Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 2nd January,2011, Time:10h19mAM
On Vedic Knowledge of Astronomy
(A Chapter from Ph. D Thesis, 2007 Magadha University, Bodhgayaa -824234, Bihar India. Regd. No.1823/06)
Er. Dr. Duvvuri Narasimha Sinha,F.I.E,Ph.D,M.B.A., AIII
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Er. Dr. Duvvuri Narasimha Sinha,F.I.E,Ph.D,M.B.A., AIII
Ttitle Page of the Ph.D thesis of Dr D N Sinha on Ancient Knowledge of India on Science and Technology
Fig 0 The Vedic Knowledge of Astronomy: Content so the Chapter on Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Fig 1 Astronomy in Ancient Literature
Fig 2 Total Solar Eclipse : Prominent INDIA ASTRONOMERS
Fig 3 The Yuga Concept
Fig 4 The reckoning of time over Billions of Years of Creations
Fig 5 Importnat Hindu Eras
Fig 6 prevalent Indian Era
Fig 7 The point of reckoning time : Vernal Equinox
The Varahmihira units of rain fall are Pala, Adhaka(=50 palas i.e.1.6cm) and Drona(=6.4cm =4 times Adhaka) Circular Vessel of diameter equal to 20human fingers distance or one human arm and depth of width of eight fingers used for measure of rain fall. Formation of rain clouds Gharbha dharana takes 195 days before rain fall or birth i.e.Garbha prasava. Clouds in dark-half of Margashirasha deliver in the bright half of Ashada. Conceived in dark half of Pausha are delivered in bright half of Sravana. Conceived in the dark-half of Magha are delivered in the bright-half of Bhadrapada. Rain formation happens in Moon transit of Purvabhadhra commencing the first day of lunar month of Margashirasha. Four types of clouds are Abhatak: certain places, Sambarkar: in all parts of the country, Pushkar: less rain fall and Drona: Abundant rain fall. SapthaNadi or Dwinadi or Trinadi categories used for rain fall predictions.
Fig 9 Rotation of Earth: Precession of Axis
Fig 10 Indian 12 months and the Seasons 6 (rituas)
Fig 11 Unique Indian Concept of Thidi and Nakshtras
Fig 12 Bhaskara Siddahnat Siromani and Aryabhatiya
Fig 13 Periods of Revolutions of Planets
Fig 14 Was earth at any time Spherical? Glimpses of Aryabhatta Fig 15 Earth's rotation and apparent motion of Stars!!
Fig 16 Simple Atronomical Instruments to study the Eclipses of Moon & Sun
Fig 17 Shukla Yantra
Fig 18 Gnomon shadow Corrections use of Trigonometry
Fig 19 Yashti Yantra
Fig 20 Shalaka Yantra a Survey Instrument
Fig 21 Chakra Yantras of various Indian Astronomers
Fig 22 Unifeid Theory of Planetary latitudes and fixation of their Centres.
Fig 23 Sapta Nadi Chakra Seed of Health mangament
The author is greatful to Dr D V N Sarma, Dr E V Gangadharam and Prof Dr K Lakshmi Narayana for encouragment and fruitful dialogues during the trusciencetrutechnology monthly Research meetings and presentations
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