Volume 2012, Issue No.8, Dt. 18 August 2012 Time: 4h P.M.
Volume 2012, Issue No.8, Dt. 18 August 2012 Time: 4h P.M.
{Retd.Prof.of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
Mars pictures are of a great enthusiasm world over for their immense clarity and the great scientific interest. Gamma Rays bombard Earth twice a day. Dark matter particles are annihilating each other with the help of the gamma rays emanating from the centre of our Galaxy (Milky Way).
Genetic differences that lead to a very different off spring, now reported in Nature magazine, for black cottonwood tree, presented at SOA Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Few years ago, a particular plant at my residence Narasimha Ashram, gave birth to widely differing ornamental plant, the second that sprouted from the first flowered extensively a lot and has been grown as very different independent of the parent. (See reports in this, Rains frequent in morning hours occurring frequently in Visakhapatnam town near the seacoast. The great thrust of beach capture for the fish has dwindled in Visakhapatnam and shift to land-lake fish-cultivation gained momentum in Andhra Pradesh. Godavari River was in flood situation around August 20 to 23, 2012. The solid waste management experts from Sweden Eric Ronals and Stephen Dalgram, are to help Visakhapatnam Municipality.
Key Words: Dark Matter, Mars Photos, Gamma Rays, New Off springsINTRODUCTION
Mars Pictures and New Materials
Mars pictures are of a great enthusiasm world over for their immense clarity and the great scientific interest. The rover is doing a good job in spite of its odds.
The earthquakes struck Assam area on Saturday night after midnight i.e. about 2h55m AM. The epicenter located at 35km deep in Tezpur and lasted about 10 secs. Gauhati, Shillong, Etanagar, Agartala, Izwal, and Kohima the earth tremors were felt. In Arunachal Pradesh, also the Earth Tremors occurred on Sunday afternoon, no report of any casualty. IMS declared the strength of the quake as 5R. In Indonesia 5.1R earthquake struck at Sumatra Islands on Sunday at 7h27m A.M. This was about 30km deep tremor.
The agency areas of Paderu,( where my brother Dr. Kotcherlakota Venkata Rao M.B.B.S. D.C.H worked under rural scheme of KGH, Visakhapatnam, during early 1955-1960) at last getting, the Solar Power Lights in about 57 places of living. Under DDG plan, nearly 16.94crores of Rupees spent. The estimate is another 322 Girijan places of residence Solar Power supply given at a cost of Rs. 53.39crores. Solar watch units sold at a cost of Rs.500/- to higher depending on designs. Solar chargers for mobiles are available in Market. Solar fans etc utilities are gaining momentum due to prohibitive costs of normal electric supply from power units and municipalities. Vijaya Mary hospital in Vijayawada has Solar lamps and in Hyderabad Prasad IMAX 100KW (SPC) installed. One-Kilowatt power solar unit gives about five units of useful power. One-kilowatt power system installation costs about Rs.2.4lakhs. Battery needs changed once in four to five years and would cost about 30 to 40% of the total. Government offers about 30% subsidy on the installations. Guntur and Suryapeta applied for this facility. Vijayawada Siddhartha Engineering College intends to create Solar Power Campus.
The 13 November 2013 Mars would be near EARTH. In February 2013, the experimental projection would made by India.
Annihilating Gamma Rays
Dark matter particles are annihilating each other said University of California Irvine Astrophysicists with the help of the gamma rays emanating from the centre of our Galaxy (Milky Way).
Solar Flares prediction Gamma Ray Activity
The decay rates of atoms due to Solar Activity Gamma rays leads to the predictability of Solar flares by a day earlier claim the Purdue University researchers. It proposed in 2006 about a dozen research papers published as of today. The decay rate of a radioactive sample changed slightly beginning 39 hours before a large Solar Flare occurrence. In Cl-36 isotope the highest rate found in January and February and the lowest rate in July and August observed over a period from July 2005 to June 2011. Large Solar flares generate the CME of highly energetic particles that interact with the Earth’s Magnetosphere triggering the Geomagnetic storms that does lot of damage on the Earth’s environment.
Genetic Differences
In a single tree, the genetic differences found by analysis of black cotton wood trees (Populus trichocarpa) a discovery by Urbana-Champaign Biologists. In Nature magazine, the top buds of the parent and offspring in just one tree were genetically very close. The fact that a particular ornamental plant at my residence Narasimha Ashram, few years ago gave birth to widely differing ornamental plants, the second that sprouted from the first flowered extensively a lot and has been grown as totally different independent of the parent. I am not surprised now to find that the 188406 mutations unique just to one tissue sample have mutations different from other part of the same plant as observed and reported by Dr. Olds the Biologist of the Paige’s laboratory. The full genome sequence of the black cotton wood tree is readily available. The tree lives up to 200 years and they grow up to 30-50 meters high. Mutations were seen within the protein encodes of DNA sequence and several in Amino Acids of the encoded proteins.
China Recovers Old Sea sunk ship material
China succeeded in bringing out 500 years old ship material about 30,000 pieces from Guangdong Province Sea. It known as Nanavo-1 about 10,000 exhibits kept at Shantou Nanavo Museum. Earlier they took out about 20,000 pieces of material. By September, they would complete the job.
The passengers should carry with them ID cards in the trains in India, especially the second-class travelers as per a notification issued by the concerned Ministry. Failure to carry the ID card would be subjected to penalty of at least Rs.500/- and the fare total, as has been once paid by the present author, a Science & Technology person by profession, to meet the AG pension office people for retrieval of pension, travelling by train to Hyderabad.
Visakhapatnam foreign trade by air services
The air services from Visakhapatnam to Dubai planned for supply of trade material and would cater the needs of USA and Europe as per ATA (I) beginning from September 22, 2012. The Nakiair is showing keen interest of this venture. Seafoods, Vegetables, Car spare parts and Cloths exported. The I.T. industries would have the maximum benefit. A seminar planned on 22 September 2012.
Fermi Lab Tevatron
Shortly after 2p.m. the Tevatron on 30 September the Fermilab in Batavia Illinois diverted bunches of protons and anti-protons around 6.3km ring sending them barreling into a solid metal block. Two more Neutrino experiments under construction online by 2014 and two experiments on Muons, heavier cousins of the electron possibly Fermilab would bring out. The new experiment of Project X increases the intensity of accelerator beams from 750kms to more than 2 MW and allows study of properties matter and anti-matter. Analyze the data of Tevatron for signals of Higgs Particles and possibly narrow down probable range of its mass expected in due time.
A new Aero Plane
A new Aero Plane, news of August 22, 2012 it can travel on water and on ice named, as Lisa Akoia is a twin seated with foldable wings. Maximum speed is 249kms, can travel a distance of 2011kms with ordinary runways or by press of button with landing system on water and as well with another control can open up sky blades to land on ice.
A simple inexpensive electric current treatment increases sweet potato’s content of healthful polyphenols or antioxidants by 60%. Scientists revealed at a conference of The ACS. In India the age-old ryots, i.e. farmers in the field were consuming this in abundance and possibly their body supplements or enhance their body with the sweet potato’s( like those) antioxidants immensely. The present day farmers in India have lost this ability. Much research needs to be directed how the Healthy and Wealthy farmers of Ancient India, prior to the invasions by foreign agents and killers, survived on certain kind of food in-takes and they had wonderful bodies.
Food habit of Ancient India
It recently found that coconut has five times more potassium than Gatorade or Powerade drinks of the sports people, a finding by ACS. The natural food habit of Ancient India needs studied with academic interest to restore the past glory of good food to the farmers and the public.
Science Daily (Aug. 7, 2012)
Results from an expedition to far eastern Russia that set out to find the origin of naturally occurring quasi-crystals have provided convincing evidence that they arrived on Earth from outer space. {Quasi Crystals investigated, by the present author, a few years ago and supported the idea that they exhibit a 5-symmetry point group. The present writer contents that the 5-fold symmetry quasi-crystals are abundantly available and possible laboratory production made}. Samples of quasi-crystals brought to the area during the last glacial period, suggesting the meteorite was most likely to have hit Earth around 15,000 years ago as per Reports on Progress in Physics, Paul J Steinhardt and Luca Bindi reveal. Mr. Steinhardt and Bindi describe the expedition in which ten scientists, two drivers and a cook travelled 230 km into the Koryak Mountains of far eastern Russia to pan one and a half tons of sediment by hand, and survey local streams and mountains. A unique class of solids that were first synthesized in the laboratory by Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman in 1982. He awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2011 for this discovery.
Figures Made out of Milk Cream (Venna)
South India Culinary association on Thursday in Chennai Trade Centre the cooks made images of outstanding expertise from milk cream (Venna), and more than 300 cooks participated in the event exhibiting their art work of unparallel expertise in the world. The best artists presented with prizes on Saturday 25 August 2012 evening.
Occasional morning hour rains are sprinkling rainwater in Visakhapatnam since last several days and moderate rains are inundating several old buildings with the leakage of rainwater. Miscreants are throwing stones, in Official Colony area from the Relliveedhi stealthily, with the intention of damaging the old rooftops and a very calculated move by the well to do builders. The holes are providing the leakage of rainwater a very calculated move by the miscreants. Sirpur 11cms, Kaleswaram 8, Eluru, Nagaram, Chiiniuru, Adilabad and Parakala 7cms, Karimnagar, Sriramsagar, Bodh and Jagityala 4cms, Venkatapuram, Mettapalli 6, in Mandhini and Asifabad 5cms rain occurred.
The Godavari river floods reached on Wednesday August 22, 2012 the height of 48 feet. All barrage gates lifted and about 10.78 lakhs cusec of water released into sea. After 2010, Godavari the 10lakh cusecs limit crossing is fine. Wednesday night the flood situation receded in the upper ranges of Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh. Water level from 46.4 feet maximum to afternoon around 2.p.m reached 45.9 feet and steady remained until 4.p.m afternoon. The Godavari River floods are receding with release of 11.02lakh cusecs of water near Davaleswaram E.Godavari District into the Sea on Thursday August 23, 2012. Cotton Barage has the first flood mark of about 12.40 feet might be removed on Friday morning August 24 or Thursday midnight. An unusual heavy rain with just few bright lightning has slashed Visakhapatnam from 6h22mPM to 6h56mPM on 25 August 2012 and people felt it as the first heavy rain of the season. From 26 August 2012 to 28 August 2012, there was bright sun light at Visakhapatnam. By the evening of 28 August 2012, heavy clouds moved over Visakhapatnam to the Sea towards Kolkata. The two days 29 and 30 August 2012, there was a drizzle and heavy clouds on Visakhapatnam city. There was a big shower of rain in Visakhapatnam from morning of 31 August 2012 to 11.00AM that produced a chilly weather,
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Fig.1 The new Pyramids, Rain havoc in India, A vehicle to fly in Air and Water, Volcano etc |
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Fig.2 |
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Fig.3 Spectrum of Visakhapatnam Weather on 30 August 2012 |
Hospeta News today reports that Hampi Vijayanagar Temple the excavations on Saturday revealed Puja Materials, Vigrahamulu of Tamprapatrsmulu consisting of Kanchelu, Bindelu, Haratulu, Anjeneya and Garuda sculptures.
September 21, 1915 words of Balagandhar Tilak
On this day, Hindustani Kacheri by Seth Lakshmi Chand Narang recorded Tilak words on an American made voice-recorder and, of speech in Marathi for about a minute warning people to keep orderliness and, menace would not tolerated. Tilak said that the programme would be on time and people those not interested can leave the place.
Thejas with Kalaband Plant
The Ayurveda Doctor Physician Peddhi Ramadevi advertized that a new (Thejas) outshining results with use of the Kalaband plant material as a medication for a variety of diseases and prompt health care. Extreme ultra violet light effects it prevents damaging the skin when applied as a preventive. It may used as skin conditioner after the bath. The plant’s solid-glue material is useful as an anti-septic whiff.
Research Studies in Ancient India Knowledge
Dr. N. L. Mohan (SUPATHA June 2012, p.56) did research on Vedic concepts presented in a classic treatise of old India, Aruna Prasna, while Wikipedia identifies six forms of fire the India Vedic classification identified eight different forms and attributed colors to them. The continuous fire/heat in the entire Universe as thought by Indian Philosophers is a subject of considerable research. (Taittireeya Upanishad quoted by Wheeler). An important observation of Vedic Pundits was that the growth of fauna and flora depend on the intensity scales of fire/heat. Wind identified as 11 positive (male) forms and 11 negative (Female) forms (possibly direction of wind) by Aruna Prasna. The wind/air force acts all the time and all over the space-time and is space invariant. There are seven types of forms of wind while the wind called Simidvisha helps agriculture/farm cultivation. His findings on the concept of lightning by age old India Veda Knowledge is remarkable.
Daniel Nejars, French man, of National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Assistant Professor, came to India in 1983 with his wife to E. Godavari Zillah Pedapuram city, stayed initially there for two months. Peddapuram Sansthanam and its history and Culture submitted an M.Phil Thesis. Later with his 5 months old boy and wife, came to India stayed in Peddapuram from 1986 to 1990, collected Janapada Geyamulu (village lyrics), Artistic Burra Kadha recitations, Hari Kadalu, Leather Doll games, Gollasuddhalu, and other influences on people and further Peoples exciting activities for his Ph.D. Thesis. Did scholarly studies as a devoted pupil (shisyarikam) with Malyala Jayaramaiyya and Dwivedula Brahmanam and recorded several items of ancient India Telugu culture and submitted his thesis in 1997. In Guntur met Burra Kadha artist Naazar, K V Hanumatha Rao, and presented details of Bobbili and Palnati history episodes to French people. He met Kakinada Yanam Telugu people, and last two years he stayed over there to know the Yanam Telugu-French people. Translated Vemana lyrics into French about 150. Chintamani drama made available in French. Two books influenced him. One 1963 written by, Sahithi(culture) researcher, Bhadriraju Krishnamurthy in 1963, Lishkar “Introduction to Spoken Telugu” and another people of Yanam speak about it. Recently one friend gave him GRAHNAM cinema cassette. He is interested in Telugu Old Songs. His son fascinated by Curd Rice preparation and now he is 26 years old and still loves it. Some people from Peddapuram attended his Son’s marriage. French people use public transport a feature missing in India since one has to wait for nearly 20 to 30 minutes for a bus. In France there are about 400-600 Telugu Families mostly from Yanam. Since no teaching in English, many Indians avoid France.
Kakatiya times in Warangal district at the place of Venkatapuram Mandal in the Palampeta Ramappa temple Sacred interior (gharbha gudi) has a Siva Lingam and a set of four reflectors that shine light on the idol. Wherever the Sun exists the reflected light falls on the idol and the remarkable arrangements of the reflectors that empower the idol of Surya God namely Shiva.
Biogas production in Visakhapatnam
A year’s time required to complete the formal study of Biogas establishment in Visakhapatnam. The solid waste management experts from Sweden Eric Ronals, Stephen Dalgram, informed the commissioner.
Kotcherlakota family was once upon a time in BC to 1000yr AC was an established World Port in Visakhapatnam partly Buddhists have over ruled it. Eventually the Muslim kings destroyed it during 1300 to 1700 AD and later by the British Empire, who have split the Hillock Kotcherlakota Fort area facing the entry of Seaport. It mostly destroyed in 1300AD year by Sri Krishnadevaraya who wanted to have a control in Andhra Pradesh and went against Niyogi Families in spite of their big support to him. It was during this time many traditional family groups displaced of their native living. The remaining made partly divided by the British with the destruction of the Hill Kotcherlakota Fort. And division of it led to the new Port major facility of exports to foreign trade like ivory (this now disappeared) etc. The expanse work of the port continuing and eventually traces of the Kotcherlakota Fort soon would disappear. The Fig.4 illustrates the modern build area of the Fort soon to be taken over by Port Trust. The Port would maintain a Garden of flowers with a high built wall of protection according to the present plans. Actually, the Container foreign trade trucks transport requires big roads and the Kota Streets (Veedhulu) acquired for the expanse of the Port roadwork.
Atlas Five to Study Radiation Belts
The Atlas-5 launched on Thursday August 30, 2012 from Cape Canaveral 190 feet Rocket to put two satellites into orbits. They would be to investigate the Van Radiation Belts details.
Kotcherlakota family was once upon a time in BC to 1000yr AC was an established World Port in Visakhapatnam partly Buddhists have over ruled it. Eventually the Muslim kings destroyed it during 1300 to 1700 AD and later by the British Empire, who have split the Hillock Kotcherlakota Fort area facing the entry of Seaport. It mostly destroyed in 1300AD year by Sri Krishnadevaraya who wanted to have a control in Andhra Pradesh and went against Niyogi Families in spite of their big support to him. It was during this time many traditional family groups displaced of their native living. The remaining made partly divided by the British with the destruction of the Hill Kotcherlakota Fort. And division of it led to the new Port major facility of exports to foreign trade like ivory (this now disappeared) etc. The expanse work of the port continuing and eventually traces of the Kotcherlakota Fort soon would disappear. The Fig.4 illustrates the modern build area of the Fort soon to be taken over by Port Trust. The Port would maintain a Garden of flowers with a high built wall of protection according to the present plans. Actually, the Container foreign trade trucks transport requires big roads and the Kota Streets (Veedhulu) acquired for the expanse of the Port roadwork.
Atlas Five to Study Radiation Belts
The Atlas-5 launched on Thursday August 30, 2012 from Cape Canaveral 190 feet Rocket to put two satellites into orbits. They would be to investigate the Van Radiation Belts details.
Mars pictures are of a great enthusiasm world over for their immense clarity and the great scientific interest. The Solar Power Lights in about 57 places of living installed in the state of AP in India Under DDG plan, nearly 16.94crores of Rupees spent. The estimate is another 322 Girijan places of residence Solar Power supply given at a cost of Rs. 53.39crores. The age old of Kakitiya Empire, Palampeta Ramappa temple Sacred interior (gharbha gudi) has a Siva Lingam and a set of four reflectors that shine Sun light constantly on the idol. Daniel Nejars, a French man, came to India stayed in Peddapuram from 1986 to 1990 to complete his Ph. D thesis on Telugu Culture. The solid waste management experts from Sweden Eric Ronals and Stephen Dalgram, are to help Visakhapatnam Municipality.
I am indebted to late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair, for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career during the years 1956 to 1972.
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