March. 06, 2021: New Fabric Instantly Absorbs Sweat From Body And Turns It Into Electricity. Monit Khanna 8 hours ago.However, now researchers at the National University of Singapore have developed a special film that instantly evaporates the sweat off the skin and this can even be used to convert into electricity. Reported first in journal Nano Energy, the film is made using two hygroscopic materials (materials that absorb moisture) -- cobalt chloride and ethanolamine. Early experiments have revealed that the new film instantaneously absorbs underarm sweat and prevents it from reaching the fabric of the clothing. In fact, the new moisture-absorbing film takes in 15 times more moisture than conventional materials and does it six times faster. Moreover, the film also changes its colour from blue to purple to pink, indicating the moisture retention level.
March. 08, 2021: 'Gravity portals' could morph dark matter into ordinary matter, astrophysicists propose. Paul Sutter 7 hours ago. And the idea has a super-cool name: gravity portals. The idea goes, when two dark matter particles (whatever they are) get sucked into one of these portals, they obliterate each other and spit out shockingly strong gamma rays. This line of thinking can potentially explain why the galactic center — where dense clusters of dark matter are thought to lurk — is full of gamma rays; and it could shed light on how the dark matter behaves and might occasionally interact with the normal matter of our universe. In 1970s, when astronomer Vera Rubin noticed that galaxies were rotating far too quickly — without an additional, hidden source of gravity, they should have torn themselves apart eons. Trillions of dark matter particles may be streaming through you right now, invisible and silent. So, it's possible, this theory proposed, that gamma rays may emerge as a byproduct of high-energy electrons. These high-energy electrons, which are a kind of particle known as "leptons" and much easier to produce than gamma rays directly, emanate from some source and travel throughout the galactic center. The electrons themselves are undetectable (they are very, very tiny), but as they flood through interstellar space, they can occasionally slam into a random passing photon (a light particle). That photon, most likely something innocuous and low-energy, collides with the aggressive electron; the collision boosts the photon's energy so much that it begins to give off gamma rays that we can see.
March. 08, 2021: 11 hours ago: I tried an alcohol-free drink made by a top professor that claims to make you as relaxed as alcohol does, but without a hangover. It hits the spot - but make sure you read the label.© Professor Nutt/Sentia I tried an alcohol-free drink made by a top professor that claims to make you as relaxed as alcohol does, but without a hangover. It hits the spot - but make sure you read the label. Sentia is a no-alcohol drink that claims to makes you relaxed and sociable, without the hangover. It was developed by a top psychopharmacology professor, and targets the same brain receptors that booze does.I enjoyed my Sentia shots — and think there's a time and place for it. More information is needed for those who are underage, have medical conditions, previous addictions or are pregnant. What if a drink made you as relaxed as a glass of wine, but without the headache the next morning? The Social Drinks claims to have made just that: Sentia, a botanical drink made entirely from plants. All its ingredients were picked either for their flavor, or to target the brain's GABA-A receptors - the same ones alcohol latches on to. When activated, these receptors make us feel relaxed and sociable. The company claims it's a first of its kind: some CBD drinks will promise similar effects, but target a different receptor in the brain.
March. 08, 2021: The DishSMRT HUB runs on the Android TV platform, which gives it access to a plethora of apps from the Google ecosystem. The smart box gives the flexibility to watch satellite as well as internet content on their TVs. It also allows users to control smart home devices from the box. The smart box supports Chromecast and Miracast which allows screen mirroring from your devices to the TV.

Fig.08. Visakhapatnam in 1950
when I was 10 years old.
March. 08, 2021: Visakhapatnam in 1865 achieved Municipality, with five people governing body, in 1894 six wards established, in 1920 first elections and in 1979 formed as a corporate, and in 2005 changed as GVMC. Visakhapatnam beach road was a great attraction, it was endowed with MOGALIREKULU and other ancient trees and I used to run after the rolling Big plums, from RK mission to the Maharanipeta junction in the beach sands. It was a great thrill and the single road along the beach coast was remodelled and built by ancient Britishers for their army movement. The road can be seen in the above photo. Earlier the Road was not existing but several princely houses have extended their downward steps to reach the sea. Britishers struck down all these and laid the road for their military movement.
March. 08, 2021: A study published in the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials, which you can read here, and is also demonstrated in the frankly unsettling gif above. This sped-up footage shows a 3D printer fully constructing an artificial hand in just 19 minutes, a task that would take six hours using conventional 3D printing methods, the team said.
March. 08, 2021: Black holes could be dark stars with 'Planck hearts'. By Paul Sutter 3 days ago. They may not be black or holes. But a new theory proposes that black holes may not be black at all. According to a new study, these black holes may instead be dark stars home to exotic physics at their core. This mysterious new physics may cause these dark stars to emit a strange type of radiation; that radiation could in turn explain all the mysterious dark matter in the universe, which tugs on everything but emits no light.
March. 08, 2021: The essence left by an icy comet that zipped past Earth in 2016 from its origins on the outskirts of our solar system. Using one of its infrared instruments, the telescope was able to detect carbon — a key ingredient of life — in the dusty glow of Comet Catalina's tail. My mother Mrs. Peramma Rangadhama Rao suggested that life originates in the falling Meteores and other heavenly bodies on the Earth.
March. 09, 2021: 6 hrs ago: Fruit growers in militancy-hit south Kashmir are facing a fresh wave of terror: big, thorny rodents that peel the bark of fruit trees and render them dead. With sharp and pointed spikes on their bodies, the porcupines have unleashed fear among almond and apple growers in the plateaus of Pulwama, Shopian and Budgam, damaging hundreds of trees beyond repair.“Ten almond trees in my orchard have been rendered useless. Trees that had taken 20 years to grow to full size will decay now,” Ghulam Nabi, a villager from Rohmu. Though no census has been done for the exact losses, hundreds of trees have suffered girdling in the orchards of Newa, Rohmu, Tujan, Kamrazipora, Goosu, Frasipora, Chewa Kalan and Quil villages.“The porcupines thrive in dry karevas than in moist plains. They live in burrows and breed very fast. Once there is shortage of tubers in soil, they gorge on trees. ”
March. 09, 2021:
Fig.09 Meteorite found in Gloucestershire.
Meteorite behind last month's fireball is found in Gloucestershire. Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline 13 hours ago. The largest is a 300g (10.5oz) lump which was found on a private driveway in the sleepy village of Winchcombe in the Cotswolds after being snared by Earth's orbit. Other, smaller pieces were also recovered from the area. The rock is a carbonaceous chondrite, an extremely rare meteorite which have previously been known to contain amino acids and other ingredients for life.Astronomers say the meteorite plunged into Earth's orbit at around 31,000 mph — 40 times the speed of sound — before burning up in dramatic fashion it streaked across Gloucestershire at 21:54 on February 28.
March. 09, 2021: Vermont Meteor's Violent Explosion Causes Earth Tremors Detected by NASA. .Ed Browne 2 hrs ago. The meteor that exploded over the state of Vermont on the evening of March 7 was detected by ground-based seismometers, NASA has said. The space rock violently broke apart in Earth's atmosphere around 33 miles high, causing a shockwave that could be measured and heard by instruments.
March. 09, 2021: In a major development, an earthquake of magnitude 3.5 hit Himachal Pradesh's Chamba on Tuesday afternoo. There is no report of any casualty or damage to property. Tremors were felt in and around the district at 12.34 pm, Earlier on Monday, two moderate intensity earthquakes of magnitude 3.6 and 3.5 had shook Chamba. Tremors were felt in and around the district at 10.20 am and 10.38 am, respectively. Meanwhile, a tremor of 3.2 magnitude was experienced in Gujarat's Kutch district on Monday morning. The tremor was recorded at 7.42 am wih its epicentre 13 km east-north-east of Dudhai in Kutch district. It was recorded at a depth of 18.6 km. Kutch is located in a very high risk seismic zone.
March. 09, 2021: 2 hrs ago:The tail made of sodium particles is not visible to the naked eye. The moon has a "comet-like" tail made of millions of sodium atoms. While the lunar surface is hit by solar wind, UV photons and meteorids, atoms liberated by the impact are pushed by light pressure into "a long comet‐like tail" opposite the sun.
March. 09, 2021: 20 hrs ago:
Fig.10. Sinking land and rising seas
Sinking land and rising seas: the dual crises facing coastal communities. Madeleine Stone. A man stands in a pool of water beside the Jakarta Bay seawall which protects shops, homes and mosques from being inundated by the sea. Due to rising sea levels and the over-extraction of groundwater, the capital is considered as one of the world's fastest sinking cities. Cities like New Orleans and Jakarta are experiencing very rapid sea level rise relative to their coastlines—the land itself is sinking as the water isRising Sea Levels Inundating Coastal Economies Four Times Faster. Jonathan Tirone 5 hrs ago. The extraction of groundwater and other resources from beneath cities including Jakarta, New Orleans and Shanghai is causing them to slowly sink, a phenomena called subsidence, resulting in greater risks from flooding and storm surges.
Fig.11 The blooming flowers at my house in Visakhapatnam,Narasimha Ashram.
March. 10, 2021: Our planet Earth may have not one, but two inner cores! (Wion Web Team) 6 hours ago. What we usually call our “inner core” is usually perceived as the centre of our planet, and its innermost layer. But turns out, the inner core has an inner core of its own! Then, the scientists conducted an anisotropy, which essentially tracked how differences in core’s material changed the properties of seismic waves. They found that the depth of the inner core did not throw up many variations, but there was a change 54 degree angle change.
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