Volume 2020, Issue No. 11, Dated: Nov. 1-15, 2020 Time: 07:06:41 AM
Professor Dr. Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
M.Sc.(Math. Phys.), M.Sc. (Nucl. Phys.), PhD.(AU), Int. Edu & Res. (Sweden 1964-65)
While returning from Sweden,
spent a few days in England, Paris, Egypt and etc. countries,
Visited USA about 12 Universities, several National Laboratories and Institutes for four months. December 1988. and in 1989 visited Japan for about
10 days, and South Korea Conf. in Physics for a week in 1989.
[Retd. Prof of Physics; Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416004].
Residential Address: 17- 11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony,
Maharanipeta. P. O., Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P. Mobile: 09491902867.; DOB:23-07-1940, evening 6 PM and 6:01 PM.
India takes step closer to producing hydrogen fuel from biomass, Scientists Develop a Drone That Can Enter Into Volcanoes and Predict Future Eruptions, three magnon quasiparticle state, BSNL is still struggling to put in place a tender to place orders for building its 4G network, Chhattisgarh potter swamped with orders for his unique diya that burns for 24 hours, using leaves from moringa and gotu kola plants, which can be converted into herbal soap, Brain can be made to teleport using lasers,
space to earth with laser filaments, light will carry far more information and move it faster, BSNL to start providing mobile services in Delhi, Mumbai from January next year,
Nov. 01, 2020: Researchers form ultra-strong coupling between photons and atoms. ITMO University researchers have demonstrated that individual atoms can be transformed into polaritons—quantum particles that are a mixture of matter and light, which are transmitted via optical fibers. In this new state of matter, photons and atoms form ultra-strong coupling for the first time. The results of this research can be used to control the properties of light and matter and to create quantum memory. Polaritons are interesting because photons make them perfect for storing units of information called qubits, while atoms ensure they can bond with other quasiparticles and give us more opportunities to control them. Thus, by acquiring long-living quasiparticles, we can increase the resilience of the quantum system as a whole.
Nov. 01, 2020: India takes step closer to producing hydrogen fuel from biomass: IISc Bengaluru. The Indian Express logoIndia takes step closer to producing hydrogen fuel from biomass: IISc Bengaluru. In a boost for the clean energy sector, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), in collaboration with Indian Oil Corporation Limited, has developed a process to produce hydrogen fuel from biomass without combustion.
Nov. 03, 2020 at 00:09AM: Paintings on fauna and flora light up 10-km stretch of Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary. The reserve forest, part of the Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary, is dotted with paintings of fauna and flora along its route. An initiative by the forest department, the paintings is only a small effort to showcase the richly biodiversity of Cauvery North Wild Life Sanctuary.
Schematic Diagram of the Polarization Tunable THz Emission From Bi2Te3 (IMAGE): SPIE--INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICS AND PHOTONICS.
Fig.1 Tunable THz emission from Bi2Te3
Schematic diagram of the polarization tunable THz emission from Bi2Te3. (a) Femtosecond laser pulses with horizontal linearly polarized (HLP), vertical linearly polarized (VLP), left-handed circularly polarized (LCP), and right-handed circularly polarized (RCP) illuminate onto the topological insulator Bi2Te3 and produce polarization tunable THz waves. (b) Macroscopic helicity-dependent photocurrents and only unidirectional spin current can be generated. (c) Microscopic electronic transition under circularly polarized laser pulse illumination. Haihui Zhao et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.2.6.066003.
Nov. 03, 2020: Scientists Develop a Drone That Can Enter Into Volcanoes and Predict Future Eruptions. With an estimated 300 active volcanoes on Earth, it is a challenge to monitor them all to send out early warnings before they erupt. Measuring volcanic gas emissions is also no easy task. However, a new report has shown how scientists have designed specially-adapted drones to help collect data from an active volcano in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Fig.2 The Visakhapatnam very ancient shop for Deepavali ware. Nov. 03, 2020: State-run BSNL has written to the government that it should be fairly compensated for the losses that will accrue to it due to delays in rolling out 4G services. Although it's been a year since the government approved a Rs 70,000-crore revival package for the ailing BSNL and MTNL, the former is still struggling to put in place a tender to place orders for building its 4G network.
Nov. 04, 2020: Laser-based method to detect antibiotic resistant bacteria invented by UK scientists. By placing a reflective surface – a small stiff cantilever – in a filtered growth medium in a petri dish, and reflecting a laser off it onto a detector, the researchers said it is possible to detect bacteria as they pass through the path of the laser, therefore altering the signal at the detector.
Nov. 04, 2020:
Fig.3 Three magnon quasiparticle state.
Scientists discover a new magnetic quasiparticle. Neutron scattering reveals a new way for magnetic oscillations to stick together. sodium manganese oxide represents the first antiferromagnetic (moments aligned antiparallel) material that hosts a three-magnon bound state. This demonstrates that such quasiparticles are stable enough to form. Using multiple-magnon bound states as carriers of quantum information is important for future quantum technologies, and this work provides a model material for studying the formation and properties of these new quasiparticles.
Nov. 05, 2020: Delhi's Weather Is Colder Than Hill Stations Like Dalhousie, Dharamshala & It Is Only November. Indiatimes logoDelhi's Weather Is Colder Than Hill Stations Like Dalhousie, Dharamshala & It Is Only November. After two consecutive days, Delhi witnessed another cold morning on Wednesday, with minimum temperature settling at 10.6 degrees Celsius, four notches below normal.
Nov. 05, 2020: They tracked that fast radio burst to a weird type of star called a magnetar that's 32,000 light-years from Earth, according to four studies in Wednesday's journal Nature.It was not only the first fast radio burst traced to a source, but the first emanating from our galaxy. Astronomers say there could be other sources for these bursts, but they are now sure about one guilty party: magnetars.Magnetars are incredibly dense neutron stars, with 1.5 times the mass of our sun squeezed into a outburst that happens every 16 days to a nearby galaxy and is getting close to pinpointing the source.Some of these young magnetars are only a few decades old.
Nov. 06, 2020:
Fig.3a Long Hair a teenager from Gujarat.
18-YO Girl From Gujarat Breaks Her Own Record For Longest Hair Ever On A Teenager & It's 2 Metres Long!
Nov. 06, 2020: If the experimentally measured value differs significantly from the expected Standard Model value, it may indicate the existence of unknown particles whose presence disturbs the local magnetic field around the muon. "If there is actually a discrepancy between the predicted and measured values, it is further proof that the Standard Model, our current understanding of the contents of the universe, is incomplete,"

Fig.4 The Sun set at Visakhapatnam Beach
around Photo2136 Nov 06, 2020 at 04h57m PM.
Fig.5 WP_20201106_11_35_04_Pro unknown
is it Amars or Bobji sitting in the front row.
Nov. 07, 2020: Thirteen year old boy fought valiantly a leopard with bare hands in a maize field around 4 PM on Tuesday, 3 Nov. 2020. He ventured alone in the deeper inside the standing crop when the big cat suddenly pounced on him. It grabbed his hand but punched the animal in the face with the other hand. Leopard fell and stayed there without attacking him again. Gaurav Kalunge was taken to hospital for stitches and discharged him on Wednesday.
Nov. 07, 2020: Diwali 2020:
Fig.6 Ashok Chakradhari made unique Diya that burns for 24 hours..
Chhattisgarh potter swamped with orders for his unique diya that burns for 24 hours. The potter Ashok Chakradhari lives in Kondagaon village in Bastar District of Chhattisgarh. Ahead of Diwali, he has designed an earthen lamp in which the flow of oil is circulated automatically and continuously.
Nov. 07, 2020 4:23 pm IST:
Fig.7 Vidisha Maitra elected UN advisory.Indian Diplomat Elected To UN Advisory Committee. In the Group of Asia-Pacific States, Maitra, First Secretary in India's Permanent Mission to the UN, obtained 126 votes. Vidisha Maitra was elected to the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly.
Nov. 08, 2020: Gujarat: Earthquake of magnitude 4.2 hits Bharuch. The earthquake occurred at around 3:39 PM. It was at a magnitude of 4.2 with a depth of 10 km.
Nov. 08, 2020: Diwali teaches us that light triumphs over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance," said Johnson from 10 Downing Street in London on Friday. "Just as Lord Rama and his wife Sita found their way home after the defeat of the demon king Ravana, their way lit by many millions of lamps, so too we shall find our way through this, and we shall do so triumphantly," he said.
Nov. 08, 2020: Chandigarh: Indiatimes logoHumans Came From Sponges? Genes Linked To 700 Million-Year-Old Sea Sponges. Sea sponges, organisms with bodies full of pores that allow water to circulate through them, have dominated life on Earth since before dinosaurs. A new research now suggests that possibly the entire animal kingdom, including humans, shares important genetic mechanisms with sea sponges.
Nov. 08, 2020: A hospitality college in Bali, Indonesia, has begun accepting coconuts as a form of tuition payment from students facing economic hardship. Students can also pay using leaves from moringa and gotu kola plants, which can be converted into herbal soap and sold to raise money for the academy.
Nov. 09, 2020: Experiments at French particle accelerator probe the properties of supernovae. The action of neutrinos in supernovae is poorly understood. When the core of a massive star at the end of its life collapses on itself under the effect of gravity, the electrons in the atoms combine with the protons in their nuclei, producing protons along with neutrinos. The neutrinos produced in abundance then escape from the neutron star being formed at a speed even faster than light. So much so that 99% of the energy emitted by a supernova is in the form of neutrinos! when the core of the star collapses, the neutrinos may be captured by free neutrons or neutrons in aggregates (light nuclei)—a process likely to influence the evolution of the supernova.
Nov. 09, 2020: Brain can be made to teleport using lasers, finds study. The study, which was published in the journal Cell, explained that laser beams can be directed into the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory and learning to stimulate neurons called "place cells". The cells in the brain get active when an animal or a human being goes into a new environment, storing the location in the memory.
Nov. 09, 2020: Earthquake in Maharashtra: Magnitude 3.4 quake shakes Palghar, spreads panic. The earthquake on Monday was recorded at 5.31 am in Palghar. Last month also, a couple of tremors were experienced in Palghar. The district has been witnessing low to moderate intensity earthquakes since November 2018, especially in its Dahanu and Talasari talukas.
Nov. 10, 2020: Transmitting data from space to earth with laser filaments, light will carry far more information and move it faster than the radio waves we currently rely on.
Nov 11, 2020: Observation of four-charm-quark structure. However, no unambiguous signal of exotic hadrons was observed until 2003, when the X(3872) state was discovered by the Belle experiment. In the following years, a few more exotic states were discovered. The explanation of their properties requires the existence of four constituent quarks. Identification of pentaquark states is even more difficult, and the first candidates were observed by the LHCb experiment in 2015. All these known states contain at most two heavy quarks—the beauty or charm quark. A four-charm tetraquark is usually considered to be formed by a cc-diquark and abar{c}bar{c}-antidiquark attracting each other. The cc-diquark model successfully predicted the mass of the Ξcc++ baryon observed by LHCb in 2017.
Nov. 11, 2020: Kanpur boy develops air purifier robot. When operational, the robot can filter the polluted air and clean air would be released in the atmosphere whereas the polluted particles will remain behind in the air filter inside.
Nov. 12, 2020: Swami Vivekananda at JNU: PM Narendra Modi to unveil life-size statue via video conferencing. "Swami Vivekananda is one of the most beloved intellectuals and spiritual leaders India has been fortunate to produce. He enthused the youth with his message of freedom, development, harmony and peace in India. He inspired citizens to take pride in Indian civilisation, culture and its industrious spirit".
Nov. 12, 2020: One step closer: Muon-to-electron-conversion program reaches milestone in construction of novel experiment. When operational, the Mu2e experiment will reach 10,000 times the sensitivity of previous experiments looking for the direct conversion of a muon into an electron to test one of the fundamental symmetries in particle physics. The transport solenoid, a critical part of the experimental setup, is divided into two halves. Muons travel down the first half of the curvy corridor, where they are separated by charge. At the solenoid's midway point, they encounter a special device that permits only negatively charged muons to pass through to the second curved section. The negative muons then exit the transport solenoid and enter the next big magnet, the detector solenoid. There, they stop in a second target.
Nov. 13, 2020: The bright flash is the most intense infrared light from a short gamma-ray burst ever seen. It is more luminous than was theoretically thought possible, sending out more energy in half a second than the Sun will produce in its entire lifetime. The blast was spotted in May this year, when Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope captured the glow, three days after the burst. Over the next few years, further material ejected from the blast should be visible telescopes, allowing astronomers to further explore what might have caused it.
Nov. 13, 2020: Earthquake of 4.3 magnitude strikes Andaman and Nicobar Islands at 08:45:37 IST, Lat: 12.13 & Long: 93.46, Depth: 10 Km.
Nov. 14, 2020: Magnitude 5.5 earthquake hits remote corner of Nevada, a remote corner of Nevada early Friday, shaking the desert and a nearby town. The quake struck at 1:13 a.M. And was centered about 21 miles (34 km) southeast of Mina, a town of about 155, at a depth of 3.73 miles (6 km), the USGS said.People reported feeling it across desert communities in western Nevada and in California's Sierra mountains.
Nov. 14, 2020: BSNL to start providing mobile services in Delhi, Mumbai from January next year.
Nov. 14, 2020: But there is another set of vibrations recorded during ocean storms that are inexplicable in the accepted theories for how stormy seas generate movements in the solid Earth. These vibrations, named Love waves after their 20th-century discoverer, jostle underground rock particles side to side—perpendicular to their path forward. Scientists have presented two plausible explanations. One idea is that when the vertical force pumping down from colliding ocean waves encounters a slope on the seafloor, it splits and forms the two different surface wave types: Rayleigh and Love.
Nov. 14, 2020: The festival of lights abroad. Many festivals are celebrated in different cities from Berlin to Bangkok in the year. Let's look at the festivals that are preferred for lamps and crackers. UK PM Johnson, Prince Charles extend Diwali greetings, talk of 'victory of light over darkness'. "Let's all take comfort from the meaning at the heart of this fantastic festival. And let the many millions of Diwali lights all over the world shine through the darkness as beacons of hope for a better future."
Nov. 14, 2020: How to Spot 5 Planets in the Night Sky This Month Without Binoculars. It just so happens that the November evening planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) are superior planets, planets that orbit the sun outside Earth’s orbit. And it just so happens that the November morning planets (Mercury and Venus) are inferior planets, planets that orbit the sun inside Earth’s orbit.
Fig.8 gravitational energy of the large scale structure.
Nov. 14, 2020: The time flows from left to right. The data points show the measurements, the red shaded area shows the physical model, and the blue box shows the estimate of the gravitational energy of the large-scale structure available for heating the gas, which can explain the measured temperature at the present time.
Nov.15, 2020: Egyptian diver spends 6 days under water in the Red Sea to break world record. The news comes days after Slovenian freediver, Alenka Artnik, 39, set a new world record of her own by descending more 374 feet beneath the surface of the sea, according to The Washington Post.
Nov. 15, 2020: After nearly an hour of frantic searching by employees of the Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), they were able to retrieve her bag with the precious items inside. As per an article in the Pune Mirror, the bag reportedly had gold chains and some rings worth around Rs 3 lakhs.
August 18, 2020: Spin-phonon coupling in optically addressable molecular qubit candidates.
The author is indebted to Late Prof. K. R. Rao D.Sc. (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for stimulating encouragement to publish my articles on Science & Technology. He is also grateful to Late Mrs. Peramma Rangadhama Rao for her admiration and support for the publication of my articles. When her son Dr K V N Rao (Ill) had been to USA, she expected a possible trip to visit USA (not materialized) and always observed the 4th July, the day of US independence.
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