Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 17th January, 2011, Time: 7:34:19 PM
The Weather Scenario and the Astronomy Sky of 17th to 22nd January 2011 at Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
Volume 2011, Issue No.1, Dt. 17th January, 2011, Time: 7:34:19 PM
The Weather Scenario and the Astronomy Sky of 17th to 22nd January 2011 at Visakhapatnam
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002.
The 17th January 2011Tuesday there were Earth tremors of magnitude 5.8R in Sumatra, the Indonesia coastal Islands, deep inside ocean at 34kms early morning 2h20m. Pakistan sind province city Jikobabad felt the Earth Quake at around night at 1.23AM on Wednesday 19th January 2011, with epicenter, below the ground about 34kms and is located between Iran and Aghfinistan. In Quetta three people died of heart break. Dalbandin damage to boundary walls of a house occurred. Epicenter was situated about 45kms on the West from Dalbanadani a small town. The Dubai, Delhi Metropolitan city, Rajasthan, western Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana felt the earth tremors of magnitude 7.4R.Also Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan and Iran felt the tremors.
The Earth tremors in the Indonesia coastal Islands and in Pakistan have changed the atmospheric conditions in the lower and upper atmosphere of the India peninsular region.
The sudden snow fall in Kashmir and Jammu Thai state (-5.2degC), Ladak (-19degC), Leh and Kargil (- 2.2degC) regions led to the drinking water supply to be disconnected since the temperatures reached -4.0degC. Gulmarg recorded below -14degC. The weather shows its subtle influence on the atmosphere and the Astronomy study of the sky is hindered.
Our Observations:
The 14th January 2011 itself the present author noticed that the tap water in Visakhapatnam turned out to be lukewarm. Thus the terrestrial earth has become hot in the interior regions that spread to the surface layers.
An amazing picture of Moon on the Full Moon day revealed the reflections of the Yellow from the Sea spots of the Moon’s surface regions. The spectral analysis made gave the yellow as a mixture of the Green and the Blue colors predominantly. The Red color setting sun has been also spectrally analyzed and it has shown only as a full blown Red color. The setting sun was captured at 5h31mPM while the Full Moon image was obtained at 5h55mPM. Surprisingly it gave a yellow color surface topography Moon features of its seas only*. That’s really a splendid Astronomy Study of the 3rd week in the New Year beginning. The Orange, the Indigo and the Violet color intensities are found to be very low due to the atmosphere absorptions. This is also a significant finding in view of the newly pumped in fine physical constituents of the India Peninsular atmosphere by the Earth tremors that occurred on Tuesday and the Wednesday.
The spectra of the Moon and the Ocean Waves analysis has been made to bring out the salient features of the role of Rao and Anti-Rao quanta which underlay the known stokes and anti-stokes shifts of spectral lines. The nature of their interplay however depends on the exact constituents of the medium such as the ocean waves in which the Moon light reflection could be observed and its spectrum recorded. The intensity profile is an evidence of the possible shifts of spectral lines to occur due to the absorption and involved physical processes of the constituents of the entity such as the Atmosphere. [1] #
The Full Moon day of 19th January 2011 gave a chance to know also the influence of the Earth Quake tremors that occurred in Sumatra Coastal Islands of Indonesia and the Pakistan. The events took place within 48 hours and so the sky is engulfed in fine particulate dust in spite that the Sumatra Earth tremor was deep inside the Ocean. On the 19th evening the clouds have gathered in the atmosphere in Visakhapatnam. In the midnight there was a very thick cloud cover that prevented even the observation of Hunter totally. Only the Sirius was observable and another bright star the Betelgeuse somewhat faintly at around 11h23mPM. On the 18th Evening the sky was covered with a fine fog but bright stars were visible. This was the case just before the Pakistan Earth Quake.
Only after the Pakistan Earth Quake the Sky became very cloudy and the visibility fell down considerably. The possibility that the Ocean tremor that caused the water vapor studded with the fine particulate matter combined with the heavy dust that rose from the Pakistan plain lands have precipitated into the formation of Clouds. The 20th Morning sky around 00h56m was totally foggy, cloudy and with no visibility of even the bright stars.
But the sudden snow fall in Jammu & Kashmir state and Gulmarg region also supports the idea that the upper regions of atmosphere chilly weather of ice crystals has dwindled down to the lower atmosphere levels and there was a movement of thus formed clouds, with the particulate matter of Pakistan Earth tremor, to the South Peninsular region of India.
The weather on the 22nd January 2011 has considerably changed with chilly occasional breeze and the clouds that covered the morning sun shine.

Fig 1 of 16th Jan 2011 at 9h10mPM Moon Spectrum

Fig 2 of img 1851kln Ocean waves Moon reflection spectrum Rao and Anti Rao Quanta Play

Fig 3 IMG_1767kln Moon proximity of Head of Hunter

Fig 4 IMG_1772kln Moon Hunter

Fig 5 IMG_1795kln Near stars of the Moon

Fig 6 IMG_1817kln Hunter and Moon in Fog

Fig 7 IMG_1828kln Full Moon with Punarvasu 2011 Jan

Fig 8 IMG_1832kln Clouds of the Earth Tremors in Delhi and Sumatra Indoneasia Islands

Fig 9 IMG_1851kln Histogram view of Full Moon in thick Foggy Cloud of 20th Jan2011 at 00h56mAM

Fig 10 IMG_1865kln Moon spectrum & reflective spectra in Ocean Waves

Fig 11 Moon and Sun Spectra on the Full Moon Day 19th January 2011

Fig 12 on 21st Jan 2011 Ocean Waves and Moon spectrum

Fig 13 IMG_1890kln Moon ner stars few bright
# The recent publications in the Science and other journals claims to have solved the problem of observation of shifts of spectral lines even at the Biological living single cell level by adoption of changes in the sophisticated electronic devices and modifications in the spectrometers that were historically used since the years 1920-1924. In this context, the present method of analysis is very minimal in the use of instruments for the observation and record of the images of the spectral regions, is very significant. Moreover we have a quantum approach unlike the earlier concepts of classical physics approach. The force field quanta generation has also been modeled by the present author to account for certain discrepancies that were reported in literature of the NQR of chlorine dioxide.
1. The force field quanta generation has also been modeled by the present author to account for certain discrepancies that were reported in literature of the NQR of chlorine dioxide. See my paper no.203 p.144 Section IV Chemical Sciences: 96th Indian Science Congress Association, Jan 3-7, 2009, Shillong, Meghalaya, reproduced below.
No.203. “ The Force Field Effect on the Resonance Structures of Chlorine Dioxide and the Analysis of Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants.”
Abstract: A new method of analysis of the Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants has been made based on the considerations of force field effect contributions to the excess of electron charge, among the various resonance structures. The values obtained are fa=0.3752;fb=0.029;fc=0.4023 respectively for the a, b, c axes of the Chlorine Dioxide molecule. Its force field ellipses etc data is also given.
I am deeply indebted to Prof K Rangadhama Rao D.Sc (Madras) D.Sc. (London) for initiating me and inspiring for research investigations and observations in the subjects of Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics and Astronomy during my upbringing with him during the years 1940 to-date. He was of the opinion, may be just to encourage me, with his beloved wife Mrs. Peramma that my birth in the family gave him new promotions and opportunities of establishment of a research centre in Science & Technology.
*Also the Nrsimha God of the temple at Simhachalam in Visakhapatnam has been worshipped with 108 Golden Yellow tropical flowers on the Full Moon Day Thursday 20th Jan 2011. This tropical flower of India has the specialty that the butterflies don’t extract the nectar from these flowers! Also surprisingly the Alwars Bhakthi community of India celebrated the prominence of Tiru Star on the day 22nd January 2011. It is the star termed Makkha (Regulus) in Indian Almanac.
The rapid environmental changes of Visakhapatnam are due to the surface terrestrial changes that are essentially man made. The fine grade red soil of Gajuwaka area is being transported away in a large scale digging the red hills. Earlier the entire belt of the Red soil in the area of UttaGadda behind the RK Mission and below the Buddhists track hills has been cleared away completely and no trace of it could be identified now. Similarly the black beach sands are being shifted away in a big way. Natural and millions of years ago surface topography of Visakhapatnam is being totally disbanded.
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