Volume 2012, Issue No.6, Dt.16 June 2012 Time: 9h36A.M.
Astronomy, Gravity disturbances and
Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam
during Second Fortnight of June 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU, Kolhapur} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O, Visakhapatnam -530002. Mobile No: 9491902867
Key words: Heat Wave, Water shortage, Sea Waves, Earth Quakes, Ancient Finds.
Heavy Waves
Earth Tremors
China Earth tremor
Megalithic burial ground found in Kadapa
Alimettti 129.721 15.91 47.54
Narayanapura 37.646 16.2 19.58
Jurala 11.941 3.06 1.952
Tungabhadra 100.855 4.34 14.92
Nizamsagar 17.803 1.96 5.85
My analysis shows that the city Vijayawada also has registered the changes in temperatures due to the undercurrent of deep earthquakes of the region by registering the temperatures as 30.8 and 25 degrees respectively on the 21 June 2012.
It was only on the 26 June 2012 the Vijayawada, rest of Andhra received some rains, and drinking water problem, anticipated would become solved. The Pic 3 gives a trend of the rain during dates 23, 24 and 27 of this month.
The bright Sunshine engulfed the Visakhapatnam on the 28 June 2012 and the 27 June 2012 was a day of hot weather with sweltering heat.
Solar Heater Utility in Visakhapatnam
Chinnamushidiwada in Sujatanagar of Visakhapatnam has in every house, of about 200, on the top terrace, we can find the solar panel placement. 50 families are using the solar lamps. Each house has spent about Rs.3500/- for the solar comfort. They find it convenient to light two lamps. A bigger solar panel would help not only the lights but as well, a ceiling fan can be run. A report dated 28 June 2012.
The Jersey Island in Britain Channels identified as the place of hidden treasures belonging to the 1 Century before the Christian era. About one ton weighing and about 30 to 50 thousand coins with a value, more than a crore of pounds discovered. Fig.3 depicts the photos of the British Find.
This gives the Eedga in Visakhapatnam, Lakshmi Devi Pratima (sculpture) and associated the decoration of stone Ornament (thoranamu) recently discovered in excavations of the area, as well the foot prints on a Bhn'ada Rae (heavy stone). On peoples request the sculpture kept in the temple of Ghatt’amma Gudi instead of shifting to a museum.
AP had its rains so-called on the 26 June 2012 that gave some relief but the drinking water problem persists in the villages and towns. The earth tremors of 17 June 2012 have given a jolt to the public but they have not realized the impact of it in the sense that the rains have been prevented reaching the AP state. An important observation made by the present author is that the Visakhapatnam affected by the earth tremors with an increase of ground temperature by almost 1Degree raising the minimum from 25degrees to about 26.degrees and the fall of maximum temperature to about 27.6degrees on the 21 June 2012. The possibility of Seawater running underground the Maharanipeta and Siripuram hilly areas to circumvent to the other side of Visakhapatnam to create an insurgence of the Sea underground cannot be ruled out. This has support of the M.Sc. thesis submitted by Dr K. P. K. Suhasini, now in USA, Granddaughter of Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras), D.Sc. (London) to Andhra University. Prior to her departure from India, she ascertained that the Siripuram area happens to be one of the hottest places of Visakhapatnam.
I am indebted to Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career. His gesture of acquiring books from Moore Market in Madras in 1956 Deepavali vacation has helped me a lot to gain some fundamental knowledge in Mathematical Physics. The books purchased for me Introductory Calculus, Two Volumes by Courant, Pure Mathematics, by G H Hardy and Modern Algebra by Barnard etc., have helped me a lot.
Volume 2012, Issue No.6, Dt.16 June 2012 Time: 9h36A.M.
Astronomy, Gravity disturbances and
Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam
during Second Fortnight of June 2012
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU, Kolhapur} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O, Visakhapatnam -530002. Mobile No: 9491902867
Key words: Heat Wave, Water shortage, Sea Waves, Earth Quakes, Ancient Finds.
The summer fear of water shortage has gripped the Andhra State people on 16 June 2012 onward and water supply for household use would be restricted once in two days in about a fortnight time. The Earth tremors in four districts of AP have frightened the people on 19 June 2012. The sea waves were very heavy on the four days prior (June 17, 2012) to the Earthquakes of the four districts namely, Krishna, Nellore, Nalgonda and Khammam on June 19, 2012. I conjecture, the possibility of Seawater running underground the Maharanipeta and Siripuram hilly areas to circumvent the other side of Visakhapatnam to create an insurgence of the Sea underground possibly cannot be ruled out. Dr. Suhasini Kotcherlakota now in USA first recognized, in the sense that the Siripuram Hill was one of the peek heights of Visakhapatnam and happens to be the hottest place.
The second fortnight of June 2012, gives an optimum futuristic water shortage in AP. The summer heat wave, is gripping in several towns of AP with maximum reaching 41.8C in Ongole, a sea resort on 16 June 2012. Thunderbolt has destroyed, the Odisha Bhubaneswar Temple of Lingaraj on Friday 15 June 2012 around 4PM afternoon, with approximate weight of a quintal, due to the heavy rains of about an hour. It was only on the 29 June 2012 evening the Visakhapatnam blessed with a nice shower of Niruthi direction (i.e. between West & South). It has brought down the sweltering heat.
Heavy Waves
The seacoast at Visakhapatnam (Siripuram) area experienced heavy waves since last four days a report on Sunday 17 June 2012. Due to summer, the sea that has gone back by 20 feet suddenly moved forward. RK beach and other areas experienced the cut of the shoreline. In the evening time, the sea wave intensity is too frightening for people to have sea baths. Near the submarine museum, area new big stones dumped into the sea to prevent its erosion.
Earth Tremors
The Andhra Pradesh has been affected by minor four earthquakes on Tuesday June 19, 2012 in Khammam Zillah around 6h15m P.M., Guntur District 6h20m P.M., Krishna Zillah 6h22m P.M., and Nalgonda District 6h30m P.M. People ran out of the houses and in Guntur Zillah near to the Shore of Krishna River and in other Zillah’s, people recognized the earth tremors. Amravati, Achammapeta, Piduguralu, Krosur, Peddakurapadu, Belamkonda, Satenapalli, Rompicherla, Nakarikallu, Narasaraopeta and in Peddakani districts the earth has slightly tremor. First rains moved the earth near the hilly tracts slightly, which may the cause of the earth tremors. In western Krishna Nandigama, Kanchikacherla, Chandrlapadu, Veerulapadu, Jaggaiyyapeta, Vatsvai, and Penuganchiprolu districts the earth tremor lasted seven seconds. Rekusheds (steel covers) have flown up into the air from ground within a blink of the eye, in Chendrapadu district the villagers at Thurlapadu people noticed. In Nizambad Huzurnagar (about 6h30m P.M. for three seconds with a heavy freighting sound), Kodhada, Mirylaguda, and Suryapeta the earth has tremor. In Melacheruvu nearly from 5 to 10 seconds the earth tremors occurred. In this district and in Gudimalkapuram village and in Chilakaluru the houses developed crack. In Khammam district the towns Allipuram, Dhansalapuram, Kothgudem, Gollagudem, Puttakota, Rudrammakota and Vvpalem and in other parts of the district the earth tremor. In Kammam district Rural, Nelakondapalli, Thirumalayapalem and Kunumanchi areas experienced slight tremors. In Madira, Errupalem, Bonakallu, Chintakani and Muddhigonda districts the earth tremor slightly.
Jakarta Quake rocks Ache province on Saturday 23 June 2012 in Northern trip of Sumatra Island of magnitude 6.6R scale.
China Earth tremor
Two people died 100 injured in Earthquake that hit China Unnani province Ninglang County on Sunday June 24, 2012 at 5.7R scale magnitude. This exists in Niruthi side of China Hilly tract.
Mars Circles
The circular markings on Mars planet are intriguing, as per the high-resolution photos sent by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. They exist about 269 circles each about 100 feet wide and in several kilometers area.
21st June 2012
The Longest day of the year has been raining in Visakhapatnam throughout the day and actually, the rain started since yesterday afternoon and has been continuing steadily.
A megalithic burial site dating back to 500BC detected near Devandlapalli village in Rayavaram panchayat of Tsundupalle districts in Kadaph district. Complexes of 20 megalithic monuments noticed and some of them were dolmens and remaining with slabs. They are dolmen encircles and most with dolmenoids-cists encircles with slabs. Pottery pieces with red and black ware etc noticed destructed by treasure hunters. The two significant are dolmens on northwestern orthostatic bearing on the inner surfaces depicting tortoise, leaf-like structures, and human with weapon and Sun like diagrams with red ochre and white pigments. Another depicted two elephants alongside each other and elephant human figures drawn in white pigment. They date to 500BC on C14 (Carbon) dating method. Monumental complex in Kadapha preserved for future generations by the State Archaeology and Hyderabad.
The hill dwelling Tiwas use a round vessel or Khitri from bark of a tree with dry straw to line the Khitri before the paddy put in. Bamboo strips used to secure the Maiphurs or baskets, which approximately contain 20 kilos each. The maiphurs are carried back home by men and women by singing of songs. Harvest is associated with dance, music and merry-making with a great deal of cooperation and understanding among the tribals. They preserve the paddy for future consumption.
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Fig.1 The Visakhapatnam Scenario and Others |
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Fig.2 The scenario fo Vizag abd other pictures |
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Fig 3.The Scenario of Sun Bright on 28 June 2012 and British Find |
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Fig.4 The Scenario of Moon light in Visakhapatnam |
Storage of Water in reservoirs in AP as follows in units of TMC.
Reservoir full res present last yr this dayAlimettti 129.721 15.91 47.54
Narayanapura 37.646 16.2 19.58
Jurala 11.941 3.06 1.952
Tungabhadra 100.855 4.34 14.92
Nizamsagar 17.803 1.96 5.85
The graph of the rain indicates that the rain fall in Ananthpur, Chitoor, Kadappha, Kurnool, Srikakulum, Vijayanagaram, Nellore, Adilabad, Karimnagar and Visakhapatnam is very less by almost 20cms in the month of June 2012. Srisailam, Nagarjunasagar and Sriramsagar reserved only 48.9 133.03 and 7.3 cusecs instead of last year’s the same day reserves as 56.32, 311.24 and 14.017 cusecs water on 21 June 2012. The total rain in June 1 to 20 where 58.3mm while expected 64.6mm rain.
Japanese scientists at Hokoma city university cell under guidance from Professor Takinori Takabe leadership have succeeded creating with fundamental elementary life cells the optical cup of a human being along with a minute eye organism. They published the paper in Nature Magazine.
An important observation made by the present author is that the Visakhapatnam affected by the earth tremors with an increase of ground temperature by almost 1Degree raising the minimum from 25degrees to about 26.degrees and the fall of maximum temperature to about 27.6degrees on the 21 June 2012. The contrasting figures of 22 June 2012 are 32.2 and 25 degrees.
This interpreted, by the present author, as due to the earth underground temperature wave, most possibly an earthquake up rise from the deep interior. This is by the observation of heavy sea waves observed by the visiting people of Visakhapatnam near the shore at RK beach premises and at the place near the Rushikonda. Many Seamen have not ventured into the Sea. Possibly this forms the first time report by an established author to hint at events of earthquakes deep below the sea coast of AP near Visakhapatnam. These earthquakes deep have the associated earthquakes rumblings that occurred in AP in almost four districts on Tuesday June 19, 2012. See for details the description given in the introduction.
By the sudden decrease in temperature at Visakhapatnam from 26.1 to 25 degrees within a period of just 24 hours on 21 to 22 June 2012. It is very interesting that the maximum temperature changed from 27.6 to 32.2 degrees in Visakhapatnam on these days.
Japanese scientists at Hokoma city university cell under guidance from Professor Takinori Takabe leadership have succeeded creating with fundamental elementary life cells the optical cup of a human being along with a minute eye organism. They published the paper in Nature Magazine.
An important observation made by the present author is that the Visakhapatnam affected by the earth tremors with an increase of ground temperature by almost 1Degree raising the minimum from 25degrees to about 26.degrees and the fall of maximum temperature to about 27.6degrees on the 21 June 2012. The contrasting figures of 22 June 2012 are 32.2 and 25 degrees.
This interpreted, by the present author, as due to the earth underground temperature wave, most possibly an earthquake up rise from the deep interior. This is by the observation of heavy sea waves observed by the visiting people of Visakhapatnam near the shore at RK beach premises and at the place near the Rushikonda. Many Seamen have not ventured into the Sea. Possibly this forms the first time report by an established author to hint at events of earthquakes deep below the sea coast of AP near Visakhapatnam. These earthquakes deep have the associated earthquakes rumblings that occurred in AP in almost four districts on Tuesday June 19, 2012. See for details the description given in the introduction.
By the sudden decrease in temperature at Visakhapatnam from 26.1 to 25 degrees within a period of just 24 hours on 21 to 22 June 2012. It is very interesting that the maximum temperature changed from 27.6 to 32.2 degrees in Visakhapatnam on these days.
It was only on the 26 June 2012 the Vijayawada, rest of Andhra received some rains, and drinking water problem, anticipated would become solved. The Pic 3 gives a trend of the rain during dates 23, 24 and 27 of this month.
The bright Sunshine engulfed the Visakhapatnam on the 28 June 2012 and the 27 June 2012 was a day of hot weather with sweltering heat.
Solar Heater Utility in Visakhapatnam
Chinnamushidiwada in Sujatanagar of Visakhapatnam has in every house, of about 200, on the top terrace, we can find the solar panel placement. 50 families are using the solar lamps. Each house has spent about Rs.3500/- for the solar comfort. They find it convenient to light two lamps. A bigger solar panel would help not only the lights but as well, a ceiling fan can be run. A report dated 28 June 2012.
The Jersey Island in Britain Channels identified as the place of hidden treasures belonging to the 1 Century before the Christian era. About one ton weighing and about 30 to 50 thousand coins with a value, more than a crore of pounds discovered. Fig.3 depicts the photos of the British Find.
This gives the Eedga in Visakhapatnam, Lakshmi Devi Pratima (sculpture) and associated the decoration of stone Ornament (thoranamu) recently discovered in excavations of the area, as well the foot prints on a Bhn'ada Rae (heavy stone). On peoples request the sculpture kept in the temple of Ghatt’amma Gudi instead of shifting to a museum.
This gives the Eedga in Visakhapatnam, Lakshmi Devi Pratima (sculpture) and associated the decoration of stone Ornament (thoranamu) recently discovered in excavations of the area, as well the foot prints on a Bhn'ada Rae (heavy stone). On peoples request the sculpture kept in the temple of Ghatt’amma Gudi instead of shifting to a museum.
On 29 June 2012 Friday there was a sudden down pour of rain Visakhapatnam due to West-South (Niruthi) flow of clouds rained in Visakhapatnam hardly for an half hour around 3.30PM with strong thunders at least three of them very powerful. One girl named Varshini of age 6 years, studying First standard, was killed in Nathamma Palem village, Salman Vidya Niketan School, due to this Friday rain starting around 3PM.The teacher survived saving 18 children with some injuries due to the collapse of the wall, but with the loss of the child in the collapsed walls.
The Visakhapatnam airport terminal building along with some walls resulting in flooding of the air terminal place and the ticket counters area due to the Friday rain. Boarding passes and immigration counters affected. Parking area was full of rainwater. It rained from Thursday evening to Friday afternoon till 4.00PM in Thada, Palamneru, Arogyavaram, Thambalapalli, Punganooru, Pakala, Vikarabad about 3cms. These are due to clouds moving from Orissa to Southern Tamilnadu. CONCLUSIONS
AP had its rains so-called on the 26 June 2012 that gave some relief but the drinking water problem persists in the villages and towns. The earth tremors of 17 June 2012 have given a jolt to the public but they have not realized the impact of it in the sense that the rains have been prevented reaching the AP state. An important observation made by the present author is that the Visakhapatnam affected by the earth tremors with an increase of ground temperature by almost 1Degree raising the minimum from 25degrees to about 26.degrees and the fall of maximum temperature to about 27.6degrees on the 21 June 2012. The possibility of Seawater running underground the Maharanipeta and Siripuram hilly areas to circumvent to the other side of Visakhapatnam to create an insurgence of the Sea underground cannot be ruled out. This has support of the M.Sc. thesis submitted by Dr K. P. K. Suhasini, now in USA, Granddaughter of Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras), D.Sc. (London) to Andhra University. Prior to her departure from India, she ascertained that the Siripuram area happens to be one of the hottest places of Visakhapatnam.
I am indebted to Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career. His gesture of acquiring books from Moore Market in Madras in 1956 Deepavali vacation has helped me a lot to gain some fundamental knowledge in Mathematical Physics. The books purchased for me Introductory Calculus, Two Volumes by Courant, Pure Mathematics, by G H Hardy and Modern Algebra by Barnard etc., have helped me a lot.
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