Volume 2010, Issue No.12, Dt: 11th Dec 2010 Time: 7h30mPM
The Astronomy Study of Visakhapatnam Sky and The Weather scenario of 11th to 20th December 2010
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU}
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Starting the 11th December 2010 evening till 16th Morning the sky was very cloudy and extensive fog made it a very chilly weather at Visakhapatnam. The sky became exceptionally clear in the evening of 16th December 2010 and the constellation stars and the nebulae of the Orion could be seen with naked eyes. Even the below the belt sword of the Hunter became very much visible with the naked eyes. But on the North the Cassiopeia could not be spotted. Moon according to Indian Calendar is near the Aswani a group of three stars. That is near Beta of Aries. The Low-Pressure depression that formed on Thursday 9th December 2010 has given a slight shower on the Saturday night and again on the Sunday night. The Sunday 12th December night had the severe cold fog. The author had a field day of digital imaging of the Spectra of Venus the bright morning objet of the sky at Visakhapatnam with its near planet the Saturn and the Spica star. The west sky has the spectacle of three planets Jupiter, Mercury and the Pluto on the 20th December 2010 evening.
Summary Report:
13th to 14th December 2010 weather has suddenly changed and the minimum temperatures reached 23deg C. A cloud of dust, smoke, gas so thin that settled slightly above on the surface of earth causing many people to suffer from cold, fever and throat pain. Even the street dogs were not spared by the weather from the diseases. The next fall of temperature occurred during 17th and 18th of Dec 2010 when the minimum temperature became 17degC while in Agency areas of Visakhapatnam it touched 12degC (a fall of 10 deg C). This happened in Britain as well where the temperatures touched zero deg C at Scotland. The visibility due to fog prevented the air traffic in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Luther airports. Fog resulted in fall of snow in London and several places in Europe. The Sunday 19th December 2010 the temperature, in low lying agency areas of Visakhapatnam, fell down by another 3degsC bringing down the minimum temperature to 7degC from 10degC earlier.
At Visakhapatnam, the night time sky which became very clear on 17th has once again became haze filled on the 18th and 19th Dec 2010. The bright stars of Hunter Constellation however were very much visible including the Nebulae of the Orion. Water vapor in the form of mist up in the sky and in the form of less dense fog on the surface of earth was a very interesting phenomenon of these transition days of the weather scenario at Visakhapatnam. Fog in the form of large mass of water vapor condensed on fine particulate matter just above the surface of earth’s surface gave a vivid view of digital imaging in the bright lights of Sodium Lamps provided on the streets of Visakhapatnam. Haze in the form of thin vapor of condensed water on smoke particles, dust and gases dangled in the mid air at Visakhapatnam. It’s diffuse, so thin a formation has not affected the visibility much.

Fig 1 IMG_1002kln Moon with a single bright star near

Fig 2 IMG_1033kln relative position of Jupiter Moon

Fig 3 IMG_1056kln Moon Jupiter

Fig 4 IMG_1057kln Moon Jupiter

Fig 5 IMG_1065kln moon Jupiter

Fig 6 IMG_1108kln Moon and Jupiter with Orion Hunter

Fig 7 IMG_1109kln Hunter Mrigasira in Orion Constellation

Fig 8 IMG_1120kln Venus on the East and the stars above towards the West

Fig 9 IMG_1133kln Moon Hunters belt

Fig 10 IMG_1134kln Moon Hunter

Fig 11 IMG_1144kln Moon

Fig 12 Venus Spectra of 17th December 2010at 4h55mAM

Fig 13 IMG_1162kln Moon and Hunter

Fig 14 IMG_1176kln Moon in Kritika Pleiades

Fig 15 IMG_1186kln Moon and Sirius with Rohini Aldebaran

Fig 16 IMG_1190kln Venus at 4h53 Moon20thDec2010

Fig 17 of 20th Dec2010 Venus Spectra Profiles Intensity KLN
Weather permitting the Moon proximity to the Stars of the Hunter in Orion Constellation were able to be digitally imaged and the relative position of the Moon in its path has been guazed. The Jupiter provided a nice view of the Moon's apparent motion relative to Earth. The Venus spectra with very diffuse noise spectra of colors has made it possible probably to understand the weather patterns of the Venus via the spectral intensity profiles.
The author is indebted to late Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc.( London) for his initiation to do research work , analysis and interpretation in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics. I am greatful to him for having me associated with various of his students and research scientists for undertaking and solving stimulating problems of research in Modern Physics.
The Indian Calendar observed by Alwars the Vedic Philosophers of 6th to 11th Century AD, based on the movement of Sun path in the celestial sphere, celebrated the Dhanur (Sagittarius entry) Month sankranamu, especially on the day of Vaikunta Ekadashi(the eleventh phase of Moon)on the 17th December 2010. The day promotes according to them World protection Thought (Jagadhrakshna chintana). Dec Sun! It is supposed to be continued for a period of several months, till the day of Karthika Dec Sun! eleventh phase of Moon.
Sun in the course of apparent annual motion passes through the vernal equinox the first point of Aries (i.e. Mesh Zodiac sign) on March 21st, while going from south to north of the celestial sphere. The entry of the Sun into autumnal equinox i.e. first point of Libra (Thula Zodiac sign) on September 23rd.
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