Volume 2013, Issue No.11, November 1, 2013, Time:
8h21m. AM.
Waves, Rainy and Festival Month of November 2013
Professor Dr.
Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of
Physics, SU, Kolhapur}, 17-11-10, Narasimha Ashram, Official
Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002 cell no: 9491902867.
Key Words: Deepavali,
Gravity Waves, Cold weather, Typhoon,
The month of Deepavali,
the victory of the Goodness over Evil, celebrated with enthusiasm but the
fireworks hardly lasted two hours from 7P.M to 9P.M due to the prohibitive cost
of selling prices and the people’s concern for saving money. Price of
Vegetables and fruits, controlled by the selling agents at a prohibitive cost.
Free flow of the items has been stalled. Things have somewhat changed in the
weeks of second and third November 2013. Prices of most vegetables shot up and
became scarce due to heavy rains and floods.
forced millions to take refuse in shelters due to strongest typhoon cat-5
super, in this year on Friday, November 8, 2013. It scoured the northern tip of
Cebu province headed NW to Boracay Island after lashing central islands of
Leyte and Samar with 275kmph (170mph) wind gusts and 5-6 meters (15-19ft)
waves. The HELEN cyclone of 21st November
added to the misery. Comet ISON is found thrilling for viewing in the
Constellation of Virgo. The November 1, 2013 has given a splendid view of
the Gravity Waves at Visakhapatnam preceded by light cloudy weather that lasted
only a few hours. To Telugu Department of Sri Venkateswara University
has been handed over, old lengthy unique Telugu manuscripts of size 3 and 1/2
feet size written on Palm leaves by ancients from Chitoor Zillah, Asramadugu on
Wednesday13 Nov 2013. Month end rains, an earthquake in Iran, have changed the
weather in Visakhapatnam considerably during the last 10 days of November 2013.
November 2013 started with cloudy weather with good Sun light and luckily it
didn’t rain, so Deepavali sales are in good progress at Visakhapatnam. The
Deepavali falls on Sunday 3rd November 2013. Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD
(USA) stationed herself at the residence 17-11-10 Narasimha Ashram, since
Friday 1 November 2013, to celebrate this year Deepavali. She has purchased a
few items of fire work as a token for about Rs.200/-.
Some significant
research abstracts collected relevant of the present author’s study:
“Nov. 4, 2013: Highly
Stable Quantum Light Source for Applications in Quantum Information has been developed. Light consists of
quantum particles, so-called photons. With a single photon it is possible to
transfer quantum information. The information can be encoded in the
polarization or in the phase of the photons' wave packets and can be used in
quantum communication and computation. In such applications, a single-photon
source, a device that emits photons one by one, is a prerequisite. One of the
most promising platforms for single-photon sources is based on semiconductor
quantum dots. One major unsolved problem is, however, that the
"color" (or wavelength) of the photons emitted by a quantum dot is
not locked to a precise value; rather, it wanders around randomly. The
fluctuations in the wavelength of the photons originate from imperfections in
the vicinity of the quantum dot. These imperfections can trap electric charge
in the semiconductor resulting in noise. To remove this "charge
noise," Prof. Warburton of the Department of Physics at the University of
Basel and his team have developed a quantum-classical hybrid system that
connects a single quantum dot to a constant-wavelength laser. This stabilizing
mechanism monitors continuously the fluctuations via the highly sensitive
optical absorption of the quantum dot. By applying the exact opposite effect,
the electrical field experienced by the quantum dot can be actively regulated.”
2. Oct 18, 2013: Feynman wasn't joking: Modeling quantum dynamics with ground
state wavefunctions by Stuart
Mason Dambrot 
Fig.6 Three discrete times of Hclock on Hilbert Space
the late Richard Feynman's many prolific and profound contributions to quantum
mechanics, the eponymous Feynman
clock is perhaps one of the
more innovative. Conceived as a solution to the problem of quantum simulation,
the Feynman clock proposes using quantum computers to simulate quantum systems
– and in so doing, conjectures that if a quantum system moves stepwise forward
and then backward in time in equal increments, it would necessarily return to
its original state. While originally a linear concept, scientists at Harvard
University and the University of Notre Dame recently generalized the
proposition to construct a more flexible discrete-time variational principle
that leads to a parallel-in-time algorithm. (A variational principle is a
scientific principle, used within the calculus of variations, which develops
general methods for finding functions which minimize or maximize the value of
quantities that depend upon those functions.) The researchers then used that
algorithm to describe time-based quantum system evolution as a ground state Eigen-value
problem that is, the quantum system's lowest energy state – which led them to
realize that the solution of the quantum dynamics problem, could also be
obtained by applying the traditional ground state variational principle. Researcher Jarrod R.
McClean discussed with the research that he and his
colleagues, Profs. John A. Parkhill and Alán Aspuru-Guzik, conducted. "In
solving quantum dynamical problems prior to our findings, the large dimension
and complexity of models in quantum mechanics make it very computationally
expensive to perform dynamics simulations," McClean tells
"This means that only very short time scales can be examined with high
accuracy. Moreover," he points out, "previous attempts to utilize
modern parallel computers have been hindered by strong spatial interactions
within quantum systems." "One
usually thinks of quantum information as a field that leads to the development
of quantum computers," Harvard's Aspuru-Guzik notes. "It turns out
that classical computing can benefit and learn from the ideas of quantum
information. This application of Feynman's clock to the challenging problem of
time evolution is an example of this."
Traditional algorithms utilize parallelization in space, in which a
supercomputer comprising many processors spatially distributes and advances the
problem in single temporal increments. "What is less natural,"
McClean continues, "is to think about the possibility of setting up a
calculation that is parallel in time." This means that
the simulation at
different points in time has to be simultaneously calculated on many
processors. "That's the focal point of our study," McClean stresses.
"We exploit the clock construction, which was originally designed to think
about quantum computing for use in parallel computers." McClean notes the importance of demonstrating
their proposal's accuracy convergence by applying the configuration
interaction method, a linear variational method for solving the non-relativistic
Schrödinger equation. "We wanted to show that the convergence of
configuration interaction in space-time has similar properties to its usual
application in ground state chemistry,"
he explains. "To do this, we had to find a system of interest where we
could also control the importance of two-body and one-body interactions."
Physicists find that entanglement
concentration is irreversible, in contrast with previous research: October 07, 2013 by Lisa Zyga,
A diagram of entanglement concentration and its recovery operation, entanglement
“Scientists have found that an initial
entangled state cannot be completely recovered after the concentration process.
Credit: Kumagai, et al. ©2013 American Physical Society, ( several
different types of entangled states can be used in quantum information
processes, and these states can be converted into one another using a variety
of conversion processes. While previous research has suggested that one of the
most common types of conversions, called entanglement concentration, is reversible,
a new paper shows for the first time that it is irreversible due to a trade-off
relation between performance and reversibility. The finding could have
implications for future developments in quantum information applications.
The physicists, Wataru
Kumagai at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, and Nagoya University in Nagoya,
Japan; and Masahito Hayashi at Nagoya University and the National University of
Singapore, have published their paper on the irreversibility of entanglement concentration
in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters. In quantum information processes, entanglement
concentration is used to convert multiple copies of an entangled pure state
into multiple copies of an entangled EPR state. Another conversion process, called
entanglement dilution, does the opposite; that is, it converts copies of the
EPR state into copies of a pure state. Due in part to the fact that the optimal
rates of entanglement concentration and entanglement dilution are the same,
physicists have previously thought that entanglement concentration may be
reversible. If this were true, reversible entanglement concentration could be
used to compress multiple copies of an entangled pure state in a lower
dimensional storage system, and later the initial state could be recovered
using entanglement dilution. However, in the current paper the researchers have
examined the recovery process more deeply, and have found that it doesn't quite
work this way. The physicists explain that the recovery process has two kinds
of errors: a concentration error, which represents performance; and a minimum
recovery error, which represents the degree of irreversibility. Complete
success occurs when an error is zero, while complete failure occurs when an
error is 1. The physicists show that each error can individually attain the
value zero, but not at the same time. This happens because of a trade-off
between the concentration error and the minimum recovery error. The sum of both
errors must always be 1, so that the smaller one error is, the larger the other
becomes. This trade-off implies that, when the concentration error is 0, the
minimum recovery error is 1. That is, perfect entanglement concentration is
completely irreversible. The researchers describe this irreversibility using an
analogy to another type of concentration: concentrated fruit juice.”
4. Maxim Popov* ,Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Automation and Computer Science, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and
Gas, Leninsky prospect 65, 119991 Moscow, Russia ,Received 3 October 2013;
published 6 November 2013, “It is known
that the spherically symmetric singular Wu-Yang monopole solution of the SU(2)
gauge field equations is equivalent to the Dirac U(1) monopole (with one gauge
group embedded into the other). We consider a multicenter configuration
of k Dirac monopoles and its embedding into SU(3)
gauge theories. Using this embedding, we construct an explicit multimonopole
solution of the SU(3) Yang-Mills equations which generalizes the SU(2) Wu-Yang
solution and the known spherically symmetric point SU(3) monopole solutions.” 2013
American Physical Society, PhysRevD.88.105005.
5. Jannis Bielefeld, W. L. Kimmy Wu, Robert R.
Caldwell, and Olivier Doré ,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder
Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA, Department of
Physics, Stanford University, 382 Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, California
94305-4060, USA and Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology,
452 Lomita Mall, Stanford, California 94305-4085, USA, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove
Drive, Pasadena, California 91125, USA,. California Institute of
Technology, MC249-17, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. Received 23 May
2013; revised 24 September 2013; published 7 November 2013. “A phenomenological
model of dark energy that tracks the baryonic and cold dark matter at early
times but resembles a cosmological constant at late times is explored. In the
transition between these two regimes, the dark energy density drops rapidly as
if it were a relic species that freezes out, during which time the equation of
state peaks at +1. Such an adjustment in the dark energy density, as it shifts
from scaling to potential domination, could be the signature of a trigger
mechanism that helps explain the late-time cosmic acceleration. We show that
the non-negligible dark energy density, at early times, and the subsequent peak
in the equation of state at the transition, leaves an imprint on the cosmic
microwave background anisotropy pattern and the rate of growth of large scale
structure. The model introduces two new
parameters, consisting of the present-day equation of state and the redshift of
the freeze-out transition. A Monte Carlo Markov chain analysis of a
ten-dimensional parameter space is performed to compare the model with
pre-Planck cosmic microwave background, large scale structure and supernova
data and measurements of the Hubble constant. We find that the transition
described by this model could have taken place as late as a redshift z∼250. We explore the
capability of future cosmic microwave background and weak lensing experiments
to put tighter constraints on this model. The viability of this model may
suggest new directions in dark-energy model building that address the
coincidence problem.” American Physical Society, Phys Rev, D.88, 103004, 2013.
Good progress
achieved by the Indian Space Mission about its Mars destined satellite mission.
On Friday night after 01h27m the ISRO changed the orbit of the satellite to
Mars. About 1.92lakh kilometers orbit Mama reached.
Scientist said on Wednesday, 13 Nov 2013, at an exhibition in Switzerland that
the interest in Physics, with the discovery of Higgs Boson by LHC operators has
dwindled. Nobel Award 2013 to P. Higgs and F. Englert firmly asserts the
invisible field makes the particles to acquire MASS. Due to the Higgs Bosons only, all
particles are able to acquire their mass, is what is understood from this
discovery, assisted by another six scientists in 1964 as well who were the
coworkers with Higgs. Invisible field of the Universe possess these Higgs
bosons. A reference to this work made by the author who has emphatically stated
that “Note: Hence it is not just that Higgs Boson is responsible for the
“Mass – Scalar” that makes the elementary particles to acquire mass. Nature is
more subtle in its symmetry-super-symmetry interaction of the NEW MATTER” in the Paper No.21 on 6th
January 2007, Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana, entitled “The possible Symmetry
& Super-Symmetry interaction Currents and the Properties of Strange Matter
of STELLAR STRUCTURES”, reference Page 14 Abstracts, MATHEMATICAL SCINCES, 94th
Session of Indian Science Congress 2007, Annamalai University.
Detailed paper presented at the 94th Session of ISC,
2007, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, available and this is to be
made accessible, on this shortly.
November 1, 2013 has given a splendid view of the Gravity Waves at
Visakhapatnam preceded by light cloudy weather that lasted only a few hours.
The clearance of the weather in the evening showed the Gravity Waves in the
evening around 5.15PM. November 2, 2013 began with a clear Sunshine but, with
highly diffused and profuse cloudy weather.
Fig.1a and Fig.1b The
Gravity Waves recorded on 1 November 2013
Fig.11 The unusual Gravity Waves and
clouds on 15 Nov 2013 at 5h32mPM
Photo1104 a day earlier to Full Moon
waves completely covered away by the dense clouds at Visakhapatnam in the
Fig.12a Moon at 8h34m PM on 15 Nov
2013 Photo1105
Fig.12b Moon close up at 8h35mPM on 15
Nov 2013
partly covered by the dense clouds one day before the full moon of 16 Nov 2013.
Unique Photo of Moon with Shiva symbol Photo 1106
The 3rd and 4th
November days of Deepavali Festival in India had a nice clear weather in
Visakhapatnam with no rain but just Sunlight with passing clouds. The Deepavali
at Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, was celebrated by Dr.
Kotcherlakota Lalitha Kumari MD(USA) and Dr KLN from 7PM to 8PM on 3rd
November 2013 with decorative lighted oil lamps and simple fireworks. Several
photos were taken.
Fig.2a. On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Puja Mantappam
of Lady Peramma Garu and Prof K R Rao
Photo1048 1
Fig.2b, On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Puja Mantappam
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD(USA) Photo1049 1
Fig.2c, On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Puja Mantappam,
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD(USA)
Photo1050 1
Fig.2d, On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Front Yard
lights of Deepavali,
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD(USA) Photo1052 1
Fig.2e, On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Front Yard
Lights of Deepavali,
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD (USA) Photo1054 1
Fig.2f. On 3rd Nov 2013; The Narasimha
Ashram Fire Crackers by
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD (USA) Photo1065 1
Fig.2g. On 3rd Nov 2013 The Tulasikota
at Narasimha Ashram,
17-11-10, Official Colony, MP, Vizag,
Puja by
Dr Lalitha Kumari MD (USA) Photo1044 1
I am lucky to get a glimpse of the Moon near to the Venus
planet a second time of this year in November, first in October 2013. The
pictures of proximity of Moon to Venus planet photographed on 6, 7 and 8
November 2013 with no visibility of nearby stars.
Fig.3a and 3b Moon on 6 November 2013
at 5h59mPM
Photo 1068 and Photo1069
Fig4a, Fig.4b and Fig.4c Moon on 7
November 2013
around 5h51mPM Photo1078, Photo1079
and Photo1080
Fig.13a Full Moon Saturday
16 November 2013 Photo1109
Fig.13b Full Moon Saturday
16 November 2013 Photo1110
Fig.14 Moon on 18 Nov 2013 at
8h26m09s Photo1116.jpg
Moon was clearly visible on Saturday 16 November 2013 around 7PM to 930PM later
the sky became cloudy and Moon covered by clouds. The 17 and 18 November 2013 were clear
days with good sunshine of the winter season, with chilly and cold weather.
cyclone HELEN : Changed Weather
But on 19 and 20 (slight Sun in clouds)
November 2013, it is very cloudy weather throughout the day with no sunshine at
all except early mornings. Early mornings from 2AM till 9Am, it continued to be
quite cold, since 4 November 2013 at Visakhapatnam. Cyclone HELEN
expected to cross coast on Friday November 22, 2013 between Nellore and
Machilipatnam, close to Ongole, in the early hours. 11 coastal mandals were
placed on alert. The water has become relatively cold and chilly weather
persisted through the days 21st and 22nd.
the 21st November 2013 since morning there started a drizzling
non-stop rain practically and in the evening intensified rain occurred in
Visakhapatnam. Also weather became very cold and people started wearing
protective heavy clothing. On the night of 21 Nov it was raining continuously
and continued in the Friday 22nd Nov and it rained non-stop till
night around 9.30PM. 23 and 24 November
Sun Shine graced the people of Visakhapatnam.
Another bigger than the HELEN
cyclone is expected to hit Andhra Pradesh with more loss of crops and produce.
IMG_1912 October 8, 2013 morning
University of Arizona, ISON pictured.
A photo of the comet ISON is given in The
Hindu newspaper, November 21st 2013. It can be seen with telescopes
and binoculars. The comet is not seen clearly even with binoculars on the 25
November 2013 a report by several observers. 28 November would be the day of
ISON closest approach to Sun at a distance of 1.2million miles i.e., about
1.9million kilometers either
it survives or gets fragmented as the scientists speculate. It December it
might offer a big light show when it approaches closest to sun and emerges on
the other side of it. Comet tail on the 24 November 2013 showed dark clouds presumably
density fortifications due to solar winds, with a possible ion tail. At
Southern California it is found to be hard to image with canon 350D, by Karl
Battams of NASA with the comet just 2.5 degrees above horizon. The comet was
seen at 6h25mUT from Teide Observatory about an hour before sun rise.
Lehar cyclone weakened and lies about 450km East South East
of Machillipatnam and 400km from Kakinada South East, on Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
evening. Colder sea surface temperature,
increase in wind shear and the movement of storm, weakened considerably, towards
coast with a landfall on Thursday.
IceCube Experiment: Astrophysical
The IceCube
was designed to measure the flux, or rate, of high-energy neutrinos and identify
some of their sources. About 5,160 digital optical modules suspended along 86
strings, in an IceCube, suspended beneath the ice at the South Pole. Detection
is made by observing neutrinos, through the tiny flashes of blue light, called
Cherenkov light, produced when neutrinos interact in the ice. Real time data, by optical sensors collected,
for analysis by computers, and forwarded the information via satellite to the North
observatory. The IceCube team searched their records from May 2010 to May 2012
of events that fell slightly below the energy level of their original search. They discovered 26 more high-energy events,
all at levels of 30TeV or higher, indicative of astrophysical neutrinos. Results
of this analysis were given on May 15, at the IceCube ”Particle Astrophysics
Symposium” held at University of Wisconsin, Madison. “Science” magazine
published the data and confirmed that IceCube has detected the high-energy
extraterrestrial neutrinos.
November 22, 2013 Researchers at
Duke University suggested to use copper to transform the sunlight and water
into a chemical fuel.
The cold weather in Visakhapatnam started
following day of Deepavali 3 November 2013. The early mornings the
cold wave was forcing people to sleep in covered bed sheets, though the day
time severe Sun was blazing since 4 November 2013. On the 6 November 2013 the
cold weather persisted in the morning. The 7 November 2013 the weather has
changed, the morning from 10h30m to evening 4h30mPM it was very sunny about 70%
but, very cloudy with only 40% sunlight remaining time. 8 November was also a
semi-cloud covered at Visakhapatnam throughout the day. Cold wave sweeps likely
from November third week in Andhra. With minimum temperature falling by 4 to 5
degrees it is termed a cold wave. The anti-cyclones on land make large scale
winds move in a clockwise direction. The surface becomes cooler and the
air-drier resulting on overnight formation of fog. Past three days weather is
chilly 3rd to 6th, may be a consequence of Super Typhoon
in Philippines and weather conditions in the North and Central India.
of Vegetables and fruits, controlled by the selling agents at a prohibitive
cost. Free flow of the items has been hampered. The Onion price has come down
to Rs.30/- from Rs.60/- a Kilo on 6 November 2013. Still on 28 November 2013
the prices are very high, making it unaffordable by ordinary people, due to the
series of cyclone disasters in Andhra. Even the potatoes have been priced,
along with other vegetables, a new episode of marketing.
forced millions to take refuse in shelters due to strongest typhoon cat-5 super,
in this year on Friday, November 8, 2013. It scoured the northern tip of Cebu
province headed North-West to Boracay Island, after lashing central islands of
Leyte and Samar with 275kmph (170mph) wind gusts and 5-6 meters (15-19ft)
waves. More than 100 coastal homes were flattened and 12 million people are
under risk. The People of this region are still recovering, from 7.2R earthquake
damages of last month.
A new fool-proof password system by GOTCHA uses
cryptography hash functions developed by Carnegie Mellon University students.
Hash functions were also studied by Peri V P Deekshit. [Ref. 2]
The chilly weather persisted only for the
days of 7th to 9th November.2013. But it continued
reminding one of onset of a cold winter season in Visakhapatnam. Temperatures
are decreasing by about 4 to 5 degrees C. The 12 November also found to be hot
in spite of chilly weather in the early morning but later in the afternoon
onward it has become cloudy and in the evening around 5h30mPM some scattered
clouds resembling Gravity Waves have occurred at the time of Sun set.
Fig.7a and Fig.7b Gravity Waves on 12
November 2013
in Iran
An Earthquake in Iran
near to the nuclear plant killed 8 people and injured about 190 people was of
magnitude 5.7R on Gulf Coast on Thursday, 28 November 2013 with epicenter at
Borazjon and 60km from Bushehr. The weather in India changed due to the
atmospheric changes in Iran and South India with the fizzled out cyclone of the
last week of November 2013. Moving clouds and shady sunlight graced the
Visakhapatnam city on these days.
In two states four ultra
Meg power projects to come up in Sambar (Rajasthan) and Khargoda (Gujarat),
Ladakh and Kargil in J & K ministry New and Renewable Energy announced to
bring the cost of power Rs.5 per unit. (News 12 Nov 2013).
To Telugu Department of
Sri Venkateswara University has been handed over, old lengthy unique Telugu
manuscripts of size 3 and 1/2 feet size written on Palm leaves by ancients from
Chitoor Zillah Asramadugu on Wednesday13 Nov 2013.
Fig.9 Talapatras handing
Ancient practice of a
sacred Puja of Lakshmi on 14 Nov 2013 was performed at P Venkata Ramana Murthy
residence in Official colony, by her beloved wife employeed in KGH office, belonging
to Vaddadi family and Fig10a and 10b depict the simple puja to the sacred
plant. The Goddess Parvati married Shiva on auspicious day that is celebrated.
Fig10a and 10b depict the simple puja to the sacred plant.
CCD images obtained on 21
September 2012 with 0.4m f/3 reflector telescope near Kislovodsk, Russia at
visible magnitude 18.8 at the time of discovery at a distance of 6AU. Comet started
its journey about 10,000 years ago from Oort cloud with hyperbolic orbit, and
wood pass Sun at 1AU will appear close to Sun on 28 November 2013 only
4.4degrees North of Sun. At perihelion it would be at 1.2million km away from
Sun. It was shedding 50 tons of dust and 60kgs of ice every minute about two
months ago at a distance of 740 million Km. From 4h30m early morning of late
November till Sun rise and after 10 December 2013 one hour before Sunrise. It
would be visible with naked eye in the evening in after Sun set. It passes
close to bright star Spica and planet Saturn, both in the constellation Virgo.
The Po, about 100 grams
manufactured every year in Russia and UK. It’s used as a coating to eliminate
static electric charge and is radioactive emits alpha rays. Lethal dose of one
μg of Po is equivalent to 250 grams of cyanide poisoning. It’s half life is
just 5 months and leaves no tell tale evidence. A vial of Po burst open in 1946
Marie lab caused her death due to leukaemia in 1956 in about 10 years time by radioactive poising
and her daughter also died Irene, a victim of Po poisoning.(News item in The
Hindu newspaper on Thursday).
I am deeply indebted to
Late Prof K R Rao D. Sc. (Madras) D. Sc. (London) of Andhra University, Waltair
during the years 1932-1972, without whose specific concern for me, (just many
of his Doctoral etc students), I wouldn’t have been able to achieve, my life’s
ambition, of a research pursuit.
American Physical Society, Phys Rev, D.88, 103004, 2013. The model introduces two new parameters,
consisting of the present-day equation of state and the red-shift of the
freeze-out transition. The transition described by this model could have taken
place, an important observation, is
that the red-shift ~ 250!
2. P V P Deekshit on CRYPTOGRAPHY ARTICLE 27:,
70th B
‘Day Volume of Dr. Lakshmi Narayana, 2009-2010
2012, Issue No.8, Dt. 16 August 2012 Time: 9h23m A.M.;
Professor Dr.
Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana,
Explanation: This happening is interpreted by the author as a reverse
flow of positive matter
the Earth interior to the clouds that surrounded the origin of the lightning.
Possibly a
Positron-like particles that were produced
and moved upward to the sky or to the event origin
within the clouds. Does the conjunction
events of Sun system produces anti-particles of sufficient magnitude
to fill up the Solar Space”? (A star of this
magnitude is perhaps enough to produce the upward moving of
Raghava Rao, followed
the work of Prof K R Rao (a relative being a Niyogi Brahmin of Andhra) in
Atomic Spectra extending it to rare earth region. Specialized in Spectroscopy
of Atomic Hydrogen, produced in electric discharge tube (repetition of work of
Prof K R Rao in England) and determination of rare earths, Uranium, Thorium,
Hafnium, Zirconium, and other elements using dyes which gave deep and specific
colors and other his important work, is the separation of Thorium and Uranium
from Monazite as a path breaking research, from Visakhapatnam Beach Sands.
very interesting to read the news item in Times of India on 9 November 2013
regarding the Professor Raghava Rao Garu, Chemistry Department, mentioning that
Shri Raghava Rao specialized in Spectroscopy. Dr. D. V. N. Sarma, the only
D.Sc. of AU for five years duration, effort to gear up the research students and
several students of that laboratory of Professor Raghava Rao Garu, for excellence in Research is noteworthy. Professor Raghava Rao visited the UK after
Prof K R Rao visit and made observations on the Spectra in Rare
Earth range.
By that time already, the Electric Discharge Tubes
technology has been mastered 1919-1930, and made available to many a people in
Europe and as well in India by Prof K R Rao. A special component of the
Electric Discharge Tube was built under expressive instructions and design
given by Prof K R Rao in Germany and the correspondence over it has been well
documented for the benefit of interested people.
Raghava Rao (died in 1954) worked with Prof. Vonnan, F.R.S, “famous for Equilibrium”,
in Spectroscopy in England and Prof. K. R. Rao visited almost daily Prof.
Raghava Rao’s laboratories at Andhra University till 1954 and made him very
bright, the object was to carry out the work on Rare Earths chemistry work, which
he couldn’t do in Physics laboratories or in England, at Imperial College, since
facilities were blocked by disinterested parties in AU. Dye color research work was carried out later by Prof K R Rao with his
students like Sundarama Sarma (Migrated to Germany) and many others at his
laboratories in Physics Department of Andhra University Colleges. Many a
student of research couldn’t foresee the effort of Prof K. R. Rao on dye color
work like Dr. A. V. Rao, who migrated to Khargapur IIT Institute.
Prof. Raghava Rao’s many a
girl children, have specialized in Sanskrit language and the at home, they have
the habit of speaking in Sanskrit Language, a rare family group of Andhra. My sister Dr. Lalitha Kumari MD knows them
well. One of his son’s is an Industrialist in Hyderabad, whom the author had an
occasion, to meet years ago. Other sons are in Delhi, Mumbai etc.
1. Feb. 15, 2013: A space
rock a few meters across exploded in Earth's atmosphere above the city of
Chelyabinsk, Russia on February 15,2013 at about 03:15 GMT. By calibrating the video
images using the position of the stars in the night sky, Jenniskens and Popova
calculated the impact speed of the meteor at 42,500 mph (19 kilometers per
second). As the meteor penetrated through the atmosphere, it efficiently
fragmented into pieces, peaking at 19 miles (30 kilometers) above the surface.
At that point the light of the meteor appeared brighter than the sun, even for
people 62 miles (100 kilometers) away. Due to the extreme heat, many of the
pieces of the debris vaporized before falling out of the orange glowing debris
cloud. Scientists believe 9,000 to 13,000pound (4,000 to 6,000 kilograms) of
meteorites fell on to the ground. This included one fragment approximately
1,400 pound (650 kilogram) recovered from Lake Chebarkul on October 16, 2013,
by professional divers guided by Ural Federal University researchers. Preliminary information indicates that a meteor
in Chelyabinsk, Russia, is not related to asteroid 2012 DA14, which is flying
by Earth safely today.
2. Feb.
15, 2013: Nucleon
decay into dark matter with a lifetime of order 1034–36 yr. Phys. Rev. D 88, 095004 (2013) [5 pages]; Gravitationally induced dark matter asymmetry and dark nucleon decay
by Hooman Davoudiastl’ , Department of Physics,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA.Received 16 September 2013;
published 8 November 2013. The “gravitational baryogenesis” scenario is
extended to generate both baryon and dark matter asymmetries in the matter
dominated era corresponding to post-inflationary reheating. A minimal extension
requires a singlet fermion X for
dark matter and a singlet scalar S. With two or more hidden sector fermions, the
scenario can lead to nucleon decay into dark matter with a lifetime of order 1034–36 yr,
which is relevant for current or future experiments. The correct
multi-component relic density can be obtained if dark matter fermions couple to
a sub-GeV vector boson that weakly interacts with the standard model through
mixing. The typical inflationary scale in the scenario is of order 1016 GeV
which suggests that tensor mode perturbations could potentially be within
observational reach.
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