The Astronomy Study and the Weather Scenario at Visakhapatnam during the fourth week of January 2011
Professor Dr Kotcherlakota Lakshmi Narayana
{Retd. Prof. of Phys, SU} 17-11-10, Narsimha Ashram, Official Colony, Maharanipeta.P.O, Visakhapatnam-530002. 9542717723 (Idea)
Keywords: Astronomy, Water Droplets Spectra, Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta.
For the first time the Visakha Nakshtra of Ancient India Astronomy studies has been identified positively on the 27th January 2011 morning around 4h58mAM. The Red, Blue and Green color details vividly present the features of the Ocean waves reflections of the Moon shine and their spectral shifts. The claim of the author that these new found Water Droplets, endowed with the Moon Shine reflections is a significant thought. Essentially these may be identified as the Rao Liquid Droplets. Surprisingly the reflected red sun shine of the rising sun just before its rise from the Ocean Waves gives an irradiance that lasts till the full bloom of the red sun on the eastern horizon. The irradiance of the sea is also thought to be the consequence of the interplay of Rao and Anti-Rao quanta from the Rao Liquid Droplets. The dominant spectral colors that are image captured of the reflected bright sunshine by the atmosphere of the Venus Planet of Solar system are significant.
The bright two stars near to the Moon one of them has shown certain brilliance. Of course it may be dismissed away as due to the atmospheric optical illusion. On the 23rd Jan 2011 this particular star has spread out brilliance while on the 24th it showed a spot of brilliance. Refer Fig 3 given below. The spread out was almost linear across its environment. It could be an internal Supernovae explosion but that quickly got engulfed and absorbed by the surrounding environment. As a result only the Gamma Ray emissions have occurred. The two bright stars observed (IMG_1342kln) about a month ago had almost equal brilliance on the 26th December 2010 at around 00h10m AM and the IMG_1361of 27th December 2010 at 03h39m AM but showed that the other star showed has a bright spot.
This finding needs to corroborate by other research investigators. The spectra of the sea water waves of the crusts and of the troughs indicate the possible spectral line shifts with the obvious interplay of the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta. The Red, Blue and Green color details vividly present the features of the Ocean waves reflections of the Moon shine and their spectral shifts. The claim of the author that these new found Water Droplets, endowed with the Moon Shine reflections is a significant thought. Essentially these may be identified as the Rao Liquid Droplets. The constituents of it are the radioactive elements and as well the ordinary sea water physical material. Hence the spectral shifts would be of a complex character and have a special significance unlike the atmosphere water droplets the gives rise to the Newtonian Rainbow spectra.
Of other interest in our observations is the sequence of Venus spectra that could be recorded to even second order intensity. The noise background is very immense and only the first order spectrum to a great extent reveal the spectral feature of the Venusian atmosphere bright clouds of obviously the carbon dioxide.
Fig 1 IMG_1902kln Moon in Leo Constellation
Fig 2 IMG_1931 1932 1933kln Moon Spectra and of Sea Waves
Fig 3 IMG_1939kln Moon near two bright stars and one of them Spot Brilliance Supernovae
Fig 4 Rao and Anti Rao Quanta Play with Ocean Waters Moon Shine reflections
Fig 5 Sea Water Droplets exhibiting the Rao and Anti-Rao Quanta Spectra Shifts
Fig 6 IMG_1978kln Moon with two bright stars and the near stars.
For the first time the Visakha Nakshtra of Ancient India Astronomy studies has been identified positively on the 27th January 2011 morning around 4h58mAM in the form of a Necklace. See the IMG_1987kln. This is of importance since it helps to fix when Buddhism took over the several nations in spite that many of its renderings are based on Sanskrit scriptures of eons ago, surprisingly also on ancient Telugu language and stone implement users.
Fig 7 IMG-1973kln Moon (Chitta) & Spica Star on 26thJan2011 at 5h36mAM
Fig 8 IMG_1942kln Moon near stars
Fig 9 IMG_1956kln Venus and nearby several stars
Fig 10 of 27th Jan 2011 Venus spectra
Fig 11 of 27th Jan 2011 Moon spectrum and Venus spectra at around 5AM

FIG 12 IMG_1988kln Moon moved away from Leo Constellation

Fig 13 of Venus and Moon Spectra 4th Week of Jan 2011

Fig 14 IMG_2013kln Moon crossing Visakha Nakshtra to Anuradha

Fig 15 IMG_2027kln Moon spectrum

Fig 16 IMG_2037kln Ocean Wave of Bay of Bengal

Fig 17 IMG_2057kln Moon and Jupiter with near stars of the East

Fig 18 IMG_2068kln Moon and Venus on the Sea Shore

Fig 19 IMG_2115kln Moon rise the Rao Liquid Drop reflections irradiance of Sun Color

Fig 20 Moon and Venus 30th and 31st Jan2011 at AM

Fig 21 Moon spectra and the Sun Spectrum of 31st Jan2011AM
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