Fig.12. This gives the Moon relative to the Gemini bright stars. The Geminid shower could not be recorded. The Rigel bright star is remarkably visible as a Blue Giant some distance away from the Planet Jupiter which is also considerably bright in spite of the good Moon shine. The Sun Spectra of 15th December 2010 at 10h25m AM exhibit very surprising intensity profiles since the green hue dominance seems to be distinguishable in the FIR and the Direct sun spectra that have been recorded and profile intensity analyzed. The spectra are of interest since it is reported that a comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) nearly as wide as two football fields (200m) is plunging toward the sun where it will most likely be destroyed in a spectacular light show on Dec. 15/16.
Volume 2011, Issue No.12, Thursday 1st December 2011 Time 11h33mPM
First Fortnight of December 2011 Astronomy & Weather Scenario in Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. Mobile Nos: 9542717723 and 9491902867
Img_7692kln shows Rao & Anti-Rao Quanta Interplay within the scattering of Earth’s shadow on the Moon JUST eclipsed a fine observation of paramount significance since its only one of kinds image captures of the sky scenario. The author is really thrilled in the sense it corroborates his view of the interplay of the said Quanta. In another image capture the dark rings are an intriguing feature since it hints that Moon has certain mysterious rays that it can emit. The enigmatic natures of these rays are possibly of what the ancient astronomers in India have thought to be quite dangerous and cause havoc. Over the millenniums of ages the Moon must have considerably changed its topography and the dangerous mysterious rays that it was said to cause to emit especially during the time of the Eclipses needs to be viewed from gathering the ancient records and scriptures, if at all in India or elsewhere. The Sun Spectra of 15th December 2010 at 10h25m AM exhibit very surprising intensity profiles since the green hue dominance seems to be distinguishable in the FIR and the Direct sun spectra that have been recorded and profile intensity analyzed. The spectrum of the FIR Sun seems to be very contrasting and distinct in several ways compared with the ordinary sun without the FIR filter. An immediate observation is the intense but subdued hues of the dispersion. It is an exciting observation that the 1st Dec.2011 at 21h40mPM the sky was overcast with the Aurora Borealis of a Red display with a slightly mixed Orange hue and at 23h41m PM the Jupiter shining bright in such a scenario.
Keywords: Astrophysics, Astronomy, Solar Physics, Weather Science, Quantum Mechanics.
“Switzerland had its last heavy snowfall on Oct. 19, but the Federal Office for Meteorology is forecasting snow Friday evening, ending a five-week drought. Skiers rest on a mountain overlooking snow-free slopes Thursday at the ski resort of Verbier, in the southwestern part of Switzerland, by Pete Spotts Staff writer, Christian Science Monitor says”. These broad observations, along with more-detailed looks at some 32 environmental indicators, appear in the NOAA released Thursday, December 01, 2011. The summer sea-ice extent and its impact on the ocean as the global climate warms are the regional engine driving the changes. Summer sea ice has been declining since satellites began tracking it in 1978. As a result, a region of the world that helps moderate global climate by reflecting sunlight back into space from its veneers of snow and ice is losing its reflective surface at a time when sunlight is strongest”. Hanna Gersmann guardian, UK, Thursday 1 December 2011 22.01 GMT said “ Various techniques for combating global warming by reducing the amount of the sun's energy reaching the earth have been proposed, from huge space reflectors in orbit to stratospheric aerosols released in the upper atmosphere. A UK-backed plan to test the mechanics of inserting such aerosols, using a hosepipe attached to a giant balloon, was postponed in September.” In spite of a short advancing period in the late 70s/early 80s, glacial coverage of French Alps had decreased to a value close to 340 sq km, the new survey shows. Since then, the withdrawal has accelerated, with the area being reduced to about 275 sq km in the late 2000s.
Migratory Birds, Winter Cold:
Delhi is under the grip of intense winter cold. The mornings also full of fog and excessive cold weather. One of the clear signs that winter has set in the northern hemisphere is the arrival of migratory birds in their thousands to tropical India to escape the winter-related problems at homeland. Kerala has many such terrestrial and wetland winter resorts for them and the feathered guests have already checked in to all of them. About 152 species of migratory birds sojourn in Kerala. They include about 80 species of water birds. They are mainly from Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and other area north of the Himalayan regions. Some of the birds are also from the Himalayan region. The migratory species arriving include godwits, terns, ospreys, golden plovers, pratincoles, several species of ducks and waders like sandpipers and plovers.
The minimum temperature in AP state was recorded as 11.2deg C at Adilabad but the maximum temperature stands at 30.8 deg C. The rest of the cities minimum temperature ranges from 15 to 24 deg C. The Delhi region recorded 26 max and min as 13deg C on 4th Dec 2011 while the West coast has max 34 and min as 19 deg C. All the Himalaya foot hill cities have recorded 29 max and min 13 deg C.
Middle East Drought:
The Dead Sea had almost disappeared once some 120,000 years ago and the way its water levels are declining; now the giant lake may not survive another significant period of drought in the Middle East.
On December 10, 2011 the Moon:
On December 10, 2011 the Moon was anticipated to start falling under the Earth's shadow at around 6.15 p.m. The total eclipse began at 7:36 p.m. and will last until 8:28 p.m. as some reports quoted. Others gave that the lunar eclipse to occur on 10th December 2011 between 6h12m PM to 9h47m PM in the Constellations of Aldebaran and Orion. On December 8, 2011By Marina it was said that The Lunar Eclipse on 10 December 2011 is at 18ยบ Gemini 10′. We have the Eclipse (Sun opposite Moon) making a T square to Ceres and the Moon is quincunx Venus. Moon is on Rigel on Orion. In Varanasi, the eclipse was nearly of four hours duration, from 6:15 to 9:48 pm. The celestial event started at 7.35 pm. The total lunar eclipse was visible all over the country for 51 minutes till 8.28 pm.
Rocket smash on Moon Last Year:
At the Moon's southern pole at Cabeus Crater, the impacts kicked up large amounts of rock and dust, revealing a suite of fascinating chemical compounds and far more water than anyone had imagined. A Nasa-led team tells Science magazine that about 155kg of water vapor and water-ice were blown out of the crater. The researchers' analysis suggests the lunar regolith, or soil, at the impact site contains 5.6% by weight of water-ice. If you took just the 10km region around the impact site and say it had 5% water - that would be equivalent to about a billion gallons of water. The suite of instruments deployed on that day has determined as much as 20% of this dust plume was made up of volatile compounds, including methane, ammonia, hydrogen gas, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The instruments saw relatively large amounts of some metals, such as sodium, and mercury. There was even a signature of silver, but this was tiny. The rocket stage went in first, followed a few minutes later by the LCROSS probe which gathered imagery and other data just before it too slammed into the surface. It also was able to study the plume of material ejected into sunlight more than 15km above the rim of Cabeus.” Since Friday, sunspot AR1363 has nearly tripled in area and it has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. This 48-hour movie from NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory shows the changes on Dec. 3-4: Saturday night on the border between Russia and Norway, the sky suddenly erupted in color. "It was like an aurora explosion," says Sebastian Voltmer of Kirkenes, Norway. I was surprised to see a brightening snake forming an 'S' - like the first letter of my name, which appeared at 22.48 pm UT. During the outburst, Jupiter was surrounded by streamers of green light. "A very beautiful event! says Voltmer. Auroras like these have been flickering and surging around the Arctic Circle for days. The source of the displays is a minor solar wind stream, which has been gently buffeting Earth's magnetic field since the month began”. The Aurora Borealis, or "northern lights," also produce X-rays, and create changing bright arcs above the Earth's surface. The low-energy X-rays (0.1 - 10 kilo electron volts) generated have been found earlier as reported at this blog posts rather indirectly, by the present author, in the equatorial region following intense Aurora activity due to solar winds and flares, CME material of the Sun filament eruptions and emissions etc.
Aurora Spectra Details:
High-altitude oxygen atoms (about 200 miles) produce rare, all red auroras. Ionized nitrogen molecules produce blue light; neutral nitrogen molecules create purplish-red lower borders and ripple edges.
MANALI: Rohtang Pass, situated at 13,050 feet above sea level in Manali, received the season's first snowfall on Monday. Heavy rains and landslide blocked Manali-Rohtang highway leaving at least 40 vehicles stranded. Unexpected snowfall on Friday morning stranded for five hours as slush on the road brought traffic to a standstill along the 5km stretch between Manali town and Kalath. . It began snowing in Manali town around 5.30am and by 7am; the road was covered with slush which, is a dangerous mix of snow flakes and rain - making driving dangerous. But as the Mall Road and Nehru Kund became the snow point for tourists who enjoyed skiing and other naughty events. Rohtang Pass has received two foot snow, tribal district of Lahaul-Spiti has been cut off with the rest of the world for six winter months. Manali and Koksar (Lahaul) has received 6 inch fresh snowfall while Solang valley received 10 inch snowfall. Manali recorded minimum temperature of 1 degree Celsius and it was -0.9 degree in Keylong. About the same time the agency areas of Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh have experienced the severest of the cold.
Mexico City December 11, 2011 ACAPULCO, Mexico:
A 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck for an unusually long period, the region north of Acapulco on Saturday night i.e., Sunday (IST 7h17m AM, people in Mexico City fled into the streets. The epicenter was about 82 miles north of Acapulco in the southwestern state of Guerrero and about 40 miles deep. The quake was initially reported as a 6.8 but downgraded to 6.5. Parts of Mexico City rest on the shaky soil of a former lake bed, which tends to magnify the effect of earthquakes. An 8.1-magnitude quake in 1985 killed as many as 10,000 people in the city. In Pacific Ocean coastal beach resort the City Acapulco is about 133Kms distant from the epicenter of the earth quake. The epicentre of the quake was 45 km from Iguala in Guerrero and was 40 miles (64 km) deep, the U.S.G.S reported. The quake, originally reported as 6.7 on the magnitude scale, was felt in other states including Michoacan, Puebla and Hidalgo, local media reported. "The most damage was in Iguala because the epicentre was very close to there," a spokesman for Guerrero emergency services said.
The meteor:
The meteor, described as a "slow-moving fireball, estimated to be no bigger than a basketball," was recorded at 6:04 p.m. ET Monday by six cameras that are part of the University of Western Ontario's Southern Ontario Meteor Network, the university said in a news release. Researchers think it likely dropped meteorites ranging in size from one gram to hundreds of grams east of Selwyn, Ont., north of Peterborough, near the end of Upper Stony Lake, about 115 kilometers northeast of Toronto. They may have a total mass of up to a few kilograms. The video footage showed that the meteor first entered the atmosphere at an angle of 25 degrees from the horizontal, moving at 14 kilometers per second. It first became visible over Lake Erie, then moved toward the north-northeast and was visible until it reached an altitude of 31 kilometers, when it was just south of Selwyn.
Wednesday night 14th December 2011, up in the sky on the Golden
plated Pagoda of Shri Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati some devotees, along with
a security guard, noted a fireball moving blazing as a shooting star, from the
East to the West for almost in a journey of 2 to 3 minutes. There is a beautiful picture of orbital motion of meteors nearly 32 of them observed in USA using a set of cameras.
a). The sudden change of weather in Visakhapatnam began in the evening of 1st December 2011 when the Aurora Borealis could be observed. And in the wee hours of morning of 2nd Dec2011 there was a little drizzle of rain and then except for a short spell at around 10.30AM the entire day was without any rain (luckily for the Cricket Match of India Vs West Indies). But at 4.00AM on 3rd Dec 2011 Saturday it began to rain and is sequel to the low depression in the Bay of Bengal. b). The evening of 1st Feb and as well on the 2nd Dec 2011 night the Aurora Borealis of Red glow could be observed it was very pleasing to the eye due to probably its slightly Orange mixed hue. In other words the Far Infra Red radiations have been absorbed away by the cloudy and haze dotted atmosphere. c). The Congo Volcano eruption hot winds couldn’t possibly outweigh the Low depression progression in Bay of Bengal. The haze yet times the fog might be a consequence of the secondary particle matter produced by the primary CME that penetrated the D-layer ionosphere. d). The 2nd December 2011 early morning sky cloudy presented a Gray scenario which, as per my theory is a sequel to the bombardment of the D-layer atmosphere by the X-Ray and other irradiations from the Sun that have reached the Earth. e). Img_7692kln shows Rao & Anti-Rao Quanta# Interplay within the scattering of Earth’s Shadow on the Moon JUST eclipsed a fine observation of paramount significance since its only one of kinds image captures of the sky scenario. The author is really thrilled in the sense it corroborates his view of the interplay of the said Quanta. The details would be further given in a subsequent publication by me at this blog spot post of trusciencetrutechnology. f). The breath taking total lunar eclipse in the evening of 10th Dec 2011 was observed by many people in India. The eclipse has led to a very cloudy aftermath of the scenario of the sky in Visakhapatnam, as a result the visibility stars was very interminient. g). The weather in Visakhapatnam after the Eclipse has become very chilly. Its surprising that Manali, Rohtang Pass, Nehru Kundu and other valley areas of Kulu recived sudden snow fall on Friday morning around 5h30m till 7h30mAM about the same period agency areas of Visakhapatnam experienced severe winter cold and with poor visibility due to dense fog and haze.

Fig.1. It is an exciting observation that the 1st Dec.2011 at 21h40mPM the sky was overcast with the Aurora Borealis of a Red display with a slightly mixed Orange hue and at 23h41m PM the Jupiter shining bright in such a scenario.

Fig.2. Here the Moonshine showed different hues of color just within few seconds. That has been thought as response behavior of the topography of the Moon to different radiation intensity of solar radiations on the Moon. What Moon surface constituents respond to these radiations at different times is a subject matter of further study.

Fig.3. The Sony handy cam photo views of the Moon and the Sun set are given show the finer features of the Moon topography and the aurora glows around it in the form of several rings. The dark rings are an intriguing feature since it hints that Moon has certain mysterious rays that it can emit. The particular characteristic nature of these possibly of what the ancient astronomers in India have thought to be quite dangerous and cause havoc. Over the millenniums of ages the Moon must have considerably changed its topography and the dangerous mysterious rays that it was said to cause to emit especially during the time of the Eclipses needs to be viewed from gathering the ancient records and scriptures, if at all in India or elsewhere. The spectrum of the seas of the Moon given analyzed in this figure possibly has hidden signatures of the water-ice crystals in the lunar dust.

Fig.4: This figure gives a fascinating Jupiter and Moon close apparent proximity as viewed from the Earth. The relative Brightness of the Jupiter contrasted with the spectrum of the Moon is also given.

Fig.5. On the 6th December 2011 around the time 11h44m PM the sky was overcast with a Gray hue. But it allowed, the Orion Hunter to be nicely image captured. Both the Moon and Jupiter were found to be present in a Gray sky scenario by the evening at 6h49mPM on the 6th December 2011. Mercury tube light spectrum provides a standard contrast to have the frequency and wave length determination of the Spectrum of the Moon Shine in img_7361kln obtained at 5h50mPM on the 6th December 2011. Two different spectra of the brilliant Moon and the relative brightness of the Jupiter are presented in the img_7364kln and img_7378kln. Of interest is the attempt made to image capture img_7383kln the spectra of the Belt stars of the Hunter in Orion constellation.
Fig.6. mvi7540kln gives the Moon in a red ring tinge along with its spectrum obtained with the scenario of Gray sky at 5h19mPM on 7th December 2011. The FIR image of the Moon shows a region at the top of the Moon that needs further corroborate evidence. It has obvious physical interpretation. Several spectra of the Moon in this Gray sky scenario have been presented that shed light on Moon and Jupiter contrast of their relative brightness.

Fig.7. The Gray scenario of the sky has developed so nice and fine on the 7th December 2011 when the Moon in such background gave a good view of its sea regions delight to even naked eyes. The contrasting figures of img_7537kln and img_7538kln give the change of the different hues of the sea regions of the Moon. The img_7661kln at 4h54mPM i.e. in the early evening of the 8th December 2011 has a marked Gray sky scenario behind the rising Moon. The FIR of the Moon revealed that the Moon has a clear patch of a bright self-radiance region. The splendid Moon spectrum with the bright Jupiter captured in it is very intense in different hues.
Fig.8. At 10h02mAm on 8th Dec 2011 the Bay of Bengal Sea and the water waves gave a scintillating view of the Deep Blue Grayish sky scenario at Visakhapatnam. The Sun’s radiance has illuminated the individual cluster sea wave droplets. The emitted FIR radiance has given a colored hue to the humid air of the Ocean at the horizon. The distinct regions of the color hues, extending from the surface of the sea to the Sun above and beyond it, constitutes a spectrum of significant information regarding the at-the-time present physical constituents.

Fig.9. The aftermath of the Total Lunar Eclipse* on the 10th Dec 2011 is to generate some clouds that gave a Gray scenario glowing in the Moon shine and as well influenced by the X-ray and other radiations that have penetrated the D-layers of the ionosphere. The Moon FIR exhibits a patch of glowing region on the Moon. Of course at different times it has its own color hues. The relative positions of the Moon and Jupiter are given as well the spectrum of the bright Moon (8th Dec 2011).

Fig.10. The FIR brilliance of the Sun is breathtaking and exhibits various hue regions of its glow. The spectrum of the FIR Sun seems to be very contrasting and distinct in several ways compared with the ordinary sun without the FIR filter. An immediate observation is the intense but subdued hues of the dispersion.

Fig.11. The cloudy weather during the nights following the eclipse has not permitted to have a good view of the Hunter in Orion constellation. The Gray scenario of the sky seems to be persistent and but the Belt stars could be image captured.
* A new post by the present author, would detail out the findings and observations made during the complete period of the occurrence of the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 10th December 2011.
I am deeply indebted to Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating, inspiring me for research investigations and observations. A cursory look through the Biography of the Life and Work of Prof. K.Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) establishes the fact that he was A WORLD TEACHER, right from his first research publication made in 1924 (thanks to Dr. K. V. N. Rao, Bedford, Boston, USA for this information) following the careful experimental studies made during the higher education years from 1919 to 1923 and his mission of Leadership Business as evident of his endeavor as a post Doctoral honored invitee by many countries of the Germany, England, Sweden, France during the years 1928-1930 and his reputation in USA.
# What I have found is that but for the effort of Professor K. Rangadhama Rao, Andhra University, Science & Technology progress would have become stranded at the level of Classical Harmonium Physics. It was the genius and singular effort of Professor K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) that led to the introduction of Quantum Modern Physics, Quantum Spectroscopy, Quantum Resonance thoughts etc., which were obviously a sequel of his earlier research as an ordinary student of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at Intermediate course, and later at the under-graduate and post-graduate degree courses, in different institutions. And it was more of his personal effort & astounding zeal as teacher cum student of saving money for the pursuit of his continued research ambition that forms a remarkable achievement during the days of no help from Maharajas or the so-called educational authority. It was his personal effort that won him an Andhra fellowship from Madras University to do outstanding research at Viziyanagaram and subsequently to get a financial grant to proceed to highest research degree of D. Sc, from London University as well.
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