The Astronomy Study, The weather Scenario of Visakhapatnam during September 2012 First Fortnight and some accounts of History of India
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
From 4h30m A.M to all most 10h55m A.M the rain in Visakhapatnam on the 6 September 2012 slashed heavily with continuous rain there is a havoc created. This rain described locally as JADIVANA. The night of 12 September for the first time gave a nice visibility of the stars from Narasimha Ashram. Sixth time walking in space Sunitha migrant from India to USA, possess the record of a woman Spacewalker in space. Mahatma Gandhi visited Kota-vari Rama Mandir of hundred years old, in Bhimilli located at the Rotallu old street due to incessant rains, following the last four days i.e. from 4 to 8 September 2012, it collapsed on the Saturday. Ekaombareswar Temple the Raja Gopuram is highest in South India and occupies about 57meters height. Main attraction of this temple is the 2500 old Mango tree that has four branches and gives four different sweet fruits.
From Karimnagar about 50km away Komanpur Mandal Begumpeta last reaches, there exists Ramgiri Fort an ancient and an unforgettable historical place. Old Firangi, some (Bhurujulu) protective guard posts, to-date exist. The Fort has also a spiritual experience. During the first century A.D, this fort received some reshape. The fort holds constructs dating about 250years old before Christ. After collapse of Nanda Kingdom before 250years of Christ small constructs existing here easily identified. In Telangana, this fort is exemplary and this fort known as Diamond Fort and historical records ascertain that Gouthimi Putra Sri Satha Karni ruled this in 62BC and in 86BC. Kings Pulmani. Chandragupta, Bindusaradu, and Ashoka Emperors, have rebuilt and protected the fort. In 1158A.C Chalukhyagunda King was defeated by Kakatiyulu and later Telangana occupied by Bahmani Sultans (1442AC to 1457AC) who ruled there until the Nizam time. The fort has a well that holds water throughout the year. Kakatiyas built constructs like Chitrakota, Aatikota, Nimmakota, Palakota, Simhakota, Jingikota, Gadishala, Tankashala, and Weapon making machinery shops areas, which are a great attraction for the visitors. A secret tunnel underneath ground exists here.
600 A.C.
Ekaombareswar Temple the Raja Gopuram is highest in South India and occupies about 57meters height. Main attraction of this temple is the 2500 old Mango tree that has four branches and gives four different sweet fruits. On the temple, walls there are excellent pictures. The temple has 1000pillars sacred (mantapam) area for performing marriages and special devotee worships, with Lion sculptures, and the soldiers mounted on horses structures are a great attraction. Many sculptures are eye capturing. An elephants shape sculptured on the stone is a great attraction this construction known the Hasta Giri. On the East and the West, there are very tall pillars. The Vellurkota dating back to 6 century of A.C and has been used by Kings as a great protection until 1565A.C. Tippu Sultan relatives were imprisoned here and on the western side are situated their cemeteries.
Balagangadhara Tilak
In Kadkwasala is situated the house in which Balagangadhara Tilak freedom fighter was born on 23 July 1856 and lived. It situated at a height of about 3000 feet on a hillock. In childhood only, he exhibited extraordinary powers of intelligence and imprisoned in Errawada Jail in Pune for declaring “Freedom as his Birth Right” while then he wrote Geeta Rahasyam also wrote a commentary on Bhagvad Gita. Freedom is my born right said Tilak. He ran a Newspaper named as Kesari and used a Printing Machinary kept in his office. On that machine until today certain letters are very visible i.e. Hoplins & Cipe No.6260 Year 1886.
From Adhoni about 35km distant on the hills Malavi Maleswar Swami Incarnation (koluvu) settled. People refer him as Gattu (high place) Malayya and festivals known as Gattu Malayya festivals. In these days of worship, the Dasara tenth day festival of the night creates an untold story of fear and dread worship of the BANNI utsava. After that, the Guruvayya grandfather pricks himself with a pointed piercer to extract blood, to gently place, it on the Rakshaspada an unforgettable episode of sacrifice. Another day he would while dancing breaks open the iron chains with his mouth a scene of complete mesmerism. In the name of tradition, this festival completed, with blood flow only. There are instances when people died in these days of festivals. Even then, people of extreme faith celebrate this festival with utmost devotion.
Kolar Gold
(Sunday News, P .16, Andhra Jyothi, Dt. 10 October 2004).
During the British Rule of India in the state of Karnataka Kolar Gold fields excavations started, they employed about 76 thousand workers and it turned out to be the biggest industry of the nation. In the beginning, only the schedule caste people of Tamil Nadu employed to go down the mines and do the work of extraction. After that from Andhra Pradesh all, the people of untouchable casts moved to settle there. Until 1990, also the dry latrines were existent in the Kolar Gold fields. The dry latrines are the facilities of human discharge of filth and literally lifted by the people themselves and thrown outside the premises. Most Madiga people from Andhra who worked there are just the lot of people who are employed to clean the dry lavatories. (Vijayawada) Bezwada Wilson who was born there created a stir and until that period, no changes in this untold and unbearable situation changed.
Sunita’s Space Feat
The spacewalker Sunita made a sixth time space walk along with her Japanese partner Akihiko Hoshida to repair the ISS key main switch unit (MBSU) successfully completed. Violet colored brush and wired cleaning instruments employed by them helped to clean the waste material removal. First instance, they failed but this time they succeeded. About Four hours time it took. Sixth time walking in space Sunitha, a migrant from India, possess the record of a woman Vyomogami in space with several spacewalks to her credit and world winner of long time space walks to-date.
The Dance Master Pasumarthi Sitaramayya of Visakhapatnam revived a dance art of India widely displayed by Devadasi Communities and in front of rich people of the ancient past. Old artists of Delhi brought out an (krithika) artwork of Devadashi Brahmins and tears flowed on the on lookers. E. Godavari District residing an old devadasi kalakarani with sight (Drushya), Music of Ears Sounds(Shravya), written out (Likhita) and in-between styles of dance grace (Madhyamala) fundamentals taught to any aspiring youngster. Kavi and researcher Arudhra’s collaboration brought out some details. BHARATAM endowed ancient art needs lots of practice from childhood by any individual dedicated to learn.
Student Admissions: Britain
Britain admissions in colleges came down from 30% to 20% from India, a decrease that worried the authorities a report dated 9 September 2012.
Old Buddhist Viharas excavated in Jajapur of Odisa State. Kesaraypur-Hathibole village during the last three days 3-6 September 2012 for the construction of an outlet stream canal revealed Buddhist excavations. Dhyanamudra Buddha statue, made with Kondalight rock with 3 feet 2 inches height and 2 feet 1 inch wide inside a 30 feet by 30 feet old, Buddha Viharas revealed some Pots, Tumblers, and broken pots as well. It might date back to 8th Century. The sculpture probably made after the Gupta (Swarna) Golden Yuga.
The Full Moon of August 31 2012, covered totally by the passing clouds of a severe storm that spared Visakhapatnam city. See Fig.1. September 01 2012 at Visakhapatnam began with a bright Sun sunlight in Visakhapatnam. The heavy rain missed the Visakhapatnam city but again there is another low-depression threatening the city that might rain on 4 September 2012. There was no rain on the two days of 01 and 02 September 2012 in spite of the cloudy weather over the city.
The Srisailam Dam would receive heavy inflow of water about 90cusecs water from Tungabhadra and Narayanapura Dams by Wednesday 2012. Both, Alimetta and Tungabhadra dams are full with water storage of about 80cusecs. Prakasam barrage received about 74cusecs water and 15cusecs water from it released to the canals. The weather on the September 5 2012, at Visakhapatnam is very pleasant with the rain showers almost dwindled. The rivers in AP are over flowing due to receipt of water from local rains.
The cities of Kondapi (Prakasam), Uppumuthala (Mahaboobnagar), Lakhavarapukota (Vijayanagaram) Nampalli and Marigadu (Nalgonda) and finally in Gummamgattu (Anathpuram) are found as distress areas due to lack of rain on September 6.
For the first time Visakhapatnam graced with incessant, rain on the Thursday, 6 September 2012 evening and with heavy lightning and severe thunder of occasional occurrence. From 4h30m A.M to all most 10h55m A.M the rain in Visakhapatnam on the 6 September 2012 slashed heavily with continuous rain there is a havoc created. This rain described locally as JADIVANA. The lightning and thunder accompanying the rain is somewhat sparingly, a slight relief.
However, on Thursday two people died due to Thunderbolts struck at Elamanchallipatnam in Visakhapatnam District. One Ryot aged 55yrs while returning from lands died with the thunderbolt near to him. The other died at Chandranagar while reading the newspaper with heart failure (aged 60yrs) due to a Thunderbolt.
Friday morning of 7 September 2012 there was a bright Sun Light at Visakhapatnam but suddenly in the evening from 7.30P.M to almost 9P.M there was a heavy shower. Figs. 3 and 4 present some Snap Shots of Movie features of this rain, of heavy lightning. The evening thunder was located at a far distance but gradually it moved over to the city. The 08 September 2012 from morning, the cloudy weather persisted in the city. The evening of 08 September 2012 graced Visakhapatnam city with rain again disturbing the Beach Relaxation. The unusual rain gave lot of Violet color and the photos captured given in Fig.5. The rains are accompanied by heavy thunders but not so much of powerful lightning unlike on the eve of 07 September 2012. The early morning around 3h30mA.M there was rain in Visakhapatnam on 9 September 2012. (Birth Date of Late Prof K R Rao of Visakhapatnam). This day is covered by clouds and the sun light is bearly visible on this day. The early morning of 10 September 2012, also the clouds covered Visakhapatnam city. The heavy rain on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 morning at Visakhapatnam is without any thundershowers or lightning. It continued to late evening with drizzles and occasional showers. It was just a straight downpour. Morning of 12 September started with Cloudy weather and no rain. The night of 12 September for the first time gave a nice visibility of the stars from Narasimha Ashram. Some photos were taken around 7h10PM and presented in the Fig.5. Surprisingly the morning of 13 September 2012 began with a cloudy weather. From the night of 10 September, the chilly winter has set in Visakhapatnam during the night around 3A.M. The bright Sun would somehow cover the night winter chilly weather in Visakhapatnam as observed on some days. That was the case on the night of September 10. September 14, 2012 the Visakhapatnam had intense Sun in spite of the passing clouds weather and full Sun heat felt throughout the day.On September 15, 2012 it rained with thunders in the afternoon from 2h24mPM to 3h34mPM in spite there was considerable Sun Light in the afternoon till 2PM.Fig.7 The clouds that have developed in the afternoon of 15 September 2012 moving from North to West an unusual observation. It rained heavily for one hour from 2h24m to 3h24mP.M. continuously and till evening clouds prevailed at the time of this blogspot post by me.
Rain Havoc in Uttarkhanda State resulted in the loss of 33 people in Ukkimar Tahilsdar area dated 14 September 2012 in Chunni, Mangoli, Kimana, Sansari, Giriya, Brahminkoli, Premnagar and Juvatoka villages of Dehra Doon. The Capkot and Rudhra Prayaga (eight villages) areas also affected.
Mamath Benarjee
Bloomberg magazine revealed that Mamatha Benarjee Chief Minister of Bengal State, as an important person of India. She curtailed foreign direct entry into (Chillara) small and tiny Trade in India, with direct foreign investment that tunneled down some important people at the Central Government.
Costa Rica Earthquake
Costa Rica there was a heavy earthquake of magnitude 7.6R and one person died due to heart attack. The centre is located 140km away from San Jose town and warnings issued to Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama for probable tsunami occurrence.
China Earthquake estimates are quite stunning.
Andaman Earthquake
Andaman Islands felt earthquake of magnitude more than 5R on Monday morning i.e. September 10, 2012. Again, on Tuesday September 11, 2012 an earthquake of magnitude 4.5R near the Andaman at a depth of 35km occurred in the early morning time. No casualties reported.
Smart Device to prevent SuicidesAn exemplary feat by an India student, in Ankushapur S. Engineering College student Mahesh, is to create the very useful device fixed on the ceiling fans to prevent the suicide attempts made in a fit of rage by college students. With just Rs.500/- and for a distance of 100 meters information device with a chip, spring, transmitter and receiver run on a 9 volts battery arrangement to the ceiling fan helps the authorities.
Mahatma Gandhi visited Kota-vari Rama Mandir of hundred years old, in Bhimili located at the Rotallu old veedhi. Due to incessant rains, following the last four days i.e. from 4 to 8 September 2012, it collapsed on the Saturday, wonderfully sparing the idols of Rama and Sita and others. It would rebuild under private ownership.
Rice Cultivation and Rains
On Saturday September 15, 2012 The International Hybrid Rice Seminar held in Hyderabad the China delegates released the news that the profit on each kilo of rice seeds is only Rs.17/- and those who deceive the cultivator (Ryot) is hanged. Rice seed is a very poor Industry that leads to minimal profits. The three-stage effort involves one company collects the seeds in villages to change it as hybrid there is another firm and finally at the national level another company prepares them afresh. In India also, effort on the onset of rains and rice cultivation needs to research to ascertain several causes involved in production and distribution of rice.
Medicinal Plants
Special recognition in India on Ayurveda trees, flowers and plants exists especially in Girijan areas and common people in Andhra Pradesh in villages use these Medicinal Plants Medicines for curing the diseases.
Rice Cultivation and Rains
On Saturday September 15, 2012 The International Hybrid Rice Seminar held in Hyderabad the China delegates released the news that the profit on each kilo of rice seeds is only Rs.17/- and those who deceive the cultivator (Ryot) is hanged. Rice seed is a very poor Industry that leads to minimal profits. The three-stage effort involves one company collects the seeds in villages to change it as hybrid there is another firm and finally at the national level another company prepares them afresh. In India also, effort on the onset of rains and rice cultivation needs to research to ascertain several causes involved in production and distribution of rice.
Medicinal Plants
Special recognition in India on Ayurveda trees, flowers and plants exists especially in Girijan areas and common people in Andhra Pradesh in villages use these Medicinal Plants Medicines for curing the diseases.
Fig.1 The Moon splendour in Visakhapatnam and surrounding clouds
Fig.2 Old Vizag, A canon old one, Gravity Waves, Splendour of Color and the phenomenal Violet Glow
Fig.3 Last seven depict the flash of lightning on the Sea shore of Visakhapatnam
Fig.4 The lightning on the Bay of Bengal Ocean at Vizag recorded on Video
Fig.5 The Gravity waves subdued and the pinkish glow of lightning unusual at Vizag and the Stars of the Sky

Fig.6 The color filter photos of the Sun afternoon around 12h46m P.M on 15 September 2012

Fig.7 The clouds that have developed in the afternoon of
15 September 2012 moving from North to West an unusual observation. It rained heavily for one hour from 2h24m to 3h24mP.M. continuously and till evening clouds prevailed.
September 14, 2012 the Visakhapatnam had intense Sun in spite of the passing clouds weather and full Sun heat felt throughout the day but on evening scenario changed with full clouds and slight drizzle. For the first time Visakhapatnam graced with incessant, rain on the Thursday, 6 September 2012 evening and with heavy lightning and severe thunder of occasional occurrence. Britain admissions in colleges came down from 30% to 20% from India, a decrease that worried the authorities a report dated 9 September 2012. The Dance Master Pasumarthi Sitaramayya of Visakhapatnam revived a dance art of India widely displayed by Devadasi Communities and in front of rich people of the ancient past. Fort known as Diamond Fort located in Telangana and historical records ascertain that Gouthimi Putra Sri Satha Karni ruled this in 62BC and in 86BC.
I am indebted to Late Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University, (Waltair) Visakhapatnam for initiating me to do research studies and for his constant guidance during my professional career. His gesture of acquiring books from Moore Market in Madras in 1956 Deepavali vacation has helped me a lot to gain some fundamental knowledge in Mathematical Physics. The books purchased for me Introductory Calculus, Two Volumes by Courant, Pure Mathematics, by G H Hardy, Theory of Relativity by R C Tolman and Modern Algebra by Barnard etc., have helped me a lot. With his kind gesture, I could also attend the International Seminar on Education and Research held in University of Uppsala, Sweden during the year 1964-1965 where I could meet learned Professors.
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