Vol. 2012, Issue No.7, Dated: 23 July 2012 : Time .7h43m A.M.
Vol. 2012, Issue No.7, Dated: 23 July 2012 : Time .7h43m A.M.
Professor. Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshminarayana
(Retd Prof. of Physics, Shivaji Univeristy, India)
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P .O, Visakhapatnam -530002. A. P.
Professor. Dr.Kotcherlakota Lakshminarayana
(Retd Prof. of Physics, Shivaji Univeristy, India)
17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P .O, Visakhapatnam -530002. A. P.
Prof. K. R. Rao
{A Researcher of the Universe}
He was a singular personality who nurtured the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum from one end to the other and gave a fill up to several people.
D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London)
[9th September 1899 to 20thJune 1972]{A Researcher of the Universe}
He was a singular personality who nurtured the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum from one end to the other and gave a fill up to several people.
With the demise of Prof. K. R. Rao a legendry personality who has made an unforgettable and an unsurpassable history of world -the genius ever lives in our lives. He was a true Scientist cum Technologist of India, strode in our midst, He was undoubtedly the greatest figure of whom every Indian must be proud and must follow his sacred footsteps left in the world. Passage of time would bring us in enhanced perspective of his values of life and academic, technological and scientific outlook to surpass the Universe.
Prof. K. R. Rao was a true researcher throughout his life. At the beginning of 20th century, while he was still a student, he carried out Research in Optics and Spectroscopy with the advent of Quantum Theories. His visit to England was only a whistle blower of the excellence and creditability of Science and Technology progress by a genius of India.
He lived 72 years and had a very strenuous life, but totally devoted to research and administration. In the Intermediate course, at Mrs. AVN College, he taught himself the Differential and Integral calculus, and spared no attempt to punish the mathematics teacher for having failed to teach the subject. He wrote as a drama of the concerned teacher of his daily practice at the Intermediate College and the Principal, dismissed on seeing that report about the teacher, at the end of the year to save the other students.
I had the privilege to have been associated with him during my College and University Education in the years 1956-1964.
The last thesis he went through was that of Dr Gopalkrishna of Nagarjuna University and had the pleasure of his first research student again Dr. Sripada Gopalakrishna. His life was one of a mastermind devoted only for research in Science & Technology. What surprises me, and many others, especially of his enemies is the, total dedication he had in the development of Andhra University as a research institute with high standard of University Education. He was multitude personality as a Scientist, Technologist and as an able Administrator.
Only a person of his caliber could have laid the foundation for the progress of the University Education and Research the forerunner of a discipline of unparallel supremacy in the State of Andhra Pradesh and a revelation for the rest of India.
Several lectures he gave in the University, the research forum he has initiated and the women education he promoted under stiff opposition, by disgruntled colleagues.
His father Mr. Kotcherlakota Venkata Narasinga Rao, was a retired Post Master of the cities of Visakhapatnam, Vijanagaram and the Berhampur and his mother Mrs. K. Ramayyamma. To support the joint family his father started the Indian Law Publications Press at three different places, with branches, in Visakhapatnam, Berhampur and Ichapuram. Even to-date they being run and maintained by the successors of his family. However, Prof. K. R. Rao never took up this venture and devoted himself to the studies of extremely high caliber and achievement.
The purposeful goal of a D.Sc. (London) was no doubt a triumph in his life, but alas, the things were against his odds. The political motivation was change from a Hindu Practice under British Rule of India, which many people could not have guessed. Prof. K. R. Rao got married to a devote Hindu Wife Mrs. K. Peramma, aged 14 years, of his own caste lady at the tender age of 19 years during his Intermediate Education as per the traditions of the family. Mrs Peramma was born on 1st June 1904 as per the Godavari school record of the year 1913 with the father’s name mentioned as Vaddadi Krishnamurthi has been endorsed as a Brahmin with obvious details of Nationality and religion. Her mother’s name is Subhadramma.
He Prof K R Rao, became a Scientist, Administrator and Technologist with a deep sense of duty, to exhibit and to train the fellow citizens, to the goals of research. He did so after he himself obtained the highest degree awards of both India and London, [namely the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)] from Madras University and the University of London.
The essential quality of this magnanimous Professor was single-minded devotion to Science and Technology,to outline the natural phenomena, in which he was interested, a dedication that nurtured his life, and from which he would not be drifted away, by any offers or inducements. He refused many a jobs in the Defense of India, National Physical Laboratory and many other administrative posts. The reason was obviously they would skim him away from his schools of research and concern at Andhra University. People who could not understand him of his aim of establishing dedicated and outstanding research with caliber and triumph made others jealous of him.
Whether people like it or not, this obstruction was in total disarray, and it is now taking huge effort, and money to strengthen India of its Scientific and Technological progress. Dedicated leaders and path bearers are essential and to nurture them was the devotion of Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc.(Madras) D.Sc. (London). His enemies, who were constantly troubling him, could not muster this simple fact, and they had barbarious views of development that does not fit into University Educational training.
The deep intellectual understanding of Science and Technology the profession that rewarded success, with prestige, honor, fame did not deter him to further cause of progress of the oppressed and denied people of their wisdom and scientific outlook to understand the evolution and the Nature.
Prof K. R. Rao was born at Berhampur, (Barampuram) Orissa State, India in the ancestral house of Kotcherlakota Diwan’s family of Visakhapatnam, on 09-09-1899 to the parents Kotcherlakota Venkata Narasing Rao (Postmaster) father and Ramayyamma Mother (a woman of divine powers). Kotcherlakota Venkata Ramaswamy (grandfather of Prof K. R. Rao) was not only a farmer who was tilling the lands of the family but also was instrumental to establish Indian Law Publications (ILP press). Prof. K. R. Rao, the son of a Post Master and a printing press owner of ancient India. The press equipment was imported from Germany to give jobs to his joint family members, and a piece of the equipment modified still lies in Ichapuram, in the family of Kotcherlakota descendants of Orissa State, of erstwhile Kotcherlakota joint family. Things have changed Prof. K. R. Rao opted away from the press for higher education and success of getting highest degrees of the world.
The period from 1928 to 1946 in his life one of interest in view of his illustrious children numbering about 14 total and survival of only 8 children.
He was a child prodigy and his extraordinary intellectual abilities were there to be seen in his effort to bring up his broken family his brothers rightfully educated and he himself to achieve modern education. He joined the Mrs. AVN College, in Visakhapatnam, from where he graduated as a Physicist and soon afterwards went to Tiruchinapalli, with his aged parents and his newly married wife. He completed there his M.A. degree in Physics. He was throughout his course a regular diligent and intelligent student with more than ordinarily clear grasp of the subject theoretical and practical. He was easily one of the good students of the class immensely liked by his Professors and classmates. He is very good all round.
In the intermediate college, he investigated, experimented and did research in Physics and continued the dedicated effort at M.Sc. in Trivandrum as well.
Immediately afterwards he went to Vijayanagara, Andhra Pradesh to continue his research pursuit in the subject of Physics since it was the only easily available facility recognized by Madras University. With the available equipment and many other science equipment he imported from England, with his borrowed money (duly paid back), he completed his D. Sc. (Madras) work. To consult he had been to Allahabad, to meet Professor M. N. Saha. On the way he halted for few hours and went to Jadvapur Cultivation of Science laboratory, where a noted person wanted to read his work, and became angry that he did not allow him read through the contents at full length of his D. Sc. Thesis research. That was the beginning of hatred by him towards Prof. K. R. Rao. Little Prof K. R. Rao realized that the old man of 10 years excess age to him would make a foul play.
A good success of D.Sc. (London) in UK under the supervision of a not a Nobel family person, he drifted to other countries like Germany, Sweden and Frankfurt etc. His failure was to make a trip to USA having denied the passage in a ship, in spite of all the effort he took to purchase the ticket for travel to USA, since he was termed a blockier.
His scientific genius was not to remain suppressed by the constraints of the erstwhile governments and the people of notary. He became a member of the Sweden, University of Uppsala, under the famous and illustrious Professor Manne Siegbahn.
Prof. K. R. Rao’s work in scattering of light and lines of absorption started in 1919, when he later made a trip to Tiruchunapalli. He is very docile and accommodative to fellow scientists like Prof. I. R. Rao and the like, who were communicating his findings to their masters.
Aquatic Spark Optical Spectra Vs Single Electron
1. Absorption lines reveal the horoscope of electron
2. Underwater is best suited, like the origin of life
3. Spark length of 4 to 5 cm at one-cm distance
4. Window of observation of the spark on electrodes
5. Primary be an induction coil of direct current
6. Gazing current of amperes direct at sixty volts
7. Secondary connected to the spark gap studied
8. Metals of Aluminium sub-group absorption spectra
9. Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao years of decade 1920
10. Resonance fluorescence of Thallium at 61, 62
11. Indium at 51, 52 and Gallium at 41, 42, as well Al
12. At 31, 32 sets of three sum electrons, "it is the
13. Transition of this single electron that gives rise
14. To the Arc Optical Spectra of these elements of life".
(Based on D.Sc. Thesis of K R Rao Madras 1925)
Nuclear Charge AgI-SnIV & Silver-like and Copper-like
(KRRao at Research Years 1919-1925)
1. Astounding a Scientist Research on Nuclear Charge
2. Differences in Nuclear Charge show greater & More
3. Interesting regularities than elements belonging to
4. The same chemical group of periodic Table Principal
5. Features of the Sn IV series system Doublets of Sharp
6. And Diffuse series found converging a common limit
7. Characteristic by a 16-fold R, 's' and 'p' terms
8. Diminish regularly for Sodium-like atoms of AgI-SnIV
9. Or Cu I to Ga III the 'd' term diminishes unlike the 's'
10. And 'p' terms, The Spectrum displaces to shorter,
11. Wave-lengths resulting, increase constant of Series
12. From 4R to 16R, Optical Doublets First & Second
13. Separation with the Square of net Charge, Disturbed
14. Electron exhibits in Silver-like & Copper-like.
(Based on D.Sc. Thesis of K R Rao Madras 1925)
Blown compressed air in steel tube & simple coke fire
Modeled the furnace for high temperature 15-16000C
Young, RangadhamaRao avoided magnetic effects,
Got the orange yellow fluorescent radiation of Bismuth
Used Hilger glass CD to record juxtaposed channeled
Absorption &fluorescence spectra, 20 fluorescent bands
Didn't exhibit polarisation by Nicol, UV absorption,
Contrasted some of these bands showed fine structure,
Discovered charismatic Rangadhama Rao thus the TRIPLE
QUANTIFICATION of the Electronic, Nuclear
And Molecular motions, the large moment of inertia of
Bismuth leads to a small frequency interval between
successive members of the line series in the bands,
crowding together at the head, oscillations of nuclei
and rotations of molecules about its Centre of
gravity, get associated with electrons, critical
potentials of these elements correspond to band
spectra and the fluorescent
Bands found shaded to less refrangible side, indicate
decrease of moment of inertia of Molecule, With change
in molecular configuration that decreases internal
(Based on D.Sc. Thesis of K R Rao Madras 1925).
The Ultra Violet Vacuum tube set up designed and self-financed by Professor Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao for securing his D. Sc. (Madras) during the years 1920-1925 at Maharaja College Vijayanagara as a Madras University research fellow. His studies on Nuclear Charge in Series spectra and Optical Doublets are monumental.
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Prof K R Rao D. Sc. London |
His school of students of Ph.D. level at London City during the years 1925-1929 was 1. Icchapurapu Ramakrishna Rao 2. Sonti Dakshinamurthy 3. R. K. Asundi 4. Telikicherla Vasundara Devi 5. K. Krishnamurthy and 6. Badami, and several others for whom he taught Modern Physics.
Prof. K. R. Rao the smiling face of a determined person. He was one of utmost non-compromising Science and Technological triumph. Prof. K. R. Rao was always tip-top during the days he researched in the Imperial College at London University and was one with perfection in Spectroscopy work and Modern Physics concepts of Quantum Mechanics of scientific enquiry and creativity. He worked in Fowler’s laboratories and he regards Prof. K. R. Rao’s stint in England as of a personal honour to himself having risen from lower strata of English Society.
An ultra-vacuum tube built and designed by Prof. K. R. Rao while he was abroad. It was rebuilt at Berlin laboratories during his stay in Germany and Uppsala, Sweden in July-December 1930 as for his specifications and modifications. He initiated fundamental research in various disciplines in Andhra State under his magnanimous and generous support of educational endeavor. Many of his disciples have migrated overseas.
Prof. K. R. Rao felt strongly that investigations of research must aim at something very new and clearly spell out the differences in their work from those of others. His students’ best of them migrated away from India due to the political turmoil created by his agonists. For those who want better facilities of research he advised them to move abroad. Universities in India handicapped by facilities and mostly cornered by jealous people who want to become overnight masters.
Prof. K, R. Rao was a great teacher. Those who met him did outstanding work of their own; today occupy positions in wide spectrum of activities, many in top positions. He was elegant and clear in his lectures and had a remarkable sense of deeper meaning of the subject matter. He made his students to speak clearly and write vividly of the thoughts. He spoke to students in a very charisma of parental care, with a view to make them as citizens of the Universe. He maintained this attitude right up to his death in 1972 on 20 June. On the deathbed, as well he corrected the Ph.D. theses.
The entire electromagnetic spectrum extending from the one end to the other he has initiated research at Andhra University colleges. His antagonists would not have realized the spectrum of his research guidance and Directorship and fell a boon to limited resources. They indulged in arson and destruction with attitude of factionalism and personal gain, fame and supremacy.
He never initiated his attempt of Royal Society Fellowship since his Professor A. Fowler of England died in crossing a railway line bombing by German invaders.
The growth of the Science and Technology all over the world of learned societies and associations that enabled the desirous to master the techniques of modern research and get ready for published scientific papers.
He emphasized regular discussions on calculations, observations, theories, modifications, and references. His Saturday afternoon meetings were a great success and many of his students papers reviewed and assessed by the seniors. It was through the exchange of information by the fellow scientists and researchers in an interaction processes that a formidable Science and Technology community may be built.
Prof. K. R. Rao spared all his time and effort along with moral and financial support to further this cause right earnestly at Andhra University. He made me to present my first research paper at the Indian Science Congress in the year 1961.
His name was in the Indian Journal of Physics as an Editor. He also helped me to publish in Current Science. Prof. Fowler, Prof. R. S. Mullikan, Prof. Dicke, Prof. Lafond, Prof. Ingram, Prof. Kasha, Prof. Tolansky, Prof. Curtis, Prof. Mack, Prof. Manne Siegbahn, Prof. Paschen, Prof. M. N. Saha, Prof. S. N. Bose, Dr. Sarvepalli, Prof. K. S. Krishnan, Prof Humuyanan Kabir, Prof. Auluck, Prof. D. S. Kothari, Prof. Kitchlu, and many others knew Prof. K. R. Rao very well.
He helped several professionals at Andhra University, of all disciplines to get together at different locations in the wide area of research. He volunteered readily to promote and recommend several people in diverse activities, with the object that they would provide similar attitude for the youngsters. The broadening of Science and Technology effort to a larger audience and public would help to develop earnestly the scientific temper among the masses.
He was a singular personality who nurtured the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum from one end to the other and gave a fill up to several people. To my knowledge, there is no other Professor in India who has given such an out breadth of research.
Prof. K. R. Rao showed the true humility of a great Scientist, Administrator, and Technologist when he spoke about others whom he had a great respect and concern. He was in the line of Great Men of India who shaped the world as towering scientists. The richness of his life and innumerable findings and discoveries, his single-minded devotion to shape the youngsters minds for research and investigation is unparallel. The outstanding qualities of promotion, help, guidance and uplift to a number of researchers have lit up the canvas of the Universe of Science and Technology from India.
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