Prof J Gopala Krishna Garu announcing the new TRUST formation at Vintage Visakha Meeting held in Dasapalla hotel Nivedika for excellence and improvement in Quality of Life by Mathematical Reasoning and Counseling
I am God
Prof J. Gopala Krishna,
APEX and SOMASS Institution, 8-1-63/32 Doctors’ colony Road, Peda Waltair, Visakha-530017, Tel.No.0891-2754386 Dt.16
The April 2010 at 6.00PM to 8.00PM Venue: APEX Seminar Hall.
Parental Divine system (PDS) of faith has several pitfalls. Essentially it involves the inconsistent laws and contradictions. Almost the father is regarded as the parent. Praying is an essential ingredient in Telugu it amounts to "Batraju Pogatalu".They are ascribed to have tremendous transcendental values. Pray has an essential flaw. Here Father is almost concomitant with mission of life! Prayers are to pardon the sins committed. What is sin? Harming others. One child harming the other and praying for excuse of the sin. Antisocial elements take advantage of this. They don’t realize that sin is to be suffered and there are no excuses from any one for it. At the most one can have an adjustment but no cancellation totally of the sin committed.
Intelligence helps to correct the sinner but it would be meaningless to be excused of harming others. Parental Divine system sustains 99% on faith. Parent is created only to give pardon or an excuse to the sinner by praying and flattering the father. Intelligence to correct himself or others and say a spoiled child is only secondary since the act of sin itself is the primary aspect in the PDS.
What is then Sanskara?
It is the control of mind of not committing sins. I.e. to harm others.
The law of action and reaction has its own limitations in the sense of mathematical formulation of laws and possibly as well the contradictions. All effects or the reactions do differ considerably. Beyond these exists what is known as the REASON.
What is the value of a prayer?
Such ideas to find solutions to the problems were many given in the mythological stories weaved around say like the Satyanarayana puja. The stories give a shock or Branti to the solution finder! Here it is not a flash that works but a realistic shock (or branthi) created by the story on the behavior and the truth seeker of the result of a Prayer.
At that moment one would be in a state which is free of mind. That is liberated from mind i.e. the Bandha Moksha. It may be the Amanaska or Turiya. A micro or nano instant of time of mental power of correction. It leads to pleasure and a solution that yields a good fulfillment or a satisfaction. This is the power of a mathematical solution seeker. We may attribute it also in terms of Punyamu. Of course, we have both a temporary or permanent Moksha! Waking state has no deductive reasoning. It’s full of contradictions and is engulfed by a barrier of consciousness. On the other hand the Visishta Advaithamu preaches several jivas etc. Literally supporting Parental Divine System.
Moksha is negative karma or No desire. It is a merge with God. There only reasoning survives. Thus the scientific spiritualism eliminates laws and their contradictions.
In counseling
Don’t corner the child. Think it over the problem. Allow to raise questions. Prayer and Prayer whether it be Rama, Allah, or Jesus or as a matter fact of another god or goddess, involves without one’s own explicit knowledge that in between the thoughts of the prayer or prardhana there exists a gap, however micro or nano instant of time it may be when mind is in a state which is itself free of mind.
What is religion?
It is the mind Free State of which is either god or goddess.
Adopted in either finding a solution to a given problem of moving from the known to the unknown are numerous. Mention would be made of a few of them. Primarily a source should exist. This is needed for pleasure and fulfillment. It requires a good mental power and as well a good mental health. It should be noted that everyone is a yogi to a certain extent. I want to have a solution to the problem? To hold it I use simple set of words. A formal language or an algorithm. The language shall be compact and appropriate.
1. Use of Mantra:
Shatras have set in the form of letters that form the BIJA RUPA.
2. Gayatri recitation:
Comfortably hold it in the brain. Ask for a solution to the problem like a Gayatri Mantra Upasaka. For this you need to well identify the problem.
3. Hypnotism:
This is a kind of self introspection
4. Drink:
There are several episodes of people who drink to find solutions to the problem Germans drink huge quantities of Beer during the night time. Wine is regarded as the blood in Bible. Madu is a drink for the people who do yagnams.
5. Prardhana:
It goes musical, with perfect grammar (Chanddhasu), and rhymes (or Ragalu) etc. Thyagaraja keertanalu, Beethoven hymen, etc.
Parental Divine System ascribes to the father as to decide the mission of life. Vishnu (who thought of becoming many in the manifestation of the universe) the sustainer, Brahma (who married his own creation of Saraswathi the goddess of knowledge) the creator, and Shiva (who held the deadliest poison of the universe in his own throat
with the help Parvathi) the destroyer all is examples of supreme-beings or the parents of the universe.
Only scientific reasoning
Would remove the ignorance of the faith of Parental Divine System. One should realize that all these three are only instrumental in the creation of the Universe. They are not the Parents or the Fathers.
What is Universe?
What mind reports is the Universe. I am the reality. How the mind reports it? It is Maya, the common core of reporting by the mind. Thus every client is a master. The constitution of living being co-operates to implement ADVAITHAMU. Mastery leads to Nirgunathvamu. For it Parental attribution is a flaw. Unique states of consciousness, a mind free state, essential a supreme god or goddess, the Parabrhaman, the eternal Shakthi.
It is a matter of an effort to enlarge the gap of the spiritual state, the state of being free from mind, sustenance of it over long periods of time a state of Nirgunathvamu, to declare oneself as I am the God.
A seminar helps humanity to have a better quality of life.
A lady student of Prof J Gopala Krishna Garu giving details of a documentary made by her on the APEX and SOMASS activities shown on Australia Telugu Broadcast Radio of MCA.
Note prepared by Prof.Dr. K.Lakshminarayana, Retd Prof of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur residing at 17-11-10 Narasimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O. Visakhapatnam-530002: This article was read out again at the seminar held on 20th January 2011 at 6PM and was appreciated as a very technical article.
I am indebted to Mrs Jaya Sri JGK garu for her interest and support of this presentation at the Seminar Hall.
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