But it doesn’t. It’s a tease that lasts for weeks.
12:16, UK, Sunday 05 February 2017:
Drone captures spectacular
ice floes on Ukraine River.
DOHA, QATAR: Desert state Qatar recorded the lowest ever temperature in the country's history on Sunday, 5 Feb 2017, just 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to a statement posted online by the state media.
6 Feb 2017
ANKARA, Turkey – Two earthquakes with preliminary magnitudes of 5.3 jolted Turkey’s northern Aegean coast on Monday, 6 Feb 2017, damaging dozens of homes in at least five villages and injuring at least five people. The first quake was centred beneath the Aegean off the coast from the town of Ayvacik in Turkey’s north-western Canakkale province and struck at 6:51 a.m. The second temblor occurred at 1:58 p.m. and was centred in Ayvacik. The seismology centre also recorded an aftershock measuring 4.9. Orhan Tavli, the governor for Canakkale, said around 90 homes were damaged in the first quake and at least five people were hospitalized with minor injuries. Tents were being dispatched to temporarily house those whose homes were damaged. The state-run Anadolu news agency said the villages of Tasagil, Tuzla, Yukari, Cam and Gulpinar – near Ayvacik – were affected.
6 Feb 2017
6 Feb 2017
ANKARA, Turkey – Two earthquakes with preliminary magnitudes of 5.3 jolted Turkey’s northern Aegean coast on Monday, 6 Feb 2017, damaging dozens of homes in at least five villages and injuring at least five people. The first quake was centred beneath the Aegean off the coast from the town of Ayvacik in Turkey’s north-western Canakkale province and struck at 6:51 a.m. The second temblor occurred at 1:58 p.m. and was centred in Ayvacik. The seismology centre also recorded an aftershock measuring 4.9. Orhan Tavli, the governor for Canakkale, said around 90 homes were damaged in the first quake and at least five people were hospitalized with minor injuries. Tents were being dispatched to temporarily house those whose homes were damaged. The state-run Anadolu news agency said the villages of Tasagil, Tuzla, Yukari, Cam and Gulpinar – near Ayvacik – were affected.
6 Feb 2017
5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Delhi and several states of north and eastern
India on Monday night, shaking buildings, rattling window panes and sending
people scurrying out of their homes. The epicentre of the quake was at Rudraprayag in
Uttarakhand. The depth of the quake was 33 km and it occurred at 10.33 PM.
The quake was quite heavy. It
lasted for 25 or 30 seconds. In Delhi, panicky people rushed out of their homes
as the quake hit the city of 16 million people. Tremors were also felt across
Punjab, Haryana and their common capital Chandigarh. Tremors were felt as far
as Kolkata.
A METEOR FALL MICHIGAN: large green fireball
9 Feb 2017
The day was cloudy with no rain.
A METEOR FALL MICHIGAN: large green fireball
Fig.5 a Meteor fall on Lake Michigan on Monday 6 Feb 2017
Fig.5 b: Meteor fall on Lake Michigan on Monday 6 Feb 2017
A meteor over Lake Michigan lit up the sky
early on Monday, 6 Feb 2017, morning across several states in the American Midwest. Dashcam
video from a police car in Lisle, Ill., and other police vehicles in both
Wisconsin and Illinois captured the fireball streaking through the night sky
about 1:30 a.m.See Fig. 5 a and b listed above. In addition to Illinois and Wisconsin, the American Meteor
Society lists sightings in Indiana, Michigan and other states as well. The
meteor was accompanied by a sonic boom that shook houses in the region. Last
says radar shows the meteor passing over Lake Michigan, but he said it’s not
clear if it landed in the water or if it broke up in the sky.
In addition to
Illinois and Wisconsin, the American Meteor Society lists sightings in Indiana,
Michigan and other states as well. The AMS has received
467 reports so far about of a fireball event over seen over Wisconsin on Monday,
February 6th 2017 around 01:25 CST (07:25 UT.). The green fireball was seen
primarily from Illinois and Wisconsin but witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio,
Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minnesota and Ontario (Canada) also reported the
event. We are still receiving reports about the large green fireball that occurred over Wisconsin
around 01:31 CST (07:25 UT). With more than 480 reports so far.
February 2017
This remote Russian
village holds the world record for lowest temperature in a permanently
inhabited place, at -90 degrees Fahrenheit. Forecasts for February 2017 hover
in the -20s and -30s, and at some points in winter, the sun only shines for a
mere three hours each day. Locals here use outhouses because indoor plumbing
often freezes, and cars are rendered almost useless by the cold.
Japan:5G mobile service in 2020
Scientists have developed a next generation system which can transmit digital data over 10 times faster than 5G mobile networks, an advance that will pave the way for faster downloads and improve in-flight network connection speeds. Researchers from Hiroshima University and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Japan have announced the development of a terahertz (THz) transmitter capable of transmitting digital data at a rate exceeding 100 gigabits per second over a single channel using the 300-gigahertz band. The THz band is a new and vast frequency resource expected to be used for future ultrahigh-speed wireless communications. The research group has developed a transmitter that achieves a communication speed of 105 gigabits per second using the frequency range from 290 GHz to 315 GHz. This range of frequencies are currently unallocated, but fall within the frequency range from 275 GHz to 450 GHz.
Scientists have developed a next generation system which can transmit digital data over 10 times faster than 5G mobile networks, an advance that will pave the way for faster downloads and improve in-flight network connection speeds. Researchers from Hiroshima University and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Japan have announced the development of a terahertz (THz) transmitter capable of transmitting digital data at a rate exceeding 100 gigabits per second over a single channel using the 300-gigahertz band. The THz band is a new and vast frequency resource expected to be used for future ultrahigh-speed wireless communications. The research group has developed a transmitter that achieves a communication speed of 105 gigabits per second using the frequency range from 290 GHz to 315 GHz. This range of frequencies are currently unallocated, but fall within the frequency range from 275 GHz to 450 GHz.
Fig.5C Green Comet
Brian Ottum, who created the beautiful composite image above on February 7
with three 5-minute exposures and a 10-inch telescope, told EarthSky.
By Brian Ottum, using a remotely operated telescope in Animas, New Mexico.Shows
the fast movement over 28 minutes of green Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková, which swept closest to Earth on February 11,
2017, temporarily becoming the most famous comet that practically nobody saw.
Its closest point was around 8 UTC on
Saturday, at which time the comet was 0.08 AU (7.4 million miles, about 12
million km, or some 30 times the moon’s distance) from the Earth. Experienced
observers and astrophotographers, used to finding faint objects in the sky, had
a shot at seeing it, although they had to contend with this weekend’s bright
moon. The estimated brightness of Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková at its
closest and brightest was magnitude +7. That’s well outside the limit for
visibility with the unaided eye. What’s more, a diffuse object, like a comet,
is even tougher to see at that magnitude, or any magnitude. The comet is still
around, but an extremely dark sky and optical aid (at least binoculars,
probably a telescope) are needed to see it.
17:16, UK,Tuesday 07 February 2017
particularly striking form of frost, known as 'rime' has formed across the
landscape in Inner Mongolia, creating a blanket effect similar to snow.
February 2017 07:21 AM and 8 Feb 2017
Visakhapatnam woke up to a foggy morning on 13 Jan 2017 at
07:48 AM and continued till today 8 Feb 2017. The mornings since 6 Feb
2017 the Sun is showing up bright in spite the mornings till 10 AM it is
mesmerizing radiant cool weather. Visakhapatnam
where the visibility was recorded at 500 metres. Allahabad, Amritsar,
Visakhapatnam, Chennai witness foggy morning on 7 Feb 2017.On and off foggy conditions have been observed
over the northern plains. Fog had abated from most parts. In fact, many places
recorded good visibility with clear sky. You may also like: Since past few
days, fog has once again made a comeback over few parts in the plains of North
India. Today morning, few areas witnessed shallow to moderate fog, while most
of the parts remained fog-free, including the national capital. Delhi witnessed
clear morning on 8 Feb 2017, unlike Y'day when it witnessed dense fog. Both Allahabad and Amritsar
witnessed moderate fog with the visibility dropping to 500 meters. Both these
districts have been witnessing foggy mornings for quite some time now.
Yesterday, Amritsar recorded very dense fog, with visibility dropping to nil. Weathermen
say that these weather conditions can be credited to the fresh spell of rain
that occurred over isolated parts of northern plains. The humidity levels have
increased due to these rains. This has led to drop in minimum temperatures too.
Also, the wind speed is light. These factors together have led to foggy
conditions over these areas. Meanwhile in South India, Visakhapatnam
has witnessed very dense fog with the visibility being observed at mere 50
meters. The winter winds are blowing from the ocean at Visakhapatnam. Also, Chennai recorded shallow
fog with the visibility dropping to 800 meters. The reason could be attributed
to some localized phenomenon in absence of any active weather system.
Wed, 08 Feb
2017 09:18 IST
The shallow quake struck at 3:03 AM, with an epicentre just 23
kilometres southwest of Pakistan's coastal city of Pasni.
Feb 08, 2017 23:41 IST
Thirty-one people were reported injured after
six tornadoes tore through New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana, pounding
across highways and streets and leaving trees, power lines and homes levelled
by Wednesday morning. The storm system battered New Orleans and suburban
Baton Rouge, marking the fourth time in a year the state has been jolted by
natural disasters.
Feb, 8
2017 at 11:56 AM
AR Sco, resides in the
constellation Scorpius, contains a rapidly
spinning, burnt-out stellar remnant called a white dwarf, which lashes its
neighbour, a red dwarf, with powerful beams of electrical particles and
radiation, causing the entire system to brighten and fade dramatically twice
every two minutes. The latest research establishes that the lash of energy from
AR Sco is a focused ‘beam’, emitting concentrated radiation in a single
direction, much like a particle accelerator, something which is totally unique
in the known universe. AR Sco lies in the constellation Scorpius, 380
light-years from Earth, a close neighbour in astronomical terms. The white
dwarf in AR Sco is the size of Earth but 200,000 times more massive, and is in
a 3.6 hour orbit with a cool star one third the mass of the Sun. With an
electromagnetic field 100 million times more powerful than Earth, and spinning
on a period just shy of two minutes, AR Sco produces lighthouse-like beams of
radiation and particles, which lash across the face of the cool star, a red
dwarf. As the researchers previously discovered, this powerful light house
effect accelerates electrons in the atmosphere of the red dwarf to close to the
speed of light, an effect never observed before in similar types of binary
stars. The red dwarf is thus powered by the kinetic energy of its spinning
neighbour. The distance between the two stars is around 1.4 million kilometres,
which is three times the distance between the Moon and the Earth.
Polarimetric evidence of a white dwarf pulsar
in the binary system AR Scorpii: D.A. H. Buckley et al., Nature Astronomy 1, Number 0029, 2017: Received: 22 September 2016 Accepted: 07
December 2016 Published online: 23 January 2017:The variable star AR Scorpii (AR Sco) was recently
discovered to pulse in brightness every 1.97 min from ultraviolet wavelengths
into the radio regime. The morphology of the modulated linear
polarization is similar to that seen in the Crab pulsar, albeit with a more
complex waveform owing to the presence of two periodic signals of similar
frequency. Magnetic interactions between the two component stars, coupled with
synchrotron radiation from the white dwarf, power the observed polarized and
non-polarized emission. AR Sco is therefore the first example of a white dwarf
pulsar. A fast-spinning (spin period Ps = 117.1 s) white dwarf, showing strong
brightness variations across most of the electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet
to radio), most strongly modulated on the Pb = 118.2-s beat (synodic) period, and its
harmonics. The spin-down of the white dwarf (Ṗb=3.92×10−13 s s−1
9 Feb 2017
The day was cloudy with no rain.
VIRAT KOHLI: Feb 9, 2017:
Virat Kohli had marched on imperiously into cricketing history by becoming the first batsman to reel off double tons in four successive series when a list of names propped up. Kohli was perched on the top, and below him was Don Bradman, who had piled three in a row
CNN 1852 GMT (0252 HKT) February 9, 2017:
Here's what 60 degrees to snowstorm in 24 hours
looks like. Fifty
million people from Maine down through Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., are
being affected by a winter storm that dumped as much as four inches of snow per
hour. Snow forecasts for major cities by the end of the day: Boston, 12-18
inches; New York City, 8-12 inches; Philadelphia, 3-5 inches. A blizzard
warning has been issued for southeastern Massachusetts, south-eastern
Connecticut and eastern and central Long Island, New York, but blizzard
conditions should lift for most by 6 p.m. Thursday. Snowfall across the East
Coast will cease late Thursday, according to The Weather Channel. Wind gusts
have reached about 40 mph in some areas and will continue into Friday, causing
blowing and drifting snow. More than 4,300 flights have been cancelled, with at
least 290 more already scrapped for Friday. Runways were temporarily closed at
New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport at 11 a.m., but at least one
of them was set to reopen at 2 p.m.Schools throughout Boston, New York and
Philadelphia are closed, as well as some government institutions. Boston public
schools will remain closed Friday 10 Feb 2017. Up to 14 inches of snow fell across the New York area, with nine inches blanketing Central Park, the biggest snowfall of the winter. Schools were closed in the city and many of its suburbs. In New England, up to 18 inches of snow fell, and strong winds led to blizzard conditions and power failures. Some snowfall totals: 18 inches in Suffield, Conn., and Ludlow, Mass.; 11 inches in Chelsea, Mass., near Boston; 14.5 inches in Litchfield, N.H.; 14 inches in North Foster, R.I.
The Hindu 10 Feb 2017: To-date 1000 machines sold
Recently awarded Padma Shri for the invention
Published on Apr 23, 2014
Chintakindi Mallesham developed "Lakshmi Asu machine", which automated the process of spreading 10.5 km of silk thread around 41 steel pins for making a Pochampally saree. The manual process was tedious and women from weaver families had to move their hands 9,000 times to make one saree! This machine, which has been named after Mallesham's mother, can make a saree in about one and a half hours as opposed to five hours in the manual process. The mechanised process, besides increasing productivity (eight sarees a day!), has reduced drudgery and allowed variety in style and design. The cost of one machine is Rs.16,000 and may come down still further on mass production. This worthy son, without any formal education, developed this machine to ease the pain and suffering of his mother. In the process he enhanced the quality of life of many other women weavers in Nalgonda and Warangal districts in Andhra Pradesh. The state government has recognised the innovation and decided to supply the machine to all the waver families with 75% subsidy. He supplied about 1000 machines for the weaver community.
10 Feb 2017The Hindu 10 Feb 2017: To-date 1000 machines sold
Recently awarded Padma Shri for the invention
Published on Apr 23, 2014
Chintakindi Mallesham developed "Lakshmi Asu machine", which automated the process of spreading 10.5 km of silk thread around 41 steel pins for making a Pochampally saree. The manual process was tedious and women from weaver families had to move their hands 9,000 times to make one saree! This machine, which has been named after Mallesham's mother, can make a saree in about one and a half hours as opposed to five hours in the manual process. The mechanised process, besides increasing productivity (eight sarees a day!), has reduced drudgery and allowed variety in style and design. The cost of one machine is Rs.16,000 and may come down still further on mass production. This worthy son, without any formal education, developed this machine to ease the pain and suffering of his mother. In the process he enhanced the quality of life of many other women weavers in Nalgonda and Warangal districts in Andhra Pradesh. The state government has recognised the innovation and decided to supply the machine to all the waver families with 75% subsidy. He supplied about 1000 machines for the weaver community.
Fig.6 Gravity Potato: Gravity Field of Earth
GOCE session: 10/09/2013 at 12:39 PM
Gravity is not consistent at every spot on Earth. The Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) has helped create a gravity map of the planet, which shows how the gravity field varies. Because of the map’s lumpy 3D shape, it’s referred to as the “Gravity Potato.”
Friday 10 February 2017 10.05 GMT
Roughly 20% of Australia, an area equivalent to 1.5 sq km (roughly 580,000 sq miles), would experience peak temperatures of over 40C on Saturday. To have such a large area of temperatures above 40C and for so long is definitely unusual.
Friday 10 Feb 2017 SURIGAO, Philippines
At least four people have been killed and more than 100 injured after an earthquake hit the southern Philippines on Friday evening, killed at least six people and injured more than 120. The 6.7-magnitude quake near the city of Surigao on Mindanao island, roused residents from their sleep late Friday 10 Feb 2017, damaged buildings and cut power to many areas. Residents rushed to open areas and spent the night in parks, local reports said.The quake was centred about 16 kilometres northwest of the provincial capital of Surigao at a relatively shallow took place at a depth of about 10km (6 miles) about 13 km east of Surigao.
11 Feb 2017
The National Fire Agency reported four cases of residents being hurt by falling items. Authorities said the magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck near the coast of Tainan city at around 1:12 a.m.
Saturday, February 11, 2017 - 09:10
Saturday, February 11, 2017 - 09:10
Manila: Four people died and more than 100 were
injured after a powerful earthquake struck the island of Mindanao in the
southern Philippines late Friday, damaging some structures and cutting power in
many areas. The 6.7 earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 km and the
epicentre was about 13 km east of the city of Surigao.
Mango leaves are full of healing and medicinal properties. They are reddish or purplish when tender and new, and grow into a dark green color and have a pale underside. These leaves are fleshy and shiny with a sharp tip containing vitamins C, B and A. They are also rich in various other nutrients. These leaves have powerful antioxidant properties as they have a high content of flavonoids and phenols.
Mango leaves are full of healing and medicinal properties. They are reddish or purplish when tender and new, and grow into a dark green color and have a pale underside. These leaves are fleshy and shiny with a sharp tip containing vitamins C, B and A. They are also rich in various other nutrients. These leaves have powerful antioxidant properties as they have a high content of flavonoids and phenols.
artist makes the canvas and colours. The glue is prepared from tamarind seeds
and is applied on a piece of hard paper covered with thin strips of cloth on
both sides. The canvas is left to dry and then cut in round shapes. A layer of
lime mixture is pasted on these circles and painted with a base colour, such as
black or white. Then, natural colours are used to draw paintings. The colours
are extracted from flowers, seeds, dry leaves and colourful stones. This
tangible heritage is never given up. How the government can help these people?
P.Das, P.Maharana, G.Maharana, B.Mahapatra.
MONDAY 13 Feb 2017
WASHINGTON: Thwaites Glacier is sliding into the ocean due to warmer seawater, the 4 interconnected lakes below the glacier drained out in 8 months. Collapse of glacier would cause two feet of global sea level rise. Large hidden lakes beneath one of the planet's fastest-moving glaciers on the edge of West Antarctica are draining out at an unprecedented rate, a new study has found. The ice mass, known as The Thwaites Glacier, is sliding unstoppably into the ocean, mainly due to warmer seawater lapping at its underside.
U.S. researchers have come up with a new method of estimating crop yields from small farms in Africa using high-resolution images from the latest generation of satellites, a development which could help cut hunger in poor parts of the world.
Tuesday, 14 Feb 2017
One person was killed and three others were injured when an object believed to a meteorite fell on the campus of a private engineering college near Natrampalli in Vellore district in northern Tamil Nadu early on Saturday, Feb 6, 2016, 08.18 PM IST . According to police sources, a loud blast was heard near a water tank shortly after midnight on the Bharathidasan Engineering College premises in K. Bandarappalli village. Kamaraj, a college employee, who had gone to drink water suffered serious injuries and was declared dead when taken to the Vaniyambadi Government Hospital. Three others suffered minor injuries. Window panes and wind screens of buses parked nearby and the water tank were broken in the impact of the blast. A crater was formed at the site of blast. Scientists, however, said it wasn't clear how the government concluded that a meteorite strike caused the blast. There has been no established death due to a meteorite hit in recorded history, they said.
If a meteorite indeed caused the death, bus driver Kamaraj will be the first person ever to have died in a meteorite strike. Saturday's blast also injured two gardeners and a student. Witnesses said the blast left a crater 5ft deep and 2ft wide. Policemen recovered a black, pockmarked stone weighing 11g from the blast site.
Magnetic orientations not reported in this sample of K. Bandarappalli village. But the fall was tremendous that it struck down dead the bus driver near the well where he went to drink water. Solar nebula’s life-time is possibly somewhere between one and ten million years. Angrites which are the oldest and most pristine of planetary rocks, contain high amounts of Uranium, which allow precise determination of their age. Four angrites that fell on Earth at different places, in different times. They have undergone no additional heating or major compositional changes, since they originally formed. The fallen rock may be three to four million years ago from solar nebula, or actually pristine sample that formed 4,653 billion years ago.
14 Feb 2017: 2 hours ago at 21:15 PM

Fig.8 Aurora Borealis in Iceland captivating car drivers mesmerized
MONDAY 13 Feb 2017
WASHINGTON: Thwaites Glacier is sliding into the ocean due to warmer seawater, the 4 interconnected lakes below the glacier drained out in 8 months. Collapse of glacier would cause two feet of global sea level rise. Large hidden lakes beneath one of the planet's fastest-moving glaciers on the edge of West Antarctica are draining out at an unprecedented rate, a new study has found. The ice mass, known as The Thwaites Glacier, is sliding unstoppably into the ocean, mainly due to warmer seawater lapping at its underside.
U.S. researchers have come up with a new method of estimating crop yields from small farms in Africa using high-resolution images from the latest generation of satellites, a development which could help cut hunger in poor parts of the world.
Tuesday, 14 Feb 2017
One person was killed and three others were injured when an object believed to a meteorite fell on the campus of a private engineering college near Natrampalli in Vellore district in northern Tamil Nadu early on Saturday, Feb 6, 2016, 08.18 PM IST . According to police sources, a loud blast was heard near a water tank shortly after midnight on the Bharathidasan Engineering College premises in K. Bandarappalli village. Kamaraj, a college employee, who had gone to drink water suffered serious injuries and was declared dead when taken to the Vaniyambadi Government Hospital. Three others suffered minor injuries. Window panes and wind screens of buses parked nearby and the water tank were broken in the impact of the blast. A crater was formed at the site of blast. Scientists, however, said it wasn't clear how the government concluded that a meteorite strike caused the blast. There has been no established death due to a meteorite hit in recorded history, they said.
If a meteorite indeed caused the death, bus driver Kamaraj will be the first person ever to have died in a meteorite strike. Saturday's blast also injured two gardeners and a student. Witnesses said the blast left a crater 5ft deep and 2ft wide. Policemen recovered a black, pockmarked stone weighing 11g from the blast site.
Magnetic orientations not reported in this sample of K. Bandarappalli village. But the fall was tremendous that it struck down dead the bus driver near the well where he went to drink water. Solar nebula’s life-time is possibly somewhere between one and ten million years. Angrites which are the oldest and most pristine of planetary rocks, contain high amounts of Uranium, which allow precise determination of their age. Four angrites that fell on Earth at different places, in different times. They have undergone no additional heating or major compositional changes, since they originally formed. The fallen rock may be three to four million years ago from solar nebula, or actually pristine sample that formed 4,653 billion years ago.
14 Feb 2017: 2 hours ago at 21:15 PM

Fig.8 Aurora Borealis in Iceland captivating car drivers mesmerized
Many car drivers mesmerized by the Aurora Borealis and police had a tough time to regulate them in iceland. The Northern Lights are a spectacle many people travel to Iceland to see. The driver told the police he saw the Northern Lights and couldn't bring himself to stop looking at them.
The author is deeply indebted to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London). The author also expresses his gratitude to him for the inspiration and constant guidance provided for his research and investigations. A summary of all his disciples, to his knowledge, and list of publications are listed by the present author and is available on INTERNET. (His lifetime: 1899 Sept. 9 early morning to 1972 June 20 at 9:10 AM). He initiated several researches in wide variety of subjects, and earned respect from the several followers. Hundreds of his research students are well-spread over many countries.
Present author was a Professor of Physics at Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, MS, since 1983. He joined as a Lecturer in 1966 June 1, became a Reader in 1975. The present author is maintaining
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