The Astronomy Study, The weather Scenario of
Visakhapatnam during September 2012 Second Fortnight and other Findings
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
{Retd. Prof. of Physics, SU} 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O. Visakhapatnam-530002. Cell: 9491902867 BSNL
The Visible stars gave a splendid view in the morning of 30 September 2012 after the clearance of the sky by the heavy rain spell. Scotland had an unusual fog and mist shower unprecedented over many years from the sea and the foam thrash overland is an amazing site. (Report of evening TV news of 26 Sept.2012).
Observations on three massive stars of Supernovae PTF09cnd, SN 2006gy and SN 2007bi of recorded brightness 2009 of Orange color, more than the 2006 of observation of Pink color and finally another one in 2007 that released more energy with color overall as yellow.
Due, to incessant rains from the 19th instant, the slips occurred. about nine places the Hill slips have occurred. Slips from Hills at a distance of 20kms occurred in Rayaghad on Sunday 23rd. Visakhapatnam was blessed with good rains in month of September 2012. Three varieties of re-chargeable batteries lamps introduced to work for 15 hours daily, using LED scientific knowledge.
The morning of 16 September 2012 began with a cloudy weather at Visakhapatnam. It continued also on the Monday 17 September. However, it rained heavily from 4h20mP.M to 5h.30mP.M continuously as a downpour. The thunderbolt killed a person Pongi Krishna, on Monday evening in Araku Valley, Bodomo Panchayat area Riga village at Paravada. Out of seven people who took shelter in a tinned roof shed at the rice mill three people Kilo Raju, Pongi Jagan and Tatarao injured seriously. Another, three moved with the help of 108 Medical Van, given preventive Medicine at the Aganapudi Hospital. The 18 and 19 September 2012 are very bright Sun lit Days. On the 20 throughout the day, it was cloudy and in the evening from 4 P.M to morning of 21 September 2012 up to 5h30 A.M it drizzled continuously. The occurrence of the rain or showers in the evening time from 4 P.M to late morning 6 P.M seems to be rather very peculiar, possibly the nearness of the Sea to Visakhapatnam. On the evening from 6PM to 7h30mP.M rain showered at Visakhapatnam on 24 September 2012. On 25 September 2012, it rained in Visakhapatnam again in the evening for an hour between 6h30m to 7h45mP.M. The days of these rains were full of clouds with low visibility of Sun light. There was a light shower of Rain without any thunder at Visakhapatnam for about 20 minutes around 9.P.M. on the 28 September 2012. An unusual rain at 13h P.M for twenty minutes and again at 14h30m P.M on 29 September 2012. Visibility was very low due to heavy clouds. On the 30 September at 9h 50m A.M there was a spell of rain in Visakhapatnam, spells of rain continued the afternoon, also with passing clouds, and yet times with full glare of the Sunlight interminantly. (See Fig.7)
The important thing to note is that the ground is wet enough for the rains to occur! Observations at Visakhapatnam defy the findings given below. Contrary “recent observation that heat is important for rain cloud formations, the hot days thermals reach several kilometers in atmosphere but rain more likely in drier areas, a nearby 50-100km place, challenging positive feedback analysis. If soil is dry, with strong thermals more rain likely to occur”.
Scotland had an unusual fog and mist shower unprecedented over many years from the sea and the foam thrash overland is an amazing site. (Report of evening TV news of 26 Sept.2012)
The changes in the environmental conditions drastic they would be in 2030 year, with daily death of 10lakh people. DARA warns of Green House gases might increase the world temperature. Ice caps melting at the Poles, Famine, Sea rise and peculiar weather conditions creates havoc in the world. About 184 countries have to face the weather change warns DARA started by just 20 countries.
Ski diving Sangvi aged eight
Wonderful boy named Sangvi aged 8 years old from India under the guidance by Hank Vyanvick trainer did ski diving in South Africa at a height of 10,000 feet on May 22, 2012 and achieved a unique world record, since India allows ski diving to only people above 16 years old.
Password by wave of hand
By waving of hand it is possible to create, the password said Sridhar Ayyangar at the Sanfrancisco Intel developer forum. The use of half-hand united blood cells scanned to identify through the biometric scan is possible.
Observations on three massive stars of Supernovae PTF09cnd, SN 2006gy and SN 2007bi of recorded brightness 2009 of Orange color, more than the 2006 observation of Pink color and finally another one in 2007 that released more energy with color overall as yellow. Typical supernovae leave behind charred remains of a neutron star or a black hole with a fast-expanding cloud with elements loaded from the fury of the deflagration. Pair instability as theory terms it, produces e+ and e- pairs that form a nickel 56 radioactive, in addition other relatively heavy elements. The nonradioactive iron is produced in the scenario of SN2006gy with light luminosity explained by decay of nickel 56. SN2006gy after becoming bright for many months suddenly disappeared and pair instability is not a likely proposition. What is the cause of its unusual brightness? (Ref. June 2012 Scientific, p.47).

Fig.1 Evening at 18h28m and 29m found the Sky color changes from Blue Grayish to Grayish. Fusion Reactor Picture, The three Supernovae and The splash of waves in South Korea on 18th September 2012

Fig.2 The heavy rain at 17h26m PM at Narasimha ashram, and the Star studded night sky.

Fig.5 The lightning colors and some rare plants.
Visible Stars
The 18 September 2012 the night sky showed the visible stars. The festival of God of Obstructions and Troubles, Vinayak celebrated in India on the 19 September 2012, actually a postponed festival due to an excess month of India Calendar. The Visible stars gave a splendid view in the morning of 30 September 2012 after the clearance of the sky by the heavy rain spell from afternoon 2.P.M to next day morning hours till 2.A.M Coconut Fiber Utility
National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research used a special binding material to fuse the Lignus Cells in coconut fiber to develop Poly-coir. In future, the Banana and the Jute fibers developed as Poly-coir to substitute use of teak wood. It withstands the white ants and the fire damage as well. Current price of teak wood is Rs.3500/- per foot while Coconut fiber would cost Rs2500-3000/-.
Gyangtek north of Sikkim interior villages affected by Sunday rains with Hill slips resulting in death of 21 people. Mostly Bharat-Tibet security people were involved (ITBP). Mostly Rangama range people dead are involved. Due, to incessant rains from the 19th instant, the slips occurred. About nine places the Hill slips have occurred.
Slips from Hills at a distance of 20kms occurred in Rayaghad on Sunday as a result the traffic from Jayapuram and Malkangiri places to Bhubaneswar obstructed. Due to incessant heavy rain, no rescue operations made.
Rudraksha Trees in Ambur
A cine actor visited the two trees in the Vellore Zillaha, near Ambur. They exist in Maratipalayem Krishnanpaarari.
Without Coal Steel Production
Hydrogen Plasma Smelting Reactor method used in Bhubaneswar Inst. of Minerals and Materials Technology, after two years of Research investigations, revealed with 200grams of Iron Ore resulting in Green Steel production.
Waste Material Fuel
London reported that Alcohol industry by product waste material by Napier University Scientists with a spinoff company and Tulliburdine Distillery agreement, results in generation of Fuel known as Butanol, useful to run motor cars. Daily Mail gave this news.
Three varieties of re-chargeable batteries lamps introduced to work for 15 hours daily, using LED scientific knowledge.
Lytro camera has powerful sensors that allow focusing point to change to suit his convenience. Light field engine travels with each image so adjustable to suit focus. The telescope shaped cameras offers light field technology adopts, shoot now and focus later, allowing the focal point to shift on a computer.
Ozone collapse leads to UV exposure of Earth results in cancerous skin and diseases of visibility of eye. CCMB Hyderabad scientists recognized that Bacillus Isrononises B3W22 bacteria, exists in the stratosphere atmosphere which by examining nearly 20000 gens of it, to recognize that UVSE, a particular gene repairs, UV affected DNA of the damaged gene (Journal of Bacteriology). ISRO collaborated in the research. Extreme UV affects the several of DNA on Earth when it strikes through the holes created of the Ozone layers of the atmosphere.
Unusual spell of rain from 2.P.M to next day morning 2.A.M on the 30 September 2012 has given a great relief to the people during the time of God images Vinayaka immersions. The Visible stars gave a splendid view in the morning of 30 September 2012 after the clearance of the sky by the heavy rain spell. The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research used a special binding material to fuse the Lignus Cells in coconut fiber to develop Poly-coir. In future, the Banana and the Jute fibers developed as Poly-coir to substitute use of teak wood.
I am deeply indebted to Prof K R Rao D.Sc. (Madras). D.Sc. (London) of Andhra University Colleges, Waltair for his valuable suggestions and guidance of an insight in the subject of Physics and Mathematics during the years 1955-1972. He was a great thrust for the academic success of several people of different sects and was solely interested in Excellence, Magnanimity and able Administration.
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