Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
Scientists have created Jelly Fish artificially using rat hearts and a
seer ultra-thin silicone polymer film with eight limb-like appendages,
unleashed in a lab container of electrically conductive fluid, in the subject
of Biomimicry with a copycat motivation.
Power failure occurred in 2003 North America, same year in Italy (each
5.5crore people), 2008 in Brazil (parve-grid affected 8.7crores people) and
2005 Java-Bali in Indonesia about 10 crore people were affected. The USA space probe
on Mars uses radioactive thermoelectric generator that utilizes the heat from
Plutonium-238. The rover landed on Mars
on 11:00AM of Monday 6, 2012 as per IST. The first black picture showed the
strewn rocky gravel pebbles on the floor. The rains have lashed Andhra Pradesh and cultivation efforts are launched.In 1930, Swiss Astro-Scientists have proposed
that there exists surrounding the Sun Dark Matter (Krishna Padhardham).
Scientists have created Jelly
Fish artificially using rat hearts and a seer ultra-thin silicone polymer film with
eight limb-like appendages, unleashed in a lab container of electrically
conductive fluid, in the subject of Biomimicry with a copycat motivation. From
one to five volts with tiny switch makes the muscle cells contract and relax
rhythmically allowing the propulsion. Its
swimming ability with a pump like design with a bell-like body, contracting and
ejecting water to swim across, based on molecular pump laws, is more than
500million years of evolution.
On Thursday afternoon, around
3h09m Earth trembled with magnitude registered as six. Again, in Myanmar at
7h51m the earth trembled with the magnitude registered as six. The loss of life
and property loss not known in both the events.
Two strong earthquakes hit
Iran, buffeted by repeated aftershocks, almost 35, near the city of Tabriz home
to 1.5million, people measured 6.2 and 6.0, on Saturday 11, August. Dead are
about 306 numbers of people, it affected communications and sent panicked
residents into flight. The first jolted Ahar area around 1600 hours local time,
and an hour later a quake of magnitude 6.0 rocked city of Varzaqan province and
about 12 villages got destroyed. Four villages destroyed. About 2500 people
Power failure occurred in 2003
North America, same year in Italy (each 5.5 crore people), 2008 in Brazil
(parve-grid affected 8.7 crores people) and 2005 Java-Bali in Indonesia about
10crore people were affected.
For an Indian Russian award
Yuri Milner Fundamental Physics
Prize instituted by an executive who left studies in Physics awarded to Mr. Ashok
Sen of India in 2012. This foundation distributes about 16.7crores ornaments
for the prizes. Mr. Ashok Sen won the Bhatnagar award in 1994, in 1998 Royal
Society of London Fellowship, and Padma Shree of India award in 2001.
Ocean Water for treatment
Crores of rupees spent by
Visakhapatnam Municipality, to control the mosquito menace in the city, an alternative {News 2 Aug 2012} Steel Plant
retired Engineer suggests that very little money, with the flow of Ocean salt water, inside the waste water canals, mosquitoes’
would be destroyed.
Commissioner Order
By August 12, all the junction
facilities decorated planted and made blooming with flowers according to
Visakhapatnam Municipal Commission officer. The fencing and fountains need
erected immediately.
Cheap Solar Cells
Research published in Nature
Nanotechnology describes a breakthrough in development of colloidal quantum dot
films that yield most efficient solar cells, ever created out of inexpensive
AP state IIIT Institute
developed robots to help farmers to load the 150kg paddy to any spot with just
one horse power may be operated by distant cell phone facility. Intel Company
gave 10-lakhs prize money for this device. Ikrisat Society, in Rajendhranagar,
Hyderabad, confirmed and certified the device. They compete with the mechanical
devices that are available at a cost of Rs.15-lakhs and would be idle after the
cutting the Paddy crop. Nevertheless, Solar driven device found useful for
other purposes as well and used to run Powder Girni, Wet-grinder and Washing
To combat obesity it proposed
to ban sweetened drinks like Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, and Iced Tea, which have more
than 25 calories per 8 ounces (250ml).
The chewable tobacco (Gutka and
similar products) banned by Kerala, Bihar, MP, Rajastan and Maharashtra States
in India under Food Safety and Standards Regulation Act 2011.
China developed a bio-inspired micro-robot
that walks on water and avoids obstacles it encounters. Pan noted that real
water stride's actually leap, the Journal Applied Materials & Interfaces
reported. The porous super-water repellant nickel foam used to fabricate the
three supporting and two jumping legs for the robot. It leaps above 5.5 inches,
weighs about 1100 water striders. Harbin Institute of Technology scientists
developed a robot that jumps 14 inches forward, twice its own length, and can move
on the surface of water at about 3.6miles per hour.
Rover to Mars
Curiosity on Mars would operate
full one year of the planet i.e. about 687 earth days or 1.9 earth years
contains parts from Russia, Spain, and Canada. With a length of 10 feet and
weight of 899Kgs built at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars. It launched on
November 26, 2011 and will travel 352 million miles or 567 million km to reach
Mars. It lands on the Planet on Sunday August 5, 2012. It will take video
images and send them back to Earth. It uses radioactive thermoelectric
generator that utilizes the heat from Plutonium-238. The rover landed on Mars on 11:00AM of Monday
6, 2012 as per IST. The first black picture showed the strewn rocky gravel on
the floor in spite it reported that the sand spray collected on the glass
sheets of the rover.
The picture given shows the
three spots where at the crime scene photo of Mars landing occurred.
In Southern California
University, Chemistry Professor Srinarayana under his direction and
participation has developed a battery that utilizes the iron plates subject to
Oxygen. It works from 8 to 24 hours with a recharge facility. Solar plants used
to charge the power. Iron is cheap, air is free and so future depends on it.
The cost of this item, known in
Telugu as Dammu Nagali, for agriculturalists has been increased from Rs30,000
to Rs.50,000 by AP Government.
In 1930, Swiss Astro-Scientists have proposed
that there exists surrounding the Sun Dark Matter (Krishna Padhardham). In the
galaxy existence of the Dark Matter was as per the claim first proposed by
Zurich University of Swiss country said the leader Sylvia Garbari. Last 20 years findings need to be corrected,
they asserted.
Two Satellites bits
The four students from DAV
Centenary School, Subam Sarma and Mayanka Sarma of a group and Self-styled
Space Club members, Sahil Wadhwa and Akshya Gupta, have identified two
Satellites bits using the Astro-metrica data confirmed by the International
Astronomy Society Director Patrick Miller. Space Director C. B. Devaghana has
appreciated the findings.
It’s possible to prepare sari ( after six years struggle) with
Banana Fiber demonstrated a Mechanical Engineer of Thuthukudi area, in Tamil
Nadu State, K. Murugan. Finally he
produced one, removing the first two coverings, of the banana sixteen coverings
of the stem that are used for making flower garlands and others used in
preparing food remaining thrown away as a waste. His machine produces per year
about 60,000 Banana trees fiber to prepare Saris. In Ramayana Epic of India
dating back to almost one lakh fifty thousand years ago, Sita wore them.
(as per RAMA SETHU OCEAN DAM CUM BRIDGE by Dr. D. V. N Sarma, Flat No. 1A2 Dolphins Apt,
next to Taj Residency, Hotel, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Meeting held on 2 March 2008at Flat 1A2, Dolphins Apt, Visakhaptnam-530002)
The Visakhapatnam reeled under
very dense cloudy weather but had the actual rain only on the night of 2 August
2012. Slight drizzles occurred on the days of 1 and 2 August 2012.
The rains have graced
Visakhapatnam city only the early mornings during the five days of August 2012,
throughout the day the clouds covered the sky with very little sun visible. What
evident is that the Sivaru airport received just rain only 3cms less while the
main town of thickly populated with high-tech mansions and constructs received
just 14cms of rain is worth noticeable. Visakhapatnam had rains just for two
days i.e. just two times and it rained 14cms while average stands at 25cms.
The inflow rainwater flowing
into Alimetta reservoir and 30000cusecs water was released on Saturday 4 August
2012. Tungabhadra water inflow reduced. Flow into Godavari Davaleswaram anicut
on Saturday 4 August 2012 about 2.5 lakh cusecs water flow left into the sea.
Nizamsagar and Sriramsagar had no flood situation.
Agency areas, in Visakhapatnam about 11, Vijanagaram
8 and in Srikakulam Zillah people 21 exist that are affected by Malaria and
poisonous fevers following the rains of Saturday 4 August 2012.
North India heavy rains
resulted in loss of 10 people who died in Uttarakhand (including two children
in Ghaghara river), in Himachal Pradesh 1 died, and in Jammu Kashmir Chenab and
other rivers are overflowing. On Sunday 05, the low depression formed in Bay of
Bengal has moved away to Jharkhand. In Bhimavaram 6, Kaikalur, Nuzvidu, and
Dhummagudem 5. Eluru, Palasa, and Alampur it rained 4cm during Saturday to
Sunday morning.
In North India, heavy rains
inundated several villages, especially in Uttarakhand area the dead numbered
about 34 due to the rains. In Eastern India, the rivers Ganga and Yamuna are
overflowing due to heavy rains. In Odisha Mahanadi and other rivers is
receiving water at an alarming rate raising the water levels and collector issued
orders for safety. The release of water
to Nepal Rivers has flooded North India with no proper prior intimation. In Uttarpradesh,
the cities of Agra, Mournipur, Robrtganj and Lalganj and in other surrounding
areas heavy rains occurred on 7 August 2012. Kerala 9 people died in Kozhikode
and Kannoor due to floods. In Kanoor district, the rainwater entered the
Godavari registered about
647259-cusec water on Tuesday August 07, while in the morning it was about 5 22
353-cusecs of Water. Barrage out of four gates in the arm rose to 2 meters
height and the entire amount of 647259-cusec water released to the Sea.
Tuesday evening the height of
518.5 meters registered at Alimatti. In just one day, the water reservoir
increased the height to 4 TMC. Khammama,
Nalgonda, Krishna and Guntur rains flooded the Prakasam Barage, with 37000-cusec
water. On Tuesday morning about 18000 cusec of water released to the Sea. Tungabhadra received about 60000 cusecs of
water by Tuesday evening. From Monday 6 August 2012 morning to Tuesday Morning
about 5cm rain in Bhimadole and about 3cm in Eluru, Nuzvid, Tadepalligudem, and
Koyyalagudem occurred.
The low-depression made unusual
movement on August 9, 2012 from the middle-some area of Karnataka and Bihar
towards the Sea via AP.
The water levels in Srisailam
and Nagarjunasagar reservoirs are very low since they are located in no-rains
Alimetti dam over flow resulted
in release of 60000cusecs water to Krishna River on Saturday, August 11, 2012 that
has gained some water glimpse.
Great Wall of China of length
36feet collapsed due to heavy rains unprecedented in 60 years history. Ming
dynasty repaired the wall in 1368-1644 years. First built in B.C. 221-210 years
Quin Shi Hing and some places it was first built BC in 700.
Building or execution of secret
pathways helped but on Monday 6 August 2012, the collapse of the wall happened.
Visakhapatnam, as per records
of 1937 to 1991, registered almost an increase of 0.9mm of Ocean level. During
the last 40-50 years time the Ocean registered an increase of height about
1.29mm. 1939-1881 Cochin Sea coast registered an increase of 1.2mm. In
Sundharban area in 1870-2000, every year level rose by 3.14 mm. There are about
26 Ocean height-measuring stations that register these heights in India,
The winter hot Sun felt on the
three days Monday 6 to Wednesday 8, August 2012, but on Wednesday by afternoon
the clouds have gathered and the city was without the hot Sun.
On 13 August 2012, there would
be meteor shower due to the Swift-Tuttle comet left over remnants at the rate
of 6o per hour and the light watched with naked eye without use of any
A-Bomb survivors Cancer Mortality
The scientists have questioned
the basic conclusion of base line cancer deaths in the Atomic Bomb explosion.
Even small doses of radiation can cause finite cancer harm. The 5 and 50mSv
define the threshold between these limits and no certain grantee exists is now
thought. The units’ mGy and mSv are the same for X-rays, gamma rays and
electrons. The ICRP limit is 50mSv. The biological mechanisms of repair at dose
levels of few mSv thought by scientists is only a guesswork. Whether low dose
of radiation will cause damage or stress is only guesswork. (On-line July 20,
2012 of Radiation Research).
The present author while
studying the force fields and molecular vibrations earlier investigated the new
oxidant like the one suggested sCl capable of oxidizing at least SO2
and other atmospheric XY2 trace gases. (Nature August 9, 2012).
The people using cholesterol-lowering
drugs happened to have a risk of developing age-related cataracts. Type II diabetes
might develop. Use of Statin drug cautioned for this purpose.
Silicon Valley Telugu
Kuchibotla Anand speaking at the
11th Andhra Ceremony at Silicon Valley, as an Andhra leader wish to
train the children in Music, Dance and Drama activities.
The Brahmin priests of AP
demanded they need to be paid Rs.5000/- per month each to continue the
religious dictum in Temples and worship places. They demand seems to be of very
late time since they seldom do a demand of that kind.
Rock “ICE SHELF” Pacific
A huge cluster of floating of underwater evolved lightweight pumice
found Volcanic Rock possibly
from Monovai volcano, drifting in Pacific in by New Zealand Navy on Friday, 10
August 2012 about 1000km off shore. An air force plane spotted the rocks. It
warned a Navy war ship heading towards them. Spotlight produced brilliant white
color from rocks sitting two feet (half a metre) above the surface of waves. It
looked as if the edge of an ice shelf.
Volcanic activity exists at New Zealand sending ash waves up to 20000feet
into the sky, this week but the observation is unrelated. Pumice Rocks a
handful of them is very good collection.
With maximum speed of 45km per hour a
3-seater cycle-rickshaw that can be pedaled, uses Solar Energy as well, to charge
the battery. Vehicle would weigh 120kg. The inventor from Tripura on August 11,
2012 exhibited it.
Saturday August 11, lightning struck on a
Mosque in a remote village in Northeast Bangladesh the tin-and-thatch at Saraswatipur,
200 km away from Dhaka killing 13 people and injured 15. A rooftop microphone
run by a car battery was electrified, that affected 35 people holding Ramzan
In India lightning struck at farm fields at
Peda Cherukur village in Nellore rural mandal on Sunday 12 August. Sheshamma
and Pullaiah died caught in lightning and another person escaped with injuries.
A cloudburst lashed parts of the district in the afternoon.
There was heavy lightning and extensive rain in Visakhapatnam main city on the eveon the Independence Day 15 August 2012.
Cardiac respiratory fitness identified as
the main factor on both boys and girls grades on reading and mathematics
tests. A healthy heart leads to healthy
brain and thereby increases ability with logic, reasoning and scientific
thought. Specialty of the logical hemisphere is to easily convert the
information processing into words. A fine balance needs to be maintained
between scholastic and co-curricular activities where a child works in a
stress-free environment. Exercise each day keeps away the low scores.
Month of August PUJA in India
Sravana Month August 20, 2012 on Monday
morning the coconut showed the figure of a woman face known as Ammavaru so
special Pujas have been carried out in one town Visakhapatnam.
Adivasi Treatment for Children Disease
Children suffering with fever in Kondiba
Panchayat Girizan village could not be treated with modern medicine in spite
they round many hospitals. Typical cases of this kind also occurred in the main
city Visakhapatnam to the author’s knowledge. From Odisha State the country
doctors (Natu Vaidhyulu) were invited, who have set up a Pandhira (Pandal),
made the children to sit round the construct, and made them to recite Mantras.
The children were worshiped with Flowers and Rice Yellow bits (Akshintalu). In
addition, the children made to drink a juice made out of possibly a tree. About
five children treated like this.
Government urged to go in details of the
living conditions of Brahmin community when more than 60% are living below
poverty line. A special study from both political and social studies urged.
Nearly 30% of Brahmins are working as Pujarie's (priests) in temples. Monthly
average income is below Rs.1500/- per month of a Brahmin lower than class IV
servants employed in Government department. They do not have white ration Cards
though 60% were below the poverty line. No welfare programmes of the
Government, particularly health care services reach them. Higher education
opportunities for their wards denied due to financial crisis, by corporations of education. (The Hindu Dated 14 August 2012).
The software takes into account of the soil
type in different districts (?) of the country and the consideration of crop
and cropping season and calculates the nutrient requirements. About 11 states,
currently in use, get the benefit of this online data. The web-based system
calculates the quantum and quality of fertilizers that should applied specific
soil types and crop growth. Main group
of crops listed. The project got Rs.10crore sanction.
Dr. K. Lalitha Kumari Findings
The Medical Doctor from USA, now in Visakhapatnam, has observed that the rice cooked in the Pressure Cooker after the exposure to air and a bit of shuffling would enhance the size of each boiled rice grain almost three times its original size.
![]() | ||||
Fig.1 An assortment of different news |
![]() | |
Fig.2 Moon light, Aero-plane exhaust Gas, Adivasi, Mars Landing and The production of brilliant Nara Sari of India worn (by Sita about 1lakh and 50000years ago). |
![]() |
Fig.3 NewZealand Deep Earthquake evidence, Solar Pump use to run a three wheeler, and the spectra of Narasimha Ashram Sun Photos |
![]() | ||||||||
Fig.4 Sun at Narasimha Ashram, Hunter in Nallamalla Forest, The face woman Goddess and the local Medical Device used by Odisha Mantra People. |
![]() | |
Fig.5 Today is August 15, 2012 The Independence Day of India & a New President Honorb'le Pranab Mukherjee |
Living conditions of Brahmins in the
country is at very low ebb since they are not given the benefits of the poor
people nor they are encouraged to join the Corporatization of education.
Children suffering with fever in Kondiba Panchayat Girizan village could not be
treated with modern medicine in spite they round many hospitals. From Odisha
State the country doctors (Natu Vaidhyulu) were invited, who have set up a
Pandhira (Pandal), made the children to sit round the construct, and made them
to recite Mantras. The children were worshiped with Flowers and Rice Yellow
bits (Akshintalu). In addition, the children made to drink a juice made out of
possibly a tree. With maximum speed of 45km per hour a
3-seater cycle-rickshaw that can be pedaled, uses Solar Energy as well, to
charge the battery. Vehicle would weigh 120kg. The inventor from Tripura on
August 11, 2012 exhibited it. A Mechanical Engineer of Thuthukudi area, in
Tamil Nadu State, K. Murugan machine produces per year about 60,000 Banana
trees fiber to prepare Saris. In Ramayana Epic of India dating back to almost
one lakh fifty thousand years ago, Sita wore them.
I am indebted to late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc.
(Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, (1899year to 1972 year) Waltair, for
initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my
professional career.
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