Volume 2014, Issue No.8,
August 16, 2014, Time: 9h55m P.M.
POST-August 16, 2014: Weather at Visakhapatnam
and world over latitude disturbances of Nature.
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota
Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Physics,
SU, Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official
Colony, Maharanipeta. P. O,
Visakhapatnam-530002 cell no: 9491902867.
A small $40 needle turned into 3D
Microscope University of Utah research team reported high quality images
compared to expensive microscopes. This can take pictures up to 70 times smaller
than the width of a human hair. Vellore Mandalam in Kadapa district, an ancient
well in year 2013 revealed a SASHANAM, decree, of Salivahana Era. The author’s conjecture of association of
Gravity Waves, the land sliding in Japan and events followed by the three
tremors mentioned, seem to be remotely coupled. An important finding by the
author is that the pre August 15 days the Earth quakes and tremors were mostly
longitudinal over the terrestrial environment while the later i.e. post August
15 days till August 3, were latitudinal world over. Heavy rains in the Northern
India in Assam, Bihar and U’khand seem to be phenomenal. LHC team
observes first instance of D-mesons oscillating between matter and antimatter, Mar 04, 2013. The existence of some uplifting
air currents popup the plankton’s organisms that reach the ISS station and
settle on its surface. Discovery made
during the space walk by cosmonauts Olek Artemyev and Alexander Skvortsovto to
collect samples from windows of ISS. The
biggest mistake was to club Tourism and Archaeology wings of the AP government,
INTACH observes. The low pressure system
over Bay of Bengal off Andhra-coast and Odisha on August 28 joined the
atmospheric trough, though feeble along the west coast from South Maharashtra
to Kerala coast to shower in these areas past three days.
Polytechnic University newest library in Lakeland has access to 1, 35, 000
eBooks. Library entirely made digital. A book viewed twice at the library would
be automatically purchased. It opened in the last week of August 2014.
Two ancient Mayan cities found in thick
vegetation in the Mexican jungle.
Discovery News reports a ball court, a temple pyramid of height 65feet
and 10 steal (tall sculptured stone shafts) and three alters (low circular
stones) featured well-preserved relics and hieroglyphic inscriptions were
found. American archaeologist Eric Von Euw visited the site in 1970 and made
unpublished drawings. A number of massive palaces like buildings arranged
around four major plazas.
European’s remains found in ancient
Chinese 1400yr-old M1401 tomb in Guyuan City in northwest China’s Ningxia Hui
Autonomous region.
Oscillations: A Claim.
LHC team observes first
instance of D-mesons oscillating between matter and antimatter, Mar 04, 2013 by Bob Yirka.
This can take pictures up to 70 times
smaller than the width of a human hair. University of Utah research team
reported high quality images compared to expensive microscopes. A small $40
needle turned into 3D microscope.
Iceland raises risk level for
volcano eruption to second highest. On Saturday Aug 23, a small sub-glacial eruption not enough to
melt the ice cap in southeast Iceland, in the Bardarbunga volcano erupted again
banning all air traffic.
In Bheemili the Dutch settlements way back in 1651, mostly
heritage sites in old Fort Complex, got destroyed finds the INTACH. The biggest mistake was to club Tourism and
Archaeology wings of the AP government.
Mandalam in Kadapa district, an ancient well in year 2013 revealed a SASHANAM,
decree, of Salivahana Era. All these years the well has not dwindled and stays
upright in good condition mainly built with stones arranged one over the other,
stood as wonder to the people of this land.
microbes dictate
gut is an ecosystem, with microbial genes outnumbering human genes by 100 to 1. Organism ‘Prevotella’ in human
digestive track grows best on carbohydrates when they do so they release some
chemicals that make humans crave for starch food. Similarly, ‘Bacteroidetes’ grow well with
fats and in turn induce the host to go for fatty food. Signal molecules they release act not only on digestive tracks but also
on pain perception and nervous system. You are just what the microbiome
tells you through signals they release. Thus
microbes dictate our moods, feelings, and preferences. Children raised on
sorghum have different gut microbes. [, Thursday Aug 21, 2014,
The Hindu].
Sun Storms
generate Fire Specks on Moon
News Aug 23, 2014:
Washington researchers found that the Sun Specks falling on the Moon
travel interior and produce electric induction. The present author conjectured that the
surface of moon to exhibit novel features. “The material on the Moon has
definitely certain internal fields. Obviously, the topological excitation of
the materials on the surface of Moon is a subject”, and the find of electrical
specks incursion into the moon’s surface is an aspect of the author’s findings.,
‘The possibility of Topological Materials on
the Lunar Surface’ by Professor Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, 14th May 2008: Time
A CME is heading for Earth. The
relatively slow-moving storm cloud left the sun on Aug. 22nd and looks like it
will take 4 days to cross the sun-Earth divide. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15%
chance of polar geo-magnetic storms on Aug. 26th when the CME arrives.
particle called Zc(4020)
An international team of high-energy physicists says the
discovery of an electrically charged subatomic particle called Zc(4020),
is a sign that they have begun to unveil a whole new family of mysterious four-quark objects called Zc
(3900). The Beijing Spectrometer collaboration announced the particle in April
2013. [Science 15 August 2014: Vol. 345 no. 6198, pp. 791-795]
maps of the diffuse interstellar band at 862 nm
Janez Kos1,*, et al; The diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are
absorption lines observed in visual and near-infrared spectra of stars.
Understanding their origin in the interstellar medium is one of the oldest
problems in astronomical spectroscopy, as DIBs have been known since 1922. In a
completely new approach to understanding DIBs, we combined information from
nearly 500,000 stellar spectra obtained by the massive spectroscopic survey
RAVE (Radial Velocity Experiment) to produce the first pseudo–three-dimensional
map of the strength of the DIB at 8620 angstroms covering the nearest 3 kilo
parsecs from the Sun, and show that it follows our independently constructed
spatial distribution of extinction by interstellar dust along the Galactic
plane. Despite having a similar distribution in the Galactic plane, the DIB
8620 carrier has a significantly larger vertical scale height than the dust.
Even if one DIB may not represent the general DIB population, our observations
outline the future direction of DIB research.
July 22, 2014: Universidad de Barcelona
Neutrinos, also known as 'ghost
particles' because they barely interact with other particles or their
surroundings, are mass less particles according to the standard model of
particle physics. However, there is a lot of evidence that their mass is in
fact non-zero, but it remains unmeasured. In
cosmology, neutrinos are suspected to make up a fraction, small but important,
of the mysterious dark matter, which represents 90% of the mass of the galaxy.
Modifying the standard cosmological model in order to include fairly massive
neutrinos does not explain all the physical observations simultaneously.
X-rays point to DARK MATTER: June 25, 2014:
Space Agency
Ordinary neutrinos are very low-mass particles that interact
only rarely with matter via the so-called weak nuclear force as well as via
gravity. Sterile neutrinos are thought to interact with ordinary matter through
gravity alone, making them a possible candidate as dark matter. "If the interpretation of our new
observations is correct, at least part of the dark matter in galaxy clusters
could consist of sterile neutrinos."
2, 2014: University
of the Basque Country.
Astronomers have
explored cold dark matter in depth and proposed new answers about the formation
of galaxies and the structure of the Universe. These predictions are being
contrasted with fresh data provided by the Hubble space telescope. It is
estimated that only a minute fraction of the matter in the Universe is baryonic
matter, which forms stars, planets and living organisms. The rest, comprising
over 80%, is dark matter and energy.
HADES searches for Dark Matter: DARK PHOTON off the list
May 12, 2014: Source: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Recent results of HADES experiments have shown that the dark photon or U boson is no longer a
top candidate to explain the nature of dark matter. Researchers are now
searching for the constituents of dark matter at HADES, the High-Acceptance
Di-Electron Spectrometer. These negative results recently published in Physics
Letters B could even lead to challenges of the standard model of particle
Particle physicists measure the spin
of the proton's anti-quark: Aug
14, 2014 by Jennifer Chu.
A series of experiments in
the 1980s threw this theory for a loop, proving that the spins of the quarks
are only partially responsible for the proton's overall spin. Thus emerged what
physicists now refer to as the 'proton spin crisis,' prompting a decades-long
search for the missing pieces, or contributors, to a proton's spin. Now an
international team of more than 300 researchers, including MIT physicists, has
placed new constraints on the spin of the proton's anti-quarks, the
antiparticles of quarks that are thought to arise when the bonds between quarks
break. The researchers say these measurements may help to identify the
anti-quark's role in the proton's spin, as well as the mechanism by which
anti-quarks are produced.
Particle physicists measure the spin
of the proton's anti-quark: Aug
14, 2014 by Jennifer Chu.
A series of experiments in
the 1980s threw this theory for a loop, proving that the spins of the quarks
are only partially responsible for the proton's overall spin. Thus emerged what
physicists now refer to as the 'proton spin crisis,' prompting a decades-long
search for the missing pieces, or contributors, to a proton's spin. Now an
international team of more than 300 researchers, including MIT physicists, has
placed new constraints on the spin of the proton's anti-quarks, the
antiparticles of quarks that are thought to arise when the bonds between quarks
break. The researchers say these measurements may help to identify the
anti-quark's role in the proton's spin, as well as the mechanism by which
anti-quarks are produced.
Sri Tanguturi
Kutumba Rao urged state government to declare August 23 as a holiday, to honor
the freedom fighter the Tanguturi Prakasam the Andhra Kesari.
was a personal friend of Late Prof. K. R. Rao of Andhra University. To Prof. K.
R. Rao he gave the responsibility, of initiating the new Sri Venkateswara
University in Tirupati in 1954, where at the Professor formulated the entire plan of 15 years of the new
University, along with the first appointments of Professors, within just a
period of six months as a SPECIAL OFFICER.
Alas, the government deliberately brought out changes, with the change
of Governor Sri Trivedi as the Chancellor, an ardent supporter of Prof. K. R.
Rao, just to deny him the post of the Founder Vice-Chancellor. The new
Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara University denied the post to Prof. K. R. Rao. But, the new VC couldn’t change the orders which were already issued by the
D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for almost a period of fifteen years.
UV Light
Emanating from distant Quasars the
UV light interacts with the hydrogen gas in the interstellar medium to reveal
the main sources of all illuminations in the Universe. [UCL report]

the Dharma Chakra of 'India Flag'
24 spokes depicting
24 virtues of a human being Photo2142
suddenly felt tremors in Krishna District Nandigamma town on Sunday, August 17 at
9h15mAM. They were felt for a couple of seconds at Raithupeta and a person
reports a loud sound was heard and he almost fell under impact from his
6.1R magnitude Earthquake jolts west Iran on Monday August
18, but no causalities luckily. It struck the province of LLAM in western Iran,
but US geological survey sets it at 6.3R magnitude. The epicenter was at a
depth of 10km.
A 5.0R magnitude undersea tremor struck on Northern Greece
peninsula of Halkhidki a major tourist destination in Athens of Greece on
Friday 22 Aug 2014.
BY AUTHOR: The three tremors one at
Nandigama, AP, India, the other at the
province of LLAM in western Iran and a
third under Sea in northern Greece may be coupled events with a couple of
hour’s difference in time.
Three injured in California Quake
Sanfrancisco California governor declared a state of
emergency on Sunday August 24, after a 6.0R magnitude Earthquake injured three
people and ignited fires in Napa Valley wine.
Organism on Space Station Window
Spotted by Russian cosmonaut on windows of the
International Space Station, in vacuum, freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen
and cosmic radiation the plankton’s organisms’ survival report dated Aug 24,
2014. Cosmonauts were taking samples from ISS windows Head of Russia’s ISS
mission says the marine life forms are not native to launch site in Kazakhstan.
He suspects the existence of some uplifting air currents popup plankton’s
organisms’ that reach the station and settle on its surface. Discovery made
during the space walk by cosmonauts Olek Artemyev and Alexander Skvortsovto to
collect samples from windows of ISS.
the idea of Prof. C. Wickramasinghe, that the space station is orbiting earth
in a total vacuum, so against laws of Physics, to assert that these plankton’s organisms were blown into space from Earth. Author
feels that ‘this idea may not be correct’.
Buddhist Relics
in AP, belonging to Guntur District, certain edifices belonging to Buddhism
near Bhimeswarswamy Temple being renovated under the Government Ancient
Articles effort. They ascertained the find dates back to AC 200 or 300 years
Buddhist relics in Chebrolu news Dt. 17 Aug 2014
GRAVITY WAVES IN Visakhapatnam
Gravity Waves and the brilliant spectra of colors
Visakhapatnam on Aug 19 Photo2113
on Aug 21, 2014 at 10h39mAM
the bizarre Gravity Waves due to
Land movements Photo2114.
The author’s
conjecture of association of Gravity Waves, the land sliding in Japan and
events followed by the three tremors mentioned, seem to be remotely coupled.
Flowing below danger marks the rivers in AP resulted only
about 50% of crop yields.
Nagarjuna Sagar Green View due to the uploading of
greenery Aug 20 Photo2115
Blue waters of Nagarjuna reservoir
on 20 Aug Photo2116
Respina River is swelling due to heavy rain in the last
week heaviest, houses destroyed after a little mountain of mud fell crashing
down. Saturday August 16th, 28 people were killed in 48 hours, in
nine districts, including five woman and five others seriously injured. About
1000 to 1500 villages in Balrampur, Sitapur, Bahraich, Lakhimpur Kheri, and
Barabanki facing flood threat affected with Saryu and Ghaghra are flowing
precariously. Over 100 villagers in Bairagarh were air-lifted in Pauri-Garhwal district
by Uttar Pradesh Government [report on 17 August].
Heavy rains in Himachal Pradesh made
17 people buried alive due to land slide. In Dehradun Uttar Pradesh landslides
by rain, buried 7 alive and toll rises to 24.
nearly 2.5lakh people were hit by rivers in spate. In Assam flood situation
critical in Lakhimpur, Dhemaji and Sonitpur districts. Bihar flood toll rises
to 20, with more deaths past 48 hours an official said on Sunday August 24.
Kosi River is flowing above danger mark.
dead 142 missing after 3 days of floods in Nepal, flooding and landslides over
the last three days, 14 to 16 August affected 10 districts, with the possible
death to rise. Rapti is flowing 105.41 meters i.e. about 0.79 meters above
danger mark of 104.62meters. Rapti River fed by Bhalung, Bhairahwa and Kusum
barrages in NEPAL are in spate. The tributaries Kakrdhari and Bhinga tributaries’
of Rapti flowing above danger mark. Budhi Rapti was on floods in Siddharthnagar
district. Gharga fed by Chisapani barrage in Nepal in spate at Elgin Bridge in
Barabanki and Ayodhya. Rapti, Surya, and Ghaghara Rivers were over flowing
above danger marks report of August 17.
Uttarakhand many roads were blocked due to rain-triggered landslides.
situation in Uttar Pradesh and Assam continues to be grim on Tuesday August 19,
though Bihar some rivers are showing receding trend. Flood situation grim in
Assam including districts, Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, and Sonitpur with one lakh
people affected. Makeshift arrangements are being used with bamboo bridges in
Burhaburthi village in Assam.
crossing the rivers and flood waters moving on bamboo single stick bridges was
an awful sight but the waters have flooded vast stretches of land in Assam with
several photographs depicting the plight of people moving by small boats and knee deep water
logs using bicycles carried overhead. Forest officials moved elephants on
Wednesday August 27, to safety as Flood waters entered Pobitora Wildlife
Sanctuary in Morigaon district in Assam with Rs. 1000crore to strengthen embankments
and build new ones.
situation in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh is grim on Aug 22, Friday with the said
rivers flowing less than one meter danger marks.
kills one in Kurnool in the early hours of Sunday August 24, in agricultural
fields of Onions, at Gonegondia village in Kurnool district when along with two
others took shelter, under a tree due to sudden rain.
Western Japan Landslides killed at least 40, dozens of
homes destroyed and left rescue workers scrambling to find another forty seven
still missing on Friday [23 August 2014 Times of India]. Over 4000 people
ordered to evacuate homes due to heavy downpours with changes occurred in the
shape of the mountains. Fresh collapse feared people to search.
on Friday Aug 22, 2014 Photo211
important finding by the author is that the pre August 15 days the Earth quakes
and tremors were mostly longitudinal over the terrestrial environment while the
later i.e. post August 15 days till August 31 were latitudinal.
Jawan’s Demise
resident a BSF jawan, an ardent recite of cultural and social poems, hardly 35
years died in Meghalaya state on Saturday August 23, due to a thunderbolt hit.
UV Radiation
UV radiation on 21
Aug 2014 at 13h34m42.840s from the flare partially
ionized the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere. This "Sudden Ionosphere
Disturbance" altered the normal propagation of VLF (very low frequency)
radio transmissions over the northern hemisphere.
Controlling ferromagnetic domains using light
Aug 21, 2014
Stephane Mangin of the
University of Lorraine in France, along with colleagues in the US, Germany and
Japan, has demonstrated that this type of optical switching can also be achieved
in ferromagnetic films made from materials such as cobalt, platinum, nickel and
palladium. The researchers tested a
selection of ferromagnetic films, varying parameters such as the relative
thicknesses, the proportions of different materials and the number of layers,
to confirm their finding. Using a standard method, the team viewed each sample
under a Faraday microscope, which uses polarized light. A domain polarized in
one direction appears black, whereas a domain polarized in the other appears white.
The researchers irradiated the samples using 100 femtosecond laser pulses
and found that they were able to switch domains as well as introduce
polarization to parts with no net polarization.
Visakhapatnam city had only cloudy weather in the morning
from 10 AM to about 2h30m PM on Aug. 23 but later it was all a Sunny weather
with no rain at all. Visakhapatnam had no rain in spite of vast watery clouds
moving on Aug. 24. The thunder in the afternoon has not resulted in any rain
but the afternoon and late night the weather is very sultry and people
experienced uneasiness.
It rained heavily in Muralinagar for nearly one and half
hours in the evening on the 25 August. Dr Lalitha Kumari (USA) left by train at
11h30mPM to Vijayawada.
Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter to occur on Monday August
18, phenomenon can be observed till August 24. The three brightest objects in
the night sky, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, converged this morning August 24 to
form a bright triangle visible around the world.
Fig.4 the Moon, Venus and Jupiter
triangular view:
triangular_ strip.
Fig.5 A comprehensive picture of Universe in Color
Fig.5b Prof KLN B’day 23 July 1940 being honored
by Dr Maheswari Devi, 92 year old AU Botany Professor
at Vintage Visakha on 25 Aug 2014 Photo2140.
Maheswari Devi, D.Sc.(Botany) appointed by
Late Prof K. R. Rao, Principal of AU, Waltair, as one of the first three lady teacher appointments at AU,
the others being Dr. Mrs. Lila Sen, English Language Lecturer and Dr. Mrs. C.
Santhamma, Physics Lecturer.
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space
Telescope have assembled a comprehensive picture of the evolving universe,
among the most colorful deep space images ever captured by the 24-year-old
About six people were killed and
three injured in rain-triggered landslide in western Nepal where a restaurant
located on the banks of Pharma Lake in tourist spot Pokkara on Monday August
25, due to heavy rains.
Vintage Visakha Shiva Power
presentation on 26 Aug eve Photo2126.
Ganesh Idol recovered in Krishna district
to 12th Century.
The idol of Sri Lakshmi
Ganapathi of Chalukyan style of carving is made of granite stone with trunk on
the left side recovered on Monday August 25
on the premises of KCP sugars,
for almost three years the people in that area were speculating on the ancient
temple. During the year 1984 Archaeology Survey
of India in Laximipuram found remains of prehistoric and medieval period
artifacts. The site is being prepared, now for the Ganapathi Temple on
Sugar Factory premises.
Fresh inflows of water
added in Srisailam reservoir following heavy rain in the local catchment area
on 26 Aug. Overflowed water due to a breach on right branch canal filled the
fields and added to the Somalavaghu rivulet.
August 27 evening from
5h50mPM to late night and early morning of August 28 the heavy rain occurred
and brought the temperature during the night.
NEUTRINOS August 28, 2014
The Borexino experiment, at Italy’s Gran Sasso
Laboratory for the last seven years, located deep beneath the Apennine
Mountains detects the neutrinos as they interact with the of an ultra pure
organic liquid scintillator at the centre of a large sphere surround by 1000
tons of water. It is gauzed by NSF and INFN and others from Russia, Germany,
Poland and France revealed that low energy neutrino branch accounts for 90% of
total flux [published today August 28 in Nature]. These initiate solar energy
Thursday August 28: Scientists discovered a four to six km (2.5 to 4 miles)
line of giant craters or cauldrons, 10 to 15 meters deep, and one km wide, on
the Vatnajoekull glacier which covers the giant Volcano. Tremors continued on
Thursday with a 50R magnitude earthquake just after 0800GMT.
The Ganesh festival endangering
rare plants in Western Ghats like the wild turmeric, mahalungi (a diabetic cure
plant}, screw pine, variants such as pandanus odoratissimus, and pandanus
tectorius (the Kewara flowers sells at Rs.150/-). Tons of leaves, about
expected 21 verities, reach Mumbai markets head of Ganesh Festival. (Friday
August 28, 2014).
Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD, USA attentive on Ganesh Puja
the eve of Aug 29 at her residence compound
her flat in Muralinagar Photo2152
August 29 it was a mixed weather of heavy rain
and Sunshine. By 2 P.M. the Sun was shining bright. But there was a heavy rain
by afternoon around 3h30mPM and weather continued to be cloudy with
intermediate Sun Shine. Weather became very sultry. Throughout the night it
rained heavily and continued the next day. It rained in Vijayanagaram, Warangal
Karimnagar, Medak, Khammam, Rangareddy, Adilabad, Kurnool, Guntur, Anantapur,
Kadapa, Mahabubanagar, Nizamabad, and Nalgonda. Andhra Coast and south Odisha
coasts were much affected.
The weather was very cloudy on
August 30 and continued to evening when there were slight showers. Passing
clouds on the top of the hills located distant from Muralinagar was a
delightful site at Visakhapatnam. It brought rain to Gopalpatnam and
Muralinagar suburbs of Visakhapatnam.
Srisailam reservoir attained full
level on Sunday with inflows and on Saturday August 30, it stood at 882.13ft. Water
was allowed to flow through the Sunkesula dam in Kurnool district.
Tremors cause Panic
Tremors triggered panic among people of
several villages of Srikakulam and Vijayanagaram districts late on Saturday
August 30, evening. Intensity was minimal.
Smoke and ash Mount Tavurvur Rabaul,
Easter Papua, New Guinea on Saturday Aug 30
Heavy rains in North Karnataka over
past three days Aug 29 to 31, six persons died due to the rains in Gulbarga,
Yadgir and Bijapur districts. The catchment areas of Krishna, Ghataprabha and
Malaprabha rivers in Belgaum district over the last fortnight submerged Kudachi
Bridge. Many houses in Dharwar, Gadag, and Devangere districts were damaged.
low pressure system over Bay of Bengal off Andhra-coast and Odisha on August 28
joined the atmospheric trough, though feeble along the west coast from South
Maharashtra to Kerala coast to shower in these areas past three days.
Last 24 hours of August 31, Kalingpatnam,
Bapatla and Visakhapatnam received 3cms rain. Vijayanagaram and Mentada
received 10cm rain fall, Bondapalli and Paderu received 8cm, Merkamudidam,
S.Kota and Balijipeta received 6cm, Parvatipuram, Araku Valley, Vepada, Palasa,
Terlam, Nellimarla and Gantyada received 5cms rain fall. Srisailam reservoir
attained full level on Sunday August 31.
These people have conquered their
trip to the South Pole and nearly 55 days they travelled trekking alone with no
neighbor to speak. Now they want to travel the Ganga River to formulate a
cleaning operation but with several people around. They believe the Mississippi
River in USA has also been polluted by Industrial firms and the water is not
safe to drink.
Another "celestial triangle" is observed. Right now
the Moon is passing the sun en route to the evening sky. On August 31 it will
join Mars and Saturn in the constellation Libra. Visible after sunset, the new
triangle won't be quite as luminous as the old one, because Mars plus Saturn is
not as bright as Venus plus Jupiter, but the formation will still be very
Libra, Viz., Zuben Elgenubi, a double star about 77ly away.
Nikon D 700 Nikkor 24-70 mm, exp 8-10 sec. ISO 800 ASA
by M Nikodem of Szubin
A Superb Presentation
A completely new view of the
space-time structure its involvement with the Gravitons is envisaged and
presented to account for terrestrial atmosphere presence of
Pions, new Photons and new Anti-Photons. The diagrammatic approach
to evaluate the matrix elements is given. The new current matrix elements of
the graviton, with one - Pion state, ⊞ (sum) new gamma, yields new mathematics of new
<g| Aμν (x)| (π+μ ⊞ γν )>
novel sum ⊞ of
the right hand side.
The new photons have projections
to go with the similar Pions to match the Graviton of five projections +2, +1,
0, -1, -2. Similar expressions for the Anti-Graviton, Anti-Photon and the
Anti-Pion are suggested and explicitly formulated by me. The effect of Gravity
on virtual Pion-Gamma pairs as they propagate through space lead to a violation
of Einstein’s equivalence principle while the effect is difficult to be
measured being virtual its effects on creation of Muon-Neutrino pairs and
virtual Photons seems to be manageable. The analogous matrix element for, the
Anti-Photon γ’ν is possible.
Obviously the formalism developed helps to easily
write down the corresponding matrix elements for the π –μ. The new photons adopted in the present work
[published Ind. Science Congress, 2015 at Univ. of Mumbai, Mathematics
Session, 3rd to 7th
Jan 2015] has components about five [Ref. 1 and 2].
The author is greatly indebted to Late Prof K. R. Rao, D.Sc. (Madras)
D.Sc. (London) for his continuous zeal in promoting the outstanding research
work at Andhra University, Waltair covering the entire Electromagnetism
Spectrum from Cosmic Rays to the Radio waves during the years (1932 - 1972) of
his unselfish and devoted research in several branches and exceptional devotion
in care-taking the youngsters to achieve glory and comfortable positions at
several institutions in India and especially abroad. An extraordinary
formulation of Graviton and the correlation with five dimensional Pions,
Photons, and a new addition symbol ⊞,
and their anti-particles formulated to bring out a fine
formalism to describe the event processes of the Universe.
The guidance of Late Prof K.
R. Rao, D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) was an Enigmatic Thrill of research.
- Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
Ind. Science Congress, 2015 at University of
Mathematics Session, 3rd
to 7th Jan 2015.
- Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
Ind. Science Congress, 2015 at
University of Mumbai,
Physics Session, 3rd to 7th
Jan 2015.
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