First Fortnight October 2011 Astronomy Study & Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam
Volume 2011, Issue No.10, Dt. 2nd October 2011 Time: 08h10mAM
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9491902867 & 9542717723
First Fortnight October 2011 Astronomy Study & Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam
Volume 2011, Issue No.10, Dt. 2nd October 2011 Time: 08h10mAM
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile: 9491902867 & 9542717723
An important finding was the Aurora of the rising Moon on the East around 18h31m on 12th October 2011. On the 13th October 2011 early morning around 3h41mAM the Moon on the West once again exhibited an aurora i.e. distinctly different from that one observed in the evening of 12th October 2011 on the East. Also around 6h30mPM time the reverse reflected light of the Moon shine from the wet beach sands of Visakhapatnam shore near the RK Mission yielded a live spectrum. The author has proposed earlier a MEL planet that broke into Earth, Moon and the Mars. So constituents of the Moon surface sands and the core elements may not be much different from the Earth except some abundance ratios differ. Also he researched and published data on both the ferromagnetic and the ferroelectric properties of the ilmenite. Why is that they KREEP are scarce on the far side? The explanation by me, is that over the years the tidal forces between the Earth and the Moon have reoriented, the initial fluidous status of the Moon immediately after its formation (as a break up of my earlier proposed model planet MEL) subject to the Sun and other Gravitational tidal forces. The in-between caught fluidous Moon has sustainably responded over the years to these gravitational tidal pulls and settled to a shape with distribution of the respective elemental masses to achieve an equilibrium balance of crust formation and the surface topography on either sides of the Moon. The unusual brightness of the Moon in spite of its apogee position and smallness of its size by almost 12.5% is explained by me, as due to the enormous reflecting power of the X-Rays and other radiations of the Sun from the surface material of the Moon. This has been compounded with the presence of peculiar cloud formations over the Terrestrial atmosphere during the second week of October 2011. Another significant observation is that the possible Pulsar Emissions Beacon light Brightness of the Belt Stars of Orion constellation (Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka) can be seen and as well recorded in a digital movie with 16x magnification (mvi5467kln2h53m14102011). Especially the Alnilam gives out the clear Beacon light of emission of a possible Pulsar in it.
KEYWORDS: Astronomy, PULSAR, Alnilam, Brightness of Moon at Apogee, Fluidous Moon, Gravitational Tidal Forces on Moon, ilmenite Ferro and Ferromagnetism, Earth Quakes Indonesia, Sikkim, India, Uensco Heritage Site Cracks, unmindful mining.
The 1st fortnight of October 2011 began with a severe warmth of the Sun and people in the Coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh felt very uneasy, added with the power cuts and it continued till 4th October 2011 and as expected for the change of winds would take place only after about two weeks time. The monsoon season has concluded in Pakistan, and dry conditions have prevailed since September 14.
India seems to be the best place to understand the Monsoon rains and the distribution of aerosols that in the form of sulfates, from burning of fossil fuels and particularly soot from the burning of local cook fires or large industrial fires as pointed out by Carolyn Gramling on 29th September 2011 at 2:00PM in a Science flash [1]. Also they suggest that the patterns of rains in the South and North India differed considerably during the period 1951 to 1999 as per their stimulation studies. They attribute it to the strong heat contrast between North and South India which is reduced due to an umbrella effect of aerosols clouding over the Indian subcontinent, with winds slowing down and rains falling in the Ocean regions rather than moving over the Central –North regions. The study has been countered by Andrew Turner of University of Reading, UK by the fact that there were heavy rains in China possibly suggesting the opposite.
In South West of Canada, and North of Russia the frozen seas, have suddenly broken the ice bergs and their collapse on melting, created a passage way for sailing Ocean Ships for trade between these two countries.
Mount Everest:
The gauzing of Himalaya Climate is a must to know the upper atmosphere circulations of clouds over India to make reasonable predictions of weather changes. The webcam (a German surveillance firm Mobotix device) images from a height of 18618feet at Kala Patthar mountain facing Mount Everest has been tested by the mountain research group, the Ev-K2-CNR pyramid laboratory located at 5050 meters during 6.00AM to 6.00PM as per Nepalese time would help to understand the weather and climate of Mount Everest in intervals of five minutes. The footage would be studied in Italy. This helps to augment the meteorological data gathered from Mount Everest.
Hurricane Jova:
Ap Associated Press: update 10/9/2011 4:50:14 AM ET Miami: Forecasters say Hurricane Jova is gaining strength out in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said early Sunday that Jova had maximum sustained winds of 85 mph (140 kph) and was centered about 385 miles (615 kilometers) west-southwest of Manzanillo, Mexico. It was moving east at 6 mph (9 kph).No coastal watches or warnings had been issued, but forecasters expect Jova could become a major hurricane by Monday night and urged those in southwestern Mexico to monitor its progress. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Irwin continued to weaken Sunday in the eastern Pacific, about 865 miles (1,395 kilometers) southwest of the southern tip of Baja California. Irwin had maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph (75 kph) but has prompted no coastal watches or warnings. Reuters report : update 10/9/2011 5:31:41 PM ET : Some 2.3 million people have been affected in the worst flooding to hit parts of Thailand in 50 years, mainly in the center, north and northeast.
Dry spell and power crisis causing anxiety of crop yield in Prakasam District especially those with bore well cultivation of paddy fields. Avulamanda farmers they grow paddy for their own consumption a BPT variety of long duration crop along with others in Kurichedu mandal. Dry spell for about six to seven months and low power support virtually made them desperate. Due to power shortage farmers Kilari Chinnaiaha and Ravvi Venketeswaralu unable to lift water from bore wells and crop has a stunted growth each in 2 acre plots. Yagna to invoke Varun God for rain was on 11th October 2011 performed by farmers with the help of Vedic Pundits in Kothur mandal of Srikakulam district the Ramalayam.
The Sky has cleared:
The Sky has cleared very much and the best opportunity to observe the twinkling stars, the Nebulae of different Constellations, Orion, the triangular stars of the Western sky, and the Moon, Planets and especially Jupiter have provided a wonderful scenario to even common people involved in various festivals of the Hindu faith. The big festival of Dasara, of worshiping the goddess Parvathi (wife of Siva) along with the other two namely the Sarswathi (wife of Brahama) and Lakshmi (wife of Lakshmi Narayana), have become a complete immersion of all sects of civilians into a deep devotional worship at both the Home and the Temples. One should note that they claim the birth star of the Goddess is Mula a star of the Scorpius Constellation on Monday 3rd October 2011(The worship of Saraswathi is performed around 9.00AM in Visakhapatnam Kanaka Maha Lakshmi Temple in Burujupeta.). Astronomy also gives a chance to observe the great Red Spot of Jupiter almost facing the Earth.
As per NASA,”The largest of the gas giant planets will rise a bit earlier each night in the constellation Aries until it reaches opposition on October 28, rising as the Sun sets and gliding with the stars from one end of the sky to the other until Sunrise. Jupiter will shine at its maximum possible brightness of magnitude -2.9, easily more brilliant than any surrounding stars, including the twinkling Capella to the planet’s north. On October 1, the waxing Moon is just above the reddish star Antares, which is part of the constellation Scorpius. Two nights later, the Moon passes above the teapot of Sagittarius. By the time the Moon is full in October, it has hopped all the way to Pisces, to the lower left of the circlet asterism. By October 13, the Moon has passed Jupiter in Aries and on the next two nights it can be found by the Pleiades and Haydes clusters in Taurus. It takes the Moon 27.3 days to orbit Earth. The lunar phases, however, take 29.5 days to complete a cycle. Therefore, the full Moon for October is on the 12th at 2:06 a.m. UT; in November the full Moon falls on the 10th at 8:16 p.m. UT; and for December the full Moon is on the 10th at 2:36 p.m. UT”. Further it asserts “Orionids can appear anytime between October 16 and 26, but the peak of activity should occur around October 21. The Orionids are named after the constellation Orion, from which they appear to emanate. These burning bits of debris were left behind by Halley's Comet, expect about 25 meteors an hour during peak activity.”
Martian atmosphere
The Science brought out an article suggesting the discovery made about the super-saturation state of huge quantity of water vapor in the upper reaches of Martian atmosphere due to lack of enough dust to use as a base for formation of ice by water vapor coalesces around dust and particles in the air. The super-saturation state is a process through which water splits into hydrogen and oxygen and escapes into space and is thus suggestive of possible existence of an enormous amount of water on the Planet Mars ages ago.
A new map of the Moon
Wednesday’s full moon will appear around 12.5 per cent smaller and its light intensity 20 per cent lesser as compared to a ‘supermoon’ (the biggest full moon). The moon will be 4, 06,434 km away from earth, an event known as apogee. In astronomy, the two extremes of an ellipse are called ‘apogee’ (far away) and ‘perigee’ (nearby). Wednesday night we will have the astronomical opposite of the supermoon. The supermoon was 3,56,577 km from earth but tomorrow’s moon will be almost 50,000 km more farther away from us as compared to its closest approach in March.
It is reported that “A new map of the Moon has revealed an abundance of titanium ore that is up to 10 times richer than on Earth, a finding that could one day lead to a lunar mining colony, astronomers said on Friday. The discovery was made thanks to a camera aboard the US Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which swept the surface of the Moon, scrutinizing it in seven different light wavelengths. Mark Robinson of Arizona State University, who presented the research at a conference in Nantes, western France with Brett Denevi of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, sifted through the data for telltale jumps in the ratio of ultra-violet to visible light. They established this signature thanks to rock samples brought back to Earth by Apollo 17 astronauts in 1972 and images of the area around the mission's landing site by the Hubble space telescope. "Looking up at the Moon, its surface appears painted with shades of grey, at least to the human eye," explained Robinson. "But with the right instruments, the Moon can appear colourful.”The Maria (lunar plains) appears reddish in some places and blue in others. "Although subtle, these color variations tell us important things about the chemistry and evolution of the lunar surface. They indicate the titanium and iron abundance, as well as the maturity of a lunar soil." Titanium is as strong as steel but nearly half as light, which makes it a highly desired - and also very expensive - metal. On Earth, titanium is found, at the very most, in around one per cent of similar types of ore. But the new map found abundances in the lunar Maria that range from about one per cent to 10 per cent, the conference organizers said in a press release. In the lunar highlands, abundance was around one per cent. The meeting gathers, for the first time, members of the European Planetary Science Congress and the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences. The find offers a double potential bounty, they said. "Lunar titanium is mostly found in the mineral ilmenite, a compound containing iron, titanium and oxygen," they said. "Future miners living and working on the Moon could break down ilmenite to liberate these elements. "In addition, Apollo data shows that titanium-rich minerals are more efficient at retaining particles from the solar wind, such as helium and hydrogen. These gases would also provide a vital resource for future human inhabitants of lunar colonies."
Technicolor night dated 1st September 2011.
Many auroras have a greenish glow, but sometimes - as in this Sept. 26 image from the International Space Station - other colors can appear. The colors depend on which atoms are causing the splash of light. In most cases, the light comes when a charged particle sweeps in from the solar wind and collides with an oxygen atom in Earth's atmosphere. This produces a green photon, so most auroras appear green. However, lower-energy oxygen collisions as well as collisions with nitrogen atoms can produce red photons - so sometimes an aurora also shows a red band, as seen here.
AFP : Oct 10, 2011, 09.47AM IST TOKYO:
Quake hits Japan nuclear crisis zone, but plant stable.
A 5.5-magnitude earthquake hit Japan's Fukushima area on Monday, but a nuclear plant there that was crippled by a huge quake and tsunami in March remained stable, officials said. The offshore quake struck at 11:45 am (0245 GMT) beneath the Pacific off Fukushima prefecture in the country's north, at a depth of 30.2 kilometers (18.8 miles), the US Geological Survey said. A tsunami was not expected, said the Japan Meteorological Agency, while there were no reports of damage. Nuclear plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said that the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant remained stable. "We are not seeing any new abnormality" at the facility, where work is ongoing to bring reactors to a cold shutdown by the end of this year, a TEPCO spokesman said. Skyscrapers in Tokyo, some 245 kilometers (152 miles) away, were slightly rocked by the tremor.
Indoneasia Earth Quakes:
Magnitude 4.7R Friday October 14 2011 at 10:01:19 UTC at 2.506degN and 128.495dgE depth 111.3km,(69.2miles) in the region of Halmahera, Indonesia. A rescue official inspects the wreckage from collapsed ceilings in Kuta after an earthquake shook Indonesia's resort island of Bali October 13, 2011. Bali was struck by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake on Thursday, injuring dozens and sending tourists running about. The epicenter was measured at 61.3 kilometers (38.1 miles) deep, some 130 kilometers south-southwest of Bali's capital Denpasar, said the US seismologists, who measured the magnitude at 6.0. Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency measured the undersea quake at 6.8 magnitude and put the quake's depth at just 10 kilometers, but said it was unlikely to cause a tsunami.
Varaha temple at the world heritage site:
Wide cracks have been found on four sides of the Varaha temple at the world heritage site of Hampi. Quarrying going around Bukkasagara, Venkatapura and Gudalkere is one of the main reasons for the temple developing cracks. Though Unesco ordered a ban on quarrying, it was brushed aside by the Hampi Development Authority.
The rain of 21`.4mm in Hyderabad on Monday 3rd October 2011 evening showed the relief of intense Sun heat at Visakhapatnam on the 4th October 2011.The rain was due to the upper air circulation over southwest Bay of Bngal adjoining the Andhra coast. By the afternoon of Tuesday the Visakhapatnam sky has become cloudy and occasional thunder rumbling from far away lightning. The temperature in Visakhapatnam touched about 35.5degC within 48 hours from its low of 32degC on 4th October 2011. The temperature pump of almost 4degC due to Upper circulation of Atmosphere in a spread of just 800kms towards the coastal region from Central India, Hyderabad is a noteworthy feature.
Surprisingly it was very warm during the entire day on 8th October 2011 at Visakhapatnam but all of a sudden at 8h54mPM in the evening it started to rain heavily and continued till 10h25mPM.It was a relief to the plant & crop world in this district of Visakhapatnam which starved of water for the last fifteen days. Anathagiri, Duombriguda, Burra Caves, Galikonda view point, had heavy rain for about one and half hours in the afternoon of Saturday. The morning was full of Fog at 9AM, a mid afternoon at 2PM warm sun shine, and at 3.00PM heavy rain was a changing weather pattern in Agency area of Araku valley that caused bewilderment to the Vanvashis and manyam dwellers.
On the 9th October 2011 throughout the night it was raining in Visakhapatnam a welcome thing for all the farmers of the region. The rain was accompanied by lightning and even before the heavy rain in the night there were extensive lightning in the cloudy atmosphere. On 13th October the Moon and the Jupiter orientations were very fascinating during the 10 hours duration beginning from about 7h30mPM
Jupiter increasing in brightness as it heads towards its closest approach to Earth for the year in the month of October 2011 is very gripping. The present author has successfully recorded its spectrum possibly during the time of its closest approach to the Earth. See Figures giving the details of its intensity profiles in the present article.
The Moon ride of Tirupati God is considered sacred on Dasara Day in India from 7h30mPM to 11h30mPM and they consider it as very auspicious. From my observations I found that not only the Moon appears to move its own diameter eastward in just one hour but also it changes its orientation relative to the observer at the equatorial region. So after about 4 hours time or in the course of a about a third of a single night the change in the Moon’s orientation and the position have been image captured by the present author on the Dasara night of 2011.(see the note** given below from NASA) Refer the Figure 4 of this article. The Astronomy or Astrophysical significance of this motion of Moon why it has been singled out by ancient Indians in the name of a festival is not quite clear.
An important finding was the Aurora of the rising Moon on the East around 18h31m on 12th October 2011. On the 13th October 2011 early morning around 3h41mAM the Moon on the West once again exhibited an aurora i.e. distinctly different from that one observed in the evening of 12th October 2011 on the East. Also around the same time the reverse reflected light of the Moon shine from the wet beach sands of Visakhapatnam shore near the RK Mission yielded a live spectrum. The beach sands which are generally very fine and white reveal the presence of the mineral ilmenite a compound consisting of Iron, Titanium and the Oxygen apart from other minor impurities. The author has proposed earlier a MEL planet that broke into Earth, Moon and the Mars. So constituents of the Moon surface sands and the core elements may not be much different from the Earth except some abundance ratios differ. Also he researched and published data on both the ferromagnetic and the ferroelectric properties of the ilmenite. Titanium is a very potential material of enormous cost and best suited for space travel vehicles to withstand high temperatures.
The second week of the October month gave a spectacular splendor of the Astronomy sky at Visakhapatnam during the earlier mornings with presence of Bright Jupiter, small sized but unusually bright Moon and then the Orion Constellation in its full breadth and expanse from the East to the West, occupying a very comfortable position on Zenith. The unusual brightness of the Moon in spite of its apogee position and smallness of its size by almost 12.5% is explained by me as due to the enormous reflecting power of the X-Rays and other radiations of the Sun from the surface material of the Moon. This has been compounded with the presence of peculiar cloud formations over the Terrestrial atmosphere during the second week of October 2011.
A significant observation is that the possible Pulsar emissions Beacon light Brightness of the Belt Stars of Orion constellation (Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka) can be seen and as well recorded in a digital movie with 16x magnification(mvi5467kln2h53m14102011).Especially the Alnilam gives out the clear beacon light of a possible Pulsar in it. See the Note below marked as “.
C). An Explanation of Moon far side structure Via MEL model:
The Apollo astronauts who brought rocks from Moon are rich in KREEP. Why is that they are scarce on the far side? The explanation by me, is that over the years the tidal forces between the Earth and the Moon have reoriented, the initial fluidous status of the Moon immediately after its formation as a break up of my earlier proposed model planet MEL, subject to the Sun and other Gravitational tidal forces. The in-between caught fluidous Moon has sustainably responded over the years to these gravitational tidal pulls and settled to a shape with distribution of the respective elemental masses to achieve an equilibrium balance of crust formation and the surface topography on either sides of the Moon.
Fig 1 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 2 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 3 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 4 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 5 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 6 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 7 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 8 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 9 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 10 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 11 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 12 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 13 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 14 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 15 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
Fig 16 First Fortnight of October 2011 Astronomy and weather scenario Visakhapatnam
I am deeply indebted to Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras ) D.Sc. (London ) for initiating, inspiring me for research investigations and observations. I was selected and assigned by him to work as a JRF (1961-1964) in a CSIR scheme at his research centre, on Nuclear Quadrupole Moments following the successful completion of my M.Sc. Nuclear Physics and the M.Sc. Mathematical Physics degree courses. I was also able to complete my Ph.D. degree program successfully at his laboratories of International fame and achievement.
A cursory look through the Biography of the Life and Work of Prof. K.Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras ) D.Sc. (London) establishes the fact that he was A WORLD TEACHER, right from his first research publication made in 1924 (thanks to Dr.K.V.N.Rao, Bedford, Boston, USA for this information) following the careful experimental studies made during the higher education years from 1919 to 1923 and his mission of Leadership Business as evident of his endeavor as a post Doctoral honored invitee by many countries of the West during the years 1928-1930 and his reputation in USA.
$ Various events are arranged in many countries around the world on or around October 5, 2011 World Teachers’ Day. These include celebrations to honor teachers in general or those who have made a special contribution to a particular community. The day may also be marked by conferences emphasizing the importance of teachers and learning, extra training sessions for teachers, recruitment drives for the teaching profession among university students or other suitably qualified professionals and events to increase the profile of teachers and the role they play in the media.
* Bhavani (another name of Parvathi who has been credited with killing of a fearful Demon by name Durgamudu). Deeksha begins on the day of Kartika Pournima and continues till 40 days when finally they the observing worshipers come to Vijayawada to Indra keeladhri Mountain Goddess to surrender their KalsaJyothi (burning sacred fire, just like the Olympiad games burning torch), and priests perform an Yagna, which ends on the 41st Day of the Deeksha conclusion by the observing worshippers.
**From NASA” The moon also moves in front of the stars, however, and you can see the moon’s motion if you watch carefully. A sharp-eyed observer, who compares the relative positions of the moon, Jupiter and nearby stars at, say, 10 p.m. night – and then looks again just before dawn – will notice the change,. The distant stars appear in a “fixed” pattern relative to each other. Over a single night, the same is essentially true for Jupiter. But because the moon is so close to Earth – and circumnavigates our sky once a month instead of once every 12 years like Jupiter – the motion of our companion world is obvious after only a few hours. In fact, the moon appears to move its own diameter eastward in just one hour. So after six hours – or in the course of a single night – the change in the moon’s position is easy to notice”
***The Mineral ilmenite, a compound containing iron, titanium and oxygen has been investigated earlier by the present author for it’s both the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties.
**** Friday evening of 14th October 2011 has been celebrated in India by Hindus as the great Rice Pan Cake of exceptionally white color representative of the Lunar Shine of the Year on this Day as per Hindu Panchanga calculations. The Astronomical Events thus have been inbuilt by Hindus in their daily core with a festive mood. About 21 to 27 such finely prepared pan cakes are gifted, with a pure heart to prosperous married women of a good husband, wishing that their daughters would also get a nice bridegroom. See figure 15 in which the spectrum of the Moon at the dawn of 15th October 2011 is given.
“The three arrow (belt) stars are Agni, Soma, and Visnu representing the shaft, head, and point of the arrow according to Hindus.
Dr. Paul A. Heckert Suite101 says ”Nile River is regarded as the Milky Way galaxy about 10,450 years ago before Christ and the Pyramids were constructed to represent the three belt stars of the Orion Constellation. Due to the wobbling of the Earth it seems these positions have slightly altered and Vega star would be the North Pole in 12000AD.”
The use of Astronomy to perpetuate the rebirth or reincarnation of the Mighty Kings of such civilizations like Egypt or mere distortions and possibly are the signs of forced intellectuals to do something that would continue the mighty kings to have rebirth and control of the Empires by ruthless power. Such an attitude is not present in Hindu civilizations and so no such big pyramids were built in India during those eras. The Astronomy in India was used mainly to predict possible event of mass destruction or drought conditions due to an upheaval of the Cosmic Objects. Many Kings and even to date the Administrators or given the free advice by Vedic Pundits such happenings and to be cautious. Human welfare was the aim of such Astronomy calculations.
1. Aerosols Altered Asian monsoons by Carolyn Gramling SCIENCE Dt. 29 September 2011, 2:00 PM
2. TRU SCIENCE Issue No.19th December 2003, slide1. “Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana made systematic observations of the near-encounter of Mars to the earth and found several interesting features. The observations were made few days prior to the closest encounter and few days following the near encounter. The major observation was that the Mars planet showed three prominent streaks of gleaning white light lines away from the icy-cap pole of the red planet.” Slide 2.”The observed streaks were changing their structure and as well exhibited certain amount of fine structure. Obviously the most significant find made by the observer Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana is that the icy-cap pole of the red planet is not one of a uniform structure as people thought of it earlier. The positional observation from the earth location has indeed made it possible to assess the nature of this fine structure of the icy-cap of Mars planet pole.”
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