Volume 2011, Issue No.2, Dt.27th February 2011: Time: 20:20:067
On the Infra Red absorption by Thallium Metal Vapour D.Sc. Thesis data and its analysis.
The 28th February 1928
Prof Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao,
Andhra Scholar, Vizianagaram Maharaja College,
Research Centre of Madras University, Yrs.1920-1924, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Key words: Infra Red Absorption, Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta, Thallium vapour, Design of heating a chamber and tube, experimental arrangements of a falling plate. Significance of The 28th February 1928, Antique and current Market value Prof K Rangadhama Rao S&T equipment and research material.
The spectra of absorption of Infra Red by the Thallium Vapour and analysis made by Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc (Madras ) D.Sc (London). during the years 1920-1924, a part of his D Sc (Madras) Thesis, at different densities of the heated vapour up to about 800 deg C clearly demonstrates the existence of Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta.
The late Prof K Rangadhama Rao often expressed that the extraordinary and innumerable of spectral lines that would eventually be observed by using more sophisticated instruments and methods of experimental techniques suggests a profound underlying mechanism of Quanta and the quantum behavior of the fundamental matter. He was engrossed and helped both his mentors and the students alike in the pursuit and understanding of the quantum nature of the spectra of several elements, polyatomic molecules and the diatomic molecules during the early stages of his post-graduate education and at the Intermediate level of college education. Undoubtedly he was one of the most profound experimentalist and an expert analyst. The uncanny abilities of Prof K Rangadhama Rao have not been supported by his colleagues, mentors and students. This is so in spite the fact that he was singularly responsible for the unassuming way he helped many a people. He was a man never admitted that he had enemies.
Experimental arrangement
In all these experiments the experimental tube was of steel and was heated in a charcoal furnace, designed especially for the purpose, through which a powerful blast of compressed air was maintained. A diagrammatic sketch of the experimental arrangement is given in Fig 1. (See Fig 6 of this article). The metal was kept in vacuum in all these experiments and the density of vapour was increased gradually by raising the temperature and the absorption spectrum was photographed at different stages to study the effect of temperature on absorption.

Fig 6 of Experimental arrangement Fig1, P.9 of Prof KRRao DSc (Madras) Thesis during the Yrs 1920-24.
Absorption in the Infra Red
As it was thought that it would be possible to explore this region more thoroughly by an automatic device than by making personal observations at different wave-lengths, such a device was used in these experiments for recording the galvanometer deflections. This device consisted of the falling plate camera in which the photographic plate was allowed to rise vertically behind a narrow horizontal slit, on to which the reflected spot from the Galvanometer was directly connected through a series of pulleys to the shaft of a spring motor, used also to rotates the wave-length drum of the spectrometer. The speed of the motor could be adjusted within wide limits and both the photographic plate and the wave-length drum could be simultaneously started or stopped.
In order to take the incident and transmitted energy curves, the metal being kept in vacuum and the beam of light allowed to pass through the tube, the incident energy curve was first obtained and then the tube was heated to about 8000 c and the transmitted energy curve was taken in the same region. As a result of both visual observation and photographic examination it has been found that the vapour does not allow selective absorption in this region and that 1π2- 1π1 I not absorbed by the non-luminous vapour of the metal Being forbidden by the selection Principle it did not appear in Mahler and Ruak’s experiments at the proper excitation potential and in these experiments remained unabsorbed by the non-luminous vapour. Unlike the metals of Groups I and II the resonance collision is not followed by the emission of the corresponding single line spectrum. The 1.07Volt resonance impact is therefore a peculiar type of collision which results, as pointed out by Ruark, only in the production of a metastable form of Thallium in which the atoms are mostly in 1π1 state ---- a state which may be produced by heating the vapour up to about 8000 c. The existence of such collisions has not yet been found in the case of the other elements of the Group by; they can be easily predicted from the spectroscopy data.
Fig 1 of Prof K R Rao D.Sc Thesis Madras University 1920-1924 Thallium IR absorption spectrum Fig 3a
Fig 2 of Prof K R Rao D.Sc Thesis Madras University 1920-1924 Thallium IR absorption spectrum Fig 3b
Fig 3 of Prof K R Rao D.Sc Thesis Madras University 1920-1924 Thallium IR absorption spectrum Fig 3c
Fig 4 of Prof K R Rao D.Sc Thesis Madras University 1920-1924 Thallium IR absorption spectrum Fig 3d
Fig 5 Pages 9-12 of Prof KRRao D.Sc (Madras) Thesis Fig3 Thallium Infra Red Absorption dated 1920 -1924
Significance of The 28th February 1928
M N Saha D Sc. F. R. S.
Professor of Physics,
University of Allahabad
The 28th Feb., 1928
I have known Dr. K. Rangadhama Rao from his
researches in spectroscopy, and also personally last
year when he spent about two weeks in my laboratory. In my
opinion, he has done exceptionally good work in
Spectroscopy, which has received honourable mention in
standard books and also from the authorities in the
subject. I shall be very glad if he is awarded a scholar
ship to enable him to proceed to foreign countries. I
am sure that he will prove to be one of India’s best
investigators in the Physical Science.
M. N. Saha
D.Sc., F.R.S
Head of the Physics Department,
University of Allahabad.
The Infra Red spectra of polyatomic molecules were investigated under his guidance by Dr SGVLN Krishnamachari (BARC) and subsequently by Dr Veturi Ramakrishna Rao(Defence Research), by Dr C Santhamma and many a others at the Researxh Centre of Prof K Rangadhama Rao D Sc (Madras ) D. Sc (London). Even to date Dr C Santhmma has been analyzing the Infra Red spectra of several materials along with her students.
It goes without emphasizing the fact that Prof K Rnagadhama Rao submitted his D Sc Thesis immediately following the award of the D Sc degree to Dr A L Narayana the Head of the Dept. of Physics of Maharaja College Vizianagaram. Prof K Rangadhama Rao has not received any help financial or otherwise from the Maharaja of Vizianagaram. The Madras University had its only research centre in Andhra region located in Vizianagaram hence due to paucity of funds to maintain himself at Madras; he had no go, other than to pursue his research ambitions in Vizianagaram for securing a highest academic degree.
Worth Millions of Dollars of Current as well of Antique Value :
The apparatus and the scientific material belonging to Andhra University, Waltair of this Research centre of Prof KRRao D Sc (Madras ) D. Sc (London). is worth millions of dollars of current as well of Antique value. Efforts should be made to acquire them by the concerned authority.
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