Volume 2021, Issue No. 04, Dated: April 1-15, 2021 Time: 12:31:25AM
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, M.Sc. (Math. Phys.), M.Sc. (Nucl. Phys.), Ph D.(AU), Int. Edu & Res. (Sweden 1964-65)
While returning from Sweden, spent a few days in England, Paris, Egypt and etc. countries, Visited USA about 12 Universities, several National Laboratories and Institutes for four months. December 1988. and in 1989 visited Japan for about TEN days, and South Korea Conf. in Physics for a week in 1989. Undertook several trips in India to educate the Shivaji University, Kolhapur M.Sc. Physics students across India during 1966 to 1985. [Retd. Prof of Physics; Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416004]. Residential Address: 17- 11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P. Mobile: 0949190286.; DOB:23-07-1940, evening between 6 and 6:01 PM.
A Giant Web Of Submarine Cables Connects India To The Internet And World, Indian amateur photographer from Canada captures Whirlpool galaxy with his Canon camera, I wondered since it was FIRST TIME, I noticed the RED lightning, Muons tiny subatomic particles that indicate there could be a fifth fundamental force of nature, Fliker of the eye time is one minute, actor Marie Milliben who rendered Sanskrit Slokas, California, NASA partner to launch methane-tracking satellite.
The Karvepak Tree flowered profusively, am able to gather a few pics of the flowers.
Fig.1a A single flower bout.
Fig1b Two flower bouts.
Fig.1c Two flower bunches
at Narasimha Ashram, on April 1, 2021.
Apr. 1, 2021: Mobile Phones, Laptops, and other electronic equipment and other Automobile companies are suffering from shortage of Chips (semiconductor. Even available they are very expensive, as a result of it the goods such as the Cars delivery being delayed. From Thursday the car companies raised the costs of cars. About 100 crore dollars offering by government of India, each company to manufacture the chips. If realistic then Samsung and Taiwan semiconductor (TSMC) companies may establish their companies in India.
Apr. 2, 2021: Fig.2a
Ten Photos depict the flowering KARVEPAKU tree in Narasimh Ashram, Visakhapatnam.
Apr. 2, 2021: Solar Storms Seen In 1582 Could Hit Earth Again And Cause Damage, Warn Scientists. Monit Khanna 5 hours ago. The 16th-century Portuguese chronicle describes what eyewitness Pero Ruiz Soares saw in Lisbon, “A great fire appeared in the sky to the North, and lasted three nights. All that part of the sky appeared burning in fiery flames; it seemed that the sky was burning. Nobody remembered having seen something like that… At midnight, great fire rays arose above the castle which were dreadful and fearful. The following day, it happened the same at the same hour but it was not so great and terrifying. Everybody went to the countryside to see this great sign.” Researchers (in their study) reveal that something similar was experienced across feudal Japan where people in Kyoto got to see a similar display of fiery red skies. There have also been records of the mention of this event in Leipzig, Germany, South Korea and several other nations in Europe and East Asia.
Apr. 2, 2021:
Fig.3. Preservance found a rock on Mars.
Perseverance found a weird rock on Mars, and scientists can’t identify it. Mike Wehner 9 hrs ago. Sometimes you just can’t explain what you find.
Apr. 2, 2021: Palasa and Kasibugga are the biggest cashew processing centres. With over 800 units produce over 60,000kg of cashew kernals and records over Rs.250crore to 300crore every year. They supply only 30 to 40% of total requirment. Raw cashew is imported from Ghana, Ivory coast, Benin, Tanzania, Indonesia and few other countries through the sea. Most fromIvory coast and Ghana account for 4000 tons per year. Traders import at Rs. 125 to Rs.140 per kg. Cyclones affect the production of cashew in Srikakulum, West Bengal and odisha during the last few years. Palasa cashew is famous for its rich taste.
Apr. 3, 2021:
Fig.4 Indian from Canada captires Whirlpool Galaxy.
Indian amateur photographer from Canada captures Whirlpool galaxy with his Canon camera, check details. 6 hours ago.The image is shot with Astro modified Canon T2i and 8 inch Meade SC telescope with focal length 2032mm. The amateur photographer has said that "it took him three hours to balance this 10 kg set up on Eqr pro mount in order to guide perfectly at that focal length on windy dark night." He added by saying that "Collimation fell apart due to a drop in temperature to -10. But when 1st sub popped up camera screen, I was stunned to have photographed from 31 million light-years away from earth!". The Whirlpool Galaxy is also known as Messier 51a, M51a, and NGC 5194. The galaxy and its companion, NGC 5195, smaller galaxy, NGC 5195, has been circling around M51 in a gravitational collision for the last half billion years or so. It's now slightly behind M51. The star bridge connecting them and the dust clouds are covering part of NGC 5195 are both a result of the ongoing gravitational interaction, which will eventually cause the two galaxies to merge in the upcoming time.
Apr. 3, 2021: India can become global hub for electronic chips. 19 hours ago. World is facing an unprecedented shortage of computer chips. Reports say that India wants to offer more than one billion dollars as incentives to companies who make their chips in India. And these chips will be eligible for use in a range of products from CCTV cameras to 5G equipment and everything in between. India is world's second-biggest mobile manufacturer.
Apr. 3, 2021:
Fig.5a World has 1.3 million km of submarine cable.
Fig.5b A Giant Web of Sumarine Cables Connects India
to the Internet And World.
A Giant Web Of Submarine Cables Connects India To The Internet And World. 7 hours ago. Facebook is part owner for submarine cables like Asia Pacific Gateway, Pacific Light Cable Network and MAREA. Microsoft owns a major capacity of cables like AEConnect, Hibernia Express, and part-owner of New Cross Pacific Cable System and MAREA. Google partly owns FASTER, Tanna, Unity, PLCN and Southeast Asia Japan Cable, among others. India as of now has a total of five landing stations. These are found in Mumbai, Cochin, Trivandrum, Tuticorin and Chennai. These landing stations also extend connectivity to landing stations in the nation as well as landing stations of other countries. Mumbai is the busiest landing station which connects with 11 cables in total. Chennai comes a close second with 7 connections. Third, on the list is Cochin with two connections and both Trivandrum and Tuticorin have one connection each.
Apr. 3, 2021:
Fig.6 Chittooru Collectrate Swirling wind.

Fig. 7 On Apr.4 Snap Shot New Light.
Fig. 8 On Apr.3 Visakhapatnam intense rainfall
on 3rd night from 8PM to 10:30PM.
Very intense cyclonic storm attacked Visakhapatnam between 8 PM to late 10:30 PM on Saturday April 3, 2021: As per the report of cyclone warning Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu on high alert, Chennai braces for storm According to reports, cyclone Vardah is expected to make landfall on the afternoon of Thursday, April 1 2021. Thunderstorms are likely to occur at isolated places over north-coastal Andhra Pradesh and Yanam on April 3 and 4. Heatwave conditions are likely at isolated pockets over south-coastal AP on April 3 and 4, the IMD said.
Apr. 3, 2021: MY OBSERVATION AT VISAKHAPATNAM from 9 PM to 10:30 PM on 3rd April 2021. "An unusual RED lightning and minimal thunder, accompanied by severe white-Bluish lightning from 9 PM to 9:30 PM, but later continued till 10:30 PM with subdued thunder and lightning of both types the RED and usual lightning:"
Apr. 3, 2021: At 9 PM: There was a severe rain and thundershower around 9 PM on the night of 3rd. I was busy using the Laptop, and all of a sudden the lights were off and I was forced to shutdown the Laptop. Actually there was a sudden frightening noise that startled me while I was working on the Laptop. Next day from Newspapers, I came to know that the thunder shower started around 8 PM. But since I was busy with the Laptop, I have not paid attention to the sudden burst of the rain. All of a sudden the loud noise made me to wonder what happened. When I looked up I saw my plug point connection to the modem was out, in fact, it flied away. From 9 PM to almost 10:30 PM I was watching the heavy rain sitting on the chair in the big hall and wondered how the lightning was occasionally RED. The usual lightning was also there with the bright and violent splash of white light. "What attracted my attention was the RED light that was not as high as originating like the splash of the white-bluish lightning". I am completely amazed since it was the first time I noticed the RED flashes of lightning unlike the white-blueish lightning. I have found that the RED flashes occurred almost once in 3 or 4 minutes. The rain was a roaring splash of the vehement rainfall that was at its peak from 9 PM to about 9:30PM but later it dwindled as the usual heavy rain. That rain continued till the 10:30 PM, with the distant thunders and graced with occasional splashes of RED lightning. I wondered since it was FIRST TIME, I noticed the RED lightning, I watched it sitting in a comfortable chair and watched the splendor of the lightning and thunder. The RED light has not produced that much of severe thunder as the usual case, with the shiny silver lining of white-bluish lightning. Next day while going through my MOBILE PHONE survey of OPERA NEWS, I came to know that the lightning of a similar kind was in Madras also. The Tamilnadu lightning and obviously the Vizag lightning both moved towards the SEA. Presumably, they joined the Thunder and Lightning, from Tamil Nadu that moved towards the Myanmar. My Laptop totally failed and, the resource person couldn't repair it till the morning of Tuesday i.e., 6th April 2021. My original version of this writing totally disappeared from my Laptop, due to the sudden lights off and on the night of the 6th, I am able to recast it and presented in my web. Many trees and houses and sheds have been damaged in Visakhapatnam and in the last few days the accounts of these mishaps due to the heavy rain were presented in several newspapers, especially Telugu papers gave exhaustive and lengthy descriptions for nearly three days", by Prof. Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana. Presented in my Facebook also.

Fig.9 The plug jumped off the socket
and the power was failure at 9 PM on 3rd April night,
possibly due to the RED lightning that struck the installation.
Apr. 5, 2021: Earthquake in Sikkim-Bhutan border at 8.49 PM on Monday 5th April 2021, meauring on Richter scale about 5.4 with tremors felt in Assam, West Bengal, Megalaya, Nagaland, Arunachalpradesh, and Bihar. The epicenter was recorded at Longitude 88.84 degrees East and Latitude at 27.23 degrees North In Bihar Patna, Kathar, Kishangunj, these tremors have extended. Mamatha Benarjee was at Uttar Bengal situated Siliguri campaining for the fourth phase. In west Bengal tremors were felt at Siliguri, Maida and Darjeeling. Sikkim capital Gyngatakik 25 km Agneyam 6.1R tremors occurred.
Apr. 6, 2021: 3 hrs ago: Dark matter 'annihilation' may be causing the Milky Way's center to glow. A mysterious glow coming from the center of the Milky Way might be caused by annihilating dark matter — elusive matter that emits no light. According to new research, heavy dark matter particles may be destructively colliding at the center of the galaxy, creating elementary particles, as well as gamma rays — the unexplained light seen emanating from the galactic center. The source of this unexplained light, called the galactic center excess (GCE), has been debated by scientists ever since it was discovered in 2009. When analyzing data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, scientists noticed a faint glow of gamma rays that couldn't be explained by known sources. In the years since, scientists have proposed a range of sources, from dark matter to more conventional sources, such as extremely fast-spinning stars called millisecond pulsars.
Apr. 6, 2021: New Diamond Battery Will Last 28,000 Years, Powered By Nuclear Waste. Mayank Mohanti 2 days ago. Diamond battery will be available by 2023. The Nano Diamond Battery (NDB) says that the radioactive battery is 'completely safe' for humans and it hopes to start selling the battery to commercial partners, including space agencies for long duration missions, within the next two years. The company is also working on a consumer version of the battery that could power a smartphone or electric car for over a decade without a charge. This doesn’t just save the hassle of recharging our devices but also holds key to the environmental implications of the manufacture and disposal of batteries.
Fig.9 Virtual Cauliflower
grown by villagers in Kothapalem
brought to MVP bazar on Tuesday 6th April.
Apr. 7, 2021: Four Indian astronomers with foreig scientists trace rare supernova explosion. Surendra Singh 21 hours ago. A team of four Indian astronomers, along with international collaborators, has tracked a rare supernova explosion and traced it to one of the hottest kind of stars called Wolf–Rayet stars (WR stars), which are highly luminous objects a thousand times that of the Sun. The team presented the detailed optical evolution of SN 2015dj using data spanning up to 170 days after its discovery. Their discovery and detailed study were recently published in ‘The Astrophysical Journal.
Apr. 8, 2021: 3 hrs ago: Meet muons — tiny subatomic particles that indicate there could be a fifth fundamental force of nature. Tiny subatomic particles called muons aren’t moving according to the known laws of physics. An international team of 200 physicists believes that the behaviour could be explained by a fifth fundamental force of the universe that is yet to be discovered. Polly and his colleagues — an international team of 200 physicists from seven countries — found that muons did not behave as predicted when shot through an intense magnetic field at Fermilab. This discovery could open the doors to new physics, but there’s still a one in 40,000 chance that it may just be a fluke. Just when humanity thought it’s got it all down, the universe throws a right hook for scientists to puzzle over a new unexplained phenomenon — like muons wobbling faster than they should be when they’re shot through an intense magnetic field. This is exactly what happened at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in the US. An international team of 200 physicists from seven different countries have so far been unable to solve the conundrum. These tiny subatomic particles defied the known laws of physics to suggest that there may be a fifth fundamental force at play. And this puts up a challenge to the Standard Model of Physics.
Apr. 8, 2021: Earthquake: Magnitude 3.7 and 3.4 quakes near El Centro, Calif. Quakebot 9 hrs ago. A magnitude 3.7 earthquake was reported at 8:52 p.m. Wednesday five miles from El Centro, Calif. The earthquake, which struck 24 minutes after a 3.4 quake in the area, occurred five miles from Calexico, six miles from Imperial and 13 miles from Brawley. In the last 10 days, there have been five earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater centered nearby, including Wednesday evening's earlier quake. An average of 234 earthquakes with magnitudes between 3.0 and 4.0 occur per year in California and Nevada, according to a recent three-year data sample.
Apr. 8, 2021: Elasticopter: Hyderabad researcher’s ‘breakthrough’ drone can adjust to the payload. Rahul V Pisharody 1 day ago. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with adjustable arms, making it able to lift packages of different sizes and shapes, is the latest innovation from the researchers of the Robotics Research Center (RRC) at the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H) in Hyderabad. ‘Elasticopter’, a patent-pending design developed by 24-year-old Suraj Bonagiri, is considered a big breakthrough in drone technology. Suraj’s prototype is a rectangular-shaped drone with four propellers and a flexible chassis (that expands and collapses) that does not cause mid-air turbulence despite its adjustments. “In our design, there is zero prop wash interference with the payload no matter its size. In this method of attachment to cargo, the mass is always centered and leads to optimal battery performance,” says Suraj.
Apr. 8, 2021: Using MyHeritage app, you can now make your relatives in old photos dance and blow kisses. Ankita Chakravarti 2 days ago. MyHeritage app, which can be downloaded from Google Play Store, Apple App Store, shot to instant fame within weeks.
Apr. 9, 2021: 2 hrs ago: 3,000-year-old ‘lost golden city' discovered in ancient Egypt. Archeologists have discovered ruins of an ancient city in Luxor, located on the east bank of the Nile River in Southern Egypt. The city is said to be more than 3,000 years old. The city is known as 'Aten' or the 'lost golden city' and it dates back to the reign of King Amenhotep III, the ninth king of the 18th dynasty, who ruled Egypt from 1391 till 1353 BC. It is said that King Amenhotep III ruled for nearly four decades. His reign is known for its opulence and the grandeur of its monuments, including the Colossi of Memnon two massive stone statues near Luxor that represent him and his wife. His kingdom stretched from Euphrates in west Asia to modern day Sudan.
Apr. 9, 2021:
Fig.10, Arctic lightning is now more frequent.
Once-rare Arctic lighting is now more frequent—and may reshape the region. Alejandra Borunda 23 mins ago. Lightning in the Arctic used to be so vanishingly rare that people could go their whole lives without seeing a flash. But as the region warms rapidly, it may become more common—with effects that could reach outside the Arctic. “When I first came to Fairbanks, I’d see a thunderstorm and I’d be surprised,” says Uma Bhatt, a meteorologist at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks who has studied lightning’s rise in the Arctic and has lived in the state for 22 years.
Apr. 9, 2021:
Fig.11 Yugadhi 2021 on 13th April. 13th April 2021 is: Sri Plava nama Year beginning:
Casta panchadashikyato Nimishe Muninetrama:
Casta Trishothkala Trioshaktala Mouhurthi ko Vidhihe:
Thava tharo Khyaraho ratrao:
Muhure rmanu Sanskrutham:
Ahorathraa ni thavanthi Masa:
Paksh Dhavayaa thmak:
[Fliker of the eye time is one minute, 15 minutes one Kashta, 30 Kashtalu one Dream, 30 Dremas one Muhartam, 30 Muhartalu one Dunam (Night -Day), 15 Dinamulu one Paksham, two Pakshalu one Masam (Mpnth), Six Masamulu one Ayanam, Two Ayanams one Year, Every year six Ruthuvulu]. Rushulu divided Kalamanani Nine Divisions, Today only 5 Kalamalu existing in practice. Only Chandhramana and Suryamana are prominent. YUGADHI IS THE DAY OF BIRTH OF SRUSHTI,THE DAY YOU NEED TO DECIDE WHAT GOOD THINGS YOU DO IS THE PROMISE.
Apr. 10, 2021: Astronomers discover 12 rare quadruple quasars that can better tell rate of universe expansion. Anjali Marar 10 hours ago The first quadruple quasar image was captured in 1985 and since then, only 50 such quasars have been identified. Gravity causes massive objects like galaxies and emissions from them to bend over time and space. Similarly, emissions from a quadruple quasar are said to pass through such deflection causing 'natural' lenses. Some deflection is resultant of the presence of numerous galaxies acting as barriers located between a source and Earth, ultimately splitting it into four images. "We needed to confirm that the four closely packed images were not a pure chance alignment of four independent sources, but really four images of a single, distant source, lensed by an intervening galaxy."
Apr. 10, 2021: But in an effort to try and find a use for such algae, a research team from Uppsala University, Sweden, has recently managed to design a record-breaking "green" lightweight battery that is incredibly easy to produce and could just even out the environmental consequences of these blooms.The unwanted blooming of the green alga Cladophora along the Baltic coast, and elsewhere in the world, may not only be a bad thing. A research team at Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala has discovered that the extremely special nanostructure of the cellulose in these algae serves extremely well as a basis for new, environmentally friendly batteries.“This opens new potential for large-scale production of environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and light-weight energy storage systems,” says Maria Strømme, professor of nanotechnology.
Apr. 11, 2021:
Fig. 11. Mrs Peramma Rangadhama Rao was consuming Betel Leaves profusively and
prefered the leaves from Vijayanagaram.
IIT Kharagpur's Agricultural and Food Engineering Department have developed the technology. The extractor is affordable to the betel leaf growers as the cost of its assembling and fabrication is estimated at Rs 10,000 and Rs 20,000 for 10-litre and 20-litre units respectively." Extracted oil from betel leaves has antioxidants and antimicrobial properties and is used in the manufacturing of medicines and cosmetics. "The extractor could be easily maintained by the small farmers. About 10-20 ml of essential oil can be extracted by a person a day using an extractor in three shifts. The price of the oil varies from Rs 30,000 to about Rs 1,00,000 depending on the quality,"
Apr. 11, 2021: Earthquake in Indonesia's Java, Bali Kills 6; No Tsunami Warning. 4 hours agoThe magnitude 6.0 quake struck off the island's southern coast at 2:00 pm local time (0700 GMT). It was centered 45 kilometres south of Sumberpucung town of Malang District in East Java province, at a depth of 82 kilometres (51 miles).
Apr. 11, 2021: Kochi’s disappearing mangroves lock away significant carbon. Mongabay . 15 hours ago. -- Mangrove habitats of Kochi in Kerala can store significant amounts of carbon for the long-term despite being heavily fragmented, according to a study. But they need immediate attention.
Apr. 11, 2021: Earthquake hits this region of Madhya Pradesh. In a major seismic development, an earthquake of magnitude 3.9 on the Richter scale hit Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh at 12:53 pm on Sunday.
Apr. 11, 2021: Indian cuisine goes long back into history; archaeologically reflecting more than 7000 years of spice history that tells us of the evolution of spicy flavours, which later branched out to form the different regional cuisines. Excavations in the Harappan sites have revealed that herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, pepper, etc were used as added flavours to dishes of millets, barley, wild rice, etc. InCenturies before the Greek and Roman civilizations came into existence, Indian spices found their way to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Arabia. Later Greek merchants would set their sails and reach the port markets of south India, to buy various luxury items amongst which spices were always on their top list. Historians believe that the Parthian wars were fought so that the trade routes to India were not disrupted. Spices and other luxury items from India lured many explorers over the centuries to lead expeditions and crusades to the East.
Apr. 11, 2021: Earthquake: Magnitude 3.1 quake near Ridgecrest, Calif. Quakebot 3 hrs ago. A magnitude 3.1 earthquake was reported at 2:45 a.m. Sunday seven miles from Ridgecrest, Calif.,
Apr. 11, 2021: Universe Dumps Over 5,000 Tons Of Cosmic Dust On Earth Every Year. Mayank Mohanti 8 hours ago. But chances are you may not have heard of micrometeorites--the space dust that showers down on Earth everyday from passing comets and asteroids. These particles are less than a fraction of a millimetre in size--several times smaller than the tiniest worker ant you’ve seen--making them notoriously difficult to collect, let alone ascertain an accurate estimate of the quantity.
Apr.11, 2021: St Vincent volcano: Power cuts after another 'explosive event'. 4 hours ago:. There has been another "explosive event" at a volcano on the Caribbean island of St Vincent, with power outages and water supplies cut off. The La Soufrière volcano first erupted on Friday, blanketing the island in a layer of ash and forcing some 16,000 people to evacuate their homes. Residents in Barbados, nearly 200km (about 124 miles) to the east, have also been urged to stay indoors. Scientists warn that eruptions could continue for days - or even weeks. On Sunday, St Vincent's emergency management organisation Nemo tweeted: "Massive power outage following another explosive event at La Soufriere Volcano. Lightning, thunder and rumblings. Majority of the country out of power and covered in ash."
Apr.11, 2021: Particles were produced when a meteorite EXPLODED in mid-air. An ancient meteorite that exploded in mid-air 430,000 years ago left behind unusual particles of matter in the mountains of Antarctica, a new study reveals. An international team of space scientists, led by the University of Kent, examined 'extra-terrestrial particles' recovered from the summit of mountain Walnumfjellet in the Sør Rondane Mountains of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. The pieces of vaporised space rock were deposited after a 330ft asteroid exploded close to the frozen surface of Antarctica hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Apr. 11, 2021: Indian Tribal produce goes global. Araku pepper to line market shelves in Denmark. Pepper is grown in 98,000 acres in Visakhapatnam Agency area. Nearly 3000 to 4000 tonnes of pepper are produced. It is intercrop inside the coffee plantations in Araku, Ananathgiri, Chintapalli and Paderu. Pepper grown as creepers, on shade giving trees in coffee plantations such as Silver oak, Jackfruit etc.
Apr.12, 2021: Monsoon was strongerr 7,000 years ago. Due to variations in Solar radiation it started weakening around 4200 to 2,000 years athe economy,go. A weak monsoon has led to severe droughts, famins, affecting and the food seccurity. Strong monsoon leads to floods like those in Kerala in 2018 and 2019. The microfossil shells shaped in spirals, disks, spheres, tubes, and cones under microscope were picked and identified and abundance recorded in each sample. A single cell organisms like foraminifera, were alive.
Apr. 12, 2021: Little Guru: India launches first of its kind app that teaches Sanskrit. 1 hour ago. Indian government on Monday launched first-ever app that enables the user to learn Sanskrit. The app by ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) has been named 'Little Guru'. The app aims to make learning Sanskrit easy and entertaining by 'gamifying' it. It has been developed by Bengaluru-based company Gamapp sportswizz. The app is available on Google Play Store.
Apr. 12, 2021:
Fig.12 Blue dunes on Mars.
NASA shares stunning image of beautiful blue dunes on Mars. 12 hours ago. American Space Agency NASA on Thursday (April 8) released a breathtaking photo of the blue dunes on Mars. Areas with cooler temperatures are recorded in bluer tints, while warmer features are depicted in yellows and oranges. Due to this reason, the dark, sun warmed dunes glow with a beautiful golden colour.
Apr. 14, 2021: Hydrogen planes: the airborne revolution. 6 hours ago.
Apr. 14, 2021:
Fig.13 ARIES astronomers discovered
228 new variable stars in NGC 281.
Indian astronomers spot over 200 new stars in the Pacman Nebula — and 51 of them are yet to reach adulthood. Prabhjote Gill 10 hours ago. Astronomers from the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Science (ARIES) have discovered 228 new variable stars in the Pacman Nebula. The cosmic cloud of gas and dust is located 1,000 light years above the plane of the Milky Way offering a clear view of the star-making process. Among the collection of new stars, 51 haven’t reached adulthood yet — they’re still collecting gas and dust before they burst into the nuclear fusion of hydrogen. The Pacman Nebula — officially known as NGC 281 — is around 9,500 light years from Earth.
Apr.14, 2021:
Fig.14 American Sanskrit Sloka Singer.
An American singer and actor Marie Milliben who rendered Sanskrit Slokas giving new year greetings to Indians on April 13, 2021 on the day of Ugadi. Apr. 14, 2021:
Fig.14 Electric Mushrooms found in Meghalaya. Rare "Electric Mushrooms" Found In Meghalaya, So Bright That Locals Use It As Natural Torches. Gursharan Bhalla 2 hours ago. Scientists discovered the glowing mushrooms, used by locals as natural torches. Of about 120,000 described fungi species, only around 100 are known to be bioluminescent or capable of emitting light. After hearing reports from locals of “electric mushrooms”, they headed to West Jaintia Hills District in Meghalaya. It was a drizzly night and a local person guided the team to a bamboo forest, which is part of a community forest, and asked them to switch off their torches. A minute later, the group was awestruck by what they saw: in the midst of the darkness an eerie green glow emerged from dead bamboo sticks that were smothered in tiny mushrooms. The fungus emits its own light – a phenomenon known as bioluminescence. This mushroom was only found growing on dead bamboo (Phyllostachys mannii). Special elements could be present in the bamboo substrate that this fungus prefers. So far this mushroom is known from Krang Shuri, West Jayantia Hills District and Mawlynnong, East Khasi Hills District in Meghalaya. Only a few species of glowing fungi have been reported from India. Two have been reported from the Western Ghats, one in the Eastern Ghats, and one in the state of Kerala, among others. Glowing fungi have also been spotted in the forests of Maharashtra and Goa (part of the Western Ghats) but they have not been scientifically reported.
Apr. 14, 2021: 3 hours ago: Mid-summer thunderstorms in parts of Andhra in next 3 days. RED lightning has been observed again on 14 April 2021 at around 6.30PM. The Met department forecast mid-summer thunderstorms in parts of north coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam and Rayalaseema, accompanied by lightning for the next three days. Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning and gusty winds (30 to 40 kmph) are likely to occur at a few Places in north coastal AP, Yanam and Rayalaseema,
Apr. 15, 2021:
Fig.15 Cool customized pick up truck from Wood.
Thai man makes cool customised pickup truck from wood. Duration: 05:02 12 hours ago.
WARNING BY THE PRESENT AUTHOR: It needs to be protected from fire and accidental burning. Wood has it been seasoned for such mishaps?
Apr. 15, 2021: Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service faces challenge to launch in India as DoT begins scrutiny. Sneha Saha 1 hour ago. To recall, BIF previously petitioned the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to prevent Starlink from providing its services in the country. For the unaware, BIF represents Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and OneWeb, direct competitor to Starlink. Musk’s Starlink began accepting pre-bookings for Indian addresses earlier this year. The price for the internet service has been set at $99, which roughly translates to around Rs 7,300. This amount is towards the Starlink equipment that will be installed at your address to access the internet service.

Fig. 16 No normal Monsoon rain in India
prediction by German investigators.
Apr. 15, 2021: California, NASA partner to launch methane-tracking satellite. 1 hr ago. (Reuters) - California and NASA, with the backing of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, on Thursday unveiled a $100 million effort to pinpoint large emissions of greenhouse gases from individual sources like power plants and oil refineries from space.
The author is indebted to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for stimulating encouragement to publish my articles on Science & Technology given in He is also grateful to Late Mrs. Peramma Rangadhama Rao for her admiration and support for the publication of my articles. Her biodata and personal details I have listed in the She told me that the Meteorides that fall on the Earth carry with them the human life ingrediants. Recent find of water and other earthly elements in distant objects reported by Japanese [object 25143 Itokawa asteroid has shown that the object had both extraterrestrial water and organic material] and also Americans is thrilling. When her son Dr K V N Rao (Ill) had been to USA, she expected a possible trip to visit USA (not materialized) and always observed the 4th July, the day of US independence.
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